Random Forest
Random Forest
Random Forest
Abstract. Phishing has been a widespread issue for many years, claiming
countless victims, some of which have not even realized that they fell prey. The
sole purpose of phishing is to obtain sensitive information from its victims.
There have yet to be a consensus on the best way to detect phishing. In this
paper, we analyze web-based phishing detection by using Random Forest. Some
important URL features are identified and our study shows that the detection
performance with feature selection is improved.
1 Introduction
Phishing is a cyberattack rooted in scare tactics, with the sole purpose of eliciting
personally identifiable information (PII) from its victims. An attacker disseminates a
fraudulent version of a legitimate website, usually via email, telephone or text mes-
sages [1], in the hope that the victim would believe the claims made in the email.
A successful phishing attack can result in an attacker obtaining credit card details and
login information.
With the ever-increasing number of Internet users, comes even more data that needs
to be protected. This data includes login information and credit card information, both
of which are priceless to cyber criminals. These cybercriminals would try anything to
gain this information. One such way that has been overutilized is via phishing websites.
Phishing can occur in three forms: web-based phishing where a website is dupli-
cated to resemble a trusted website and tricks users into submitting sensitive infor-
mation [2]. Email-based phishing, where an attacker sends email to countless users
claiming some account issue, in hope some of them fall for it. Email phishing usually
involves web-based phishing as well [2]. Malware-based phishing where malicious
code is injected into a legitimate website and when the user visits that site, the mali-
cious soft-ware is installed on the user’s system [2].
Our paper focuses on web-based phishing detection and aims to identify the most
relevant subset of features that can accurately identify phishing URLs, using the
Random Forests classifier.
© ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2018
L. Meng and Y. Zhang (Eds.): MLICOM 2018, LNICST 251, pp. 470–479, 2018.
Detecting Phishing Websites with Random Forest 471
2 Related Work
Recent research in phishing detection saw the use of sophisticated approaches that all
prove worthwhile. We’ve studied four such approaches in an attempt to better the
current detection rate of phishing URLs.
One method proposed for the detection of phishing websites was the use of Public
Key Certificates. In an article by Dong et al. [2], they highlighted a method of using the
structure of the X.509 certificates to confirm phishing websites. Their method used
machine-learning to build a phishing detection system. This system contained a Cer-
tificate Downloader, Feature Extractor, Classification Executor and a Decision Maker.
A total of 42 features were selected based on the structure and content of the X.509
certificate. Decisions were made based on the output of six classification algorithms
including Naïve Bayes Tree and Random Forests. This model was an improved
alternative to traditional detection approaches, like blacklisting, as it could be run by
end users in real time. It also did not require frequent updates from a central server,
which eliminated any vulnerabilities users may have faced if they were using blacklists.
However, this model was susceptible to sophisticated learning attacks such as evasion
and poisoning.
Rao and Ali [3], developed a desktop application called PhishShield, which was
able to detect phishing URLs based on heuristics and whitelists. Decisions are made
based on Footer links with NULL values, Zero links in the body of the HTML, Copy-
right Content, Title Content and Website Identity. PhishShield prides itself on being
able to detect phishing sites that employ Image Based Phishing Attacks. Rao and Ali
also claim that a heuristic approach resulted in fewer false positives and false negatives.
Unfortunately, PhishShield fails when its parse, JSoup, fails and also when all the
filters are bypassed.
Rao and Pais [4] proposed a phishing detection approach that used automation of
human behavior. Their model would submit fake credentials to the suspected phishing
website in an attempt to determine if the site was indeed phishing. This approach was
able to detect phishing websites that used captcha verification on its login page and
those that contained embedded HTML text. One advantage over the other approaches
discussed so far is that this method does not require any data to be trained. However,
this approach can only detect phishing websites that use login pages.
Kumar et al. [5] proposed a datamining approach to extract URL links from emails.
The proposed algorithm had two phases to detect the phishing website: phase one
extracted all URLs from an email, the application (DC scanner) was used to verify the
domain authority and other information that might be hidden under the HTML code;
phase two checked that the web page sent the contents of a form to a web server. The
application verified that the URL links in the web page was the same as in the domain.
If the URLs pass all the checks in phases one and two, the email/link was deemed as
non-phishing website. Unfortunately, this design was unable to detect malware-based
phishing attacks.
472 S. Hutchinson et al.
3 Methodology
The aim of phishing websites is to trick users into submitting their private information
like login credentials or credit card information. Some of these websites are easily
recognizable as illegitimate but others require deeper analysis. One method of con-
ducting a deeper analysis of websites is to look at their URLs.
In order to detect phishing websites with high precision and recall, we carefully
select specific features that represent each URL. These features are used in training and
testing inputs. We divide this input into four different arrays: training input, training
output, testing input and testing output. We then use the training input array to train our
Random Forest classifier. Once the classifier is trained to accept the specific features
and make the appropriate decision, we used the testing input to test the classifier. This
process [9] is summarized in Fig. 1. These predictions are then evaluated based on
accuracy, precision, recall and F-score.
We’ve recorded these four scores for five different subsets of features and com-
pared them. Our goal was to find the subset of features that give the highest precision
and recall rates.
3.1 Data
We collected our training and test data from the UCI phishing dataset [6] that is
publicly available. This dataset contained 2456 unique URL instances and a total of
11,055 URLs of which 6,157 are phishing and 4,898 are legitimate sites. Each row
represented a URL and each URL was previously parsed and represented according to
30 features which could determine whether or not the URL is used for phishing or just
identify a specific feature as suspicious for a particular URL. The features considered
include whether or not an IP Address is used instead of a URL, the length of the URL,
the presence of link tags to the same domain as the webpage and whether or not the
webpage uses IFrames. At the end of each row, there is a result which identifies the true
nature of the URL, 1 if it is a phishing site and −1 if it a legitimate site.
Precision ¼ ð1Þ
Recall measures the number of positive instances that the classifier correctly
identified from the set of all positive instances. In other words, recall measures the
number of instances that were missed [1]. Recall is a measure of the classifier’s
completeness. For us, recall answers the question, “Of all the URLs that are truly
phishing, how many did we identify as phishing?” The formula to calculate recall is
given by Eq. 2 below.
Recall ¼ ð2Þ
Simply looking at a classifier’s precision and recall scores would not constitute a
substantial evaluation. As such, we include the F1 score, which is the weighted average
of precision and recall scores. The formula to calculate F1 Score is given by Eq. 3
F1Score ¼ ð3Þ
2TP þ FP þ FN
Accuracy, simply put, is the number of correct classifications made out of all
instances in the test data. The formula to calculate accuracy is given by Eq. 4 below.
Detecting Phishing Websites with Random Forest 475
Accuracy ¼ ð4Þ
TP þ TN þ FP þ FN
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is ideal for representing binary
classifications like this one. The curve is plotted with the False Positive Rate (FPR) on
the x-axis and the True Positive Rate (TPR) on the y-axis. The Area Under the ROC
Curve (AUC) shows how well the classifier is able to discriminate between phishing
and legitimate URLs. The formulas to calculate FPR and TPR are given by Eqs. 5 and
6 below.
FPR ¼ ð5Þ
TPR ¼ ð6Þ
3.5 Results
In this section we provide details on the performance of our classification model. As
previously mentioned, thirty (30) initial features were broken down into five subsets
and investigated. The overall performance of these subsets is reported in Table 1.
Sets C, D and E were able to achieve great precision and recall rates, above 91.5%.
Set E outperformed the other sets, achieving 97.1% precision and 94.8% recall. This set
produced results that surpass some previous research [1] and closely follow others [3].
High precision and recall rates are directly related to high quality feature selection.
Set A underperformed with 48.8% accuracy and 51.2% precision, while Set B pro-
duced average results, obtaining 76.9% accuracy and 71.5% precision. The increasing
performance of each set can be easily seen in Fig. 2.
Each set contained varying amounts of features. The relation between feature count
and performance is shown in Fig. 3. We can observe one profound characteristic: the
number of features is not as important as the importance of the features within the set.
Set B contained 21 features to obtain 76.9% accuracy while Sets C and E used 8 and 16
features respectively and achieved over 92% accuracy.
476 S. Hutchinson et al.
Set Performance
Set A Set B Set C Set D Set E
20 Accuracy
5 0.2
0 0
Axis Title
The ROC Curve is useful in showing the relationship between False Positive Rate
and True Positive Rate. The ideal case occurs when the curve has the shortest distance
to the upper left corner of the graph. The AUC is an important indicator of classifier
performance. We see the Random Forest classifier achieves the best AUC for Set E,
with 0.963. This is depicted in Fig. 4.
Detecting Phishing Websites with Random Forest 477
Fig. 4. ROC Curve and AUC for Random Forest classifier with Set E.
4 Discussion
In this section we further analyze the performance of Random Forest classifier with our
five Sets and identify some limitations of our model.
Intuitively, increasing the number of features tend to yield better results on the per-
formance. However, when we focused on selecting the features that were relatively
important, we reduced the feature count by over half compared to the total number of
features and were able to achieve better accuracy. This result indicates that adding more
features does not necessarily result in better accuracy and may introduce more com-
plexity that could downgrade the efficiency and performance of the classifier.
Our feature importance ranking was done using Random Forest’s feature_impor-
tances_ attribute. This resulted in 16 features with a rating 0.01 or greater. These 16
features held the most weight and so was expected to perform extremely well. As
evident by Set E’s performance, using only the most important features are enough to
increase the accuracy, precision and recall.
It was hoped that having binary input would make classification simpler for Ran-
dom Forest. However, Set B’s precision and recall scores, although good, were not
desirable. In contrast, Set C obtained surprisingly better results although only contain-
ing features that could take on 3 possible outcomes. This means that some features had
a value of zero, meaning that feature was suspicious, and not definitely phishing or
478 S. Hutchinson et al.
Set A was chosen based on the URL’s online presence rather than its structure. The
performance of this set simply reiterates that we cannot determine, without a doubt,
whether or not a website is phishing based solely on how long the site has been online,
how many people visit the site and whether or not a user can visit the site from doing a
Google search. These features are not substantial on their own.
We were restricted in the number and type of features under consideration. Had we
been able to alter these parameters, we could have included current phishing URLs as
reported by PhishTank. Another limitation of our method is that some of our subsets
were built based on our judgement of feature importance, including Sets A, B and C.
When we divide the dataset into training and testing sets, one technique we could
apply is k-fold cross validation. By partition our dataset into k-parts same sized sets,
then running separate testing and training evaluations on those sets, we are confident
that k-fold cross validation could significantly improve our assessment of the trained
5 Conclusion
We were able to improve the accuracy, precision and recall of the Random Forest
classifier by using select features from all 30 features. This highlights the significance
of first determining which features are most useful in determining whether a URL is
phishing. Our findings give several possibilities for improvement. As a further step, we
would include more features, find more important features, and combine all important
features in hopes of achieving near perfect accuracy, precision and recall. We would
also design our own URL parser, so as to be able to include more current phishing
URLs. In order to improve the method of selecting important features for testing, we
would employ forward feature selection and backward feature elimination methods.
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Detecting Phishing Websites with Random Forest 479
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