Multistakeholder Consultation Meeting
Multistakeholder Consultation Meeting
Multistakeholder Consultation Meeting
TIME:10:30 TO 14:00 HRS
The Consultation workshop was held at District Collector’s Office on 6 December 2014. The main
agenda for the workshop was to review and give suggestions on the existing DDMP and to discuss
the process for updation/preparation of improved DDMP. The programme began with a welcome
note by Dr. Shah Faisal, District Collector Bandipore and followed the introduction, presentations
and discussions with the participants.
Dr. Shah Faisal, District Development Commisioner Bandipore: Apprised about the recent floods
that occurred in Kashmir in September 2014 affecting large areas of Bandipora district. He
emphasised on the urgent need for a simplified and practical version of DDMP. The existing disaster
management plans are too complex and bulky to read and understand. Sphere India is requested to
provide technical guidance to prepare a comprehensive but brief and workable DDMP. The hazards,
vulnerabilities and capacities differ in the three distinct geographic zones of the district. These range
from natural disasters to man-made hazards such as poor construction practices, unsustainable use
of natural resources and cross border firings with Pakistan. It is important to safeguard the essential
items in the district during the disasters as scarcity of the commodities such as oil can ignite tensions
in the community.
Therefore it is important to identify area specific hazards and vulnerabilities in the three catchments:
Jhelum catchment
Wular catchment
Sindh catchment
Sphere is requested to facilitate HVCA in selected sample villages in the three zones and to feed in
the results for the improvement of existing DDMP. The HVCA in these sample villages should give
recommendations on works (including estimates of works).
District does not receive mitigation funds to carry out “pre-emptive” or DRR infrastructural projects.
It receives only 25 lakhs INR annually for disaster response activities. Therefore the plan needs to be
strong, context-specific and keep in mind the all existing resources available under government
schemes and with the communities.
Mr. Mohammad Yusuf, Representative from School Education Department: There is a need of a
workable plan for schools. In every disaster, due to lack of adequate community halls, the affected
population resides in schools which severely hampers the education of children. The construction of
160 shelters sanctioned by the government should be expedited. District is prone to multiple
disasters including fire which is a major hazard in the district. Trainings should be imparted on
multiple hazards including on fire extinguishers and how to use them in the times of emergency. The
school infrastructure should be made resistant to natural hazards.
Mr. Sadashiv ,Prime Ministers Rural Development Fellow (On the behalf of Collectors Office)
The recent floods exposed the a need for emergency stockpiling and community based disaster
management task forces in the village. The village task forces should be trained in evacuation, First
Aid, search and rescue. Checklists/SoPs will be very useful in implementing the planned activities.
Collector’s Office beginning a DM Store and DM Committee at Tehsil level(within a month). A nodal
officer would be appointed with expertise to provide support from District side. Revenue
Department can help in compiling the database on disasters. DC’s office is enthusiastic to integrate
best and workable best practices and mock drills.
Flood Response Officer: There was a lack of systematic preparation for the recent floods. JCBs and
sand bags were not available in required quantities. Nalas were not deepened and widened for a
long time (also due to insufficient funds). Encroachments made the situation even worse. External
assistance for suction pumps and accessories to dewater were required. All these factors
contributed to disaster.
The region is highly prone to disasters. In 2005, earthquake struck and authorities did not know
about the situation as the road and telecom connectivity were destroyed. For days, communities
were left to fend for themselves. The poor construction practices and lack of land use planning the
casualties increased drastically. The government and communities were unprepared for the floods
this year as well. People should be sensitised on disaster management to decrease the loss of lives
and livelihoods.
Dr.Henna Hejazi, Sphere India: Sphere India will coordinate with its members to provide the best
possible technical support to the district administration. Following trainings and activities could be
undertaken by the Sphere members:
The focus should be given to create a communications system which could be functional during the
disasters. There needs to be a mechanism for quick temporary network restoration and distribution
of wireless sets in the villages. 100 persons task force from different registered NGOs – who could
be used during disasters.
Ms. Malashree Bhargava, DRM Consultant, Sphere India: Explained the steps involved in
preparation of DDMP and timelines. The contents of Madhubani- Bihar model of DDMP were
explained in details :
Volume I: DRR Plan (including Capacity Building and Mitigation)
Volume II: District Response Plan
Volume III: Checklists, Formats and Resource Database
Volume IV: Stakeholder Plans (Specific Action Plans for Line Departments, GP Committees, NGOs,
IAG and other stakeholders)
Please refer to the attached PPT.
Explained the Google Earth system for mapping the disaster affected zones, relief and rehabilitation
activities . The Geo tagging and referencing of the affected houses and village infastucture could be
could be complemented by pictures. Information can be compiled at th levels of district, block,
village and individual households. Sphere India can facilitate trainings on the usage of this software.
Please refer to the PPT for details.