SLT Level 6 Curriculum (1) Kisaka

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P.O. BOX 15745-00100
First published 2019
Copyright © TVET CDACC

All rights reserved. No part of this curriculum may be reproduced, distributed, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the TVET
CDACC, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain
other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to
the Council Secretary/CEO, at the address below:

Council Secretary/CEO
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
P.O. Box 15745–00100
Nairobi, Kenya

© TVET CDACC 2019 i


The provision of quality education and training is fundamental to the Government’s

overall strategy for social economic development. Quality education and training will
contribute to achievement of Kenya’s development blueprint and sustainable
development goals.
Reforms in the education sector are necessary for the achievement of Kenya’s Vision
2030 and meeting the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010. The education sector
had to be aligned to the Constitution and this resulted to the formulation of the Policy
Framework for Reforming Education and Training. A key feature of this policy is the
radical change in the design and delivery of TVET training. This policy document
requires that training in TVET be competency based, curriculum development be industry
led, certification be based on demonstration of competence and mode of delivery allows
for multiple entry and exit in TVET Programmes.
These reforms demand that Industry takes a leading role in curriculum development to
ensure the curriculum addresses its competence needs. It is against this background that
this curriculum has been developed.
It is my conviction that this curriculum will play a great role towards development of
competent human resource for Science Laboratory sector’s growth and development.



©TVET CDACC 2019 ii


Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform the country into a newly industrializing, “middle-
income country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030”. Kenya
intends to create a globally competitive and adaptive human resource base to meet the
requirements of a rapidly industrializing economy through life-long education and
training. TVET has a responsibility of facilitating the process of inculcating knowledge,
skills and attitudes necessary for catapulting the nation to a globally competitive country,
hence the paradigm shift to embrace Competency Based Education and Training (CBET).
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act No. 29 of 2013 on Reforming
Education and Training in Kenya, emphasized the need to reform curriculum
development, assessment and certification. This called for a shift to CBET to address the
mismatch between skills acquired through training and skills needed by industry as well
as increase the global competitiveness of Kenyan labour force.
TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC)
in conjunction with Science Laboratory Technology Sector Skills Advisory Committee
(SSAC) have developed this curriculum.
This curriculum has been developed following the CBET framework policy; the CBETA
Standards and guidelines provided by the TVET Authority and the Kenya National
Qualification framework designed by the Kenya National Qualification Authority.
This curriculum is designed and organized with an outline of learning outcomes;
suggested delivery methods, training/learning resources and methods of assessing the
trainee’s achievement. The curriculum is competency-based and allows multiple entry
and exit to the course.
I am grateful to the Council Members, Council Secretariat, Science Laboratory SSAC,
expert workers and all those who participated in the development of this curriculum.


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This curriculum has been designed for competency-based training and has independent
units of learning that allow the trainee flexibility in entry and exit. In developing the
curriculum, significant involvement and support was received from various

I recognize with appreciation the role of the Science Laboratory Sector Skills Advisory
Committee (SSAC) in ensuring that competencies required by the industry are addressed
in the curriculum. I also thank all stakeholders in Science Laboratory sector for their
valuable input and all those who participated in the process of developing this

I am convinced that this curriculum will go a long way in ensuring that workers in
Science Laboratory Technology Sector acquires the competencies that will enable them
to perform their work more efficiently and effectively.


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KEY TO UNIT CODE.....................................................................................................viii
COURSE OVERVIEW......................................................................................................ix
BASIC UNITS OF LEARNING.........................................................................................1
COMMUNICATION SKILLS...............................................................................................2
NUMERACY SKILLS..........................................................................................................6
DIGITAL LITERACY.........................................................................................................10
ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS............................................................................................13
EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS.................................................................................................17
ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY.........................................................................................23
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES.......................................................27
COMMON UNITS OF LEARNING.................................................................................29
STANDARD LABORATORY PRACTICES...........................................................................30
LABORATORY INSTRUMENTATION...............................................................................33
SCIENCE LABORATORY RESEARCH................................................................................36
CORE UNITS OF LEARNING........................................................................................39
BIOLOGY TECHNIQUES.................................................................................................40
PHYSICS TECHNIQUES...................................................................................................45
CHEMISTRY TECHNIQUES.............................................................................................53

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A Control Version
A.C Alternating current
BC Basic Competency
CBET Competency-Based Education and Training
CC Common Competency
CDACC Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council
CR Core Competency
CU Curriculum
D.C Direct current
ICT Information communication technology
NEMA National Environment Management Authority
OSH Occupational Safety and Health
PPEs Personal Protective Equipment
SL Science Laboratory
SLT Science Laboratory Technology
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
VDU Visual display units

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Industry or sector
Occupational area
Type of competency
Competency number
Competency level
Control version

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The units of learning comprising Science Laboratory Technology Certificate Level 6
qualification include the following:
Basic Units of Learning
Unit Code Unit Title Duration Credit
in Hours Factor
SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Communication skills 40 4
SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Numeracy skills 60 6

SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Digital literacy 60 6


SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Entrepreneurial skills 100 10


SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Employability skills 80 8


SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Environmental literacy 40 4


SLT/CU/SL/BC/ Occupational safety and health practices 40 4


Total 420 42

Common Units of Learning

Unit Code Unit Title Duration Credit
in Hours Factor
SLT/CU/SL/CC/01/6/A Standard Laboratory Practices 100 10

SLT/CU/SL/CC/02/6/A Laboratory Instrumentation 120 12

SLT/CU/SL/CC/03/6/A Science Laboratory Research 150 15

Total 370 37

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Core Units of Learning
Unit Code Unit Title Duratio Credit
n in Factor
SLT/CU/SL/CR/01/6/A Biology Techniques 480 48

SLT/CU/SL/CR/02/6/A Physics Techniques 380 38

SLT/CU/SL/CR/03/6/A Chemistry Techniques 480 48

Industrial attachment 480 48

Total 0 182
Grand total 2610 261

The core units of learning are independent of each other and may be taken independently.
The total duration of the course is 2610 hours: 1820 hours (4 semesters of 16 weeks each
totalling 64 weeks at 30 hours per week) plus 480 hours (12 weeks by 5 days per week by
8 hours per day) of field attachment.

Entry Requirements
An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum
a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C- (minus)
b) Science laboratory technology craft Certificate Qualification Level 5
c) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications
Authority (KNQA)
d) As may be guided by relevant regulatory body

Trainer Qualification
A trainer for this course must have a higher qualification than the level of this course

Industrial Attachment
It is envisaged that the trainee will have undergone a field training and assessment with a
recognized accountancy farm. At least 480 hours (12 weeks) will be spent on a
supervised and assessed attachment in a Science Laboratory Facility.

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The course will be assessed at two levels:
a) Internal assessment: conducted continuously by the trainer (internal assessor)
who is monitored by an accredited internal verifier.

b) External assessment: conducted by an accredited external assessor who is

monitored by an accredited external verifier.

The assessors and verifiers are accredited by TVET CDACC which also coordinates
external assessment.

An individual will be awarded a Certificate of Competency on demonstration of
competence in a unit of competency. To be awarded Certificate in Science Laboratory
Technology Certificate Level 6, an individual must demonstrate competence in all the
units of competency.

These certificates will be awarded by TVET CDACC in conjunction with the training

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate communication skills

Duration of Unit: 40 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients and
colleagues and developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and strategies. It
also covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group discussion and
representing the organization in various forums.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues
2. Develop communication strategies
3. Establish and maintain communication pathways
4. Promote use of communication strategies
5. Conduct interview
6. Facilitate group discussion
7. Represent the organization
Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods
Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Meet communication  Communication process  Interview
needs of clients and  Modes of communication  Written
colleagues  Medium of communication
 Effective communication
 Barriers to communication
 Flow of communication
 Sources of information
 Organizational policies
 Organization requirements for
written and electronic
communication methods
 Report writing
 Effective questioning techniques
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(clarifying and probing)
 Workplace etiquette
 Ethical work practices in handling
 Active listening
 Feedback
 Interpretation
 Flexibility in communication
 Types of communication strategies
 Elements of communication
2. Develop  Dynamics of groups  Interview
communication  Styles of group leadership  Written
strategies  Openness and flexibility in
 Communication skills relevant to
client groups
3. Establish and maintain  Types of communication pathways  Interview
communication  Written
4. Promote use of  Application of elements of  Interview
communication communication strategies  Written
strategies  Effective communication
5. Conduct interview  Types of interview  Interview
 Establishing rapport  Written
 Facilitating resolution of issues
 Developing action plans
6. Facilitate group  Identification of communication  Interview
discussion needs  Written
 Dynamics of groups
 Styles of group leadership
 Presentation of information
 Encouraging group members
 Evaluating group communication

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7. Represent the  Presentation techniques  Interview
organization  Development of a presentation  Written
 Multi-media utilization in
 Communication skills relevant to
client groups

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Discussion
 Role playing
 Simulation
 Direct instruction
 Practice by trainee

Recommended Resources
 Desktop computers/laptops
 Internet connection
 Projectors
 Telephone

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Relationship to Occupational Standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate numeracy skills
Duration of Unit: 60 hours
Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required by a worker in order to apply a wide range of
mathematical calculations for work; apply ratios, rates and proportions to solve problems;
estimate, measure and calculate measurement for work; Use detailed maps to plan travel routes
for work; Use geometry to draw and construct 2D and 3D shapes for work; Collect, organize and
interpret statistical data; Use routine formula and algebraic expressions for work and use
common functions of a scientific calculator

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Apply a wide range of mathematical calculations for work
2. Apply ratios, rates and proportions to solve problems
3. Estimate, measure and calculate measurement for work
4. Use detailed maps to plan travel routes for work
5. Use geometry to draw and construct 2D and 3D shapes for work
6. Collect, organize and interpret statistical data
7. Use routine formula and algebraic expressions for work
8. Use common functions of a scientific calculator

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Apply a wide  Fundamentals of mathematics  Written tests
range of  Addition, subtraction,  Assignments
mathematical multiplication and division  Supervised exercises
calculations for of positive and negative
work numbers
 Algebraic expressions
 Forms of fractions, decimals and
 Expression of numbers as powers
and roots
2. Apply ratios,  Rates, ratios and proportions  Written tests

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rates and  Meaning  Oral questioning
proportions to  Conversions into percentages  Assignments
solve problems  Direct and inverse  Supervised exercises
proportions determination
 Performing calculations
 Construction of graphs,
charts and tables
 Recording of information
3. Estimate,  Units of measurements and their  Assignments
measure and symbols  Supervised exercises
calculate  Identification and selection of  Written tests
measurement for measuring equipment
work  Conversion of units of measurement
 Perimeters of regular figures
 Areas of regular figures
 Volumes of regular figures
 Carrying out measurements
 Recording of information
4. Use detailed  Identification of features in routine  Oral
maps to plan maps and plans  Written
travel routes for  Symbols and keys used in routine  Practical test
work maps and plans  Observation
 Identification and interpretation of
orientation of map to North
 Demonstrate understanding of
direction and location
 Apply simple scale to estimate
length of objects, or distance to
location or object
 Give and receive directions using
both formal and informal language
 Planning of routes
 Calculation of distance, speed and
5. Use geometry to  Identify two dimensional shapes and
draw and routine three dimensional shapes in
construct 2D and everyday objects and in different
3D shapes for orientations
work  Explain the use and application of
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 Use formal and informal
mathematical language and symbols
to describe and compare the features
of two dimensional shapes and
routine three dimensional shapes
 Identify common angles
 Estimate common angles in
everyday objects
 Evaluation of unknown angles
 Use formal and informal
mathematical language to describe
and compare common angles
 Symmetry and similarity
 Use common geometric instruments
to draw two dimensional shapes
 Construct routine three dimensional
objects from given nets
6. Collect, organize  Classification of data  Assignments
and interpret  Grouped data  Supervised exercises
statistical data  Ungrouped data  Written tests
 Data collection
 Observation
 Recording
 Distinguishing between sampling
and census
 Importance of sampling
 Errors in sampling
 Types of sampling and their
limitations e.g.
 Stratified random
 Cluster
 Judgmental
 Tabulation of data
 Class intervals
 Class boundaries
 Frequency tables
 Cumulative frequency

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 Diagrammatic and graphical
presentation of data e.g.
 Histograms
 Frequency polygons
 Bar charts
 Pie charts
 Cumulative frequency curves
 Interpretation of data
7. Use routine  Solving linear equations  Assignments
formula and  Linear graphs  Supervised exercises
algebraic  Plotting  Written tests
expressions for  Interpretation
work  Applications of linear graphs
 Curves of first and second degree
 Plotting
 Interpretation
8. Use common  Identify and use keys for common  Oral
functions of a scientific functions on a calculator  Written
calculator  Calculate using whole numbers,  Practical test
money and routine decimals and  Observation
 Calculate with routine fractions and
 Apply order of operations to solve
multi-step calculations
 Interpret display and record result
Suggested Delivery Methods
 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Exercises
Recommended Resources
 Calculators
 Rulers, pencils, erasers
 Charts with presentations of data
 Graph books
 Dice

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate digital literacy

Duration of Unit: 60 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes competencies required to use a computer and other digital devices for the
purposes of communication, work performance and management at the workplace.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify computer software and hardware
2. Apply security measures to data, hardware, software in automated environment
3. Apply computer software in solving tasks
4. Apply internet and email in communication at workplace
5. Apply desktop publishing in official assignments
6. Prepare presentation packages

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Identify computer  Concepts of ICT  Written tests
hardware and software  Functions of ICT  Oral presentation
 History of computers  Observation
 Components of a computer
 Classification of computers
2. Apply security  Data security and control  Written tests
measures to data,  Security threats and control  Oral presentation
hardware and software measures  Observation
 Types of computer crimes  Project
 Detection and protection against
computer crimes
 Laws governing protection of ICT
3. Apply computer  Operating system  Oral questioning
software in solving  Word processing  Observation

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tasks  Spread sheets  Project
 Data base design and manipulation
 Data manipulation, storage and
4. Apply internet and  Computer networks  Oral questioning
email in  Network configurations  Observation
communication at  Uses of internet  Oral presentation
workplace  Electronic mail (e-mail) concept  Written report

5. Apply desktop  Concept of desktop publishing  Oral questioning

publishing in official  Opening publication window  Observation
assignments  Identifying different tools and tool  Oral presentation
bars  Written report
 Determining page layout  Project
 Opening, saving and closing files
 Drawing various shapes using DTP
 Using colour pellets to enhance a
 Inserting text frames
 Importing and exporting text
 Object linking and embedding
 Designing of various publications
 Printing of various publications
6. Prepare presentation  Types of presentation packages  Oral questioning
packages  Procedure of creating slides  Observation
 Formatting slides  Oral presentation
 Presentation of slides  Written report
 Procedure for editing objects  Project
Suggested Delivery Methods
 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos
 Project
 Group discussions

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Recommended Resources
 Desk top computers
 Laptop computers
 Other digital devices
 Printers
 Storage devices
 Internet access
 Computer software

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Relationship to occupational standards
This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate understanding of

Duration of unit: 100 hours

Unit Description
This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate understanding of
entrepreneurship. It involves demonstrating understanding of an entrepreneur,
entrepreneurship and self-employment. It also involves identifying entrepreneurship
opportunities, creating entrepreneurial awareness, applying entrepreneurial motivation
and developing business innovative strategies.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate understanding of who an entrepreneur
2. Demonstrate knowledge of entrepreneurship and self-employment
3. Identify entrepreneurship opportunities
4. Create entrepreneurial awareness
5. Apply entrepreneurial motivation
6. Develop business innovative strategies
7. Develop Business plan

Suggested Assessment
Learning Outcome Content Methods

1. Demonstrate  Importance of self-employment  Observation

knowledge of  Requirements for entry into self-
 Case studies
entrepreneurship and employment
self-employment  Role of an Entrepreneur in  Individual/group
business assignments
 Contributions of Entrepreneurs to  Projects
National development  Written tests
 Entrepreneurship culture in
Kenya Oral questions

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 Born or made entrepreneurs Third party report
2. Identify  Business ideas and opportunities  Observation
entrepreneurship  Sources of business ideas
 Case studies
opportunities  Business life cycle
 Legal aspects of business  Individual/group
 Assessment of product demand assignments
 Business environment  Projects
 Factors to consider when  Written tests
evaluating business environment
 Oral questions
 Technology in business
 Third party report
 Interviews

3. Create  Forms of businesses  Observation

entrepreneurial  Sources of business finance
 Case studies
awareness  Factors in selecting source of
business finance  Individual/group
 Governing policies on Small assignments
Scale Enterprises (SSEs)  Projects
 Problems of starting and  Written tests
operating SSEs
 Oral questions
 Third party report
 Interviews

4. Apply  Internal and external motivation  Observation

entrepreneurial  Motivational theories
 Case studies
motivation  Self-assessment
 Entrepreneurial orientation  Individual/group
 Effective communications in assignments
entrepreneurship  Projects
 Principles of communication  Written tests
 Entrepreneurial motivation  Oral questions
 Third party report
 Interviews

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5. Develop business  Innovation in business  Observation
innovative strategies  Small business Strategic Plan
 Case studies
 Creativity in business
development  Individual/group
 Linkages with other assignments
entrepreneurs  Projects
 ICT in business growth and  Written tests
development  Oral questions
 Third party report
 Interviews

6. Develop Business  Business description  Observation

Plan  Marketing plan
 Case studies
 Organizational/Management
 plan  Individual/group
 Production/operation plan assignments
 Financial plan  Projects
 Executive summary  Written tests
 Presentation of Business Plan  Oral questions
 Third party report
 Interviews

Suggested Methods of instruction:

 Direct instruction
 Project
 Case studies
 Field trips
 Discussions
 Demonstration
 Question and answer
 Problem solving
 Experiential
 Internship
 Team training
 Guest speakers

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Recommended Resources
 Case studies
 Business plan templates
 Computers
 Overhead projectors
 Internet
 Mobile phone
 Video clips
 Films
 Newspapers and Handouts
 Business Journals
 Writing materials

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate employability skills
Duration of Unit: 80 hours
Unit Description
This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It involves
conducting self-management, demonstrating interpersonal communication, critical safe work
habits, leading a workplace team, planning and organizing work, maintaining professional
growth and development, demonstrating workplace learning, problem solving skills and
managing ethical performance.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Conduct self-management
2. Demonstrate interpersonal communication
3. Demonstrate critical safe work habits
4. Lead a workplace team
5. Plan and organize work
6. Maintain professional growth and development
7. Demonstrate workplace learning
8. Demonstrate problem solving skills
9. Manage ethical performance

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Conduct self-  Self-awareness  Observation
management  Formulating personal vision,  Written
mission and goals  Oral interview
 Strategies for overcoming life  Third party report
 Managing emotions
 Emotional intelligence
 Assertiveness versus
 Expressing personal thoughts,

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feelings and beliefs
 Developing and maintaining high
 Developing and maintaining
positive self-image
 Setting performance targets
 Monitoring and evaluating
 Articulating ideas and aspirations
 Accountability and responsibility
 Good work habits
 Self-awareness
 Values and beliefs
 Self-development
 Financial literacy
 Healthy lifestyle practices
 Adopting safety practices
2. Demonstrate  Meaning of interpersonal  Observation
interpersonal communication  Written
communication  Listening skills  Oral interview
 Types of audience  Third party
 Public speaking report
 Writing skills
 Negotiation skills
 Reading skills
 Meaning of empathy
 Understanding customers’ needs
 Establishing communication
 Assertiveness
 Sharing information
3. Demonstrate critical  Stress and stress management  Observation
safe work habits  Time concept  Written
 Punctuality and time  Oral interview
consciousness  Third party report
 Leisure
 Integrating personal objectives

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into organizational objectives
 Resources mobilization
 Resources utilization
 Setting work priorities
 Developing healthy relationships
 HIV and AIDS
 Drug and substance abuse
 Managing emerging issues
4. Lead a workplace  Leadership qualities  Observation
team  Power and authority  Oral interview
 Team building  Written
 Determination of team roles and  Third party report
 Team parameters and
 Individual responsibilities in a
 Forms of communication
 Complementing team activities
 Gender and gender
 Human rights
 Developing healthy relationships
 Maintaining relationships
 Conflicts and conflict resolution
 Coaching and mentoring skills
5. Plan and organize  Functions of management  Observation
work  Planning  Oral interview
 Organizing  Written
 Time management  Third party report
 Decision making concept
 Task allocation
 Developing work plans
 Developing work goals/objectives
and deliverables
 Monitoring work activities
 Evaluating work activities

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 Resource mobilization
 Resource allocation
 Resource utilization
 Proactive planning
 Risk evaluation
 Problem solving
 Collecting, analysing and
organising information
 Negotiation
6. Maintain  Avenues for professional growth  Observation
professional growth  Training and career opportunities  Oral interview
and development  Assessing training needs  Written
 Mobilizing training resources  Third party report
 Licenses and certifications for
professional growth and
 Pursuing personal and
organizational goals
 Managing work priorities and
 Recognizing career advancement
7. Demonstrate  Managing own learning  Observation
workplace learning  Mentoring  Oral interview
 Coaching  Written
 Contributing to the learning  Third party report
community at the workplace
 Cultural aspects of work
 Networking
 Variety of learning context
 Application of learning
 Safe use of technology
 Taking initiative/proactivity
 Flexibility
 Identifying opportunities
 Generating new ideas
 Workplace innovation
 Performance improvement

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 Managing emerging issues
 Future trends and concerns in
8. Demonstrate  Critical thinking process  Observation
problem solving  Data analysis tools  Oral interview
skills  Decision making  Written
 Creative thinking  Third party report
 Development of creative,
innovative and practical solutions
 Independence in identifying and
solving problems
 Solving problems in teams
 Application of problem-solving
 Testing assumptions
 Resolving customer concerns
9. Manage ethical  Meaning of ethics  Observation
performance  Ethical perspectives  Oral interview
 Principles of ethics  Written
 Ethical standards  Third party report
 Organization code of ethics
 Common ethical dilemmas
 Organization culture
 Corruption, bribery and conflict of
 Privacy and data protection
 Diversity, harassment and mutual
 Financial
 Etiquette
 Personal and professional integrity
 Commitment to jurisdictional laws
 Emerging issues in ethics

Suggested Methods of Delivery

 Instructor lead facilitation of theory

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 Demonstrations
 Simulation/Role play
 Group Discussion
 Presentations
 Projects
 Case studies
 Assignments
Recommended Resources
 Computers
 Stationery
 Charts
 Video clips
 Audio tapes
 Radio sets
 TV sets
 LCD projectors

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Relationship to Occupational Standards:

This unit addresses the unit standard: Demonstrate environmental literacy
Duration of Unit: 40 hours
Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to control environmental hazard, control
environmental pollution, comply with workplace sustainable resource use, evaluate current
practices in relation to resource usage, identify environmental legislations/conventions for
environmental concerns, implement specific environmental programs, monitor activities on
environmental protection/programs, analyze resource use and develop resource conservation

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Control environmental hazard
2. Control environmental Pollution
3. Demonstrate sustainable resource use
4. Evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage
5. Identify Environmental legislations/conventions for environmental concerns
6. Implement specific environmental programs
7. Monitor activities on Environmental protection/Programs
8. Analyze resource use
9. Develop resource conservation plans

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content
Assessment Methods
1. Control  Purposes and content of Environmental  Written questions
environmental hazard Management and Coordination Act  Oral questions
1999  Observation of
 Storage methods for environmentally work procedures
hazardous materials
 Disposal methods of hazardous wastes
 Types and uses of PPE in line with
environmental regulations

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 Occupational Safety and Health
Standards (OSHS)
2. Control  Types of pollution  Written questions
environmental  Environmental pollution control  Oral questions
Pollution control measures  Observation of
 Types of solid wastes work procedures
 Procedures for solid waste management  Role play
 Different types of noise pollution
 Methods for minimizing noise pollution
3. Demonstrate  Types of resources  Written questions
sustainable resource  Techniques in measuring current usage  Oral questions
use of resources  Observation of
 Calculating current usage of resources work procedures
 Methods for minimizing wastage  Role play
 Waste management procedures
 Principles of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
 Methods for economizing or reducing
resource consumption
4. Evaluate current  Collection of information on  Written questions
practices in relation environmental and resource efficiency  Oral questions
to resource usage systems and procedures,  Observation of
 Measurement and recording of current work procedures
resource usage  Role play
 Analysis and recording of current
purchasing strategies.
 Analysis of current work processes to
access information and data
 Identification of areas for improvement
5. Identify  Environmental issues/concerns  Written questions
Environmental  Environmental legislations  Oral questions
legislations/conventio /conventions and local ordinances  Observation of
ns for environmental  Industrial standard /environmental work procedures
concerns practices
 International Environmental Protocols
(Montreal, Kyoto)
 Features of an environmental strategy
6. Implement specific  Community needs and expectations  Written questions
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environmental  Resource availability  Oral questions
programs  5s of good housekeeping  Observation of
 Identification of programs/Activities work procedures
 Setting of individual roles  Role play
 Resolving problems /constraints
 Consultation with stakeholders
7. Monitor activities on  Periodic monitoring and Evaluation of  Oral questions
Environmental activities  Written tests
protection/Programs  Gathering feedback from stakeholders  Practical test
 Analyzing data gathered  Observation
 Documentation of recommendations
and submission
 Setting of management support systems
to sustain and enhance the program
 Monitoring and reporting of
environmental incidents to concerned
/proper authorities
8. Analyze resource use  Identification of resource consuming  Written tests
processes  Oral questions
 Determination of quantity and nature of  Practical test
resource consumed  Observation
 Analysis of resource flow through
different parts of the process.
 Classification of wastes for possible
source of resources.
9. Develop resource  Determination of efficiency of  Written tests
Conservation plans use/conversion of resources  Oral questions
 Causes of low efficiency of use of  Practical test
resources  Observation
 Plans for increasing the efficiency of
resource use

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Practical demonstration of tasks by trainer

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 Practice by trainees
 Observations and comments and corrections by trainers

Recommended Resources
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 ISO standards
 Company environmental management systems (EMS)
 Montreal Protocol
 Kyoto Protocol

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate occupational safety and health practices

Duration of Unit: 40 hours

Unit Description
This unit describes the competencies required to comply with regulatory and organizational
requirements for occupational safety and health.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify workplace hazards and risk
2. Identify and implement appropriate control measures to hazards and risks
3. Implement OSH programs, procedures and policies/guidelines

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment
1. Identify workplace  Identification of hazards in the  Oral questions
hazards and risks workplace and/or the indicators of  Written tests
their presence  Observation of
 Evaluation and/or work trainees identify
environment measurements of hazards and risks
OSH hazards/risk existing in the
 Gathering of OSH issues and/or
2. Identify and  Prevention and control measures  Oral questions
implement appropriate e.g. use of PPE  Written tests
control measure to  Contingency measures  Practical tests
hazards and risks  Observation of
implementation of
control measures
3. Implement OSH  Company OSH program,  Oral questions
programs, procedures procedures and policies/guidelines  Written tests
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and  Implementation of OSH  Practical test
policies/guidelines procedures and policies/ guidelines  Observation
 Training of team members and
advice on OSH standards and
 Implementation of procedures for
maintaining OSH-related records

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Instructor led facilitation of theory
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Viewing of related videos

Recommended Resources
 Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals
 Specific job procedures manuals
 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g.
 Mask
 Face mask/shield
 Safety boots
 Safety harness
 Arm/Hand guard, gloves
 Eye protection (goggles, shield)
 Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)
 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
 Hard hat
 Face protection (mask, shield)
 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
 Anti-static suits
 High-visibility reflective vest

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply standard laboratory practices

Duration of Unit: 100 hours

Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to apply standard laboratory practices. It involves
maintaining laboratory safety, maintaining science laboratory equipment and apparatus and
preparing laboratory reagents and chemicals. It also includes maintaining laboratory hygiene,
preparing laboratory water and managing laboratory human and material resources.
Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Maintain laboratory safety

2. Maintain science laboratory equipment and apparatus
3. Prepare laboratory reagents and chemicals
4. Maintain laboratory hygiene
5. Prepare laboratory water
6. Manage laboratory human and material resources

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment


1. Maintain laboratory  Sources of hazards and risks  Written tests

safety  Identification of laboratory hazards  Oral questioning
and risks  Assignments
 Laboratory safety procedures  Supervised exercises
 Good house keeping
 PPEs
 Storage of laboratory samples
 Safe handling of laboratory reagents
and chemicals
 Types of injuries and their treatment

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 First aid procedures
 Laboratory waste management
 Infectious waste
 General waste
 Poisonous waste
 Chemical waste
 Science laboratory equipment and  Written tests
2. Maintain science
apparatus  Oral questioning
 Classification of laboratory ware  Assignments
equipment and
 Plastic wares  Supervised exercises
 Glass wares
 Ceramics
 Platinum
 Preparation of laboratory ware
 Cleaning
 Drying
 Storage
 Undertaking preventive and routine
maintenance of equipment
 Operation and calibration of lab

 Determination of laboratory  Assignments

3. Prepare laboratory
reagents  Oral questioning
reagents and
 Reagent preparation methods and  Supervised exercises
precautions  Written tests
 Selection and use of PPEs
 Use and storage of laboratory
reagents and chemicals
 Maintaining laboratory records

4. Maintain laboratory  Types of disinfectants and  Assignments

hygiene antiseptics  Supervised exercises
 Preparation of laboratory  Written tests
disinfectants and antiseptics
 Decontamination and cleaning
laboratory working areas, benches
and equipment
 Segregation and disposal of
laboratory wastes
 Methods of waste

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5. Prepare laboratory  Sources of water  Assignments
water  Methods of water treatment  Supervised exercises
 Written tests
6. Manage laboratory  Definition of management  Assignments
human and material  Supervised exercises
resources  Functions of management  Written tests
 Management schools of thought

 Modern theories of management

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Exercises by trainee
 Practical sessions
Recommended Resources

 Scientific Calculators
 Rulers, pencils, erasers
 Computers with internet connection
 Projector
Personal Protective Equipment
 Gloves
 Masks
 Goggles
 Dust coat/lab coat

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Apply science laboratory instrumentation
Duration of Unit: 120 Hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply science laboratory instrumentation. It
involves applying principles of operation of laboratory equipment, applying use of laboratory
equipment and managing care and maintenance of laboratory equipment. It also includes
applying glass blowing techniques.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1 Apply principles of operation of laboratory equipment
2 Apply use of laboratory equipment
3 Manage care and maintenance of laboratory equipment
4 Apply glass blowing techniques

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment


1. Apply principles of  Parts of laboratory equipment  Written tests

operation of laboratory  Functions of laboratory equipment  Oral
equipment  Observation

2. Apply use of  Preparation of laboratory samples  Written tests

laboratory equipment  Preparation of laboratory standard  Oral
samples  Observation
 Operation procedures of laboratory
©TVET CDACC 2019 32
3. Manage care and  Maintenance of laboratory  Written tests
maintenance of equipment  Oral
laboratory equipment  Dusting and cleaning  Supervised
 Lubrication exercises
 Overhaul maintenance
 Calibration
4. Apply glass blowing  Types of laboratory glass  Written tests
techniques  Glass blowing tools and  Oral
equipment  Practical test
 Glass blowing safety measures  Observation
 Production of glass apparatus
 Centre bulbs
 End bulbs
 U – tubes
 T – piece
 Y – tubes
 L – bend

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Demonstration videos
 Field trips
 Trainee group discussions

Recommended Resources

 Laboratory glass blowing equipment and apparatus

 Glass
 Source of heat
 Water source
 Procedure manuals
 Measuring tools and equipment
 Computers with internet
 Stationery

Personal protective equipment (PPEs)

©TVET CDACC 2019 33
 Safety boots
 Goggles
 Gas masks
 Gloves
 Dust coats
 First aid kit
 Dust masks
 Overalls

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Conduct science laboratory research
Duration of Unit: 150 Hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to conduct science laboratory research. It involves
preparing for science laboratory research, carrying out science laboratory research and analyzing
the science laboratory research findings. It also includes documenting and disseminating science
laboratory research findings.
Summary of Learning Outcomes
1. Prepare for science laboratory research
2. Carry out science laboratory research
3. Analyze science laboratory research findings
4. Document the science laboratory research process and findings
5. Disseminate science laboratory research

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment


1. Prepare for science  Introduction to research methods  Written tests

laboratory research  Ethics in research  Oral
 Research topics and study site  Case study
 Research problem
 Research objectives
 Designing research questions
 Development of conceptual
 Establishment of research
theoretical framework
 Proposal writing procedures

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2. Carry out science 
Sampling techniques  Written tests
laboratory research 
Sample size  Oral

Research instruments  Case study

Piloting of research instruments

Data collection
3. Analyze science 
Standard data analysis methods  Written tests
laboratory research 
Validity and reliability of  Oral
findings analytical methods  Supervised
 Research ethical considerations exercises
 Data analysis techniques
 Data presentation
 Statistical packages e.g. SPSS,
4. Document the science  Documentation of research  Written tests
laboratory research processes  Oral
process and findings  Recommendations of research
 Compiling research report
5. Disseminate  Determination of relevant  Written tests
science laboratory stakeholders  Oral
research  Dissemination methods
 Knowledge transfer

Suggested Delivery Methods

 Demonstration by trainer
 Practical work by trainee
 Demonstration videos
 Field trips / Excursion
 Trainee group discussions
 Case studies

Recommended Resources

 Data analysis software e.g. SPSS, Excel

 Computers with internet
 Laboratory testing equipment
 Laboratory apparatus

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 Stationery
 Calculators
 Procedure manuals
Personal protective equipment (PPEs)

 Safety boots
 Goggles
 Gas masks
 Gloves
 Dust coats
 First aid kit
 Dust masks
 Overalls

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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Apply biology techniques
Duration of Unit: 480 Hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply biology techniques. It involves carrying
out microscopy, performing cytology techniques, performing biochemical techniques, carrying
out microbiological techniques, performing immunological techniques and managing laboratory
animals. It also entails carrying out herbarium techniques, carrying out museum techniques
determining ecological factors, managing a greenhouse facility and preparing a botanical garden.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Carry out microscopy
2. Perform cytology techniques
3. Perform biochemical techniques
4. Carryout microbiological techniques
5. Perform immunological techniques
6. Manage laboratory animals
7. Carry out herbarium techniques
8. Carry out museum techniques
9. Determine ecological factors
10. Manage a greenhouse facility
11. Prepare a botanical garden

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1. Carry out microscopy  Definition and parts of a
 Oral questioning
 Types of microscopes  Written test

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Image formation  Practical test
Use of oil immersion
Care and maintenance
2. Perform cytological Definition of cytology and  Written tests
techniques histology
 Cell structure  Oral questioning
 Functions of cell organelles  Practical test
 Physiological processes
 Supervised
 Osmosis
 Diffusion
 Plasmolysis
 Cell division
 Mitosis
 Meiosis
3. Perform biochemical  Chemicals of life and their roles  Written tests
techniques  Proteins
 Lipids  Oral questions
 Carbohydrates  Practical tests
 Vitamins
 Mineral Salts
 Water
 Nucleic acids
 Definition and types of enzymes
 Properties of enzymes
4. Carry out  Types of microorganisms
 Written tests
microbiological  Bacteria
techniques  Viruses  Oral questions
 Protozoa  Practical tests
 Fungi
 Supervised
 Algae
 Characteristics of microorganisms
 Reproduction and growth of  Observations
 Growth requirements of
 Temperature
 Nutritional factors
 pH

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 Water
 Gaseous environment
 Sterilization methods
 Culturing microorganism
 Disposal of pathogens
5. Perform  Definition and composition of  Written tests
immunological blood
techniques  Collection of blood from a  Observation
laboratory animal  Oral questions
 Agglutination
 Practical tests
 Nature of antigens
 Nature of antibodies
 Antigen – antibody
 Disposal of biological specimens
and materials
6. Manage laboratory  Types of laboratory animals
 Written tests
animals  Housing of laboratory animals
 Handling of laboratory animals  Observation
 Sexing of laboratory animals  Oral questions
 Use of anaesthetics
 Practical tests
 Euthanasia
 Dissection procedure
 Disposal methods of animal
 Deep burying
 Incineration
 Chemical treatment
7. Carry out herbarium  Methods of collecting herbarium
 Written tests
techniques specimens
 Uprooting  Observation
 Picking  Oral questions
 Cutting
 Practical tests
 Methods of specimen
 Drying
 Chemical treatment
 Plant presser
8. Carry out museum  Methods of collecting museum
 Written tests

©TVET CDACC 2019 41

techniques specimens  Observation
 Netting
 Trapping  Oral questions
 Methods of specimen  Practical tests
 Drying
 Chemical treatment
 Stuffing
9. Determine ecological  Definition of ecology  Written tests
factors  Ecological equipment and
materials  Observation
 Relationship between man and  Oral questions
his environment
 Practical tests
 Desertification
 Conservation
 Population control
 Environmental pollution
10. Manage a greenhouse  Definition of a greenhouse  Written tests
facility  Design of a greenhouse
 Greenhouse equipment  Observation
 Environmental factors in a green  Oral questions
 Practical tests
 Use of growing media in a
 Solid waste removal
11. Prepare a botanical  Preparation of a botanical  Written tests
garden garden
 Nursery preparation  Observation
 Plant diseases and pests  Oral questions
 Disease and pest control
 Practical tests
 Fungicides
 Insecticides
 Pesticides

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Direct instruction
 Field trips/ site visits

©TVET CDACC 2019 42

 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Computer aided learning
 Relevant videos

List of Recommended Resources

 Computer
 Stationery
 Personal protective equipment’s (PPEs)

 Ecological materials

 Projector

 Flip charts

 Standard manuals/SOPs

©TVET CDACC 2019 43



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Apply physics techniques
Duration of Unit: 380 Hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply physics techniques. It involves measuring
physical quantities, applying principles of thermodynamics, applying principles of waves,
applying principles of optics and applying principles of electromagnetism. It also entails
applying electrostatic, electrical and electronics principles and applying principles of nuclear and
quantum physics
It applies in Science sector.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1 Measure physical quantities
2 Apply principles of thermodynamics
3 Apply principles of waves
4 Apply principles of optics
5 Apply principles of electromagnetism
6 Apply electrostatic, electrical and electronic principles
7 Apply principles of nuclear and quantum physics

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1 Measure physical  Measurement of physical quantities  Written tests
 Mass  Observation
 Length  Oral questions

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 Time,  Third party report
 Temperature
 Conversion of SI units into their

2 Apply principles of  Measurement and S.I unit of heat  Written tests

thermodynamics  Use of thermometers
 Mercury in glass  Observation
 Liquid in glass
 Clinical  Oral questions
 Temperature scales and  Third party report
- oF
- OC
- Kelvin
 Modes of heat transfer
- conduction
- convection
- radiation
 Measurement of heat capacity and
specific heat capacity.
 Measurement of specific latent heat
of fusion and specific latent heat of
 Determination of heat capacities
and latent by calculation

3 Apply principles of  Types of waves  Written tests

waves  Wave characteristics
 Wavelength  Observation
 Velocity
 Amplitude  Oral questioning
 Problem solving using wave  Third party report
equation V = fλ
 Propagation of waves
 Reflection
 Refraction
 Diffraction
 Propagation media
4 Apply principles of  Properties and laws of light  Written tests
optics  Properties
 Reflection laws  Observation
 Refraction laws

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 Mirror properties  Oral questions
 Plane
 Curves  Third party report
 Convex
 Concave
 Types and properties of lenses
 Concave convex
 Plane concave
 Plano convex
 Concave convex
 Calculations of:
 Mirror formula
 Lens formula
 Application of mirrors and lenses in
optical instruments
 Microscope
 Telescope
 Camera
 Projector
 Periscope
 Explanation of;
 Critical angle
 Total internal reflection
5 Apply principles of  Domain theory  Written tests
electromagnetism  Magnetic materials
 Molecules  Observation
 Differences between magnetic and
 Oral questions
materials  Third party report
 Field patterns
 Paramagnetic materials
 Dia - magnetic materials
 Properties of magnets
 Lines of force
 Magnetic flux
 Flux density
 Types of magnets
 Permanent
 Temporary
 Earth
 Magnetization and demagnetization
 Principle of electromagnetic

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 Quantities and units
 Stationery Geld moving
 Moving field and stationery
 Fleming’s right led rule
 Faraday’s and Lenz’s cork
screw rule
 Grip rule
 Self and mutual inductance
 Induction due to current
change in another circuit
 Application of magnets
 Separation iron from other
 Lifting magnets -
 Medical use-generator
 Electric bell-motor
 Ignition coils

6 Apply electrostatic,  Electro static principles  Written tests

electrical and
 Electrostatic principles  Observation
electronics principles Electroscope
 Charging  Oral questions
 Positively
 Third party report
 Negatively
 Discharging
 Plotting of charging/discharging
 Types of capacitors
 Construction
 Connections
 Electrostatic principles in capacitors
 Definition of capacitance
 Units of capacitance
 Factors affecting
 Calculations in Series and
Parallel connection.
 Measurement of electrical
 Current

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 Voltage
 Resistance
 Circuit connections and
o Open
o Closed
 Series and Parallel
 Ohm’s law (V = IR)
 Definition
 Circuits
 Application
 Sources of electricity
 Cells
 Solar
 Generators
 Hydro
 Types and operations of
 Step-up
 Step-down
 Principles of generators
 Alternating current (A.C)
 Direct Current (D.C)
 Transformer Calculations
 Turns ration
 Voltage
 Current
 Conversion of a moving coil
galvanometer into:
 Ammeter
 Vo-meter
 Semi-conductor theory
 Semi-conductor diodes
 Action
 Transistor
 Blazing
 Transistors characteristics
 Biasing
 Transistor amplification (single
 Load line.
 Rectification method
 Half wave
 Full wave
©TVET CDACC 2019 48
 Smoothing
 Photo electric effect
 Photo cells
 Thermionic diode and triode
 Diode- operation
Triode –operation
 Cathode Ray Tube
 operation
 parts
 Domestic electrical circuits
 Power circuit
 Light circuit
 Wiring top plugs correctly
7 Apply principles of  Molecular behaviour of solids,  Written tests
nuclear and quantum liquids and gases
physics  Demonstrate Brownian  Observation
 Demonstrate diffusion in  Oral questions
fluids  Third party report
 Demonstrate surface
tension in liquids
 Demonstrate capillarity
 Demonstrate elasticity in
 Kinetic theory
 Brownian motion
 Demonstration
 Smoke cells
 Marbles
 Diffusion demonstration
 Liquids
 Gases
 Demonstration of surface tension
 Adhesion
 Cohesion
 Demonstration of capillarity
 Demonstration of elasticity in solids
 Properties of radioactive materials
 Decay
 Ionization
 Penetration
 Radioactive materials
 Uranium

©TVET CDACC 2019 49

 Radium
 Plutonium
 Cobalt
 Strontium
 Carbon 14
 Potassium
 Iodine
 Commonly available radioactive
 Some rocks e.g. granite
 T.V. screens
 Microwave sources –
microwave oven
 Some watches
 Visual display units
 Safety
 Clothing
 Shielding
 Detecting badges.
 Production of X-ray
 Properties of X-rays
 Ionization
 Penetration
 Detection of X-rays
 Discharges an
electroscope rapidly
 Use fluorescence
(instrument called
fluoroscope is used).
 Application of X-rays
 Detecting faults
 Medical fields
 Chemical analysis.

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Direct instruction
 Group discussions
 Field trips /site visits
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainees
 Viewing of related videos

©TVET CDACC 2019 50

List of Recommended Resources:

 Well-functioning skills lab

 Science lab facility
 Science lab tools, apparatus and equipment
 Samples
 PPEs
 Computers
 Standard manuals/SOPs
 Projectors
 Flip charts
 Internet
 Relevant videos

©TVET CDACC 2019 51



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Apply chemistry techniques
Duration of Unit: 480 Hours
Unit Description
This unit specifies the competencies required to apply chemistry techniques. It involves carrying
out sample preparation, performing gravimetric analysis, preparing laboratory reagents,
conducting volumetric analysis, carrying out pH measurement, performing separation, extraction
and purification and carrying out colorimetric analysis. It also entails carrying out electrometric
methods, carrying out flame photometry, carrying out proximate analysis and performing
calorimetric analysis

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1 Carry out sample preparation

2 Perform gravimetric analysis
3 Prepare laboratory reagents
4 Conduct volumetric analysis
5 Carry out pH measurement
6 Perform separation, extraction and purification
7 Carry out colorimetric analysis
8 Carry out electrometric methods
9 Carry out flame photometry
10 Carry out proximate analysis
11 Perform calorimetric analysis

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome Content Suggested Assessment

1 Carry out sample  Definition of a sample  Observation
preparation  Importance of sampling
 Sampling methods  Oral questions
 Sample treatment procedures

©TVET CDACC 2019 52

 Drying  Written tests
 Grinding
 Mixing  Practical tests
 Sample storage methods
 Cold storage
 Open air storage
 Dark storage
 Airtight storage
2 Perform gravimetric  Types of balances
 Written tests
analysis  Spring
 Beam  Observation
 Analytical  Oral questioning
 Weighing procedures
 Practical tests
 Levelling
 Taring  Supervised
 Weighing by difference exercises
 Direct weighing
 Gravimetric analysis apparatus
 Gravimetric analysis procedures

3 Prepare laboratory  Definition of concentration  Written tests

reagents terms
 Importance of accuracy in  Oral questions
volume measurement  Practical tests
 Standard solutions preparation
 Direct
 Titration
4 Conduct volumetric  Definition of volumetric analysis  Written tests
analysis  Application of volumetric
analysis  Oral questions
 Quantitative determination in  Practical tests
5 Carry out pH  Definition of pH  Written tests
measurement  Basic theory of pH  Oral questions
 Dissociation  Practical tests
 Ionization  Supervised
 Relationship between pH color exercises
change in indicators
 Definition of a buffer
©TVET CDACC 2019 53
 Preparation of buffer solutions
 Application of buffer solutions
 Calibration
 pH measurement
6 Perform separation,  Definition of Separation,  Written tests
extraction and Extraction and Purification  Oral questions
purification  Separation techniques  Practical tests
 Extraction techniques
 Purification techniques  Supervised
 Methods of determining purity exercises
7 Carry out colorimetric  Electromagnetic spectrum in the
 Written tests
analysis visible range  Oral questions
 Beer Lambert’s law
 Practical tests
 Components of a colorimeter
 Operation of a colorimeter  Supervised
8 Carry out  Definition of dissociation
 Written tests
electrometric methods  Definition of conductance
 Oral questions
 Process of electrolysis
 Practical tests
 Electrolyte
 Electrodes
 Potential difference
9 Carry out flame  Definition of terms related to  Written tests
photometry flame photometry
 Emission  Oral questions
 Atomization  Practical tests
 Excitation
 Components of a flame
 Operating the flame photometer
 Filter selection
 Ignition
 Flame adjustment
 Preparation and analyzation of
 Calibration of a flame
 Preparation of a calibration curve
10 Carry out proximate  Importance of proximate analysis  Written tests
©TVET CDACC 2019 54
analysis  Preparation of proximate analysis
 Oral questions
 Preparation of samples  Practical tests
 Determination of a biological
material in a given sample
 Moisture
 Minerals
 Proteins
 Lipids
 Carbohydrates
 Vitamins
 Fiber
11 Perform calorimetric  Calorimetric units  Written test
analysis  Calories
 Joules  Oral questions
 Assembling apparatus for  Practical test
determination of calorific values
 Determination of calorific value
of a substance
 Preparation of sample
 Ignition of sample in the
 Recording temperature
 Calculation

Suggested Methods of Delivery:

 Direct instruction
 Field trips/site visits
 Group discussions
 Demonstration by trainer
 Practice by the trainee
 Exercises

List of Recommended Resources

 Computers
 Well-equipped laboratory facility

©TVET CDACC 2019 55

 Projectors
 Flip charts
 Calculators
 Rulers, pencils, erasers
 Drawing sheets
 Internet
 Relevant videos

©TVET CDACC 2019 56

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