Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Using Herbal Drugs: Review Article
Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Using Herbal Drugs: Review Article
Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Using Herbal Drugs: Review Article
Review Article
Diabetes mellitus is becoming a common metabolic disorder which has serious threat to public health in the world. There are
chemicals and biochemical agent that helps in controlling diabetes but there is no permanent remedy available which helps to
get recovered completely from this disorder. By conducting large number of research work, numerous traditional medicines have
been found for diabetes. Substances and extracts isolated from different natural resources especially plants have always been
a rich arsenal for controlling and treating diabetes problem and complication arising due to it. So this review helps the reader to
understand the importance of various types of herbal and poly herbal formulations present traditionally which can be used to treat
diabetes mellitus.
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2018;10(1):1-10
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10
Allium sativum in blood sugar level in the alloxan induced diabetic rats. Oral
It is locally name as garlic belongs to Liliaceae, a family of Al- administration of 500 mg/kg dose of leaves and twigs extract
lium sativum [18]. Ethanolic extract of garlic (10 ml/kg/day) fre- was beneficial in animals for lowering in blood sugar level [18].
quently shows hypoglycemic activity [2]. Extract of garlic was The mechanism of action of Catharanthus roseus is increases
more efficient than anti diabetic drug glibenclamide [19]. Ethyl the synthesis of insulin from β cells of Langerhans [2].
acetate, ethanol and petroleum ether extract was observed to
show an anti diabetic activity in STZ induced rats. Garlic shows Coriandrum sativum
various therapeutic effect such as anti platelet, antibacterial, low- It is mainly known as coriander which belongs to family Api-
ering the blood pressure and lowering the cholesterol level in the aceae. It is widely used as spice in various food items. 200 mg/kg
body [20]. seed extract frequently increases the action of the β cells of
Langerhans and decreases serum sugar in alloxan induced dia-
Aloe borbadensis betic rats and synthesis insulin from β cells of the pancreas. Ex-
It is known as Ghikanvar which belongs to Liliaceae family. It tract of coriandrum sativum shows blood sugar lowering prop-
looks like a cactus plant with green blade shaped leaves that erty and insulin synthesizer [2].
are heavy narrowing, hairy and filled with clear viscid gel. Oral
administration of aqueous extract of aloe Vera in a dose of Eugenia jambolana
150mg/kg of body weight significantly lowering the blood glu- It is known as jamun belongs to Myretaceae family. It contains
cose level [18]. Aloe Vera gel consist various therapeutic effects dried seeds and mature fruits of Eugenia jambolana. It con-
such as anti diabetic, antioxidant, increases the decrease level of tains malvidin 3-laminaribiosidea and ferulic acid as active con-
glutathione by four times in diabetic rats [4]. stituents. Extract of dried seeds (200 mg/kg) used for treatment
of diabetic patients [21].
Azadirachta indica
It is locally name as neem which belongs to family Meliaceae. Gymnema sylvestre
It is available in India and Burma [18]. Ethanolic and aqueous It is commonly known as Gudmar which means ”sugar destroy-
extract of Azadirachta indica shows reduction in blood glucose ing” and consists of Asclepidaceae family. Leaf extract of G.
level in high dose. It can be combined with allopathic drugs in sylvestre (3.4/13.4 mg/kg) showed significant reduction of blood
type 2 diabetic patients whose diabetes is not maintained by allo- sugar level in streptozotocin induced rats. It is mostly used in
pathic drugs only [2]. Worldwide large numbers of patients are Indian ayurvedic medicines for treatment of diabetes. The active
treated by natural neem tablets. Its extract improves the blood constituents in G. Sylvester are alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins
circulation by enlarging the blood vessels and useful in reducing and carbohydrates. It is also used for treatment of cancer, treat-
the blood glucose level in the body [21]. ment of inflammation and treatment of various microbial dis-
eases [20].
Brassica juncea
It is known as Rai which belongs to family cruciferae. It is Mangifera indica
widely used as spice in various food items. Aqueous seed ex- It is commonly known as mango and consists of family Anac-
tract has blood sugar lowering activity which was observed in ardiaceae. Anti diabetic activity shows by leaves extract (250
alloxan induced diabetic rats. 250, 350, 450 mg/kg doses of ex- mg/kg) but oral administration of aqueous extract did not change
tract shows hypoglycemic activity [22]. the blood glucose level in alloxan induced diabetic rats [24].
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2018;10(1):1-10
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10
S.no. Plant Family Com- Part used Active constituents Mode of action Ref-
species mon er-
name ences
1 Aegle Ru- Bael Leaves extracts Aegle marmelosine Improve functional state of pancreatic β- [21]
marmelos taceae cells
2 Allium cepa Lilli- Onion Dried powder Dipropyl disulphide oxide Stimulating the effects on glucose [32]
aceae utilization and antioxidant enzyme
3 Allium Lilli- Garlic Petroleum Allyproyl disulphide Improve plasma lipid metabolism and [25]
sativum aceae ether extract of oxide,Allicin plasma antioxidant activity
4 Aloe bor- Aspho- Ghikan- Leaf pulp β- sitosterol, Campesterol Improvement in impaired glucose tolerance [23]
badensis delaceae war extract
5 Andro- Acan- Kalmegh Ethanolic Kalmeghin Increases the glucose utilization and lower [33]
graphis thaceae extract of plant plasma glucose
6 Annona An- Sharifa Leaf extract Liriodenin, moupinamide Improve glucose tolerance [22]
squamosa nonaceae
7 Azadirachta Meli- Neem Leaf extracts Azadirachitin nimbin Glycogenolytic effect due to epinephrine [26]
indica aceae action was blocked
8 Brassica Brassi- Mustard Aqueous Sulforaphane Increase activity of glycogen synthetase [34]
juncea caceae extract
9 Cajanus Fabaceae Arhar Seed 2’-2’methyl cajanone, Significant reduction in serum glucose level [8]
cajan isoflavones, cajanin,
10 Carica Cari- Papaya Aqueous seed Papain, chymopapin Lowered fasting blood sugar, triglyceride, [28]
papaya caceae extract total cholesterol
11 Carum Api- Car- Aqueous Furfurol carvone Significant decrease in blood glucose level. [2]
carvi aceae away extract of seed
12 Cassia Legu- Tan- Aqueous Limonene, terpinol Enhapces the activity of hepatic [35]
auriculata mi- ner’s extract of Seed hexohinase, phospho fruictokinase
nosae cassia
13 Catharan- Apoc- Vinca Hot water Catharanthaine, Lowering of glycemia [22]
thus yanaceae decocti$ on of vincristine, vinblastine
roseus leaves
14 Coccinia Cucur- Baby- Ethanolic Glutamic acid, Asparagine Lower blood glucose level due to [36]
indica bitaceae water- extract of whole suppressed glucose synthesis.
melon plant
15 Coriandrum Api- Corian- Seed extract p-cymene Increases the activity of β-cells and [2]
sativum aceae der linalool decrease serum glucose.
16 Cinnamo- Lau- Cinna- Bark Cinnamaldehydeeugenol Increases the sensitivity of insulin receptor. [34]
mum raceae mon
17 Cinnamo- Lau- Tejpat Leaf extract Linalool, Insulin release from pancreatic β - cells. [19]
mum raceae β-caryophyllene
18 Curcuma Zingib- Turmeric Powdered form α-phellantrene, tripinolene Lowers blood sugar, increases glucose [37]
longa er- metabolism and potentiates insulin activity
19 Eugenia Myrat- Jamun Pulp of fruit Oleanolic acid, ellagic acid Inhibited insulinase activity from liver and [38]
jambolana aceae kidney.
20 Ficus ben- Moraceae Bargad Alcoholic Leucodelphinidin Enhanced insulin secretion from β-cells. [22]
galensis extract of stem
21 Ficus Moraceae Daduri Alcoholic Ficustriol,O- Reduce the blood glucose level and [39]
hispida extract of methyltylophorinidine increased the serum insulin level
22 Gymnena Asclep- Gudmar Dried leaves Dihydroxy gymnemic Increase the serum G peptide level which [26]
sylvestre i- triacetate monitor the release of endogenous insulin
23 Mangifera Anac- Mango Leaves extract β-carotene Reduction in the intestinal absorption of [4]
indica ar- α- carotene glucose
24 Momordica Curcu- Bitter Fresh green Charantin, sterol Activates PPARs α and y and lower the [19]
charantia bitaceae gourd leaves plasma apo β-100 in mice fed with high fat
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10
Table 3 Continued
S.no. Plant species Family Com- Part used Active constituents Mode of action Ref-
mon er-
name ences
25 Musa Musaceae Banana Flower β-Sitosterol, Decrease the blood glucose and glycosylated [8]
paradisiacal Leucocyanidin, hemoglobin levels and increase in total
Syringin hemoglobin
26 Ocimum Labi- Tulsi Entire herbs Eugenol Increased insulin release [17]
sanctum ateae
27 Panex Arali- Gin- Root extract Ginsenosidespro- Inhibit α - glycosidase activity and decrease [40]
ginseng aceae seng topanaxadiol glucose absorption
28 Phyllanthus Euphor- Amla Methanolic Phyllanthin Reduction of glycemia [23]
emblica biaceae extract of leaf
29 Punica Puni- PomegranaM
teethanolic Punicalagin, Decrease of glycemia [41]
grantum aceae seed extract punicalin
30 Swertia Genti- Chirata Entire herbs Methyl swertianin Lower blood glucose level [24]
chirata naceae
31 Terminelia Comber- Arjuna Dried stem Arjunic acid, Decrease the blood glucose level and decrease [23]
arjuna taceae arjunolic acid the activities of G6P
32 Terminalia Combre- Almond Petroleum Omega-9 fatty [42]
catappa taceae ether fruit acid
33 Tinospora Menis- Gulvel Aqueous Tinosporone, Decrease of glycemia and brain lipids [37]
cardifolia perma- extract of root tinosporic acid
34 Trigonella Fabaceae Methi Ethanolic 4- hydroxy Stimulate the secretion of insulin, reduce insulin [22]
foenum extract of isoleucine resistance and decrease blood sugar levels
graecum leaves
35 Zingiber Zingiber- Sunth Rhizome Gingerol, shogaol Increases insulin level [5]
officinalis aceae
Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2018;10(1):1-10
plants with anti-diabetic activity that may be useful to people. quire laborious pharmaceutical synthesis seems highly attrac-
It may also provide evidence for the improvement of a new oral tive. From this review article, it may be useful to the health pro-
drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus [40]. fessionals, scientists and scholars to develop evidence-based al-
ternative medicine to cure different kinds of diabetes problem
using herbal preparation. Substances and extracts isolated from
Conclusions different natural resources play very important role to design
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