Case Study: The Failure Analysis of Pipe ASTM A351 HK-40 in Reaction Plant Unit
Case Study: The Failure Analysis of Pipe ASTM A351 HK-40 in Reaction Plant Unit
Case Study: The Failure Analysis of Pipe ASTM A351 HK-40 in Reaction Plant Unit
Case Study: The Failure Analysis of Pipe ASTM A351 HK-40 in Reaction Plant
4 1,313
3 authors, including:
Eko Pujiyulianto
Universitas Gadjah Mada
All content following this page was uploaded by Eko Pujiyulianto on 08 September 2020.
Abstract The failure of pipe ASTM A351 HK-40 in Keywords ASTM A351 HK-40 Reaction plant unit
reaction plant unit has been reported. The failure occurs Sulfide corrosion Erosion Leakage
after 1.5 years in service. The present investigation aims to
analyze the main cause of the failure by conducting a
standard failure analysis test including chemical composi- Introduction
tion test, visual examination, microstructure examination
by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope– The process in the reaction plant unit is the converting of
energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM–EDS), x-ray fluid fuels into heat energy through heating reactions
diffraction, hardness Vickers and stress calculation. The assisted by a catalyst in a reactor. The function of the
sulfide corrosion, leakage and erosion were found at the reaction plant unit is to transfer the combustion fluid and
bottom of the longitudinal pipe ASTM A351 HK-40. The natural gas to another unit that is used as an energy source
results of this investigation suggest that the causes of in the industry. In the reaction plant unit, there is an
failure are the high content of the sulfide in the reactant, important part to support the work system such as the
and the high-temperature process up to 650 °C will ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe. ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe is a
potentially rapid the corrosion, the fluid flow and fluid pipe that is installed as a piping system in the reaction plant
phases will erode the surface of the pipe and form the leak unit that serves the fluid flow by changing the flow direc-
on the surface, and the formation of the sigma phase in the tion, the pressure and the temperature. As shown in
material. Thus, the other material used is suggested such as Table 1, the flowing fluid in ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe
ASTM A351 HP which has higher corrosion resistance and consists of H2S(g), CS2(g), CH4(g), etc. and the fluid tem-
heat resistance. perature reaches up to 650 °C. The high-temperature
process will be prone to corrosion, especially high-tem-
perature corrosion. Mostly, the corrosion in the reaction
F. Yushandiana E. Pujiyulianto (&) plant unit often occurs in the ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe, so
Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Mining Engineering, the failure of the ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe is faster than the
Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan
Nasional ‘‘Veteran’’ Yogyakarta (UPNVY), Yogyakarta 55283, planned lifetime design. In this case, the leakage occurred
Indonesia after 1.5 years in service where the planned lifetime design
e-mail: is 2 years.
F. Yushandiana ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe is heat-resisting alloy steel,
e-mail: and it is a kind of austenitic stainless steel with the main
alloying elements are iron–chromium–nickel [1]. Accord-
F. Yushandiana H. Setiana E. Pujiyulianto
Metallurgical Research and Development Centre (MRDC), ing to the ASTM standard [2], the initial word ‘H’ indicates
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ‘‘Veteran’’ Yogyakarta that the type of material is heat-resisting alloy steel, and the
(UPNVY), Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia second letter A until Y indicates the content of chromium
H. Setiana and nickel. ASTM A351 HK-40 steel is widely used in oil
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Thickness 16 mm
Minimum thickness 6.7 mm
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Fig. 2 The leakage from the inner surface of the ASTM A351 HK-40
Visual Examination
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Fig. 7 The microstructure of the ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe for the
bottom location with 1000 9 magnification
Microstructure Examination
As shown in Fig. 2, the pipe is cut from the top and the
bottom location for examining the microstructure and the
hardness of the pipe.
Figures 6 and 7 show the microstructure of ASTM A351
HK-40 pipe by microscope optic for the top and the bottom
location, respectively. The microstructure test in Figs. 6
and 7 shows that the phases for the top and the bottom
specimen location are austenite, carbide and sigma phase.
Figures 8 and 9 show the SEM and EDM results on the
ASTM A351 HK-40 pipe, respectively. The SEM results
show that the phases are austenite, carbide and sigma phase
which has the same result as in Figs. 6 and 7. The EDS
result shows that the Cr content is 21.19%, Mn is 1.12%,
Fe is 37.89% and Ni is 14.80%.
Corrosion Analysis
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Hardness Examination
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Fig. 16 The thickness vs. stress generated on the wall of the pipe
ASTM A351 HK-40
Fig. 14 The thickness of the corrosion layer
addition, the presence of the sigma phase which is brittle
and hard will accelerate the failure of the pipe.
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.