Health and safety executive defines a pressure system as such” A pressure system is one that
contains or is likely to contain a relevant fluid over .5 bar (
systems/about.htm). Scenario indicates that the screw compressor fitted into the fixed unit
feeding an air receiver operates at or above 2.5 bar pressure, which is above .5 bars. This
definition of pressure system also contains information about categorizing pressure systems and
compressed fixed air system is one type of such system, which is exactly what we have in the
The compressed air unit given in scenario has a capacity of over 250 bar litres (a system that
contains a volume of gas, which if released may reach to a pressure of 250 bars). According to
the approved code of practice L122 (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000), regulations are
not applicable on systems containing compressed has a lower capacity from 250 bar litres. The
compressed air unit in the scenario certainly attracts regulations, which makes this system a
pressure system (
Scenario also shows that the compressed air unit is fitted with a protective pressure valve.
Pressure valves are used to release pressure from compressed air systems in the events where
required pressure is exceeded beyond the limit. This very factor that a protective pressure valve
is installed in the unit makes it a pressurized system and this is also defined by Health and safety
executive (
The fixed air compressor unit has the ability to store energy at a high pressure and in this case
its air (Type of energy).
The fixed air compressor unit also contains pipe work and this is another factor which is making
this unit a pressurized system (
Task 1b:
Cover up must ensure that a written maintenance procedure (safe system of work-SSOW) is
available and it’s communicated to the maintenance team for information and instruction
This written procedure should in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for
maintenance of the air compressor unit (
The air compressor unit must be shut down for maintenance work and any stored or residual
energy should be vented to ensure that the system is under zero energy state.
The air compressor unit must be isolated from to protect the system from unwanted and
unexpected startups. This can be achieved by the application of lock out and tag out system.
Cover up must ensure that all isolations and verification of isolations are conducted by
competent appointed personnel. Keys of the locks should be placed under a box, controlled by a
competent LOTO administrator.
Normal operations within a plant require no permit to work but maintenance works are
conducted under a permit to work system and it’s a general industrial practice. Cover must
ensure that this maintenance job is conducted under a permit to work system.
The maintenance activity must be risk assessed. A careful review of the work area along with the
equipment must be conducted to identify all potential hazards. The risk assessment must
include these hazards along with a list of associated controls.
Notify all employees about the maintenance activity and the possible shut down of the pressure
system, so that they can remain alerted and schedule their tasks accordingly.
Cover up must ensure that resources are allocated to facilitate provision of control measures for
a safe and smooth job.
Consideration should be given to previous inspections and maintenance record if available. This
will help prevent any unwanted situation occurred in an early maintenance.
Cover up must ensure that suitable environmental conditions are provided for the maintenance
task. This must include a tidy and clean job site, so that the maintenance can be conducted in a
safe manner.
Cover up must engage a competent person to perform the maintenance task as this would
require certain expertise. Such competent workers are normally provided by the vendor
company of the compressed air unit.
If the maintenance tasks involve a confined space entry, cover up must arrange a separate
permit for confined space task. This should also require other arrangement such as atmospheric
gas testing, rescue equipment and communication devices etc.
Provide physical barricades and informative warning signs around the compressor unit to
prevent access for unauthorized personnel.
Cover up must ensure that emergency management plan is available with emergency protocols
in place to address an adverse situation during the maintenance task.
Ensure that team performing maintenance activity has access to the required job specific
personal protective equipment (PPE).
Task 1 c:
Cover up must initiate a predictive and preventive maintenance program for the fixed air
compressor unit. This will allow cover up to anticipate any issues and fixed these before they
become a problem or results in a failure of the system.
According to Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 approved code of practices (ACOP), the
pressure system should be properly designed and constructed from suitable material to prevent
danger ( Scenario shows that during operation,
the system generates a loud hissing noise. Cover up must ensure that the system have the
structural integrity to support the system while under pressure.
Scenario shows that the information plate on the compressor has become difficult to read. This
could be a result of poor housekeeping or with time the information has faded. Cover must
ensure that this information plate is in good condition for workers to read.
The operating procedure is kept in the office while it should be available adjacent to the
compressor. This will allow workers to get a quick reference, should they encounter any query
during operations.
All workers must be aware of the operating limits and under no circumstances; the safe limit
should be breached.
Cover up must ensure that the existing pressure relief valve is functioning appropriate and
additional pressure valves should be installed as part of the protective devices.
A leak detection system can be installed to identify any possible leaks at an early stage. Once
identified, an immediate repair job can be conducted to help prevent any system failure.
Workers should be able to operate the compressor unit in a safe manner. This means that
appropriate access should be provided to prevent climbing or overreaching on the compressor
unit. (
Cover up can installed electronic devices on the compressor unit. These electronic devices will
be triggered by an increase in the pressure or temperature beyond the permissible limits,
causing a system shut down (
It must be ensured that the protective devices are in good working condition and that they are
calibrated. (
No one should be allowed to alter, change and or remove protective devices until appropriate
authorization is availed. (
Only competent, trained and appointed crew members should be allowed to operate the
compressor unit.
All flexible hoses should be used in safe manner and each hose must contain information about
the pressure it contains. Information should also be available to identify outlets and inlets of
each hose.
Workers must be trained and compelled to regularly checking pressure gauges, so that relief
valves can be used in case of increase in the pressure.
Keep record of earlier incidents and maintenance to draw lessons learned. This will help prevent
any repeat of failure.
Task 2:
At cover up, a careful review of the scenario shows that structural steel framework along the
rails has been compromised. Flexing or binding at a certain point has been observed by workers
and with time it’s getting worst. In this condition the overhead crane should be out of service,
let alone planning for any lifts. The first and foremost step required in the planning phase is to
ensure that the structural integrity of steel frame is according to design and in good working
condition, which can be determined through a detailed inspection of the structure by a
competent engineer.
Apart from the structural integrity of supporting frame, an independent third inspection of the
crane should take place to determine suitability and functionality. This inspection will lead to a
decision that whether crane is deemed fit for any lifting tasks by certifying that crane is
structurally stable, rails are functioning appropriately, Load monitoring index (LMI) is operable
and all other components are working efficiently.
Overhead crane must undergo an internal inspection by competent personnel to ensure that
functionality is still intact.
Cover up must initiate a preventive maintenance program periodically to ensure that the
overhead crane is regularly maintained.
Apart from preventive maintenance program, any damage or breakdown must be fixed
immediately for a smooth operation.
Once established that the steel structure supporting crane weight and its movement is
adequate, a competent lifting supervisor or rigger must prepare a safe lifting plan. Lifting plans
should be in accordance with loads and other environmental factors affecting the lift job.
Lift plans should be prepared according to the load dimensions and configuration. For instance,
an awkward designed item might require special considerations in the lift plan, with the addition
of analyzing center of gravity of loads and information of lifting lugs or points.
The Lifting team must have information about starting point of the lift, duration of suspension
and where to put load after powder coating is over. This is useful information and it would help
lifting team to avoid any unwanted situation during lifting.
Cover up can plan on providing supports bearing capacity of more than two tones on ground to
rest load on it during powder coating operations. Scenario shows that loads are suspended
during coating operations, which could lead to complications. By providing these supports, load
suspension time can be reduced to a minimum.
ILO convention C167……………………………………………………………. Obligates employers to ensure that
all lifting gears (chains, shackles, webbings) and equipment are examined by competent
personnel. Scenario indicates that there is no such arrangement available at Cover up, which
may lead to future accidents.
By preparing safe lift plans, ensure that all loads are according to the crane capacity. Capacity
may wary considering certain factors, so ensure that all these aspects are accounted for during
preparation of lift plans.
Scenario shows that workers are assuming weights based on their own judgment before
conducting a lift using overhead crane. This practice should be stopped immediately and
appropriate consideration should be given to estimate weight of a load.
Scenario also shows that all workers are allowed to operate the overhead crane. Cover up must
put an end to this practice and they must ensure that a competent operator is using controls of
the overhead crane. Hiring of new competent personnel can be expensive but Cover up can
arrange training for their employees using an independent third party training program.
Scenario demonstrates that during warmer weather and while oven is operating, electrical
system trips often and causing the crane to stop midway in the process. This is possibly because
the electrical system is unable to bear the environmental condition caused by heat. The system
probably overheats and begins to trip. Cover up must ensure that a ventilation system or cooling
system is provided to ensure that ambient or atmospheric temperature is maintained.
The controls of crane must be fixed to wall and the appropriately housekeeping must be
conducted to ensure that the controls are not dirty.
Contrarily to the practice witnessed in the scenario, all lifting gears and equipment must be
place at a safe location to protect it from rust and other wear and tear.
Selection of lifting accessories, gears and tools should be in accordance with lifting plan and
must be decided by a competent rigger. Scenario shows that workers conduct this selection
according to their understanding, which is a bad practice.
Conduct a tool box meeting with involving operator and rigger to ensure that they understand
the lifting plan. This will also provide an opportunity to communicate any queries among the
lifting team.
A pre-start checklist should be filled after inspection of crane, lifting gears and other lifting
equipment. This is will ensure that suitable gears are used for the task and there is no wear and
tear in the equipment.
It must be ensure that emergency alarms, load indication alarms and movement alarms of crane
are working effectively.
A safe zone or a control access zone should be prepared by installation of barricades and
signage’s to prevent unauthorized entry and to provide information of the lifting task.
Operator must ensure that a trial lift is conducted to identify center of gravity and to assess any
During execution of lifting tasks, ensure that rated capacity of the crane is not exceeded.
Lifting tasks should be in accordance with the lifting plans and any deviation should be
Any change in circumstances, environment or a change in the weight of the load should initiate
a re-assessment of the lifting job. A fresh lifting plan should be prepared to ensure smooth
Maneuvering of loads must be established by the provision of double tagline system. This will
help move the load smoothly and safely.
Active supervision must ensure that walking and standing under suspended loads is strictly
Provide communication devices to crane operator and rigger, so that they can communicate
effectively during lifting task.
Prepare and implement an emergency response plan to help prepare workers for an adverse
event. Ensure that all workers are aware of this emergency plan and they understand standard
emergency protocol in case of an event.
Cover up must ensure that any incident or near is appropriately investigated and documented.
Lessons learned from such incidents must ensure that future lifts are performed in a safer
All lifting plans, competency certificates and inspection certificates should be kept in a well-
documented manner. This will not only ensure that these documents are readily available, but
such record could be handy during audits.
All workers involved in the lifting task must wear appropriate job specific Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).