Envs 4
Envs 4
Envs 4
UNIT - 5
Minnows 0.1
Zooplankton 0.01
Water 0.000001
3. Cooling Towers:
(a) Wet cooling tower: Hot water is sprayed over
baffles. Cool air entering from sides takes away the
heat and cools water. This cool water can be
recycled or discharged. Large amount of water is
lost through evaporation and in the vicinity of wet
cooling tower extensive fog is formed which is not
good for environment and causes damage to
Fig. 5.5: (a) Floating containment barrier (boom); (b) Weirs for
removal of oil.
water. Several wells are drilled near the landfill site to monitor if
any leakage is contaminating ground water. Methane produced by
anaerobic decomposition is collected and burnt to produce
electricity or heat.
Composting: Due to shortage of space for landfill in bigger
cities, the biodegradable yard waste (keep separate from the
municipal waste) is allowed to degrade/decompose in oxygen rich
medium. A good quality nutrient rich environmental friendly
manure is formed which improves the soil conditions and fertility.
Incineration: Incinerators are burning plants capable of burning a
large amount of materials at high temperature. The initial cost is
very high. During incineration high levels of dioxins, furans, lead
and cadmium may be emitted with the fly ash of incinerator.
Dioxin level may reach many times more than in that
environment. For incineration of materials, it is better to remove
batteries containing heavy metals and plastic containing chlorine
before burning the material. Removal of plastics will reduce
dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Role of individual in prevention of pollution
The role of every individual in preventing pollution is of
paramount importance because if every individual contributes
substantially the effect will be visible not only at the community,
city, state or national level but also at the international level as
environment has no boundaries. It is the responsibility of the
human race which has occupied the commanding position to
protect the earth and provide conducive environment for itself and
innumerable other species which evolved on this earth. A small
effort made by each individual will have pronounced effect at the
global level. This justifies the proverb- “Think globally act
Each individual should change his/her life style in such a
way so as to reduce environmental pollution. It can be done by
following some of the following suggestions.
• Help in pollution prevention more than pollution control.
• Use ecofriendly products.
• Cut down the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) as these
destroy ozone layer. Do not use polystyrene cups that have
Geological processes like earthquakes, volcanoes, floods
and landslides are the normal events which have resulted in the
formation of the earth that we have today. They are, however,
feared as they result in severe consequences when they affect
human population. Humans have witnessed many such natural
hazards and have tried to learn to control these processes.
Earthquakes: Earthquakes occur due to sudden movements of
earth’s crust. The earth’s crust have several tectonic plates of solid
rock which slowly move along their boundaries. When friction
prevents these plates from slipping, stress builds up and results in
sudden fractures which can occur along the boundaries of the
plates or fault lines (planes of weakness) within the plates. This
causes earthquakes, (the violent, short-term vibrations in the
earth). The point on a fault at which the first movement occurs
during an earthquake is called the epicenter. The severity of an
earthquake is generally measured by its magnitude on Richter
Generally, the stream channels accommodate average
maximum stream flow. However, due to heavy rains or sudden
snow melt the quantity of water in streams exceeds their capacity
and water overflows the banks and causes inundation of the
surrounding land. This situation is called flood.
A flood generally doesn’t damage property or cause
causalities as compared to other natural disasters. However, it
causes a great economic loss as it causes widespread
contamination. Virtually anything the flood water touches gets
The main reasons of increasing severity and frequency of
floods are human activities. Constructing roads, parking space and
buildings cover earth’s surface and doesn’t allow infiltration of
water into the soil. This speeds up the runoff. Clearing forests for
agriculture also increases floods.
In India, Uttar Pradesh is considered to be among the worst
flood hit states of the country. It has nearly 20% of the total 40
million hectares of flood prone zone in the country.
Flood plains, the low lying areas which get inundated
during floods help to reduce floods. With the building up of the
flood control structures like building of flood walls, deepening of
river channels just transfers the problems downstream. Building
walls prevents spilling out the flood water over flood plains.
Rather it increases the velocity of water to affect the areas
downstream with force.
To check floods, many people are of the opinion that
money should be spent to restore wetlands, replace ground cover
on water-courses, build check-dams on small streams, move
buildings off the flood plains etc. Instead of raising buildings on
flood plains, it is suggested that floodplains should be used for
wildlife habitat, parks, recreational areas and other uses, which are
not susceptible to flood damage.
Landslide occurs when coherent rock of soil masses move
downslope due to gravitation pull. Slow landslips don’t cause
much worry but sudden rockslides and mudslides are dangerous.