Financial Algorithms For Dynamic Investment Reallocation

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MSc Finance and Investment

Masters Dissertation

Financial Algorithms for Dynamic

Investment Reallocation

Alfranso K. Lindsey

Nottingham University Business School

University of Nottingham, UK

Word Count: 19968

This dissertation provides the fundamentals of dynamic investment reallocation and their applications

to trading investment practitioners‘ decisions in the financial services sector. Our objective is to

explain the concepts and techniques that can be applied to real-world dynamic investment decision

making. While empirical findings on dynamic reallocation in investment theory are currently limited,

we take a bold step towards a new approach to allocation in respect to trading investments. We

develop a dynamic reallocation model to explore its implications for allocators. We present our

findings in a way which poses questions as to the importance of further research in this field. We

explore the findings of both simulated and published data to derive important conclusions.

I would like to thank:

Dr. Robert Young, my dissertation supervisor and mentor, for his guidance, encouragement and

support throughout my academic career at Nottingham University. I would not have made it

through without his patience and belief in me.

Dr. Peter Blanchfield, my undergraduate supervisor, for his encouragement, enthusiasm and for

motivating me towards my chosen academic goals.

Teresa Bee, my student support officer and academic counsellor, for supporting me unconditionally in

the difficult times of my academic career at Nottingham University.

Rebecca Maguire, for her uncontested belief in my abilities (from day one), and her support to

contribute towards my goal of reaching my full potential.

The following Charitable Trusts: Snowdon Award Scheme, Houston Charitable Trust, Nottingham

Gordon Memorial Trust and Professional Classes Aid Council for their financial support.

All my friends, colleagues and non-academic staff members who help brighten up my life over the

years at Nottingham University.

The Catering Staff, especially, for their open-hearted kindness and friendship throughout my course of

study at Nottingham.

Most importantly, my family, for their everlasting belief in me and their patience during my long

absence from home.

©A.K. Lindsey
November 2012

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................................................ 10

1.2 Research Methodology ............................................................................................................ 11

1.3 Outline of the Dissertation ....................................................................................................... 13

2 Literature Review............................................................................................................................ 14

2.1 Portfolio Allocation ................................................................................................................. 14

2.1.1 Mental Accounting............................................................................................................ 15 Individual Stock Accounting ..................................................................................... 16 Portfolio Accounting .................................................................................................. 20

2.1.2 Home Bias ......................................................................................................................... 22

2.1.3 Diversification – Demographic Variables ......................................................................... 22

2.2 Dynamic Decision Making ...................................................................................................... 23

2.2.1 Characteristics of Dynamic Decision Making Environments ........................................... 24

2.2.2 Dynamic Decision Making in Micro-worlds .................................................................... 25

2.2.3 Dynamic Decision Making in the Real-world .................................................................. 26

2.2.4 Learning theories in Dynamic Decision Making .............................................................. 27 Strategy-Based Learning Theory ............................................................................... 27 Connectionist Learning Theory.................................................................................. 27 Instance-based Learning Theory ................................................................................ 28

2.2.5 Individual Differences in Dynamic Decision Making ...................................................... 29

2.3 Literature Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 29

3 Data and Methodology .................................................................................................................... 31

3.1 Research Questions .................................................................................................................. 31

3.2 Synopsis of the Approach ........................................................................................................ 32

3.3 Data Collection ........................................................................................................................ 33

3.3.1 Duration of Collecting Data .............................................................................................. 33

3.3.2 Sample of CTAs ................................................................................................................ 33

3.4 Methodology Research Design ................................................................................................ 34

3.4.1 Theoretical Basis Model ................................................................................................... 35 CTA Response – Four Cases ..................................................................................... 37

3.4.2 Methodological Framework Implications ......................................................................... 41

3.4.3 Rule Construction ............................................................................................................. 42 Rule Definition........................................................................................................... 43

3.4.4 Simulation Development................................................................................................... 50 Monte Carlo Methods ................................................................................................ 50 Simulation Model Implementation ............................................................................. 51

4 Rules of Allocation ......................................................................................................................... 53

4.1 Constant Allocation Rule ......................................................................................................... 53

4.2 Allocation Rule 1 ..................................................................................................................... 53

4.3 Allocation Rule 2 ..................................................................................................................... 54

4.4 Allocation Rule 3 ..................................................................................................................... 54

4.5 Allocation Rule 4 ..................................................................................................................... 54

4.6 Allocation Rule 5 ..................................................................................................................... 55

4.7 Allocation Rule 6 ..................................................................................................................... 55

4.8 Allocation Rule 7 ..................................................................................................................... 56

4.9 Allocation Rule 8 ..................................................................................................................... 56

4.10 Allocation Rule 9 ................................................................................................................... 56

4.11 Allocation Rule 10 ................................................................................................................. 57

4.12 Allocation Rule 11 ................................................................................................................. 57

4.13 Allocation Rule 12 ................................................................................................................. 58

5 Rule Categorisation ......................................................................................................................... 59

5.1 Augmented Allocation Rule 3.................................................................................................. 60

5.2 Augmented Allocation Rule 7.................................................................................................. 60

5.3 Augmented Allocation Rule 9.................................................................................................. 60

5.4 Augmented Allocation Rule 12................................................................................................ 60

6 Weight Allocations ......................................................................................................................... 62

6.1 Weight Generation ................................................................................................................... 62

6.2 Optimal Weighting using Composite Allocation Algorithm ................................................... 63

6.3 Calculating Optimal Weights using Alternative Population Means ........................................ 64

7 Incorporating Serial Correlation ..................................................................................................... 67

7.1 Calculating Optimal Weights with Serial Correlation ............................................................. 68

8 Empirical Analysis of CTA Performance ....................................................................................... 71

8.1 Calculating Descriptive Statistics for CTA Data Set ............................................................... 72

8.2 Rule Categorisation – Incorporating Serial Correlation........................................................... 73

9 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 77

9.1 Future Investigation Outline .................................................................................................... 80

Appendicies........................................................................................................................................... 82

References ............................................................................................................................................. 82

List of Tables
Table 1: List of all CTAs in the Data Set .............................................................................................. 34

Table 2: Summary of Four Cases.......................................................................................................... 41

Table 3: Comparison of Results of Allocations Rules with Augmented Parameters............................ 59

Table 4: Weight Computation for Composite Allocation ..................................................................... 62

Table 5: Weighting for the Composite Allocation – 10 Simulations .................................................... 63

Table 6: Weighting for the Composite Allocation for Different variations of n................................... 64

Table 7: Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Different Population Means ..................... 65

Table 8: Optimal Weight Allocation with Full Range of Population Means ........................................ 65

Table 9: Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Serial Correlation ..................................... 68

Table 10: Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Zero Serial Correlation .......................... 68

Table 11: Further Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Serial Correlation ...................... 69

Table 12: Descriptive Statistics for CTA Data Set ............................................................................... 71

Table 13: Optimal Weight Allocation with Serial Correlation ............................................................. 73

Table 14: Categorising CTAs using Population Means and Serial Correlation .................................... 74

Table 15: Comparison of Static Allocation and Dynamic Allocation using Rule 3 ............................. 75

Chapter 1

One of the fastest growing sectors of the financial services industry is the hedge-fund (Commodity

Pool Operator) or the alternative investments sector. These hedge funds are now attracting major

institutional investors such as large state and corporate pension funds and university endowments, and

efforts are underway to make hedge-fund investments available to smaller investors through more

traditional mutual-fund investment vehicles (Getmansky et al. 2003). Many hedge funds accomplish

high returns by maintaining both long and short positions in securities and other instruments, hence

the term ―hedge‖ fund which, hypothetically, gives investors an opportunity to profit from both

positive and negative information while, at the same time, providing some degree of ‗market

neutrality‘ because of the simultaneous long and short positions.

The assessment of portfolio performance is essential to both investors and funds managers. This

also applies to Commodity Pool Operators (CPOs) and Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs).

Traditional portfolio measures present some limitations when applied to both parties. For example, the

Sharpe ratio uses the excess reward per unit of risk as measure of performance, with risk represented

by the variance (standard deviation). The mean-variance approach to the portfolio selection problem

developed by Markowitz (1952) has frequently been the subject of undue criticism due to its

utilization of variance as a measure of risk exposure when examining the non-normal returns of funds

of hedge funds. These empirical properties may have potentially significant implications for assessing

the risks and expected returns of hedge-fund investments, and can be traced to a single common

source: significant serial correlation in their returns.

Such implications may come to some surprise because serial correlation is often associated with

market inefficiencies, implying a violation of the Random Walk Hypothesis and the presence of

predictability in returns. This seems inconsistent with the popular belief that the sector attracts the

best and the brightest fund managers in the financial services sector. In particular, if a CPO's returns

are predictable, the implication is that the manager‘s investment policy is not optimal; if their returns

next month can be reliably forecasted to be positive, he or she should increase their positions to CTAs

this month to take advantage of this forecast, and vice versa for the opposite forecast. By taking

advantage of such predictability the CPO will eventually eliminate it, along the lines of Samuelson's

(1965) original ―proof that properly anticipated prices fluctuate randomly‖. Thus, with the hefty

financial incentives of hedge-fund managers to produce profitable investment strategies, the existence

of significant unexploited sources of predictability seems unlikely.

However, assuming that prices follow random walks, there is still to be considered from two

perspectives the response of a CTA to profits and losses. First there is the human factor. Most CTAs

are dominated by one or a few individuals. It seems plausible that individuals will adapt their trading

decisions in the light of pass profits and losses. Moreover, the matter goes deeper than this. A

hypothetical rational CTA will find it optimal to reflect past profits and losses in their trading

decisions as long as they are risk averse. Even a purely rational hypothetical CTA would respond to

profits and losses unless he was risk neutral. In the light of this, serial correlation in CTA performance

is not merely an aberration1.

1.1 Motivation

In this dissertation we develop an investment theory that integrates old portfolio theory with post-

1952 technical offerings of academia to reshape the way in which resources are distributed and re-

distrusted by CPOs. Such a theory would recognise that client/beneficiary value creation of optimal

reallocation for trading investments. The theory of optimising a portfolio of assets in terms of

expected yield and risk is well established. This Modern Portfolio Theory combines the work of Harry

Markowitz, Merton Miller and William Sharpe to arrive at mathematical conclusions that are intended

to help you invest efficiently across all asset classes. The theory combines several assumptions with

historical performance figures for groups of investments to build an optimal portfolio.

This proposition finds empirical verification in the results of Chapter 8.

Tobin (1958) added to the portfolio theory by introducing the ―Efficient Frontier‖. According to

the theory, every possible combination of securities can be plotted on a graph comprising of the

standard deviation of the securities and their expected returns on its two axes. The collection of all

such portfolios on the risk-return space defines an area, which is bordered by an upward sloping line.

This line is termed as the efficient frontier. The collection of portfolios which fall on the efficient

frontier are the efficient or optimum portfolios that have the lowest amount of risk for a given amount

of return or alternately the highest level of return for a given level of risk.

One of the problems faced during the application of the original portfolio theory was that when a

portfolio is created based on only statistical measures of risk and returns, the results obtained are

overly simplistic. This problem was overcome in the Black-Litterman Model by simply postulating

that the initial expected returns are the basically required returns so as to maintain equilibrium of the

portfolio with that of the market (Black and Litterman 1991; 1992).

However, in our context there is the added complexity that if CTA decisions are affected by past

profits and losses then the efficient frontier is continually shifting. Therefore, without conflicting with

established theory, our focus in this dissertation is on reallocation rather than allocation.

1.2 Research Methodology

What lies behind portfolio theory is the factoring of yield as follows. Consider the yield on an asset

during a time period T, which may be a month. We assume that the portfolio is reconsidered monthly,

but not during any month. Therefore we have:


YT is the yield from an asset in time period T, HT is the holding of the asset in period T and P is

the net change in the price of the asset during the period. However, when the investment is a trading

investment this explanation of yield needs to be reinterpreted and extended. The essence of a trading

investment is that the holding of the asset changes frequently. Therefore, we start by reinterpreting HT,

the mean holding of the asset during the time period. We can now replace equation (1) with the


∫ ( ) ̇( )


In equation (2), h(t) is the deviation of the holding from its mean at time point t which is during

time period T. ̇ ( ) is the rate of change of price at time point t. The second term on the right hand

side of equation (2) is essentially the covariance (during period T) of the size of the holding and the

rate of change of price. It is convenient to refer to this as the coordination of holding and price

change. By comparison with equation (1), equation (2) shows a fundamental distinction between asset

investments and trading investments. However, one observation that applies to both sorts of

investment is that yield depends symmetrically on price movements and holdings. In the case of

trading investments, this amounts to trading decisions and allocation decisions being equally


Much of the literature on dynamic allocation for investments is limited. Brown et al. (2001),

study CPO and CTA managers‘ variance strategy based on past performance and survival, however,

they fail to incorporate a framework which involves reallocation. Authors such as Rachev et al.

(2004) focus on issues with optimal asset allocation whilst Jangmin et al. (2006) developed a stock

trading method that incorporates dynamic asset allocation. The latter provides some foundation

however still not directly related to trading investments and more specifically reallocation to trading


The purpose of the dissertation is to generalise the established literature on portfolio optimisation

so that it applies to trading investments. We are interested in CPO reallocation to CTAs. This study

differs from Ding and Ma (2010); Jangmin et al. (2006) as we focus exclusively on trading investment

reallocation instead of asset reallocation. Similar to Elton et al. (1987), who apply a portfolio

approach of Markowitz to examine portfolio allocation in commodity markets, we adopt a portfolio

approach to develop our dynamic reallocation framework for trading investments.

1.3 Outline of the Dissertation

Before describing our dynamic reallocation model, we provide a review of the pertinent literature in

Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, there is a theoretical model of the ways in which past profits and losses can

affect the CTA so as to have consequences for the expected value of future profits. If CTAs do not

respond to their own profits and losses, but keep trading as if nothing had happened, then we would

not have a theoretical basis for dynamic reallocation. However, the theoretical model examines

several ways in which a CTA might plausibly respond to past performance such that future expected

performance is altered. This constitutes the theoretical basis for the proposition that dynamic

reallocation can enhance the performance of a trading investment. We show that with such a

framework, we are able to apply the methodology to analyse both simulated and published data. The

model is simulated in Chapter 4 and we derive its implications for further development. Several

methods of categorising our findings are proposed in Chapter 5. We devise a composite weight

allocation system to investigate how a dynamic reallocation system could be adapted to the

performance characteristics of a CTA in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 analyses the effects of incorporating

serial correlation in CPO returns for the dynamic reallocation model and we apply these methods to a

dataset of 10 CTAs spanning over a 10 year period. These findings are summarised in Chapter 8, and

concluded in Chapter 9.

Chapter 2
Literature Review

In this chapter, we review the foundations of portfolio allocation from a normative point of view. We

then investigate the research literature on dynamic decision making. It is extremely difficult to find

useful normative theories for these kinds of decisions which directly focus on dynamic investment

allocation or even reallocation as this field is still in its infancy. Therefore our research focuses on

descriptive issues of dynamic decision making as a whole which can bolster the framework of this


2.1 Portfolio Allocation

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) (Markowitz 1959) began laying the foundations of portfolio

allocation from the normative point of view. In MPT one of the most influential concepts emphasized

by Markowitz is diversification. According to Markowitz, this is a risk-management technique where

various investments are combined in order to reduce the risk of the portfolio. It is argued that many

investors do not adequately diversify their portfolios. This may be due to beliefs that the risk is

defined at the level of an individual asset rather than the portfolio level, and that it can be avoided by

hedging techniques, decision delay, or delegation of authority (De Bondt 1998). Reallocation

decisions are comparable to variable hedging, except that the technique can be used to increase

exposure as well as reduce it.

Since the findings of Markowitz, many subsequent authors have sought to investigate

diversification in order to uncover underlying strategies which could improve MPT. Benartzi and

Thaler (2001) studied naive diversification strategies in the context of defined contribution saving

plans. They found evidence of 1/n heuristic, as a special case of diversification heuristic, in which an

investor spreads their contributions evenly across available investment possibilities. Benartzi and

Thaler further elicit that such a strategy can be problematic both in terms of ex ante welfare costs and

ex post regret (in case the returns differ from historical norms). It is important to remember that naive

diversification does not imply coherent decision making. Although it may be a reasonable strategy for

some investors, it is unlikely that the same strategy would be suitable for all investors, who obviously

differ on their risk preferences and other risk factors, such as age (Lovrić 2011). 1/n heuristic can

produce a portfolio that is close to some point on the efficient frontier. Nonetheless, a naive

diversification strategy stands as a very strong benchmark, as shown by DeMiguel et al. (2007). By

comparing out-of-sample performance of various optimising mean-variance models, they illustrated

that no single model consistently beats the 1/n strategy in terms of the Sharpe ratio or the certainty-

equivalent return. Poor performance of these optimal models is due to errors in estimating means and

covariances (DeMiguel et al. 2007).

Although dynamic reallocation to a group of CTAs is, in a sense, beyond the scope of this

dissertation, the reallocation rules we consider do amount to an active approach to diversification.

Even if the same dynamic reallocation rule is applied to two or more CTAs, differences in CTA

performance lead to a changing distribution of the portfolio across CTAs. In other words, a dynamic

approach to diversification is implicit in the work which follows.

2.1.1 Mental Accounting

Mental Accounting is an economic concept established by Thaler (1980) which argues that

individuals divide their current and future assets into separate, non-transferable portions. The theory

purports individuals assign different levels of utility to each asset group, which affects their

consumption decisions and other behaviours. Rather than rationally viewing every dollar as identical,

mental accounting helps explain why many investors designate some of their dollars as ‗safety‘

capital which they invest in low-risk investments, while at the same time treating their ‗risk capital‘

quite differently. Benartzi and Thaler (2001) also found a support for mental accounting on the

company stock: when company stock is in the array of available investment options, the total

exposure to equities is higher than when it is not available. It seems that company stock is given a

separate mental account different from the rest of equity classes. Individual Stock Accounting

Extensive experimental work suggests that loss aversion and narrow framing are important features of

the way people evaluate risky gambles. Barberis and Huang (2001) incorporate these two ideas to

help to divide mental accounting in two forms; Individual Stock accounting and Portfolio accounting.

To do this, they state that when the investor is loss averse over individual stock fluctuations and chose

consumption Ct and an allocation Si, t to stock i to maximize:

∑[ ̅ ∑ ( )]


The first term in this preference specification, utility over consumption Ct, is standard in asset-

pricing models. The parameter is the time discount factor, and controls the curvature of

utility over consumption. The second term models the idea that the investor is loss averse over

changes in the value of individual stocks. ―The variable Xi, t+1 measures the gain or loss on stock i

between time t and time t + 1, a positive value indicating a gain and a negative value, a loss. The

utility the investor receives from this gain or loss is given by the function , and it is added up across

all stocks owned by the investor. It is a function not only of the gain or loss itself, but also of Si, t , the

value of the investor‘s holdings of stock i at time t, and of a state variable zi, t , which measures the

investor‘s gains or losses on the stock prior to time t as a fraction of Si, t . By including Si, t and zi, t as

arguments of , we allow the investor‘s prior investment performance to affect the way subsequent

losses are experienced‖ (pp. 1256).

Another pertinent literature which supports the findings and analysis of Barberis and Huang is the

work of Barberis et al. (2001). We shall use both sources to draw a clearer understanding to relevant

concepts and bolster the model description which they present. Barberis et al. further formalised the

notion of loss aversion in a model of the aggregate stock market. The essential structure their

specification expresses the gain or loss on stock i between time t and t + 1 is measured as:


We can derive from the above equation that the gain is the value of stock i at time t +1 minus its

value at time t multiplied by the risk-free rate. By multiplying by the risk-free rate, this design models

the idea that investors may only view the return on a stock as a gain if it exceeds the risk-free rate.

The t in this instance is a year, therefore gains and losses are measured annually. Barberis et al. insist

that while the investor may check his holdings much more often than that, even several times a day,

they explicitly make the assumption that it is only once a year, perhaps at tax time, that he confronts

his past performance in a serious way.

In a way analogous to Barberis et al., we show assuming that dynamic reallocation decisions are

made at the end of each month. It is extremely likely that CPOs will be monitoring CTA performance

day by day or even more often, but we assume that a serious reappraisal of allocations is made only

monthly. At the end of each month the CPO has available a sufficient amount of new performance

data to warrant changing the allocation from that made the previous month.

The term zi, t tracks prior gains and losses on stock i. It is the ratio of another variable, Zi, t, to Si, t,

so that zi, t = Zi, t / Si, t. Barberis et al. refer to Zi, t as the ―historical benchmark level‖ for stock i, to be

thought of as the investor‘s memory of an earlier price level at which the stock used to trade. When Si,

t > Zi, t or zi, t < 1, the stock price today is higher than what the investor remembers it to be, making

him feel as though he has accumulated prior gains on the stock, to the tune of Si, t – Zi, t. When Si, t >

Zi, t, or zi, t < 1, the current stock price is lower than it used to be, so that the investor feels that he has

had past losses, again of Si, t – Zi, t (Barberis and Huang 2001).

The variable zi, t is introduced to allow to capture experimental evidence suggesting that the

pain of a loss depends on prior outcomes. Barberis et al. illustrate this by defining in the following

way. When zi, t = 1,

( ) *


( ) *

( ) ( )


( ) * ( )


( ) ( )


―When zi, t < 1, the investor has accumulated prior gains on stock i. The form of (Xi, t +1, Si, t , zi, t) is

the same as for (Xi, t +1, Si, t , 1) except that the kink is no longer at the origin but a little to the left;

how far to the left depends on the size of the prior gain‖ (Barberis and Huang 2001: pp 1258). What

Barberis and Huang imply here is that prior gains may cushion subsequent losses. Since a loss is

cushioned by the prior gain, they presume it is less painful. However if substantial losses are incurred

which subsequently deplete the investor‘s entire reserve of prior gains, it is once again penalized at

the more severe rate of > 1.

Barberis and Huang show that in the case where zi, t >1, where stock i has been losing value, the

form of (Xi, t +1, Si, t , zi, t) has a kink at the origin just like (Xi, t +1, Si, t , 1) but differs from (Xi, t +1,

Si, t , 1) in that losses are penalized at a rate more severe than , capturing the idea that losses that

come after other losses are more painful than usual. How much higher than the penalty is, is

determined by equation (8) and in particular by the constant k.

In this dissertation, our search for reallocation rules can be regarded as corresponding to Barberis

and Huang‘s view of past performance as being important. On the one hand, Barberis and Huang are

saying in effect that a CTAs trading may be influenced by past performance and, in particular,

accumulation of profits and losses. On the other hand, we ourselves in seeking allocation rules take

accumulated performance into account, and we consider doing so in several alternative ways.

To complete the model description, an equation for the dynamics of zi, t is needed. Again we refer

to Barberis et al. who use:

( ) ( )( )


Where ̅ is a fixed parameter and . Note that if the return on stock i is particularly good,

so that Ri, t > ̅ , the state variable zi, t = Zi, t / Si, t falls in value. This means that the benchmark level Zi,

t rises less than the stock price Si, t , increasing the investor‘s reserve of prior gains. What the authors

are implying here is that equation (9) captures the idea that a particularly good return should increase

the amount of prior gains the investor feels he has accumulated on the stock. They also insist that a

particularly poor return depletes the investor‘s prior gains: If Ri, t+1 < ̅ , then zi, t goes up, showing that

Zi, t falls less than Si, t, decreasing Si, t – Zi, t . The parameter controls the persistence of the state

variable and hence how long prior gains and losses affect the investor. If , a prior loss, say, will

increase the investor‘s sensitivity to further losses for many subsequent periods (Barberis and Huang

2001: pp. 1259).

Embedded in equation (9) is the assumption that the evolution of zi, t is unaffected by any actions

the investor might take, such as buying or selling shares of the stock. In several cases, this may

perhaps be a reasonable assumption. What Barberis et al. imply at this point is that if the investor sells

some shares for consumption purposes, it is plausible that any prior gains on the stock are reduced in

proportion to the amount sold—in other words, that zi, t remains constant. However, more excessive

transactions (such as selling one‘s entire holdings of the stock) might plausibly affect the way zi, t

evolves. Thus, in order to keep their analysis tractable Barberis and Huang make a strong assumption

that they do not.

The parameter ̅ is not a free parameter, but is determined endogenously by imposing the

requirement that in equilibrium, the median value of zi, t be equal to one. The idea behind this is that

half the time, the investor should feel as though he has prior gains, and the rest of the time as though

he has prior losses (Barberis and Huang 2001: pp. 1259). Thus ̅ , is typically of similar magnitude to

the average stock return. Portfolio Accounting

The second form of mental accounting which is considered in this study is portfolio accounting. This

form of narrowing framing implies that investors are loss averse only over portfolio fluctuations, in

particular, they choose consumption Ct and an allocation Si, t to stock i to maximize:

∑[ ̅ ∑ ( )]


The variable Xt+1 is the gain or loss on the investor‘s overall portfolio of risky assets between time

t and time t + 1, St = ∑ is the value of those holdings at time t, and the zt term measures prior

gains and losses on the portfolio as a fraction of St . Once again, Barberis and Huang interpret as a

non-consumption source of utility, which in this case is experienced over changes in overall portfolio

value and not over changes in individual stock value. Portfolio gains and losses are measured as:


where Rt + 1 is the gross return on the portfolio. When zt + 1, is defined as:

( ) *


( ) *

( ) ( )


( ) * ( )


( ) ( )


( ) ( )( )


To conclude, the functional forms are identical to what they were in the case of individual stock

accounting. The only difference between the two formulations is that in equation (3), the investor

experiences loss aversion over changes in the value of each stock that he owns, while in equation (10),

he is loss averse only over overall portfolio fluctuations.

In our study, we develop an approach to dynamic reallocation that is comparable with individual

stock accounting. A generalisation of this corresponding to portfolio accounting is beyond the scope

of the dissertation, but remains a potential interesting line of development for the future.

2.1.2 Home Bias

Within the concept of portfolio allocation another robust finding which has been present in the

literature is home bias. Regardless of the advantages of international portfolio diversification, French

and Poterba (1991) found that the actual portfolio allocation of many investors is often too

concentrated in their domestic market. There appears to be a limitation in the evidence on this concept

because thus far, the literature has not provided a generally accepted explanation for the observed

home bias. Huberman and Jiang (2006) argue that ―familiarity breeds investment,‖ and that a person

is more likely to invest in the company that he or she thinks they know. Instances of this familiarity

bias are investing in domestic market, in company stocks, in stocks that are visible in investors‘ lives,

and stocks that are discussed favourably in the media. This effect would correspond to a CPO

favouring a CTA with whom he has an established business relationship and familiarity. To some

extent, we test for this in Chapter 8 where we allow for the possibility of a CPO using different

reallocation rules for different CTAs.

2.1.3 Diversification – Demographic Variables

Goetzmann and Kumar (2001) examined the diversification of investors with respect to demographic

variables of age, income, and employment. Their conclusions found that low income and non-

professional categories hold the least diversified portfolios. They also found that young active

investors tended to be more over-focused and inclined towards concentrated, undiversified portfolios,

which might be a manifestation of overconfidence. It is questionable whether such overconfidence is

justified. This underlines one of the purposes of this dissertation which is to introduce a greater degree

of scientific justification in place of emotional justification.

2.2 Dynamic Decision Making

Whilst much of the literature on portfolio allocation is limited in context to dynamic reallocation,

providing a thorough understanding of how decisions are made dynamically can perhaps bring us one

step closer to bridging the gap in the literature. Dynamic decision-making (DDM) can be formerly

defined as interdependent decision-making that takes place in an environment that changes over time

either due to the previous actions of the decision maker or due to events that are outside of the control

of the decision maker (Brehmer 1992; Edwards 1962). In this sense, dynamic decisions, unlike

(simple) conventional one-time decisions, are typically more complex and often occur in real-time.

Such decision making usually involves observing the extent to which people are able to use their

experience (past history) to control a particular complex system, which could further include the types

of experience that lead to better decisions over time.

Much of the research literature on DDM uses computer simulations which are laboratory

analogues for real-life situations. These computer simulations are defined by Turkle (1984) as ―micro-

worlds‖ and are used to observe individuals‘ behaviours in a simulated real world settings where

individuals typically try to control a complex system where later decisions are affected by earlier

decisions (Gonzalez et al. 2005). Examples of real world DDM scenarios include managing factory

production and inventory, air traffic control, climate change, driving a car and a military command

and control in a battle field. Research in DDM has focused on investigating the extent to which

decision makers use their experience to control a particular system; the factors that underlie the

acquisition and use of experience in making decisions; and the type of experiences that lead to better

decisions in dynamic tasks. Applying this focus to trading investments, experience would in fact be

substituted with the past investment time period (t – n) in order to aid CPOs in their decisions for

reallocation. The decisions could usually only be understood as part of an ongoing process, and thus

the decision problems of CPOs conform to Edwards‘ (1962) classic description of dynamic decision

making in that:

(1) A series of decisions is required to reach the goal. That is, to achieve and maintain control

is a continuous activity requiring many decisions, each of which can only be understood in

the context of the other decisions.

(2) The decisions are not independent. That is, later decisions are constrained by earlier

decisions, and, in turn, constrain those that come after them.

(3) The state of the decision problem changes, both autonomously and as a consequence of

the decision maker‘s actions.

Rapoport (1975) later provided a more formal definition, but this did not change the general

meaning of dynamic decision making compared to Edwards‘ original definition. However, the three

characteristics mentioned by Edwards did fully capture the essence of the decision problems we


2.2.1 Characteristics of Dynamic Decision Making Environments

The primary characteristics of dynamic decision environments are dynamics, opaqueness, complexity,

and dynamic complexity (Brehmer 1992). The dynamics of the environments refers to the dependence

of the system‘s state on its state at an earlier time. Dynamics in the system could be driven by positive

feedback (self-amplifying loops) or negative feedback (self-correcting loops). Simple examples of

these could be the accumulation of interest in a fixed income investment or assuage of hunger due to

eating respectively. In the case of a trading investment, the state of the system changes continually as

profits and losses accumulate.

In a DDM context, the nature of opaqueness refers to the physical invisibility of some aspects of

a dynamic system. Such a characteristic might also be dependent upon a decision maker‘s ability to

acquire knowledge of the components of the system. In the situations which we are concerned,

opaqueness is particularly important because it is inherent and cannot be removed. In some systems

opaqueness arises because some aspect of the system is not being observed, but could be observed. In

the case of a trading investment, the CTAs state of mind cannot in principle be observed – it is

inherently opaque.

Complexity in principal refers to a collection of interconnected elements within a system that can

make it difficult to predict the behaviour of the system. However, the definition of complexity can

still itself have problems as system components can vary in terms of how many components there are

in the system, number of relationships between them, and the nature of those relationships.

Complexity may also be a function of the decision maker's ability (Brehmer and Allard 1991).

In contrast, dynamic complexity refers to the decision maker‘s ability to control the system using

the feedback the decision maker receives from the system. Diehl and Sterman (1995) separated

dynamic complexity into three components. The opaqueness present in the system might cause

unintended side-effects. There might be non-linear relationships between components of a system and

feedback delays between actions taken and their outcomes. The dynamic complexity of a system

might eventually make it hard for the decision makers to understand and control the system.

2.2.2 Dynamic Decision Making in Micro-worlds

Early studies on DDM used the term ―micro-worlds2‖ to describe the complex simulations used in

controlled experiments designed to study dynamic decisions (Dörner et al. 1983; Dörner et al. 1986).

Research in dynamic decision-making is mostly laboratory-based and uses computer simulation

micro-world tools – i.e., Decision Making Games. Such environments become the laboratory

analogues for real-life situations and aid investigators in the study of decision-making by compressing

space and time whilst simultaneously maintaining experimental control.

Many studies on DDM reveal that people have been shown to perform below the optimal levels

of performance, if an optimal could be ascertained or known. For example, in a forest fire-fighting

simulation game, participants frequently allowed their headquarters to be burned down (Brehmer and

Allard 1991). Gonzalez and Vrbin (2007) studied DDM in a medical context and conveyed that

Synthetic Task Environments, High Fidelity Simulations, Interactive Learning Environments, Virtual Environments and
Scaled Worlds

participants acting as doctors in an emergency room allowed their patients to die while they kept

waiting for results of test that were actually non-diagnostic. An interesting insight into decisions from

experience in DDM is that mostly the learning is implicit, and despite people's improvement of

performance with repeated trials they are unable to verbalize the strategy they followed to do so

(Berry and Broadbent 1984). This is increasingly becoming the general consensus in the case of

technical analysis and fund managers‘ performance.

2.2.3 Dynamic Decision Making in the Real-world

Much of the emphasis in the past has been on DDM using laboratory micro-world environments to

investigate dynamic decisions however, there has been recent emphasis placed on DDM research

which focuses on decision making in the real world. This does not demerit research in the laboratory

micro-worlds, however instead it reveals the broader conception of the research underlying DDM.

Under the DDM in the real world, individuals tend to be more interested in processes such as

planning, perceptual and attention processes, forecasting, goal setting and many more (Gibson et al.

1997). The study of these processes brings DDM research closer to situation awareness and expertise.

In a real world research study, McKenna and Crick (1991) found that motorists who have more

than 10 years of experience or expertise are faster to respond to hazards than drivers with less than

three years of experience. Moreover, owing to their greater experience, such motorists tend to perform

a more effective and efficient search for hazards cues than their not so experienced counterparts

(Horswill and McKenna 2004). A potential explanation for such behaviour can be based upon the

premise that situation awareness in DDM tasks makes certain behaviours automatic for people with

expertise. Endsley (2006) also documented this behaviour for pilots and platoon commanders

reporting considerations of novice and experienced platoon commanders in a virtual reality battle

simulator show that more experience was associated with higher perceptual skills, higher

comprehension skills. Thus, experience on different DDM tasks makes a decision maker more

situational aware with higher levels of perceptual and comprehension skills.

2.2.4 Learning theories in Dynamic Decision Making

One of the main research activities in DDM has been to investigate the extent to which people are

able to learn to control a particular simulated system and investigating the factors that might explain

the learning in DDM tasks. Such a study of learning forms an integral part of DDM research and

stands at the core of how a dynamic allocation system could eventually be integrated in a CPO‘s

decision making structure. Strategy-Based Learning Theory

The theory of strategy-based learning uses rules (or strategies) of action that communicate to a

particular task. Such rules will often specify the conditions under which specifically designed rules or

strategies will apply. These rules hold the form if you recognize situation ‗A‘, then carry out action

‗B‘. In a study carried out by Anzai (1984) rules were implemented which performed the DDM task

of steering a ship through a certain set of gates. The results of these rules were successful as they were

able to mimic the performance on the task by human participants reasonably well. In a similar study,

Lovett and Anderson (1996) illustrate how people use production rules of the ―if – then‖ type in the

building-sticks task which is an isomorph of ―Lurchins‘ waterjug problem‖ (Lurchins 1942; Lurchins

and Lurchins 1959). Connectionist Learning Theory

Connectionist theory (or connectionism) is another explanatory learning theory which is believed by

some to be a means of explaining learning in DDM tasks. It attempts to explain the connections

between units, whose strength or weighing depend upon previous experience. Thus, the output of a

given unit depends upon the output of the previous unit weighted by the strength of the connection.

Gibson et al. (1997) studied a connectionist neural network machine learning model and concluded

that such a model does a good job to explain human behaviour in the Berry and Broadbent‘s Sugar

Production Factory task.

27 Instance-based Learning Theory

The Instance-Based Learning Theory (IBLT) is a theory of how humans make decisions in dynamic

tasks. According to IBLT, individuals rely on their accumulated experience to make decisions by

retrieving past solutions to similar situations stored in memory (Gonzalez et al. 2003). Gonzalez and

Dutt (2011) extended this theory into two different paradigms of dynamic tasks, called sampling and

repeated-choice. They show that in these dynamic tasks, IBLT provides the best explanation of human

behaviour and performs better than many other competing models and approaches. Thus, decision

accuracy can only improve gradually and through interaction with similar situations.

IBLT assumes that specific instances or experiences or exemplars are stored in the memory

(Dienes and Fahey 1995). These specified instances have very concrete structures defined by three

distinct parts which include the situation, decision, and utility (or SDU3).

IBLT also relies on the global, high-level decision making process, consisting of five stages:

recognition, judgment, choice, execution, and feedback (Gonzalez and Dutt 2011). Gonzalez and

Dutt‘s study found that when people are faced with a particular environment‘s situation, people are

likely to retrieve similar instances from memory to make a decision. In typical situations (those that

are not similar to anything encountered in the past), retrieval from memory is not possible and people

would need to use a heuristic (which does not rely on memory) to make a decision. In situations that

are typical and where instances can be retrieved, evaluation of the utility of the similar instances takes

place until a necessity level is crossed (Gonzalez and Dutt 2011).

The necessity level is typically determined by the decision maker‘s ―aspiration level,‖ similar to

Simon and March‘s satisficing strategy. However such a necessity level may also be determined by

external environmental factors such as time constraints. As soon as the necessity level is reached, the

decision involving the instance with the highest utility is made. The resulting outcome is then used to

update the utility of the instance that was used to make the decision in the first place (from expected

Situation refers to the environment‘s cues. Decision refers to decision maker‘s actions applicable to a particular situation.
Utility refers to the correctness of a particular decision in that situation, either the expected utility (before making a decision)
or the experienced utility (after feedback on the outcome of the decision has been received)

to experienced). This generic decision making process is assumed to apply to any dynamic decision

making situation, when decisions are made from past experience.

The computational representation of IBLT relies on several learning mechanisms proposed by a

generic theory of cognition. At present, some authors have implemented decision tasks into IBLT that

have reproduced and explained human behaviour accurately (Martin et al. 2004; Gonzalez and

Lebiere 2005).

2.2.5 Individual Differences in Dynamic Decision Making

Individual performance on DDM tends to be accompanied by significant degree of variability, which

might be a result of the varying amount of skill and cognitive abilities of individuals who interact with

the DDM tasks. While many studies have shown that individual differences are present in DDM tasks,

there has been some debate on whether these differences arise as a result of differences in cognitive

abilities. Some studies have failed to find evidence of a link between cognitive abilities as measured

by intelligence tests and performance on DDM tasks. However, subsequent studies argued that this

lack is due to absence of reliable performance measures on DDM tasks (Rigas et al. 2002; Gonzalez

et al. 2005).

Gonzalez (2005) suggested a relationship between workload and cognitive abilities. His study

found that low ability participants are generally outperformed by high ability participants.

Furthermore, Gonzalez found that under demanding conditions of workload, low ability participants

do not show improvement in performance in either training or test trials. An early study found that

low ability participants use more heuristics particularly when the task demands faster trials or time

pressure and this happens both during training and test conditions (Gonzalez 2004).

2.3 Literature Conclusions

DDM is a well established part of both decision theory (French 1988) and the field of decision

analysis (Clemen and Reilly 2001). Throughout the remainder of the dissertation it will serve as one

of the two key perspectives. Our concern is going to be with both CTA decisions and results, and the

allocation decisions of CPOs which combine with them. In the following chapter we consider some

specific theory relating to CTA decision making, and then we proceed to develop CPO decision rules.

The other, complementary, perspective is that of the area of the literature concerned with

portfolio allocations. The way in which these two perspectives combine is that we shall be using the

ideas of DDM to make a contribution to the literature on portfolio allocations. This of course will be

in our specific area of dynamic allocations to trading investments.

Chapter 3
Data and Methodology

Collis and Hussey (2003) define ‗methodology‘ as the overall approach to the research process, from

the theoretical underpinning to the collection and analysis of the data. The purpose of this chapter is to

discuss in detail the methodology which will be developed in order to present our findings for

analysis. The study will follow a progressive pattern beginning with an overview of the questions

being researched: for which the answers may be hard to find, along with possible explanations of the

problems faced during the investigation of the answers. A brief synopsis of the approach used and the

methodology applied for the purpose of research in relation to the topic will be given. The discussion

will then be focused on the research methods rather than the research questions. A detailed discussion

of the methods of acquisition of the data and the manner in which it would be arranged and/or

classified will be presented. We focus on the detailed methodology applied to analyse the data

acquired and how this will assist in drawing conclusions for the analysis.

3.1 Research Questions

The research questions proposed for this study centralise on the methodology of simulations. In

constructing a simulation, McLeish (2011) outline distinct number of steps useful for this study;

1. Formulate the problem at hand. Why do we need to use simulation?

2. Set the objectives as specifically as possible. This should include what measures on the

process are of most interest.

3. Suggest candidate models. Which of these are closest to the real-world? Which are fairly easy

to write computer code for? What parameter values are of interest?

4. If possible, collect real data and identify which of the above models is most appropriate.

Which does the best job of generating the general characteristics of the real data?

5. Implement the model. Write computer code to run simulations.

6. Verify (debug) the model. Using simple special cases insure that the code is doing what you

think it is doing.

7. Validate the model. Ensure that it generates data with the characteristics of the real data.

8. Determine simulation design parameters. How many simulations are to be run and what

alternatives are to be simulated?

9. Run the simulation. Collect and analyse the output.

10. Are there surprises? Do we need to change the model or the parameters?

11. Finally we document the results and conclusions in the light of the simulation results.

The above questions provide a sequential methodology which is pertinent to our approach in this

study. Thus we will use McLeish‘s framework as a guideline as we develop the model in this chapter.

Any problems which may arise at any specific step will be highlighted when necessary.

3.2 Synopsis of the Approach

The exploration for a successful dynamic allocation system will be conducted using a three stage

approach. The first stage will devise and compare a set of rules in each of which the allocation to a

CTA changes from month to month in response to monthly profit or loss. A series of monthly CTA

percentage performance figures will be simulated with specified mean and variance. Using each of

the twelve rules, this series of simulated returns will translate into monthly profits or losses. This

series will further be used for comparing the dynamic allocation rules with one another whilst the

CTA monthly percentage performance is held the same in all twelve cases.

The second stage will be to identify a tractable number of candidate rules and combine them into

a dynamic allocation system and investigate how such a system could be adapted to the performance

characteristics of a CTA.

The third stage and final stage will repeat the simulations of the second stage except with serial

correlation introduced into the simulated monthly percentage performance figures. At this point,

actual CTA performance data will be introduced.

3.3 Data Collection

The data used in this study can be categorised into two parts. Firstly, in regards to the sample needed

to develop our model we will use a series of monthly CTA percentage performance figures which

have been simulated as a series of identically and independently distributed observations on a

Gaussian distribution. Next, in the secondary research, we will use actual CTA performance data for

10 CTAs from the Altegris Clearing Solutions, LLC database.

3.3.1 Duration of Collecting Data

As for duration of the data gathering period, this runs from January 2002 to December 2011. All

figures obtained are classed as percentages of net unit profit or losses.

3.3.2 Sample of CTAs

The following table lists each CTA used in this study by name with the addition of the ‗default‘

sample CTA data set. The default data set, in turn, refers to the simulated identically and

independently distributed observations on a Gaussian distribution.

Table 1: List of all CTAs in the Data Set

Quest Partners

Dreiss Research Corp.

Kelly Angle Inc.

Saxon Investment Corp.

Hamer Trading, Inc.

Tactical Investment Management Corp.

Clarke Capital Management, Inc.

Mulvaney Capital Management Ltd

James H. Jones



3.4 Methodology Research Design

Our starting point begins with the default CTA data, more specifically, the generation of a random

series from the standard normal distribution which will then be scaled to give a standard deviation and

mean. This process is vital to ensuring that our default series is appropriately scaled to emulate CTA

returns. We use a random number function which provides us with a series which can then be altered.

To generate the returns, we begin by specifying a variance (σ) and a population mean (µ). We set σ to

0.5 and the µ to 1. To calculate the returns, we use the following formula:

( ( ) )


From returns rt we also compute the lagged returns giving a series of returns from rt-1. The lagged

returns will become useful later in this chapter when we develop the algorithmic framework for the

chosen rules. Before devising the algorithmic rules, we shall first outline the theoretical basis for

changing the allocation in response to profits or losses.

3.4.1 Theoretical Basis Model

Consider a CTA whose trading is based on a sequence of standard trading propositions based on a unit

position size:

( )


= amount of contingent profit

= amount of contingent loss

p = probability of profit

= expected value of profit or loss

The CTAs of interest are generally those who make a profit in the long run, so assume that:

The question we need to address is whether there is any theoretical basis for changing the

allocation to this CTA in response to profits or losses. The following analysis suggests that there is,

and the argument consists of two stages. To connect the question of allocation to future performance,

we assume that a CPO will want to have a larger allocation to the CTA when the expected value of

future profit is greater. This leaves the issue of connecting future expected profit to past profit or loss.

This issue can be approached by considering the possible effect of past performance on the

CTA‘s future trading. To do this, we can think of a pair of trades by the CTA, one following the other.

The expected outcome after two trades keeping position size constant is:

( ) ( )[ ]


This turns out to be twice the expected profit from a single trade, i.e. 2 . However, suppose now

that in making his second trade the CTA is affected by whether the first trade is a profit or loss. As a

general model of the effect of the CTA‘s response, the expected value of the profit or loss on the

second trade is:

( )


Recalling that,

( )


Equation (20) can be rearranged to:

( )


According to equation (22), the CTA‘s response to a loss on the first trade has two effects. The

first effect is that it scales the expected profit on a standard trade ( ) by the factor . If <1, is

scaled down. If this were the only effect of the CTA‘s response then it would amount to reducing the

expected profit on the second trade. However, there is also a second effect of the response, which is to

add to the expected profit on the second trade the amount ( - )p . If > the effect of this is to add

to the expected profit on the second trade. If < this second effect reduces the expected profit on the

second trade. In the following analysis, it will be convenient to refer to the first of the two effects as

the scaling effect and the second effect as the addition or subtraction effect.

Comparing the expected value of profit on the second trade ( ) with the expected profit on the

first trade ( ), > if and only if

( )

 ( ) ( )


There are many ways in which the CTA might respond to making a loss on the first trade. Four of

these are considered in the following special cases. In each of the four cases we assume that if the first

trade is profitable the second trade is a repeat of the standard profile. CTA Response – Four Cases

Case A: cutting down position size

If the loss on the first trade makes the CTA more risk averse, one appropriate response would be

to reduce the position size for the second trade. This would have the effect of scaling down the profit

and loss on the second trade. In this case:


The expected profit on the second trade is found by substituting (24a) into equation (22). This


( )


Because, in this case, = the second term in the equation for is zero. The only effect of scaling

down the position size is to scale down the expected value of the profit. In other words, there is only a

scaling effect, no addition or subtraction effect.

Case B: Snatching Profit

Following a loss on the first trade, the CTA might be inclined to accept a smaller profit rather than

hold out for the full potential profit . This would make:


In this case equation (22) becomes

( )

( )


Equation (25b) shows two things. First, there is no scaling effect. Secondly, there is a subtraction

effect. Going back to condition (23) which is what is required for to be greater than , we have the


( )


Since >0 and <1, condition (26a) cannot be satisfied. Snatching profit always reduces the

expected profit from the second trade.

Case C: Cutting Loss

The loss on the first trade may make the CTA more loss averse when it comes to the second trade so

that he cuts a loss sooner – before loss reaches the limit . This would make:


Substituting (24c) in equation (22) gives

( )


In the case of loss cutting there is a downward scaling effect but there is also an addition effect.

These two effects act on the standard expected profit ( ) in opposite directions and it is not clear

which effect is larger. However, if the loss cutting parameters are substituted in condition (23) (the

condition for being greater than ) it becomes:

( ) ( )


Now recall that,

= p - (1-p)

The second term on the right hand side of this equation for (-(1-p) ) is always negative. It

follows that p is always greater than . So is always greater than . In other words, loss cutting

always creates an addition effect that outweighs the downward scaling effect.

Case D: Running Loss

An alternative response to loss cutting is that, having just taken one loss, the CTA may be more

reluctant to take a second loss. If the second position has moved against him, the only way for the

CTA to avoid taking a second loss is to continue to run the position. If the market continues to run

against his position, he will end with a loss greater than the standard loss limit . This would mean


Substituting in equation (22), the expected profit on the second trade is now:

( )

( )


The equation for is the same as in loss cutting (Case C) but now >1 and it is more convenient

to rewrite the equation as in version (25d). There is now an upward scaling effect – the standard

expected profit is scaled up by the factor which is greater than 1. However, there is now a

subtraction effect and it is not clear which of these two effects outweighs the other.

If the loss running parameters are substituted in condition (23) (the condition for being greater

than ) it becomes,

( ) ( )

However, since >1 the factor 1- is negative so that cancelling 1- on both sides reverses the

direction of the inequality and gives


as the condition for being greater than . Just as condition (25d) is always true, so condition

(26c) can never be satisfied. It follows that loss running always has a net negative effect on expected

profit. In other words, the subtraction effect always outweighs the scaling effect.

3.4.2 Methodological Framework Implications

The results derived in each of the four cases considered above can be summarised as in the following


Table 2: Summary of Four Cases

Response of CTA to loss Effect on second trade expected profit

Cutting down position size Reduced

Snatching profit Reduced

Cutting loss Increased

Running loss Reduced

The first observation to be drawn from these results is that in each of the four cases there is a

definite affect of past performance (the first trade) on future performance (the second trade). If a CPO

allocating to this CTA wishes to relate the size of the allocation to the expected future performance,

so as to improve profit, then the CPO should adjust the allocation in response to past profits and


However, the second observation is that the appropriate response depends on the way in which

the CTA himself responds to profits and losses. If the CTA responds to a loss by cutting position size,

snatching profit or running loss, then this implies a reduction in expected future profit following a past

loss. The appropriate reallocation by the CPO would be to reduce the allocation to the CTA. On the

other hand, if the CTA‘s response is to cut losses following a loss, this will improve future expected

profit and the CPO should respond by increasing the allocation.

The point about this second observation is that the CPO may well not know how the CTA

responds to his own profit or loss, and he may not be able to discover it. The foregoing theoretical

analysis has demonstrated that there are potential gains from dynamic reallocation whenever CTAs

are affected by their profits or losses. However, it leaves the question of how such dynamic

reallocation ought to be done to be discovered empirically and by the simulation analysis that follow.

3.4.3 Rule Construction

We now begin the development of the algorithmic rules which will primarily be responsible for the

allocation and reallocation to our trading investments.

Each of the rules defined will consist of a position (P) and the corresponding result ( ) for the

specified month (t). The position will be initially set to 100 units. The result will be computed by

multiplying the position by the corresponding monthly returns:


The base case of this framework holds a constant or static allocation. Therefore, whilst all the

rules developed in this framework will begin with an allocation position of 100, the base case‘s P will

not change irrespective of profits or losses. Such a base case provides an adequate benchmark to make

comparisons to all other rules developed on the basis of performance.

Similar to Lovett and Anderson (1996), we will use the ―if – then‖ type from the Strategy-Based

Learning Theory. We introduce patterns for the specification of properties within each rule in

Structured English (Flake et al. 2000). These patterns are based on frequently used specification

patterns identified by Dwyer et al. (1998; 1999). Each rule will be specified and represented using the

Structured English framework which embodies a pseudo code algorithm loop. These self-correcting

loops (Goetz 2011) embrace the concept of ‗negative feedback‘ (Mees 1981) as the chain of cause-

and-effect creates a circuit designed to stabilise the system and improve monthly performance.

Ramaprasad (1983) defines this feedback generally as ―information about the gap between the actual

level and the reference level of a system parameter which is used to alter the gap in some way‖,

emphasising that the information by itself is not feedback unless translated into action. In this instance

our dynamic allocation algorithm presents a complete causal path that leads from the initial detection

of the profit or loss to the subsequent modification of the position.

The algorithms will produce 3 data types: constants, deterministic variables and random

variables4. McLeish (2005) insists that constants are relatively straightforward to define. One merely

needs to select some scalar values that seem reasonable based on subjective theory or previous

research and implement them in the simulation. In this instance our constant will be the starting

position which is the allocation to the first month. Deterministic variables are vectors of values that

take a range of values in a pre-specified non-random manner (McLeish 2005). In this context our

deterministic variables will be a column vector of monthly positions which are computed using the

prescribed rule. Finally, the generation of random variables tends to be formidably difficult for the

following two reasons outlined by McLeish. Firstly, he insists it is often difficult to determine how a

variable is distributed and which of the many standard distributions best represents it. Secondly, the

computer algorithms to generate random variables are a great deal more complex than those needed to

generate deterministic or constant variables. With respect to random variables in this study, we will

use random values on the normal (or Gaussian) distribution function to generate random returns. Rule Definition

Constant Allocation Rule states that if a profit or loss is made then the position will remain the same.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p} ELSE {p = p};

The random component of most social processes is what makes statistical estimation problematic

The foregoing algorithm clarifies the dimensions to be explored by the further 12 rules set out

below. In essence, what each rule is looking to do is increase or decrease position size depending on

past performance. Thus, there are 3 dimensions. The first of these is scale; should the adjustments to

position size be small or large and should it be related to the size of accumulated performance. The

second is asymmetry; should increases in position size and decreases be equal or different. Thirdly,

there is the question of time scale; should we look at performance last month or performance

extending further back.

Dynamic Allocation Rule 1 states that if a profit is made then the position will increase by 5

however if a loss is made, the position will decrease by 5.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p + 5} ELSE {p = p - 5};

Dynamic Allocation Rule 2 states that if a profit is made then the position will remain the same

however if a loss is made, the position will increase by 5.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p} ELSE {p = p + 5};

Dynamic Allocation Rule 3 states that if a profit is made then the position will increase by 5

however if a loss is made, the position will decrease by 10.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p + 5} ELSE {p = p - 10};

At this point, the subsequent pattern of the algorithm changes and now incorporates a series of

monthly returns in the profit or loss query function. This rule structure incorporates connectionism

(Marcus 2001; Elman et al. 1996) which is a theory which attempts to explain the connections

between units, whose strength or weighing depend upon previous experience. Thus, the output

position depends upon the result output of the previous unit(s) weighted by the strength of the


Dynamic Allocation Rule 4 states that if a profit is made over a specified 3 month period then the

position will increase by 5 however if a loss is made over this specified 3 month period, the position

will decrease by 5.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r1, r2, r3, r3Month;


r3Month = r1 + r2 + r3;

IF (r3Month > 0) THEN {p = p + 5} ELSE {p = p - 5};

Dynamic Allocation Rule 5 states that if a profit is made over a specified 3 month period then the

position will increase by 5 however if a loss is made over this specified 3 month period, the position

will remain the same.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r1, r2, r3, r3Month;


r3Month = r1 + r2 + r3;

IF (r3Month > 0) THEN {p = p + 5} ELSE {p = p};

Using this same pattern we will now implement the following 2 rules using a longer period of 6


Dynamic Allocation Rule 6 states that if a profit is made over a specified 6 month period then the

position will increase by 5 however if a loss is made over this specified 6 month period, the position

will decrease by 5.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r6Month;


r6Month = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6;

IF (r6Month > 0) THEN {p = p + 5} ELSE {p = p - 5};

Dynamic Allocation Rule 7 states that if a profit is made over a specified 6 month period then the

position will increase by 10 however if a loss is made over this specified 6 month period, the position

will decrease by 5.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r6Month;


r6Month = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6;

IF (r6Month > 0) THEN {p = p + 10} ELSE {p = p - 5};

The pattern of the algorithms will change even further and in this case the lagged returns

computed in section 3.4 will be used to construct the remaining rules.

Dynamic Allocation Rule 8 states that if a profit is made then the position will increase by the

lagged returns multiplied by 5 however if a loss is made, the position will decrease by the lagged

returns multiplied by 2.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r;

Public static int rLag;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p + (rLag * 5)} ELSE {p = p - (rLag * 2)};

Dynamic Allocation Rule 9 states that if a profit is made then the position will increase by the

lagged returns multiplied by 5 however if a loss is made, the position will decrease by the lagged

returns multiplied by 10.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int r;

Public static int rLag;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p + (rLag * 5)} ELSE {p = p - (rLag * 10)}

Dynamic Allocation Rule 10 states that if a profit is made then the position will increase by the

lagged returns multiplied by 2.5% of the previous position however if a loss is made, the position will

decrease by the lagged returns multiplied by 5% of the previous position.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int _p;

Public static int r;

Public static int rLag;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p + (rLag * (_p * 0.025))} ELSE {p = p -

(rLag * (_p * 0.05))};

_p = p;

Dynamic Allocation Rule 11 states that if a profit is made then the position will remain the same

however if a loss is made, the position will decrease by the lagged returns multiplied by 5% of the

previous position.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int _p;

Public static int r;

Public static int rLag;


IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p} ELSE {p = p - (rLag * (_p * 0.05))};

_p = p;

Dynamic Allocation Rule 12 states that if a profit is made then the position will increase by the

lagged ‗squared‘ returns multiplied by 5% of the previous position however if a loss is made, the

position will decrease by the lagged squared returns multiplied by 10% of the previous position.


Public static final int STARTING_UNITS = 100;

Public static int p;

Public static int _p;

Public static int r;

Public static int rLag;


rLag = rLag^2;

IF (r > 0) THEN {p = p + (rLag * (_p * 0.05))} ELSE {p = p -

(rLag * (_p * 0.1))};

_p = p;

3.4.4 Simulation Development

The central part of our dynamic reallocation system is the rules which we have created. Whilst time

constraints restrict the development of a full ‗micro-world‘ (Turkle 1984), the established rules

provide a fundamental starting point in DDM for CPOs in respect to trading investments. The

conceptual framework incorporates important variables which may perhaps provide some new

insights when we analyse each of their performances individually in Chapter 4. With this said, this

process emphasises the importance of developing a competent results simulator. Monte Carlo Methods

A Monte Carlo simulation may perhaps be a useful approach to adopt at this point for a number of

reasons. Logically it allows the population of interest to be simulated. From this pseudo-population,

repeated random samples can be drawn (Mooney 1997). Although the logic may not be hard to grasp,

the execution on the other hand, can be. Monte Carlo work is highly computer intensive and therefore

complicated models can consume large amounts of time.

In this study, Monte Carlo simulation offers an alternative to analytical mathematics for

understanding a statistic‘s (CTA‘s) sample distribution and evaluating its behaviour in random

samples. It does this empirically by using random samples from known populations of simulated data

to track a CTAs performance. Although the simulation approach involves a computational burden, it

is at least tractable whereas the various non-linearities in the rules make an analytical approach

infeasible. Simulation Model Implementation

The simulation development process begins with creating an input-form which takes input values for

the CTA data set and the number of simulations (n). When prompted the user will input such values

and run the simulation. The ‗Run‘ function will load the corresponding data from a CTA and input n

into the counter for the computational loop. Each rule will consist of a ‗Total Result‘ and an

‗Accumulative Result‘ which stores the profit/loss totals for the iteration and a sum of all completed

iterations thus far, respectively. The simulation repeats until n = 0 then the Run simulator will end and

display an output listing each rule and its corresponding accumulative total.

An additional feature of the simulator consists of an option to switch the parameters around. For

example, if a rule consists of an increase of 5 and a decrease of 10, the parameter switch will swap

over giving an increase of 10 and a decrease of 5. The purpose of this approach will become evident

in the subsequent Chapters 4 & 5.

To choose candidate rules and combine them into a dynamic allocation system we will generate a

list of random weights which will be allocated to each of the top 4 rules. The first complication which

arises is the random number generator produces numbers containing 10 decimal places. In order to

avoid further complications a separate sub function will be written in order to perfectly generate

random numbers between 0 and 1 which only contains one decimal point. This sub function is then

called in the weight generation algorithm which stores the overall performance of all the rules which

have been allocated weights. While such a process is accurate, it may not perhaps be optimal.

Therefore the weight generation algorithm will loop 1000 times to find the most optimal weight

allocation which provides superior performance. After this process is complete the algorithm

generates an output listing each rule, its corresponding weight and the superior performance result


The final aspect of the simulator incorporates serial correlation (φ) into the monthly returns. This

is inputted using the following formula:

[( ( )) ]


The φ variable will be later manipulated to uncover results which will be subject to analysis in the

subsequent Chapters 7 & 8.

The methodology created in this chapter provides a robust framework which will be used to

investigate each different aspect of the 3 stage approach in greater detail. Subsequent chapters will

attempt to undercover original findings and present corresponding analysis where necessary. With the

simulator now complete, our next objective is to use the developed rules to generate performance

results which can be categorised, analysed and evaluated.

Chapter 4
Rules of Allocation

In this chapter, we briefly outline each allocation rule, giving a description of their structure, starting

position (P) at a specific point in time (t) and the results which are provided using n simulations. We

do not intend to give an in depth analysis of the resulting simulations but rather outline the

performance of the allocation rule against constant allocation and any other allocation rule which

provides similar performance. We propose each rule will provide results which fall into the following

categories: High, Medium and Low performers. Such categorisation will be extended in Chapter 5,

when discussing more alternative underlying dynamics.

4.1 Constant Allocation Rule

The purpose of this rule is to illustrate what happens to returns if the allocation position remains the

same throughout the investment period. Therefore position is not dependent on performance in any


Outcome: This rule provides returns which we can use to make comparisons with the

dynamic allocation approaches.

Performance Category: Low

4.2 Allocation Rule 1

This rule is structured so if profit is made our position increases by 5 and if a loss is made it decreases

by 5.

Outcome: This rule provides the closest results to the constant allocation rule signifying that

an equal change upward or downward in a profit or loss state respectively, doesn‘t provide

any significant difference in returns.

Performance Category: Low

4.3 Allocation Rule 2

This rule is structured so if profit is made our position remains the same however if a loss is made it

increases by 5.

Outcome: This rule provides improved results more than 3 times greater than the constant

allocation rule.

Performance Category: Medium

4.4 Allocation Rule 3

This rule is structured so if profit is made our position increases by 5 and if a loss is made it decreases

by 10.

Outcome: This rule provides results which are approximately twice as large as Rule 2 due to

the relationship between of the position increases. This rule would follow the same

behavioural pattern as Rule 2 just with more allocation to the position. By making the loss

component greater this tends to provide an improvement in results.

Performance Category: High

4.5 Allocation Rule 4

This rule is constructed using a 3 month parameter. This parameter shifts down one position each time

it verifies positive or negative returns. Therefore if profit is made in a selected 3 month period our

position increases by 5 and if a loss is made it decreases by 5.

Outcome: This rule provides results which are twice as great as Rule 2 which holds the same

allocation amount to the position. The 3 month parameter however, provides a significant

improvement for this allocation rule over Rule 2 although results are still below other rules.

Performance Category: Low

4.6 Allocation Rule 5

This rule is constructed again using a 3 month parameter. The parameter shifts down one position

each time it verifies positive or negative returns. Consequently if profit is made in a selected 3 month

period our position increases by 5 and if a loss our position remains the same.

Outcome: This rule provides improved results on Rule 4 which holds the same 3 month

parameter however the allocation adjustment to the position seems to be a contributory factor

to this improvement. Moreover it provides more than 3 times the returns of constant


Performance Category: Medium

4.7 Allocation Rule 6

This rule is constructed using a 6 month parameter. This parameter shifts down one position each time

it verifies positive or negative returns. Therefore if profit is made in a selected 6 month period our

position increases by 5 and if a loss is made it decreases by 5.

Outcome: This rule provides results which are twice as great as Rule 2 which holds the same

allocation amount to the position. The 6 month parameter however, provides results closely

similar to Rule 4 which hold the same allocation state to the position. Yet it still doesn‘t

provide significantly improved results in comparison to other rules.

Performance Category: Low

4.8 Allocation Rule 7

This rule is constructed using a 6 month parameter. Therefore if profit is made in a selected 6 month

period our position increases by 10 and if a loss is made it decreases by 5.

Outcome: This rule provides significantly positive results. Whilst being 6 times greater than

constant allocation, its results are also close to those of Rule 3. Surprisingly, these two rules

have opposite allocation for profit and loss. This leads us to believe that the 6 month

parameter has had a significantly positive effect on returns for this case.

Performance Category: High

4.9 Allocation Rule 8

This rule is constructed using the lagged returns as a function which determines the allocation.

Therefore if profit is made our position increases by lagged returns multiplied by 5 and if a loss is

made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by 2.

Outcome: This rule provides results which are significantly better than most rules. The

lagged returns function allows the use of returns in t – 1 as a weight when increasing or

decreasing allocation.

Performance Category: Medium

4.10 Allocation Rule 9

This rule is constructed using the lagged returns as a function which determines the allocation.

Therefore if profit is made our position increases by lagged returns multiplied by 5 and if a loss is

made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by 10.

Outcome: This rule again provides results which are significantly better than most rules. It

also provides an improvement on the results of Rule 8. The lagged returns function allows the

use of returns in t – 1 as a weight when increasing or decreasing allocation. By increasing the

allocation component if a loss is made this provides improved results overall.

Performance Category: High

4.11 Allocation Rule 10

This rule is constructed using the lagged returns as a function which determines the allocation. In

addition, it also relies on the previous position (Pt–1) as a function of the allocation component.

Therefore if profit is made our position is increased by lagged returns multiplied by 2.5% of the

previous position and if a loss is made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by 5% of the previous


Outcome: This rule again provides results which are significantly better than most rules. It

provides results which are similar to those of Rule 8 and justifiably better that constant


Performance Category: Medium

4.12 Allocation Rule 11

This rule is constructed using the lagged returns as a function which determines the allocation. In

addition it also relies on the Pt–1 as a function of the allocation component. Therefore if profit is made

our position remains the same, however if a loss is made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by

5% of the previous position.

Outcome: This rule provides results which are slightly below similar rules which use lagged

returns as a function. By holding our position constant this noticeably reduces the

performance of this rule.

Performance Category: Medium

4.13 Allocation Rule 12

This rule is constructed using the lagged ‗squared‘ returns as a function which determines the

allocation. In addition it also relies on the Pt–1 as a function of the allocation component. Therefore if

profit is made our position is increased by lagged squared returns multiplied by 5% of the previous

position and if a loss is made it decreases by lagged squared returns multiplied by 10% of the previous


Outcome: This rule provides results which are significantly larger than all rules which is

expected are the returns are squared. Looking past this factor results are still an improvement

on previous results which use the lagged returns as a function.

Performance Category: High

This algorithmic framework constitutes an excellent test case, since the established rules are able

to provide a good indicator of which rule can be also expected to work well in further experimental


Chapter 5
Rule Categorisation

In exploring the results of the twelve rules in Chapters 3 & 4, one issue was asymmetry, i.e. unequal

responses to profit and losses. The results in Chapter 4 show that all four high performing rules are

asymmetrical. However, the amounts by which position sizes are adjusted were largely arbitrary and

for the purpose of exploring each type of rule. We therefore now consider the potential benefits of

changing the adjustments amounts.

In this chapter, we extract the allocation rules which provide only high performance compared to

the residual rules. The purpose of this approach is to investigate further into the discovery of any

fundamental ingredients which can be extracted and manipulated in order to improve performance.

We categorise each rule as a top performer and computationally alter the parameters to create

augmented rules (a) in order to make comparisons with the original results generated by the allocation

rule. Setting to 0.5 and to 1, we use n simulations to generate the following results for analysis:

Table 3: Comparison of Results of Allocations Rules with Augmented Parameters

Original Allocation Rule Augmented Allocation Rule

n = 50 n = 100 n = 200 n = 50 n = 100 n = 200

Rule 3 14243.6 28607.93 57009.23 14516.96 28927.04 57110.08

Rule 7 14687.86* 28300.14 56800.04 13853.97* 28397.85 56937.23

Rule 9 12916.86 25842.85 51485.57 16050.77 30812.56 60610.42

Rule 12 47590.59 94814.48 188150.95 209193.53 344823.37 724176.9

5.1 Augmented Allocation Rule 3

This rule is structured so if profit is made our position increases by 10 and if a loss is made it

decreases by 5. Compared to the original allocation Rule 3, this rule provides results which are closely

similar, however overall the parameter switch has improved the performance.

5.2 Augmented Allocation Rule 7

This rule is again constructed using a 6 month parameter. However on this occasion if profit is made

in a selected 6 month period our position increases by 5 and if a loss is made it decreases by 10. As

can be seen from the table this rule performs quite similar to the original rule with only one

exception5. Whilst this exception occurred using 50 iterations, subsequent experiments consistently

showed that this rule provides improved results.

5.3 Augmented Allocation Rule 9

This rule is constructed using the lagged returns as a function which determines the allocation.

However on this occasion if profit is made our position increases by lagged returns multiplied by 10

and if a loss is made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by 5. The table shows that this rule had

a significant improvement on performance compared to the original. This was consistently illustrated

overall using all values for n.

5.4 Augmented Allocation Rule 12

This rule is constructed using the lagged ‗squared‘ returns as a function which determines the

allocation. In addition, it also relies on Pt–1 as a function of the allocation component. Using

augmented parameters if profit is made our position is increased by lagged squared returns multiplied

by 10% of the previous position and if a loss is made it decreases by lagged squared returns multiplied

by 5% of the previous position. While it is clear that this rule has a very significant improvement

compared to the original allocation rule, this was expected due to the exponential growth from the

Marked with a: *

squared factor. As a result at this stage this rule will be considered as unstable, for this reason, and

will be withdrawn from our top performers‘ categorisation model.

Overall the augmented rules have collectively illustrated improved performance. Thus, from this

point forward, we will use these rules as the base algorithmic computations of further experiments and


Chapter 6
Weight Allocations

The simulations thus far have produced four high performing rules. Among these, Rule 12 tends to

produce unstable returns. On this ground, we have dropped Rule 12 and carry forward Rules 3, 7 and

9. However all three of these remaining rules are candidates to be the most preferred dynamic

allocation rule. Since these are three candidates, we now explore the potential for combining them.

In this chapter, we utilise the extraction technique used in Chapter 5 to determine the most

superior performing rules to attempt to develop a combined rule for further analysis. The purpose of

this combined rule is to, month by month, take an allocation defined by each of the refined rules in

order to make up a composite allocation which is a weighted average of the 3 allocations – e. g. (0.3,

0.5 and 0.2). We formulate the weighting function to generate a weight which sums to 1. These

weights are generated using the following algorithms for random number (Rand) generation:

Table 4: Weight Computation for Composite Allocation

Weight Definition Weight Computation Weight Result

Rule 3 w1 = Rand for w1 = w1_result

Rule 7 w2 = Rand * (1 – w1) = w2_result

Rule 9 w3 = (1 – (w1 + w2)) = w3_result

Total = w1 + w2 + w3

6.1 Weight Generation

The weight generation algorithm first generates a random number between 0 and 1 and rounds this

number to 1 decimal point. This weight is then initialised to a type ‗Double‘ in order to handle

decimals and the result is assigned to Rule 3. For Rule 7, the weight generation algorithm generates

another random number between 0 and 1 and rounds this number to 1 decimal point, and multiplies

this by 1 minus w1. This weight is then initialised to a type ‗Double‘ and the result is assigned to Rule

7. Rule 9 is generated by summing the previous w1 and w2 and subtracting this total from 1. This

result is assigned to Rule 9 as the final w3. Because of the rounding function computed when the

weight is generated, this ensures that total of all 3 weights always sums to 1 precisely.

6.2 Optimal Weighting using Composite Allocation Algorithm

As the weight generation algorithm now generates 3 weights, the subsequent task must now simulate

this process whilst incorporating the performances of each rule to devise an optimal composite

allocation. After computing the first 3 weights the result is stored and compared to the next result

generated from the n + 1 simulation. If this result is greater, then that result becomes the new optimal

weighting for the composite allocation. Using the previous performance figures, we generate weights

for an initial 10 simulations below:

Table 5: Weighting for the Composite Allocation – 10 Simulations

Performance (P) Weight (w) (P * w)

Rule 3 28027.04 0.2 5605.41

Rule 7 28397.85 0.2 5679.57

Rule 9 30812.56 0.6 18487.54

Total 29772.51

As seen in the above table the results are computed by multiplying the performance of each rule

by the optimal weight generated when n = 10. The best overall performance of the chosen composite

rule gives a total of 29772.51. We will now simulate more variations of n using the corresponding

performance for each rule to determine whether our results can be improved.

Table 6: Weighting for the Composite Allocation for Different variations of n

n = 50 n = 100 n = 200 n = 1000

(P) (w) (P) (w) (P) (w) (P) (w)

Rule 3 14516.96 0.2 28027.04 0.1 57110.08 0.1 256629 0.1

Rule 7 13853.97 0.1 28397.85 0.1 56737.23 0.1 253204.5 0.1

Rule 9 16050.77 0.7 30812.56 0.8 60610.42 0.8 261235.1 0.8

Total 15524.33 30292.54 59873.07 259971.44

The above table shows different variations of n and the performance results for each rule using

that variation. The composite allocation total provides the total performance for the optimal allocation

which has been computed by the algorithm using w for each rule. At low values of n, distributed

weights are suggested. For example, with 50 iterations Rule 9 dominated, but Rule 3 nevertheless gets

twice the weight of Rule 7. However, our results show that as n increases, the weight generation

algorithm chooses one rule as the ‗dominant‘ rule and allocates it a maximal 0.8 weighting.

Consequently, the remaining two rules are given two weight allocations of 0.1 each. Thus, we have

discovered that our weight generation algorithm now selects the best rule of allocation (dominant

rule) based on the performance of the composite allocation.

6.3 Calculating Optimal Weights using Alternative Population Means

The above success of disentangling performance ingredients to optimally allocate weights based on

high performing rules now brings us to question whether the population mean (µ) plays a significant

role in the composite allocation. To further investigate the effect which this may have we shall begin

by using a set of performance results generated from n = 1006 and using an additional two values for


Table 7: Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Different Population Means

µ = 0.1 µ = 0.5 µ=1

(P) (w) (P) (w) (P) (w)

Rule 3 3004.88 0.8 14345.53 0.8 28430.34 0.1

Rule 7 2581 0.1 14179.08 0.1 28669.46 0.1

Rule 9 1437.11 0.1 10722.01 0.1 30279.07 0.8

As our performance results shows that the population mean can in fact affect our P which in turn

affects our optimal choice of weights. We can see from the above table that when µ tends to be lower,

the rule which is allocated the dominant weight (0.8) is Rule 3. Conversely when µ is higher, Rule 9 is

allocated the dominate weight. This gives further justification to investigate results with more

variations for µ for the full range of –1 to +1 in order to have a clearer picture of the optimal weight

allocation. The table below illustrates the corresponding results:

Table 8: Optimal Weight Allocation with Full Range of Population Means

µ from -1 to -0.1 µ=0 µ from 0.1 to 0.8 µ from 0.9 to 1

(w) (w) (w) (w)

Rule 3 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 or 0.1 0.8 0.1

Rule 7 0.1 0.1 or 0.8 or 0.1 0.1 0.1

Rule 9 0.8 0.1 or 0.1 or 0.8 0.1 0.8

As can be seen from the above table when µ is negative our dominant weight is allocated to Rule

9. However, a µ of zero tends to make no difference which rule is chosen and the results show that

In table 6, further increases in n to 200 and 1000 left the weights unchanged

either Rule 3, 7 or 9 could be allocated the dominant weight. On the other hand, whenever µ ranges

from 0.1 to 0.8 Rule 3 holds the dominate weight allocation. Finally, when µ reaches 0.9 to 1, the

dominant rule returns back to being Rule 9. It might appear that taking Rule 9 to be the dominant rule

would be a fair summary of the results, but the alternative choice of Rule 3 is of great practical

importance as we shall see when we progress to analyse actual data from CTAs in Chapter 8.

The weight generation algorithm has shed some light on the need for examining dynamic

variables which are incorporated in the calculation of returns. With this said, the fundamental problem

which arises is attempting to measure something which cannot be observed. We will subsequently

have to evaluate the possibly of even answering the question itself. In the next chapter another such

variable will be incorporated within this study to aid in the discovery of how other factors may affect

the rule which holds the dominant weighting in the composite allocation.

Chapter 7
Incorporating Serial Correlation

In this chapter, we adopt the similar methodology established in section 6.3 to compute optimally

allocated weights based on high performing rules whilst varying the µ from -1 to +1. However in this

section we incorporate a new variable which tends to be found in CPO returns called Serial

Correlation (φ). Serial correlation is the degree to which each month‘s returns for a CTA mirror the

results of the month before. If in such an instance a CTA generates the exact same returns amount

every month it is said to be perfectly serially correlated. With this kind of performance—a nice,

smooth line going up no matter what the market does— this is a good indicator that you should take a

closer look. Lo (2008) shows that from the pattern of historical returns in hedge-fund databases, when

funds‘ returns grow too consistently, this is a significant sign that the investments are either very hard

to value accurately and the returns are just guesses, or, worse, that they‘ve been manipulated in a way

that smoothes them artificially. In this study, there is an additional reason to consider serial

correlation. Our starting point was the proposition that a CTA‘s trading might be affected by past

results. If this proposition carries over to a monthly time scale, e.g. if trading this month is affected by

last month‘s profit or loss, then we should expect to see serial correlation.

In order to apply serial correlation to our study the weights are generated using a set of

performance results generated from n = 50, 100 and 200, using two values for φ (0.5 and 0.9). The

different variations of n are used to establish robustness to the weight allocation and thus the actual

performance results generated from these are not included as our focus here is on the optimal weight


Table 9: Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Serial Correlation

φ = 0.5

µ from -1 to -0.1 µ=0 µ from 0.1 to 0.7 µ = 0.8 µ from 0.9 to 1

(w) (w) (w) (w) (w)

Rule 3 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 or 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 or 0.1 0.1

Rule 7 0.1 0.1 or 0.8 or 0.1 0.1 or 0.8 0.1 or 0.8 or 0.1 0.1

Rule 9 0.8 0.1 or 0.1 or 0.8 0.1 0.1 or 0.1 or 0.8 0.8

For ease of comparison the results from φ = 0 were as follows:

Table 10: Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Zero Serial Correlation

φ =0

µ from -1 to -0.1 µ=0 µ from 0.1 to 0.7 µ = 0.8 µ from 0.9 to 1

(w) (w) (w) (w) (w)

Rule 3 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 or 0.1 0.8 0.8 0.1

Rule 7 0.1 0.1 or 0.8 or 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Rule 9 0.8 0.1 or 0.1 or 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.8

7.1 Calculating Optimal Weights with Serial Correlation

When we incorporate φ at 0.5 into our simulations the above table shows performance results which

are seemingly identical to table 8 in section 6.3. While this may have been anticipated, the 3rd column

containing µ values is significantly different in two ways. Firstly, the range for the 3rd column is no

longer 0.1 to 0.8, it now omits 0.8 and categorises this separately7. Secondly, both Rule 3 and 9 can be

anticipated to have the superior performance at any stage from 0.1 to 0.7. Moreover, from 0.1 to 0.6

these two rules perform seemingly identical with only a small fraction separating them at any given

time. By 0.7, the pattern begins to change again and although Rules 3 and 7 still provide superior

Columns 3 & 4 of the above table have been modified in order to allow easier comparisons. See table 8 in section 6.3 for
its original structure.

performance, Rule 9 seems to evidently be very close behind them in performance. At µ = 0.8, Rule 9

becomes increasing stronger and by now all three rules seems to produce similar results with either

rule outperforming the others at any given time. Finally, as we‘ve seen before when µ is relatively

high (0.9 to 1), Rule 9 becomes the dominant rule again.

As this experiment provides some insightful findings, this validates its usefulness and gives

further justification to incorporate φ at 0.9. The following table lists the weight allocation findings for

such simulations:

Table 11: Further Comparisons of Optimal Weight Allocation with Serial Correlation

φ = 0.9

µ from -1 to -0.1 µ=0 µ = 0.1 µ = 0.2 to 0.3 µ = 0.4 to 0.5 µ = 0.6 to 1

(w) (w) (w) (w) (w) (w)

Rule 3 0.1 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 0.1 0.8 or 0.1 0.1

Rule 7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Rule 9 0.8 0.8 0.1 or 0.8 0.8 0.1 or 0.8 0.8

While it is evident that serial correlation can have an impact on the optimal weight allocation, the

size of this serial correlation factor still requires further investigation. This may perhaps be beyond the

scope of this project. Nonetheless, by incorporating a larger φ, we can begin to see some startling

insights from the above results. The above table illustrates that similar to the previous simulations

when µ from -1 to -0.1, the weight allocation algorithm still selects Rule 9 as the dominant rule.

However on this occasion, a µ which equals 0 also selects Rule 9 as the dominant rule, while previous

results showed all 3 rules could have been dominant at this µ level. Furthermore the pattern changes

again at 0.1 when Rule 3 and Rule 9 can be allocated the dominant rule component. Subsequently,

when µ is 0.2 to 0.3 the dominant rule returns back to being Rule 9. Again, the pattern reverses and

we see both Rule 3 and Rule 9 being allocation 0.8 at any given time for a µ between 0.4 and 0.5.

Finally, the pattern switches again back to Rule 9 being the most dominant rule. In addition to the

above interpretation, performance results generated between a µ of 0.8 to 1 revealed Rule 9

outperformed the other rules by at least a factor of 2 on most simulations.

Our composite allocation algorithm seems to have provided results which are strongly centred on

Rule 9 when serial correlation tends to be high. With the interpretation of the above results now

complete, this allows us to build a framework to analyse actual CTA data performance in the next


Chapter 8
Empirical Analysis of CTA Performance

In this chapter, we substitute our Rand results for actual CTA performance results obtained from

Altegris Clearing Solutions, LLC. The purpose of this approach warrants the need to incorporate CTA

data to determine the usefulness of our developed framework. In addition this will allow for the

categorisation of each CTA based on the µ and φ which are calculated using the standard deviation (σ)

and the average of the data set ( ̅ ). The data used for this chapter is obtained from the sample period

from January 2002 to December 2011.

Table 12: Descriptive Statistics for CTA Data Set

̅ σ µ φ

Quest Partners 1.055167 6.388291 0.165172 -0.19768

Dreiss Research Corp. 1.999917 8.878613 0.225251 0.105815

Kelly Angle Inc. 1.81575 10.71336 0.169485 0.086683

Saxon Investment Corp. 1.692333 6.989112 0.242139 0.035563

Hamer Trading, Inc. 0.983833 5.923923 0.166078 0.090315

Tactical Investment Management Corp. 1.782 8.036235 0.221746 -0.00589

Clarke Capital Management, Inc. 1.10575 6.737651 0.164115 -0.10383

Mulvaney Capital Management Ltd 1.757833 9.710328 0.181027 0.150105

James H. Jones 1.1925 9.502597 0.125492 0.03702

GIC, LLC 1.125417 5.782725 0.194617 -0.02519

8.1 Calculating Descriptive Statistics for CTA Data Set

We begin by calculating the ̅ for each CTA using the following formula:



Where the values are published monthly rates of return and N is the sample size which is 120.This

gives the mean total across the sample period for that CTA. The σ is computed using the following

formula, which provides the standard deviation of returns of the sample period.

√ ∑( ̅)


The µ is computed by dividing the ̅ by the σ of the CTA, giving the population mean using the

following formula:


The φ is more complex to compute as it requires preliminary computation to be done before it can be

calculated using the following correlation formula:

( )
( ) ( )


Firstly, we compute the deviation from ̅ for each month of the CTA data set by subtracting the ̅

from each month‘s performance figure. This gives a monthly series of deviations from ̅ which can

then be lagged by one month to create the lagged deviation from ̅ . Using these two components, we

then compute the cross-product of the deviation from ̅ and the lagged deviation from ̅ . This

computation now provides a series of monthly cross-products for each month beginning from the first

lagged month onwards. The average of these cross-products is then computed and divided by the σ2

giving a final column for φ.

8.2 Rule Categorisation – Incorporating Serial Correlation

The results generated in Chapter 7 will now allow the possible integration of serial correlation into

our performance results when µ ranges from -1 to +1. Such a framework is illustrated in the below

table and indicates which rule was allocated the dominant weight of 0.8.

Table 13: Optimal Weight Allocation with Serial Correlation

φ=0 φ = 0.5 φ=1

µ from -1 to -0.1 Rule 9 Rule 9 Rule 9

µ=0 Rule 3, 7 or 9 Rule 3, 7 or 9 Rule 9

µ = 0.1 Rule 3 Rule 3 or 7 Rule 3 or 9

µ from 0.2 to 0.3 Rule 3 Rule 3 or 7 Rule 9

µ from 0.4 to 0.5 Rule 3 Rule 3 or 7 Rule 3 or 9

µ from 0.6 to 0.7 Rule 3 Rule 3 or 7 Rule 9

µ = 0.8 Rule 3 Rule 3, 7 or 9 Rule 9

µ from 0.9 to 1 Rule 9 Rule 9 Rule 9

The above results illustrate that when serial correlation is high, Rule 9 is more desirable for the

CPO as it provides the superior performance results. Recall that Rule 9 makes adjustments to the

allocation in proportion to the size of profits and losses. It may be that such a rule is more effective

when there is greater persistence in runs of profit. Similarly when serial correlation tends to be closer

to zero, Rule 3 is allocated the dominance factor from the weight allocation algorithm. Between these

two parameters either Rule 3, 7 or 9 is proven to provide superior results which could lead to a

dominant weight allocation of 0.8 to either rule. Using this framework we are now able to categorise

each CTA using the previously calculated φ and µ. The following table illustrates the results found

after we categorise each CTA using the developed framework.

Table 14: Categorising CTAs using Population Means and Serial Correlation

µ φ Dominant Rule

Quest Partners 0.165172 -0.19768 Rule 3

Dreiss Research Corp. 0.225251 0.105815 Rule 3

Kelly Angle Inc. 0.169485 0.086683 Rule 3

Saxon Investment Corp. 0.242139 0.035563 Rule 3

Hamer Trading, Inc. 0.166078 0.090315 Rule 3

Tactical Investment Management Corp. 0.221746 -0.00589 Rule 3

Clarke Capital Management, Inc. 0.164115 -0.10383 Rule 3

Mulvaney Capital Management Ltd 0.181027 0.150105 Rule 3

James H. Jones 0.125492 0.03702 Rule 3

GIC, LLC 0.194617 -0.02519 Rule 3

Our results thus far has deduced that based on the calculated µ and φ, all CTAs which have been

examined in this study have been categorised under a single rule. This rule is Rule 3 unanimously.

This does not by any means imply that every CTA would be allocated the dominant weight using this

weight allocation algorithm, as further research is necessary to examine and larger pool of CTAs.

Nonetheless this conclusion does bring to light the effectiveness of the composite weight allocation

algorithm and the need for further development. In considering the foregoing outcome, it may be

worth bearing in mind that all of the 10 CTAs chosen had track records of at least 10 years and they

were all among the top performers. It may well be that less successful CTAs would benefit more from

other rules.

We will now apply Rule 3 to the historical data collected for each CTA and make a comparison

of the results generated from the dynamic allocation.

Table 15: Comparison of Static Allocation and Dynamic Allocation using Rule 3

Static Dynamic Percentage

Allocation Allocation Change (%)

Quest Partners 127 364


Dreiss Research Corp. 240 713


Kelly Angle Inc. 218 540


Saxon Investment Corp. 203 598


Hamer Trading, Inc. 118 430


Tactical Investment Management Corp. 214 625


Clarke Capital Management, Inc. 133 317


Mulvaney Capital Management Ltd 211 673


James H. Jones 143 286


GIC, LLC 135 335


On the basis of the historical results we have applied Rule 3 and compared the bottom line

performance with a static allocation – Appendix A. The above table shows that in every case the

performance with the reallocation rule exceeded that with a static allocation.

The effectiveness of the dynamic allocation system varies between CTAs. The smallest increase

in performance is 100% while the largest is 264%. The average improvement across all 10 CTAs is

179%. The fact that the percentage improvement differs from CTA to CTA raises the question of how

much the performance enhanced by dynamic allocation depends on the CTA in question. As a

preliminary remark, the CTA whose performance was improved by the smallest factor (James H.

Jones) produced a better static allocation performance than the CTA whose performance was most

increased (Hamer Trading, Inc.). This raises the suggestion that perhaps relatively weak CTAs gain

most from dynamic allocation. However, across the 10 CTAs there is correlation of +0.9 between the

dynamic allocation performance and the static allocation performance. The appearance is therefore

that the enhanced results depend on both the dynamic allocation system and the underlying CTA

performance, and that these combine in a complex way specific to each CTA.

Chapter 9

The profit or loss on a trading investment depends on the performance of the CTAs and the

allocations made by the CPO. The two factors combine multiplicatively so that they are both of equal

importance. It is usual for trading decisions to be at least partly systematic, in other words, rule

based. In contrast, allocations and reallocations are made on an ad hoc basis. In this dissertation, we

have taken a step into the development of a scientifically validated system of rules and algorithms for

dynamic allocations.

The fundamental axiom of dynamic allocation is that past performance affects future performance

through the state of mind of a CTA. This creates the possibility of a rule based dynamic allocation

system improving on the profitability of a static allocation. In Chapter 3 there is presented a

theoretical model of the response of a CTA to past profit or loss such as to alter the expected value off

future performance. The model implies that there are such effects, but that the direction and size of

appropriate reallocations must be determined empirically. This, starting in Chapter 4, is what the

dissertation proceeds to do. The objective of the dissertation was to determine whether such a

dynamic allocation system could be found in respect of a varying allocation to a CTA.

The search for a successful dynamic allocation system was conducted in three stages. In keeping

with the fundamental axiom, the first step was to devise and compare a set of rules in each of which

the allocation to a CTA changes from month to month in response to monthly profit or loss. Twelve

such rules were devised. In the first instance, a series of monthly CTA percentage performance

figures was simulated as a series of identically and independently distributed observations on a

Gaussian distribution with specified mean and variance. This one series of percentage returns was

translated into monthly profits or losses using each of the twelve rules in turn. Thus, when we

compared the twelve profit and loss series, we were comparing the dynamic allocation rules with one

another, the CTA monthly percentage performance being the same in all twelve rules.

This simulation was repeated 50, 100 and 200 times and the results aggregated. The result of this

was that three of the twelve rules emerged as being superior to the other rules in terms of accumulated

profit and stability. The three rules are:

Rule 3: If profit is made our position increases by 5 and if a loss is made it decreases by 10.

Rule 7: If profit is made in a selected 6 month period our position increases by 10 and if a loss is

made it decreases by 5.

Rule 9: If profit is made our position increases by lagged returns multiplied by 5 and if a loss is

made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by 10.

The performances of the 3 high performing rules were further altered with a parameter switch

component. This provided improved performance for a new set of augmented rules. These three rules


Rule 3(a): If profit is made our position increases by 10 and if a loss is made it decreases by 5.

Rule 7(a): If profit is made in a selected 6 month period our position increases by 5 and if a loss is

made it decreases by 10.

Rule 9(a): If profit is made our position increases by lagged returns multiplied by 10 and if a loss

is made it decreases by lagged returns multiplied by 5.

Having identified a tractable number of candidate rules, our second step was to combine them into a

dynamic allocation system and investigate how such a system could be adapted to the performance

characteristics of a CTA. The rules were combined by sub-allocating a fraction of the CTA‘s

allocation to be governed by each of the three rules. The profit-maximising weights on the three rules

were found by way of repeated simulations. Weights ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 subject to the constraint

of summing to 1 were considered. The first phenomenon to emerge from this step was that in each

case one and only one rule or another was selected for a maximum weight of 0.8.

We then ran more simulations, varying the mean monthly percentage profit of the simulated CTA

relative to the variance (which was held constant). This yielded a relationship between the dominant

rule and mean profit. The essential results were that with a negative mean monthly rate of return,

Rule 9 dominates, whereas with a positive mean monthly rate of return, Rule 3 usually dominates. At

this stage, we first had a system for selecting a dynamic reallocation system based on the performance

characteristics of any given CTA.

Our third and final stage was to repeat the simulations of step 2 but with serial correlation

introduced into the simulated monthly percentage performance figures. Our findings in this respect

were as follows. With a negative monthly rate of return, Rule 9 dominates whatever the strength of

the serial correlation (if any). However, with positive rates of return, the presence of serial correlation

introduces Rules 7 and 9 as close competitors to Rule 3. At this stage, a credible system for

prescribing a dynamic allocation system for any given CTA was complete.

It was now time to confront the simulation-based prescription system with real CTA monthly

percentage performance data. Ten years of monthly figures were downloaded from the Altegris

Clearing Solutions, LLC database for each of ten CTAs. Importantly, the data which were used to

evaluate the prescription and dynamic allocation systems had not played any part in the development

of the systems. For each CTA, a dynamic allocation system was prescribed and applied. In each

case, the result was an increase in profitability ranging from 100% to 264%.

Reverting to the original question of whether it is possible to devise a profitable dynamic

allocation system, we are driven to an affirmative response, because that is what the dissertation has


9.1 Future Investigation Outline

There are several directions in which this research can be developed. Rules can be devised to

determine simultaneously dynamic allocations to each of a group of CTAs. Aspects of CTA

performance apart from the monthly mean and serial correlation can be introduced. Ad hoc human

factors can be reconsidered now in the context of a formal dynamic allocation system. Consequently,

the findings of this research are by no means an end, they are perhaps not even the end of the

beginning. But they are the beginning of the beginning of a new approach to trading investments.

What we have shown here is merely that such a thing can be done, but it is a thing which can offer

investors improved performance, stability, objectivity and transparency.

Appendix A: Comparison of Static and Dynamic Allocation using Rule 3

Net Unit Profit

0 Dynamic Allocation
Static Allocation

Commodity Trading Adviser


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