E Connect Install Admin Guide
E Connect Install Admin Guide
E Connect Install Admin Guide
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URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of
using it.
Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real
association or connection is intended or should be inferred.
Intellectual property This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any
Microsoft product.
You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.
Trademarks Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, BizTalk Server, Windows, Windows
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Warranty disclaimer Microsoft Corporation disclaims any warranty regarding the sample code contained in this
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License agreement Use of this product is covered by a license agreement provided with the software product. If you
have any questions, please call the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Assistance Department at
800-456-0025 (in the U.S. or Canada) or +1-701-281-6500.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting...................................................................................................... 53
Functional currency ....................................................................................................................................53
Connection string problems ......................................................................................................................53
Login problems ...........................................................................................................................................54
Incoming or Outgoing Services ................................................................................................................54
eConnect event log......................................................................................................................................54
Incoming Service problems .......................................................................................................................55
eConnect Integration Service ....................................................................................................................56
eConnect Integration Service tracing .......................................................................................................56
eConnect installation has ended prematurely ........................................................................................59
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Index ................................................................................................................................................................... 63
ii E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Welcome to eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics™ GP. This documentation explains
how to install and administer eConnect. An eConnect installation includes files,
tools, and services that allow applications to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Before you begin installing and using eConnect, take a few moments to review the
information presented here.
To learn about creating applications that use eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP,
refer to the eConnect Programmer’s Guide and Reference document.
Symbol Description
The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts,
and suggestions.
Margin notes summarize Margin notes call attention to critical information and
important information. direct you to other areas of the documentation where
a topic is explained.
Convention Description
Part 1, eConnect Basics Bold type indicates a part name.
Chapter 1, “Overview” Quotation marks indicate a chapter name.
Installing eConnect Italicized type indicates a section name.
using System.IO; This font is used to indicate script examples.
Microsoft Message Acronyms are spelled out the first time they’re used.
Queuing (MSMQ)
TAB or ALT+M Small capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence.
Product support
Microsoft Dynamics GP technical support can be accessed online or by telephone.
Go to www.microsoft.com/Dynamics and click the CustomerSource or
PartnerSource link, or call 888-477-7877 (in the US and Canada) or 701-281-0555.
Chapter 1: eConnect Overview
eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP allows you to integrate your business
applications with Microsoft Dynamics GP. The following topics introduce eConnect
for Microsoft Dynamics GP:
• What is eConnect?
• What eConnect can do
• Getting started
What is eConnect?
eConnect is a collection of tools, components, and interfaces that allow applications
to programmatically exchange data with Microsoft Dynamics GP. The key eConnect
components and interfaces include:
These eConnect interfaces allow external applications like web storefronts, web
services, point-of-sale systems, or legacy applications to integrate with Microsoft
Dynamics GP. The external applications can perform actions like creating, updating,
retrieving, and deleting back office documents and transactions.
Throughout the documentation, the terms front office and back office are used. The term
back office refers to the financial management system, in this case, Microsoft Dynamics GP.
The term front office refers to customer relationship management systems, data warehouses,
web sites, or other applications that communicate with the back office.
Dynamics GP data. eConnect also reduces development time when the business
logic contained in the back office is reused by new custom applications.
Getting started
How you start depends on your role:
System administrator
If you are the system administrator, complete the following:
Software Developer
If you are a developer, complete the following:
C H A P T E R 1 E C O N N E C T O V E R V I E W
• Discuss the installation procedure with the system administrator to learn what
configuration settings were used during the eConnect installation.
• Architecture diagram
• Configurations
• Business objects
• eConnect API
• BizTalk
• Transaction Requester
Architecture diagram
eConnect installs a collection of components that work together to provide
programmatic access to Microsoft Dynamics GP data. The following diagram
illustrates the basic components:
BizTalk MSMQ
Layer .NET Assemblies
Business Objects
Data Access
Dynamics GP
The diagram illustrates eConnect’s two key layers and the components each layer
• The data access layer contains the eConnect business objects. The business
objects are installed on the Microsoft Dynamics GP server.
• The eConnect runtime layer contains the components that simplify using the
eConnect business objects. The eConnect runtime layer installs on the same
computer as the integrating application.
The eConnect runtime includes several components that allow you to access the
eConnect business objects.
• The eConnect BizTalk adapter allows you to use BizTalk to configure and
manage the integration between your application and Microsoft Dynamics GP
The diagram also shows that your integrating application can bypass the eConnect
runtime and use the eConnect business objects directly.
There are two common configurations for an eConnect installation. The following
illustration shows the most common configuration for eConnect. In this
configuration, the eConnect runtime is installed on a separate server, and accesses
the SQL Server that manages Microsoft Dynamics GP data over the local network.
To obtain optimal performance, you should use the two server configuration
whenever possible.
Local Network
12 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Which configuration you choose will depend on what types of integration you
need, and what server resources you have available. eConnect can also be part of a
BizTalk integration. Refer to BizTalk documentation for information about the types
of configurations possible with BizTalk Server.
Business objects
The most basic eConnect components are known as business objects. The eConnect
business objects are a collection of SQL stored procedures. The eConnect stored
procedures are added to the system database (DYNAMICS) during the initial
installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP. Additional eConnect stored procedure are
included when you create a new company using Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities.
The stored procedures contain the business logic used by eConnect. In addition, the
stored procedures validate the data and supply default values. Any eConnect action
that queries, creates, updates, or deletes data from Dynamics GP uses one or more
of these stored procedures.
See the eConnect You cannot modify eConnect stored procedures. However, eConnect provides an
Programmer’s Guide alternative that allows you to customize its business logic. Each stored procedure
and Reference for includes specially named pre and post stored procedures. You customize
information about eConnect’s business logic by adding SQL queries and commands to these pre and
customizing business post procedures. The pre stored procedure runs your custom code immediately
logic. before the eConnect stored procedure, while the post stored procedure runs
immediately after the eConnect stored procedure.
For example, assume you want to modify the business logic for the eConnect stored
procedure named taSopHdrIvcInsert. You complete this modification by adding
custom SQL code to the stored procedure named taSopHdrIvcInsertPost. Your
custom code will run immediately after every execution of the taSopHdrIvcInsert
procedure. To run custom code prior to the execution of the taSopHdrIvcInsert
procedure, place the custom SQL code in the stored procedure named
Once eConnect installs its business objects, the stored procedures are available on
the server and can be utilized by your application. However, a direct call to an
eConnect stored procedure requires you to:
To avoid the extra work of direct calls to the stored procedures, use one of the APIs
that eConnect supplies. These API provide a simpler approach to using the
eConnect business objects.
eConnect API
eConnect provides a collection of APIs that interact with the business objects. There
are APIs for Microsoft .NET, and Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). The
eConnect APIs allows you to use the interface that best fits your integration project
and the available development tools.
To support its API, eConnect supplies the eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP
2013 integration Service. The eConnect Integration Service is a Windows service
that manages interaction with the eConnect business objects. To use the eConnect
runtime on your computer, you must install the eConnect Integration Service on
that computer. The eConnect Integration Service requires a user logon. The logon
must have sufficient privileges (i.e. be assigned to DYNGRP) to access the
Dynamics GP databases on your SQL server.
14 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Schema information To use the eConnect API, your application must create or read eConnect XML
can be found in the documents. eConnect supplies XML schema to specify the contents of each
eConnect document.
Programmer’s Guide
and Reference A schema is an XML file (with typical extension .xsd) that describes the syntax and
semantics of XML documents using a standard XML syntax. An XML schema
specifies the content constraints and the vocabulary that compliant documents must
The eConnect business objects validate documents against the schema and reject
documents that do not comply.
Microsoft .NET
eConnect installs .NET assemblies on your computer and adds them to the global
assembly cache. The assemblies use the eConnect Integration Service to access the
eConnect business objects. To use eConnect in a .NET development project, add
references to these assemblies.
The MSMQ API uses MSMQ queues and Windows services to asynchronously
transport data between your application and Microsoft Dynamics GP. Your
application must be able to access the queues used by the services. Both the
Incoming and Outgoing services use the eConnect Integration Service to access the
eConnect business objects.
To use the eConnect Incoming Service, create an XML document and place it in the
specified queue. The Incoming Service monitors that queue and periodically
processes the valid XML documents stored in the queue.
The eConnect Outgoing Service relies on SQL triggers and the business objects to
retrieve specified eConnect documents. The service stores the documents in a
specified queue. Your application must monitor the queue, retrieve the supplied
documents, and perform its actions based on the data in the documents.
eConnect provides a BizTalk adapter that you can install on BizTalk 2006 server or
later versions. The BizTalk adapter enables you to use BizTalk to manage interaction
with eConnect business objects.
The BizTalk adapter enable you to use eConnect as a part of a BizTalk solution that
integrates information between Microsoft Dynamics GP and other applications.
Transaction Requester
The Transaction Requester is a collection of SQL database tables and database
triggers that eConnect uses to make Dynamics GP data changes available to other
The Transaction
Requester’s SQL trigger
reacts to the record’s
creation, and inserts an
entry to the eConnect_Out
The Transaction Requester supports other eConnect services that export data from
Dynamics GP to other applications.
When eConnect installs the Transaction Requester, it creates three tables in each
specified Dynamics GP database:
• eConnect_Out This table stores data from selected create, update, or delete
operations that occur within Microsoft Dynamics GP. The data identifies the
individual transactions that occurred. Other eConnect services use the data in
the table to create messages that can be used to integrate Dynamics GP data
with other applications.
To configure the eConnect Transaction Requester, use the eConnect Requester Setup
Tool. The eConnect Requester Setup Tool allows you to specify Dynamics GP
objects and operations you want to export to another application. The utility then
adds SQL triggers to Dynamics GP that populate the eConnect_Out table for the
specified objects and operations. For a detailed explanation of how to configure the
Transaction Requester, see Transaction Requester on page 38.
For example, assume you want an external application to be updated when a new
customer is added to Microsoft Dynamics GP. To begin, use the eConnect Requester
Setup Tool to specify the customer object and the SQL insert operation. The
eConnect Requester Setup Tool adds a SQL trigger to the database. When a new
customer record is inserted, the SQL trigger creates a record of the event in the
eConnect_Out table.
16 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
The eConnect Outgoing Service periodically queries the eConnect_Out table. The
service uses the record in the table to create an XML document that describes the
new customer transaction.
The Outgoing Service then places the XML document in a message queue where it
can be retrieved and used to notify the external application.
• Chapter 3, “Prerequisites,” describes the software required and the actions you
must perform before you install eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
20 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Chapter 3: Prerequisites
Before installing eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP, there are several
prerequisites you must check. This portion of the documentation describes the
software requirements and the additional steps to perform before installing
eConnect. The following topics are discussed:
• Operating system
• Microsoft .NET Framework
• Dexterity Shared Components
• Service user account
• Functional currency
• Microsoft Message Queueing (MSMQ)
Operating system
To install eConnect, the computer must be running one of the following operating
The install puts the Dexterity Shared Components on the computer. If the computer
already has the Dexterity Shared Components, you will not be prompted to install
them again.
Functional currency
eConnect requires a functional currency to be set up for Microsoft Dynamics GP,
even if multicurrency is not being used. To set up a functional currency, complete
the following procedure:
22 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
The eConnect install will add default queues for the incoming and outgoing
services. However, you can use Server Manager to add custom private queues that
you can use with the incoming and outgoing services.
You use the New Private Queue window to specify the name of the queue. Type the
queue name in the textbox. Click the Transactional checkbox and specify that the
queue is transactional. To save the queue information, click OK.
If you do not mark the Transactional box, the queue will not work with the eConnect
incoming or outgoing services. Both services require the queue to be transactional.
Note the names of the custom queues that you created, you can use the queue
names when you configure the incoming or outgoing service. For more information
about configuring the services, see Chapter 5, “Configuring eConnect Services.”
24 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Chapter 4: eConnect Installation
This portion of the documentation describes how to install eConnect for Microsoft
Dynamics GP. The following information is discussed:
• Installation procedure
• What to do next
Installation procedure
To install eConnect, complete the following procedure:
3. Install prerequisites.
If you see a window that prompts you to install prerequisite components, click
Install. If you previously installed eConnect, Microsoft Dynamics GP, or
another product, you might not see this window.
Specify the install location for eConnect. The default location is c:\Program
Files\Microsoft Dynamics\eConnect 12.0 but you can specify another folder.
When you click a button for a feature, a pop-up menu of options appears. Refer
to the following table for information about each option.
To include a feature, click the button and select “Run from My Computer” To
exclude a feature, click the button and select “Not Available”
Help and Samples Installs the help files, schema files, tools, and samples
that assist with developing, testing, and deploying eConnect customizations
26 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 4 E C O N N E C T I N S T A L L A T I O N
The account must be a member of the DYNGRP role in the Microsoft Dynamics GP
system and company databases on your Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Server.
Click the type of authentication you want to use. Typically, you can use
Windows Trusted Authentication to connect to your Microsoft Dynamics GP
SQL Server. If your Windows logon account cannot access the Microsoft
Dynamics GP server, use SQL Authentication and specify a SQL user name and
password. Click Next to continue.
You can prevent the install from creating a connection to a SQL Server. If you mark
the Do not add service user to SQL box, the SQL connection is not created. You
might want to click this box when you do not know the SQL Server or the Dynamics
GP system database that you want eConnect to use. For example, you install
eConnect in a multitenant environment and you do not know the name of the
system database for your tenant.
The installation creates the eConnect event log. The log stores all the error,
warning and information messages that eConnect generates. To view the
eConnect event log, open the Start menu and select Control Panel >>
Administrative Tools >> Event Viewer. To view the messages in the eConnect
log, click Applications and Services Logs, and then click eConnect .
What to do next
After eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP has installed, consider taking the
following steps:
• Learn about actions you will need to take to configure and maintain the
eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP components you installed. Details are
found in Part 3, Administration.
28 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Part 3: Administration
This portion of the documentation explains the configuration and maintenance
options for eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP. The following information is
30 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Chapter 5: Configuring eConnect Services
After installing eConnect, you may need to configure the eConnect services or the
BizTalk adapter. The following sections describes how to configure these
• Overview
• Incoming Service
• Outgoing Service
• Transaction Requester
• BizTalk adapter
The complete eConnect installation adds three Windows services to your
computer’s Service Control Manager. The installer initially configures each service
and stores the configuration information in an XML file. These XML configuration
files contain keys and values that control the operation of each service. To customize
the behavior of a service or to adjust the service to reflect changes in your server
environment, change the values for one or more keys in the configuration file.
Make a backup copy of the configuration file before making any changes. This ensures you
will always be able to restore the service if necessary.
After changing the settings in a configuration file, you must stop and restart the
service. The changes in the configuration file will not be implemented until the
service restarts.
The eConnect install also includes the Transaction Requester that publishes
eConnect XML documents to a specified queue. Use the eConnect Requester Setup
utility to specify which Microsoft Dynamics GP documents to publish.
If you install the eConnect Adapter for BizTalk 2006, you must configure BizTalk
Server 2006 to work with the adapter. You use the BizTalk Server Administration
utility and Visual Studio to configure the BizTalk server.
Incoming Service
The eConnect Incoming Service for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 integrates
eConnect XML documents into Microsoft Dynamics GP. The Incoming Service uses
a configuration file named eConnect_Incoming.exe.config to control its operations.
This file is typically found in the following location
<addkey="eConnect.BackOffice.ConnectionString"value="data source=MYServer;
initial catalog=MyDatabase;integrated security=SSPI;persist security info=
False;packet size=4096"/>
You change how the connection string works by changing the value parameters. For
example, you may change the data source or initial catalog parameters to reflect
changes in your server configuration.
If you install eConnect on a separate computer from the SQL Server that manages
Microsoft Dynamics GP data, you must change this key’s data source parameter.
The default configuration assumes a single server install. Change the data source
value to specify the SQL Server where the eConnect business objects are installed.
Invalid changes to connection string parameters can prevent the service from working. You
should carefully test changes to ensure the connection string is valid.
32 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 5 C O N F I G U R I N G E C O N N E C T S E R V I C E S
The value “0” stores the undeliverable message in the system’s transactional
deadletter queue.
A blank key value means there is no schema validation. The other possible values is
XSD. You set the value to XSD when you want to validate an eConnect XML
documents against the eConnect schema.
Schema validation ensures the XML document in the message contains all the
information required for a successful create, update, or delete operation in
Microsoft Dynamics GP. Schema validation verifies the name of each XML node, the
order of each node in the XML document, and the values contained by the node. If
the XML document fails validation, an error is logged in the eConnect event log and
the XML document is discarded.
If you elect not to perform schema validation, the order and name of each XML
node is not verified. When eConnect encounters an XML document that contains a
node with an unrecognized name, the data value for that node is omitted but the
specified operation is allowed to proceed. No log entry is made about the omitted
node. Invalid data values are detected and logged as an error in the eConnect event
log even when schema validation is not performed. XML documents with invalid
data are discarded after logging the error message.
eConnect.Schema This key specifies the location of the XSD schema file. The
default value is blank.
A blank key value indicates incoming XML documents will not be validated. If you
have set the eConnect.Schema.Type key to XSD, use this key to supply the path to
the XSD schema file. For example, use value="C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Dynamics\eConnect 12.0\XML Sample Documents\Incoming XSD
Schemas\eConnect.xsd" to validate against the schema definitions contained in that
XSD file.
eConnect.LogAll The key specifies the types of messages to log in the eConnect
event log. The default value is blank.
The value ““ logs only errors. Change the value to “1” to log all messages in the
eConnect event log.
eConnect.Threads This key specifies the number of threads that are available
when the service starts. The default value is “0”.
A value of “0” indicates a single thread will be used. You can set the value to any
number between 0 and 19. A value of 19 makes 20 threads available when the
service starts. A higher number of threads should allow the service to process
documents more quickly.
There are scenarios where increasing the number of threads degrades system performance. If
the server cannot support more threads, or custom code added to an eConnect pre or post
stored procedures is not thread safe, adding threads may cause unexpected results. Changes
to this key’s value require careful evaluation and testing.
Outgoing Service
The eConnect Outgoing Service for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 allows you to
integrate transaction information originating in Microsoft Dynamics GP into your
application. The Outgoing Service creates XML documents and stores them in a
message queue. Your application must retrieve these messages to use the XML
documents they contain. The Outgoing Service creates a default queue named
machine_name\private$\econnect_outgoing to store outgoing messages.
Typically, you use the Outgoing Service in conjunction with the eConnect
Transaction Requester. You use the Transaction Requester to specify the Dynamics
GP documents you want sent to the message queue. Refer to Transaction Requester
on page 38 section for more information.
34 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 5 C O N F I G U R I N G E C O N N E C T S E R V I C E S
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="DatabaseNames"
type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler" />
<add key="BackOfficeConnString.ConnectionString" value="
packet size=4096;
integrated security=SSPI;
data source=;
persist security info=False;
initial catalog=TWO" />
<add key="Queue.Type" value="0" />
<add key="Requester.ACTION" value="0" />
<add key="Requester.OutputType" value="2" />
<add key="Requester.Remove" value="1" />
<add key="Timer1.Interval" value="1000" />
<add key="Delay.Interval" value="5" />
<add key="ByteOrderMark" value="0" />
<DatabaseNames database1="DYNAMICS" database2="TWO" />
You change how the connection string works by changing the value parameters. For
example, you may change the data source or initial catalog parameters to reflect
changes in your server configuration.
If you install eConnect on a separate computer from the SQL Server that manages
Microsoft Dynamics GP data, you must change this key’s data source parameter.
The default configuration assumes a single server install. Change the data source
value to specify the SQL Server where the eConnect business objects are installed.
Invalid changes to connection string parameters can prevent the service from working. You
should carefully test changes to ensure the connection string is valid.
Queue.Type This key specifies whether the targeted queue is a public or private
queue. The default value is “0”.
Value Description
0 The queue is a private queue.
1 The queue is a public queue.
Requester.ACTION This key specifies the type of database operations you want
the service to monitor. The default value is “0”.
The value “0” creates and stores an XML document in the queue whenever there is
an insert, update, or delete operation for the Dynamics GP document types selected
using the Requester Enabler/Disabler utility.
Use this key to specify the types of XML documents produced by the Outgoing
Service. The following is a list of possible action types:
36 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 5 C O N F I G U R I N G E C O N N E C T S E R V I C E S
Requester.OutputType This key specifies the type of the XML document that is
created. The default value is “2”, which retrieves the complete document.
Use this key to adjust the amount of data the Outgoing Service places in each XML
Requester.Remove This key specifies whether or not the record is deleted from
the eConnect_Out table after the service places the document in the message queue.
The default value is “1”.
A value of ”1” deletes the record from the eConnect_Out table. A value of ”0” keeps
the record in the eConnect_Out table.
The service queries the list of records in the eConnect_Out table. It then cycles
through the list of records to identify the documents to place in the message queue.
If the record in the eConnect_Out table is not deleted, the service creates a duplicate
document in the message queue each time it runs.
Timer1.Interval This key specifies the number of milliseconds the service pauses
between queries of the eConnect_Out table. Default value is ”1000”
Change the value when you need to optimize the workload the service places on
your computer.
Delay.Interval This key specifies the number of seconds a record must exist in
the eConnect_Out table to be eligible for processing by the service. The default
value is ”5”.
The default value indicates a record will not be processed until it has been in the
eConnect_Out table for a minimum of five seconds.
ByteOrderMark This key specifies whether the byte order mark (BOM) should
be added to the XML output. The default value is “0”.
The byte order mark was used with BizTalk 2004. Use the default value unless you
specifically want to change the byte order mark behavior of the outgoing service.
DatabaseNames This XML node contains attributes that specify the databases
the Outgoing Service monitors. The default includes all of the Dynamics GP
databases that existed when the service was installed.
The Outgoing Service monitors the databases in the order they are listed. Each
specified database must include the eConnect business objects and the
eConnect_Out, eConnect_Out_Setup, and eConnectOutTemp tables.
To add a company to the Outgoing Service, you must identify the company
database in the configuration file’s DatabaseNames node. For example, assume you
added a new company named CONTOSO to Microsoft Dynamics GP. To add this
company to the Outgoing Service, complete the following:
Transaction Requester
The Transaction Requester allows you to specify Microsoft Dynamics GP
documents to publish as eConnect XML documents. You also specify whether to
publish for an insert, update, or delete operation in a Microsoft Dynamics GP
database. You configure the Transaction Requester, complete the following
38 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 5 C O N F I G U R I N G E C O N N E C T S E R V I C E S
To create the connection string, choose Setup Connection from the Connection
Settings menu. The Connection Setup window opens. Enter the name of the
Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Server and the company database you will use
with the Transaction Requester.
Mark the Integrated Security check box to use your Windows logon
information. If you clear the Integrated Security check box, you must supply a
SQL user name and password that enables the Requester Setup Tool to access
the specified database. Click Save.
To discontinue the publishing of a document, remove the check from the check
box for that document type.
To discontinue the publishing of a document, remove the check from the check
box for that document type.
40 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
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BizTalk adapter
The BizTalk adapter allows you to use eConnect in a BizTalk solution that routes
messages between applications, or enables applications with differing message
formats to integrate.
To configure the eConnect BizTalk adapter, you must have already installed Microsoft Visual
Studio on that computer.
The following steps show how to configure the adapter for BizTalk Server 2006. You
can also use the adapter with later versions of BizTalk Server. To configure the
BizTalk adapter, complete the following procedure:
In the Name box, enter eConnect as a name for the send adapter. In the Adapter
box, select Dynamics GP eConnect. Click OK to continue.
42 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
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44 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 5 C O N F I G U R I N G E C O N N E C T S E R V I C E S
If you are not using BizTalk orchestration, click Filters. In the Filters window,
use the Property drop-down list to select BTS.ReceivePortName. In the Value
text box, enter the name of the receive port. Click OK to continue.
To add a map to your sendport, click Outbound Maps. Specify the map or maps
to use with the current port.
Completing a repair
If the eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP application becomes damaged, the
repair operation may help resolve the issue. The Repair wizard fixes the following:
2. Click Repair.
5. Ready to repair.
Click Repair to begin. The repair will run for several minutes.
6. Repair complete
When the Repair Complete window appears, click Exit to close the wizard.
48 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 6 M A I N T E N A N C E
When the Database Maintenance utility reloads the stored procedures, customizations to the
eConnect pre or post stored procedures are removed. To prevent the loss of customized pre
and post procedures, save each customized stored procedure to a safe location prior to
running the Database Maintenance utility. After the Database Maintenance utility
reinstalls the eConnect stored procedures, restore each saved pre and post procedure to the
For more information about the Database Maintenance utility, click the help button
on the utility or review the Database Maintenance Utility section of the Microsoft
Dynamics GP System Administrator’s Guide.
Removing eConnect
The eConnect remove operation allows you to delete all of the installed eConnect
folders and files. It deletes only the files and folders created in file system of the
local machine. To remove eConnect from a computer, complete the following steps:
2. Click Remove.
Click Remove.
50 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Chapter 7: Utilities
eConnect includes several utilities that help to configure and administer some
components. The following sections describe these utilities:
For more information about the Requester Setup Tool, see Transaction Requester on
page 38.
If you install the eConnect Runtime Services, the eConnect MSMQ Control is not available.
The runtime install does not include the eConnect MSMQ Control. To use the eConnect
MSMQ Control, you must also install the Incoming-Outgoing Service.
To use the eConnect MSMQ Control, open the Start menu and select All Programs
>> Microsoft Dynamics >> eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 >> eConnect
MSMQ Control. The eConnect MSMQ Control appears.
Select the type of queue. The eConnect MSMQ Control allows you to work with
private queues, public queues, or the Deadletter queue. Enter the path for the queue
in the Queue Path text box. Click Open. The Messages list box displays the label of
each message in that queue.
To view or edit a specific message, click its label in the list box. The Message
Contents textbox at the bottom of the screen displays the message. If you want to
change the contents of the message, use the textbox to find and edit the XML.
To resubmit the message or to send it to another queue, enter the path to the target
queue in the Queue Path for Resending text box. Click Resend. The Message Log
textbox logs any messages from resending the message. The eConnect MSMQ
Control also allows you to indicate whether to leave the original messages in the
queue or have the original message deleted once the messages is resent. The
eConnect MSMQ Control also allows you to relabel a message.
52 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting
If you encounter problems with eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP, the following
sections may be helpful. They describe some of the most common situations that
can occur when using eConnect. The following items are discussed:
• Functional currency
• Connection string problems
• Login problems
• Incoming or Outgoing Services
• eConnect event log
• Incoming Service problems
• eConnect Integration Service
• eConnect installation has ended prematurely
Functional currency
If you add a new company to Microsoft Dynamics GP and you install the eConnect
business object for the new company, you may encounter problems when eConnect
attempts a create, update, or delete operation. Common examples include:
• The eConnect Incoming Service fails to update the company database. You find
Microsoft message queuing (MSMQ) messages that target the new company in
the system’s Transactional dead-letter messages queue.
• Applications using the eConnect API generate error messages that indicate a
functional currency is needed.
• You find the eConnect event log contains entries that report a functional
currency has not been set up and is required.
To use the eConnect business objects, you must define a functional currency for the
new company. eConnect requires a currency ID for the company, even if
multicurrency is not being used. Review the setup procedure, Functional currency on
page 22, to specify a functional currency.
To eliminate the error, check the connection string. The connection string must
Integrated Security=SSPI;
If this parameter is missing from the connection string or is not set to SSPI, edit the
connection string to supply the correct integrated security setting.
Login problems
After installing eConnect, any attempt to use the eConnect API or start an eConnect
service creates an error message in the eConnect event log. The log entries indicate
the user login is invalid or cannot perform the requested action. To resolve these
issues, review the following:
• Verify that the login account can access the SQL Server where the eConnect
business objects are installed. The login must be able to access the Microsoft
Dynamics GP server.
• Verify that the login account can access the DYNAMICS database and the
company databases where the eConnect business objects are installed. SQL
Server must authorize the login account to access these databases.
• Verify that the login account is assigned to the DYNGRP database role. The
login account must have the DYNGRP role for the DYNAMICS database and
each company database where the eConnect business objects are installed.
Could not start the Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains eConnect
Incoming Service on the Local Computer.
Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for
The message indicates MSMQ was not installed on the computer with the eConnect
Incoming and Outgoing services. Refer to Microsoft Message Queueing (MSMQ) on
page 23 for instructions on installing MSMQ.
54 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 8 TR O U B L E S H O O T I N G
You will want to check the eConnect event log in the following situations:
• Your application produces error messages. Check the event log to see if
eConnect is logging any messages that specify the cause of the error.
• You find insert, update, or delete operations performed by eConnect are not
visible in the Microsoft Dynamics GP client. Review the eConnect event log to
see whether operations are being aborted. The log will contain an error message
that explains why the operation was not completed.
• If you validate incoming XML documents, the event log will contain error
messages about the documents that failed validation. Use the messages in the
event log to correct the XML so the documents can be resubmitted.
The information in the error messages specifies the type of error and its source. Use
the information contained in the messages to identify the corrective actions that are
To see whether validation is the cause, open the configuration file for the Incoming
Service and check the eConnect.Schema.Type key. If the key value is XSD, the
Incoming Service is validating the XML of all the incoming documents. For
additional information about configuring the Incoming Service, see the Incoming
Service on page 31.
When validation is enabled, the Incoming Service checks all incoming documents
for compliance with eConnect’s schema definition for that document. A validation
error occurs if the document contains improperly named nodes, the sequence of the
nodes within the document differs from the schema, or the nodes contain
unexpected values. If the Incoming Service encounters a validation error, it logs an
error message in the eConnect event log. After logging the error message, the
operation is aborted.
To prevent operations from being lost to validation errors, perform one of the
following actions:
• Use the error information to determine what is causing the validation problem.
Change the application that generates the XML documents to comply with the
eConnect schema.
• Use the error messages in the log to identify documents that failed validation.
Use the information in the error message to correct each XML document.
Resubmit the documents to the Incoming Service.
• Disable validation for the Incoming Service. This will stop eConnect from
logging an error when an XML document contains an unknown element name,
or the order of the elements in the document differ from the document’s
• Check whether the eConnect Integration Service is using the correct login
credentials. The installation requires you to provide a user name and password
for the eConnect Integration Service. If the you later change the password of
that user and do not update the eConnect Integration Service with the new
password, the eConnect Integration Service will not start.
• Check whether the eConnect Integration Service has been stopped. Open the
eConnect Integration Service in the Services Console. Right-click the eConnect
for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Integration Service and select Start. If you
receive an error message stating you must enable the application, right-click
eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Integration Service, and then select
56 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 8 TR O U B L E S H O O T I N G
Value Description
Error All exceptions are recorded.
Information Records important and successful milestones of application execution,
regardless of whether the application is working properly or not.
Verbose Records events that mark successful milestones. Includes low level events for
both user code and the service. Useful for debugging or for application
<source name="eConnectTraceSource" switchValue="Off">
<!--<add name="eConnectXmlTracelistener">
<filter type="" />
<add name="eConnectTextTracelistener">
<filter type="" />
<source name="eConnectServiceTraceSource" switchValue="Verbose">
<add name="eConnectSvcTextTracelistener">
<filter type="" />
<!--<add name="eConnectSvcXmlTracelistener">
<filter type="" />
<add initializeData="C:\TEMP\eConnectSvc.log"
System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<filter type="" />
<add initializeData="%TEMP%\eConnectSvcLog.xml"
System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<filter type="" />
<add initializeData="%TEMP%\eConnect.log"
System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<filter type="" />
<add initializeData="%TEMP%\eConnectLog.xml"
System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
<filter type="" />
The eConnectSvcTextTracelistener records the specified trace events into a text file.
The default name for the file is eConnectSvc.log. To view the results of the trace,
open the file in a text editor.
58 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
C H A P T E R 8 TR O U B L E S H O O T I N G
When you are done tracing, set the switchValue attribute of the
eConnectServiceTraceSource to Off.
To help determine the cause of the problem, you can enable MSI logging for the
eConnect install. To enable MSI logging, you use the silent eConnect install. The
following example shows the command to run a silent install.
After you enable MSI logging and run the install, you review the log and find a
message that contains the following:
However, the name specified in the error message is the name of a server and not
the domain name. To help resolve this error, you can add a DNS suffix that specifies
the domain. To add the DNS suffix, complete the following steps:
Click Add.
If you have sub domains, you might want to add a sub domain as a DNS suffix. For
example, your SQL Server is on a sub domain. You click Add and type the fully
qualified domain name of the sub domain in the DNS suffix box. You should add the sub
domain so that it appears after the root domain name in the DNS suffix list.
60 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
Glossary without
supplying separate login
64 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E
65 E C O N N E C T I N S TA L L A T I O N A N D A D M I N I S TR A T I O N G U I D E