Rider'S Manual (Us Model) : BMW Motorrad

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R 1250 RS


Vehicle data

Vehicle identification number

Color number

First registration

License plate

Retailer data
Contact in Service


Phone number

Retailer's address/Phone (company stamp)

We are pleased that you have chosen a BMW Motorrad vehicle
and welcome you to the family of BMW riders. Familiarize your-
self with your new vehicle so that you can ride safely and confi-
dently in all traffic situations.

About these operating instructions

Read these operating instructions before starting your new BMW.
It contains important notes about operating the vehicle that will
enable you to make full use of the technical assets of your BMW.

You will also obtain preventive maintenance and care instructions,

which are beneficial to operating and road safety and help retain
the value of your vehicle as much as possible.

If you should decide to sell your BMW one day, please remember
to hand over these operating instructions as well. They are an
important part of your vehicle.

We wish you many miles of safe and enjoyable riding with your

BMW Motorrad.
Ignition switch/steer-
Quick & easy reference 4 ing lock 54
Abbreviations and sym- Ignition with Key-
bols 4 less Ride 56
Equipment 5 Emergency-off switch 60
Technical data 5 Lights 61
Timeliness of the status Hazard warning lights 62
of this manual 6 Turn signals 63
Additional sources of Traction control (ASC/
information 6 DTC) 64
Certificates and operat- Electronic chassis and
ing permits 6 suspension adjustment
Data memory 6 (D-ESA) 65
Riding mode 68
PRO riding mode 69
Cruise control 71
Overall view, left side 14 Hill Start Control 73
Overall view, right side 15 Shiftpoint light 76
Underneath the seat 16 Anti-theft alarm sys-
Multifunction switch, tem (DWA) 76
left 17 Tire pressure control
Multifunction switch, (TPC) 79
right 18 Heated grips 79
Instrument cluster 19 Rider seat and passen-
ger seat 80
Indicator and warning
lights 22 General notes 84
TFT display in Principle 85
Pure Ride view 23 Pure Ride view 91
TFT display in the General settings 92
Bluetooth 94
View menu 24
My Vehicle 97
Indicator lights 25
Sport 100
Navigation 102
Media 104 08 TECHNOLOGY IN
Phone 104 DETAIL 138
Displaying software
version 105 General notes 140
Displaying license in- Anti-lock braking sys-
formation 105 tem (ABS) 140
Traction control
(ASC/DTC) 143
06 SETTING 106 Dynamic engine
Mirrors 108 brake control (MSR) 145
Windshield 108 Dynamic ESA 146
Headlights 109 Riding mode 147
Clutch 109 Dynamic Brake Con-
Gearshift lever 110 trol 149
Brake 111 Tire pressure control
Footrests 113 (RDC) 150
Spring preload 114 Gear Shift Assistant 151
Damping 115 Hill Start Control
(Hill Start Control) 153
ShiftCam 154
07 RIDING 116

Safety instructions 118 09 MAINTENANCE 156

Regular check 120
Starting 121 General notes 158
Breaking in 124 Onboard tool set 159
Shifting 125 Service tool set 159
Brakes 127 Front wheel stand 159
Parking the motorcy- Rear-wheel stand 160
cle 129 Engine oil 160
Refueling 130 Brake system 162
Fastening motorcy- Clutch 167
cle in place for trans- Coolant 167
portation 135 Tires 168
Rims and tires 168
Wheels 169
Silencer 175
Light source 178
Jump-starting 180
Battery 181 Wheels and tires 222
Fuses 186 Electrical system 223
Diagnostic socket 187 Anti-theft alarm sys-
tem 224
Dimensions 224
Weights 225
General notes 192 Performance data 225
Onboard power sock-
ets 192 13 SERVICE 226
Case 193
Topcase 196 Reporting safety de-
Navigation system 198 fects 228
BMW Motorrad
11 CARE 206 Service 229
BMW Motorrad
Care products 208 Service History 229
Washing the vehicle 208 BMW Motorrad Mo-
Cleaning sensitive bility Services 230
motorcycle parts 209 Maintenance work 230
Care of paintwork 210 BMW Motorrad
Paint preservation 211 Service 230
Store motorcycle 211 Maintenance sched-
Putting the motorcy- ule 232
cle into operation 211 Maintenance confir-
mations 233
12 TECHNICAL DATA 212 Service confirmations 245

Troubleshooting chart 214 APPENDIX 248

Threaded fasteners 216
Fuel 218 Certificate for elec-
Engine oil 219 tronic immobilizer 249
Engine 219 Certificate for Key-
Clutch 220 less Ride 252
Transmission 220 Certificate for tire
Rear-wheel drive 220 pressure control 256
Frame 221 Certificate for TFT
Suspension 221
instrument cluster 257
Brakes 221

instructions and pre-
This rider's manual has been
cautionary measures. Non-
designed to provide quick and
compliance can cause damage
efficient orientation. The quick-
to the vehicle or accessories
est way for you to find infor-
and warranty claims may be
mation on specific topics is
denied as a result.
to consult the comprehensive
index at the end of the rid- Special information on
er's manual. If you would like operating and inspect-
to start with a quick overview ing your motorcycle as well as
of your motorcycle, this infor- maintenance and adjustment
mation has been provided in procedures.
chapter 2. All preventive main- Instruction.
tenance and repair procedures Result of an activity.
carried out on your motorcy-
cle will be documented in the Reference to a page
Service chapter. Documenta- with more detailed
tion of the maintenance work information.
performed is a prerequisite for Indicates the end of
generous treatment of claims. accessory or equip-
ment-dependent infor-
CAUTION Hazard with Tightening torque.
low risk. Failure to avoid
this hazard can result in minor Technical data.
or moderate injury.
WARNING Hazard with NV National-market ver-
moderate risk. Failure to sion.
avoid this hazard can result in
death or serious injury.
DANGER Hazard with
high risk. Failure to avoid
this hazard results in death or
serious injury.
OE Optional equipment. EQUIPMENT
BMW Motorrad op-
tional equipment is When you ordered your
already completely in- BMW Motorrad motorcycle,
stalled during motor- you chose various items of
cycle production. custom equipment. These
operating instructions describe
OA Optional accessories. optional equipment (OE)
BMW Motorrad offered by BMW and selected
optional accessories optional accessories (OA). This
can be purchased explains why the manual may
and retrofitted at also contain descriptions of
your authorized equipment which you have not
BMW Motorrad ordered. Please note, too, that
retailer. your motorcycle might not be
ABS Anti-Lock Brake Sys- exactly as illustrated in this
tem. manual on account of country-
specific differences.
ASC Automatic Stability If your motorcycle features
Control. equipment that is not de-
D-ESA Electronic chassis and scribed here, you can find
suspension adjust- these features described in a
ment. separate manual.

DTC Dynamic Traction Con- TECHNICAL DATA

trol. All dimensions, weights and
DWA Anti-theft alarm. performance data contained
in these operating instructions
EWS Electronic immobilizer.
refer to the German Institute
TPC Tire Pressure Control for Standardization i.e. DIN
(TPC). (Deutsches Institut für Nor-
mung e. V.) and comply with
their tolerance specifications.
The technical data and spec-
ifications in these operating
instructions serve as points of
reference. The vehicle-specific
data may vary, for instance due ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF
to the selected optional equip- INFORMATION
ment, national-market version
Authorized BMW Motorrad
or country-specific measuring
procedures. Detailed values can
Your BMW Motorrad retailer is
be obtained from the registra-
always happy to answer any of
tion documents or requested
your questions.
from your BMW Motorrad re-
tailer or other qualified service Internet
partner or specialist workshop. The rider's manual for your
The information on the vehicle vehicle, the operating and in-
documents always takes prece- stallation instructions for op-
dence over the information in tional accessories and general
these operating instructions. BMW Motorrad information
related to the technology or
TIMELINESS OF THE STATUS other features are available at
OF THIS MANUAL bmw-motorrad.com/manuals.
The high safety and quality
level of BMW motorcycles are CERTIFICATES AND OPERAT-
ensured by consistent, ongo- ING PERMITS
ing development efforts em- The certificates for the vehicle
bracing their design, equip- and the official operating per-
ment and accessories. For this mits for possible accessories
reason, some aspects of your are available at
motorcycle may vary from the bmw-motorrad.com/certifica-
descriptions in these operat- tion.
ing instructions. In addition,
BMW Motorrad cannot guaran- DATA MEMORY
tee the total absence of errors. General information
We hope you will appreciate Control units are installed in
that no claims can be recog- the vehicle. Control units pro-
nized that are based on the cess data received from vehicle
data, illustrations or descrip- sensors, self-generated data or
tions in this manual. data exchanged between con-
trol units, for example. Some
control units are required for
safe vehicle operation or pro- tion without charge from the
vide riding assistance, such as locations that store the vehicle
rider assistance systems. Con- user's personal data.
trol units also make comfort These locations may be:
and infotainment functions pos- The vehicle manufacturer
sible. Qualified service partners
Information about the stored Specialist workshops
or exchanged data can be ob- Service providers
tained from the vehicle manu- Vehicle users may request in-
facturer, such as in the form of formation about the type of
a separate booklet. personal data that is stored, the
Personal references purpose for which the data will
Every vehicle is marked with be used and the source of the
a unique vehicle identifica- data. This information can only
tion number. Depending on be obtained by a registered
the country, the vehicle owner owner or a person with written
can be identified using the proof authorizing use of the ve-
vehicle identification number hicle.
The right to information also
and license plate and with the
includes information related
help of the relevant authori-
to data transmitted to other
ties. There are also other ways
companies or locations.
to trace data obtained from
The vehicle manufacturer's
the vehicle back to the rider or
website contains the appro-
vehicle owner, such as via the
priate privacy policy notices.
ConnectedDrive Account that
The privacy policy notices con-
was used.
tain information on the right
Data privacy laws to delete or correct data. The
In accordance with applicable vehicle manufacturer also pro-
data privacy laws, vehicle users vides the manufacturer contact
have certain rights over the ve- information and the contact in-
hicle manufacturer or company formation of the data security
that collects or processes per- officer in the Internet.
sonal data. The vehicle owner can have
Vehicle users have the right to a BMW Motorrad retailer or
obtain comprehensive informa- other qualified service partner
or specialist workshop read out The data is processed only in
the data stored in the vehicle the vehicle itself and is usu-
for a fee if required. ally temporary. The data is not
The vehicle data is read out via stored beyond the period in
the vehicle's legally mandated which the vehicle is operating.
socket for onboard diagnosis Electronic components such
(OBD). as control units contain com-
ponents for storing technical
Legal requirements for the
information. This may be infor-
disclosure of data
mation about the vehicle's con-
The vehicle manufacture is re-
dition, component load, events
quired by the law applicable in
or faults stored temporarily or
this context to provide authori-
ties with the data stored by the
This information generally doc-
manufacturer. The provision
uments the condition of a com-
of this data within the scope
ponent, module, system or the
required is on a case-by-case
surrounding area; for example:
basis, for instance to clarify a
Operating conditions of sys-
criminal offense.
tem components, such as fill
Government agencies are au-
levels and tire pressure
thorized by the law applicable
Malfunctions and faults in key
in this context to read out the
system components, such as
data from the vehicle them-
lights and brakes
selves in individual cases. Vehicle responses in specific
Operating data in the vehicle riding situations, such as the
Control units process data so activation of riding stability
that the vehicle can run. control systems
Examples of this include: Information about events
Status messages from the ve- causing damage to the vehicle
hicle and its individual com- The data is necessary for pro-
ponents, such as wheel RPM, viding control unit functions. In
wheel centrifugal velocity and addition, it is used by the vehi-
deceleration cle manufacturer to detect and
Ambient conditions, such as eliminate malfunctions as well
temperature as to optimize vehicle func-
The majority of this data is requires technical data from
temporary and is processed the vehicle in order to fulfill
only within the vehicle itself. these obligations. The data
Only a small amount of event- from the vehicle can also be
driven data is stored in the used to verify customer war-
event data recorder and fault ranty and guarantee claims.
memory. The fault memory and event
When a vehicle is serviced, data recorder in the vehicle can
such as for repairs, servicing be reset by a BMW Motorrad
processes, warranty cases and retailer or other qualified
quality assurance measures, service partner or specialist
this technical information can workshop as part of a repair or
be read out from the vehicle servicing.
together with the vehicle iden-
Data input and data transfer
tification number.
in the vehicle
The information can be read
General information
out by a BMW Motorrad re-
Depending on the equipment,
tailer or other qualified service
comfort settings and individual-
partner or specialist workshop.
ized settings in the vehicle can
The vehicle's legally mandated
be saved and changed or reset
socket for onboard diagnosis
at any time.
(OBD) is used to read out the
Examples of this include:
data. Windshield position settings
The data is collected, pro- Chassis and suspension ad-
cessed and used by the justment settings
respective retailer network
locations. The data documents It is possible to introduce data
the vehicle's technical states into the vehicle entertainment
and helps with fault finding, and communication system via
compliance with warranty a smartphone, for instance.
obligations and quality Depending on the individual
improvements. equipment, this includes:
The manufacturer also has
product monitoring obligations
arising from product liability
law. The vehicle manufacturer
Multimedia data, such as mu- to the mobile end device. This
sic for playback includes for instance position
Address book data for use in data and other general vehi-
combination with a commu- cle information, depending on
nication system or integrated the type of incorporation, and
navigation system makes it possible to optimize
Entered destinations the use of selected apps, such
Data about the use of Inter- as those for navigation or audio
net services. This data can playback.
be stored locally in the ve- The way the data is processed
hicle or is on a device con- further is determined by the
nected to the vehicle, such provider of the particular app
as a smartphone, USB stick used. The range of possible
or MP3 player. If this data is settings depends on the par-
saved in the vehicle, it can be ticular app and the operating
deleted at any time. system of the mobile end de-
This data is transmitted to third vice.
parties only upon personal re- Services
quest as part of the use of on- General information
line services. The data trans- If the vehicle has a mobile
mitted depends on the selected phone connection, this
settings when using the ser- connection makes it possible
vices. to exchange data between
Incorporating mobile end de- the vehicle and other systems.
vices The mobile phone connection
Depending on the equipment, is made possible through
mobile end devices connected the vehicle's transmitter and
to the vehicle, such as smart- receiver or via personally
phones, are controlled using integrated mobile end devices
the vehicle's operating ele- such as smartphones. Online
ments. functions, as they are called, are
This enables audio and visual used over this mobile phone
output from mobile end de- connection. These include on-
vices through the multimedia line services and apps provided
system. At the same time, cer- by the vehicle manufacturer or
tain information is transmitted other providers.
Vehicle manufacturer services over the content exchanged
In the case of the vehicle man- via these services. Informa-
ufacturer's online services, the tion about the type, scope and
particular functions are de- purpose of collecting and us-
scribed at the appropriate lo- ing personal data as part of
cation, such as in the rider's third-party services can be
manual or on manufacturer's obtained from the particular
website. The relevant legal in- service provider.
formation on data privacy is
also provided there. Personal
data may be used in order to
provide online services. The
data is exchanged over a se-
cure connection, i.e. with the
vehicle manufacturer's IT sys-
tems which are intended for
this purpose.
Any collection, processing and
use of personal data that goes
beyond the provision of ser-
vices take place only as per-
mitted by law, on the basis of
a contractual agreement or as
a result of consent. It is also
possible to have the entire data
connection activated or deacti-
vated. This is not the case for
legally prescribed functions.
Services of other providers
When using the online services
of other providers, these ser-
vices are subject to the respon-
sibility and the term of data
protection and use of the re-
spective provider. The vehicle
manufacturer has no control


1 Clutch fluid reservoir

( 167)
2 Fuel filler opening
( 131)
3 Seat lock ( 80)
4 Adjuster for rear damp-
ing (at the bottom on the
spring strut) ( 115)

1 Adjuster for spring 7 Engine oil indicator

preload, rear ( 114) ( 160)
2 Brake fluid reservoir 8 Behind the side trim
for front wheel brake panel:
( 165) Battery ( 181)
3 Vehicle identification Remote positive terminal
number (on steering head ( 180)
at right) Diagnostic socket
Type plate (on steering ( 187)
head at left) 9 Brake fluid reservoir
4 Coolant level indicator for rear wheel brake
( 167) ( 166)
Coolant expansion tank 10 Onboard power socket
( 167) ( 192)
5 Tire pressure table
6 Oil filler opening
( 162)

1 Fuses ( 186)
2 Rider's manual
3 Standard tool kit
( 159)
4 Payload table

1 High beams and headlight 9 Rocker button MENU

flasher ( 61) ( 85)
2 with cruise control OE 10 Multi-Controller
Cruise control ( 71). Operating elements
3 Hazard warning lights ( 85)
( 62)
4 ASC/DTC ( 64)
5 with Dynamic ESA OE
Dynamic ESA adjustment
options ( 65)
6 with LED additional
headlight OA
Auxiliary headlights
( 62).
7 Turn signals ( 63)
8 Horn

1 with heated grips OE

Heated grips ( 79).
2 Riding mode ( 68)
3 Emergency-off switch
( 60)
4 Starter button
Starting the engine
( 121).

1 Indicator and warning 5 Photodiode (for adjusting

lights ( 22) brightness of instrument
2 with riding modes Pro OE lighting)
Shiftpoint light ( 126)
3 TFT display ( 23)
( 24)
4 Anti-theft alarm system
with anti-theft alarm sys-
tem (DWA) OE
Alarm signal ( 77)
with Keyless Ride OE
Indicator light for radio-
operated key
Turning on the ignition
( 57).


1 Turn signal, left ( 63)

2 High beams ( 61)
3 General warning light
( 25)
4 Turn signal, right ( 63)
5 ASC ( 46)
with riding modes Pro OE
DTC ( 46)
6 ABS ( 45)
7 with LED additional
headlight OA
Auxiliary headlights
( 62).

1 Hill Start Control ( 49) 12 Connection status

2 Changing operating focus ( 95)
( 89) 13 Muting ( 92)
3 Tachometer ( 91) 14 Operating assistance
4 Speedometer 15 Heated grip settings
5 Status line ( 89) ( 79)
6 with cruise control OE 16 Outside temperature
Cruise control ( 71). warning ( 32)
7 Speed Limit Info ( 91) 17 Outside temperature
8 Riding mode ( 68)
9 Upshift recommendation
( 92)
10 Gear display, "N" (Neutral)
is displayed in the neutral
11 Clock ( 93)

1 Hill Start Control ( 49) 13 Heated grip settings

2 Speedometer ( 79)
3 with cruise control OE 14 Outside temperature
Cruise control ( 71). warning ( 32)
4 Speed Limit Info ( 91) 15 Outside temperature
5 Riding mode ( 68) 16 Menu area
6 Status line ( 89)
7 Upshift recommendation
( 92)
8 Gear display, "N" (Neutral)
is displayed in the neutral
9 Clock
10 Connection status
11 Muting ( 92)
12 Operating assistance
sage, values optimal.
White circle with small "i" 2:
Warnings are indicated by the
corresponding warning light. Yellow warning triangle 3:
Warnings are indicated by the
warning message, value not
general warning light in combi-
nation with a dialog in the TFT Red warning triangle 3: warn-
display. The general warning ing message, value critical
light lights up in either yellow
or red, depending on the ur-
gency of the warning.
The general warning light
lights up for whichever
warning is most urgent at the
current time.
You will find an overview of
the potential warnings on the
following pages. Value display
The icons 4 are displayed dif-
ferently. Different colors are
used depending on the assess-
ment of value. Instead of nu-
merical values 8 with units 7,
texts 6 are also displayed:
Color of the icon
Green: (OK) Current value is
Blue: (Cold!) Current tem-
Check Control display
perature is low.
The messages in the display
Yellow: (Low!/High!) Cur-
are shown differently in the
rent value is too low or too
display. Different colors and
characters are used depending
Red: (Hot!/High!) Current
on the priority:
temperature or value is too
White: (---) There is no valid If the icon 2 is active, you can
value. Instead of the value, acknowledge this by tilting
dashes 5 are displayed. the Multi-Controller to the left.
Check Control messages are
The evaluation of the indi-
dynamically attached as addi-
vidual values is possible in
tional tabs to the pages in the
part only after a certain riding
My vehicle ( 87) menu.
duration or speed. If a mea-
The message can be called up
sured value cannot yet be dis-
again as long as the error per-
played due to unfulfilled mea-
surement conditions, dashes
are displayed instead as place-
holders. As long as no valid
measured value is available, no
evaluation is carried out in the
form of a colored symbol.

Check Control dialog

Messages are output as Check
Control dialog 1.
If several Check Control mes-
sages of the same priority are
present, the messages change
in the order in which they oc-
cur, until they are acknowl-

Overview of warning indicators

Indicator and Display text Meaning
warning lights
is displayed. Outside temper-
ature warning
( 32)
lights up Remote key not Key remote out-
yellow. in range. side of the recep-
tion area ( 32)
lights up Keyless Ride Keyless Ride fail-
yellow. failure! ure ( 33)
lights up Remote key bat- Replacing the bat-
yellow. tery at 50%. tery of the key
Remote key bat- fob transmitter
tery low. ( 33)
is displayed in yel- Vehicle voltage
low. too low ( 33)
Vehicle voltage
lights up is displayed in yel- Vehicle voltage
yellow. low. critical ( 34)
Vehicle voltage
flashes yel- is displayed in yel- Charging voltage
low. low. critical ( 34)
Battery criti-
cally low!
lights up The faulty light Light source de-
yellow. source is displayed. fect ( 35)
lights up Light control Light control unit
yellow. failure! failed ( 35)
Anti-theft Anti-theft alarm
alarm batt. battery low
capacity low. charge ( 36)
Indicator and Display text Meaning
warning lights
Anti-theft Anti-theft
alarm battery alarm battery
discharged. discharged
( 36)
Anti-theft DWA failure
alarm system ( 37)
Engine oil Electronic oil-
level. Check level check: check
engine oil engine oil level.
level. ( 37)
lights up Coolant temper- Coolant temper-
red. ature too high! ature too high
( 38)
Engine! Drive malfunction
( 38)
lights up No communica- Engine control
yellow. tion with en- failure ( 38)
gine control.
lights up.

lights up Fault in the en- Engine in emer-

yellow. gine control. gency-operation
mode ( 39)
flashes red. Serious fault Serious fault in
in the engine the engine control
control. ( 39)
lights up is displayed in yel- Tire pressure at
yellow. low. the limits of the
Tire pressure permissible toler-
not at set- ance ( 41)
Indicator and Display text Meaning
warning lights
flashes red. is displayed in red. Tire pressure is
outside the ap-
Tire pressure proved tolerance
not at set- range ( 42)
Tire Press.
Monitor. Loss
of pressure.
"---" Transmission fault
( 42)
lights up "---" Sensor faulty
yellow. or system fault
( 43)
lights up Tire Press. Tire pressure con-
yellow. Monitor fail- trol (TPC) failed
ure! ( 43)
lights up TPM sensors Battery of the tire
yellow. battery low. pressure sensor
weak ( 44)
Fall sensor Fall sensor defec-
faulty. tive ( 44)
Cannot start Motorcycle
engine. has fallen over
( 44)
lights up Side stand mon- Side stand mon-
yellow. itoring faulty itoring faulty.
( 44)
flashes. ABS self-diagno-
sis not completed
( 45)
lights up Limited ABS ABS fault ( 45)
yellow. availability!
Indicator and Display text Meaning
warning lights
lights up. ABS fault ( 45)

lights up ABS failure! ABS failure

yellow. ( 45)
lights up.

lights up. ABS Pro fail- ABS Pro failure

ure! ( 46)
flashes ASC/DTC inter-
rapidly. vention ( 46)
flashes ASC/DTC self-di-
slowly. agnosis not com-
pleted ( 46)
lights up. Off! ASC/DTC
switched off
Traction con- ( 47)
trol deacti-
lights up. Traction con- Limited ASC/
trol limited. DTC availability
( 47)
lights up. Traction con- ASC/DTC error
trol failure! ( 48)
lights up Spring strut D­ESA fault
yellow. adjustment ( 48)
Fuel down to re- Fuel down to
serve. Drive to the reserve volume
nearest filling sta- ( 49)
is displayed in Hill Start Control
green. active ( 49)
Indicator and Display text Meaning
warning lights
blinks yellow. Hill Start Con-
trol is automati-
cally deactivated
( 49)
is displayed. Hill Start Control
cannot be acti-
vated ( 49)
Gear indicator Gear not trained
flashes. ( 50)
flashes in Hazard warn-
green. ing lights sys-
flashes in tem switched on
green. ( 50)
is displayed in Service due
white. ( 50)
Service due!
lights up is displayed in yel- Service date
yellow. low. missed ( 51)
Service over-
Outside temperature
The outside temperature is dis- WARNING
played in the status line of the
TFT display. Risk of black ice, even
Engine heat can lead to spuri- above 37 °F (3 °C)
ous readings the outside tem- Accident hazard
At a low outside temper-
perature when the motorcycle
ature, icy conditions must
is stationary. If the effect of
expected on bridges and in
the engine heat becomes ex-
shady road areas.
cessive, dashes are temporarily
displayed instead of the value. Think well ahead when driv-
If the outside temperature
falls below the following Key remote outside of the
limit value, there is a risk of reception area
black ice formation. with Keyless Ride OE
Limit range for outside lights up yellow.
Approx. 37 °F (Approx. 3 °C) Remote key not in
The first time the temperature
range. It is not
drops below this value, the out-
possible to turn on the
side temperature display and
ignition again.
ice crystal symbol will flash Possible cause:
in the status line of the TFT The communication between
display. the key remote and the engine
electronics is faulty.
Outside temperature warning Check the battery in the key
is displayed. remote.
with Keyless Ride OE
Possible cause: Replacing the battery of the
radio-operated key ( 59).
The outside temperature
Use the spare key for further
measured on the motor-
cycle is less than:
with Keyless Ride OE
Approx. 37 °F (Approx. 3 °C) If radio-operated key is lost
( 58).
If the Check Control dialog Remote key battery
appears while riding, remain low. Limited cen-
calm. You can continue riding, tral locking function.
the engine will not turn off. Change battery.
Have any faulty key remotes Possible cause:
replaced by a BMW Motorrad The battery for the key fob
partner. transmitter is no longer
Keyless Ride failure charged to full capacity.
lights up yellow. Operation of the key fob
transmitter is only ensured for
a limited time.
Keyless Ride fail-
with Keyless Ride OE
ure! Do not stop en-
Replacing the battery of the
gine. Engine restart may
radio-operated key ( 59).
not be possible.
Possible cause: Vehicle voltage too low
The Keyless Ride control unit is displayed in yellow.
has diagnosed a communica-
tion fault. Vehicle voltage low.
Do not shut off the engine. Switch off unneeded
Visit a specialist workshop consumers.
immediately if possible, ideally The vehicle voltage is too low.
an authorized BMW Motorrad If you continue riding, the ve-
retailer. hicle electronics will discharge
Engine start using Keyless the battery.
Ride is no longer possible. Possible cause:
DWA can no longer be acti- Consumers with high electri-
vated. cal consumption, e.g. heating
Replacing the battery of the vests, are in operation; too
key fob transmitter many consumers are in oper-
lights up yellow. ation at the same time, or the
battery is defective.
Switch off consumers that
Remote key battery
are not needed or disconnect
at 50%. No func-
them from the electrical sys-
tional limitation.
If the malfunction persists or them from the electrical sys-
occurs without any consumers tem.
connected, have the malfunc- If the malfunction persists or
tion corrected as soon as occurs without any consumers
possible at a specialist work- connected, have the malfunc-
shop, preferably an authorized tion corrected as soon as
BMW Motorrad retailer. possible at a specialist work-
shop, preferably an authorized
Vehicle voltage critical
BMW Motorrad retailer.
lights up yellow.
Charging voltage critical
is displayed in yellow. flashes yellow.

Vehicle voltage is displayed in yellow.

critical! Consumers
were switched off. Check Battery critically
battery condition. low! Risk of acci-
dent. Do not continue to
WARNING operate vehicle.

Failure of vehicle systems

Accident hazard
Do not continue riding. Failure of vehicle systems
Accident hazard
The vehicle voltage is critical. If
Do not continue riding.
you continue riding, the vehicle
electronics will discharge the The battery is not being
battery. charged. If you continue riding,
Possible cause: the vehicle electronics will
Consumers with high electri- discharge the battery.
cal consumption, e.g. heating Possible cause:
vests, are in operation; too Alternator or alternator drive
many consumers are in oper- faulty, battery faulty or fuse for
ation at the same time, or the alternator regulator blown.
battery is defective. Have the malfunction cor-
Switch off consumers that rected as soon as possible at
are not needed or disconnect an authorized specialist work-
shop, preferably an authorized License plate light
BMW Motorrad retailer. faulty!
Light source defect Have checked by a spe-
lights up yellow. cialist workshop.

The faulty light source is WARNING

Overlooking the vehicle in
High beam faulty!
traffic due to a defective
light source on the vehicle
Turn indicator front Safety risk
left faulty! or Turn Replace defective bulbs as
indicator front right soon as possible; it is best
faulty! always to carry a complete
Low beam faulty! set of spare bulbs on the
Front parking lamp Possible cause:
faulty! One or more light sources are
with LED additional head- faulty.
light OA Identify faulty lights by visually
Left auxiliary inspecting them.
headlight faulty! Replace LED headlights
or Right auxiliary ( 180).
headlight faulty! Replacing front and rear
Tail light faulty! turn indicator light sources
( 178).
Replacing LED tail light
Brake light faulty! ( 180).

Rear left turn Light control unit failed

signal faulty! or lights up yellow.
Rear right turn signal
faulty! Light control fail-
ure! Have checked by
a specialist workshop.
Possible cause:
WARNING The anti-theft alarm battery
no longer has its full capacity.
Overlooking the vehicle in The operation of the anti-theft
traffic due to failure of the alarm system is only ensured
vehicle lighting for a limited time with the mo-
Safety risk
torcycle battery disconnected.
Have the malfunction cor-
Contact an authorized service
rected as soon as possible
facility, preferably an autho-
at a specialist workshop,
rized BMW Motorrad retailer.
preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer. Anti-theft alarm battery
Possible cause: with anti-theft alarm system
The light control unit has diag- (DWA) OE
nosed a communication error.
Have the malfunction Anti-theft alarm
corrected as soon as possible battery discharged.
at a specialist workshop, No independent alarm.
preferably an authorized Arrange an appointment
BMW Motorrad retailer. at a specialist work-
Anti-theft alarm battery low
This fault message is only
shown for a short time
with anti-theft alarm system
immediately following the Pre-
Anti-theft alarm Possible cause:
batt. capacity low. The anti-theft alarm system
No limitations. Arrange battery is completely dis-
an appointment at a spe- charged. Operation of the anti-
cialist workshop. theft alarm system is no longer
This fault message is only ensured when the motorcycle's
shown for a short time battery is disconnected.
immediately following the Pre- Contact an authorized service
Ride-Check. facility, preferably an autho-
rized BMW Motorrad retailer.
DWA failure Side stand is retracted and
Anti-theft alarm motorcycle is not resting on a
system failure. Have center stand.
checked by a specialist The spring strut is set accord-
workshop. ing to the load status, or D-
Possible cause: ESA is in the Auto loading
The DWA control unit has diag- mode.
nosed a communication fault. If the measurement is incom-
Contact a specialist work- plete or the conditions speci-
shop, preferably an authorized fied above are not fulfilled, an
BMW Motorrad retailer. assessment of the oil level is
DWA can no longer be acti- not possible. Dashes (---) are
vated or deactivated. indicated in place of the note.
False alarm possible.
Electronic oil-level check:
Electronic oil-level check
check engine oil level.
The electronic oil-level
Engine oil level.
check evaluates the oil
Check engine oil
level in the engine as OK or
Possible cause:
The following conditions must The electronic oil level sensor
be satisfied in order to use the has detected a low engine oil
electronic oil-level check; mul- level. If the motorcycle is not
tiple measurements may be standing vertically on a level
necessary: surface, the message can also
The rider is sitting on the mo- appear even when the oil level
torcycle and the motorcycle is correct. At next refueling
has been ridden at a speed of stop:
at least 6 mph (10 km/h) be- Checking the engine oil level
forehand. ( 160).
Engine idling for at least 20 If the oil level is too low in the
seconds. inspection glass:
Engine is at operating tem- Topping up the engine oil
perature. ( 162).
Motorcycle stands vertically If the oil level is correct:
on a level surface.
Check whether the conditions authorized BMW Motorrad
for the electronic oil level retailer.
check are fulfilled. Possible cause:
If the note appears multiple The coolant temperature is too
times even though the oil level high.
is slightly below the MAX mark: If possible, continue driving
Contact an authorized work- in the part-load range to cool
shop, preferably an authorized down the engine.
BMW Motorrad retailer. If the coolant temperature is
Coolant temperature too high frequently too high:
lights up red. Have the fault corrected as
soon as possible by a special-
Coolant tempera- ist workshop, preferably an
ture too high! Check authorized BMW Motorrad re-
coolant level. Carry tailer.
on at moderate pace to Drive malfunction
cool. Engine! Have checked
by a specialist
ATTENTION workshop.
Possible cause:
Riding with overheated en- The engine control unit has di-
gine agnosed a fault which affects
Engine damage
the pollutant emissions.
Be sure to observe the mea-
Have fault eliminated at a
sures listed below.
specialist service facility,
Possible cause: preferably an authorized
Coolant level is too low. BMW Motorrad retailer.
Checking the coolant level You may continue to drive
( 167). if the pollutant emission is
If coolant level is too low: above the setpoint values.
Let the engine cool down.
Engine control failure
Topping up coolant ( 167).
Have the coolant system lights up yellow.
checked at a specialist
workshop, preferably by an
lights up. Have the malfunction cor-
rected as soon as possible at
No communication an authorized specialist work-
with engine control. shop, preferably an authorized
Multiple sys. affected. BMW Motorrad retailer.
Ride carefully to the It is possible to continue rid-
next specialist workshop ing, however the engine per-
formance and engine speed
Engine in emergency- range may be impaired and
operation mode not function as normal.
lights up yellow.
Serious fault in the engine
Fault in the engine
flashes red.
control. Onward
journey possible.
Ride carefully to next Serious fault in the
specialist workshop. engine control. On-
ward journey possible.
Damage possible. Have
checked by a workshop.
Unusual handling when the
engine is in emergency op- WARNING
Accident hazard Damage to engine during
Avoid rapid acceleration and emergency operation
passing maneuvers. Accident hazard
Drive slowly and avoid rapid
Possible cause: acceleration and passing
The engine control unit has di- maneuvers.
agnosed a fault which impairs If possible, have the vehi-
the engine performance or cle picked up and the fault
throttle response. The engine eliminated at a specialist
is running in the emergency- workshop, preferably an au-
operation mode. In exceptional thorized BMW Motorrad re-
cases, the engine stops and can tailer.
no longer be started.
Possible cause:
The engine control unit has di-
agnosed a fault, which can lead
to a severe secondary fault.
The engine is in the emer-
gency-operation mode.
Continued driving is possi-
ble, however it is not recom-
Avoid high load and engine The values on the left refer to
speed ranges if possible. the front wheel, and the values
Have the malfunction cor- on the right refer to the rear
rected as soon as possible at wheel.
an authorized specialist work- The pressure differential is in-
shop, preferably an authorized dicated by the current and set-
BMW Motorrad retailer. point tire pressure.
Immediately after turning on
Tire pressure
the ignition, only dashes are
with tire pressure monitor
displayed. The transfer of the
tire pressure values does not
In addition to the MY VEHICLE begin until the following mini-
menu screen and the Check mum speed is exceeded for the
Control messages, there is also first time:
the TIRE PRESSURE screen to RDC sensor is not active
display the tire pressures:

min 19 mph (min 30 km/h)

(The RDC sensor does not
transmit a signal to the mo-
torcycle until this minimum
speed has been exceeded.)
The tire pressures Tire pressure at the limits of
are shown in the TFT the permissible tolerance
display with temperature with tire pressure monitor
compensation and are always (TPM) OE
based on the following tire lights up yellow.
air temperature:
68 °F (20 °C) is displayed in yellow.

If the tire icon appears

yellow or red at the same Tire pressure not at
time, the display is a warning. setpoint. Check tire
The pressure differential is pressure.
highlighted with an exclama- Possible cause:
tion mark of the same color. The measured tire pressure is
within the limit range of the
If the value concerned is permissible tolerance.
borderline in terms of the Correct tire pressure.
permissible tolerance, the gen- Before adjusting the tire pres-
eral warning light also lights up sure, check the information
yellow. on temperature compensation
and tire pressure adjustment
If the determined tire in the Technology in detail
pressure is outside the chapter:
permitted tolerance, the gen- Temperature compensation
eral warning light blinks red. ( 150)
Tire pressure adjustment
For more information about the ( 151)
BMW Motorrad tire pressure The target tire pressures can
control, see the "Technology in be found in the following lo-
detail" chapter starting on page cations:
( 150). On the back cover of the rid-
er's manual
Instrument cluster in the TIRE
Sign underneath the seat
Tire pressure is outside the Before adjusting the tire pres-
approved tolerance range sure, check the information
with tire pressure monitor on temperature compensation
(TPM) OE and tire pressure adjustment
flashes red. in the Technology in detail
Temperature compensation
is displayed in red. ( 150)
Tire pressure adjustment
Tire pressure not at ( 151)
setpoint. Stop im- The target tire pressures can
mediately! Check tire be found in the following lo-
pressure. cations:
Tire Press. Moni- On the back cover of the rid-
tor. Loss of pres- er's manual
sure. Stop immediately! Instrument cluster in the TIRE
Check tire pressure. PRESSURE view
Sign underneath the seat
Have the tires checked by a
WARNING specialist workshop for dam-
Tire pressure is outside the age, preferably an authorized
approved tolerance range. BMW Motorrad retailer.
Risk of accident, deterioration In the event of uncertainty
in the handling characteristics about the driveability of the
of the vehicle. tire:
Adjust the driving style. Do not continue riding.
Inform roadside assistance.
Possible cause:
Transmission fault
The measured tire pressure
is outside of the permissible with tire pressure monitor
tolerance. (TPM) OE
Check the tires for damage "---"
and driveability.
Can the tire still be driven on:
Correct the tire pressure at
the next opportunity.
Possible cause: Have fault eliminated at a
The motorcycle has not specialist service facility,
reached the minimum speed preferably an authorized
( 150). BMW Motorrad retailer.
RDC sensor is not active Sensor faulty or system fault
with tire pressure monitor
min 19 mph (min 30 km/h) (TPM) OE
(The RDC sensor does not lights up yellow.
transmit a signal to the mo-
torcycle until this minimum "---"
speed has been exceeded.)
Observe the TPM display at
Possible cause:
higher speed.
Wheels without installed TPC/
This is a permanent fault
RDC sensors are mounted.
only when the general
Retrofit wheel set with TPM
warning light also lights up.
In this case:
Have fault eliminated at a Possible cause:
specialist service facility, 1 or 2 TPM sensors have failed
preferably an authorized or there is a system fault.
BMW Motorrad retailer. Have fault eliminated at a
specialist service facility,
Possible cause:
preferably an authorized
The radio link to the TPM sen-
BMW Motorrad retailer.
sors is disrupted. There are
radio systems in the surround- Tire pressure control (TPC)
ing area that are causing in- failed
terference to the connection with tire pressure monitor
between the TPM control unit (TPM) OE
and the sensors. lights up yellow.
Observe the TPM display in
different surroundings.
This is a permanent fault Tire Press. Monitor
only when the general failure! Function
warning light also lights up. limited. Have checked by
In this case: a specialist workshop.
Possible cause: Fall sensor defective
The TPC control unit has diag- Fall sensor faulty.
nosed a communication fault. Have checked by a
Contact a specialist work- specialist workshop.
shop, preferably an authorized Possible cause:
BMW Motorrad retailer. The fall sensor is not function-
Tire pressure warnings not ing.
available. Contact an authorized service
Battery of the tire pressure facility, preferably an autho-
sensor weak rized BMW Motorrad retailer.
with tire pressure monitor Motorcycle has fallen over
(TPM) OE Cannot start engine.
lights up yellow. Stand motorcycle up-
right. Switch ignition
TPM sensors battery on/off. Start the en-
low. Function lim- gine.
ited. Have checked by a Possible cause:
specialist workshop. The fall sensor has detected
a fall and switched off the en-
This fault message is only
shown for a short time
Raise the motorcycle to up-
immediately following the Pre-
right position and check for
possible damage.
Possible cause: Switch ignition off and then
The battery for the tire on again or switch emer-
pressure sensor is no longer gency-off switch on and then
charged to full capacity. off again.
Operation of the tire pressure
control is only ensured for a Side stand monitoring faulty
limited time. lights up yellow.
Contact an authorized service
facility, preferably an autho- Side stand monitor-
rized BMW Motorrad retailer. ing faulty. Onward
journey possible. Stop
engine when stationary!
Have checked by work- ABS fault
shop. lights up yellow.
Possible cause:
The side-stand switch or its lights up.
wiring is damaged. The en-
gine is switched off when the
Limited ABS avail-
speed falls below 5 km/h, and
ability! Onward
the ride cannot be resumed.
journey possible.
Contact a specialist work-
Ride carefully to next
shop, preferably an authorized
specialist workshop.
BMW Motorrad retailer.
Possible cause:
ABS self-diagnosis not The ABS control unit has
completed detected an error. The
flashes. partial integral brake and the
Dynamic Brake Control function
Possible cause: have failed. The ABS function
ABS self-diagnosis rou- is limited.
tine not completed It remains possible to con-
tinue riding. Take note of ad-
ABS is not available, as the ditional information on special
self-diagnosis routine was conditions that can lead to an
not completed. (The motor- ABS fault message ( 142).
cycle must reach a specified Have the malfunction cor-
minimum speed before the rected as soon as possible at
system can check operation an authorized specialist work-
of the wheel speed sensors: shop, preferably an authorized
3 mph (5 km/h)) BMW Motorrad retailer.
Ride off slowly. Please note
ABS failure
that the ABS function is only
lights up yellow.
available after the self-diagno-
sis has completed.
lights up.
ABS failure! Onward You may continue riding.
journey possible. Take note of additional
Ride carefully to next information on special
specialist workshop. situations which can lead to
Possible cause: an ABS Pro fault memory
The ABS control unit has de- entry ( 142).
tected an error. The ABS func- Have the malfunction
tion is not available. corrected as soon as possible
It remains possible to con- at a specialist workshop,
tinue riding. Take note of ad- preferably an authorized
ditional information on special BMW Motorrad retailer.
conditions that can lead to an ASC/DTC intervention
ABS fault message ( 142). flashes rapidly.
Have the malfunction cor-
rected as soon as possible at
an authorized specialist work- ASC/DTC has detected
shop, preferably an authorized instability at the rear wheel
BMW Motorrad retailer. and responded by reducing
the torque. The indicator and
ABS Pro failure warning light flashes longer
with riding modes Pro OE than the ASC/DTC intervention
lights up. lasts. This feature continues
to furnish the rider with visual
ABS Pro failure! On- feedback confirming that the
ward journey possi- system has initiated active
ble. Ride carefully to closed-loop intervention even
next specialist work- after the critical situation has
shop. passed.
Possible cause: ASC/DTC self-diagnosis not
The monitoring of the ABS Pro completed
function has detected a fault. flashes slowly.
The ABS Pro function is not
available. The ABS function re-
mains available. ABS only sup-
ports braking in straight-ahead
Possible cause: Limited ASC/DTC availability
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis lights up.
routine not completed
Traction control
The ASC/DTC function is not
limited. Onward
available, as the self-diag-
journey possible.
nosis function has not been
Ride carefully to next
completed. (To check wheel
specialist workshop.
speed sensors, motorcycle
must reach a minimum speed Possible cause:
with engine running: min The ASC/DTC control unit has
3 mph (min 5 km/h)) detected a fault.
Ride off slowly. The ASC/DTC
indicator and warning light ATTENTION
must go out after a few me- Damage to components
ters. Damage to sensors, for ex-
If the ASC/DTC indicator and ample, with the resultant mal-
warning light continues flash- functions
ing: Do not carry along any ob-
Contact an authorized work- jects under the rider's or
shop, preferably an authorized passenger's seat.
BMW Motorrad retailer. Secure vehicle tools.
ASC/DTC switched off Do not damage the rotational
lights up. speed sensor.
It must be noted that only
Off! limited ASC/DTC function is
You may continue riding. Ob-
Traction control de-
serve additional information
on situations that can lead to
Possible cause: a ASC/DTC fault ( 144).
The ASC/DTC system was de- Have the malfunction
activated by the rider. corrected as soon as possible
Turning on the ASC/DTC at a specialist workshop,
function ( 64). preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
ASC/DTC error shop, preferably an authorized
lights up. BMW Motorrad retailer.
D­ESA fault
Traction control with Dynamic ESA OE
failure! Onward
lights up yellow.
journey possible. Ride
carefully to the next
specialist workshop. Spring strut adjust-
Possible cause:
ment faulty! Onward
The ASC/DTC control unit has
journey possible. Ride
detected a fault.
carefully to next spe-
cialist workshop.
ATTENTION Possible cause:
The D­ESA control unit has de-
Damage to components tected a fault. Damping action
Damage to sensors, for ex- and/or the spring adjustment
ample, with the resultant mal- may be the cause. In the Auto
functions loading mode, the cause may
Do not carry along any ob- be a fault in the function of the
jects under the rider's or riding position compensation.
passenger's seat. In this state, the motorcycle is
Secure vehicle tools. probably heavily damped and is
Do not damage the rotational uncomfortable to drive, partic-
speed sensor. ularly on poor roadways. Alter-
It must be noted that the natively, the spring setting may
ASC/DTC function is not be set incorrectly.
available at all or is restricted. Have the malfunction cor-
It remains possible to con- rected as soon as possible at
tinue riding. Observe addi- an authorized specialist work-
tional information on situa- shop, preferably an authorized
tions that can lead to a ASC/ BMW Motorrad retailer.
DTC fault ( 144).
Have the malfunction cor-
rected as soon as possible at
an authorized specialist work-
Fuel down to reserve volume Hill Start Control is
Fuel down to reserve. automatically deactivated
Drive to the nearest fill- blinks yellow.
ing station.
Possible cause:
WARNING Hill Start Control was deacti-
vated automatically.
Rough engine running or
Side stand was folded out.
switching off of the engine Hill Start Control is deacti-
due to a fuel shortage vated when the side stand is
Accident hazard, damage to
folded out.
catalytic converter Engine was stopped.
Do not drive to the extent Hill Start Control is deac-
that the fuel tank is com- tivated when the engine is
pletely empty. stopped.
Possible cause: Operating the Hill Start Con-
At the most, the fuel tank still trol ( 73).
contains the reserve fuel quan- Hill Start Control cannot be
tity. activated
Fuel reserve is displayed.

Approx. 1.1 gal (Approx. 4 l) Possible cause:

Refueling procedure ( 131). The Hill Start Control can not
be activated.
Hill Start Control active Fold in side stand.
is displayed in green. Hill Start Control only func-
tions when the side stand is
Possible cause: folded in.
The Hill Start Control ( 153) Start engine.
was activated by the rider. Hill Start Control only func-
Switch off Hill Start Control. tions with the engine running.
Operating the Hill Start Con-
trol ( 73).
Gear not trained flashes in green.
with Gearshift Assistant Pro OE
Gear indicator flashes. Possible cause:
The hazard warning lights sys-
Possible cause: tem was switched on by the
with Gearshift Assistant Pro OE rider.
The transmission sensor has Operating the hazard warning
not been completely trained. lights ( 62).
Engage idle position N and
Service display
allow the engine to run for
If service is overdue, the
at least 10 seconds while
due date or the odome-
parked to train the idle po-
ter reading at which service
was due is accompanied by the
Shift all gears with clutch con-
general warning light in yellow.
trol and drive for at least 10
seconds in each engaged If service is overdue, a yel-
gear. low Check Control message
The gear indicator stops is displayed. The displays for
flashing when the trans- service, service appointment
mission sensor has been and remaining distance are
successfully trained. also highlighted with exclama-
Once the transmission sensor tion marks on the MY VEHICLE
is fully trained, the gearshift and SERVICE REQUIREMENTS
assistant Pro functions as de- menu screens.
scribed ( 151). If the service display ap-
If the training procedure is pears more than a month
unsuccessful, have the fault before the service date, the
corrected at a specialist work- current day's date must be re-
shop, preferably an authorized set in the instrument cluster.
BMW Motorrad retailer. This situation can occur if the
Hazard warning lights system battery was disconnected.
switched on Service due
flashes in green. is displayed in white.
Service due! Have a The best-possible value reten-
service performed at a tion of the vehicle is ensured.
specialist workshop.
Possible cause:
Service is due because of the
driving performance or the
Have service performed reg-
ularly by a specialist work-
shop, preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
The operating and road safety
of the vehicle remains un-
The best-possible value reten-
tion of the vehicle is ensured.
Service date missed
lights up yellow.

is displayed in yellow.

Service overdue! Have a

service performed at a
specialist workshop.
Possible cause:
Service is overdue because of
the riding performance or the
Have service performed reg-
ularly by a specialist work-
shop, preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
The operating and road safety
of the vehicle remains un-

IGNITION SWITCH/STEERING Ignition, lights and all electri-
LOCK cal circuits turned off.
Steering lock is locked.
Ignition keys The ignition key can be re-
You are provided with 2 igni- moved.
tion keys.
Refer to the notes regarding Turning on the ignition
the electronic immobilizer
(EWS) ( 55) should you lose
your keys.
A single ignition key fits the
ignition switch/steering lock,
the fuel filler cap and the seat
The cases and the topcase
can also be ordered with locks Insert the ignition key into the
for the same keys on request. ignition switch/steering lock
Please contact a specialist and turn it to position 1.
workshop for this purpose, Parking lights and all function
preferably a BMW Motorrad circuits are turned on.
retailer. with LED additional head-
Locking the steering lock light OA
Turn handlebars to left. Auxiliary LED headlights are
turned on.
Pre-Ride-Check is carried out.
( 122)
ABS self-diagnosis is per-
formed. ( 122)
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis is
performed. ( 124)

Turn the ignition key to posi-

tion 1 while moving the han-
dlebars somewhat.
Turning off the ignition EWS electronic immobilizer
The motorcycle's electronics
monitor the data stored in the
ignition key through a ring an-
tenna incorporated in the igni-
tion switch/steering lock. The
engine control unit does not
enable engine start until this ig-
nition key has been recognized
as "authorized" for your motor-
Turn the ignition key to posi- cycle.
tion 1. An additional ignition key
After the ignition has been
attached to the same ring
turned off, the instrument
as the ignition key used to start
cluster remains turned on for
the engine could "irritate" the
a little while and indicates any
electronics, in which case the
existing fault memory entries.
enabling signal for the engine
Steering lock is not locked.
start is not issued.
Electrically powered acces-
Always keep the ignition keys
sories remain operational for
separate from each other.
a limited period of time.
Battery can be recharged If you lose an ignition key, you
using the onboard power can have it disabled by your
socket. authorized BMW Motorrad re-
The ignition key can be re- tailer.
moved. For this purpose, you should
also bring all of the motorcy-
with LED additional head-
cle's remaining ignition keys
light OA
The auxiliary LED headlights with you. The engine can no
are extinguished shortly after longer be started using a dis-
the ignition has been turned abled ignition key; however, a
off. disabled ignition key can be en-
abled again.
Ignition keys can only be
obtained from an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer. The
keys are part of an integrated
safety system, so the retailer case), the vehicle cannot be
is under an obligation to started.
check the legitimacy of all If the radio-operated key con-
applications for replacement/ tinues to be missing, the igni-
extra ignition keys. tion is switched off after ap-
prox. 1.5 minutes to protect
IGNITION WITH KEY- the battery charge.
LESS RIDE It is advisable to carry the ra-
with Keyless Ride OE dio-operated key directly on
your person (e.g. in a jacket
Ignition keys
pocket) and to also carry the
The indicator light for the
spare key as an alternative.
radio-operated key flashes
as long as the radio-operated Range of Keyless Ride
key is being searched for. radio-operated key
If the radio-operated key or the with Keyless Ride OE
spare key is detected, it goes
Approx. 3.3 ft (Approx.
1 m)
If the radio-operated key or the
spare key is not detected, it Locking the steering lock
lights up briefly. Requirement
You are provided with one Handlebars are turned to the
radio-operated key and one left. The radio-operated key is
spare key. Refer to the notes within reception range.
regarding the electronic immo-
bilizer (EWS) ( 55) should
you lose your keys.
The ignition, fuel filler cap and
anti-theft alarm system are ac-
tivated with the radio-operated
key. The seat lock, topcase and
case can be operated manually.
When the range of the
radio-operated key is ex- Press and hold button 1.
ceeded (e.g. in case or Top- Steering lock audibly locks.
Ignition, lights and all electri- Steering lock is unlocked:
cal circuits turned off. Briefly press button 1.
To unlock the steering lock, Parking lights and all function
briefly press button 1. circuits are turned on.
with LED additional head-
Turning on the ignition
light OA
Auxiliary LED headlights are
The radio-operated key is
turned on.
within reception range.
Pre-Ride-Check is carried out.
( 122)
ABS self-diagnosis is per-
formed. ( 122)
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis is
performed. ( 124)
Turning off the ignition
The radio-operated key is
within reception range.
The steering lock can be un-
locked by switching on the
Steering lock is locked:
Press and hold button 1.
Steering lock is unlocked.
Parking lights and all function
circuits are turned on.
with LED additional head-
light OA
Auxiliary LED headlights are The steering lock can be
turned on. locked by switching off the
Pre-Ride-Check is carried out. ignition.
( 122) Switch off the ignition and
ABS self-diagnosis is per- lock the steering lock:
formed. ( 122) Turn handlebars to left.
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis is Press and hold button 1.
performed. ( 124) Light is switched off.
Steering lock is locked.
Switch off the ignition and do torcycle's remaining ignition
not lock the steering lock: keys with you.
Briefly press button 1. The engine can no longer be
Light is switched off. started using a disabled radio-
Steering lock is not locked. operated key; however, a dis-
Locking the steering lock abled radio-operated key can
( 56). be enabled again.
EWS Electronic immobilizer Ignition keys can only be
The motorcycle's electronics obtained from an authorized
monitor the data stored in the BMW Motorrad retailer. As the
radio-operated key through a radio-operated keys are part of
ring antenna in the radio-oper- an integrated safety system, the
ated lock. The engine control retailer is under an obligation
unit does not enable an engine to check your legitimacy.
start until the radio-operated If radio-operated key is lost
key has been recognized as Should you lose your keys,
"authorized" for your motorcy- refer to the information
cle. regarding the electronic immo-
An additional radio-op- bilizer (EWS).
erated key attached to Should you lose the radio-op-
the same ring as the radio-op- erated key during a trip, the
erated key used to start the vehicle can be started using the
engine could "irritate" the elec- spare key.
tronics, in which case the en-
abling signal for the engine
start is not issued.
Always keep the radio-oper-
ated keys separate from each
If you lose a radio-operated
key, you can have it disabled by
your authorized BMW Motorrad
Insert the spare key 1 in the
retailer. For this purpose, you
slot between the rider's seat
should also bring all of the mo-
and passenger seat so that
spare key is positioned over
antenna 2. DANGER
Period in which the en- Swallowing a battery
gine must be started. Risk of injury or death
Then unlocking must be re- An ignition key contains a
peated. button cell as a battery. Bat-
30 s teries or button cells can be
Pre-Ride-Check is carried out. swallowed and cause severe
Spare key has been detected. or fatal injuries within two
Engine can be started. hours, e.g. due to internal
Spare key can be removed. burns or chemical burns.
Starting the engine ( 121). Keep ignition keys and
Replacing the battery of the batteries out of the reach
radio-operated key (range) of children.
If the radio-operated key does If it is suspected that a bat-
not respond when a button tery or button cell has been
is pressed for a short or long swallowed or is inside a
time: body part, seek medical at-
The battery for the radio-op- tention immediately.
erated key is not charged to Replace battery.
full capacity.
Remote key battery
low. Limited cen-
tral locking function.
Change battery.

Press button 1.
Key bit folds open.
Press battery cover 2 upward.
Remove battery 3.
Dispose of the old battery in
accordance with legal reg-
ulations. Do not dispose of EMERGENCY-OFF SWITCH
the battery in the household

Unsuitable or improperly in-
serted batteries
Component damage
Use a battery compliant with
the manufacturer's specifi-
cations. 1 Emergency-off switch
When inserting the battery,
make sure that the polarity
is correct. WARNING

Insert the new battery with Operation of the emergency

the positive terminal facing ON/OFF switch when riding
up. Danger of falling due to
blocking of rear wheel
Battery type Do not operate the emer-
gency ON/OFF switch when
For Keyless Ride radio-oper- riding.
ated key
The engine can be turned off
CR 2032 easily and quickly using the
Install battery cover 2. emergency-off switch.
Red LED in instrument cluster
The radio-operated key is
working again.

A Engine turned off Press switch 1 forward to

B Operating position turn on high beams.
Pull switch 1 toward rear to
LIGHTS actuate headlight flasher.
Low-beam headlight and Headlight courtesy delay
parking lights feature
The parking lights come on au- Turn off the ignition.
tomatically when the ignition is
switched on.
The parking lights are a
strain on the battery. Do
not leave the ignition switched
on longer than absolutely nec-
The low-beam headlight
switches on automatically when
the engine is started. Immediately after turning off
the ignition, pull switch 1
High beams and headlight
back and hold until the head-
light courtesy delay feature
Turning on the ignition turns on.
( 54). The vehicle lights light up for
one minute and then turn off
This can be used, for example,
to illuminate the path to your
front door after the vehicle is Starting the engine ( 121).
Parking lights
Turning off the ignition
( 55).

Press button 1 to turn on the

auxiliary headlights.
The indicator light for the
additional headlight lights
Immediately after turning off
Press button 1 again to turn
the ignition, push button 1 to
off the auxiliary headlights.
the left and hold it until the
parking lights turn on. HAZARD WARNING LIGHTS
Turn ignition on and then off
Operating the hazard warning
again to turn off the parking
Turning on the ignition
Auxiliary headlights ( 54).
with LED additional head- The hazard warning flash-
light OA ers place a strain on the
Requirement battery. Do not use the haz-
The auxiliary headlights are ard warning flashers for longer
only active if the low beams than absolutely necessary.
are active.
The auxiliary headlights
are approved for use as
fog lights and may only be
used in poor weather condi-
tions. Comply with the country-
specific road traffic regulations.
Move button 1 to the center
position to turn off the turn
Comfort turn signals

Press button 1 to turn on the

hazard warning lights.
Ignition can be turned off.
To turn off the hazard warn-
ing lights, turn on the ignition,
If button 1 has been pushed to
as required, and press but-
the right or left, the turn signals
ton 1 once again.
will automatically switch off
TURN SIGNALS under the following conditions:
Speed is under 18 mph
Operating turn signals
(30 km/h): after a distance
Turning on the ignition
covered of 165 ft (50 m).
( 54). Speed is between 18 mph
and 60 mph (30 km/h and
100 km/h): after a speed-de-
pendent distance is covered
or during acceleration.
Speed is above 60 mph
(100 km/h): after turn signals
blink five times.
When button 1 is pushed
to the right or left and held
Press button 1 to the left to
slightly longer, the turn
turn on the left-side turn sig-
signals will only switch off
automatically after the speed-
Press button 1 to the right
dependent distance is covered.
to turn on the right-side turn
TRACTION CONTROL (ASC/ continues to light up.
Turning off the ASC/DTC The ASC/DTC function is
function switched off.
Turning on the ignition
Turning on the ASC/DTC
( 54).
The ASC/DTC function
can also be deactivated
while you are riding.

Press and hold button 1 un-

til the ASC/DTC indicator
and warning light changes
Press and hold button 1 un- its display behavior.
til the ASC/DTC indicator Immediately after pressing but-
and warning light changes ton 1, the ASC/DTC system
its display behavior. status OFF! is displayed.
Immediately after pressing but- goes out, and if self-diag-
ton 1, the ASC/DTC system nosis has not been com-
status ON is displayed. pleted, it begins to flash.
lights up. The new ASC/DTC system sta-
tus ON is displayed briefly.
Possible ASC/DTC system sta- Release button 1 after
tus OFF! is displayed. changeover of the status.
Release button 1 after the remains off or continues
ASC/DTC system status to flash.
switches. Possible ASC/DTC system sta-
The new ASC/DTC system sta- tus ON is displayed.
tus OFF! is displayed briefly.
The ASC/DTC function is Available load settings
switched on. Fixed minimum spring setting:
without riding modes Pro OE
Active riding position com-
Alternatively, turn the ignition
pensation with automatic
off and on again.
spring setting: Auto
More information about trac- Fixed maximum spring set-
tion control (ASC/DTC) can ting: Max
be found in the "Technology
BMW Motorrad recom-
in detail" chapter:
mends the Auto chassis
How does traction control
and suspension adjustment.
work? ( 143)
Displaying chassis and
ELECTRONIC CHASSIS AND suspension adjustment
Turning on the ignition
Dynamic ESA adjustment ( 54).
with Dynamic ESA OE
The Dynamic ESA electronic
chassis setting can automati-
cally adapt your motorcycle to
the load. If the spring setting is
set to Auto, the rider does not
have to worry about adjusting
the load.
More information about Press button 1 briefly to
Dynamic ESA can be found display current setting.
in the Technology in detail
chapter ( 146).
Available damping modes
For road use: Road and
To adjust the damping rate:
Repeatedly press button 1
briefly until the desired setting
is displayed.
The damping cannot be
adjusted while the motor-
cycle is being ridden.

Immediately after the button 1

is pressed, the chassis and
suspension adjustments op-
tions for damping 2 and spring
setting 3 are displayed.
The display automatically dis-
appears again after a short
time. The selection arrow 4 is dis-
Adjusting damping
with Dynamic ESA OE The selection arrow 4 goes
away after the changeover of
Turning on the ignition
the status.
( 54).
The following settings are avail-
Road: damping for comfort-
able road travel
Dynamic: damping for
dynamic road travel
At very low temperatures, un-
load the motorcycle before
increasing the spring setting,
and have the passenger dis-
Press button 1 briefly to
mount if necessary.
display current setting. After the setting is completed,
the chassis and suspension
adjustments disappear.
In the loading mode Auto,
the spring setting is only ad-
justed after riding off.
Adjusting spring preload

The selection arrow 4 is dis-

The selection arrow 4 goes
away after the changeover of
To adjust the spring preload: the status.
Starting the engine ( 121). The following settings are avail-
Repeatedly press and hold able:
button 1 until the desired set- Min: Minimum spring set-
ting is displayed. ting (only suitable for one-up
The spring setting cannot mode)
be changed while the mo- Auto: Automatic spring set-
torcycle is underway. ting (recommended chassis
The following message is dis- and suspension adjustment)
played if no setting is possible: Max: Maximum spring set-
Load adjust. only avail. ting (only suitable for two-up
when halted. mode)
If the button 1 is not pressed
for an extended period,
the damping action and
the spring preload will be
adjusted to the displayed
RAIN: Riding on rain-slicked
ROAD: Riding on dry roads.
with riding modes Pro OE
With pro riding modes
DYNAMIC: Dynamic riding on
dry roads.
DYNAMIC PRO: Dynamic rid-
The new chassis and
ing on dry roads, taking ac-
suspension adjustment options
count of the settings by the
for damping 2 and spring
setting 3 are displayed for a
short period of time. The optimum interaction be-
tween engine characteristics,
At very low temperatures, re-
ABS control, and ASC/DTC
lieve the motorcycle of its
control is provided for each of
load before increasing the
these scenarios.
spring preload; if applicable,
have the passenger dismount. with Dynamic ESA OE
After the setting is completed, The chassis and suspension ad-
the chassis and suspension justments can also be adapted
adjustments disappear. in the selected scenario.
In the Auto loading mode, More detailed information
the spring preload is only ad- about the riding modes can be
justed after riding off. found in the "Technology in
detail" chapter ( 147).
Select riding mode
Use of the riding modes
Turning on the ignition
BMW Motorrad has developed
( 54).
riding scenarios for your mo-
torcycle from which you can
select the one matching your
One of the following riding
modes can be selected:
RAIN: for riding on rain-
slicked roads.
ROAD: for riding on dry roads.
with riding modes Pro OE
The following riding mode can
also be selected:
DYNAMIC: for dynamic riding
Press button 1.
on dry roads.
When the vehicle is at a
standstill, the selected riding
mode is activated after
approx. 2 seconds.
The new riding mode is acti-
vated while the motorcycle is
in motion under the following
The throttle grip is in Neutral.
The active riding mode 2 fades
Brake is not engaged.
into the background and is Cruise control is not active.
displayed in pop-up 3. The The riding mode selected
guide 4 shows how many rid- and its associated engine
ing modes are available. characteristic, ASC, DTC and
Dynamic ESA settings are re-
tained even after the ignition
has been switched off.


with riding modes Pro OE

Press button 1 repeatedly un-

til the desired riding mode is
Adjustment options
The PRO riding modes can be
adjusted individually.
Setting up the PRO riding
Turning on the ignition
( 54).
Go to Settings, Vehicle
settings menu.
You can browse through the
The following PRO riding
possible settings 3 and the re-
mode can be adjusted:
DYNAMIC PRO riding mode lated descriptions 4.
Select and confirm the riding Adjust the system.
The Engine and DTC sys-
tems can also be set in the
Setting Dynamic Pro same way. More detailed
with riding modes Pro OE information about the rid-
Setting up the PRO riding ing modes can be found in
mode ( 70). the chapter "Technology in
Selection ( 147)
The settings can be reset to
factory settings:
Resetting the riding mode
settings ( 70).
Resetting the riding mode
The Engine system is se- Setting up the PRO riding
lected. The current setting is mode ( 70).
Select Reset and confirm.
displayed as a diagram 1 with
The following factory settings
explanations of the system 2.
apply for DYNAMIC PRO RID-
Select and confirm the sys- ING MODE:
tem. DTC: Dynamic
ENGINE: Dynamic
CRUISE CONTROL Turning on the cruise control
with cruise control OE
Display while adjusting
(Speed Limit Info not active)

Slide switch 1 to the right.

Button 2 is unlocked.
Saving the speed
The icon 1 for cruise control is
displayed in the Pure Ride view
and in the upper status line.
Display while adjusting
(Speed Limit Info active)

Briefly push button 1 forward.

Adjustment range of the
cruise control
12...130 mph (20...210 km/h)
The indicator light for
The icon 1 for cruise control is cruise control is lit.
displayed in the Pure Ride view The motorcycle maintains
and in the upper status line. your current cruising speed
and the setting is saved.
Accelerating Press button 1 back and hold.
The speed is reduced continu-
If button 1 is no longer
pressed, the speed reached is
maintained and saved.
Deactivating the cruise
Actuate the brakes, coupling
or throttle grip (ease the
Briefly push button 1 forward.
throttle beyond the default
Speed is increased by 1 mph
setting) to deactivate the
(1.6 km/h) each time the but-
cruise control.
ton is pressed.
Press button 1 forward and When downshifting using
hold. the Pro Gear Shift Assis-
The speed increases continu- tant, the cruise control is auto-
ously. matically deactivated for safety
If button 1 is no longer reasons.
pressed, the speed reached is During ASC/DTC interven-
maintained and saved. tions, the cruise control is
Decelerating automatically deactivated for
safety reasons.
The indicator light for cruise
control goes out.

Briefly press button 1 back-

The speed is decreased by
1 mph (1.6 km/h) each time
the button is pressed.
Resuming previous cruising The system is turned off.
speed Button 2 is locked.



Briefly push button 1 back

to return to the speed saved
Cruise control is not de- The icon 1 for the Hill Start
activated by accelerating. Control is displayed in the
If you release the throttle grip, Pure Ride view and in the
the motorcycle will deceler- upper status line.
ate only to the cruising speed Operating the
saved in memory, even though Hill Start Control
you might have wanted to slow Requirement
down to a lower speed. Vehicle is at a standstill with
The indicator light for the engine running.
cruise control is lit.
Turning off cruise control ATTENTION
Failure of the drive-off assis-
Risk of accident
Secure the vehicle through
manual braking.
Hill Start Control is only
a convenience system for
easier hill-starting and should,
Push switch 1 to the left. therefore, not be confused with
a parking brake.
Hill Start Control function
( 153)
Switch Hill Start Control on
and off
Turning on the ignition
( 54).
Go to Settings, Vehicle
settings menu.
Turn Hill Start Control
Apply handbrake lever 1 or
on or off.
footbrake lever firmly and
then release again. Operating the
is displayed in green. Hill Start Control Pro
with riding modes Pro OE

Hill Start Control is activated. Requirement

To turn off the Hill Start Con- Vehicle is at a standstill with
trol, actuate the handbrake the engine running.
lever 1 or the footbrake lever
is hidden.
Failure of the drive-off assis-
Alternatively, ride off in 1st or tant
2nd gear. Risk of accident
Secure the vehicle through
Hill Start Control is deacti-
manual braking.
vated automatically when
driving off. Hill Start Control Pro is
The stop icon disappears only a comfort system to
after the brake has been make starting on hills easier
released completely. and should therefore not be
confused with a parking brake.
Hill Start Control is deacti-
Hill Start Control Pro
More information about Hill drive-off assistant should
Start Control can be found not be used for gradients of
in the "Technology in detail" more than 40%.
Hill Start Control Pro is
deactivated automatically
when driving off.
The stop icon disappears
after the brake has been
released completely.
Hill Start Control Pro is deac-
Apply handbrake lever 1 or More information about Hill
footbrake lever firmly and Start Control Pro can be
then release again. found in the "Technology in
Alternatively, apply the brake detail" chapter:
for about one second after Hill Start Control function
the vehicle has come to a ( 153)
standstill, with a gradient of Adjust Hill Start Control Pro
at least 5%. with riding modes Pro OE
is displayed in green.
Turning on the ignition
( 54).
Hill Start Control Pro is acti- Go to Settings, Vehicle
vated. settings menu.
To turn off Hill Start Con- Select HSC Pro.
trol Pro, activate the hand- Select Off to turn off Hill
brake lever 1 or footbrake Start Control Pro.
lever again. Hill Start Control Pro is deac-
If Hill Start Control Pro tivated.
was deactivated using the Select Manual to turn on
brake lever, automatic Hill Start manual Hill Start Control Pro.
Hill Start Control Pro can be
Control is deactivated for the
activated by firmly applying
next 4 m.
the handbrake or footbrake
is hidden. lever.
Select Auto to turn on auto-
Alternatively, ride off in 1st or matic Hill Start Control Pro.
2nd gear. Hill Start Control Pro can be
activated by firmly applying
the handbrake or footbrake Changes to the brightness
lever. and the flashing frequency are
When applying the brake for signaled by the shiftpoint light
approximately one second af- lighting up or flashing.
ter the vehicle has come to a
standstill and on a slope with ANTI-THEFT ALARM SYSTEM
at least a 5% gradient, Hill (DWA)
Start Control Pro is activated with anti-theft alarm system
automatically. (DWA) OE
The selected setting is re-
tained even after the ignition
Turning on the ignition
is turned off.
( 54).
Turn off the ignition.
with riding modes Pro OE If DWA is activated, DWA is
Turning the shiftpoint light on automatically activated after
and off the ignition is switched off.
Call up Settings, Vehicle Activation takes approximately
settings menu. 30 seconds to complete.
Switch Shift light on or Turn signals flash twice.
off. Confirmation tone sounds
twice (if programmed).
Setting shifting flash The anti-theft alarm system is
Switch on the Shift light active.
function. with Keyless Ride OE
Call up Settings, Vehicle
settings, Configuration
menu (via Shift light).
The following settings are
Start RPM
Frequency. A flashing fre-
quency of 0 Hz corresponds
Turn off the ignition.
to continuous lighting.
Press button 1 on the radio- Alarm signal
operated key twice. The DWA alarm signal can be
Activation takes approximately triggered by:
30 seconds to complete. Motion sensor
Turn signals flash twice. Switch-on attempt with an
Confirmation tone sounds unauthorized ignition key
twice (if programmed). Disconnecting the DWA from
The anti-theft alarm system is the vehicle battery (DWA bat-
active. tery takes over the power
supply – alarm sound only,
turn signals do not flash).
with Keyless Ride OE
If the radio-operated key
is within the reception
area, any alarm signal trig-
gered by the tilt alarm sensor
is suppressed.
To deactivate the motion sen- If the DWA battery is dis-
sor (for example, if the motor- charged, all functions remain
cycle is being transported on operational; the only difference
a train and the train's move- is that the alarm cannot be
ments could trigger the alarm triggered if the system is
signal), press the button 1 on disconnected from the vehicle
the radio-operated key again battery.
during the activation phase. The duration of the alarm sig-
Turn signals flash three times.
nal is approx. 26 seconds. Dur-
Confirmation tone sounds
ing the alarm, an alarm signal
three times (if programmed).
sounds, and the turn signals
Motion sensor is
blink. The type of alarm tone
can be set by an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
with Keyless Ride OE Deactivating the DWA
Turn on the ignition.
with Keyless Ride OE

You can cancel a triggered

alarm signal at any time by
pressing the button 1 of the Briefly press button 1.
radio-operated key without de- Turn signals flash once.
activating the DWA. Confirmation tone sounds
once (if programmed).
If an alarm signal has been DWA is turned off.
triggered while the motorcy-
cle was unattended, the rider Adjust DWA
is notified accordingly by an Turning on the ignition
alarm signal sounding once ( 54).
when the ignition is turned on. Go to Settings, Vehicle
Then the DWA LED indicates settings, Alarm system
the reason for the alarm signal menu.
The following settings are
for one minute.
Light signals on DWA LED: available:
Adjust Warning signal
1 blink: motion sensor 1
Turn Tilt sensor on and
2 blinks: motion sensor 2
3 blinks: ignition turned on off
Turn Arming tone on and
with unauthorized ignition key
4 blinks: anti-theft alarm sys- off
Turn Arm automatically
tem disconnected from vehi-
on and off
cle battery
Adjustment options ( 79)
5 blinks: motion sensor 3
Adjustment options Switch Target pressure
Warning signal: Set rising warn. on or off.
and falling or intermittent alarm
Tilt sensor: Activate the tilt with heated grips OE
alarm sensor to monitor the tilt Operating heated grips
of the vehicle. The anti-theft
The heated grips option
alarm system responds if, for
can only be activated
example, if the wheel is stolen
when the engine is running.
or the motorcycle is towed.
The increase in power
Deactivate the tilt sensor
consumption caused by
when transporting the ve-
the heated grips can drain the
hicle to avoid triggering the
battery if you are riding at low
engine speeds. If the battery
Arming tone: Confirmation is inadequately charged, the
alarm tone after activating/de- heated grips are switched off
activating the DWA in addition to ensure starting capability.
to flashing turn indicators.
Arm automatically: Auto- Starting the engine ( 121).
matic activation of the alarm
function when the ignition is
turned off.


with riding modes Pro OE
with tire pressure monitor
Switching setpoint pressure Press the button 1 repeat-
warning on or off edly until the desired heating
If the minimum tire pressure level 2 is shown in front of
is reached, a target pressure the heated grip icon 3.
The handlebar grips can be
warning can be displayed.
Go to Settings, Vehicle heated at two different levels.
settings, RDC menu.
Medium heater output the seat lock 1 to the left with
the ignition key and holding it.
High heater output Lift passenger seat at front
and release key.
Take off the passenger seat 2
The 2nd heating level is used and set it on a clean surface
for fast heat-up of the grips; with the upholstered side fac-
then the switch should be ing down.
switched back to the 1st level.
Installing the passenger seat
If no further changes are
made, the selected heating
level is set.
To turn off the heated grips,
press the button 1 repeatedly
until the heated grip icon 3
goes out.


First slide the passenger
Removing the passenger seat seat 1 into the mounts in the
Park the motorcycle, making rear area.
sure the ground is level and Press passenger seat 1 down
firm. firmly at front.
Passenger seat audibly en-
Remove rider's seat
Removing the passenger seat
( 80).
Driver's seat is unlocked.
Take off rider's seat at rear
and place on a clean surface
with upholstered side facing
Press the passenger seat 2 downward.
down in the front area to sup-
port unlocking while turning
Installing the rider's seat
Removing the passenger seat
( 80).

Press the rider's seat into the

front mounts 1 up to the stop
and then lay on at rear.

GENERAL NOTES Connectivity functions
Connectivity functions include
media, telephony and naviga-
tion. Connectivity functions
WARNING can be used if the TFT display
Operation of a smartphone is connected to a mobile end
while the vehicle is in mo- device and a helmet ( 94).
tion or when the engine is You can find more information
running about the Connectivity func-
Risk of accident tions at:
Observe the relevant road bmw-motorrad.com/connec-
traffic regulations. tivity
Do not use while riding (ex-
If the fuel tank is between
cept for applications without
the mobile end device and
operation such as telephony
the TFT display, the Bluetooth
via the hands-free system).
connection may be restricted.
BMW Motorrad recommends
WARNING storing the mobile end device
above the fuel tank (e.g. in the
Distraction from traffic con-
jacket pocket).
ditions and loss of control
Risk of accident through the Depending on the mobile
use of integrated information end device, the scope of
systems and communication the Connectivity functions may
devices during the journey be limited.
Operate these systems or BMW Motorrad
devices only if the traffic Connected App
situation allows. With the BMW Motorrad Con-
If necessary, stop and oper- nected App, you can call up
ate the system or devices at information about the vehicle
a standstill. and usage. To use some fea-
tures such as navigation, the
app must be installed on the
mobile end device and be con-
nected to the TFT display. The
app starts the route guidance Functions of the Multi-
and adapts the navigation. Controller
Turn the Multi-Controller up:
On some mobile devices,
Move the cursor up in lists.
e.g. with operating sys-
Make settings.
tem iOS, the BMW Motorrad
Increase volume.
Connected App must be called
up before using. Turn the Multi-Controller
Currentness of this manual Move the cursor down in lists.
After the editorial deadline, Make settings.
there may be updates to the Reduce volume.
TFT display. For this reason,
Tilt Multi-Controller to the
some aspects of your motor-
cycle may vary from the de-
Activate the function accord-
scriptions in this rider's man-
ing to the operating feedback.
ual. Updated information at:
Activate function to the left or
PRINCIPLE After settings, return to menu
Operating elements In the menu view: move up
one hierarchy level.
In the My Vehicle menu: leaf
to the next menu sheet.
Tilt Multi-Controller to the
Activate the function accord-
ing to the operating feedback.
Confirm selection.
All contents of the display are Confirm settings.
controlled by the Multi-Con- Browse to the next menu
troller 1 and the rocker button step.
Scroll to right in lists.
In the My Vehicle menu: leaf
The following functions are
to the next menu sheet.
possible depending on the con-
Rocker button MENU Operating instructions in the
functions main menu
Navigation instructions
are displayed as a dialog
if the Navigation menu has
not been called up. Operation
of the MENU rocker button is
temporarily restricted.
Briefly press the MENU up:
In the menu view: move up
one hierarchy level.
In the Pure Ride view: Change The operating instructions indi-
the status line display. cate whether and which inter-
actions are possible.
MENU long press up:
In the Menu view: Open
Pure Ride view.
In the Pure Ride view: change
the operating focus to the
MENU short press down:
Change a hierarchy level
No function when lowest hier- Meaning of the operating
archy level is reached. instructions:
MENU long press down: Operating instructions 1: The
Return to the last menu, left end has been reached.
after a menu change has Operating instructions 2: You
been previously carried out can scroll to the right.
by long press of the rocker Operating instructions 3: You
button MENU at the top. can scroll down.
Operating instructions 4: You
can scroll to the left.
Operating instructions 5: The
right end has been reached.
Operating instructions in Show Pure Ride view
submenus Press and hold the top MENU
In addition to the operating rocker button.
instructions in the main menu, Switching functions on and
there are additional operating off
instructions in submenus.

Some items are preceded

Meaning of the operating by a box. The box indicates
instructions: whether the function is turned
Operating instructions 1: The on or off. Action icons after the
current display is in a hierar- menu items illustrate what is
chical menu. One icon indi- switched by briefly tilting the
cates one submenu level. Two Multi-Controller to the right.
icons indicate two or more Examples for switching on
submenu levels. The color of and off:
the icon changes depending Icon 1 indicates that the func-
on whether there is an option tion is turned on.
to return to the top. Icon 2 indicates that the func-
Operating instructions 2: You tion is turned off.
can go to another submenu Icon 3 indicates that the func-
level. tion can be turned off.
Operating instructions 3: Icon 4 indicates that the func-
There are more entries than tion can be turned on.
can be displayed.
Going to a menu Moving the cursor in lists

Show Pure Ride view ( 87). Going to a menu ( 88).

Briefly press button 2 down- To move the cursor down
ward. in lists, turn the Multi-Con-
The following menus can be troller 1 down until the de-
called up: sired entry is marked.
My vehicle To move the cursor up in lists,
Navigation turn the Multi-Controller 1
Media up until the desired entry is
Telephone marked.
Confirming the selection
with riding modes Pro OE
In addition:
Press Multi-Controller 1 re-
peatedly briefly to the right
until the desired menu item is
Briefly press button 2 down-
The Settings menu can Select desired entry.
only be called up when Multi-Controller 1 short press
stationary. to right.
Calling up the last menu used System status displays
In the Pure Ride view: press The system status is displayed
and hold the bottom of the in the lower menu area when a
MENU rocker button. function has been turned on or
The last used menu is called off.
up. The last marked entry is
Changing operating focus
with preparation for naviga-
tion system OE
When the Navigator is con-
nected, you can switch be-
tween the operation of the
Navigator and the TFT display.
Examples of the meaning of
Changing the operating focus the system statuses:
with preparation for naviga- System status 1: ASC/DTC
tion system OE function is switched on.
with preparation for naviga- Changing the status line
tion system OE display
with navigation system OA Requirement
Fastening navigation system The vehicle is stationary. The
securely ( 198). Pure Ride view is displayed.
Show Pure Ride view ( 87).
Press and hold the top MENU Turning on the ignition
rocker button. ( 54).
Operating focus changes All of the information neces-
to the Navigator or the TFT sary for operating the vehicle
display. The active device on public roads is made avail-
is marked in the upper left able from the on-board com-
status line. Operating actions puter (e.g. TRIP 1) and the
affect the active device travel on-board computer (e.g.
until the operating focus is TRIP 2) in the TFT display.
changed again. The information can be dis-
Operating the navigation sys- played in the upper status
tem ( 200) line.
with tire pressure monitor Riding time 1
In addition, information from Riding time 2
the tire pressure control can
be displayed.
Selecting status line content
Break 1
( 90).
Break 2

Speed 1 (average)

Speed 2 (average)

with tire pressure monitor

Tire pressure
Press and hold button 1 to
display the Pure Ride view.
Press button 1 briefly to se-
lect the value in the upper sta-
tus line 2. Fuel tank level
The following values can be
displayed: Selecting status line content
Total distance Call up menu Settings,
Display, Status line
Current distance 1 content.
Turn on desired displays.
Current distance 2 It is possible to change be-
tween the selected displays in
the status line. If no displays
Consumption 1 (aver-
are selected, only the range is
Consumption 2 (aver-
Making settings Call up menu Settings,
Switch Speed Limit Info
on or off.



Select desired settings menu

and confirm.
Turn Multi-Controller 1 down
until the desired setting is
If operating instructions are
present, tilt the Multi-Con- 1 Scale
troller 1 to the right. 2 Low engine speed range
If no operating instructions 3 High / red engine speed
are present, tilt the Multi-Con- range
troller 1 to the left. 4 Unit for tachometer:
The setting is saved. 1000 revolutions per
Switching Speed Limit Info on minute
or off 5 Needle
Requirement 6 Trailing indicator
The vehicle is connected to The red engine speed
a compatible mobile end de- range changes depend-
vice. The BMW Motorrad Con- ing on the coolant temperature:
nected app is installed on the The colder the engine, the
mobile end device. lower the speed at which the
red engine speed range begins.
Speed Limit Info displays
The warmer the engine, the
the currently permitted max-
higher the speed at which the
imum speed insofar as this
red engine speed range begins.
information is provided by the When the operating tempera-
editor of the maps in the navi- ture has been reached, the red
gation system.
engine speed range display will Upshift recommendation
no longer change.

The upshift recommendation

in the Pure Ride view 1 or in
the status line 2 indicates the
The range 1 indicates how far
best time for an upshift from
you can ride with the remaining
an economical perspective.
fuel. This distance is calculated
based on average consumption GENERAL SETTINGS
and the remaining fuel quantity.
When the vehicle is propped Adjusting the volume
on its side stand, the result- Connect the rider's helmet
ing angle of inclination means and the passenger helmet
that the sensor cannot regis- ( 96).
Increase volume: turn Multi-
ter the fuel quantity correctly.
Controller up.
For this reason, the range is
Reduce volume: turn Multi-
only recalculated when the
Controller down.
side stand is folded in.
Mute: turn Multi-Controller all
The range is output together
the way down.
with a warning after the fuel
reserve level is reached. Setting the date
After refueling, the range is Turning on the ignition
recalculated if the fuel quan- ( 54).
tity is greater than the fuel Call up menu Settings,
reserve. System settings, Date
The calculated range is only and time, Set date.
an approximate figure. Set Day, Month, and Year.
Confirm setting.
Adjusting the date format The following languages can be
Call up menu Settings, set:
System settings, Date German
and time, Date format. English (UK)
Select desired setting. English (US)
Confirm setting. Spanish
Setting the clock Italian
Turning on the ignition Dutch
( 54). Polish
Call up menu Settings, Portuguese
System settings, Date Turkish
and time, Set time. Russian
Set Hour and Minute. Ukrainian
Setting the time format
Call up menu Settings, Korean
System settings, Date Thai
and time, Time format.
Select desired setting. Adjusting brightness
Confirm setting. Call up menu Settings,
Display, Brightness.
Setting the units of Adjust brightness.
measurement The brightness of the display
Call up menu Settings, is dimmed to the set value if
System settings, Units. ambient brightness falls be-
The following units of measure- low a defined value.
ment can be set:
with tire pressure monitor Resetting all settings
(TPM) OE All settings in the Settings
Pressure menu can be reset to the fac-
Temperature tory settings.
Consumption Call up menu Settings.
Select Reset all and con-
Setting the language
Call up menu Settings,
The settings of the following
System settings, Lan- menus are reset:
guage. Vehicle settings
System settings
Connections Possible sources of
Display interference:
Information Interference fields due to
Existing Bluetooth connec- transmission towers and simi-
tions are not deleted. lar.
Devices with Bluetooth radio
BLUETOOTH standard that has been incor-
Short-range radio technology rectly implemented.
By nearby Bluetooth-capable
Bluetooth is a short-range
wireless technology. Bluetooth
devices are short-range devices Pairing
(transmitting with a limited Before two Bluetooth devices
range) on the license-free ISM can establish a connection with
band (Industrial, Scientific, each other, they must have
Medical) between 2.402 GHz identified each other. This pro-
and 2.480 GHz. It can be cess of mutual recognition is
operated anywhere in the known as pairing. When two
world without a license being devices have paired they re-
required. member each other, so the
Although Bluetooth is designed pairing process is conducted
for establishing robust con- only once, on initial contact.
nections over short distances, On some mobile devices,
faults are possible as with any e.g. with operating sys-
other wireless technology. tem iOS, the BMW Motorrad
Connections can be subject Connected App must be called
to interference, can be briefly up before using.
interrupted or lost entirely.
Especially when several devices During the pairing process, the
are operated in one Bluetooth TFT display searches for other
network, there is no guarantee Bluetooth-compatible devices
for smooth operation in every within its reception range. The
situation. conditions that have to be sat-
isfied before the audio system
can identify another device are
as follows:
The Bluetooth function of the Select Mobile device and
device must be enabled confirm.
The device must be "visible" Select Pair new mobile
to others device and confirm.
The device must support the Mobile end devices are
A2DP profile searched for.
Other Bluetooth-capable de-
blinks in the lower status
vices must be switched off
line during pairing.
(e.g. mobile phones and navi-
gation systems). Visible mobile end devices are
Please consult the operating displayed.
instructions for your communi- Select the mobile end device
cation system. and confirm.
Observe the instructions for
Pairing the mobile end device.
Call up menu Settings, Confirm that the codes match.
Connections. The connection is established
Bluetooth connections can and the connection status is
be established, managed, and updated.
deleted in the CONNECTIONS If the connection cannot be
menu. The following Blue- established, the troubleshoot-
tooth connections are dis- ing chart in the Technical data
played: chapter may provide assis-
Mobile device tance. ( 214)
Rider's helmet Depending on the mobile
Passenger helm. end device, telephone data
The connection status for mo- is transferred to the vehicle
bile end devices is displayed. automatically.
Connecting a mobile end Telephone data ( 105)
device If the phone book is not dis-
Pairing ( 95). played, the troubleshooting
Activate the Bluetooth func- chart in the Technical data
tion of the mobile end device chapter may provide assis-
(see operating instructions for tance. ( 215)
the mobile end device). If the Bluetooth connection
does not work as expected,
the troubleshooting chart
in the Technical data chap- Deleting connections
ter may provide assistance. Call up menu Settings,
( 215) Connections.
Connect the rider's helmet Select Delete connec-
and the passenger helmet tions.
To delete an individual con-
Pairing ( 95).
nection, select the connection
Select Rider's helmet or
and confirm.
Passenger helm. and con-
To delete all connections, se-
lect Delete all connec-
Show the communication sys-
tem of the helmet.
tions and confirm.
Select Pair new rider's
helmet or Pair new pas-
seng. helmet and confirm.
Helmets are searched for.
blinks in the lower status
line during pairing.
Visible helmets are displayed.
Select helmet and confirm.
The connection is established
and the connection status is
If the connection cannot be
established, the troubleshoot-
ing chart in the Technical data
chapter may provide assis-
tance. ( 214)
If the Bluetooth connection
does not work as expected,
the troubleshooting chart
in the Technical data chap-
ter may provide assistance.
( 215)
Start screen

1 Check Control display

Layout ( 25)
2 Coolant temperature
( 38)
3 Range ( 92)
4 Odometer
5 Service display ( 50)
6 Rear tire pressure ( 40)
7 Voltage of the vehicle
electrical system
( 182)
8 Engine oil level ( 37)
9 Front tire pressure
( 40)
Operating instructions MY VEHICLE
Check Control messages (if
with tire pressure monitor
More information about tire
Operating instructions 1: tabs pressure and Check Control
that show how far to the left messages can be found in the
or right you can scroll. "Displays" chapter ( 25).
Operating instructions 2: tab Check-Control messages
that shows the position of the are dynamically added to
current menu screen. the menu screens in the My
vehicle menu as additional
Browsing through menu tabs.
On-board computer and travel
on-board computer
windows show the vehicle
and journey data, e.g. average
Call up on-board computer
Go to My vehicle menu.
Go to the My vehicle menu.
Scroll to the right until the
To scroll to the right, briefly
push the Multi-Controller 1 to
window is displayed.
the right.
To scroll to the left, briefly Reset on-board computer
push the Multi-Controller 1 to Call up on-board computer
the left. ( 98).
The following screens are in- Press MENU rocker button
cluded in the My Vehicle menu: down.
Select Reset all values or Service requirements
Reset individual values
and confirm.
The following values can be
reset individually:
Current (TRIP 1)
Call up travel on-board If the time remaining until
computer the next service is less than a
Call up on-board computer month, or if the next service is
( 98). due within 700 mi (1127 km),
Scroll to the right until the a white Check Control
TRIP COMPUTER menu win- message is displayed.
dow is displayed.
Reset travel on-board
Call up travel on-board com-
puter ( 99).
Press MENU rocker button
Select Automatic reset
or Reset all values and
If Automatic reset has
been selected, the travel on-
board computer is automati-
cally reset if at least 6 hours
have passed since the ignition
was turned off and the date
has changed.
with riding modes Pro OE

Sport overview

1 Maximum DTC torque re- 8 Maximum deceleration

2 Current DTC torque re-
3 Rotational-speed sensor
4 Maximum angle of inclina-
tion to left
5 Current angle of inclina-
tion during cornering for
left and right
6 Maximum angle of inclina-
tion to right
7 Current deceleration dur-
ing braking
Resetting the maximum
The maximum values for DTC
torque reduction, angle of in-
clination and deceleration are
automatically reset after the ig-
nition is switched off.
NAVIGATION Prerequisite
The vehicle is connected to a
compatible mobile end device
via Bluetooth.
The BMW Motorrad Con-
Operation of a smartphone nected App is installed on the
while the vehicle is in mo- mobile end device.
tion or when the engine is
running On some mobile devices,
Risk of accident e.g. with operating sys-
Observe the relevant road tem iOS, the BMW Motorrad
traffic regulations. Connected App must be called
Do not use while riding (ex- up before using.
cept for applications without
Enter destination address
operation such as telephony
Connecting a mobile end de-
via the hands-free system).
vice ( 95).
Call up the BMW Motorrad
WARNING Connected app and start the
route guidance.
Distraction from traffic con- Call up menu Navigation in
ditions and loss of control the TFT display.
Risk of accident through the Active route guidance is dis-
use of integrated information played.
systems and communication If the active route guidance
devices during the journey is not displayed, the trou-
Operate these systems or bleshooting chart in the Tech-
devices only if the traffic nical data chapter may pro-
situation allows. vide assistance. ( 215)
If necessary, stop and oper-
ate the system or devices at Select destination from most
a standstill. recent destinations
Call up menu Navigation,
Recent destinations.
Select destination and con-
Select Start route guid-
Select destination from Specifying route criteria
favorites Call up menu Navigation,
The FAVORITES menu shows Route criteria.
all destinations that have The following criteria can be
been saved as a favorite in selected:
the BMW Motorrad Con- Route type
nected app. It is not possible Avoid
to create new favorites on the Select desired Route type.
TFT display. Turn desired Avoid on or off.
Go to the Navigation, Fa- The number of enabled avoid-
vorites menu. ances is displayed in brackets.
Select destination and con- Ending route guidance
firm. Call up menu Navigation,
Select Start guidance. Active route guidance.
Entering special destinations Select End route guidance
Special destinations, e.g. land- and confirm.
marks, can be displayed on Switching spoken instructions
the map. on or off
Call up menu Navigation, Connect the rider's helmet
POIs. and the passenger helmet
The following locations can be ( 96).
selected: The navigation can be read
At current location out by a computer voice.
At destination To do this, the Spoken
Along the route instructions must be
Select in which location you
turned on.
want to search for special Call up menu Navigation,
destinations. Active route guidance.
The following point of interest Turn Spoken instructions
can be selected: on or off.
Filling station
Select special destination and Repeating the last spoken
confirm. instruction
Select Start route guid- Call up menu Navigation,
ance and confirm. Active route guidance.
Select Current instruc-
tion and confirm.
MEDIA Depending on the mobile
end device, the scope of
the Connectivity functions may
The vehicle is connected to a
be limited.
compatible mobile end device
and a compatible helmet. The following functions can
be used in the context menu:
Controlling audio playback Playback or Pause.
For search and playback, se-
lect the category Now play-
ing, All artists, All al-
bums, or All tracks.
Select Playlists.
In the Audio settings sub-
menu you can adjust the fol-
lowing settings:
Go to the Media menu. Turn Shuffle on or off.
Repeat: Select Off, One
BMW Motorrad recom-
(current track), or All.
mends setting the volume
for media and conversations via PHONE
mobile end devices to the max-
imum before starting a journey.
The vehicle is connected to a
Adjusting the volume ( 92). compatible mobile end device
Next title: Tilt the Multi-Con- and a compatible helmet.
troller 1 briefly to the right.
Last title or start of current ti- Making a phone call
tle: Tilt the Multi-Controller 1
briefly to the left.
Fast forward: Tilt and hold
the Multi-Controller 1 to the
Fast rewind: Tilt and hold the
Multi-Controller 1 to the left.
Go to context menu: Press
button 2 down.
Go to the Telephone menu.
Accept call: Tilt Multi-Con- DISPLAYING SOFTWARE
troller 1 to the right. VERSION
Reject call: Tilt Multi-Con-
Call up menu Settings,
troller 1 to the left.
End call: Tilt Multi-Con- Information, Software
troller 1 to the left. version.
The microphone in the helmet MATION
can be muted during active Call up menu Settings, In-
conversations. formation, Licenses.
Conversations with multiple
A second telephone call can be
accepted during a conversation.
The first conversation will be
put on hold. The number of ac-
tive telephone calls is displayed
in the Telephone menu. It
is possible to switch between
two conversations.
Telephone data
Depending on the mobile end
device, telephone data is trans-
ferred to the vehicle automati-
cally after pairing ( 94).
Phone book: List of contacts
saved in the mobile end device
Call list: List of telephone
calls with the mobile end de-
Favorites: List of favorites
saved in the mobile end device

Adjusting the mirrors

Line up mark 1.

Move mirror body to the de-
Adjusting the windshield
sired position by turning it.
Adjusting the mirror arm The motorcycle is stopped.

Collision between mirror
arm and other components.
Component damage
Correctly adjust the mirror
arm. Pay attention to the
mark on the mirror arm.

Adjusting the windshield
while driving
Accident hazard
Only adjust the windshield
when the motorcycle is sta-
Turn the mirror arm.
Fold windshield up or down.
The windshield is held in the Windshield in bracket
upper or lower end positions
by spring force.
M5 x 20
Reposition windshield
2 lb/ft (2.4 Nm)
The windshield can be fas-
tened on the motorcycle in HEADLIGHTS
two different positions.
Headlight range and spring
The headlight range generally
remains constant due to the
adjustment of the spring set-
ting to the loading state.
Only with a very heavy payload
can adjustment of the spring
setting be insufficient. If that is
the case, the headlight range
Remove all screws 2 and take must be adapted to the weight.
off windshield 1 to reposition
If there are doubts as
the windshield.
to the correct headlight
range, have the adjustment
checked by a specialized work-
shop, preferably by an autho-
rized BMW Motorrad retailer.

Adjusting the clutch lever

Position windshield on corre-
sponding hole 3 while watch- Adjusting the clutch lever
ing bushing 4 (inserted from while driving
below) and rubber grom- Accident hazard
met 5. Adjust the clutch lever when
Screw in all four screws 6. the motorcycle is stationary.
with Option 719 Billet pack
Classic II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Storm II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Shadow II OE

Turn the adjustment wheel 1

into the desired position.
The adjustment wheel can
be turned more easily if
you press the clutch lever for-
ward when doing so.
Adjustment options:
Position 1: smallest distance
Turn the adjustment lever 1
between handlebar grip and
to the desired position.
clutch lever Adjustment options:
Position 4: largest distance From position A: Smallest dis-
between handlebar grip and tance between handlebar grip
clutch lever and clutch lever.
Five steps toward position B
to increase the distance be-
tween the handlebar grip and
the clutch lever.

with Option 719 Billet pack
Classic II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Storm II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Shadow II OE
Adjusting the gearshift lever Foot piece to gearshift
foot plate lever
7 lb/ft (10 Nm)

Adjusting the brake lever

Adjusting the brake lever
You can adjust the horizon- while driving
tal and vertical distance of Risk of accident
the foot relative to the foot Do not attempt to adjust
plate 2 by turning the foot the brake lever unless the
plate in different positions. motorcycle is at a standstill.
Remove the screw 1.

Turn the adjustment wheel 1

Clean the thread. into the desired position.
Turn the foot plate 2 into the The adjustment wheel can
desired position. be turned more easily if
Install the new screw 1. you press the handbrake lever
Foot piece to gearshift forward when doing so.
lever Adjustment options:
Position 1: smallest distance
M6 x 20
between handlebar grip and
Thread-locking compound: brake lever
Position 4: greatest distance Adjusting the footbrake lever
between handlebar grip and foot plate
brake lever with Option 719 Billet pack
Classic II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Classic II OE with Option 719 Billet pack
Storm II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Storm II OE with Option 719 Billet pack
Shadow II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Shadow II OE

You can adjust the horizon-

Turn the adjustment lever 1 tal and vertical distance of
to the desired position. the foot relative to the foot
Adjustment options: plate 1 by turning the lever
From position A: smallest dis- 180° and installing it in posi-
tance between handlebar grip tion A or B.
and brake lever.
Five steps toward position B
to increase the distance be-
tween the handlebar grip and
the handbrake lever.

Remove the screw 1.

Clean the thread.
Install the foot plate 2 in posi-
tion A or B as desired.
Turn the foot plate 2 into the
desired position.
Install the new screw 1.
Foot piece on footbrake
M6 x 20
Thread-locking compound: Remove screws 1.
micro-encapsulated Remove the footrest 3 from
7 lb/ft (10 Nm) the clamping block 2.

with Option 719 Billet pack
Classic II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Storm II OE
with Option 719 Billet pack
Shadow II OE
Remove the screw 2.
Adjusting the footrests Remove clamping block 1
The footrest is set the same from position A or B.
way on the right and left.
The position of the footrest
must be set equally on the
right and left.

Install clamping block 1 in the

desired position A or B and
tighten screw 2.
Clamping block on ingly when the vehicle is lightly
footrest hinge loaded.
Adjusting the spring preload
M8 x 25
at the rear wheel
15 lb/ft (20 Nm)
Park the motorcycle, making
sure the ground is level and

Position footrest 3 on clamp-

ing block 2.
Install screws 1.
Footrest on clamping WARNING
Uncoordinated settings of
M6 x 20 / M6 x 12 spring preload and spring
7 lb/ft (10 Nm) strut damping.
Remove and install the Poorer handling.
footrest on the other side in Adjust damping charac-
the same way. teristic to changed spring
without Dynamic ESA OE
It is essential to set the spring Adjusting the spring preload
preload to suit the load carried while riding.
by the motorcycle. Increase Accident hazard
Adjust the spring preload
spring preload when the ve-
only when the motorcycle is
hicle is heavily loaded and re-
duce spring preload accord-
To decrease spring preload, Adjusting damping at the rear
turn the adjustment wheel 1 wheel
in the arrow direction LOW. Park the motorcycle, making
To increase spring preload, sure the ground is level and
turn the adjustment wheel 1 firm.
in the arrow direction HIGH. Adjust damping from the left
Basic setting of spring side of the vehicle.
preload, rear
Turn adjustment wheel as far
as possible into LOW direc-
tion. (One-up without load)
Turn adjuster wheel as far as
possible in LOW direction,
then rotate 15 turns in HIGH
direction. (One-up with load)
Turn adjuster wheel as far as Turn the adjustment wheel 1
possible in HIGH direction. clockwise to increase damp-
(Two-up and load) ing.
Turn the adjustment wheel 1
counterclockwise to decrease
without Dynamic ESA OE damping.
Setting Basic setting of rear
The damping must be adjusted wheel damping
to the road conditions and the
Turn adjuster wheel clock-
spring preload.
wise up to stop, then 6 clicks
A rough road surface requires
counterclockwise. (One-up
softer damping than a smooth
without load)
road surface.
An increase in spring preload Turn adjuster wheel clock-
requires firmer damping, a wise up to stop, then 4 clicks
reduction in spring preload counterclockwise. (One-up
requires softer damping. with load)
Turn adjuster wheel clock-
wise up to stop. (Two-up
with load)

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Pack heavy pieces of luggage
and cargo as low and as close
Rider's Equipment
to the center of the motorcy-
Do not ride without the correct
cle as possible.
clothing. Always wear:
Observe the maximum pay-
load and maximum speed as
Rider's suit
Gloves indicated on the label in the
Boots case (see also the Accessories
This applies even to short with topcase OA
journeys, and to every season Observe the maximum pay-
of the year. Your authorized load and maximum speed as
BMW Motorrad retailer will be indicated on the label in the
happy to advise you and has topcase (see also the Acces-
the correct clothing for every sories chapter).
with tank bag, small OA
Load Observe the maximum load
capacity maximum speed of
WARNING the tank rucksack.
Reduced riding stability Storage capacity of tank
caused by overloading and bag
uneven loading max 11 lbs (max 5 kg)
Accident hazard
Do not exceed the gross Speed limit for riding
weight limit and observe the with tank bag
loading information. max 112 mph (max
Adjust spring setting and 180 km/h)
damping rate for the gross Speed
vehicle weight. If you ride at high speed, al-
Ensure that case volumes on ways bear in mind that various
left and right are equal. boundary conditions can ad-
Make sure that weight is uni-
versely affect the handling of
formly distributed between
your motorcycle:
right and left.
Incorrect settings of spring- Burn hazard
strut and shock absorber sys-
Unevenly distributed load
Loose clothing Intense heating up of engine
Insufficient tire inflation pres- and exhaust system while
sure riding
Tire tread in poor condition Burn hazard
Etc. After parking the motorcy-
cle, make sure that no per-
Risk of poisoning
sons or objects come into
Exhaust gas contains carbon
contact with the engine and
monoxide, which is colorless
exhaust system.
and odorless but highly toxic.

Harmful exhaust gas Opening the radiator cap
Danger of suffocation Risk of burning
Do not inhale exhaust Do not open the radiator
fumes. cap when it is hot.
Do not run the engine in Check the coolant level ex-
closed rooms. clusively at the expansion
tank and top up if necessary.
WARNING Catalytic converter
Inhalation of vapors that are If misfire causes unburned fuel
harmful to health to enter the catalytic converter,
Damage to health there is a danger of overheat-
Do not inhale vapors from ing and damage.
operating fluids and plastics. The following must be ob-
Only use the vehicle out- served:
doors. Do not run the fuel tank dry.
Do not run the engine with
the spark-plug cap removed.
Stop the engine immediately
if it misfires.
Use unleaded fuel only.
Comply with all specified Modifications
maintenance intervals.
ATTENTION Modifications to the motor-
Unburned fuel in the cat- cycle (e.g. engine control
alytic converter unit, throttle valves, clutch)
Damage to catalytic converter Damage to the affected parts,
Note the points listed for failure of safety-relevant func-
protection of the catalytic tions, expiration of warranty
converter. Do not make any modifica-
Danger of overheating
ATTENTION Observe checklist
Use the following checklist
Engine idling for a lengthy
to check your motorcycle at
period while at a standstill
Overheating due to insuf- regular intervals.
ficient cooling; in extreme Before every journey:
cases vehicle fire Check operation of the brake
Do not allow the engine to system.
idle unnecessarily. Check operation of the light-
After starting, ride off imme- ing and signal system.
diately. Check clutch function
( 167).
Checking tire tread depth
( 168).
Checking tire pressure
( 168).
without Dynamic ESA OE
Adjusting the spring preload
at the rear wheel ( 114).
Adjusting damping at the rear
wheel ( 115).
with Dynamic ESA OE itself off if it is started with
Adjusting spring preload the transmission in neutral and
( 67). then a gear is engaged before
Adjusting damping ( 66). retracting the side stand.
In the case of cold start or
Check that the case and lug-
under cold temperatures: Pull
gage are firmly secured.
back clutch lever.
At every third refueling stop
Checking the engine oil level
( 160).
Checking the front brake pad
thickness ( 163).
Checking the rear brake pad
thickness ( 164).
Checking the front brake fluid
level ( 165).
Checking the rear brake fluid
level ( 166). Press the starter button 1.
Checking the coolant level The starting procedure is
( 167). automatically canceled if
the battery voltage is too low.
STARTING Recharge the battery before
Starting the engine you attempt to start the engine
Turn on the ignition. again, or use jump-starting.
Pre-Ride-Check is carried out. More detailed information can
( 122) be found in the Maintenance
ABS self-diagnosis is per- chapter under Jump-starting.
formed. ( 122) Engine starts.
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis is If the engine fails to start, the
performed. ( 124) troubleshooting table in the
Engage Neutral, or pull back Technical Data chapter may
the clutch lever if a gear is provide assistance ( 214)
You cannot start the mo-
torcycle with the side
stand extended and a gear en-
gaged. The engine will switch
Pre-Ride-Check Have the malfunction cor-
After the ignition is turned on, rected as soon as possible at
the instrument cluster performs an authorized specialist work-
a test of the instrument dials shop, preferably an authorized
and the indicator and warning BMW Motorrad retailer.
lights – this is the "Pre-Ride- ABS self-diagnosis
Check". Starting the engine The self-diagnosis rou-
before the test routine is com- tine checks whether the
pleted will cancel the remain- BMW Motorrad Integral ABS
der of the routine. is ready for operation. The
Phase 1 self-diagnosis routine runs
All indicator and warning lights automatically when you switch
are switched on. on the ignition.
After a longer standstill of the
Phase 1
vehicle, an animation is dis-
Check on system components
played during the system start.
monitored by the diagnostic
Phase 2 system while motorcycle is
The general warning light parked.
switches from red to yellow. flashes.
Phase 3
All switched on indicator and Phase 2
warning lights are switched off Check wheel sensors while
one after the other in reverse starting off.
order. flashes.
If one of the indicator and
warning lights does not switch ABS self-diagnosis completed
on: The ABS indicator and warn-
ing light goes out.
Check the display of all indi-
Defective warning lights cator and warning lights.
Lack of display of malfunc-
Check the display of all indi-
cator and warning lights.
ABS self-diagnosis rou- Phase 1
tine not completed Check on system components
monitored by the diagnostic
ABS is not available, as the system while motorcycle is
self-diagnosis routine was parked.
not completed. (The motor- flashes.
cycle must reach a specified
minimum speed before the
system can check operation Phase 2
of the wheel speed sensors: Check wheel sensors while
3 mph (5 km/h)) starting off.
If an ABS error is displayed af-
ter the ABS self-diagnosis is
completed: ABS self-diagnosis completed
It remains possible to con- The ABS indicator and warn-
tinue riding. Please be aware ing lamp goes out.
that neither the ABS nor the
Check the display of all indi-
integral function are available.
cator and warning lights.
Have the malfunction cor-
An ABS error is indicated fol-
rected as soon as possible
lowing completion of the ABS
at an authorized service facil-
self-diagnosis routine.
ity, preferably an authorized It remains possible to con-
BMW Motorrad Retailer. tinue riding. Please be aware
ABS self-diagnosis that neither the ABS nor the
The self-diagnosis routine integral function are available.
checks whether the BMW Mo- Have the malfunction cor-
torcycle Integral ABS is rected as soon as possible at
ready for operation. The an authorized specialist work-
self-diagnosis routine runs shop, preferably an authorized
automatically when you switch BMW Motorrad retailer.
on the ignition. To check
the wheel speed sensors, the
motorcycle must be driven
a few meters at a minimum
speed of 3 mph (5 km/h).
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis ASC/DTC self-diagnosis
The self-diagnosis routine routine not completed
is determining whether
BMW Motorrad ASC/DTC ASC/DTC is not available, as
is ready for operation. The the self-diagnosis routine was
self-diagnosis routine runs not completed. (The motor-
automatically when you switch cycle must reach a specified
on the ignition. minimum speed before the
system can check operation
Phase 1 of the wheel speed sensors:
Check on system components 3 mph (5 km/h))
monitored by the diagnostic
If an ASC/DTC error is dis-
system while motorcycle is
played after the ASC/DTC self-
diagnosis is completed:
flashes slowly.
It remains possible to con-
tinue riding. It must be noted
Phase 2 that the ASC/DTC function is
Checking the diagnosable sys- not available.
tem components while the Have the malfunction cor-
motorcycle is moving. rected as soon as possible
flashes slowly. at an authorized service facil-
ity, preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad Retailer.
ASC/DTC self-diagnosis
completed BREAKING IN
The ASC/DTC indicator and Engine
warning light goes out. In the period preceding the
Check the display of all indi- initial inspection attempt to
cator and warning lights. change rpm and engine load
as frequently as possible,
avoiding extended periods at
constant rpm.
Choose curvy, slightly hilly
sections of road if possible.
Observe the engine run-in
Engine break-in speeds Tires
New tires have a smooth sur-
face. This must be roughened
<5000 min-1 (Mileage by riding in a restrained man-
0...621 miles (0...1000 km)) ner at various lean angles until
No full throttle (Mileage the tires are run in. This run-
0...621 miles (0...1000 km)) ning in procedure is essential
Observe mileage, after which if the tires are to achieve maxi-
the running-in check should mum grip.
be performed.
Mileage until running-in WARNING
check Loss of adhesion of new
311...746 miles tires on wet roads and at
(500...1200 km) extreme angles
Accident hazard
Brake pads Always think well ahead and
New brake pads must be run in avoid extreme angles.
before they achieve their opti-
mum friction force. This initial SHIFTING
reduction in braking efficiency
can be compensated for by ex- Pro Gear Shift Assistant
erting greater pressure on the with Gearshift Assistant Pro OE
brake levers. Due to safety reasons, the
cruise control is automati-
WARNING cally disabled when downshift-
ing with the Gear Shift Assis-
New brake pads
tant Pro.
Extension of the braking dis-
tance, accident hazard
Brake early.
avoided at RPMs within the
speed limiter range.
Shift assistance is not avail-
able in the following situa-
With clutch actuated.
Gearshift lever not in its initial
When upshifting with the
The gears are shifted into as throttle valve closed (coasting
usual with foot force on the overrun) or when decelerat-
gearshift lever. ing.
The Gear Shift Assistant pro- When downshifting with the
vides assistance for upshifts throttle valve open or when
and downshifts, without the accelerating.
rider having to actuate the To be able to make another
clutch or throttle grip. gear shift using the Pro Gear
This is not an automatic Shift Assistant, the gearshift
gearshift system. lever must be fully released
The rider is an essential part after the first gear change.
of the system and decides Further information on the
when to shift gears. Gear Shift Assistant Pro can
The sensor 1 on the gearshift be found in the Technology in
shaft detects the intent to detail chapter:
shift gears and triggers the Shift assistant Pro ( 151)
shift assistance. Shiftpoint light
If you are riding at a constant with riding modes Pro OE
speed in a low gear at
high RPMs and attempt to
shift gears without clutch
control, it can cause a strong
load-change response.
BMW Motorrad recommends
clutch control for shifting
gears in these riding situa-
tions. Use of the Pro Gear
Shift Assistant should be
are accompanied by a rise in
the effective braking force that
the wheel can provide.
To achieve the shortest possi-
ble braking distance, the front
brake must be applied quickly
and with progressively greater
levels of force. This procedure
provides ideal exploitation of
The shiftpoint light 1 signals to the extra weight transfer to
the rider that the engine speed the front wheel. The clutch
is approaching the RPM at should also be disengaged at
which the rider needs to shift the same time. The frequently-
to the next highest gear. practiced procedure for "panic
Shiftpoint light blinks at the braking", in which maximum
preset frequency: The shifting braking force is applied as
speed will soon be reached rapidly as possible, produces
Shiftpoint light goes out: deceleration rates that rise
shifting speed reached more quickly than the dynamic
The speed thresholds and the weight transfer occurs. As a
behavior of the shiftpoint light result, a complete transfer of
can be adjusted in the Set- braking force to road surface is
tings, Vehicle settings not possible.
menu, see also the Operation Locking up of the front wheel
( 76) chapter. is prevented by BMW Motorrad
Integral ABS.
How do you achieve the
shortest stopping distances?
The dynamic load distribution
between the front and rear
wheel changes during brak-
ing. The heavier you brake, the
greater the weight transfer to
the front wheel. Increases in
the load on an individual wheel
Descending mountain passes
Poorer braking action due to
Braking should be done pre- moisture and dirt
dominantly using the rear Accident hazard
wheel brake when riding on Brake until brakes are dry or
downhill routes clean; clean if necessary.
Loss of braking effect, de- Brake early until the full
struction of the brakes due to braking action is available
overheating again.
Apply the front and rear
wheel brake and use the ABS Pro
engine brake. with riding modes Pro OE
Physical riding limits
Wet, soiled brakes
Moisture and dirt on the brake WARNING
rotors and the brake pads re-
sult in a decrease in the brak- Braking in curves
ing action. Danger of falling despite
Delayed or poorer braking ac- ABS Pro
tion must be expected in the The rider is always respon-
following situations: sible for adapting his/her
When driving in the rain and driving style.
through puddles. Do not reduce the system's
After washing the vehicle. extra safety margin with
When driving on roads spread careless riding or unneces-
with salt. sary risks.
After working on the brakes
ABS Pro and the sup-
due to oil or grease residues.
When riding on dirty roads. porting function of the
Dynamic Brake Control are
available in all riding modes.
Falling cannot be excluded PARKING THE MOTORCYCLE
Although ABS Pro and
Side stand
Dynamic Brake Control
Switch off engine.
represent valuable support and
an enormous safety advantage
for the rider when braking in
an inclined position, they by no Poor ground conditions in
means redefine the physical area of stand
riding limits. It is still possible Component damage cause by
to exceed those limits through tipping over
misjudgments or riding errors. Always check that the
In extreme cases this my result ground under the stand is
in a fall. level and firm.
Use on public roads
ABS Pro and Dynamic Brake ATTENTION
Control help make riding your
Loading of the side stand
motorcycle on public roads
with additional weight
even safer. When braking
Component damage cause by
due to unexpected hazards
tipping over
in curves, ABS Pro prevents Do not sit on the motorcy-
blocking and slipping of the cle when it is parked on the
wheels within the scope of side stands.
the physical riding limits.
In the event of emergency Fold out side stand and park
braking, Dynamic Brake Control motorcycle.
enhances the braking effect Turn the handlebars to left.
and intervenes if the throttle On slopes point the motor-
grip is accidentally actuated cycle uphill and engage 1st
during braking. gear.
ABS Pro was not devel- Center stand
oped to increase the indi- with center stand OE
vidual braking performance in Switch off engine.
the inclined position.

Poor ground conditions in Refueling with leaded fuel
area of stand Damage to catalytic converter
Component damage cause by Do not refuel with leaded
tipping over gasoline or gasoline with
Always check that the metallic additives, e.g. man-
ground under the stand is ganese or iron.
level and firm.
Use of Ethanol E85 as fuel
Folding in the center stand Damage to the engine and
in case of strong movements fuel supply
Component damage cause by Do not refuel with E85, i.e.
tipping over fuel with an ethanol content
Do not sit on the vehicle of 85 %, or with Flex Fuel.
while it is resting on the
Observe the maximum
center stand.
ethanol content of the fuel.
Fold out center stand and jack Fuel additives clean the
up motorcycle. fuel injection system and
On slopes point the motor- the combustion area. Fuel ad-
cycle uphill and engage 1st ditives should be used when
gear. refueling with low-quality fu-
els or during longer periods
of downtime. Your authorized
Fuel grade BMW Motorrad retailer can
Requirement provide you with more detailed
For optimal fuel consumption, information.
the fuel should be sulfur-free or
very low in sulfur content.
Recommended fuel
quality WARNING

Super unleaded (max 15% Escaping of fuel due to ex-

ethanol, E0/E5/E10/E15) pansion under exposure to
89 AKI (95 ROZ/RON) heat with overfilled fuel tank
90 AKI Accident hazard
Do not overfill the fuel tank.
Alternative fuel quality

Regular unleaded (restric- ATTENTION

tions with regard to power Contact of fuel and plastic
and fuel consumption.) (max surfaces
15% ethanol, E0/E5/E10/ Damage to surfaces (become
E15) unattractive or cloudy)
87 AKI (91 ROZ/RON) Immediately clean plastic
87 AKI surfaces after contact with
After refueling with lower fuel.
quality fuels, there may occa-
Make sure the ground is level
sionally be a knocking noise.
and firm and put the motorcy-
Refueling procedure cle on its side stand.
with center stand OE
WARNING Make sure the ground is level
and firm and put the motorcy-
Fuel is highly flammable cle on its center stand.
Fire and explosion hazard
Do not smoke. Never bring
a naked flame near the fuel

Open the protective flap 2.

Unlock the fuel tank cap in a Fuel level
clockwise direction using the
ignition key 1 and fold it up.
Approx. 4.8 gal (Approx.
18 l)
Fuel reserve

Approx. 1.1 gal (Approx. 4 l)

Press the fuel tank cap down
firmly to close it.
Remove the ignition key and
close the protective flap.
Refuel with a fuel quality as
specified above, but no higher Refueling procedure
than the lower edge of the with Keyless Ride OE
fuel filler neck. This is the Requirement
maximum level. Steering lock is unlocked.
If refueling is carried out
after running on fuel re- WARNING
serve, the resulting filling ca-
pacity must be greater than the Fuel is highly flammable
fuel reserve so that the new Fire and explosion hazard
fill level is detected and the Do not smoke. Never bring
fuel reserve indicator light is a naked flame near the fuel
switched off. tank.
The "usable fuel quantity"
specified in the technical WARNING
data is the fuel quantity, which
can be refueled if the fuel tank Escaping of fuel due to ex-
was completely emptied, i.e., if pansion under exposure to
the engine dies off due to lack heat with overfilled fuel tank
of fuel. Accident hazard
Do not overfill the fuel tank.
Version 1
ATTENTION with Keyless Ride OE

Contact of fuel and plastic Requirement

surfaces Within the run-on time:
Damage to surfaces (become
unattractive or cloudy)
Immediately clean plastic
surfaces after contact with
Make sure ground is level and
firm and place motorcycle on
side stand.
Turning off the ignition
( 55). Slowly pull up the fuel cap
tab 1.
After the ignition is
Fuel filler cap unlocked.
switched off, the fuel filler
Open fuel filler cap com-
cap can be opened within the
specified run-on time even
without the radio-operated key Version 2
being within the reception area. with Keyless Ride OE

After-running period for Requirement

opening the fuel filler After run-on time expires:
cap Bring radio-operated key into
2 min reception range.
There are 2 ways to open the Slowly pull up tab 1.
The indicator light for the ra-
fuel filler cap:
Within the after-running pe- dio-operated key flashes as
riod. long as the radio-operated
After the after-running period key is being searched for.
expires. Slowly pull up the fuel cap
tab 1 again.
Fuel filler cap unlocked.
Open fuel filler cap com-
Fuel reserve

Approx. 1.1 gal (Approx. 4 l)

Press fuel filler cap of fuel
tank down firmly.
Fuel filler cap audibly
The fuel cap automatically
Refuel with a fuel quality as locks after the end of the af-
specified above, but no higher ter-run period.
than the lower edge of the The engaged fuel cap locks
fuel filler neck. This is the immediately when the steer-
maximum level. ing lock is locked or the igni-
If refueling is carried out tion is turned on.
after running on fuel re- Open fuel filler cap
serve, the resulting filling ca- emergency release
pacity must be greater than the with Keyless Ride OE
fuel reserve so that the new
The fuel filler cap cannot be
fill level is detected and the
fuel reserve indicator light is Have the defect rectified as
switched off. quickly as possible by a spe-
The "usable fuel quantity" cialist workshop, preferably an
specified in the technical authorized BMW Motorrad re-
data is the fuel quantity, which tailer.
can be refueled if the fuel tank
was completely emptied, i.e., if
the engine dies off due to lack
of fuel.
Fuel level

Approx. 4.8 gal (Approx.

18 l)
Remove screws 1.
Remove emergency release 2.
Fuel filler cap unlocked.
Open fuel filler cap com-
Refueling procedure ( 132).
Close fuel filler cap
emergency release
with Keyless Ride OE
Fuel filler cap is closed. ATTENTION
Motorcycle tips to the side
when raising
Component damage cause by
tipping over
Secure the motorcycle
against tipping to the
side, preferably with the
assistance of a second
Position the emergency re-
lease 2. Push the motorcycle onto the
Install screws 1. transport surface, and do not
prop it on its side stand or
Provide scratch protection for
all components along which
luggage straps are routed.
For example, use adhesive
tape or soft cloths.
Tension all luggage straps
evenly so that the vehicle is
securely fastened.

Pinching of components
Component damage
Do not pinch components,
e.g. brake lines or wiring
Pass the luggage straps on
the left and right through the
fork bridge and strap the mo-
torcycle down.

Fasten and tighten the lug-

gage straps at the rear on the
brackets for the passenger
footrests on both sides.

GENERAL NOTES How does the ABS work?
The maximum braking force
More information on the topic
that can be transferred to the
of technology is available at:
road surface is partially depen-
dent on the friction coefficient
ANTI-LOCK BRAKING SYS- of the road surface. Gravel, ice,
TEM (ABS) snow and wet roads offer a
considerably lower friction co-
Partially integral brake
efficient than a dry, clean as-
Your motorcycle is equipped
phalt surface. The poorer the
with a partially integral brake
friction coefficient of the road
configuration. Both front and
surface is, the longer the brak-
rear brakes are applied simul-
ing distance will be.
taneously when you pull the
If the maximum transferable
handbrake lever. The foot-
braking force is exceeded
brake lever acts only on the
when the rider increases the
rear brake.
brake pressure, the wheels
BMW Motorrad Integral ABS
begin to lock and driving
adapts the brake force distri-
stability is lost, and a fall can
bution between the front and
result. Before this situation
rear brakes during braking by
occurs, ABS is activated and
means of ABS modulation to
the brake pressure is adjusted
suit the load carried by the mo-
to the maximum transferable
torcycle in order to achieve the
braking force. This enables
shortest possible braking dis-
the wheels to continue to turn
and maintains driving stability
regardless of the road surface
Attempt at a burn-out de- What happens when rough
spite integral function roads are encountered?
Damage to rear-wheel brake
Bumpy or rough roads can
and clutch
briefly lead to a loss of contact
Do not perform burn-out.
between the tires and the road
surface, until the transferable
braking force is reduced to
zero. If braking is carried out in
this situation, ABS must reduce Lifting off rear wheel
the brake pressure to ensure However, during extremely
driving stability when restor- heavy and rapid decelerations it
ing contact to the road. At this is possible that the ABS cannot
point in time, the ABS must prevent the rear wheel from
assume extremely low friction lifting off the ground. In these
coefficients (gravel, ice, snow) cases, the motorcycle can also
so that the running wheels turn flip end over end.
in every imaginable case and
the driving stability is ensured. WARNING
After detecting the actual con-
Lifting off of the rear wheel
ditions, the system adjusts the
due to heavy braking
optimum brake pressure.
Accident hazard
In what ways is the ABS When braking heavily, bear
noticeable to the rider? in mind that the ABS control
If the ABS system has to cannot always be relied on
reduce the braking force due to to prevent the rear wheel
the conditions described above, from lifting off the ground.
then vibrations can be felt
through the handlebar brake What are the design
lever. characteristics of the ABS?
If the handbrake lever is pulled, The ABS ensures driving sta-
then braking pressure is built bility on any surface within the
up at the rear wheel with the limits of driving physics. The
integral function. If the foot- system is not optimized for
brake lever is first actuated special requirements result-
after this, the brake pressure ing under extreme weather
already built up can be felt ear- conditions on the racetrack.
lier than the counter-pressure, Handling should be adopted to
than when the footbrake lever driving skills and road condi-
is actuated before or together tions.
with the handbrake lever.
Special situations How important is regular
To detect the tendency of the maintenance?
wheels to lock up, the speeds
of the front and rear wheel are WARNING
compared. If the system reg-
isters implausible data for an Failure to have maintenance
extended period of time it will performed on the brake sys-
deactivate the ABS as safety tem regularly.
Accident hazard
precaution and a display will
To ensure that the ABS is in
alert you to an ABS error. A
a properly maintained condi-
self-diagnosis routine must be
tion, it is vital that the spec-
completed before the error will
ified service intervals be ob-
be displayed.
Apart from problems with the
BMW Motorrad ABS, unusual Reserves for safety
riding conditions can also But remember: the potentially
cause a fault message to be shorter braking distances which
generated: ABS permits must not be used
Warm-up on the center or as an excuse for careless rid-
auxiliary stand at idle or with ing. ABS is primarily a means
gear engaged. of ensuring a safety margin in
Rear wheel locked-up for a
genuine emergencies.
longer period of time by en-
gine brake, e.g. when riding
downhill on slippery surfaces.
Should a fault code occur due Braking in curves
Risk of accident despite ABS
to an unusual driving condition,
The rider is always respon-
the ABS function can be reacti-
sible for adapting his/her
vated by switching the ignition
driving style.
off and then on again.
Do not reduce the additional
safety function with careless
riding or unnecessary risks.
Further development of ABS lation in the range of the ABS
to ABS Pro control is more uniform.
with riding modes Pro OE
Advantages for the rider
In the past, the BMW Motorrad The advantages of ABS Pro for
ABS system provided for the rider are sensitive response
a very high level of safety and high braking and riding
while braking during straight- stability with the best possible
ahead riding. Now ABS Pro deceleration, even in curves.
also offers increased safety
even when braking in curves. TRACTION CONTROL (ASC/
ABS Pro prevents locking-up DTC)
of the wheels even in case of How does traction control
rapid brake actuation. ABS Pro work?
reduces abrupt changes in Traction Control is available in
steering forces, especially two versions
during panic braking, and Without taking the angle into
therefore decreases the risk of account: Automatic Stability
unwanted wheelies occurring. Control ASC
ASC is a rudimentary function
ABS control
intended to prevent falls.
From a technical standpoint, With taking the angle into
ABS Pro adjusts the ABS con- account: Dynamic Traction
trol to the angle of inclination Control DTC
of the motorcycle in depen- The additional inclined posi-
dence on the respective riding tion and acceleration informa-
situation. Signals for the roll tion enables the DTC to make
and yaw rate and the lateral more precise and comfortable
acceleration are used to de- adjustments.
termine the inclination of the
motorcycle. The traction control compares
With an increasing inclination, the wheel centrifugal velocities
the braking pressure gradient of the front and rear wheels.
is increasingly limited at the The slip, and with it the stabil-
start of braking. This results in ity reserves at the rear wheel,
a slower pressure buildup. In are determined from the speed
addition, the pressure modu- difference. The engine control
adapts the engine torque when Special situations
the slip limit is exceeded. As lean angles increase, accel-
The BMW Motorrad ASC/DTC eration capability is also pro-
is designed as an assistance gressively restricted by the
system for the rider and for laws of physics. This can result
riding on public roads. The ex- in reduced acceleration when
tent to which the rider affects coming out of very tight curves.
ASC/DTC control can be con-
To detect spinning or slipping
siderable (weight shifts when
away of the rear wheel, among
cornering, loose luggage on the
other things the RPMs of the
motorcycle), especially when
front and rear wheel are com-
approaching the limits imposed
pared, and the angle with DTC
by the laws of physics.
The system is not optimized for compared to ASC is taken into
the special requirements en- account.
countered under the extreme with riding modes Pro OE
conditions of competitive off- If the values for the lean an-
road and racetrack use. The gle are detected to be implau-
BMW Motorrad ASC/DTC can sible for a long period, a re-
be switched off in such in- placement value is used for the
stances. angle, or the DTC function is
switched off. In these cases, a
WARNING DTC error is displayed. A self-
diagnosis must be completed
Risky riding style
Accident hazard despite ASC/ before the fault memory entry
DTC will be displayed.
The rider is always respon- Under the following un-
sible for adapting his/her usual riding conditions,
driving style. BMW Motorrad Traction
Do not reduce the system's Control may be deactivated
extra safety margin with automatically.
careless riding or unneces- Unusual riding conditions:
sary risks. Riding on the rear wheel
(wheelie) for a longer period.
Rear wheel spinning in place On a slippery surface, the throt-
with front wheel brake en- tle grip should never be sud-
gaged (burn out). denly throttled back completely
Warming up the engine on an unless the clutch is disengaged
auxiliary stand in neutral or at the same time. The engine
with gear engaged. braking torque can cause the
rear wheel to slip, resulting in
Minimum speed for DTC
an unstable riding state. This
case cannot be controlled by
min 3 mph (min 5 km/h) BMW Motorrad DTC. Dynamic
engine brake control prevents
If the front wheel loses con-
this unstable riding state.
tact with the ground under ex-
treme acceleration, the ASC or DYNAMIC ENGINE BRAKE
DTC function reduces the en- CONTROL (MSR)
gine torque in the RAIN and with riding modes Pro OE
ROAD riding modes until the
front wheel makes contact with How does dynamic engine
the ground again. brake control work?
In the DTC settings DYNAMIC The purpose of the dynamic
and DYNAMIC PRO, the front engine brake control is to
wheel lift-off detection permits safely prevent unstable riding
brief wheelies. conditions that are related to
In the RAIN, ROAD and excess drag torque at the rear
DYNAMIC riding modes, the wheel. Depending on the road
DTC settings corresponds to condition and riding dynamics,
the riding mode. excess drag torque can make
DTC can be set differently the drive slip at the rear wheel
in the DYNAMIC PRO riding increase severely and impede
mode ( 70). riding stability. The dynamic
BMW Motorrad recommends engine brake control limits slip
that you respond to the front at the rear wheel to a safe,
wheel lifting off by letting off setpoint slip that is dependent
on the throttle grip somewhat on the mode and angle.
to return to a stable riding
state as quickly as possible.
Causes of excess slip at the DYNAMIC ESA
rear wheel:
with Dynamic ESA OE
Riding in coasting overrun on
a road with low coefficient of Riding position compensation
friction (e.g. wet leaves). The Dynamic ESA electronic
Hopping when shifting gears chassis setting can automati-
down. cally adapt your motorcycle to
Hard brake onset in sporty the load. If the spring setting is
riding style. set to Auto, the rider does not
Like the DTC traction control, have to worry about adjusting
the dynamic engine brake con- the load.
trol compares the wheel cir- BMW Motorrad recom-
cumferential velocities of the mends the Auto chassis
front and rear wheel. With the and suspension adjustment.
aid of more information on When the motorcycle is started
the angle, the dynamic engine and while it is being driven, the
brake control can determine system monitors the compres-
the slip or the stability reserve sion of the rear wheel and cor-
at the rear wheel. rects the spring setting to en-
If the slip exceeds the respec- sure that the correct driving
tive limit value, the engine position is set. The damping is
torque is increased by slightly also automatically adjusted to
opening the throttle valves. The the load.
slip is reduced, and the vehicle Using ride height sensors,
is stabilized. Dynamic ESA detects the
movements of the chassis and
Effect of the dynamic engine
suspension and responds to
brake control
them by adjusting the EDC
In the RAIN and ROAD riding
valves. As a result, the chassis
modes: maximum stability.
and suspension is adjusted to
In the DYNAMIC and
the conditions of the surface.
DYNAMIC PRO riding modes:
Dynamic ESA calibrates itself
high stability.
at regular intervals to ensure
that the system is operating
Adjustment options For each of these riding modes,
Damping modes there is a coordinated setting
Road: Damping for comfort- for the ABS and ASC/DTC sys-
able road travel tems as well as for the throttle
Dynamic: Damping for response.
dynamic road travel
with Dynamic ESA OE
Load settings Coordination of the Dynamic
Auto: Active riding position ESA also depends on the se-
compensation with automatic lected riding mode.
setting of spring setting and
ASC/DTC can be switched off
damping (recommended
in any riding mode. The follow-
chassis setting)
ing explanations always refer to
Min: Minimum spring set-
the riding safety systems that
ting (only suitable for one-
are turned on.
up mode)
Max: Maximum spring set- Throttle response
ting (only suitable for two-up In RAIN riding mode: reserved
mode) In ROAD riding mode: direct
In the DYNAMIC and
Selection dynamic
To adjust the motorcycle to the In the DYNAMIC PRO riding
road condition and the desired mode, the throttle response
riding experience, you can se- can be set differently via the
lect from the following riding SETUP ( 68).
modes: ABS
Rear wheel lift-off detection is
ROAD (standard mode)
active in all riding modes.
with riding modes Pro OE In the RAIN, ROAD, DYNAMIC,
DYNAMIC PRO modes, the ABS is set for
road use.
with riding modes Pro OE tion is avoided wherever pos-
In the RAIN, ROAD, DYNAMIC sible.
and DYNAMIC PRO riding In the DTC settings RAIN and
modes, ABS Pro is available to ROAD, the front wheel is pre-
its full capacity. The stand-up vented from lifting off.
tendency the motorcycle has In the DTC setting DYNAMIC,
when braking while traveling the DTC intervenes later than
around curves is reduced to a in the DTC setting ROAD,
minimum. which enables minor drifts
at the end of curves and brief
Front wheel lift-off detection
is active in all riding modes. In the RAIN, ROAD and
ASC is attuned for road use. DYNAMIC riding modes, the
In the ROAD riding mode, DTC setting corresponds to the
ASC provides high riding sta- riding mode.
bility, and in the RAIN riding In the DYNAMIC PRO riding
mode it provides maximum mode, DTC can be set differ-
riding stability. ently ( 70).
with riding modes Pro OE Switchover
DTC Riding modes can be changed
Tires when the vehicle is at a stand-
In the DTC settings RAIN, still with the ignition switched
ROAD and DYNAMIC, DTC on. A changeover while riding
is adjusted to road use with is possible under the following
road tires. conditions:
No drive torque at rear wheel.
Riding stability No brake pressure in the
In the DTC setting RAIN, DTC braking system.
intervenes early enough to
ensure that maximum riding For a changeover while riding,
stability is achieved. the following steps must be
In the DTC setting ROAD, the carried out:
DTC intervenes later than
in RAIN riding mode. Rear
wheel spinning without trac-
Turn back throttle grip. In the event of partial braking
Do not actuate brake lever. with high brake pressure gra-
Deactivate the cruise control. dients, Dynamic Brake Con-
First, the desired riding mode trol will increase the inte-
is preselected. The switchover gral brake pressure on the
does not take place until the rear wheel. This shortens the
affected systems are in the re- braking distance, enabling
quired state. controlled braking.
The Selection menu does not Behavior in the event of
disappear from the display un- accidental activation of the
til the riding mode has been throttle grip
switched over. If the throttle grip is acciden-
tally actuated during emer-
DYNAMIC BRAKE CONTROL gency braking (throttle posi-
with riding modes Pro OE tion >5%), the intended brak-
Dynamic Brake Control ing effect is ensured by the
function Dynamic Brake Control ignor-
The Dynamic Brake Control ing the opening process of
function helps the rider in the the throttle grip. This ensures
event of emergency braking. the effectiveness of emer-
Detection of emergency gency braking.
braking If the gas is shut off (throttle
Emergency braking is de- position <5%) during
tected when the front wheel the intervention of the
brake is applied quickly and Dynamic Brake Control, the
with force. engine torque required by
the ABS brake system will be
Behavior during emergency
braking If the emergency braking is
If emergency braking is ap- stopped and the throttle grip
plied at a speed of more than is still under actuation, the
6 mph (10 km/h), in addi- Dynamic Brake Control re-
tion to the ABS function, the duces the engine torque as
Dynamic Brake Control func- required by the rider in a con-
tion will also be activated. trolled manner.
TIRE PRESSURE CONTROL sors, a fault message is gener-
(RDC) ated.
with tire pressure monitor Tire inflation pressure ranges
(TPM) OE The RDC control unit distin-
guishes between three inflation
pressure ranges matched to
A sensor located in each tire
the motorcycle:
monitors the air temperature
Inflation pressure within the
and the inflation pressure in-
permissible tolerance.
side the tire and transmits this Inflation pressure at the limits
information to the control unit. of the permissible tolerance.
The sensors are equipped with Inflation pressure outside the
a centrifugal governor, which permissible tolerance.
does not enable the transmis-
sion of the measured read- Temperature compensation
ings until the defined minimum The tire inflation pressure is
speed is exceeded for the first temperature dependent, i.e.
time. it increases or decreases to-
gether with the tire air temper-
Minimum speed for
ature. The tire temperature is
transmission of RDC
dependent on the outside tem-
measured data:
perature, the riding style and
min 19 mph (min 30 km/h) the length of the journey.
Before the tire pressure is re- The tire pressures
ceived for the first time, "-- are shown in the TFT
" is shown on the display for display with temperature
each tire. The sensors continue compensation and are always
to transmit the measured read- based on the following tire
ings for some time after the air temperature:
vehicle comes to a stop.
68 °F (20 °C)
Duration of measured
Tire pressure gages at gas sta-
data transmission after
tions do not make any adjust-
motorcycle is stationary:
ment for the air temperature,
min 15 min the tire pressure indicated de-
If an RDC control unit is fitted pends on the temperature of
but the wheels have no sen- the air in the tire. As a result,
in most cases the values dis- GEAR SHIFT ASSISTANT
played there do not match
with Gearshift Assistant Pro OE
the values shown in the TFT
display. Shift assistant Pro
Your motorcycle is equipped
Tire pressure adjustment
with a Pro gearshift assistant
Compare the RDC value in the
originally developed for rac-
TFT display with the value on
ing but now specially adapted
the back cover of the operat-
for touring use. It allows you
ing instructions. The difference
upshift and downshift under al-
between the two values must
most any load conditions and
be compensated with the tire
in virtually all engine-speed
inflation pressure tester at the
ranges without operating the
filling station.
clutch or accelerator.
70-80 % of all gear changes
According to the rider's man- can be performed without
ual, the tire pressure should using the clutch.
have the following value: Less movement between pi-
36.3 psi (2.5 bar) lot and pillion due to shorter
The following value is dis- gear-change intervals.
played in the TFT display: Throttle does not have to be
33.4 psi (2.3 bar) closed when changing gear
Missing is thus: under acceleration.
During deceleration and
2.9 psi (0.2 bar)
downshifts (throttle plate
The tester at the filling sta-
closed) the system blips the
tion shows:
throttle to obtain the correct
34.8 psi (2.4 bar) engine speed.
To produce the correct Shifting times are faster than
tire pressure, this must be when the clutch is used to
increased to the following change gears.
37.7 psi (2.6 bar)
For the system to detect the Downshifts
rider's intention to change gear, Downshifts are assisted up to
the gearshift lever previously the speed at which the engine
not operated must be moved reaches maximum rpm in the
against the force of the spring gear to be engaged. Over-
by a certain amount of "over- revving is thus prevented.
travel" in the desired direction
with a normal to brisk action Maximum engine speed
and held in that position until
the gear change is completed. max 9000 min-1
A further increase of the force
applied to the gearshift lever Upshifts
during the gear-shift oper- Upshifting is only possible
ation is not necessary. After if the current RPM is higher
the gear change is completed, than the release threshold for
the gear lever must be fully re- the next higher gear.
leased before the Pro gearshift This prevents the idling speed
assistant can execute a new from being dropped below.
gear change. The load factor
(throttle grip position) should Idle speed
remain constant both prior to
and during execution of shifts 1050 min-1 (Engine at oper-
using the Pro gearshift assis- ating temperature)
tant. Changing the accelerator
Release thresholds
twist-grip position during the
gear-shift operation may cause
the function to abort and/or 1st gear
the gear change to fail. The min 1350 min-1
Pro gearshift assistant does 2nd gear
not provide support when gear min 1400 min-1
changes are made using the 3rd gear
clutch. min 1450 min-1
4th gear
min 1500 min-1
5th gear
Release thresholds Stopping on a steeper slope
increases the amount of brake
pressure built up. The brake
min 1550 min-1 is a bit slower to release
6th gear when driving off. More
min 1600 min-1 torque is required to drive off,
making additional turning of
HILL START CONTROL the throttle grip necessary.
Behavior when the vehicle is
Hill Start Control function rolling or slipping
The Hill Start Control prevents The brake pressure increases
an uncontrolled rolling back on when the vehicle is rolling
slopes by means of targeted in- with Hill Start Control active.
tervention in the partial integral If the rear wheel slips, the
ABS brake system, without the brake is released again after
rider having to continuously op- approx. 1 m. This prevents
erate the brake lever. When Hill the vehicle from rolling with
Start Control is activated, pres- the rear wheel blocked.
sure builds in the rear brake
system so that the motorcycle Releasing the brake when
remains stationary on a sloping switching off the engine or
surface. during timeout
The brake pressure in the Hill Start Control is deactivated
brake system depends on the when the engine is switched
gradient. off using the emergency-off
Influence of gradient on switch, when the side stand is
brake pressure and starting folded out, or after it times out
behavior (10 minutes).
Stopping on a slight incline In addition to the indicator and
builds up only a small amount warning lights, the rider is to
of brake pressure. The brake be made aware about the de-
is released quickly when driv- activation of the Hill Start Con-
ing off, making it possible to trol by the following behavior:
drive off more smoothly. Ad-
ditional turning of the throttle
grip is hardly necessary.
Brake warning jerk and smooth running. The par-
The brake is released briefly tial load cam reduces both the
and is immediately reacti- valve timings adapted for this
vated. purpose and the intake valve
This causes a jerking behavior stroke. Furthermore, the intake
that the rider can feel. cams for the left and right in-
The partial integral ABS brake take valve differ in stroke and
system sets a speed of ap- angle position when the par-
prox. 1-2 km/h. tial load cam is activated. This
The rider must brake the vehi- causes a staggered opening of
cle manually. the two intake valves at differ-
After two minutes, or when ent widths. The advantage is
the brake is applied, Hill Start that the fuel-air mixture flow-
Control is deactivated com- ing into the combustion cham-
pletely. ber is more strongly swirled
When the ignition and more effectively burned.
is switched off, the Overall, this results in optimal
holding pressure is built up fuel efficiency and noticeably
immediately and without brake improves the smoothness of
warning jerk. running. The full load cam is
optimized for performance and
SHIFTCAM releases the maximum intake
Principle of ShiftCam function valve stroke. In order to vary
The motorcycle is equipped the valve timing and the valve
with the BMW ShiftCam tech- stroke, the intake camshaft is
nology—a technique for vary- shifted axially. For this purpose,
ing the valve timing and the the pins of an electromechan-
valve stroke on the intake side. ical actuator mesh with a shift
The centerpiece of this technol- gate on the intake camshaft.
ogy is a one-piece intake trip This allows for the actuation
camshaft that has two cams of the intake valves depending
per valve to be actuated: one on load and motor speed and,
for partial load and one for full as a result, an uncompromising
load. The partial load cam has symbiosis of performance and
been developed with regard low fuel consumption.
to fuel economy optimization

GENERAL NOTES Additional information
If special tightening torques are
The 'Maintenance' chapter
to be taken into account for in-
describes work involving the
stallation, these are listed. An
checking and replacement
overview of all required tight-
of wear parts that can be
ening torques is contained in
performed with a minimum of
the chapter "Technical data".
Information on additional pre-
Microencapsulated screws ventive maintenance and repair
The microencapsulation is a procedures is provided in the
chemical threadlocker. An ad- repair instructions for your mo-
hesive is used to create a solid torcycle on DVD, which you can
connection between screw and obtain from your authorized
nut or component. Microen- BMW Motorrad retailer.
capsulated screws, therefore,
Special tools and thorough
are suitable for single use only.
specialized knowledge are re-
quired to carry out some of the
After removal, the internal
work described here. If you
thread must be cleaned to
are in doubt, consult a special-
remove adhesive. During
ist workshop, preferably your
installation, a new microencap-
authorized BMW Motorrad re-
sulated screw must be used.
Therefore, before removal,
ensure that you have suitable
tools for cleaning the thread
and have a replacement screw.
If you carry out the work
improperly, the locking function
of the screw might no longer
be guaranteed, which puts you
in danger!
with service tool set OA

1 Screwdriver handle
Use with screwdriver bit For more extensive servicing
Topping up the engine (e.g. removing and installing
oil ( 162). wheels), BMW Motorrad
2 Open-ended wrench has set up a service tool kit
Key range: 8/10 mm designed for your motorcycle.
Removing battery You can purchase this tool
( 183). kit from your authorized
3 Open-ended wrench BMW Motorrad retailer.
Key range: 14 mm
4 Reversible screwdriver FRONT WHEEL STAND
insert Installing front wheel stand
Phillips PH1 and Torx
Removing light sources
from front and rear turn Use of the BMW Motorrad
signals ( 178). front wheel stand without an
Reposition windshield additional center or auxiliary
( 109). stand
5 Torx wrench T40 Component damage cause by
tipping over
Place the motorcycle on the
center stand or an auxiliary
stand before lifting it with
the BMW Motorrad front
wheel stand.
Ensure that the motorcycle is REAR-WHEEL STAND
standing securely.
Installing rear-wheel stand
Put the motorcycle
on an auxiliary stand;
BMW Motorrad recommends
the BMW Motorrad rear-
wheel stand.
Installing rear-wheel stand
( 160).

For a description of the cor-

rect installation, please re-
fer to the instructions for the
rear-wheel stand.
BMW Motorrad offers a suit-
able auxiliary stand for each
motorcycle. Your authorized
For a description of the cor- BMW Motorrad retailer will
rect installation, please re- be very happy to assist you in
fer to the instructions for the choosing the suitable auxiliary
front wheel stand. stand.
BMW Motorrad offers a suit-
able auxiliary stand for each ENGINE OIL
motorcycle. Your authorized Checking the engine oil level
BMW Motorrad retailer will Hold the motorcycle upright,
be very happy to assist you in making sure that the ground
choosing the suitable auxiliary is firm and level.
stand. with center stand OE
Put the motorcycle up on its
center stand, making sure the
ground is level and firm.

Misinterpretation of the oil
filling quantity, as the oil
level is temperature-depen-
dent (the higher the tem-
perature, the higher the oil
Engine damage
Only check the oil level after
a longer journey or when
the engine is warm. Lateral tipping of the vehicle
Component damage cause by
Run the engine in Neutral until tipping over
the fan starts. Secure the vehicle from tip-
Turn off engine at operating ping over laterally, preferably
temperature. with the support of a sec-
Wait five minutes to allow oil
ond person.
to drain into the oil pan.
BMW Motorrad recom- Read oil level on the display 1.
mends occasionally check-
ing the motor oil after a jour-
ney of at least 31 mi in order
to reduce the environmental

Specified level of engine

Between MIN and MAX mark
If the oil level is below the MIN opening and turn counter-
mark: clockwise to remove it.
Topping up the engine oil Checking the engine oil level
( 162). ( 160).
If the oil level is above the MAX
Have the oil level corrected Use of too little or too much
at a specialist workshop, engine oil
preferably an authorized Engine damage
BMW Motorrad retailer. Always make sure that the
Topping up the engine oil oil level is correct.
Park the motorcycle, making Top up the engine oil to the
sure the ground is level and specified level.
firm. Engine oil, quantity for
topping up
max 0.8 quarts (max 0.8 l)
(Difference between MIN and
Checking the engine oil level
( 160).
Install the cap 3 of the oil
filler opening.
Clean the area around the oil BRAKE SYSTEM
filler opening.
Check brake operation
To be able to apply force
Actuate the handbrake lever.
more easily, insert the in-
Pressure point must be clearly
terchangeable screwdriver
bit 1 Torx-end first, into the Actuate the footbrake lever.
screwdriver handle 2 (from Pressure point must be clearly
on-board tool kit). perceptible.
Position the specified tool
from the on-board tool kit
on the cap 3 of the oil filler
If no clear pressure point can
be felt:

Improper working on the
brake system
Endangering of the operating
safety of the brake system
Have all work on the brake
system carried out by ex- Front brake-pad wear
perts. limit
0.04 in (1.0 mm) (Only fric-
Have the brakes checked
tion material without car-
at an authorized workshop,
rier plate. The wear marks
preferably an authorized
(grooves) must be clearly visi-
BMW Motorrad retailer.
Checking the front brake pad If the wear marks are no longer
thickness clearly visible:
Park the motorcycle, making
sure the ground is level and WARNING
Dropping below the mini-
mum pad thickness
Reduced braking action, dam-
age to the brake
In order to ensure the oper-
ating reliability of the brake
system, make sure that the
brake pads are not worn be-
yond their minimum thick-
Visually inspect the brake pad
thickness on the left and right. Have brake pads renewed
Viewing direction: between at a specialist workshop,
wheel and front suspension preferably an authorized
toward brake pads 1. BMW Motorrad retailer.
Checking the rear brake pad If wear limit is reached:
Park the motorcycle, making WARNING
sure the ground is level and
firm. Dropping below the mini-
mum pad thickness
Reduced braking action, dam-
age to the brake
In order to ensure the oper-
ating reliability of the brake
system, make sure that the
brake pads are not worn be-
yond their minimum thick-

Visually inspect the brake pad Have brake pads renewed

thickness. Direction of view: at a specialist workshop,
from rear, looking at brake preferably an authorized
pads 1. BMW Motorrad retailer.

Rear brake-pad wear

0.04 in (1.0 mm) (Only fric-
tion material without carrier
Checking the front brake fluid

Insufficient or contaminated
brake fluid in the brake fluid
Considerably reduced braking
power caused by air, dirt or Check brake fluid level at
water in the brake system brake fluid reservoir for front
Stop riding immediately until wheel brake 1.
fault is rectified.
The brake fluid level in the
Check brake fluid level regu-
brake-fluid reservoir drops
due to brake pad wear.
Make sure that the lid of
the brake fluid reservoir is
cleaned before opening.
Make sure that brake fluid
is used from a sealed con-
tainer only.
Hold the motorcycle upright,
making sure that the ground
is firm and level.
with center stand OE
Front brake fluid level
Put the motorcycle up on its
center stand, making sure the
ground is level and firm. Brake fluid, DOT4
Align the handlebars so that The brake fluid level must
the brake fluid reservoir is po- not fall below the MIN mark.
sitioned horizontally. (Brake fluid reservoir horizon-
tal, vehicle standing upright)
If the brake fluid level falls be-
low the approved level:
Have the defect rectified as
quickly as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably an
authorized BMW Motorrad re-
Checking the rear brake fluid
level Check the brake fluid level at
the brake fluid reservoir for
WARNING rear wheel brake 1.
Insufficient or contaminated The brake fluid level in the
brake fluid in the brake fluid brake-fluid reservoir drops
reservoir due to brake pad wear.
Considerably reduced braking
power caused by air, dirt or
water in the brake system
Stop riding immediately until
fault is rectified.
Check brake fluid level regu-
Make sure that the lid of
the brake fluid reservoir is
cleaned before opening.
Rear brake fluid level
Make sure that brake fluid
is used from a sealed con-
tainer only. Brake fluid, DOT4
The brake fluid level must
Hold the motorcycle upright,
not fall below the MIN mark.
making sure that the ground
(Brake fluid reservoir horizon-
is firm and level.
with center stand OE tal, vehicle standing upright)
Put the motorcycle up on its
center stand, making sure the
ground is level and firm.
If the brake fluid level falls be-
low the approved level:
Have the defect rectified as
quickly as possible by a spe-
cialist workshop, preferably an
authorized BMW Motorrad re-

Check clutch function Check coolant level at expan-
Pull back the clutch lever. sion tank 1.
Pressure point must be clearly Coolant level must be be-
perceptible. tween the MIN and MAX
If no clear pressure point can marks.
be felt: If the coolant level drops below
Have the clutch checked by the MIN mark:
an authorized workshop, Top up coolant.
preferably an authorized Topping up coolant
BMW Motorrad retailer.

Checking the coolant level
Park the motorcycle, making
sure the ground is level and
Allow the engine to cool
Open the cap 1 of the coolant
expansion tank and top up
coolant to the specified level.
Coolant level lies between
MIN and MAX marks.
Close the cap 1.
TIRES Rear tire pressure
Checking tire pressure
42.1 psi (2.9 bar) (with cold
WARNING tires, one-up and two-up
Incorrect tire inflation pres- mode)
sure 42.1 psi (2.9 bar) (Sporting
Poorer handling characteristic use)
of motorcycle, reduction of If tire pressure is too low:
tire service life Correct tire pressure.
Ensure proper tire inflation
Check wheel rims
Park motorcycle, ensuring that
WARNING support surface is firm and
Automatic opening of verti- level.
cally installed valve inserts Subject wheel rims to visual
at high speeds inspection for defects.
Sudden loss of tire inflation Have damaged rims checked
pressure and, if necessary, replaced
Use valve caps with rubber by a specialist service facil-
sealing ring and screw on ity, preferably an authorized
firmly. BMW Motorrad retailer.

Park motorcycle, ensuring that Checking tire tread depth

support surface is firm and
level. WARNING
Check tire pressures against Riding with heavily worn
data below. tyres
Front tire pressure Risk of accident due to
poorer rideability
If necessary, replace the
36.3 psi (2.5 bar) (with cold
tyres before the legally spec-
tires, one-up and two-up
ified minimum tread depth
is reached.
36.3 psi (2.5 bar) (Sporting
Park motorcycle, ensuring that The sensor rings required for
support surface is firm and wheel speed detection must
level. also match the installed con-
Check tire tread depth in trol systems and may not be
main tread grooves with wear replaced.
indicators. If you want to equip your
Tread wear marks are in- motorcycle with different
tegrated into the main wheels, please contact a
grooves on every tire. If the tire specialist service facility,
tread has worn down to the preferably a BMW Motorrad
level of the marks, the tire is retailer. In some cases the data
completely worn. The locations stored in the control units can
of the marks are indicated on be adapted for the new wheel
the edge of the tire, e.g. by the sizes.
letters TI, TWI or by an arrow. Removing front wheel
When the minimum tread Hold the motorcycle upright,
depth is reached: making sure that the ground
Replace the worn tires. is firm and level.
with center stand OE
WHEELS Put the motorcycle up on its
Affect of wheel sizes on center stand, making sure the
suspension control systems ground is level and firm.
The wheel sizes play a major
role in the ABS and ASC/DTC
suspension-control systems.
The diameter and width of the
wheels stored in the control
unit have particular significance
as the basis for all necessary
calculations. A change in these
sizes resulting from conversion
to wheels not installed as stan- Remove screw 1 and remove
dard equipment can seriously wheel speed sensor from the
affect the control efficiency of drilled hole.
these systems. Mask off areas of the wheel
rim that could get scratched
in the process of removing Raise the front of motor-
the brake calipers. cycle, preferably using a
BMW Motorrad front wheel
ATTENTION stand, until the front wheel
rotates freely.
Unintentional pressing to- Installing front wheel stand
gether of brake pads ( 159).
Component damage when
mounting the brake caliper or
when pressing the brake pads
Do not actuate the brakes
with the brake caliper re-
Remove securing screws 2 on
left and right of brake caliper
and take off holding clip 3. Loosen axle clamping
screws 1.

Push brake pads 1 apart

slightly by turning the brake Remove the screw 1.
caliper 2 back and forth Loosen axle clamping
against brake disc 3. screws 2.
Carefully pull brake calipers Slightly press the quick-re-
back and outward to remove lease axle inward for a better
them from brake rotors. grip on the right side.
Installing front wheel

Use of a wheel which does
not comply with series spec-
Malfunctions during control
interventions by ABS and
Pull out the quick-release ASC/DTC
axle 1 while supporting the Please see the information
front wheel. on the effect of wheel sizes
Place front wheel down and on the ABS and ASC/DTC
roll it forward out of the front chassis control systems at
suspension. the beginning of this chap-

Tightening of screwed
connections with incorrect
tightening torque
Damage or loosening of
screwed connections
Always have the tightening
Remove the spacer bushing 1
torques checked by a
from the wheel hub.
specialized workshop,
preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.

Lubricate the contact surface Lubricate the quick-release

on the spacer bushing 1. axle 1.
Lubricant Lubricant

Optimoly TA Optimoly TA
Insert the spacer bushing 1 Lift the front wheel and install
into the wheel hub on the left the quick-release axle 1.
side. Remove front wheel stand
and firmly compress front
ATTENTION forks. Do not actuate hand-
brake lever at the same time.
Front wheel installation op- Installing front wheel stand
posite the running direction ( 159).
Accident hazard
Observe running direction
arrows on tire or rim.
Roll the front wheel into the
front suspension.

Install the screw 1 to the

specified torque. Brace quick-
release axle on the right side
at the same time.
Quick-release axle in
telescopic fork
M20 x 1.5
37 lb/ft (50 Nm)
Tighten axle clamping
screws 2 to the specified

Tighten axle clamping

screws 1 to the specified

Clamping screw for

quick-release axle in
telescopic fork
Tightening sequence: Tighten
Clamping screw for
the screws 6 times, alter-
quick-release axle in
nating between one and the
telescopic fork
other each time
M8 x 50 Tightening sequence: Tighten
14 lb/ft (19 Nm) the screws 6 times, alter-
nating between one and the
other each time
M8 x 50
14 lb/ft (19 Nm)
Remove the front wheel
Put the brake calipers on the Insert cable for wheel speed
left and right onto the brake sensor in holding clip 3.
discs. Insert the wheel speed sen-
sor into the bore and install
screw 1.
Wheel speed sensor on
M6 x 16
Joint compound: Micro-
encapsulated or medium-
strength screw lock
6 lb/ft (8 Nm)
Install holding clip 3 on left
and fit securing screws 2 on Removing rear wheel
left and right and tighten to Removing the silencer
the specified torque. ( 175).
Brake caliper on tele-
scopic forks
M10 x 65
28 lb/ft (38 Nm)
Remove adhesive tape from
wheel rim.

Brake pads do not contact Shift into first gear.
the brake disc Remove the screws 1 of the
Risk of accident due to de- rear wheel while supporting
layed braking effect. the wheel.
Before driving off, check Roll rear wheel out toward
that the braking effect kicks rear.
in without any delay.
Engage the brakes repeatedly
until the brake pads make
contact with the discs.
Installing rear wheel

Use of a wheel which does
not comply with series spec-
Malfunctions during control
interventions by ABS and
ASC/DTC Install the lug bolts 1 to the
Please see the information specified torque.
on the effect of wheel sizes
Tighten rear wheel on
on the ABS and ASC/DTC
wheel flange
chassis control systems at
the beginning of this chap- Tightening sequence: Tighten
ter. crosswise
M10 x 1.25 x 40
44 lb/ft (60 Nm)
Installing the silencer
Tightening of screwed ( 177).
connections with incorrect
tightening torque SILENCER
Damage or loosening of Removing the silencer
screwed connections
Always have the tightening CAUTION
torques checked by a
specialized workshop, Hot exhaust system
preferably an authorized Burn hazard
BMW Motorrad retailer. Do not touch hot exhaust
Place rear wheel on rear
wheel support. Let the end muffler cool
Make sure ground is level
and firm and place motor-
cycle on a suitable auxiliary
stand. BMW Motorrad rec-
ommends the BMW Motorrad with M sports muffler OE
rear-wheel stand.
Installing rear-wheel stand CAUTION
( 160).
with center stand OE Hot exhaust system
Put the motorcycle up on its Burn hazard
center stand, making sure the Do not touch hot exhaust
ground is level and firm. system.
Let the end muffler cool
Make sure ground is level
and firm and place motor-
cycle on a suitable auxiliary
stand. BMW Motorrad rec-
ommends the BMW Motorrad
rear-wheel stand.
Installing rear-wheel stand
Remove screw 1 from ( 160).
cover 2. with center stand OE
Loosen the nut 3 on the Put the motorcycle up on its
clamp 4. center stand, making sure the
ground is level and firm.

Remove screw 2 and

washer 3. Loosen nut 1 to push the
Remove silencer 1. clamp 2 to the rear.

Remove screw 2 and Tighten nut 3 of circlip 4.

washer 3. Clamp on silencer and
Remove silencer 1. exhaust manifold
Installing the silencer
16 lb/ft (22 Nm)
Install screw 2 of cover 1.
with M sports muffler OE

Tightening of screwed
connections with incorrect
tightening torque
Damage or loosening of
Push the circlip onto the si-
screwed connections
Always have the tightening
Push silencer 1 up to the
torques checked by a
Install screw 2 and washer 3. specialized workshop,
preferably an authorized
Muffler on rear frame BMW Motorrad retailer.

M8 x 35
14 lb/ft (19 Nm)
Replacing front and rear turn
indicator light sources
Park the motorcycle, making
sure the ground is level and
Turn off the ignition.

Push the circlip onto the si-

Push silencer 1 up to the
Install screw 2 and washer 3.
Muffler on rear frame

M8 x 35 Remove the screw 1.

14 lb/ft (19 Nm)

Pull headlight diffuser on

Tighten nut 1 of circlip 2. screw connection side out of
Clamp on silencer and light housing.
exhaust manifold
16 lb/ft (22 Nm)

To prevent contaminants from Install the light source 1 by

being deposited on the glass turning it clockwise into the
surface, always use a clean, light housing.
dry cloth to hold the light
Remove light source 1 from
the light housing by turning it
Replace defective light
Bulbs for flashing turn
Insert the headlight diffuser
RY10W / 12 V / 10 W from the vehicle side into the
Bulbs for flashing turn light housing and close it.
indicators, rear
RY10W / 12 V / 10 W

Install the screw 1.

Replacing LED tail light JUMP-STARTING
The LED tail light can only be
completely replaced.
For details please contact ATTENTION
a specialist service facility, Current too high when jump-
preferably an authorized starting the motorcycle
BMW Motorrad Dealer. Cable fire or damage to the
Replace LED headlights motorcycle electronics
LED headlights can only be Do not jump-start the mo-
replaced as a complete unit. torcycle using the power
For details please contact socket, only via the battery
a specialist service facility, terminal.
preferably an authorized
BMW Motorrad Retailer. ATTENTION
Replace additional LED Contact between crocodile
headlight clips of jump leads and mo-
with LED additional head- torcycle
light OA Danger of short circuit
The LED additional headlights Use jump leads fitted with
can only be completely re- fully insulated crocodile clips
placed; it is not possible to re- at both ends.
place individual LEDs.
Please contact a specialist
service facility, preferably an
authorized BMW Motorrad Jump-starting with a voltage
retailer. higher than 12 V
Damage to the motorcycle's
The battery of the donor
motorcycle must have a volt-
age of 12 V.
Park the motorcycle, making
sure the ground is level and
Removing the battery cover to protect the starter motor
( 183). and the donor battery.
Do not disconnect the battery Allow both engines to idle for
from the electrical system for a few minutes before discon-
an external start. necting jumper cables.
Disconnect the jumper cable
from the negative terminal
first, then from the positive
To start the engine, do
not use start sprays or
similar items.
Install the protective cap.
Installing the battery cover
Remove protective cap 1. ( 185).
Begin by connecting the red
jumper cable to the remote BATTERY
positive terminal 2 on the Maintenance instructions
empty battery and the other Correct battery maintenance
end to the positive terminal of combined with proper charg-
the donor battery. ing and storage procedures ex-
Then clamp one end of the tends the battery's service life,
black jumper cable to the and is also required for war-
donor battery's negative ter- ranty claims.
minal 3 while connecting the Compliance with the points
other end to the empty bat- below is important in order to
tery's negative terminal. maximize battery life:
Run engine of donor vehicle Keep the surface of the bat-
during jump-starting proce- tery clean and dry.
dure. Do not open the battery.
Start the engine of the vehicle Do not top up with water.
with the empty battery in the Be sure to read and com-
usual way; if the engine does ply with the instructions for
not start, wait a few minutes charging the battery on the
before repeating the attempt following pages.
Do not turn the battery upside Charge connected battery
ATTENTION Charging the battery con-
Discharging of the con- nected to the vehicle using
nected battery by the the battery terminals
Damage to the motorcycle's
vehicle electronics (e.g.
Disconnect the battery be-
Total discharge of battery
fore charging on the battery
leading to a rejection of war-
ranty claims
During riding breaks of
more than 4 weeks, connect ATTENTION
a trickle-charger to the
battery. A fully discharged battery
must be charged via a
BMW Motorrad has de- power socket or extra
veloped a trickle-charger socket.
specially designed for com- Damage to vehicle electronics
patibility with the electronics A fully discharged battery
of your motorcycle. Using this (battery voltage less than
charger, you can keep the bat- 12 V, indicator lights and
tery charged during long pe- multifunction display re-
riods when the motorcycle is main off when ignition is
not being used without having switched on) must always
to disconnect the battery from be charged directly at the
the motorcycle's onboard sys- poles of the disconnected
tems. Additional information battery.
is available at your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
Comply with operating
ATTENTION instructions of charger.
Once battery is fully charged,
Unsuitable chargers con- disconnect charger's terminal
nected to the power socket clips from battery terminals.
Damage to charger and vehi-
In the case of longer peri-
cle electronics
ods when the motorcycle
Use suitable BMW chargers.
is not being used, the battery
The correct charger is avail-
must be recharged regularly.
able through your authorized
See the instructions for caring
BMW Motorrad retailer.
for your battery. Always fully
Charge disconnected battery recharge the battery before re-
via onboard socket. turning it to use.
The motorcycle's onboard Removing battery
electronics know when
the battery is fully charged. The
onboard socket is switched off
when this happens.
Comply with operating
instructions of charger.
If you are unable to
charge the battery via
the onboard socket, you may
be using a charger that is Turn off the ignition.
not compatible with your Remove the screw 1.
motorcycle's electronics. In Pull battery cover at top
this case, charge the battery slightly forward at positions 2.
directly from the terminals of Remove the battery cover up-
the battery disconnected from ward at position 3 in order
the vehicle. not to damage the battery
cover and the mount.
Charging disconnected
battery with anti-theft alarm system
Charge battery using a suit- (DWA) OE
Turn off the anti-theft alarm
able charger.
system if necessary.

Disconnect the negative Disconnect the positive bat-

battery cable 1 and rubber tery cable 1 and pull out the
strap 2. battery.
Insulate the negative battery
Installing a battery
cable 1 with adhesive strip.
If the 12-V battery is in-
serted incorrectly or the
terminals reversed (e.g. when
jump starting), it can blow the
fuse for the alternator regula-

Pull the retaining plate at po-

sition 1 outward and remove
it upward.
Lift battery slightly out of
holder sufficiently for posi-
tive terminal to be accessible. Fasten the positive battery
cable 1.
Slide battery into holder.

First press retaining plate into Insert battery cover into

the mounts 1 and then press mount 1 and press it into the
under the battery at point 2. mount 2.

Remove the adhesive strip Install the screw 1.

from the negative battery ca- Setting the clock ( 93).
ble 1. Setting the date ( 92).
Fasten the negative battery
cable 1.
Fasten battery with rubber
strap 2.
FUSES Fuse assignments
Replacing fuses

1 10 A
Instrument cluster
Turn off the ignition. Anti-theft alarm system
Remove rider's seat ( 80).
Detach connector 1.
Ignition lock
Main relay
ATTENTION Diagnostic socket
Bypassing defective fuses 2 7.5 A
Risk of short circuit and fire Multifunction switch, left
Do not bypass defective Tire pressure control (T-
fuses. PC)
Replace defective fuses with Yaw rate sensor
new fuses.
Consult the fuse assignment
diagram and replace the de-
fective fuse.
If the fuses blow
frequently, have the
electrical system checked
by an authorized specialized
workshop, preferably an
authorized BMW Motorrad
Insert connector 1.
Installing the rider's seat
( 81).
Fuse for the alternator DIAGNOSTIC SOCKET
Detaching the diagnostic

Incorrect procedure when
disconnecting the diagnostic
socket for onboard diagno-
Vehicle experiences malfunc-
1 50 A tions
Alternator regulator Do not have the diagnos-
tic socket disconnected ex-
cept during BMW Motorrad
service by a specialist work-
shop or other authorized
Have work carried out by
appropriately trained per-
Observe the specifications
of the vehicle manufacturer.
Removing the battery cover
( 183).

Press the hook 1 and remove Plug the diagnostic socket 2

the diagnostic socket 2 by into the bracket 4.
pulling it upwards. The locking mechanisms 3
engage on both sides.
Connect the bracket 4 to the
mount 1.

Press the locks 3 on both

Detach the diagnostic
socket 2 from the bracket 4. Make sure that the hook 5
The interface for the diagnos- engages.
tic and information system Installing the battery cover
can be connected to the diag- ( 185).
nostic socket 2.
Fastening the diagnostic
Disconnect the interface for
the diagnostic and informa-
tion system.

CASE 193
GENERAL NOTES Your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer
offers you qualified advice for
CAUTION choosing genuine BMW parts,
Use of products from other accessories and other products.
manufacturers More information on the topic
Safety risk of accessories is available at:
BMW Motorrad cannot ex- bmw-motorrad.com/equip-
amine or test each product ment
of outside origin to ensure
that it can be used on or ONBOARD POWER SOCKETS
in connection with BMW Connection of electrical
motorcycles without consti- devices
tuting a safety hazard. Nor The ignition must be switched
is this guarantee provided on before electrical devices
when the official approval of connected to the power sock-
a specific country has been ets can be operated.
granted. Tests conducted Cable routing
by these instances cannot
The cables from the onboard
make provision for all oper-
sockets to the auxiliary de-
ating conditions experienced
vices must be routed in such
by BMW motorcycles and,
a way that they do not im-
consequently, they are not
pede the rider.
sufficient in some circum- Cable routing must not re-
stances. strict the steering angle and
Use only parts and acces-
the handling characteristics.
sories approved by BMW for Cables must not be trapped.
your motorcycle.
Automatic deactivation
BMW shall not be held liable The onboard sockets are au-
for unapproved parts and ac- tomatically switched off dur-
cessory products of any kind. ing starting.
Comply with the legal require- These sockets are switched
ments for any modifications. off approx. 15 minutes af-
Consult the road traffic licens- ter switching off the ignition
ing regulations of your country. to reduce the strain on the
onboard electrical system. Closing a case
Additional devices with low
power consumption are pos-
sibly not detected by the vehi-
cle electronics. In these cases,
onboard sockets are already
switched off shortly after the
ignition is switched off.
In case of insufficient battery
voltage, the onboard sockets
are switched off to maintain Turn the key 1 counterclock-
the ability to start the motor- wise to the OPEN position.
cycle. Press the catches 2 of the
If the maximum loadability case lid into the locking
specified in the technical data mechanisms 3. Ensure
is exceeded, the onboard that no objects are trapped
sockets are switched off. between lid and case.
Pull the gray release lever 4
CASE OPEN upward and simultane-
with touring case OA ously close the case lid.
The lid clicks audibly into
Opening a case
Turn the key 1 in the case
lock so that it points in the
driving direction and remove

Turn the key 1 counterclock-

wise to the OPEN position.
Pull the gray release lever 2
OPEN upward and simultane-
ously open the case lid.
Removing a case Attaching a case

Turn the key 1 to position RE- Turn the key 1 to position RE-

Pull the black release lever 1 Insert the case in the case
RELEASE upward while si- carrier 1, then swing as far
multaneously pulling the case as possible onto mount 2.
outward. Pull the black release lever 3
Then lift case out of lower RELEASE upward while si-
mounting. multaneously pushing the
case into the upper mount 2.
Press the black release lever 3
RELEASE down until it en-
Turn the key in the case lock
so that it points in the driving
direction and remove it.
Maximum payload and top Secure hold
Note the maximum permissible
payload and the speed limit
for riding with cases fitted, as
stated on the label inside the
If you cannot find your
combination of vehicle and
case on the sign, contact your
BMW Motorrad partner. If a case wobbles or is difficult
The following values apply for to fit, it must be adapted to the
the combination described gap between the upper and
here: lower mount.
Maximum speed for rid-
ing with case WARNING

max 112 mph (max Improperly installed case.

180 km/h) Impairment of riding safety.
Cases may not shake and
Payload per case must be fastened play-free.
If some play is determined
max 22 lbs (max 10 kg) after longer use, readjust the
retaining claw.

Use the screws 1 inside the Press the lock cylinder 1 for-
case for this purpose. ward.
The release lever 2 pops up.
Closing a topcase
with topcase OA
Opening a topcase

Pull the release lever 1 all the

way up.
Turn the key in the topcase Close the topcase lid and hold
lock to position 1. it down. Ensure that nothing
gets trapped between the lid
and case.
The topcase can also be
locked if the lock is in the
LOCK position. Under such cir-
cumstances, ensure that the ve-
hicle key is not in the topcase.

Press release lever 1 down Fold carrying handle 1 all the

until it engages. way up.
Turn key in topcase lock to Raise the rear of the topcase
the LOCK position and re- and pull it off the luggage
move. rack.
Removing a topcase Installing a topcase

Topcase not properly se-
Driving safety is impaired
Topcase must not shake and
must be fastened clearance-
Turn the key in the topcase Fold the carrying handle up to
lock to position 1. the stop.
Carrying handle pops out.
Maximum payload and top
Note the maximum permissible
payload and the speed limit for
riding with topcase fitted, as
stated on the label inside the
If you cannot find your combi-
nation of motorcycle and top-
Hook the topcase into the case on the sign, contact your
luggage rack. Make sure authorized BMW Motorrad re-
that the hooks 1 are securely tailer.
seated in corresponding The following values apply for
mounts 2. the combination described
Maximum speed when
riding with loaded Vario
max 112 mph (max
180 km/h)
Payload of Vario topcase

Press the carrying handle 1 max 11 lbs (max 5 kg)

down until it engages.
Fastening navigation system
with preparation for naviga-
tion system OE
with navigation system OA
The navigation prepara-
tion is suitable as from
the BMW Motorrad Naviga-
Turn key in topcase lock to tor IV.
the 1 position and remove.
The locking system of the swing backward with a rota-
Mount Cradle offers no tional movement.
protection against theft. Navigation system audibly en-
Remove the navigation system gages.
and store in a safe place after Slide the shut-off lock 2 com-
every drive. pletely to the right.
The locking mechanism 3 is
Turn the ignition key 4 clock-
Navigation system is locked
and ignition key can be re-
Remove navigation system
and install cover
Turn the ignition key 1 coun- with preparation for naviga-
terclockwise. tion system OE
Pull the shut-off lock 2 to the with navigation system OA
Press in the locking mecha-
The Mount Cradle is unlocked Dust and dirt on the con-
and the cover 4 can be tacts of the Mount Cradle
removed with a rotational Damage to the contacts
movement toward the front. Reinstall the cover after end
of each drive.

Mount the navigation sys-

tem 1 in the lower area and
Slide the shut-off lock 2 to
the right.
Turn the ignition key 3 clock-
The cover 1 is secured.
Operating the navigation
with preparation for naviga-
tion system OE
Turn the ignition key 1 coun-
terclockwise. The following de-
Pull the shut-off lock 2 com- scription refers to the
pletely to the left. BMW Motorrad Navigator V
The locking mechanism 3 is and the BMW Motorrad Navi-
unlocked. gator VI. The BMW Motorrad
Slide the locking mecha- Navigator IV does not offer all
nism 3 completely to the left. options described.
The navigation system 4 will
Only the latest version
be unlocked.
Remove the navigation sys- of the BMW Motorrad
tem 4 downward with a tilt- communication system is
ing movement. supported. A software update
may be required for the
BMW Motorrad communication
system. In this case, please
contact your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer.
If BMW Motorrad Navigator
is installed and the operating
focus is changed to Navigator
( 89), some of its functions
can be operated directly from
Mount the cover 1 in the
the handlebars.
lower area and swing upward
with a rotational movement.
Cover audibly engages.
Tilt and hold the Multi-
Controller 1 to the left and
Activate specific functions on
the Navigator display. These
functions are indicated by a
right arrow or left arrow above
the corresponding touch field.

The navigation system is op- The function is triggered

erated using the Multi-Con- by long actuation to the
troller 1 and the rocker but- right.
ton MENU 2.
The function is triggered
Turning the Multi-Controller 1 by long actuation to the
up and down left.
On the compass and Medi-
aplayer screen: Increase or Press the bottom of the
decrease the volume of a MENU 2 rocker button
BMW Motorrad communication Change the operating focus to
system connected via Blue- the Pure Ride view.
tooth. In detail, the following functions
On the BMW special menu: Se- can be operated:
lect menu items. Map view
Briefly tilting the Multi- Turning upward: zooms in on
Controller 1 to the left and map section (Zoom in).
right Turning downward: zooms
out of map section (Zoom
Change between the main
screens of the Navigator:
Map view Compass page
Compass Turning increases or de-
Mediaplayer creases the volume of a
BMW special menu BMW Motorrad communi-
My motorcycle page cation system connected via
BMW special menu My Motorcycle
Speak: Repeat last navigation Turn: changes the number of
announcement. data sets displayed.
Waypoint: Save current loca- Touching a data field on the
tion as a favorite. display opens a menu for se-
Navigate home: Starts navi- lecting the data.
gation to the home address The values available for selec-
(is grayed-out if no home ad- tion depend on the optional
dress is set). equipment that is installed.
Mute: Turn automatic
navigation announcements
Long press to the left: Play
off or on (off: The top line in
previous title.
the display shows a crossed- Long press to the right: Play
out lip icon). Navigation next title.
announcements can still Turning increases or de-
be output via "Speak". All creases the volume of a
other sound outputs remain BMW Motorrad communi-
switched on. cation system connected via
Switching off display: Switch Bluetooth.
off display.
Call home: Calls the home The Mediaplayer function
phone number stored in the is only available when
navigator (only displayed using a Bluetooth device as
when a communication per A2DP standard, e.g., a
system and a phone are BMW Motorrad communication
connected). system.
Detour: Activates the detour Warning and status messages
function (only displayed if a with navigation system OA
route is active).
Skip: Skips the next waypoint
(only displayed if route is pro-
vided with waypoints).
Special functions
with navigation system OA
Due to integration of the
BMW Motorrad Navigator,
there are differences from the
descriptions in the operating
instructions for the Navigator.
Reserve fuel level warning
Warning and status displays of The settings for the fuel gauge
the motorcycle are indicated are not available, as the re-
with a corresponding symbol 1 serve fuel level warning is be-
at the upper left on the map ing transferred from the vehicle
view. to the Navigator. If the mes-
If a BMW Motorrad com- sage is active, the nearest filling
munication system is con- stations are displayed when the
nected, an acoustic signal is message is pressed.
also sounds in case of a warn-
Security settings
The BMW Motorrad Naviga-
If several warning messages tor V can be secured against
are active, the number of mes- unauthorized use with a four-
sages is indicated below the digit PIN (Garmin Lock). If this
warning triangle. function is activated while the
A list of all warning messages Navigator is installed in the ve-
is opened by pressing on the hicle and the ignition is turned
warning triangle with more on, you will be asked if you
than one message. want to add this vehicle to
Additional information is
the list of secure vehicles. If
display when a message is
this question is confirmed with
"Yes", the Navigator saves the
Detailed information can- vehicle identification number.
not be displayed for all A maximum of five VINs can be
warnings. saved in this way.
Afterwards, if the Navigator is
turned on when the ignition
is turned on in one of these
vehicles, then a PIN no longer
needs to be entered.
If the Navigator is removed
from the vehicle while it is
turned on, then for security rea-
sons a PIN prompt is started.
Screen brightness
Screen brightness is adjusted
by the motorcycle while the
unit is installed. There is no
need for manual input.
If desired, automatic setting
can be switched off in the Nav-
igator via the display settings.

208 CARE
BMW Motorrad recommends BMW Motorrad recommends
that you use cleaning and care that you use BMW Insect Re-
products available at your au- mover to soften and wash off
thorized BMW Motorrad re- insects and stubborn dirt from
tailer. BMW Care Products painted parts before washing
have been materials tested, lab- the vehicle.
oratory tested, and field tested To prevent stains, do not wash
and provide optimum care and the vehicle immediately after
protection for the materials it has been exposed to bright
used in your vehicle. sunlight and do not wash it in
the sun.
ATTENTION Regularly clean the fork tubes
of soiling.
Use of unsuitable cleaning Make sure that the vehicle is
and care agents washed frequently, especially
Damage to motorcycle parts during the winter months.
Do not use any solvents To remove road salt, clean the
such as nitro thinners, cold motorcycle with cold water im-
cleaners, fuel or similar, and mediately after every trip.
do not use cleaning agents
After riding in the rain
that contain alcohol.
in high humidity or after
washing the vehicle, conden-
ATTENTION sation can form in the inside
the headlight. During this pro-
Use of highly acidic or alka- cess, the headlight can become
line cleaning agents foggy for a while. If moisture
Damage to motorcycle parts accumulates on an ongoing ba-
Observe the dilution ratio on
sis in the headlight, contact a
the packaging of the clean-
specialist workshop, preferably
ing agents.
an authorized BMW Motorrad
Do not use highly acidic or
alkaline cleaning agents.
Damp brake disks and brake Plastics
pads after washing the mo-
torcycle, after riding through ATTENTION
water or in the rain
Use of unsuitable cleaning
Poorer braking action, acci-
dent hazard
Damage to plastic surfaces
Brake early until the brake
Do not use abrasive cleaners
rotors and brake pads are
or cleaners containing alco-
hol or solvents.
Do not use insect sponges
ATTENTION or sponges with a hard sur-
Increased effect of salt
caused by warm water Fairings and panels
Corrosion Clean trim panel components
Only use cold water to re- with water and BMW Motorrad
move road salt. solvent cleaner.
Windshields and lenses are
ATTENTION manufactured in plastic
Damage caused by high wa- Clean off dirt and insects with
ter pressure from high-pres- a soft sponge and plenty of
sure cleaners or steam-jet water.
devices Soften stubborn dirt and
Corrosion or short circuit, dead insects by covering
damage to labels, to seals, the affected areas with a wet
to hydraulic brake system, to cloth.
the electrical system and the Clean with water and
seat sponge only.
Exercise caution when using
high-pressure or steam-jet
210 CARE
Do not use chemical Rubber
cleansers. Treat rubber components with
water or BMW rubber care
TFT display product.
Clean the TFT display with
warm water and detergent. ATTENTION
Then dry with a clean cloth, e.g.
a paper towel. Use of silicone sprays for
care of rubber seals
Chrome Damage to rubber seals
Carefully clean chrome parts Do not use silicone sprays
with plenty of water and or care products that con-
BMW Motorrad Care Products tain silicone.
motorcycle cleaner. This
is required in particular for CARE OF PAINTWORK
removing road salt.
Washing the motorcycle reg-
Use BMW Motorrad metal pol-
ularly will help counteract the
ish for additional treatment.
long-term effects of substances
Radiator that damage the paint, espe-
Clean the radiator regularly to cially if your motorcycle is rid-
prevent overheating of the en- den in areas with high air pol-
gine due to inadequate cooling. lution or natural sources of dirt,
For example, use a garden such as tree resin or pollen.
hose with low water pressure. However, remove particularly
aggressive substances imme-
ATTENTION diately; otherwise changes in
the paint or discoloration may
Bending of radiator fins
Damage to radiator fins occur. These include spilled
When cleaning, ensure that fuel, oil, grease and brake fluid
the cooler fins are not bent. as well as bird droppings.
It is recommended to use
BMW Motorrad solvent cleaner
and then apply BMW Motorrad
high gloss polish to preserve
the paint.
Contaminants on the paint sur-
face are particularly easy to see
after washing the vehicle. Re- Removing battery ( 183).
move this type of didrt imme- Spray the brake and clutch
diately with cleaning benzene lever, and the center and side
or ethyl alcohol on a clean cloth stand pivots with a suitable
or cotton ball. BMW Motorrad lubricant.
recommends removing tar Protect metal and chrome-
stains with BMW tar remover. plated parts with an acid-free
Then add a protective wax grease (Vaseline).
coating to the paint at these
locations. Store the motorcycle in a dry
room, raising it to remove
PAINT PRESERVATION the weight from both front
Apply a preservative when wheels (preferably using the
water fails to bead up on the front and rear-wheel stands
painted surface. offered by BMW Motorrad).
BMW Motorrad recommends
BMW Motorrad high gloss pol-
ish or agents that contain car-
nauba or synthetic wax for Remove the protective wax
paint preservation. coating.
Clean the motorcycle.
STORE MOTORCYCLE Installing a battery ( 184).
Observe checklist ( 120).
Clean motorcycle.
Completely fill the motorcy-
cle's fuel tank.
Fuel additives clean the
fuel injection system and
the combustion area. Fuel ad-
ditives should be used when
refueling with low-quality fu-
els or during longer periods
of downtime. Your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer can
provide you with more detailed

FUEL 218
Engine does not start.
Possible cause Remedy
Side stand extended and gear Fold in side stand.
Gear engaged and clutch not Place transmission in neutral or
operated disengage clutch.
No fuel in tank Refueling procedure ( 131).
Battery drained Charge connected battery
( 182).
Overheating protection for Leave the starter motor to cool
starter motor has activated. down for around 1 minute un-
Starter motor can only be actu- til it becomes available again.
ated for a limited period.

Bluetooth connection is not established.

Possible cause Remedy
Necessary pairing steps were Refer to the operating
not performed. instructions of the communica-
tion system for the necessary
steps for pairing.
The communication system is Switch off the communication
not connected automatically system of the helmet and con-
despite successful pairing. nect again after one to two
Too many Bluetooth devices Delete all pairing entries in
are stored in the helmet. the helmet (see the operating
instructions of the communica-
tion system).
There are additional vehicles Avoid simultaneous pairing
with Bluetooth-capable devices with multiple vehicles.
Bluetooth connection is disrupted.
Possible cause Remedy
Bluetooth connection to the Switch off energy saving
mobile end device is inter- mode.
Bluetooth connection to the Switch off the communication
helmet is interrupted. system of the helmet and con-
nect again after one to two
Volume in the helmet cannot Switch off the communication
be adjusted. system of the helmet and con-
nect again after one to two

Phone book is not displayed in the TFT display.

Possible cause Remedy
Phone book was has not yet Confirm the transfer of tele-
been transferred to the vehicle. phone data ( 105) during
pairing with the mobile device.

Active route guidance is not displayed in the TFT display.

Possible cause Remedy
Navigation from the Call up the BMW Motorrad
BMW Motorrad Con- Connected App on the con-
nected App was not nected mobile end device be-
transferred. fore riding.
Route guidance cannot be Ensure that there is a data
started. connection to the mobile end
device and check the map data
on the mobile end device.
Front wheel Value Valid
Brake caliper on tele-
scopic forks
M10 x 65 28 lb/ft (38 Nm)
Quick-release axle in
telescopic fork
M20 x 1.5 37 lb/ft (50 Nm)
Clamping screw for
quick-release axle in
telescopic fork
M8 x 50 Tightening sequence:
Tighten the screws
6 times, alternating
between one and the
other each time
14 lb/ft (19 Nm)

Rear wheel Value Valid

Tighten rear wheel on
wheel flange
M10 x 1.25 x 40 Tightening sequence:
Tighten crosswise
44 lb/ft (60 Nm)

Gearshift lever Value Valid

Foot piece to
gearshift lever
M6 x 20 7 lb/ft (10 Nm)
Footbrake lever Value Valid
Foot piece on foot-
brake lever
M6 x 20 7 lb/ft (10 Nm)

Footrests Value Valid

Clamping block on
footrest hinge
M8 x 25 15 lb/ft (20 Nm)
Footrest on clamping
M6 x 20 / M6 x 12 7 lb/ft (10 Nm)

Handlebars Value Valid

Handlebar bridge on
fork bridge
M8 x 35 14 lb/ft (19 Nm)
M8 x 30 14 lb/ft (19 Nm) with prepa-
ration for
system OE
Recommended fuel quality Super unleaded (max 15%
ethanol, E0/E5/E10/E15)
89 AKI (95 ROZ/RON)
90 AKI
Alternative fuel quality Regular unleaded (restrictions
with regard to power and fuel
consumption.) (max 15%
ethanol, E0/E5/E10/E15)
87 AKI (91 ROZ/RON)
87 AKI
Fuel level Approx. 4.8 gal (Approx. 18 l)
Fuel reserve Approx. 1.1 gal (Approx. 4 l)
Fuel consumption 50 mpg (4.75 l/100 km), ac-
cording to WMTC
CO2 emissions 110 g/km, according to
Emission standard EU5
TIER 2, measured in accor-
dance with FTP75
Engine oil, capacity max 1.1 gal (max 4 l), with
filter replacement
Specification SAE 5W-40, API SL/
JASO MA2, Additives (for
instance, molybdenum-based
substances) are prohibited,
because they would attack
the coatings on engine
components, BMW Motorrad
recommends BMW Motorrad
ADVANTEC Ultimate oil.
Engine oil, quantity for topping max 0.8 quarts (max 0.8 l),
up Difference between MIN and
BMW recommends

Engine number location Lower right of engine block
beneath the starter
Engine type A74B12M
Engine design Air-cooled/liquid-cooled
two-cylinder four-stroke
opposed-twin engine with two
overhead, spur-gear-driven
camshafts, a counterbalance
shaft, and variable intake
camshaft control BMW Shift-
Displacement 1254 cc (1254 cm3)
Cylinder bore 4 in (102.5 mm)
Piston stroke 3 in (76 mm)
Compression ratio 12.5:1
Nominal capacity 134 hp (100 kW), at engine
speed: 7750 min-1
Torque 105 lb/ft (143 Nm), at engine
speed: 6250 min-1
Maximum engine speed max 9000 min-1
Idle speed 1050 min-1, Engine at operat-
ing temperature

Clutch design Multi-disk oil-bath clutch, slip-
per clutch

Transmission design 6-speed transmission with he-
lical cut dog ring gears
Transmission gear ratios 1.650 (33:20), Primary gear
2.438 (39:16), 1st gear
1.714 (36:21), 2nd gear
1.296 (35:27), 3rd gear
1.059 (36:34), 4th gear
0.943 (33:35), 5th gear
0.848 (28:33), 6th gear
1.061 (35:33), Transmission
output ratio

Type of final drive Shaft drive with bevel gears
Type of rear-wheel guide Cast-aluminum single swing
arm with BMW Motorrad Par-
Gear ratio of rear-wheel drive 2.818 (31/11 teeth)
Rear axle differential oil SAE 70W-80 / hypoid axle G3
Frame design Steel-tube frame with par-
tially self-supporting drive unit,
steel-tube rear frame
Location of type plate Frame at front left on steering
Location of the vehicle identifi- Frame at front right on steer-
cation number ing head

Front wheel
Type of front suspension Upside-down telescopic forks
Spring travel, front 5.5 in (140 mm), on front
Rear wheel
Design of rear-wheel Central spring strut with coil
suspension spring, adjustable rebound-
stage damping and spring
with Dynamic ESA OE ESA­2 with spring rate adjust-
Spring travel on the rear wheel 5.5 in (140 mm)

Front wheel
Type of front wheel brake Hydraulically operated twin
disk brake with 4-piston ra-
dial calipers and floating brake
Front brake pad material Sintered metal
Rear wheel
Type of rear wheel brake Hydraulically operated disk
brake with 2-piston floating
caliper and fixed brake disk
Rear brake pad material Sintered metal


Recommended tire combina- An overview of the current
tions tire approvals is available
from your authorized
BMW Motorrad retailer
or on the Internet at
Speed category of front/rear W, minimum requirement:
tires 168 mph (270 km/h)
Front wheel
Front wheel design Aluminum cast wheel
Front-wheel rim size 3.5" x 17"
Front tire designation 120/70 - ZR 17
Load index for front tire At least 58
Permissible front wheel load max 397 lbs (max 180 kg)
Permissible front-wheel imbal- max 0.2 oz (max 5 g)
Rear wheel
Rear wheel design Aluminum cast wheel
Rear-wheel rim size 5.5" x 17"
Rear tire designation 180/55 - ZR 17
Load index for rear tire At least 73
Permissible rear wheel load max 716 lbs (max 325 kg)
Permissible rear-wheel imbal- max 1.6 oz (max 45 g)
Tire inflation pressures
Front tire pressure 36.3 psi (2.5 bar), with cold
tires, one-up and two-up mode
36.3 psi (2.5 bar), Sporting
Rear tire pressure 42.1 psi (2.9 bar), with cold
tires, one-up and two-up mode
42.1 psi (2.9 bar), Sporting

Electrical rating of onboard max 5 A, all onboard sockets
sockets together
Fuse carrier 1 10 A, Slot 1: instrument clus-
ter, anti-theft alarm system (D-
WA), ignition lock, main relay
and diagnostic socket
7.5 A, Slot 2: left multifunction
switch, Tire Pressure Control
(TCP/RDC), yaw rate sensor
Fuse carrier 50 A, Fuse 1: Voltage regula-
Battery design AGM (Absorptive Glass Mat)
Battery voltage 12 V
Battery capacity 12 Ah
Spark plugs
Spark plugs, manufacturer and NGK LMAR8AI-10
Light sources
Bulb for high-beam headlight LED
Bulbs for low-beam headlight LED
Bulb for parking light LED
Bulb for taillight/brake light LED
Bulbs for flashing turn indica- RY10W / 12 V / 10 W


Activation time Approx. 30 s
Alarm duration Approx. 26 s
Battery type CR 123 A

Motorcycle length 86.7 in (2202 mm), over li-
cense-plate carrier
Motorcycle height 49.4...52.8 in (1255...1340 mm),
measured nominal: above
windshield, at DIN unladen
Motorcycle width 36.4 in (925 mm), with mir-
39.3 in (999 mm), with cases
Front-seat height 32.3 in (820 mm), without
driver at DIN unladen weight
with rider's seat, low OE 29.9 in (760 mm), without
driver at DIN unladen weight
with seat Sport OE 33.1 in (840 mm), without
driver at DIN unladen weight
Rider's inside-leg arc, heel to 72.4 in (1840 mm), without
heel rider at unladen weight
with rider's seat, low OE 67.7 in (1720 mm), without
rider at unladen weight
with seat Sport OE 73.8 in (1875 mm), without
rider at unladen weight

Unloaded vehicle weight 536 lbs (243 kg), DIN unladen
weight, ready for road, 90 %
full tank of gas, without OE
Gross vehicle weight 1014 lbs (460 kg)
Maximum payload 478 lbs (217 kg)

Maximum speed >124 mph (>200 km/h)
with touring case OA 112 mph (180 km/h)
with topcase OA 112 mph (180 km/h)

If you think that your motorcycle has a fault which may cause
an accident, injury or death, you must inform the NHTSA
(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) immediately and
BMW of North America, LLC.
If the NHTSA receives other similar complaints, it may open an
investigation. If it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of
vehicles, the NHTSA may order the manufacturer to perform a
recall and remedy campaign. However, the NHTSA cannot be-
come involved in individual problems between you, your autho-
rized BMW Motorrad retailer, or BMW of North America, LLC.
You can contact the NHTSA by calling the Vehicle Safety Hot-
line on 1–888–327–4236 (Teletypewriter TTY for the hearing
impaired: 1–800–424–9153) for free, by visiting the website at
http:// www.safercar.gov or by writing to Administrator, NHTSA,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590. Further infor-
mation on vehicle safety is available at http:// www.safercar.gov.
Canadian customers who wish to report a safetyrelated defect
to Transport Canada, Defect Investigations and Recalls, may call
the toll-free hotline 1–800–333–0510. You can also obtain other
information about motor vehicle safety from http:// www.tc.gc.ca/
BMW MOTORRAD SERVICE tenance intervals specified for
your motorcycle.
With its worldwide retailer net-
Have all preventive mainte-
work, BMW Motorrad can at-
nance and repair procedures
tend to you and your motor-
that have been carried out con-
cycle in over 100 countries
firmed in the "Service" chapter
around the globe. Authorized
in this manual. Documented
BMW Motorrad retailers have
proof of scheduled preventive
the technical information and
maintenance is essential for
expertise needed to reliably
generous treatment of claims
conduct all preventive mainte-
submitted after the warranty
nance and repair procedures on
period has expired (goodwill).
your BMW.
You will find the nearest You can obtain information
authorized BMW Motorrad on the contents of the
retailer at our website: BMW Motorrad Services from
bmw-motorrad.com your BMW Motorrad retailer.


Improperly performed main- Entries
tenance and repair work Maintenance work that has
Accident hazard caused by
been performed is recorded in
subsequent damage
the diagnostics and information
BMW Motorrad rec-
system. Like a Service Booklet,
ommends having
these entries provide proof of
corresponding work on the
regular maintenance.
motorcycle carried out by
If an entry is made in the vehi-
a specialized workshop,
cle's electronic Service History
preferably by an authorized
(eSH), service-related data is
BMW Motorrad retailer.
stored on the central IT sys-
To ensure that your BMW is tems of BMW AG in Munich,
always in optimum condition, Germany.
BMW Motorrad recommends When there is a change in
that you comply with the main- vehicle owner, the data entered
in the electronic Service
History can also be viewed
by the new vehicle owner. MAINTENANCE WORK
A BMW Motorrad retailer
BMW pre-delivery check
or specialist workshop can
The BMW pre-delivery check is
view the data entered in the
carried out by your authorized
electronic Service History.
BMW Motorrad retailer before
Objection it turns the motorcycle over to
At the BMW Motorrad retailer you.
or specialist workshop, the ve-
BMW Running-in check
hicle owner can object to the
entry of data in the electronic Carrying out the run-
Service History with the related ning-in check
storage of data in the vehicle 311...746 miles
and the transfer of data to the (500...1200 km)
vehicle manufacturer during his
time as the vehicle owner. In BMW MOTORRAD SERVICE
this case, no entry is made in BMW Motorrad Service is
the vehicle's electronic Service carried out once a year.
History. The scope of the services
performed may be dependent
on the age of the vehicle
and the mileage ridden.
The BMW Motorrad Mobility Your BMW Motorrad retailer
Services furnish you and your confirms that the service has
new BMW motorcycle with ex- been performed and enters the
tra security by offering a wide date for the next service.
array of assistance services For riders with a high annual
in the event of a breakdown distance traveled, it may be
(BMW Roadside Assistance, necessary to come in for
breakdown assistance, vehicle service before the entered date.
recovery and retrieval, etc.). In these cases, a corresponding
Contact your authorized maximum distance covered
BMW Motorrad retailer for will also be entered in the
additional information on confirmation of service. If
available mobility-maintenance this distance covered is
services. reached before the next service
appointment, service must be
performed sooner.
The service display in the
display reminds you of the
next service appointment
approx. one month or 620 mi
(1000 km) before the entered
More information on the topic
of service is available at:
The required scope of mainte-
nance work for your vehicle can
be found in the following main-
tenance schedule:

1 BMW break-in service (in- a Annually or every 6000 mi

cluding oil change) (whichever comes first)
2 Standard scope of b Annually or every
BMW Motorrad service 12,000 mi (whichever
3 Engine oil change with comes first)
filter c At first after one year,
4 Oil change in the bevel then every two years
5 Check valve clearance
6 Replace all spark plugs
7 Replace the air filter ele-
8 Oil change in the tele-
scopic forks
9 Change brake fluid in the
entire system
BMW Motorrad Service standard scope
The repair procedures belonging to the BMW Motorrad Service
standard package are listed below. The actual maintenance work
applicable for your vehicle may differ.
Performing the vehicle test using the BMW Motorrad diagnostic
Visual inspection of the clutch system
Visual inspection of the brake lines, brake hoses, and connec-
Checking the front brake pads and brake discs for wear
Checking the front wheel brake fluid level
Checking the rear brake pads and brake disc for wear
Checking the rear wheel brake fluid level
Checking steering-head bearing
Checking coolant level
Check side stand for ease of movement
Checking the tire pressure and tread depth
Checking the lighting and signal system
Functional check for engine starting suppression
Final inspection and road safety check
Set the service date and remaining distance using the
BMW Motorrad diagnostic system
Checking charging state of battery
Confirming the BMW Motorrad service in the vehicle literature
BMW pre-delivery check BMW running-in check
performed performed
on on
at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Stamp, signature Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature


BMW Motorrad Service

at km
Next service
or, if reached earlier
at km

Work performed
Yes No
BMW Motorrad Service
Engine oil change with filter
Oil change in rear bevel gears
Checking valve clearance
Replacing all spark plugs
Replacing air cleaner element
Oil change - telescopic fork
Changing brake fluid in entire system

Notes Stamp, signature

The table serves to provide evidence of maintenance and repair
work, as well as installed optional accessories and special cam-
paigns performed.
Work performed at km Date
Work performed at km Date
Declaration of
Radio equipment electronic United Arab Emirates
immobiliser (EWS4)

For all countries without EU

Technical information
Frequency Band: 134 kHz
(Transponder: TMS37145 /
Type DST80, TMS3705
Transponder Base Station IC) Philippiens
Output Power: 50 dBµV/m

Manufacturer and Address

BECOM Electronics GmbH
Address: Technikerstraße 1,
A-7442 Hochstraß

South Africa


Australia/New Zealand


Indonesia Taiwan


低功 電波 射性電機管 辦法
第十二條 經型式認證合格之低
功率射頻電 機,非經許可,公
司、商號或使用者均不得擅 自變
之特性及 功能。第十四條 低功
Dilarang melakukan perubahan
率射頻電機之使用不 得影響飛航
Spesifikasi yang dapat
Menimbulkan gangguan fisik 安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有
dan/atau elektromagnetik 干 擾現象時,應立即停用,並改
terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya 善至無干擾時方 得繼續使用。 前
業之無線電 通信。


Singapore Israel

‫מספר אישור אלחוטי של משרד התקשורת הוא‬

‫אסור להחליף את האנטנה המקורית של המכשיר‬
‫לעשות בו כל שינוי טכני אחר‬
United States (USA) Canada
Contains FCC ID: Contains IC:
ODE-MREWS5012 10430A-MREWS5012
FCC § 15.19 Labelling This device complies with part 15
requirements of the FCC Rules and Industry
This device complies with part Canada license-exempt RSS
15 of the FCC Rules and Industry standard(s). Operation is subject to
Canada’s licence-exempt RSS the following two conditions:
standard(s). Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and
(1) this device may not cause (2) this device must accept any
interference, and interference received, including
(2) this device must accept any interference that may cause
interference received, including undesired operation.
interference that may cause
undesired operation. Le présent appareil est conforme
aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
FCC § 15.21 Information to user
applicables aux appareils radio
Changes or modifications not exempts de licence. L'exploitation
expressly approved by the party est autorisée aux deux conditions
responsible for compliance could suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
void the user's authority to produire de brouillage, et
operate the equipment. (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit
RF Exposure Requirements accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le
To comply with FCC RF exposure
brouillage est susceptible d'en
compliance requirements, the
compromettre le fonctionnement.
device must be installed to
provide a separation distance of
at least 20 cm from all persons.


BMW Keyless Ride ID Device

USA, Canada:

Product name: BMW Keyless Ride ID

Device FCC ID: YGOHUF5750
IC: 4008C-HUF5750

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the

party responsible for compliance could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.

Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.


Declaration Of Conformity

We declare under our responsibility that the product

BMW Keyless Ride ID Device (Model: HUF5750)

camplies with the appropriate essential requirements of the article 3

of the R&TIE and the other relevant provisions, when used for its
intended purpose. Applied Standards:
1. Health and safety requirements contained in article 3 (1) a)
• EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011;
Information technology equipment-Safety
2. Protection requirements with respect to electromagnetic
compatibility article 3 (1) b)
• EN 301 489-1 (V1 .9.2, 09/2011 ), Electromagnetic
compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services;
Part 1: Common technical requirements
• EN 301 489-3 (V1.4.1, 08/2002) Electromagnetic
compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for short
range devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz
and 40 GHz
3. Means of the efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum
article 3 (2)
• EN 300 220-1 & -2 (V2.4.1, 05/2012), electromagnetic
compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM); Short range
devices (SRD); Radio equipment tobe used in the 25 MHz to
1000 MHz frequency range with power Ieveis ranging up to
500 mW;
Part 1: Technical characteristics and test methods.
Part 2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under
article 3.2 ofthe R&TIE directive
The product is Iabeted with the CE marking:

Velbert, October 15th, 2013

Benjamin A. Müller

Product Development Systems

Car Access and Immobilization -
Electronics Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst
GmbH & Co. KG
Steeger Straße 17, D-42551
Certification Tire Pressure
Control (TPC)


IC: 2546A-BC54MA4 IC: 2546A-BC5A4

This device complies with Part 15 Le présent appareil est conforme

of the FCC Rules and with aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
Industry Canada license-exempt applicables aux appareils radio
RSS standard(s).
exempts de licence. L'exploitation
Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: est autorisée aux deux conditions
(1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire
(2) This device must accept any de brouillage, et
interference received, (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit
including interference that accepter tout brouillage
may cause undesired radioélectrique subi, même si
le brouillage est susceptible
WARNING: Changes or d'en compromettre le
modifications not expressively fonctionnement.
approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the WARNING: Changes or
user's authority to operate the modifications not expressively
equipment. The term “IC:” before approved by the party responsible
the radio certification number only for compliance could void the
signifies that Industry Canada user's authority to operate the
technical specifications were met. equipment. The term “IC:” before
the radio certification number only
signifies that Industry Canada
technical specifications were met.
Declaration of
Radio equipment TFT instrument Argentina

For all Countries without EU C-24711

Technical information Brazil

BT operating frq. Range: Este equipamento opera em
2402 – 2480 MHz caráter secundário, isto é, não
BT version: 4.2 (no BTLE) tem direito a proteção contra
BT output power: < 4 dBm interferência prejudicial, mesmo
WLAN operating frq. Range:: de estações do mesmo tipo, e
2412 – 2462 MHz não pode causar interferência a
WLAN standards: sistemas operando em caráter
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n primário.
WLAN output power: < 20 dBm
Manufacturer and Address This device complies with Industry
Manufacturer: Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs
Robert Bosch Car Multimedia and part 15 of the FCC Rules.
GmbH Operation is subject to the
Address: Robert Bosch Str. 200, following two conditions:
31139 Hildesheim, Germany (1) this device may not cause
interference, and
(2) this device must accept any
Turkey interference, including
Robert Bosch Car Multimedia interference that may cause
GmbH, ICC6.5in tipi telsiz undesired operation of the device.
sisteminin 2014/53/EU Changes or modifications not
nolu yönetmeliğe uygun olduğunu expressly approved by the party
beyan eder. AB Uygunluk responsible for compliance could
Beyanı'nın tam metni, aşağıdaki void the user's authority to
internet adresinden görülebilir: operate the equipment.
Le présent appareil est conforme Mexico
aux CNR d'Industrie Canada La operación de este equipo está
applicables aux appareils radio sujeta a las siguientes dos
exempts de licence. L'exploitation condiciones:
est autorisée aux deux conditions (1) es posible que este equipo o
suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit dispositivo no cause interferencia
pas produire de brouillage, et (2) perjudicial y
l'appareil doit accepter tout (2) este equipo o dispositivo
brouillage radioélectrique subi, debe aceptar cualquier
même si le brouillage est interferencia, incluyendo la que
susceptible d'en compromettre le pueda causar su operación no
fonctionnement. deseada.

Korea Taiwan, Republic of

적합성평가에 관한 고시 根據 NCC 低功率電波輻射性電機
R-CMM-RBR-ICC65IN 管理辦法 規定: 第十二條
상호 : Robert Bosch Car 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電
Multimedia GmbH모델명 : 機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用
ICC6.5in 者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率
기자재명칭 : 특정소출력 무선기 或變更原設計之特性及功能。
기 第十四條
(무선데이터통신시스템용 무선기 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛
제조자 및 제조국가 : Robert
Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH /
제조년월 : 제조년월로 표기 前項合法通信,
이 기기는 업무용 환경에서 사용 指依電信法規定作業之無線電通
할 목적으로적합성평가를 받은 信。
기기로서 가정용 환경에 低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或
서 사용하는 경우 전파간섭의 우 工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電
려가 있습니 機設備之干擾。
เครื่องโทรคมนาคมและอุปกรณ์ น้ี
มีความสอดคล้องตามข้อกําหนดของ กทช.
(This telecommunication
equipments is in compliance with
NTC requirements)

United States (USA)

This device complies with
Industry Canada’s licence-exempt
RSSs and part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause
interference, and
(2) this device must accept any
interference, including
interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
Le présent appareil est conforme
aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitation
est autorisée aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit
pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
l'appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est
susceptible d'en compromettre le
A Brake fluid
Abbreviations and symbols, 4 Checking the front fill
ABS level, 165
Displays, 45 Checking the rear fill
Self-diagnosis, 122, 123 level, 166
Technology in detail, 140 Front expansion tank, 15
Accessories Rear expansion tank, 15
General notes, 192
Air filter Brake lever
Position in vehicle, 15 Adjusting the brake lever, 111
Ambient temperature Brake pads
Outside temperature Breaking in, 125
warning, 32 Checking the front, 163
Anti-theft alarm system Checking the rear, 164
Indicator light, 19, 36 Brakes
ABS Pro in detail, 143
Operating, 76 ABS Pro dependent on riding
Indicator and warning light mode, 128
Adjusting handlebar
, 46
Operating, 64 lever, 111
Operating element, 17 Adjusting the footbrake
Self-diagnosis, 124 lever, 112
Technology in detail, 143 Checking function, 162
Checking operation, 162
B Safety instructions, 127
Battery Technical Data, 221
Charge connected bat- Break-in, 124
tery, 182
Charging disconnected C
battery, 183 Chrome, 210
Indicator light for vehicle Paint preservation, 211
voltage, 33, 34 Case, 193
Installing, 184 Chassis
Maintenance instructions, 181 Technical Data, 221
Removing, 183 Check Control
Technical data, 223 Dialog, 25
Bluetooth, 94 Display, 25
Pairing, 94 Checklist, 120
Adjusting, 93
Clutch Emergency-off switch, 18
Adjusting clutch, 109 Operating, 60
Adjusting handlebar Engine
lever, 109 Drive malfunction warning
Checking operation, 167 light, 38
Technical Data, 220 Indicator light for engine
Coolant control, 39
Checking the fill level, 167
Starting, 121
Indicator light for excess
Technical Data, 219
temperature, 38 Warning light for electronic
Topping up, 167 engine management, 39
D Engine oil
Damping Checking the fill level, 160
Adjusting, 115 Electronic oil-level check, 37
Rear adjusting element, 14 Fill level indicator, 15
Deceleration, 100 Indicator light for engine oil
Diagnostic socket level, 37
Detaching, 187 Oil filler opening, 15
Fastening, 188 Technical Data, 219
Dimensions Topping up, 162
Technical Data, 224 Equipment, 5
Drive malfunction warning ESA
light, 38 Operating, 65
DTC, 100 Operating element, 17
Indicator and warning light
, 46 Fall sensor
Operating, 64 Indicator light, 44
Technology in detail, 143 Frame
DWA, 37 Technical Data, 221
Technical Data, 224 Front wheel stand
Dynamic Brake Control, 149 Attaching, 159
Technology in detail, 149 Fuel
Dynamic engine brake Fuel grade, 130
control, 145 Oil filler opening, 14
Refueling, 131, 132
E refueling with Keyless
Electrical system Ride, 133
Technical Data, 223
Technical Data, 218 Hill Start Control Pro
Fuel filler cap emergency Adjusting, 75
release, 134, 135 Operating, 74
Fuel reserve Technology in detail, 153
Indicator light, 49 Horn, 17
Range, 92
Fuses Ignition
Replacing, 186
Turning off, 55
Technical Data, 223
Turning on, 54
G Immobilizer, 58
Gearshift assistant, 125 Spare key, 55
Gear not trained, 50 Indicator lights, 19
Riding, 125 ABS, 45
Technology in detail, 151 Anti-theft alarm system, 36
ASC, 46
Hazard warning flasher Coolant temperature, 38
Operating, 62 Drive malfunction warning
Operating element, 17, 18 light, 38
Headlight DTC, 46
Headlight range, 109 DWA, 37
Headlight range adjust- Electronic engine manage-
ment, 14 ment, 39
Headlight courtesy delay Engine control, 39
feature, 54, 61 Engine oil level, 37
Heated grips Fall sensor, 44
Operating, 79 Fuel reserve, 49
Operating element, 18 Gear not trained, 50
Hill Start Control, 73, 153 Hill Start Control, 49
cannot be activated, 49 Keyless Ride, 33
Indicator and warning Layout, 25
lights, 49 Light control unit failed, 35
Operating, 73 Light source defect, 35
Technology in detail, 153 My Vehicle, 97
Turn on and off, 74 Outside temperature
warning, 32
Overview, 22
Tire pressure control
(RDC), 43
TPM Tire Pressure Moni- Operating headlight
tor, 41 flasher, 61
Vehicle voltage, 33, 34 Operating high beams, 61
Instrument cluster Operating the auxiliary
Ambient light sensor, 19 headlights, 62
Overview, 19 Parking lights, 61, 62
J Luggage
Jump-starting, 180 Loading information, 118
Keyless Ride, 33 Maintenance
EWS Electronic immobi- Maintenance schedule, 232
lizer, 58 Maintenance confirma-
If radio-operated key is tions, 233
lost, 58 Maintenance intervals, 230
Locking the steering lock, 56 Media
Operating, 104
Turning off the ignition, 57
Turning on the ignition, 57 Going to, 88
Unlocking fuel filler cap, 132 Mirrors
Unlocking the fuel cap, 133 Adjusting, 108
Warning indicator, 32, 33 Mobility Services, 230
Keys, 54, 56 Motorcycle
Care, 206
L Cleaning, 206
Lean angle, 100
Lashing down, 135
Light sources
Replace additional LED Parking, 129
Putting into operation, 211
headlight, 180
Storage, 211
Replace LED headlights, 180
Replacing LED tail light, 180 Installing the silencer, 177
Technical data, 224 Removing the silencer, 175
Turn indicators, 178 Multifunction switch
Warning indicator for Overview, left, 17
defective bulb, 35 Overview, right, 18
Headlight courtesy delay N
feature, 61
Operating, 102
Low-beam headlight, 61
Notice concerning current
Operating element, 17
status, 6
O Rear-wheel stand
Onboard computer, 97 Attaching, 160
Onboard vehicle toolkit Refueling, 131, 132
Position on vehicle, 16 Fuel grade, 130
Standard tool kit, 159 with Keyless Ride, 133
Operating focus Remote control
change, 89 Replacing the battery, 59
Outside temperature Rider's Manual (US Model)
Display, 32 Position on vehicle, 16
Overview of warning Riding mode
indicators, 27 Operating element, 18
Overviews, 100 Setting, 68
Indicator and warning Setting the PRO riding
lights, 22 mode, 69
Instrument cluster, 19 Technology in detail, 147
Left side of vehicle, 14 Road sign detection
Left-side multifunction Switching on or off, 91
switch, 17
My Vehicle, 97 S
Safety information
Right side of vehicle, 15 For riding, 118
Right-hand multifunction On braking, 127
switch, 18 Seat
TFT display, 23, 24 Height adjustment posi-
Underneath the seat, 16 tion, 16
P Seats
Pairing, 94 Lock, 14
Parking light, 62 Removing and installing, 80
Phone Service, 229
Operating, 104 Reporting safety defects, 228
Pre-Ride-Check, 122 Service History, 229
Pure Ride Service display, 50
Overview, 23 Shift lever
Adjusting the foot plate, 110
R ShiftCam, 154
Indicator lights, 43 Technology in detail, 154
Technology in detail, 150 Shifting flash, 76
Warning lights, 41 Adjusting, 76
Rear-wheel drive Overview, 125
Technical Data, 220 switching on/off, 76
Shifting gears Standards, 5
Shiftpoint light, 126 Suspension, 221
Upshift recommendation, 92 Transmission, 220
Socket Weights, 225
Information on use, 192 Wheels and tires, 222
Position on vehicle, 15 TFT display, 19
Spark plugs Operating, 88, 89
Technical Data, 223 Operating element, 17
Speed control Overview, 23, 24
Operating, 71 Selecting the display, 85
Speedometer, 19 Tire Pressure Control TPC/RDC
Spring preload Display, 40
Adjusting, 114 Tires
Rear adjusting element, 15 Breaking in, 125
Start, 121 Checking tire pressure, 168
Operating element, 18 Checking tire tread
Status bar, top depth, 168
Setting, 89, 90 Checking tread depth, 168
Steering lock Inflation pressure table, 16
Locking, 54 Inflation pressures, 223
Switching off, 129 Technical Data, 222
T Topcase
Tachometer, 19 Operating, 196
Tachometer, 91 Torques, 216
Technical data Traction Control
Anti-theft alarm system, 224 ASC, 143
Battery, 223 DTC, 143
Brakes, 221 Transmission
Clutch, 220 Technical Data, 220
Dimensions, 224 Troubleshooting chart, 214
Electrical system, 223 Turn signals
Engine, 219 Operating, 63
Engine oil, 219 Operating element, 17
Frame, 221 Operating element, right, 18
Fuel, 218 Type plate
General notes, 5 Position on vehicle, 15
Light sources, 224 V
Rear-wheel drive, 220 Values
Spark plugs, 223 Display, 25
Vehicle identification number
Position on vehicle, 15
Vehicle voltage
Indicator light, 33, 34
Warning lights, 19
Overview, 22
Payload table, 16
Technical Data, 225
Check wheel rims, 168
Checking rims, 168
Installing front wheel, 171
Installing rear wheel, 175
Removing front wheel, 169
Size change, 169
Technical Data, 222
Adjusting, 108
The descriptions and illustra-
tions in this manual may vary WARNING
from your own motorcycle's
Harmful substances
actual equipment, depending
Operating and preventive
upon its equipment level and
maintenance of a passen-
accessories as well as your
ger vehicle or off-road vehicle
specific national version. No
can expose you to substances
claims will be entertained as a
such as exhaust gases, car-
result of such discrepancies.
bon monoxide, phthalates
Dimensions, weights, fuel con-
and lead, which are known
sumption and performance
to the State of California to
data are quoted to the custom-
be carcinogenic as well as
ary tolerances.
The right to modify designs, detrimental to childbirth and
equipment and accessories is reproduction.
To minimize exposure, avoid
Errors and omissions excepted. breathing exhaust gases,
do not put the engine in
© 2021 Bayerische Motoren Neutral except as neces-
Werke Aktiengesellschaft sary, service your vehicle in
80788 Munich, Germany a well-ventilated area and
Reprinting, in whole or in wear gloves or wash your
part, is only permitted with hands frequently when ser-
the written permission of vicing your vehicle.
BMW Motorrad, Aftersales. Further information is avail-
Original Rider's Manual, printed able at:
in Germany. www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/
Important data for refueling:

Recommended fuel quality Super unleaded (max 15%
ethanol, E0/E5/E10/E15)
89 AKI (95 ROZ/RON)
90 AKI
Alternative fuel quality Regular unleaded (restrictions
with regard to power and fuel
consumption.) (max 15% ethanol,
87 AKI (91 ROZ/RON)
87 AKI
Fuel level Approx. 4.8 gal (Approx. 18 l)
Fuel reserve Approx. 1.1 gal (Approx. 4 l)
Tire inflation pressures
Front tire pressure 36.3 psi (2.5 bar), with cold tires,
one-up and two-up mode
36.3 psi (2.5 bar), Sporting use
Rear tire pressure 42.1 psi (2.9 bar), with cold tires,
one-up and two-up mode
42.1 psi (2.9 bar), Sporting use

You can find further information on all aspects of your vehicle at:

Order No.: 01 40 7 106 557

03.2021, 5th edition, 07

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