TAPP 4A - Human Settlements
TAPP 4A - Human Settlements
TAPP 4A - Human Settlements
c. CATAL HUYUK (7000-9000) turkey
● Control over food supply
● Need to produce supply ● Was a very large settlement in
● Systematic cultivation southern Anatolia.
● Social unit form family to clan ● Site at which both painting and
● Village system sculpture, appears to play a newly
● Organization and hierarchy important role in the lives of settled
Innovations that affected the development of ● There were no streets or foot paths;
early villages. the houses were built up right against
● The plow each other and the people who lived
● Rectilinear grid - developed by farmers in them traveled over the towns
● Circular fencing - developed by herdsmen rooftops and entered their homes
● Radio Centric Planning — through holes in the roofs, climbing
fortresses/defensive walls down a river.
Athens has the best known acropolis ● GREEK - sense of the finite.
● ROMANS - political power and
● TOWN - made up only of residential organization
houses. Had an irregular street pattern.
HIPPODAMUS - “father of urban planning” the
first noted planner and introduced the grid system ● GREEK - uses of scale is based on human
and Agora. His layout became the basic layout for measurements
Roman Cities. ● ROMANS - used proportions that would
relate parts of buildings instead of human
NEOPILIS - new town measure.