Thomason 1934
Thomason 1934
Thomason 1934
RR2R2 ~~EAopi+ A2
+Alp (1) AO = 1?2
Li ARI±R2 A2
j7T~~~~TL EC~~IC2 EBop 1 (2 R=1? ± R2) + C2(R2 + R?3)1
:IyRLJC2 pC2 p2 + Bip + B2 C2(RIR2 + RRIR + R2R3) 1 = C1(R1
ClC2(R+R2 + Rd?3 + R2R)3)
E2=IC2 R2 1 + R,
Li + C2R,2R;
r~ Lg RR 4R3J4 PC2 p3 + D1p2EDopl
+ D2p + D3 (3) Do CLR2 + C2R4 1+ C2L1(R2 ± R3)
CIL, C R4)±± R3)+
+ ± ~~C2LlR4(R2 -) C1C.2L1(R2 ± Rg) +CIC2LRR2
IC2 EFopl14 F R2
-C PG2 p3 + F1p2 + F2p + F3 (4) Fo C2L1(R2 + R3)
Ici EF8(pC2R2 + pC2R3 + 1)1 L1 + C2(R1R2 + R1R3 + R2R3)
LiIR3 E2 Cpc p3 +FlpF + F2p+F ( C2LF(R2 + R3)
ELI= ILIPLi =lcipLi1 R3+R_ 1
EF4(p3C2R2 + p3C2Rs + p2)1 (6) F ILC + C2LI(R2 + R3) F CIC2L,(R2 + Ra) 4 C2(R2 + Ra)
p3 + F1p2 + F2p + F3
cL,WR,IX R3g
p EGo(p2L2 + pR3)1 R2 RI R2 R2 G2=CL+
1 RIR2 + RR3+R2R3
A,I aR2 & ER2 GpI2 + G2PG (7) Go=L-L lLV+LJFL =R2+R3
EHop( 1 R- 1
rI RI 2 Ecs 4 +
+ Hp3+Hp2+H+p (8) Ho
H0 H0
C2C= HLlR2Rl-2++ ____ + K+ t ++
H3 - C2C3L R2R2 + C1L R H4 C1C2CL,R2R3 3 2 +C3R
EC2 p ± EKo(p2L2 + pR6)1 R2 K
K RI + K+ K6 R6
W-+ Kip3 + K2p + K3p+K (9 + + R3)
0 = C2LL2(R2 Li ± 2
R1R2 g R4 R5
R5 1
= CILl 2LI
1 [REC2 +4R2)9
R2{ +R+3 +K+
RK6+ CL2+ + R+ R6 +K
K6 R++KR,+
L2 c=p+
+N R+Np+N o
K2RNo=CL + RR2R3+
L2L3) RIK +
C2L2+ R3 2
LL CR4)+1 L
C2L1L i L i1 1l +
C2 C2R4(R2 + RO
K4 lC1C2L1L25 R2Rs, K6R2+R3+R4
C+R1C2 K02 R2 +R3 R4(R2R3
EC, = N(22 + pR2) 1 (10) No = 1 N LI + R3) ±L(1+]3
L(R2 SR 2
R3 ~~P4'+ N1p3 + N2p2 + NSp + N4 C,(L1L2 + LlL3 + L2L,) L12+LL3+LL
LI Lz =R1R2 + RiR3 + R2R3 +
~~~~~~~~~N2 C1(L1 + L2) + C3(L2 + La)
3 3 CLIL2 + L1Ls + L2L3 C4C3(LlL2 + LjL3 + L2L3)
T $ | TC3 N = ~~~~~~C1(R1+ R2) + C,(R2 ± R,) N4 = C13LL 1L+LL)
1- C N, C1Cs(LjL2 + LIL3 + L2L,) 1
sidered equal to zero if desired. As the denominator extracting approximated roots is applicable. A
of eq 2 is of the second degree, its solution is similar method that is similar to Horner's method, but which
to that of eq 1. The circuit for eq 3 is nearly the seems to contain less chances for error and which
same circuit as that in Fig. 2, except that resistance seems easier of solution, is shown in Appendix II.
R3 is in series with the load and resistance R4 shunts In higher than third-degree equations which may or
the load as would a divider resistance. This resist- may not contain more than one pair of complex roots,
ance is omitted in the circuit for eq 4; if R3 of that the root-squaring method of Dandelin, Lobachevsky,
circuit be considered equal to zero, there is obtained and Graffel of extracting roots is applicable.
the circuit for Fig. 2 which is probably the most
condensed circuit describing an impulse generator WAVES RESULTING FROM CIRCUIT CALCULATIONS
with a capacitance load. The solutions for eq 3
and 4 are similar and take the forms shown by The effect that each circuit constant has on the
equivalent operators 1 and 3 of Appendix III, the voltage wave applied to test piece can be shown best
form of the solution depending upon whether the 3 by varying each constant separately. The circuit
roots obtained by equating the denominator to zero constants of Fig. 2 representing an impulse generator
are all real or 1 real and 2 complex. The denomina- with a capacitance load, were given practical values
tors of both eqs 3 and 4 are of the third degree. and by making a series of calculations their effects
As there were no available published equivalent were shown. For an illustrative set of curves a
operators above the second degree, third-degree practically smooth 1.5x40-pysec wave was used as the
equivalent operators were developed; these are reference wave.
listed as Nos. 1 to 5 in Appendix III. In this paper the first term of the impulse wave
In eq 5 of Table I, only the transient terms Of designation, as the 1.5 term, is the time in micro-
the numerator should be used if the voltage drop seconds from zero time to the time of maximum crest;
across the generator capacitance be required; but and the second term, as the 40 term, is the total
if the total voltage on the generator or the total duration in microseconds of the wave from zero time
current through it be desired, the total numerator to the time of half crest amplitude on the tail or de-
of the right hand term should be used. The com- creasing part of the wave. This "2-point" method
plete denominator iS used, of course, in both cases. of wave designation gives a good general description
Equation 6 will give either the voltage drop across of the wave. The second term is used as the total
the series inductance or the current through it, duration of the wave from zero time to the time of
according to its arrangement and solution. half crest because it is determined easily when waves
The circuit for eq 7 has an inductive load rather are calculated, and is easy to read from transcribed
than a capacitive load. As the denominator is of oscillograms because of the single time scale. When
the third degree, its solution is similar to that of calculations are made the voltage equation takes
eq 4. the form of eq 3 in Appendix III, for example,
The circuit for eq 8 has an extra shunt capacitance
to represent the stray capacitance of the generator E = A [6-a:-E_-t {cos wt + B sin ct} I
and leads to ground. The denominator of this where A and B are constants. Suppose E, is the
equation is of the fourth degree. As with the crest voltage; then, since the oscillatory term
third-degree equations, there were no available usually becomes negligible long before the time to
published equivalent operators; therefore, fourth- half crest is reached, the time t or the duration of
degree equivalent operators were developed, these the wave to half crest from zero time is given by
being listed as Nos. 6 to 16 in Appendix III.
The circuit for eq 9 shows an impulse generator Ae-ait
with a transformer load, where the inductance of
the transformer is in the discharge circuit to ground. When the 2 terms of the wave are expressed as deci-
In the circuit for eq 10 each part of the circuit mals, their exact values can be easily expressed and
contains inductance so that its position effect can be typed; and when the 2 terms are separated by a
analyzed. The solutions of both these circuits are smaller letter "x," there is no confusion as to their
fourth-degree equivalent operators as shown in meaning or limit, whereas a dash for separation might
Appendix III. be taken as a range of values. This method of im-
These fourth-degree equivalent operators take pulse wave designation is in accord with recom-
3 forms depending upon whether the 4 roots obtained mendations made by the lightning and insulator
by equating the denominator to zero are all real, 2 subcommittee of the A.I.E.E. committee on power
real and 2 complex, or all complex. The solving of transmission and distribution in a report presented
these third- and fourth-degree equations to obtain atthe 933 A.I.E.E.winterconvention(see"Reco-
the exponents shown in the final solutions in Appen- mendations for Impulse Voltage Testing," ELECTRI-
dix III may require appreciable time. However, CAL ENGINEERING, V. 52, January 1933, p. 17-22).
these roots can be determined to as high a degree Figure 3 shows several waves containing different
of accuracy as desired by various methods. values of series resistance. As the series resistance
For a third-degree equation, the exact values of is increased the oscillations are damped out and the
the 3 roots in terms of the circuit constants can be magnitude of the crest is decreased. The front of
obtained by Cardan's formula. For equations of the wave first decreases up to some critical value of
the third or higher degree and where only 2 roots series resistance, and then increases; but the drura-
of the equation are complex, Homner's method of tion of the wave seems to vary nearly directly with
60 ol
cwi .60
0 2 3 4 5 6I 748
0 3900 4900 03:~~~~~~~~~~~u L 22 X 43.32
OHMS- 0 900 2900 300 49000 0 0 020030040 50 60 70 8000000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0~~~~~~~~~~L ~ C IyL.L
Fig. 4. Efront,oduration,Rand crves Fig. 6.Efront,oduration, and crestv Fig. 8. Efront,oduration, and crves
mantdeohave vssantueohave vssantueohave v.C
C,=0.012500 jff 4 7 0
q_2OIOJ20 Ce0.000250 A f
w LI= ~L900Li0R;
290 HM
,=00 0p
Li L, ..
-.10 LI.005
200Ms =
L CI 8
< 0--HM R, 2900 OHMS C_8 2 ,00M
_1. 1000000 OHMS _i 02= 2= 2,900 HMS Z R
u 80-
-4 - -
Fig. 10. Front, duration, and crest Fi g. 12. Front, duration, and crest plotted tronatsmallrascale, showings
magnitude of wave vs. Rimagnitude of wave vs. Ci that iudtheisasame
wave ocilato
with th eisrssane hsi hwncery Wv1hae2acltdbymaso0omla ienti
inFig. 4. The~C crest25O vaitonas ifhwni igC.pae se ale1.Cici connection toehe itfale
_ G l l ll 120ll0Q4812I14
I2 C =0.012500 rf L- RI C
|= 0.023300 lf
< W100 , 0.4 0 Cl
2=0.00 OHM5C0Rpf
l | | ||X 00 LI= 900ph
120 L 100juh
- T50/1IN
O 42.5juSEC
RS_____ __0R232OHS
R - - 10
5> 1. x 40)P
XRR=2900 OHMS jC
RI= 670OHMS 20 65 OHMS
~o L2=op0.90x43.5
--t - -
- -
ui~ SEW
F 1 m o
waves C2= 0.00025on pa OSCaLLOGRA
Z20z 0.08 V\
~~~~~~~~~~iI --K 6
simple circuitf2= c
2900 OHMS thog
_j 20 =
on e u
0-~~~~h cirui The cdcltdwv s154 s h rnfre od oprdwt
th cru
resistanc Calculathed aocn co wavee shapewfor
Fig. cirt cnshaps to FigTe calcultedwv isone1apac40ansec the transformer
oscillogram represented by the crosses osr corardmwith oscillogram
apparently is the same
wavest impressedso difperentl eparsofen wavelhap with
te oscillograms Fae uing.17 com ercilmpsett
the is aFelcing.7 shuc
isthecapacthne discharging throughwavuea
capacitance Thelscalculator.
circuit of aircuth of probably greater
1=x4 the0)e;load
interest is shown in Fig.forh17
resistance. The shunt resistance also has an effect transformer. Figure 17 shows:
on the crest magnitude, Fig. 10 indicating that the (1) the measured wave which is the average of 3
well expressed in the relation t 0.7 RC. importance of considering the constants of the load
Equations Containing Not Over 2 Complex Roots Where P, = -a,P2=-, P3 =-y, and P4 =
-a for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
Suppose a third degree equation be considered.
pI + k2p' + k3p + k4 = 0 = (p - pl)(p - P2)(P - PS) P4 +K2Ps + K,P2+K4P
pn 1 + K5 ___+_K_A
At +
Arrange the coefficients of the equation so that the first root can be (_3)n-IE-5t ( -4E-yt
-lY (
obtained by a method similar to long division. A + +R (6)
1 + k2 + ks + k4 I !+
a -a(k2-a)
+ ±a[k3- a(k2-aC)]
+ R I-for n = 0; R = 0 for n = 1, 2, 3, or 4
1 + (k2- a) + ks- a(k2- a) +E K5
a +a(k2 -2a) A,= -a' + a2(( + y + 6) - a(/3y + (3 + 7yb) + (3yS
1 + (k2-2a) + [ks-a(2k2-3a)I A3= -,32 + 2( + y + 8) -(3(a + a6 +7) + a7y
The nearer that k, minus a[k3 -a(k2 - a)] or e approaches zero, A -y3 + a2(a + (3 + 6) - y(a( + a6 + (36) + a(36
the more accurate the roots of the equation will be determined.
If the difference, e, is zero, the remainder 1 + (k2 - a) + [ks - Where Pi = -a, P2 = -, P3 = -y + jw, and P = -y - jw
a(k2 - a)] may be written as 1 + (A) + (B). This corresponds
to the quadratic equation p2 + Ap + B = 0 with solutions 1 _ at + -Pt + --ft
+KP' KP2 + K4P + K -A± -A+A72 + As2
P2 - 2 -(-A7Y - Ao) cos set + (A7oo-A8y) sin cot +
Ly2 + w 2 J Ks
-A -\/A.2 - 4B Pi 4-at le f
P3- 2 P4 + K2P, + K3p2 + K4P + K, + A + A72 + As2
These roots, of course, may be real or complex. The first root [A7 cos ct + As sin ot] (8)
would have to be real, and as determined above would be P, Q- a
As long as there are not more than 2 complex roots in an equation p2 1 -za,.-at _.(3-,#t
of any degree usually the real roots can be extracted in a manner 2=++
similar to the method by which the root pl = -a was obtained. P4 + K,P' + K,P' + KR' + K, A5 A^,+
In the preceding development, should f not be equal to zero upon 2e-Y r-(-Ay+A)csx-Ac 8)sns 9
the first trial, the division process may be repeated and a second A7' + A,' L'J
remainder obtained. This second remainder [k, - a(2K, - 3a)lI
may be divided into e to obtain a correction for a. If the correction A, = -a3 +r a'((3 + 27y) - a(7' + co' +r 2(37E) + (3(72 + co')
be positive, it should be added to the first value of a to obtain a A, = -(B3 + (3'(a + 27) - (3C- + co' + 2a7r) + a(y' + co'2)
more nearly correct value of a If the correction be negative, a is A7 = -2co'(a + (3B-27)
too large by approximately that amount and should be reduced. A, = 2co(7' - co' + a3 _ a7 - 3w
iA &^Y' - o2) - 2A syw cosot + 2A7-YCO+As(ty2-w2)sinxt 8_,y )ol) sin wt (l)o_ TRANS., V. 49, 1930, p. 1161-77.
J. C. Dowell. A.I.E.E. TRANS., V. 52, 1933, p. 537-43.
P4 1 aI3-at 03_,6Ot 2EYt . 7. LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF IMPULSE TESTING, L. V. Bewley's dis-
P4 + K2P3 + KIP2 + K4P + K5 -A6 -A6 A72 + A82 cussion of paper. A.I.E.E. TRANS., V. 52, 1933, p. 555-7.
A7rY(3 _y2) + Asw(3y2 _ 0,2)
[FA7Y(3co2 W2 y2) + A8CO(3 y2 W2)
cot +Hemstreet, and Seelye. A.I.E.E. TRANS., v. 49, 1930, p. 885-94.
9. CALCULUS OF OBSERVATIONS (a book), Whittaker and Robinson. D. Van
(I A7,o(0w2 - 3-y2) + As-y(3w'2 - 'y2) i sin ctj (11) Nostrand Company, New York, N. Y.
Where Pi -a + = jico, P2 = -oa - jco, Ps -
-3 + jQ, and mulas and tables for the calculation of mutual and self-inductance. Dec. 1916.
P4 = -,3 -jQ
+ [e(iA
(OAl-( +
1 220+5 A12f2l(]82 + 2) Portable
Au)(A + S2A12) cos 52t + (52All- OA12) sin Slt]
_9 cos _t
+ Alo sin o ridge ror Field Tests
+1 (12)
P4 + K2P3 +
K3SP2 + K4P + K6 co(A92 + A102)
+ 4E_#t [iLt COS Qt + A12 sin Qt (13)
A portable Schering bridge which is ap-
p4 + K2P3 + K3P2 + KOP +
]'2 1
e Ks plicable for power factor, dielectric loss,
- ( aA9 - coA io) cos ct - (,A9 + aA io) sin ct t and capacitance tests on condenser bush-
L co(A92 + A102)i2t - J+ ings and other equipment of higher capaci-
[-(Mil O2A12) COS - (QAu, + MA12) sin f2t] (14) tance in the field is described in this paper,
Q(A 112 + A122) and operating procedure is given. Such
As 2(w(a - +()
tests are desirable for forestalling failures
A11 = 2Q(O - a) of equipment. Although earlier power
A12 = (,W2 Q2) + (at 0) 2 -
PI 1 = -at T. R. WATTS
P4 + K2P'3 + K3p2 + K4P + K6 co(A92 + A102) ASSOCIATE A.I.E.E.
[ Ag(-a3 + 3ac2) + Alo(3a2co - W3) C coSt + G. A. BURR All of the Westing-
house Elec. and Mfg.
Ao(c3 - 3 a2c) + Alo(-a3 + 3ac2) sincwt] +
ASSOCIATE A.I.E.E. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pd.