Marketing Strategies To Improve The Sales of Bakery Products of Small-Medium Enterprise (Smes) in Malaysia
Marketing Strategies To Improve The Sales of Bakery Products of Small-Medium Enterprise (Smes) in Malaysia
Marketing Strategies To Improve The Sales of Bakery Products of Small-Medium Enterprise (Smes) in Malaysia
Table 1. Production details of bakery products in AFISB Table 2. Sales and Profit details of AFISB
(2013-2014) Particulars 2010 2011 2012
Production details 2012 2013 (estimates) 2014 (estimates) Net sales (in US$) 300,000 400,000 550,000
Capacity flour bags 25 40 60 Net Profit / Loss (in US$) -20,000 30,000 40,000
Produced product (in units) 20,500 32,800 49,200 Number of employees 20 24 28
Current price for agent (per unit/ US$) 0.10 0.12 0.15 Source: Interview, available documents, and balance sheet
Total sales revenue per day (in US$) 2000 2500 4000
Source: Interview up of the company in the form of new place, new
customers, machinery and agents (Table 1).
customers and catering the needs to the low-income AFISB has better future if they have the following
group people. In Malaysia, SMEs favor for improving 2-year (2013-2014) strategic plans to further growth.
marketing services through more investment and add
value to the products. For instance, to produce better Two-year plan (2013-2014)
bakery products, one needs to look into improving AFISB has to achieve sales of bakery products
quality and add value like texture, softness, better from US$ 2,000 to US$2,500 per day during 2013
ingredients, taste and attractive packaging. To and enhance to US$4,000 per day during 2014.
achieve this, SMEs were opted to increase the selling AFISB has to focus more on the sales of bakery
price of bakery products and attract new agents to products, expand the business and identify new
boost the sales. The primary objective of this case agents. Further, the wider coverage of sales has to be
study is to identify the current marketing strategies achieved particularly in the rural areas of Malaysia.
of SMEs and suggests improvements for marketing The loss to the extent of US$20,000 during the year
which enhances the sales and services of bakery 2010 is due to the purchase of equipments and export
products produced by them. The major issue in the bakery products to the neighboring countries of
bakery business is that the managers of SMEs engage Malaysia (Table 2).
in multitask activities like looking after operational,
financial and non-financial matters and focus less Results and Discussion
time to do the fieldwork. The other issue is pertaining
to agents, as there are only few agents to look after The managers of AFISB wish to improve sales
the marketing of bakery products. The SMEs spends and marketing of bakery products. The company has
fewer amounts for advertisements and there is no enough capacity in terms of machinery and labor
proper web page to most of the companies. Although, force but they are not able to achieve the business
SMEs have high potential and openings in the future target due to lack of marketing strategies. The usage
since the demand for bakery products increase day of machinery is not 100% as the demand is not
by day in Malaysia. Meanwhile, Aisha Food Industry proportionate compared to the available machinery.
Sdn. Bhd. (AFISB) is one of the SME Company The company can produce 2000 breads per day with
producing bread related products such as cream roll, the available machines whereas they make only 1500
burger, hot dog bun, yam slice cake, chocolate muffin, breads due to less demand. In order to improve sales
and assorted muffin. AFISB has many difficulties in AFISB wants to know on how to value add on bakery
marketing these products. A questionnaire survey was products, its quality, and what type of product is
conducted through personal interview method with moving fast in the market, and which bakery product
the top management people of Aisha Food Industry has a higher profit margin. They could do business
Sdn. Bhd (AFISB). only in public hospitals, government hostels and
The production and marketing strategies of prisons of Malaysia and the company is interested in
AFISB have obtained to predict inferences on the extending the bakery business in the private market.
cost cutting mechanism. The production details of Since, government hospitals, government hostels
AFISB are as follows: and prisons demand less quality products, the bakery
With the existing machinery and capacity, AFISB products sold at low price, while private markets
can produce 820 buns (includes bun / bread / cookies / expect good quality bakery products at competitive
cakes) per one bag (50 kg) of wheat flour. The current price.
production of AFISB Bakery is 20,500 units of buns
per day, which requires 25 bags of wheat flour. The Operational functions of AFISB
estimated target for the year 2013 is 32,800 units of AFISB starts its production of bakery products
buns per day, which requires 40 bags of wheat flour. early in the morning at 5:00 am. The employees of
During the year 2014, AFISB wishes to achieve the AFISB check the record sheet to confirm the quantity
full capacity of 49,200 buns per day, which requires of the business volume per day. They deliver the
60 bags of wheat flour. The loss during the year 2010 bakery items on a daily basis. The strengths of AFISB
to the tune of US$ 20,000 and is due to initial set- Bakery include a wide variety of colorful bakery
Figure 1. Fishbone analysis for Bakery Product Business
of SMEs
products. Some weaknesses of the company include Figure 2. SWOT Analysis for Bakery Product Business of
the lack of a customer base and marketing aspects.
The company is new and the brand name is known company established some good relationship with
only to a certain section of customers. The company government agencies and institutions related banks
must find ways to establish a larger customer base. to secure the government orders. The approach to
If some of the orders from government hospitals, get orders adopted by the company is still at its early
hostels and prisons were cancelled then the company stage, and the packaging design of the bakery products
will be in trouble in the end. It is imperative now, needs to be improved. The packaging materials in the
to find a suitable marketing strategy to improve the form of plastics have to be changed, as the quality is
volume of business to AFISB. not up to the standards. The new machine that can
withstand a high-level heat resistance is the need of
Fishbone analysis the hour.
The Fishbone analysis has been applied to deepen
team’s understanding of a problem. AFISB has Weaknesses
produced bakery products with inferior raw materials The diversification of bakery products is
as they sell products at low prices compared to other necessary, as the Malaysian market requires a high
company products. However, the poor marketing volume of bakery products at low prices. AFISB is
strategy of the company give room to identify the still in an effort to produce a variety of new bakery
causes for Fishbone-analysis. The market research products and product packaging. Although the
generally has 6 M’s to determine the needs of the machine does packaging, the quality of the pocket
consumers and to develop the right products, with is not up to satisfactory level. The packaging design
the right characteristics. AFISB has the “HALAL” with no attractive color does not attract the new
logo symbol so that the Muslim friends can eat the customers. Overall, the quality of the products has
bakery products manufactured by the company. With to be enhanced to ensure sales. Apart from the raw
regard to packaging, AFISB products do not have materials, the other factors such as place of preparation
all nutritional ingredients, message framing, contact of products, steam room, oven play are also important
information and certificate (Figure 1). in determining the quality of the product.
Figure 3. Concluding Remarks from SWOT and Fishbone Observations and recommendations from the case
analysis study
Threats Figure 3 depicts the overall issues and problems
The marketing strategies adopted by the AFISB faced by AFISB and the recommendations to resolve
may invite threats as agents are not motivated in the the issues are provide below:
form of rewards, recognitions and incentives. Some The machine capacity of AFISB is not fully
competitors have the upper edge over this company utilize, the machine idle time is 40%, and therefore the
as they sell green bakery products. Some orders working hours rescheduled from 7 am-11 pm instead
got by AFISB under the Ministry of Defense and of the existing 24 hours with two shifts. The current
Ministry of Home may go to other companies as the brand ZARINA changed to some other brand with
competition in the market is high. The increase in raw attractive packaging to unify the standardization for
material price and the fuel price may create problems better production process of bakery items. Currently,
to AFISB. The detailed descriptions in the form of there are no proper scientific processing units and
SWOT analysis is provided in Figure 2. R&D and thus creating more time for management
From the case study, it is clear that those SMEs to focus on analyses and strategic activities may
who are in bakery business needs to strategize costing, fetch good results. The distribution centers from the
profit margin, analysis of products and they should current level of two increased to at least three centers.
focus on some value-added food for taste and increase The productivity of bakery products engaged by
quality. The proper packaging, good advertisement, SMEs (AFISB) can be improved through efficiency
web attractions and healthier food with high fiber- (low operating costs, savings over idle machine time
less, sugar-low, low cholesterol, good looking may and reducing wastages), better procedures for buying
increase the volume of business. To promote the bakery product materials, improved decision making
marketing of bakery products offered by SMEs, the and better staff morale and cooperation.
following salient features may be adopted: In view of the findings from AFISB, the principal
Identify advertising sources (for true promotion) investment is to be increase for business growth
through multimedia presentation to promote and AFISB must equip all employees and agents
marketing with attractive website of the products with appropriate training. They should also realize
on pipeline. The proper advertising in the form of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) to impart
signboards, posters, leaflets, cards billboards, printed business ethics. AFISB may distribute free cakes to
advertisements, mails, newspaper, TV, FM may educational institutions on special occasions to boost
significantly influence the promotion. AFISB has to their sales and marketing tactics. AFISB should
increase cash investment and Market capacity for provide substantial rewards and gifts to agents in
future growth. The periodical comparison with top order to promote marketing. The lack of marketing
companies and market players to bakery products like communications and product offerings upgraded with
gardenia, High 5 will definitely yield good results. the improved use of technology for sales promotions.
SMEs engaged in doing bakery business might In addition to the government sector, AFISB should
think about preparing the list of agents or distributors concentrate on private sector particularly the small
for cakes, bread, biscuits, cookies, and conduct a and medium enterprise (SME) sector for better
market survey to identify the best suitable agent business development. Periodical sales promotion
for their requirements. The creative promotional may be done using advertising and creating a new
activities may be introduced like founder’s day 20% website.
Conclusions consideration. AFISB caters to the needs of low and
medium ranged income group residing in Malaysia.
In the present case study, the AFISB bakery The company manufactures a variety of bakery
business is taken as a representative of SMEs for products including bread, bun, cake and rolls. AFISB
has 28 employees with the turnover of around
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