Iso 8996 - 2021

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Norma Española

UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021

Idioma: Inglés

Ergonomía del ambiente térmico. Determinación de la

tasa metabólica (ISO 8996:2021). (Ratificada por la
Asociación Española de Normalización en febrero de

Asociación Española
de Normalización
Génova, 6 - 28004 Madrid
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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021

Ergonomía del ambiente térmico. Determinación de la tasa metabólica (ISO

8996:2021). (Ratificada por la Asociación Española de Normalización en febrero de

Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Determination of metabolic rate (ISO 8996:2021) (Endorsed by
Asociación Española de Normalización in February of 2022.)

Ergonomie de l'environnement thermique - Détermination du métabolisme énergétique (ISO 8996:2021)

(Entérinée par l'Asociación Española de Normalización en février 2022.)

En cumplimiento del punto de las Reglas Internas de CEN/CENELEC Parte 2, se ha

otorgado el rango de documento normativo español UNE al documento normativo europeo
EN ISO 8996:2021 (Fecha de disponibilidad 2021-12-22)

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Este anuncio causará efecto a partir del primer día del mes siguiente al de su publicación en
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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021



ICS 13.180 Supersedes EN ISO 8996:2004

English Version

Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Determination

of metabolic rate (ISO 8996:2021)
Ergonomie de l'environnement thermique - Ergonomie der thermischen Umgebung - Bestimmung
Détermination du métabolisme énergétique (ISO des körpereigenen Energieumsatzes (ISO 8996:2021)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 3 December 2021.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
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United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2021 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 8996:2021 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
EN ISO 8996:2021 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 3

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
EN ISO 8996:2021 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN ISO 8996:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159
"Ergonomics" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 122 “Ergonomics” the secretariat of
which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2022, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by June 2022.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN ISO 8996:2004.

Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards
body/national committee. A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the
United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice

The text of ISO 8996:2021 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 8996:2021 without any modification.

Este documento ha sido adquirido por UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID -BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSITARIA a través de la suscripción a AENORmás.
Para uso en red interna se requiere de autorización previa de AENOR.
UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 The units........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
5 The four levels of methods for estimating the metabolic rate............................................................................. 1
6 Level 1, Screening: classification of metabolic rate by categories................................................................... 3
7 Level 2, Observation.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7.1 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate for a given activity...................................................................................................... 3
7.2 ​Evaluation of the mean metabolic rate over a given period of time........................................................ 4
7.3 Accuracy........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
8 Level 3, Analysis.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8.1 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate using heart rate............................................................................................................. 4
8.1.1 Principle of the method................................................................................................................................................. 4
8.1.2 Determination of the (HR–M) relationship for purely dynamic muscular
work................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.1.3 ​Evaluation of the metabolic rate as a function of HR in real situations............................. 6
8.2 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by accelerometry......................................................................................................... 7
9 Level 4, Expertise................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
9.1 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by measurement of oxygen consumption rate.................................. 8
9.1.1 Partial and integral method...................................................................................................................................... 8
9.1.2 Evaluation of metabolic rate from oxygen consumption rate................................................. 10
9.1.3 ​Evaluation of oxygen uptake................................................................................................................................. 11
9.1.4 Calculation of metabolic rate................................................................................................................................. 13
9.2 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by the doubly labelled water method for long term
measurements...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.3 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by direct calorimetry — Principle............................................................ 14
Annex A (informative) Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 1, Screening..................................................... 15
Annex B (informative) Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 2, Observation............................................... 17
Annex C (informative) Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 3, Analysis.......................................................... 21
Annex D (informative) Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 4, Expertise...................................................... 23
Annex E (normative) Correction of the heart rate measurements for thermal effects............................... 25
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159, Ergonomics, Subcommittee
SC 5, Ergonomics of the physical environment, in collaboration with the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 122, Ergonomics, in accordance with the
Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 8996:2004), which has been technically
The main changes to the previous edition are as follows:
— The metabolic rate associated with a given task and estimated using the methods described in this
document is expressed in watts.
— At level 1, Screening, the method classifying metabolic rate according to occupation has been
removed, and revised procedures are provided for the evaluation of metabolic rate for given
activities (level 2, Observation) and when using heart rate (level 3, Analysis).
— The accuracy of the methods for estimating the metabolic rate has been reevaluated in light of
the recent literature and consequently the integral method is no longer recommended at level 4,
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

The metabolic rate, as a conversion of chemical into mechanical and thermal energy, measures the
energetic cost of muscular load and gives a quantitative estimate of the activity. Metabolic rate is an
important determinant of the comfort or the strain resulting from exposure to a thermal environment.
In particular, in hot climates, the high levels of metabolic heat production associated with muscular
work aggravate heat stress, as large amounts of heat need to be dissipated, mostly by sweat evaporation.
On the contrary, in cold environments, high levels of metabolic heat production help to compensate for
excessive heat losses through the skin and therefore reduce the cold strain.
The estimations, tables and other data included in this document concern the general working
population. Corrections can be needed when dealing with special populations, including children, aged
persons or people with physical disabilities. Personal characteristics, such as body mass, may be used if
the body is moved due to walking or climbing (Annex B). Gender, age and body mass are considered in
Annex C for the evaluation of the metabolic rate from heart rate.

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021

Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Determination

of metabolic rate

1 Scope
This document specifies different methods for the determination of metabolic rate in the context of
ergonomics of the thermal working environment. It can also be used for other applications, e.g. the
assessment of working practices, the energetic cost of specific jobs or sport activities and the total
energy cost of an activity. The methods are classified in four levels of increasing accuracy: level 1,
Screening, with a table giving examples of activities with low, moderate and high metabolic rates; level
2, Observation, where the metabolic rate is estimated by a time and motion study; level 3, Analysis,
where the metabolic rate is estimated from heart rate recordings or accelerometers measurements;
and level 4, Expertise, where more sophisticated techniques are described. The procedure to put into
practice these methods is presented and the uncertainties are discussed.

2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​

4 The units
The metabolic rate associated with a given task and estimated using the methods described in this
document shall be expressed in watts.
If the task does not involve displacements, the metabolic rate will not vary as a function of the size and
the weight of the subject. If it involves displacements, then the weight of the person shall be taken into
account (see Annex B).
As the heat associated to this metabolic rate and produced inside the body leaves it essentially through
the skin, thermophysiologists usually express the metabolic rate per unit of body surface area in W⋅m−2
and the estimations of thermal comfort and thermal constraints described in ISO 7243, ISO 7730,
ISO 7933 and ISO 11079 are done using metabolic rates in W⋅m−2.

5 The four levels of methods for estimating the metabolic rate

The mechanical efficiency of muscular work – called the ‘useful work’ – is low. In most types of industrial
work, it is so small (a few per cent) that it is assumed to be nil. This means that the energy spent while
working is assumed to be completely transformed into heat. For the purposes of this document, the
metabolic rate is assumed to be equal to the rate of heat production.
Table 1 lists the different approaches presented in this document for determining the metabolic rate.

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

These approaches are structured following the philosophy exposed in ISO 15265 regarding the
assessment of exposure. Four levels are considered:
— Level 1, Screening: a method simple and easy to use is presented to quickly classify as light, moderate,
high or very high the mean workload according to the kind of activity.
— Level 2, Observation: a time and motion study is presented for people with full knowledge of the
working conditions but without necessarily a training in ergonomics, to characterize, on average, a
working situation at a specific time:
A procedure is described to successively record the activities with time, estimate the metabolic
rate of each activity using formulae and data presented in Annex B and compute the time-weighted
average metabolic rate.
— Level 3, Analysis: one method is addressed to people trained in occupational health and ergonomics
of the thermal environment. The metabolic rate is evaluated from heart rate recordings over a
representative period. This method for the indirect evaluation of metabolic rate is based on its
relationship with heart rate under defined conditions. Another method at this level is based on the
use of accelerometery to record body movement.
— Level 4, Expertise: three methods are presented. They require very specific measurements made by
— Method 4A: the oxygen consumption measured over short periods (10 min to 20 min);
— Method 4B: the so-called doubly labelled water method aiming at characterizing the average
metabolic rate over much longer periods (1 week to 2 weeks);
— Method 4C: a direct calorimetry method.

Table 1 — Levels for the evaluation of the metabolic rate

Level Method Uncertainty Inspection of the work place
1 Classification according to Rough information
Not required
Screening activity Very great risk of error
2 High error risk
Time and motion study Required
Observation Uncertainty: ± 20 %
3A: Heart rate measure- Medium error risk
3 ment under defined condi- Study required to determine a rep-
tions Uncertainty: ± 10 to 15 % resentative period
3B: Accelerometry High risk of error
4A: Measurement of oxygen Errors within the limits of
Time and motion study necessary
consumption the accuracy of the meas-
urement or of the time and
4B: Doubly labelled water motion study, if assumptions Inspection of work place not re-
(9.1.1, 9.1.4) are met quired, but leisure activities shall
4 be evaluated.
Uncertainty: ± 5 %
Expertise Errors within the limits of
the accuracy of the meas-
urement or of the time and Inspection of work place not
4C: Direct calorimetry
motion study required.
Uncertainty: ± 5 %

The uncertainty of each method is provided in Table 1 as coefficient of variation (CV), i.e. the percentage
ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, and should be understood as indicative values, which can
increase due to non-controlled influences discussed as follows. The accuracy at each level is discussed
in describing the methods in Clauses 6 to 9. It increases from level 1 to level 4 and, as far as possible, the
most accurate method should be used.

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

Attention should be drawn to various sources of variations:

— For a person trained in the activity, the variation is about 5 % under laboratory conditions.
— Under field conditions, i.e. when the activity to be measured is not exactly the same from test to test,
a variation of up to 20 % can be expected.
— In cold conditions, an increase of up to 400 W can be observed when shivering occurs.
— Heavy clothing can also increase the metabolic rate by 20 % or more, by increasing the weight
carried by the subject and decreasing the subject's ease of movement.
The accuracy depends also upon the following:
— The representativeness of the time period observed.
— The possible disturbance of the normal activity by the observer and/or the procedure. In this
regard, the method based on heart rate recordings appears to be one that interferes the least with
the activity.
— The number of measurements: repetition is one method to reduce random measurement error.
Based on the CV of an unbiased estimate, the formula (actual CV/requested CV)2 approximates
the required number of repetitions (Vogt et al., 1976). This implies that in order to achieve a 10 %
uncertainty level, two measurements would be necessary with a method actually providing 14 %,
while four repetitions would be needed with 20 % uncertainty, and nine with 30 %. Of course,
this improvement will only work if no systematic errors are inherent. It is recommended that the
metabolic rate from all the samples is evaluated and the mean value adopted as the metabolic rate
of the condition studied.

6 Level 1, Screening: classification of metabolic rate by categories

The metabolic rate can be estimated approximately using the classification given in Annex A. Table A.1
defines five classes of metabolic rate: resting, low, moderate, high and very high. For each class, a range
of metabolic rate values is given as well as a number of examples. These activities are supposed to
include short rest pauses.
An inspection of the work place is not necessary.
The examples given in Table A.1 illustrate the classification.
As the method provides only a rough estimate of the metabolic rate with considerable possibilities
for error, it should only be used for classification purposes without interpolation between the four

7 Level 2, Observation

7.1 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate for a given activity

Annex B gives mean values or formulae for estimating the metabolic rate in watts in the following cases:
— at rest;
— for activities with displacements:
— when walking with or without load at < 6 km⋅h−1;
— when running with or without load at ≥ 6 km⋅h−1;

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
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— when going up or down stairs and ladders;

— for activities without displacement
— when lifting or lowering loads without displacement;
— from the observation of the body segment involved in the work: both hands, one arm, two arms,
the entire body, taking into account the body posture: sitting, kneeling, crouching, standing,
standing stooped;

7.2 ​Evaluation of the mean metabolic rate over a given period of time
To evaluate the average metabolic rate over a given period of time, it is necessary to carry out a detailed
study of the work. This involves:
— determining the list of activities performed during this period of time;
— estimating the metabolic rate for each of these activities, taking account of their characteristics
and using the data in Annex B, e.g. speed of displacement, heights climbed, weights manipulated,
number of actions carried out;
— determining the time spent at each activity over the whole period of time considered.
The time-weighted average metabolic rate for the time period can then be evaluated using Formula (1):
M= ∑
T i =1
Mi t i (1)


M is the average metabolic rate for the work cycle, W;

Mi is the metabolic rate for activity i, W;

ti is the duration of activity i, min;

T is the total duration, min, of the period of time considered, and is equal to the sum of the partial
durations ti.
The procedure of this time and activity evaluation is further described in Annex B.
The time and duration of the study shall be representative of the activity in all its possible variations:
the duration may be rather short if the work cycle is short and repetitive, and very long when the
activities change permanently.

7.3 Accuracy
The accuracy of the time and activity procedure depends upon the accuracy of the formulas used (see
Annex B), but mostly upon the level of training of the observers and their knowledge of the working
conditions: the possibility for errors is high.

8 Level 3, Analysis

8.1 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate using heart rate

8.1.1 Principle of the method

In the case of pure dynamic work using major muscle groups, with no static muscular, thermal and
mental loads, the metabolic rate may be estimated by measuring the heart rate while working. Under

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

such conditions, a linear relationship exists between the metabolic rate and the heart rate. If the above-
mentioned restrictions are taken into account, this method can be more accurate than the level 1 and
level 2 methods of evaluation (see Table 1) and is considerably less complex than the methods listed in
level 4. In that case, the relationship between heart rate and metabolic rate is shown in Formula (2):
M = a + b HR (2)


M is the metabolic rate, W;

HR is the heart rate measured, beats⋅per min;

a and b are coefficients

The heart rate may be recorded continuously, for example by the use of telemetric equipment, or, with a
reduction in accuracy, measured manually by counting the arterial pulse rate.
The mean heart rate may be computed over fixed time intervals, for example 1 min, over a given period
of time or over the whole shift time.
The accuracy of this estimation of the metabolic rate depends upon:
— the accuracy and validity of the relation in Formula (2);
— the magnitude of the HR components not linked to the dynamic muscular load.

8.1.2 Determination of the (HR–M) relationship for purely dynamic muscular work

The (HR–M) relation can be determined by different methods of decreasing accuracy:

a) The most accurate method consists of recording the heart rate and corresponding oxygen
consumption at different effort levels during a cardiac stress test, for example on an ergometer or
a treadmill in a thermically neutral environment. The (HR−M) relation can be used provided the
durations of the efforts at each level are such that stable HR and oxygen consumption values are
Studies showed that when the cardiac test consists of manual crank efforts, instead of cycling on
a bicycle or walking on a treadmill the metabolic rate for the same HR value is 23 % to 30 % lower
and the validity of (HR−M) will be limited to activities involving only the upper body and limbs.
Conversely, the (HR–M) relation derived from tests on an ergometer or treadmill will mainly be
valid for activities involving the lower limbs and the entire body.
This method of determination of the (HR–M) relationship is very strenuous and may only be
performed in a medical environment.
b) A simpler procedure consists of recording the stable heart rate during a few dynamic efforts whose
metabolic rates are known. The step-test method is an example of such a procedure, as well as the
use of the Astrand-Rythming nomogram. The accuracy is then reduced as the oxygen consumption
is not measured.
When such step test or full cardiac stress tests are used, the (HR−M) relation characterizes the
subject at the time of the test and obviously takes into account his or her fitness and health status
at this time.
c) When the methods in a) and b) cannot be used, (HR–M) can be derived from evaluations of:
— the heart rate at rest under neutral thermal conditions, HR0, beats⋅min−1;
— the metabolic rate at rest, M0, W;

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UNE-EN ISO 8996:2021
ISO 8996:2021(E)

— the maximum working capacity (MWC), W;

— the maximum heart rate HRmax, beats⋅per min;
— the increase in heart rate per unit of metabolic rate: RM = (HRmax − HR0)/(MWC − M0).
The (HR−M) relation is then given by Formula (3):
M = M0 + (HR − HR0)/RM (3)

The accuracy of this relation is a function of the validity of the measurements or estimations of
HR0, M0, HRmax and MWC. Annex C proposes formulae for estimating these four parameters as a
function of the sex, age, lean weight and height of an “average” person of “average” fitness.
d) An even simpler method is to use direct evaluations of the (HR–M) relationship such as provided
in Table C.1 for women and men with ages ranging from 20 years to 65 years and body masses
ranging from 40 kg to 110 kg. The precision is then further reduced.

8.1.3 ​Evaluation of the metabolic rate as a function of HR in real situations

In any given situation, the heart rate at a given time can be regarded as the sum of several components,
as shown in Formula (4):
HR = HR0 + ∆HRM + ∆HRS + ∆HRT + ∆HRN + ∆HRε (4)


HR0 is the heart rate, in beats per minute, at rest under neutral thermal conditions;

∆HRM is the increase in heart rate, in beats per minute, due to dynamic muscular load, under neutral
thermal conditions;

∆HRS is the increase in heart rate, in beats per minute, due to static muscular work (this component
depends on the relationship between the force used and the maximum voluntary force of the
working muscle group);

∆HRT is the increase in heart rate, in beats per minute, due to heat stress (the thermal component
is discussed in ISO 9886);

∆HRN is the increase in heart rate, in beats per minute, due to mental load;

∆HRε is the change in heart rate, in beats per minute, due to other factors, for example respiratory
effects, circadian rhythms, dehydration.
When these evaluations made using this model are compared with data recorded in the field, differences
will usually be observed due to the factors listed in Clause 5 and the following factors.
— The fact that the work is performed in a hot environment that can lead to a significant increase
of HR: the error on the evaluation of M can then rise dramatically (Bröde and Kampmann, 2019).
To eliminate or at least reduce the resulting error, the HR recordings should be made in a neutral
environment, that is, in thermal conditions in which the core temperature does not increase and
these thermal HR components do not exist. If it is not possible, the heart rate measurements shall be
corrected for thermal effects by the procedure described in Annex E.
— The fact that the work performed by the subject is not purely dynamic and that the HR components
due to, for example, static work, stress and mental load can be important. As these components
cannot be evaluated and subtracted, the estimated M value will be an overestimation of the true
energy expenditure. In a cold environment, this overestimation will result in an underestimation of
the risk for the people exposed, while in the case of heat stress (even after the mandatory correction

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for the heat component of HR) it will lead to a prediction of a greater risk and therefore result in an
increased protection of the people.
— The fitness of the subject influences strongly his or her MWC and therefore the (HR–M) relation.
The MWC can vary from the average roughly by +40 % for fit people (percentile 95 of the working
population) to −40 % for unfit people (percentile 5 %) (Kaminsky, 2015).
— The individual determination of MWC during a cardiac stress test helps to maintain the intended
level of accuracy in field situations concerning populations different from the average person (Arab
et al., 2020).
In any case, it should be noted that the HR values, including all the possible components, as well as the
metabolic rates estimated from them, reflect the global strain of the person and therefore can be used
to estimate the strenuousness of the task or job for that person.

8.2 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by accelerometry

The increase of metabolic rate above resting is typically linked to an increased rate of body movement.
This increase in movement can be assessed using accelerometers that can be placed on the trunk (e.g.
step counters) or on a number of body locations, allowing additional assessment of movement of arm
and legs. Due to the increasing focus on physical activity and health, the use of accelerometers for the
determination of total daily energy expenditure (TEE) or activity-based energy expenditure (AEE) has
grown dramatically over the last 10 years. In part this was stimulated by the incorporation of such
devices in small fitness monitoring devices, often linked to mobile phone apps, the widespread use of
simple pedometers for personal activity monitoring, and the increased use of research-based systems
for tracking activity and metabolic rate.
Due to the proprietary nature of many of these devices, in most cases the underlying calculations to get
from accelerometry data to energy expenditure are not publicly available.
Research-based systems are using a range of technologies, with a move from using piezoelectric
sensors, that are unable to detect the field of gravity and thus cannot identify the body position, to
piezo-resistive and capacitive sensors, which do measure the gravitational field, and thus are able to
identify posture (standing, sitting or lying). Some systems use single accelerometers, while others use
multiaxial systems or even several sensors placed on different body parts. Systems vary in sampling
frequency, mass (8 g to 200 g), sensor location(s) on the body and dynamic range (a range of −6 g to
+6 g has been recommended). Several research systems use additional information, either static
information on the person (body mass, height, age, gender) and dynamic measurements (heart rate,
skin temperature, surface-based core temperature estimate, galvanic skin response, heat flux), though
the latter do not necessarily lead to improved predictions of energy expenditure.
A multitude of research systems has been validated against doubly labelled water measurements (see
9.2) over several days (Plasqui et al., 2013; Plasqui and Westerterp, 2007). Correlations of accelerometer
outcomes (step counts, activity levels, AEE, TEE) and doubly labelled water measurements obtained
showed large variations between studies and equipment types, with correlations ranging from non-
significant to 0,91. While mean differences at group level between doubly labelled water and TEE or
AEE were often small, variability was quite large. Though some systems can be used effectively for
longer-term metabolic rate estimations, less information is available on using such systems for short
work periods. In addition, the work type is important as, for example, sitting hand or arm work is not
detected as activity by most systems.
The accuracy of the evaluation using accelerometers is highly dependent upon the material used and
the method appears to be more appropriate for long-term than short-term evaluation.

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9 Level 4, Expertise

9.1 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by measurement of oxygen consumption rate

9.1.1 Partial and integral method

The metabolic rate has traditionally been evaluated by two main methods:
— the partial method, to be used for light and moderately heavy work;
— the integral method, to be used for heavy work of short duration.
The use of the partial method is justified under the following assumption:
— In the case of light and moderate work, the oxygen uptake reaches a steady state equal to the oxygen
requirement after a short period of work (Figure 1).
— This assumption holds as long as body temperature will not change, additional types of muscle
fibres are not recruited during work or lactic acidosis will occur.
Otherwise, a slow component of oxygen uptake will show up (e.g. Gaesser and Poole, 1996; Barstow and
Molé, 1991; see Figure 2) and by this the value of the energetic equivalent (EE) to be used to estimate
metabolic rates (see 9.1.2 and 9.1.4) can be dubious, and in total lead to an overestimation of metabolic
rates, whereas oxygen uptake rate will be measured correctly.
When a “slow component” is present (Figure 2), there will be no steady state in the measured oxygen
uptake at a constant work rate for some time, and the value therefore can depend on the time of the
measurement. Thus, the slow component can lead to an overestimation of metabolic rates as well as
oxygen uptake rates for a given workload.
An increase of body temperature can be observed well below an oxygen uptake of 1 l O2⋅min−1 and
will lead to an increased oxygen uptake due to the Q10-effect. Q10 is defined as “ratio of the rate of
a physiological process at a particular temperature to the rate at a temperature 10 °C lower” and
increases oxygen uptake by 7 % per degree rise in core temperature with typical Q10 = 2.
Figure 1 shows the procedure to be followed when using the partial method.
Since the steady state is only reached after 3 min to 5 min, the collection of expired air starts after
about 5 min (preliminary period), without interrupting the work. The work continues for 5 min to
10 min (measurement period). Air collection can be either complete (e.g. with a Douglas bag) or by
regular sampling (e.g. with a gas meter). It is stopped when sufficient expired air has been sampled or,
for example, when workload changes.

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X time, min 4 preliminary period
Y oxygen uptake rate, l/min 5 measurement period
1 oxygen uptake rate required 6 work period
2 increase in oxygen uptake rate due to work 7 oxygen deficit
3 resting rate of oxygen uptake

Figure 1 — Measurement of metabolic rate using the partial method

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X time, min 4 preliminary period
Y oxygen uptake rate, l/min 5 measurement period
1 oxygen uptake rate required 6 work period
2 increase in oxygen uptake rate due to work 7 oxygen deficit until start of measurement
3 resting rate of oxygen uptake

Figure 2 — Measurement of metabolic rate using the partial method for high oxygen uptake
rates: slow component at a constant workload

It is necessary to record the course of the work (time and motion study) and the frequency of repeated
activities for further evaluation of the results and for comparison of the metabolic rate with data in the
literature. Examples of the calculation of metabolic rate are given in Annex D.
For oxygen uptake rates above 1 l O2⋅min−1, the integral method was recommended. In the case of
heavy work, the oxygen requirement is above the long-term limit of aerobic power; in the case of very
heavy work it can be above the maximum aerobic power. During heavy work, the oxygen uptake cannot
satisfy the oxygen requirement. The oxygen deficit is balanced after work has ceased with the oxygen
uptake rate slowly returning to the resting value. The total excess above resting rate is called excess
post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) (Gaesser and Brooks, 1984), formerly O2 debt or afterburn.
The integral method was based on the assumption that the O2-deficit is balanced by EPOC, but there is
evidence that the O2 deficit is usually exceeded by the EPOC. So EPOC can amount for 10 l O2 to 20 l O2
and the duration of EPOC can last from 30 min to 40 min (Smith and McNaughton, 1993). The ratio of
EPOC to O2-deficit can reach a value of 4 for hard work (Gore and Withers, 1990).
Given the considerations above, the application of the integral method is no longer recommended.

9.1.2 Evaluation of metabolic rate from oxygen consumption rate

Since very small amounts of oxygen can be stored in the human body, it is continuously taken up from
the atmosphere by respiration. Muscles can work for a short time without being directly provided
with oxygen (anaerobic work) but for longer periods of work oxidative metabolism is the major energy

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The metabolic rate can be evaluated, therefore, by measuring oxygen consumption rate. The EE of
oxygen is used to convert oxygen consumption rate into metabolic rate.
The EE depends on the type of metabolism that is indicated by the respiratory quotient (RQ). In the
evaluation of the metabolic rate, the use of a mean RQ of 0,85 and thereby of an EE of 5,68 W⋅h⋅l O2−1 is
often sufficient. In that case, measurement of the carbon dioxide production rate is not required. The
maximum possible error is ± 3,5 %, but generally the error will not exceed 1 %.
The metabolic rate can be evaluated from Formulae (5) to (7):

RQ = (5)
V O2

EE = (0,23RQ + 0,77)5,88 (6)

M = EE × VO2 (7)


RQ is the respiratory quotient;

VO2 is the oxygen consumption rate, l O2⋅h−1;

VCO2 is the carbon dioxide production rate, l CO2⋅h−1;

EE is the energetic equivalent, in watt hours per litre of oxygen (W⋅h⋅l O2−1);

M is the metabolic rate, W.

9.1.3 ​Evaluation of oxygen uptake General

The procedure for determining the oxygen uptake is described in the following subclauses. Calculation of the STPD reduction factor

The evaluation of the oxygen uptake requires the following data to be measured or recorded:
a) the method of measurement;
b) the duration of the measurement: partial method or integral method as described in 9.1.1;
c) the atmospheric pressure;
d) the volume of air expired;
e) the temperature of the expired air;
f) the fraction of oxygen in the expired air;
g) the fraction of carbon dioxide in the expired air if evaluation of RQ is required.
The gas volume shall be related to θ = 0 °C, p = 101,3 kPa (normal atmospheric pressure) for a dry
gas (i.e. STPD conditions: standard temperature and pressure, dry). As the collected air is saturated
with water vapour (the saturation pressure of which is a function of temperature) and its temperature
is determined by ambient temperature (ATPS conditions: atmospheric temperature and pressure,

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saturated), the reduction factor f can be calculated from Formula (8) using the partial pressure of water
vapour (see Table 2).

273 × ( p − pa,ex )
f= (8)
(273 + θ ) × 101 , 3

f is the STPD reduction factor;

p is the measured atmospheric pressure, kPa;

θ is the temperature of the expired air, °C, measured in the gas meter or assumed the ambient
temperature when a Douglas bag is used;

pa,ex is the water vapour partial pressure of the expired air, kPa, estimated as saturated water va-
pour pressure corresponding to the temperature θ (see Table 2).

Table 2 — Saturated water vapour pressure (in kPa) for temperatures between 10 °C and 37 °C
(1 °C steps)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 1,23 1,31 1,40 1,50 1,60 1,70 1,82 1,94 2,06 2,20
20 2,34 2,49 2,64 2,81 2,98 3,17 3,36 3,56 3,78 4,00
30 4,24 4,49 4,75 5,03 5,32 5,62 5,94 6,27 – –

If the collected expired air is heated up by the environment to a temperature in excess of 37 °C, the
saturated water vapour pressure of 6,27 kPa at the temperature of 37 °C shall be used. Calculation of the expired volume at STPD

Calculation of the expired volume at STPD is made using Formula (9).

VexSTPD = VexATPS ⋅ f (9)


VexSTPD is the expired volume, l, at STPD;

VexATPS is the expired volume, l, at ATPS;

f is as defined in Calculation of the volume flow rate

Calculation of the volume flow rate is made using Formula (10).

Vex = exSTPD (10)

Vex is the volume flow rate, l⋅h−1;

t is the test duration, h, i.e. the main period for the partial method.

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Calculation of the oxygen consumption rate is made using Formula (11).

VO2 = Vex · (0,209 − FO2) (11)


VO2 is the oxygen consumption rate, l O2⋅h−1;

FO2 is the fraction of oxygen in the expired air. Calculation of carbon dioxide production rate

Calculation of the carbon dioxide production rate is made using Formula (12).

VC02 = Vex ⋅ (FCO2 − 0,000 4) (12)


VC02 is the carbon dioxide production rate, l CO2⋅h−1;

FCO2 is the fraction of carbon dioxide in the expired air. The effect of contraction of the expired volume

The inspired and expired volumes are not equal if RQ is not equal to 1. Contraction can be taken into
account using Formulae (13) and (14):

V02 = Vex [0,265(1 − FO2 − FCO2) − FO2] (13)

VC02 = Vex [FCO2 − (1 – FO2 − FCO2) 0,380 × 10−3] (14)

9.1.4 Calculation of metabolic rate

The metabolic rate is evaluated with the partial method from the oxygen uptake and the EE using
Formula (7).
If a slow component shows up, the exact value of the EE can be unknown due to the effects listed in
9.1.1 and the application of Formula (7), and subsequently the calculation of metabolic rate is not

9.2 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by the doubly labelled water method for long term
This subclause describes only the principle of the method and refers to the literature (Black et al., 1996)
for detailed descriptions.
After collection of a baseline urine sample, the subject drinks an accurately weighed oral loading dose
of 2H2 18O.
Deuterium (2H) labels the body water pool and its rate of disappearance from the body (k2) provides a
measure of water turnover (r H2O).
The 18O labels both the water and bicarbonate pools which are in rapid equilibrium through the
carbonic anhydrase reaction.

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The rate of disappearance of 18O (k18) provides a measure of the combined turnover of water and
bicarbonate (r H2O + rCO2). Therefore, bicarbonate turnover (i.e. the subject's carbon dioxide production
rate) can be calculated as the difference between the two rate constants (k18 − k2).
Carbon dioxide production rate can be converted to energy expenditure using classical indirect
calorimetric calculations. The initial dilution of the isotopes provides a measure of the 2H and 18O
spaces, which are useful in calculating body composition.
The method requires the measurements to be made over at least two biological half-lives of the isotopes:
in children, the minimum test duration is about 6 days, in normal adults it is about 12 days to 14 days
and in the elderly it can be longer.
The doubly labelled water method has been cross-validated against whole-body calorimetry and
intake/balance procedures in a number of studies. None of these has recorded a significant discrepancy
between doubly labelled water and the comparator method in subjects under steady-state conditions.
The overall precision of the method is about ± 5 %, depending on circumstances.
Although the doubly labelled water technique is simple in concept, there are a number of complex
details that should be thoroughly understood by the user.

9.3 ​Evaluation of metabolic rate by direct calorimetry — Principle

Direct calorimetry measures energy expenditure as the rate at which heat is lost from the body to
the environment. This heat is transferred through non-evaporative heat loss (radiation, convection,
conduction) and through the evaporation of water. Direct calorimetry is usually a whole-body
measurement made within the confines of a chamber but has also been carried out using a heat-
exchanging body suit. The non-evaporative components of heat exchange are measured passively
in terms of the temperature gradient across the walls of a poorly insulated chamber (gradient layer
calorimetry) or actively by measuring the rate at which heat should be extracted from a chamber to
avoid heat loss through well-insulated walls (heat sink calorimetry). Evaporative heat loss affects the
moisture content of the environment and requires independent measurement. It is measured either
by condensing the water appearing in the chamber and measuring the latent water content of the
air (without condensation) or calculating its associated latent heat of evaporation. Total heat loss is
estimated as the sum of the evaporative and non-evaporative components.

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Annex A

Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 1, Screening

This annex provides the data to classify simply and easily the mean workload for different activities for
level 1, Screening.

Table A.1 — Classification of metabolic rate by category

Range of
Classa rates Examples
100 to 125 Resting, sitting at ease
Sedentary activity (office, dwelling, school, laboratory: writing, typing, drawing,
sewing, book keeping).
Standing, light activity (shopping, laboratory, light industry).
Hand and arm work (small bench tools, inspection, assembly or sorting of light
Low meta- 125 to 235
Light arm and leg work (driving vehicle in normal conditions, operating foot switch
bolic rate
or pedal).
Machining with low power tools [drilling (small parts), milling (small parts), coil
winding, sawing].
Casual walking (2 km·h−1) on a level, even path, solid with load ≤ 30 kg.
Sustained hand and arm work (hammering in nails, filing, loading, polishing).
Arm and leg work (off-road operation of lorries, tractors or construction equip-
Arm and trunk work (work with pneumatic hammer, tractor assembly, plastering).
Weeding, hoeing, picking fruits or vegetables.
Pushing or pulling lightweight carts or wheelbarrows.
Moderate 235 to 360
metabolic Bricklaying, 5 bricks/min.
Intermittent handling of moderately heavy material.
Walking (2,5 to 5 km⋅h−1) on a level, even path, solid with load ≤ 20 kg.
Walking (2,5 to 3 km⋅h−1) on levelled but irregular to unstable ground with
load ≤ 20 kg.
Walking (≤2,5 km·h−1) on stable ground uphill (≤5 %) with load ≤ 20 kg.

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Table A.1 (continued)

Range of
Classa rates Examples
Intense arm and trunk work with hand tools or machines.
Carrying heavy material, shovelling.
Sledgehammer work, sawing, planing or chiselling hard wood, hand mowing, dig-
Walking (5,5 to 7 km·h−1) on a level, even path, solid with load ≤ 20 kg.
High meta- 360 to 465
Walking (3,5 to 5 km⋅h−1) on levelled but irregular to unstable ground with
bolic rate
load ≤ 20 kg.
Walking (2,5 to 3 km·h−1) on stable ground uphill (≤5 %) with load ≤ 10 kg.
Pushing or pulling heavily loaded hand carts or wheelbarrows.
Chipping castings, concrete block laying.
Intense activity at fast to maximum pace.
Working with an axe; intense shovelling or digging; climbing stairs, ramp or ladder.
Walking (>7 km·h−1) on a level, even path, solid, with or without load.
Very high > 465 Walking (>5 km·h−1) on levelled but irregular to unstable ground with or without
Walking (>3 km·h−1) on stable ground uphill (≥5 %) with or without load.
Running (>6 km·h−1).
a   The qualitative terms low, moderate and high refer to a whole work shift.

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Annex B

Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 2, Observation

B.1 General
This annex builds on data (American College of Sports Medicine, 2000; Bernard, 2006; Garg et al.,
1978; Hall et al., 2004; FAO/WHO/UNU, 2001; Mufflin et al., 1990, Spitzer et al., 1982) for estimating
the metabolic rate of a specific activity as a function of its characteristics and the mean metabolic rate
during a period of time.

B.2 ​Evaluation of the metabolic rate of a specific activity

B.2.1 General
Data and formulae are presented for the evaluation of the metabolic rate at rest and for activities with
and without displacement.

B.2.2 Metabolic rate at rest

The metabolic rate at rest for a seated subject can be estimated by the following expressions as a
function of the body surface:
M0 = 60 · ADu for men

M0 = 55 · ADu for women


M0 is the metabolic rate, W;

ADu is the body surface area, m2 given by ADu = 0,007 184 · Wb0,425 · Hb0,725;

Wb is the body mass, kg;

Hb is the body height, cm.

B.2.3 Metabolic rate for activities with displacements

For walking at velocities:
< 6 km⋅h−1: M = (0,5 + 0,37 · vw + 0,2 · vw · G) · (Wb + L)

For running at velocities:

≥ 6 km⋅h−1: M = (0,5 + 0,75 · vw + 0,1 · vw · G) · (Wb + L)


M is the metabolic rate, W;

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L is the load carried by the person, kg;

vw is the walking or running speed, km⋅h−1;

G is the ground slope, %.

For going up stairs:
M = (0,42 + 0,61 · Vv) · (Wb + L) = (0,42 + Nsteps/10) · (Wb + L)

For going down stairs:

M = (0,42 + 0,21 · Vv) · (Wb + L) = (0,42 + Nsteps/28) · (Wb + L)

For going up ladders

M = (2,78 + 1,04 · Vv) · (Wb + L) = (2,78 + Nrungs/4) · (Wb + L)

For going down ladders:

M = (1,98 + 0,17 · Vv) · (Wb + L) = (1,98 + Nrungs/23) · (Wb + L)


Vv is the vertical speed in m⋅min−1;

Nsteps is the number of steps of stairs of height = 17 cm per min (1m⋅min−1 = 5,88 steps⋅min−1);

Nrungs is the number of rungs of ladders of height = 25 cm per min (1m⋅min−1 = 4 rungs⋅min−1).

B.2.4 Metabolic rate for activities without displacements

Table B.1 gives the formulae for the evaluation of the metabolic rate ∆M (in W) when lifting or lowering
Table B.2 provides the metabolic rate (W) for a seated subject as a function of work intensity and body
segment involved.
Table B.3 gives the increase ∆M (W) of the metabolic rates estimated from Table B.2 due to body

Table B.1 — Formulae for the evaluation of the metabolic rate M (in W) when lifting or lowering
Metabolic rate
Task M
Idle (sit/stand) and hold M0 + 4,12 · L
Lifting (stoop) M0 + (0,09 · Wb + L · H) · F
Lifting (arm) M0 + (0,02 · Wb + 1,45 · L · H) · F
Lifting (squat) M0 + (0,14 · Wb + 1,75 · L · H) · F
M   Metabolic rate, W
F   Average rate of moves, move⋅min−1
H   Height of lift, m

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Table B.1 (continued)

Metabolic rate
Task M
Lowering (stoop) M0 + (0,08 · Wb + 0,47 · L · H + 0,726) · F
Lowering (arm) M0 + (0,03 · Wb + 0,84 · L · H) · F
Lowering (squat) M0 + (0,14 · Wb + 0,49 · L · H) · F
M   Metabolic rate, W
F   Average rate of moves, move⋅min−1
H   Height of lift, m

Table B.2 — Metabolic rate (W) for a seated subject as a function of work intensity and body
segment involved
Metabolic rate
Body segment
Light work intensity Medium work intensity Heavy work intensity
Both hands 125 155 170
One arm 160 200 235
Both arms 215 250 290
The body 325 440 605

Table B.3 — Increase ∆M (W) of the metabolic rate estimated from Table B.2 due to body
Body posture
Sitting 0
Kneeling 20
Crouching 20
Standing 25
Standing stooped 35

B.2.5 Metabolic rate for other specific activities

Table B.4 gives the metabolic rate (W) for several specific activities.

Table B.4 — Metabolic rate (W) for specific activities

Metabolic rate
Pushing or pulling a tip-wagon, 3,6 km·h−1, even path, solid
      pushing force: 12 kg 520
      pulling force: 16 kg 675
Pushing a wheelbarrow, even path, 4,5 km·h−1, rubber tyres, 100 kg load 415
Filing iron 42 file strokes/min 180
60 file strokes/min 340

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Table B.4 (continued)

Metabolic rate
Work with a hammer, two hands, mass of the hammer 4,4 kg, 15 strokes/min 520
Carpentry work
      hand sawing 395
      machine sawing 180
Hand planing 540
Bricklaying, 5 bricks/min 305
Screw driving 180
Digging a trench 520
Home activities
      light 2,5 · M0
      moderate 3,5 · M0
      heavy 4,5 · M0

B.3 ​Evaluation of the average metabolic rate (W) during a period of time
The procedure is as follows:
a) Before the observation period:
— Fill in the details of the person under study.
— Identify each individual activity. The number of components to be considered will vary
depending upon the complexity of the activity.
— Estimate the corresponding metabolic rate using the data or the formulae in B.2 or both.
b) During the observation period:
— Fill in the diary by noting the number of the activity and the time each time the activity is
c) At the end of the exposure period:
— Calculate the total length of time spent on each activity.
— Multiply the length of time spent on the activity by the corresponding metabolic rate.
— Add the values.
— Divide the sum by the total length of the observation period.

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Annex C

Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 3, Analysis

The following formulae (Malchaire et al., 2017) make it possible to predict the (HR−M) relationship as a
function of the characteristics of the subject.
— men: (19,45 − 0,133 · Age) · Wbl
— women: (17,51 − 0,150 · Age) · Wbl

Age is the age of the subject, years;

Wbl is the lean body mass, kg.

The lean body mass (Janmahasatian et al., 2005) is estimated using the following formulae:
— men: Wbl = (1,08 − Wb/(80 · Hb2)) · Wb
— women: Wbl = (0,86 − Wb/(107,5 · Hb2)) · Wb

Wb is the body mass of the subject, kg;

Hb is the body height, m.

Resting metabolic rate M0, W:
— men: 60 · ADu
— women: 55 · ADu
Maximum heart rate HRmax, beats·min−1
— (men and women): 208 − 0,7 · Age.
Heart rate at rest HR0, beats·min−1:
— The heart rate value exceeded during 99 % of the time of the HR recording, provided that the subject
was at rest in a neutral environment for at least 5 min during the recording.
The mean metabolic rate (Mm) over the recorded period of time is then derived from the mean heart
rate HRm using the following formula:
Mm = M0 + (HRm – HR0)/RM

RM = (HRmax − HR0)/(MWC − M0)
Assuming that HR0 = 70 beats⋅min−1 and M0 = 100 W, Table C.1 provides the increase in heart rate per
unit of metabolic rate RM of the relation M = (HR − 70)/RM + 100 predicted as a function of the age and

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weight of the worker (women and men) for estimating the metabolic rate from heart rate recordings
over a representative period in accordance with the method given for level 3, Analysis.

Table C.1 — Value of (1/RM) in the relation M = (HR – 70)/RM + 100 between metabolic rate
(W) and heart rate (beats per min), predicted as a function of the age and the lean body mass of
the subject (for women and men)

Age Lean body mass

years 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
20 3,87 5,04 6,21 7,38 8,55 9,73 10,90 12,07
25 3,74 4,88 6,02 7,16 8,31 9,45 10,59 11,73
30 3,60 4,71 5,82 6,93 8,04 9,15 10,26 11,38
35 3,44 4,52 5,60 6,68 7,76 8,84 9,92 11,00
40 3,28 4,32 5,37 6,42 7,46 8,51 9,55 10,60
45 3,10 4,11 5,12 6,13 7,14 8,15 9,16 10,17
50 2,92 3,89 4,86 5,83 6,80 7,78 8,75 9,72
55 2,68 3,65 4,58 5,51 6,44 7,37 8,30 9,23
60 2,50 3,39 4,28 5,16 6,05 6,94 7,82 8,71
65 2,27 3,11 3,95 4,79 5,63 6,47 7,31 8,15
20 4,61 5,96 7,32 8,67 10,03 11,38 12,73 14,09
25 4,53 5,86 7,20 8,54 9,88 11,21 12,55 13,89
30 4,43 5,75 7,07 8,39 9,72 11,04 12,36 13,68
35 4,33 5,64 6,94 8,24 9,55 10,85 12,15 13,46
40 4,23 5,51 6,80 8,08 9,37 10,65 11,94 13,22
45 4,12 5,38 6,65 7,91 9,18 10,44 11,70 12,97
50 4,00 5,24 6,49 7,73 8,97 10,21 11,46 12,70
55 3,87 5,09 6,31 7,53 8,75 9,97 11,19 12,41
60 3,74 4,93 6,13 7,32 8,52 9,71 10,91 12,10
65 3,59 4,76 5,93 7,10 8,26 9,43 10,60 11,77

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Annex D

Evaluation of the metabolic rate at level 4, Expertise

D.1 General
An example of the calculation of metabolic rate for the partial method is given in D.2. A gas meter was
used to collect the expired gases.

D.2 Calculation of metabolic rate by the partial method

D.2.1 Duration of measurement
Preliminary period: 0,05 h (3 min)
Main period: 0,2 h (12 min)

D.2.2 Atmospheric pressure

p = 100,8 kPa

D.2.3 Measured values

D.2.3.1 Gas meter

Correction factor for the gas meter = 0,998

Temperature of the gas meter (i.e. temperature θ of the expired air) = 26,8 °C
Final reading of the gas meter = 7 981,2 l
Initial reading of the gas meter = 7 775,0 l
Ventilation = 206,2 l

D.2.3.2 Fraction of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the expired air

Fraction of oxygen FO2 0,162

Fraction of carbon dioxide FCO2 0,042

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D.2.4 Calculation of the expired volume

The expired volume VexATPS is calculated from the ventilation and the correction factor of the gas meter:
VexATPS = 206,2 l · 0,998 = 205,8 l

The STPD reduction factor is calculated from Formula (8):

f = 273 · (100,8 − 3,52)/((273 + 26,8) · 101,3) = 0,874

VexSTPD = VexATPS · f = 205,8 · 0,874 = 179,9 l

D.2.5 Calculation of the volume flow rate

Vex = VexSTPD/t = 179,9/0,2 = 899,5 l⋅h−1

D.2.6 Calculation of the oxygen consumption rate

VO2 = Vex · (0,209 − FO2) = 899,5 (0,209 − 0,162) = 42,3 l O2⋅h−1

D.2.7 Calculation of the carbon dioxide production rate

VC02 = Vex · (FCO2 − 0,000 4) = 899,5(0,042 − 0,000 4) = 37,4 l CO2⋅h−1

D.2.8 Consideration of the shrinkage of the expired volume

VO2 = Vex · [0,265 · (1 − FO2 − FCO2) − FO2]

= 899,5 · [0,265 · (1 − 0,162 − 0,042) − 0,162] = 44,0 l O2⋅h−1

VC02 = Vex · [FCO2 − 0,000 38 (1 − FO2 − FCO2)]

= 899,5 · [0,042 − 0,000 38 · (1 − 0,162 − 0,042)] = 37,5 l CO2⋅h−1

D.2.9 Calculation of the metabolic rate

RQ = VCO2/VO2 = 37,5/44,0 = 0,852

EE = (0,23 · RQ + 0,77) · 5,88 = 5,68 W⋅h⋅l O2−1

M = EE · VO2 = 5,68 · 44,0 = 250 W

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Annex E

Correction of the heart rate measurements for thermal effects

Figure E.1 shows the procedure to be followed for the correction of the heart rate measurements for
the thermal component of heart rate (∆HRT ) (Vogt et al., 1973). In this example, an experiment with
10 minutes of rest followed by 20 minutes of work and 30 minutes of rest is considered.

X time, min Y heart rate, beats·min−1
1 evolution of heart rate in an environment Δ1 elevation of heart rate of metabolic origin (ΔHRM),
without thermal constraint beats·min−1
2 evolution of heart rate in an environment with Δ2 elevation of heart rate of thermal origin (ΔHRT),
thermal constraint beats·min−1

Figure E.1 — Correction of the heart rate measurement for thermal effects

Curve 1 describes the evolution of heart rate as a function of time when the task is performed in an
environment without thermal constraint: the HR at rest (HR0) of 70 beats per min (bpm) increases,
as an example, to 120 bpm (∆1 = ∆HRM = 50 bpm) during the work phase (steady-state reached after
5 minutes) and decreases back to 70 bpm during the final rest period (steady-state again reached after
5 minutes).
Curve 2 describes the evolution of heart rate caused by the rise in body temperature due to workload or
due to a hot environment in the same experiment: during the work phase, the heart rate increases this
time, for example, to 134 bpm: ∆HR = ∆1 + ∆2 = ∆HRM + ∆HRT.
After 5 minutes of rest in an environment without thermal constraint, the elevation of HR of
metabolic origin (∆1 = ∆HRM = 50 bpm) will be recuperated while the increase of thermal origin
(∆2 = ∆HRT = 14 bpm in this example) will be recuperated very slowly at a rate depending upon the
recovery conditions.
The HR recorded after 5 minutes of recovery is therefore considered equal to HR0 + ∆2 = HR0 + ∆HRT.

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In the case of constant metabolic rate during the work phase, it is assumed that the thermal component
∆2 = ∆HRT increases linearly as a function of time (although this is correct only as long as the body
temperature increases linearly). The metabolic rate can therefore be estimated from the average heart
rate during the work phase minus half of the elevation of HR measured at the fifth minute of recovery.

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