Zoist v12 Index
Zoist v12 Index
Zoist v12 Index
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A P R I L , 1854, to J A N U A R Y , 1855.
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Alderson, Dr,, bis coarse Hurvcian Oration .................................... 213, 242
Anti-Glorioso......................................................................... i , , . , , ........ 278
A t i i& i & u m ........................................ ...................... ., ............................ 301
Attachment, Mesmeric, pare....................................................................... 274
Bacon, Roger ...................................................................................... 413, 415
Barrett, Rev. Dr., bis cures ............................................................... 213, 395
Beards opposed by a country congregation....................... . ................ . 253
Beater, Mr., bis generosity .................................................... ................... 316
Beaumarchais.............................................................................................. 278
Beck's E l e m e n t s o f M e d i c a l J u r i s p r u d e n c e ................................................ 249
Beecher, Rev. Mr., bis supernatural views .............................................. . 16
Blindness, lessened ..................................................... 207
Bone and its covering, diseased, cured........................................................ 404
Bottocoley, surgeon, of Croydon ............................................................... 422
Breast, swollen, cured ....................................................................... 207, 414
Brodie, Sir B., bis mistakes and injustice................................................... 383
Burton's A n a t o m y q f M e l a n c h o l y ............................... ........................... .,. 199
Canning, George, bis opposition to Medical Jurisprudence................... . 249
Capern, Mr., bis cures........................................................................... 95, 310
Carpenter, Dr., bia wretched conduct..................................................... 32
Castle, Dr., Cerebral Development of Alexandre Dumas ......................... 333
Chest, pain of, instantly cored . . . . .. ................................. 304, 313
Chloroform, new list of deaths from............................................................ 136
Clairvoyance .................................................... ........... 223, &c.t 250, 300, 337
Colquboun, Mr., author o f I s i s I le v e / a l a , just dead................................... 422
Combe, Mr. George, his conduct ........................ .. ................................. 65
Consumption, apparent, cured .............................................. .................... 36
Convulsions cured....................................................................................... 25
----------------in Child cured ......................................................................... 314
Crowe, Mrs.................................................................................... 177
Cumming, Rev. Dr., on Rappingand Table-turning.................................. 289
-------------- ■ — —■—— his folly and worse *. . *..................... ■■,. . . . . . . 304
Currents, Ocean............„ .................. ................................. 301
Cutaneous Disease cared ,. *, ., . , . , ............................... 37
Deafness cared , ................................. 25
Debility cured . . ......... ... < 75* 76, 160, 398, 207, 308
Delirium cured ................... *»t , ...................... 193
De Morgan, Mrs, Augustus . * ,. **. ......................... I79t 196
Dexter, Mr., his book on spiritualism ............................... 199
Di slurbs nee. Mesmeric ,, , * . . . . . . ,. . *.. „. 263, 3/5
Dropsy cured .................................... ^. 36
Dumas, Alexandre, his Cerebral Development,. *....................... -. *......... 333
Edinburgh, Mesmerism in. . . . .... 108
Edmonds, Judge, bis book on spiritualism . + , . . . . ............199
Ekms, Rev. J., his cures................................ .. 263, 369
Elljotson, Dr,, bis remarks on Mr* E. R, Hay don, &c*.......... . . . . . . ,, 62
--------------------- on medical extremes in practice . . . . . . ............... . . . . . .
■ 167
— ------- ------.— instances of mischief from spirit fancies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 174
-------------— *----- account of Mr. Tubbs’s painless removal of a Breast and
history of all others ................... * .................................... . ........... 113
-- --------- - on Mesmeric Disturbance., .. *.....................................* 269
-------------- “ — cure of Ganglion . . . . . . . ........................................ 362
---------------------- on Dr». Laycock and Lank ester 374
---------------------on the mistakes of Sir B. Brodie and others VT r. ............ 382
------------ cure by Imagination..................................................................... 396
Ellis, Mr, A. J., translation of Keichenbach’s Preface .................................. 317
Erysipelas (so called) cured ................... . .. . . . ....................... ... 3Ü5
Esdaile, Dr., his cures ............................................................................ 74,413
E x a m i n e r newspaper .. .. . . . . . . ..................... .. ,. ............ 404
Fanners opposed.. .. ,. .... „ . . . . . . . . .................. 293
Finger, inflamed, cured , .. ......... ... ......................... ,, *, .................... 307
Fitch, inventor of steamboats........................................ .. ..................... 297
Flowerday, Mrs,, alive and well ......................... .......................... ........... 421
Foot, contraction of, cured ............. ..................................................... . 196
Franklin, Dr., his despair of success of Literary Fund . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . 309
Galileo............................................................. . . . . . . . ...................... . . . . 395
Ganglions cured T. , ................. , 95, 362-
Gout cured ............... ...................................... ................................ . 335, 336
Greek, study of, opposed at Oxford............................................................ 247
Guthrie, Mr., his account of a severe nervous case ............................... . 213
Hall, Sir Benjamin, sneered at by Mr, Spencer Wells . . . . . . 362
Hall, Dr. Marshall, his politeness. . . . . . . . . . ,. *, ................ . . . . , . . . . . . 249
Hastings, Dr., bis cure . . . . . P................................. ................. . 30]
Haydon, Mr. B, R.., his character and brain ........................ .. 40
Headache cured..................................................- ............... ................... 208
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Heart, affection of, cured....................... ... 11 ( ,. ., ............................... 308
Hippocrates, bis accurate knowledge of the use of the brain 62
Horsely, Bishop........................................ . . . . . . . ........... 334
Horace ................. .................................................................................... 317
Hudson, Capt,, bis cures . r........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........., . 4., 196
Humboldt, Alexander V on ..............*.......................... ......... .. ................ SO, 91
Imagination, power of ............................... . ............. . .............................. 396
----------------not Mesmerism .„ .................., , , , . ......... ., , . . , . . . . . . . . . . 402
Indigestion cured . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . ........... . 78
Infirmary, London Mesmeric . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................♦ i . 180 J
Inflammation cured <*................................... ........................................ 37,307
Insanity cured.. ........................................................ .. .. ..................... 188
Irvingites ......................................................................*.............. 33,113,313
Jackson, Mr. J. W,, on Table-turning, Ttuppings, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 1^
---------— —* — his account of Judge Edmonds and Mr. Dexter’ s
book . . . . . . , , , , .. ., ........... ..................................... . .. 199
------------------------ - on Swedenborg.................................. ................... .. 365
Janson, Mr., his generosity . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ 112,232,309,316,321
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, illustration of his character ....................... . . . . . . . 74
Kemp, Mr, John, account of his own case 404
Knees, weakness of, cured .. ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. 196, 395
L m c e t ........................................................................................... 196, 205, 263
Nervous Disease, old and intense, cured.................................................... 213
Nervous Attacks cured ............................................................................... 163
Nervous Disorder, wonderful case o f .................................................. . 146, 297
Neuralgia cured.................................................... 187, 206, 209, 310, 311, 370
Noises, some not yet explained.................................................................... 166
Oldenburg, Preface to P h i l o s o p h i c a l T r a n s a c t i o n s ..................................... 373
Ovarian Disease, alleged, cured.................................................................. 188
Pain from a bum cured............................................................................... 398
Painless removal of a Breast........................................................................ 113
——- — Operations under Mesmerism, list o f ........................................... 132
Palsy enred ........................................................................... 35, 196,197, 198
------ , shaking, cured.................................................................................. 197
Fauama, route by, opposed ........................................... ........................... 293
Paul, Rev. C. Kogan, lines on Mesmer’a Grave....................................... 247
Peed, Rev. J., bis c u r e ............................................................................... 249
Perceval, Spencer, his opposition to Medical Jurisprudence ..................... 249
Phreno-Mesmerism............................................................................... 229, Ac,
Plowman, Mr. (Missionary), his cures........................................................ 205
Prideaux, Mr., on economy of fhel ............................................................ 260
Q u a r t e r l y J l e n ie i e ....................................................................................... 18
Raleigh, Sir W ., accused of Atheism ........................................................ 375
Rapping.............................................. 2
Rawe, Mr,, his cures........................................................ .’ ......................... 160
Reichenbach, account of his new work....................... ................. . 317
Rheumatism cured .................................... 185, 186, 197, 198, 208, 336, 414
Ringworm cured...................................................................................... 209
Rogers, Mr. E. C., his views of Spirit-rapping, &c.................................... 15
Rousseau ,, 80
Rutter, Mr., account of Ids new book .................................................... ... 80
Saunders, Mr. S. D., his cures.................................................................... 395
Schlegal, F............................................... 141
S c o t t i s h R e v i e w ........................................................................................... 293
Searle, Dr., his misrepresentations ............................................................ 95
Shelley.......................................................................................................... 174
Shipbuilding, improvements in, opposed .................................................... 260
Shoulder, white swelling of, cured ........... 188
Simpson, Dr,, of Edinburgh, bis n ays........................................................ 110
Sleep, extraordinary instances o f ........................................ 383
Smyth, Rev. C. Bohun, bis advocacy of Mesmerism ................................. 259
Somerville, Mrs., her indifference................................................................ 24