Ceji-Term Paper
Ceji-Term Paper
Ceji-Term Paper
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
This paper dives deep into how government policies are working to boost the use of
machines in agriculture and fishery, all to make sure we have enough safe and secure food.
The study looks at how well these programs are tackling the challenges of making food,
getting it out there, and making sure it's good quality, all while dealing with the changing
The paper talks about how using machines affects different parts of food security, like
making production more efficient, keeping yields steady, getting food to markets, and
handling problems caused by the environment. It also checks out how using machines
impacts food safety, looking at how it changes the way we deal with pests, diseases, and what
By really digging into what's good and not so good about the policies we have now,
the paper gives us some ideas for making using machines even better at making sure we have
enough safe food. It suggests things for policymakers to think about when they're planning
future programs, saying it's super important to think about what each place and group of
people need.
In the end, this paper adds to the ongoing conversation about how to make farming
and fishing better, giving us some useful ideas for the people who make decisions, work in
the field, and study this stuff, all trying to make sure we have enough safe food.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
because it creates employment, uplift the living conditions of the rural residents, and ensures
that the population in the country would not deal with hunger. Among all important
investments aimed to improve farm products and reduce farm costs, crop and fish
mechanization plays a crucial role as it increases farm productivity, shrinks farm labour,
Food security has a fundamental importance for human existence. Food security exists
when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and
nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy
life (Mariola Kwasek, 2012). Food security is ensured when the following three conditions
are simultaneously satisfied. First, physical food availability, it means that the national food
economy ensures meeting of at least the minimum physiological demand, and imports
provide foods in excess of this minimum demand, the physical availability of food is linked
with the need to maintain food reserves. Second, economical food availability, it means that
the economically weakest households have access to essential food, a consumer has to have
the purchasing power facilitating the purchase of the essential goods and services on the
market; the purchasing power of a consumer on the food market depends on income and food
prices as well as the prices of other goods and services. Thirdly is the health value of a single
food product which means that these foods are free from substances that is harmful to health,
poisonous substances and pathogenic microorganisms. Lastly, consumer food rations mean
the food rations must be balanced, for exemplification, the necessary energy level and the
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
adequate proportions of nutritive components dependent on age, sex and type of work. Thus,
food safety is an integral part of food security. For the consumer, food safety is the most
important feature of food quality, therefore food law regulates this issue in detail providing
the consumer with the certainty that the purchased food is compliant with his safety
This paper aims to comprehensively discuss the a) NAFMP specifically the first
(NAFMIP), c) Challenges and impact assessment as regards to food security and safety.
The NAFMP's main goal is to boost agricultural productivity nationwide. It does this
by bringing in modern machinery and technology to improve farming and fisheries practices,
making the whole process more efficient and increasing the amount of produce.
But it's not just about making things more productive. The NAFMP also focuses on
improving the lives of people involved in agriculture and fisheries. By helping them get
access to better tools and techniques, the program aims to give farmers and fisherfolk the
On top of that, the NAFMP is really important for ensuring that the Philippines has
enough food. By modernizing agricultural and fisheries practices, the program aims to make
sure the country can produce plenty of food to feed its people. This is a big deal in the
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
Philippines, where agriculture and fisheries are crucial for the economy and for providing
The DA, in coordination and collaboration with various agencies and the private
sector, thus formulated the first NAFMP 2018-2022, which has five components, namely (a)
and Extension, (c) Standards and Regulations (d) Support Services and Institutional
Development, and (e) Human Resource Development as provided under the Law. However,
this paper will only focus on the local assembly and manufacture of Agri-Fishery Machinery.
One of the key parts of the NAFMP is all about getting local folks to build and make
agri-fishery machinery. The goal is to make the stuff they make here more competitive, and
to boost the skills and capabilities of the local builders and manufacturers. To support this,
the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE) has teamed up with the center
for the agri-fisheries machinery industry in the Philippines from 2022 to 2036. The plan aims
science and technology within modern agriculture and fishing, highlighting the significance
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
create employment opportunities, reduce import dependency and possibly become exporters.
It can also act as enabler for policy support and investment thereby attracting private
industries. Regional manufacturing networks or hubs are crucial for supplying machinery in
the agricultural and fisheries sectors. These networks create interconnected clusters of
manufacturing facilities, suppliers, and related services within a specific geographic region.
This strategy reduces transportation costs and lead times, enhancing customer satisfaction. It
also allows for economies of scale and scope, reducing capital investment requirements and
locations enhances resilience and mitigates risks associated with disruptions. Regional
attracting investment, and stimulating ancillary industries. They can also be more responsive
to local market needs and preferences, enhancing the relevance and competitiveness of
It is important that there are stronger R&D networks on the regional level to provide
academic institutions, research institutions, industry players, and government. This method
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
technology demonstration and uptake as well as policy support. The researchers can join
forces with farmers from those areas to identify high-priority sectors for invention. The
researchers are in a better position to use diverse knowledge about technology transfers
within these regions where they can integrate strengths to boost the development rate of new
mechanization technologies. They also encourage research that takes cognizance of local
environmental factors such as soils’ formation, cultural practices prevailing in an area and
socio-economic quality that leads it towards a higher acceptance rate with more impact on
The Quality Seal under the “Pinoy” brand is an implemented QA and certification
procedure transitionally applied to local agriculture and fishery equipment. It is aimed to set
expectancy, safety characteristics, ecological safety, and the in-time regulatory requirements.
It is a way of obtaining samples, doing on-site inspections, and verifying the custodian
documents. This certification was made in order to avoid import of inefficient machines into
the market and reward those that are efficient if it is a machine that meets the standard it will
be awarded a certification indicating that it had been tested and it is of high-quality. The
competition also provides the enhanced awareness level among consumers, farmers, fishers
and policymakers about the need for certified or quality machines. It distinguishes the
machinery items made locally, and therefore improves its competitiveness and the trust level
among the customers too. In addition, this initiative shields consumers forms the sale of
either poor-quality or counterfeit products as it also propagates growth of local industries and
continuous product improvement. The PQS is a vibrant with adjustment process that entails
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
really needed for the emergence of improved machineries that can farmer in different
agricultural sectors and fisheries. This could be reflected in the increased performance, better
efficiency with selective and desired process, and the innovation in the material selection.
Through the process of cutting-edge welding and machining techniques, the different high-
quality metals and composites made available, offer a mechanical property and lightweight
characteristic that are increasingly better. Customization and adaptability are also present on
the menu whereupon the producers can provide machinery that will fit specific farm needs as
well as fishing practices. Constant monitoring of the production process is carried out, failing
the system endangering the quality by using quality control and assurance measures wherever
there is potential for defects and failure. Well trained and skilled teams are central to the on-
going development and the improvement in welding and machining tactics, respectively. Co-
creation of all interested parties, such as industry, research institutes and technology
manufacturers, facilitates innovation and knowledge sharing alluding to the upsurge of full-
fledged manufacturing techniques and processes. The way forward is through the
prioritization process for these interventions. This will lead to increased productivity,
sustainability and profitability for all players ranging from the farmers, fishers and everyone
else in the value chain. Furthermore, domestic and international standards are followed,
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
and mariculture. Various kind of policy support can more likely be provided by feasible
transfer strategies. The governments at all levels could put emphasis on procurement of
home-made machineries for executing public projects, and offer taxes holidays and incentives
to local sourcing of supplies and conforming with procurement policies. The government can
also give subsidy for the import of parts and raw materials by LAMM manufacturers in order
to lower the costs and improve the competitiveness of the LAMM manufacturers. One of the
financial incentives could be offered to motivate local production, thus gathering money
investment and job creation. Promotional credit at a low interest rate and financing methods
can be given to LAMM entities, while risk coverage guarantees can soften the risk of
financial companies. Being able to depend on stable prices allows farmers and fishermen to
keep note of the production and hinder the effects of the external factors, boosting market
efficiency and competitiveness of these industries. Market access support can be facilitated
by having trade agreements done, removing trade barriers among countries, and making
policy support for LAMM is needed giving rise to a robust and greener ecosystem of
Program (NAFMP), of the government. The tried and tested program will serve this goal of a
fisheries sectors. Major parts include technical training courses, within school vocational
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
While being monitored, the program will be evaluated by the use of performance
metrics and feedback mechanisms in order to cover the skills gap, create a qualified
workforce pipeline and maintain the growth and durability of the agricultural and fisheries
The Philippine agri-fishery machinery industry is being developed via some selected
approaches for example the in them the latest local manufacturing processes and also
increasing local capacity for some important processors. From Open Systems Tractors to
Cereal Grinders and Flex-Free Fabrics, the variety of commercialized products allow farmers
to have ease, expandability, and high efficiency. One of the key strategies also entails
systems and mechanized drying equipment in order to decrease the overall dependence on
the primary strategy of the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028. This project supports
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
reduced due to fewer people required. Cost of production also goes down while the quality of
the agricultural produce is improved due to the fact that it is homogeneous. Sustainable
agricultural system is the ultimate aim of the NAFMP program, by minimizing the negative
impact on the environment and mitigating the climate change risks. It improves the plight of
the smallholder farmers and other fishers by opening the platform for technological
advancements in the sector; as well as, offering training and support services. The NAFMP
development and value chain integration, this is done by promoting the use of mechanization
tools along the agricultural value chain' this improves efficiency, consistency, this is just in
support to the Philippine Development Plans agenda which aims at advocating for
value chains. Consolidation targets communal land redistribution and agricultural cooperative
structures so as to pool resources toward setting up greater agricultural units which can
one of the key components of the strategy acts as the area which is necessary to increase the
pace of the technologies of tractors, harvesters, planters, and irrigation systems and so on to
overcome the burden of labor further. Linking producers to markets, extension services,
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
quality inputs, buyer groups and credit becomes the basis for value chain improvements,
leading to greater market access, value addition and income generation. The sustainable set of
utilizes a holistic approach with a view to cultivate a sustainable, efficient, and inclusive
agriculture sector.
production; streamlining; modernization and adding value to the whole production chain. It is
vital to first put into perspective the objectives and then come up with performance
performing the impact assessment and the outcome evaluation and lastly evaluating the cost
effectiveness. This evaluation should take care of the short and long-term effects of NAFMP
as well as the ones that are indirect such as the agricultural productivity, income generation,
reduction on poverty, food security, environmental sustainability, gender equality and social
inclusion among the rest. Tactical evaluation can be performed via cost-benefit analysis and
economic evaluation, which specifically addresses the sum income and economic value
consolidate those findings in order to generate evidence- based policy recommendations plus
programmatic changes, that will be based on data. Employing this approach can be an
effective approach which can be helpful in ensuring the program to be highly impactful for
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
integrated project whose major goal is to enhance the existence of people that are engaged in
farming and fishing. The program open about the area of agriculture production growth,
income generation, nutrition status increase, safety standards compliance, and socio-
economic condition improvement. The main factors of concern are coverage of production
changes, income generation, quality of nutritional status, the availability of food access,
the information on the avg. crop output, the worn area, and the yield. Labor productivity,
labor requirements, farm efficiency, and income levels get the same effect, as well. The
project gives an equal opportunity to the participants from all socioeconomic groups such as
small-scale farmers and fishers, which enhances their income, the eradication of poverty, and
wealth creation.
The nutritional status and food access are also seen to the possibility of shifts in the
family food security, dietary diversity, and nutritional outcomes to your consideration. The
program also facilitates food distribution for vulnerable people and thereby decreases food
scarcity. Such a social program plays an important role in the improvement of health and
wellbeing of communities in fiscal terms by improving the social and health infrastructure.
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
The NAFMP which is the National Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization Program
is facing several challenges like lack of access to finance and the inadequate infrastructure
and the support services also with most of the stakeholders being non-aware or distrusting the
proper application and benefits of mechanization. To ensure the program becomes more
funds to invest in rural infrastructure, strengthen extension service and training, and employ
communities are a part of the solution for sustainable food production in NAFMP.
Developing joint efforts among the relevant agencies and forming intra-agency task forces
Market chain linkage and value-added integration can help farmers to match their demand
and get them to prosperous markets. By means of anti-disaster mechanisms and preventive
measures we can try not to harm the environment and society while mechanization
contributes to the sustainable agriculture and improvement of the life standards of the rural
extension workers, and all concerned groups can be surpassed through the guided resolution
of the issues and the implementation of the solutions to ensure that the Philippine agriculture
is improved and food be secured while the farmers' lives are better.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
(NAFMP) is one of the major weapons towards betterment of food security and safety in the
streamlining the value chain of farm production. NAFMP tackles major agricultural problems
through adopting mechanization technologies, capacity building initiatives, and so on. And it
offers support for policy frameworks of the sector at the same time so that farmers can easily
be adapted to the sustainable food production system. The model has accomplished quite an
impressive leap towards machinery and modernization, but there is effort still needed to solve
the issues of funds, infrastructure, technology adoption, coherent policies, access to market,
Despite the challenges, NAFMP though, has already exhibited positive impact on
agriculture growing, generating more incomes among farmers and fisher people, improving
market access, and fostering more integrations in the value chain. Through domestic manly
tying resources for building rural infrastructure, stimulating touch with finance, diffusion
spread of technology and building market links NAFMP has done to secure food and safety
by guaranteeing sufficient food supply, food access and utilization for all segments of the
While recovering and achieving more, it is necessary to maintain and expand the
efforts to continue solving the forthcoming challenges and harness the forthcoming impact
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Conceive Design Implement Operate
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
for the betterment. One such example is increasing dissemination across our government
agency, improving the extension system, fostering environmentally sustainable practices, and
giving power to smallholder farmers and fishermen through inclusive programs. Through the
NAFMP is still able to maintain its importance in this regard which can help the country to
improve its food security, safety, and the ability to recover faster after any disaster. This can
contribute to the achievement of the national development and the welfare of its peoples.
Bureau of agriculture and fishery mechanization. (2020). The National Agricultural and
Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (2013, June 5) Republic Act 10601.
Department of Agriculture Office of The Secretary. (2021, January 11). Updating and
Rossana Marie C. Amongo, Ph.D. and Maria Victoria L. Larona, Ph.D. (2015, March 5).
Department of Agriculture Office of The Secretary. (2020, January 6). Implementation of the
Tel. No.(078) 304-1205 loc 035/036 Cp. No. 0966-3795741 Transforming Lives
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. (2015). Agricultural and Fishery
Mechanization (AFMECH).