*Uncle C*
Language aids thought. Discuss
Ability grouping discriminate learners. Discuss.
Analysise the association between visual and hearing impairment
Learners are not empty vessels. Discuss
Compare and contrast drill and rote learning
Discuss the relevance of Ainsworth*s theory to our education system
Analyse the relevance of Maslow's theory to the holistic development of the learner
Compare and contrast Erickson and Freud theories of personality development
Assess the relationship between social class and learner achievement.
Assess the relationship between psychology of education and curriculum practices.
Analyse the relevance of social learning theory to our education system
Disability is social. Discuss.
Disability is attitudinal. Discuss.
Disability is temperament. Discuss.
Assess the view that integration and inclusion are two sides of the same coin.
Our education system is exclusive. Discuss
Hearing impairment is a hidden handcap. Discuss.
The disabled learners occupy space. Discuss.
Evaluate the view that fast and gifted children are special need cases.
Analyse the view that teachers fail slow learners.
Assess the relationship between behaviourism and new curriculum.
Analyse the role of social cultural learning theory to our education.
Compare and contrast western and African concept of morality.
Morality is universal or subject. Discuss.
How can teachers enhance morality at school.
Cognitivist theory is irrelevant to our education system. Discuss.
Adolescence is a period of storm and stress. Discuss.
Analyse the relationship between humanism and pupil achievement
Intelligence is multidimensional. Discuss.
Intelligence and creativity are two sides of same coin. Discuss
Assess the role of information processing theory to education.
Assess the educational provisions for learners with difficulties.
Inclusive education is a mirage/dream/utopia/ illusion or in a pipeline. Discuss.
Compare and contrast guidance and counselling.
Personality is genotype. Discuss.
Poverty is mental. Discuss.
Poverty is a motivation in learning. Discuss.
learning and conditioning are the same. Discuss.
Language is innate. Discuss.
Language aids thought. Discuss.
Analyse th role of external and internal motivationv / reinforcement in teaching and learning.
Skinner/ Pavlov/Thorndike theories are not relevant to our education. Discuss.
Analyse the influence of environment to the holistic development of a learner
Child abuse is human rights abuse.Discuss.
Punishment is evil. Discuss.
Sociology of education is irrelevant to the teacher training course. Discuss.
The school is the Head. Discuss.
Discuss the roles of educational practitioner.
To what extent is education a vehicle for social mobility?
Assess the relevance of Merton's theory to our education system.
Education perpetuates inequalities.
Assess the view that Zimbabwe is a classless society.
Educational achievement is determined by Social class. Discuss
Educational achievement is as a result of cultural capital. Discuss.
Poverty is a stimulant for success or achievement. Discuss.
Analyse role of sociometry in teaching and learning.
Learners are administrators. Discuss
Women are their own oppressors. Discuss
Assess the relationship between culture and ideology in education.
Assess the view that the place of the women is in the kitchen.
Parental involvement frustrates school development. Discuss.
Gender stereotyping undermines holistic development of the learner. Discuss.
Assess the functionalist / Marxist / interactionist view of education.
Assess the relationship between group dymanics and learner performance
Assess the importance of sociometry to education.
Social solidarity is key in education. Discuss.
Education is perpetuate social mobility. Discuss
Explain th 3cs of interaction in learning
Assess role of parents and learners in running schools / as managers / administrators
Deviance and delinquency, punishment and discipline are one. Discuss
Assess the view that deviance is relative.
Deviance has no influence in learner performance. Discuss.
To what extent can deviance be attributed to the teacher,?
Religion is oppressive. Discuss.
Performance of learners is influenced by gender. Discuss.
Assess th impact of poverty/ drug abuse/ hiv in teaching and learning.
Culture is symbolic.Discuss.
Analyse the relationship between culture and learning.
Assess the influence of cultural capital/ culture of deprivation on pupil performance.
Subcultures are negative Discuss
Education perpetuates social stratification. Discuss
Child rearing practices perpetuate gender inequalities. Discuss
Functionalism is a distortion of reality. Discuss.
Deviance is a necessary evil in education system. Discuss
School is a miniature society. Discuss
Analyse the barriers to effective communication in education system and suggest ways to
minimes the barriers.
Bureaucracy stifles innovation in education. Discuss.
How far is our education system embracing cultural diversity.
Primary/ secondary agents have no role to play in the socialisation of a learner.Discuss.
Parental style influence pupil achievement. Discuss.
Analyse the role parents in academic achievement of children.
A school is a society. Discuss
Evaluate the assertion that a teacher without philosophy of education cant deliver.
Analyse the significance of the branches of philosophy
Analyse the view that education is a political action.
Practice informs theory. Discuss.
The new curriculum is pramatic? Discuss
Discuss the relationship between realism and education.
Too much freedom is no freedom. Discuss.
Compare and contrast perennialism and progressivism in education.
Assess the relevance of idealism to new curriculum.
Compare and contrast instruction and education, Knowledge and information, indoctrination
and education, colonial and post colonial education.
How has mass education handled colonial education challenges.
Analyse the view that our education system is under the influence of reconstructionism.
Compare and contrast Education 5.0 with EWP, Cognitive principles and 5.0, Pragmatism and
5.0, progressivism and 5.0.
Assess th role of ubuntu/ African traditional education to our education.
Analyse the view that our education is under the influence of the dialectical / banking method.
Learners are teachers/ Teachers are learners. Discuss.
Administration is about power. Discuss.
The teacher is in authority and an authority. Discuss.
Assess the relationship between authority and power, equiry and equality in education
Studying philosophy is a waste of time at tertiary level. Discuss.
Examine the view that heritage Based education and traditional education are two sides of the
same coin.
Assess the relationship between education 5.0 and sustainable development goal numbers 4
Compare and contrast post and colonial education in Zimbabwe
Discuss the relevance of New Approach to our education system
Examine the applicability of naturalism philosophy in our education system
Evaluate the significance of educational foundations to the new curriculum.
Analyse the role of parents in curriculum planning
Evaluate the role of parents in curriculum implementation.
Evaluate the factors that militate against effective curriculum implementation
Assess the role of teachers/ parents in curriculum designing.
Evaluate the relevance of the elements of curriculum.
Analyse the role of learners/ teachers in curriculum planning
Compare and contrast decentralised and centralised model of curriculum
Analyse the role of government, parents, industry, teachers,, professional bodies, colleges
and universities, examination boards, publishers, churches, pupils (stakeholders) in relation
to curriculum 1. designing 2. planning 3. implementation 4 evaluation.
Discuss the complimentary roles of summative and formative evaluation.
There is nothing new about new curriculum. Discuss.
The new curriculum is revisionist. Discuss.
Curriculum is static. Discuss.
Change and innovation in education are two sides of same coin. Discuss.
CALA is highly rated. Discuss.
Compare and contrast formal and informal curriculum.
Syllabus and curriculum, school and college curriculum are one. Discuss.
Teaching is a profession.Discuss.
Evaluate any two methods of teaching.
Examinations are not necessary. Discuss.
Analyse the role of syllabus interpretation.
Evaluate tbe role of EMT in the new curriculum.
Critique 5 considerations when using digital media
Analyse the the relationship between scheming and planning.
Critique the qualities of a good teacher
ICT is a panacea. Discuss
Play has no role in teaching and learning. Discuss
Marking of leatner's work is not relevant. Discuss.
The chalkboard has outlived its life span. Discuss.
Analyse the significance of progress/child study/ anecdotal / remedial record./ pupil register
Teaching without media is senseless. Discuss.
Compare and contrast realia and symbolic media.
A guest speaker is underrated in teaching and learning. Discuss.
Every picture tells a 1000 words. in light of this statement assess the importance of pictures
in teaching and learning.
Analyse the factors which influence the choice of media/ teaching method.
Online learning is the best in this century. Discuss.
Record keeping is an unnecessary burden in our education system. Discuss
Child friendly schools and inclusive education are two sides of the
same coin or page. Discuss
Teachers don't need schemes of work. DISCUSS.
Examine how a teacher can employ fieldwork to promote research skills.
Assess the view that research based teaching is effective.
Teaching without thinking is unthinkable. Discuss.
Marking learners work is not relevant. Discuss.
Analyse the relevance, challenges and suggest ways to minimize ICT integration in education.
Chalkboard use has been over taken by events. Discuss.
Covid has transformed our education. Discuss.
Teachers cause learner indiscipline. Discuss
Examine significance of any two post independent Education Acts
The New Approach is the in-thing. Discuss.
Performance appraisal is irrelevant. Discuss.
Environment is the laboratory for teaching science. Discuss.
Analyse the significance of stimulus variation in teaching and learning.
Field trip is the worst method method in teaching and learning. Discuss.
*Inclusive Education*
Disability is not inability. Discuss
evaluate the assertion that attitude and perceptions stifall performance of learners with
disability is a social constructive . Discuss
Learners with disabilities are baby seated in schools . Discuss
Justify the importance of National Disability Policy June 2021.
Asses the rationale for including learners with disabilities in main stream schools
Inclusive Education is myth/uphill task/ pipeline dream.
Asses educational strategies for gifted and talented learners.
Learners with low vision need educational adaptations . Discuss
Justify the assertion that language is a powerful tool in disability issues.
Piaget's cognitive theory is inevitable in inclusive Education practices. Discuss
Many stream schools are not ready for inclusive Education. Discuss
Social model of disability is the way to go. Discuss
With reference to a specific learning disability, show how you can remedy the situation.
Asses the educational strategies for learners with hearing impairment.
Asses curriculum modification techniques for learners with visual impairment.
Society / teachers disable(s) people with disabilities. Discuss
The principal of humanism is indispensable in disability issues. Discuss
There are inequality disparities in education for learners with disabilities. Discuss.
Punish yourself and attempt these questions (individually) in point form up to and see if you
would not come out of the exam room with a testimony.
*Best wishes.*
Regards Uncle C
Calvin Rugara Maposa Chaderopa