NPAT Syllabus
NPAT Syllabus
NPAT Syllabus
Structural Analysis: Statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/ energy methods;
Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames; Displacement
methods: Slope deflection and moment distribution methods.
Structures: Working stress and Limit state design concepts for concrete and steel structures.
Fluid Mechanics: Properties of fluids, fluid statics; Continuity, momentum and energy equations
and their applications; Potential flow, Laminar and turbulent flow; Flow in pipes, pipe networks;
Concept of boundary layer and its growth; Concept of lift and drag.
Soil Mechanics: Three-phase system and phase relationships, index properties; soil classification
systems; Permeability, Seepage, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping, capillarity, seepage force; Principle
of effective stress and quicksand condition; Compaction of soils.
Foundation Engineering: Sub-surface investigations, sampling, plate load test, standard penetration
and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure theories; Stability of slopes; Stress distribution in soils;
Pressure bulbs, Shallow foundations, effect of water table.