Allotment of Government Residences in Drdo
Allotment of Government Residences in Drdo
Allotment of Government Residences in Drdo
RULES - 2003
Ministry of Defence
Defence Research 8& Development Organisation
(Directorate of CivU Works 8& Estates)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Research and Development
New Delhi
Dated the 06-06-2003
(3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in
the Official Gazette.
Note -The past service rendered by an employee shall be counted for the
purpose of determining the date of priority even if the officer has drawn
terminal benefits like pension and gratuity. Periods of break in service if any,
shall be deducted from the total of the past service for determination of date of
priority. For the purpose of allotment of accommodation "Notional Pay" of
the post in which an official is re-employed shall be taken into account.
Provided further that where the priority date of two or more employees is the
same, seniority among them shall be determined by the amount of emoluments,
the employee in receipt of higher emoluments taking precedence over the
employees in receipt of lower emoluments and where the emoluments are equal,
by the length of service under the Central Govt; and where both the emoluments
and length of service are equal, on the basis of the scale of pay of the employee,
the employee working in a post having higher scale of pay taking precedence
over those in receipt oflower scale of pay.
(p) "residence" means any residence for the time being under
the administrative control of the Competent Allotment
5. Classification of Residences
Type of residence Category of employee or his monthly emoluments as
on such date as may be specified by the Central
Government for the purpose of the Allotment year
TYPE-I Less than Rs.30S0/
TYPE-II From Rs.30S0/- to Rs.S499/
TYPE-III From Rs.SSOO/- to Rs.8499/
Type-IV From Rs.8S00/- to Rs.lI999/
TYPE-V From Rs.12000/- to Rs.18399/
TYPE-VI From Rs.l8400/- & above.
Category of The rank of the Officer for whom admissible
Major to Brig Qtrs Major to Brig and their equivalents in the Air Force
and Navy
Capt Qtrs Capt and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
JCO Qtrs JCO and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
Hav Qtrs Hav and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
OR Qtrs OR and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
(d) Only employees entitled to Type-V and above will be eligible for
next lower type on the basis of his priority date for that type of
accommodation. All such employees who desire to be considered
for next lower class shan submit their applications in duplicate,
failing which they will be considered for entitled type only.
(i) An employee allotted a residence under (h) above will not be asked
to vacate it subsequently without providing him with alternative
accommodation of the appropriate type, but if a residence of
appropriate type is allotted to him, he shall vacate the earlier
allotted residence failing which he shall be charged rent at damages
rates on his refusal to vacate or non-vacation of the higher type of
(iji) Provision contained in rule 7 (1) (i) & (ii) above will be
applicable on fulfillment of prescribed conditions
(iii) Single lady officer means lady Officer who is not a married
lady officer.
10. Period for which Allotment Subsists and the Concessional Period for
Further Retention.
the allotment letter, shall be charged licence fee from such date
upto a period of one month or upto the date of re-allotment of that
particular accommodation whichever is earlier. He shall also not
be entitled to HRA for the duration licence fee is charged from
(c) The date of receipt of letter of allotment shall be the date of the
letter of allotment plus the time normally taken for receipt of letter
by post.
12. Personal Liability of the Employee for Payment of Licence Fee till
the Residence is vacated and Furnishing of surety by Temporary
(ii) An employee who surrenders the residence under rule 13 (i) above,
shall not be considered again for allotment of R&D Pool
accommodation at the same station for a period of one year from
the date of such surrender.
t 4. Change of Residence
(b) All applications for change of residence shall be made in the form
prescribed at Annexure -VIII to these rules. All applications
received upto the last day of a calendar month shall be included in
the waiting list in the succeeding month. After acceptance
by the· competent authority, the names of the applicant shall be
included in the waiting list and the inter-se-seniority of the
applicant so included shall be determined on first come first served
basis. Change of accommodation is allowed on maturity of the
tum of the applicant for initial allotment, the inter se seniority will
be based on first come first served basis.
Employees to whom residences of the same type have been allotted under
these rules may apply for permission to mutually exchange their
residences. Permission for mutual exchanges may be granted if both the
employees are reasonably expected to be on duty at the station to reside
in their mutually exchanged residences for at least six months from the
date of approval of such exchange. Mutual exchange without permission
is not permitted and if done shall debar both the employees from any
allotment of any residence.
The employee to whom a residence has been allotted shall maintain the
residence and premises in a clean tenantable condition. Such employee
shall not grow any tree, shrubs or plants contrary to the instructions
issued by the Government nor cut or chop off any existing tree or shrub in
any garden, courtyard or compound attached to the residence. Trees,
plantation or vegetation grown in contravention of this rule may be
caused to be removed by the Competent Allotment Authority at the risk
and cost of the employee concerned.
(a) (i) No employee shall share the residence allotted to him or any
of the out-houses, garages, stables and appurtenant thereto
except with the employees of the Central Government;
eligible for allotment of residence under these rules.
(b) No employee shall sublet the whole of his residence provided that
an employee proceeding on leave may accommodate in the
residence any other employee eligible to share Govt
accommodation, as a caretaker, for
the period not exceeding six months or the period of leave
whichever is shorter.
Explanation: In this sub rule the expression "employee" includes, unless the
context otherwise requires, a member of his family and any person claiming
through the employee.
Except when otherwise laid down by the Govt, the recovery of licence fee
will be done as under:
(d) When quarters are to be vacated before the last day of the month
owing to the departure of the employee on transfer, leave or
retirement, the Heads of the R&D Establishments/Laboratories will
intimate the probable date of vacation to the GE who will intimate
the impending charges to UA BSO concerned and the bill will be
prepared at once~
(g) An employee leaving for any place out of India when applying to
the CDA concerned for a last pay certificate, will enclose with his
application a certificate countersigned by the Head of the R&D
Establishment/La~oratory and duly verified by UA BSO concerned
to the effect that any charges payable to the State on account of
licence fee, electricity and water consumed by him have been
Charges for water and electric energy based on the Meter Reader's Book
as shown in the Returns of Recoveries (Electric/Water) meter rent and
hire charges of fans and furniture duly checked by the UA GE etc. will be
intimated by the GE concerned to the UA BSO for inclusion in the
licence fee bills payable by the employees.
(Rosy Sharma)
Dy Secretary to Govt ofIndia
D (Coord)
MOD ID NO.CWE/Ol/35326/88/:2.0 b.b D (R&D) dated 6.- 6- 2003
1. Name - Shri/Shrimati/Kumari
(in block letters)
2. Designation
6. Date of birth
8. Date of retirement on
17. (a) Indicate below the type(s) of quarter for which you are applying (For
employees entitled to type I to IV)
Signature_ _ _ __
Designation_ _ __
Name of Office- - -
Date Tele:
(For Service Officers/Personnel)
2. Rank
6. Date of Birth
7. Personal No.
8. Regtor Corps
9. Account No.
Name in Block letter
Designation- - - - - -
Section/Office to which attached- - - -
Signature_ _ _ _ __
Designation_ _ _ __
Name of Office- - - -
Telephone Noo_ _ __
(Requests for grant of antedate, if not made to the Head of the present R&D
Establishments/Laboratories within 14 days from the date on which an
employee reports for duty, not be entertained)
Certified that :
(Not less than the Rank of Lieutenant Col) in the case of Major and
below, and immediate senior Officer in the case ofLt Cols and above)
The Head of the R&D Establishments/Laboratories/Estate
Name & Address of the person to
whom residence is being allotted
2. You are requested to send your acceptance within 5 days from the date of the receipt
of this letter. The acceptance should be in the enclosed form in duplicate and should
be forwarded to the undersigned by Regd. AD post.
3. If no acceptance is received within the prescribed period of 5 days, the allotment will
be deemed to have been refused and the case will be dealt in accordance with the
provision of the said rules.
4. If you are a temporary Government Servant you are required to furnish a Surety
Bond from a permanent Central Government Servant alongwith the acceptance_ The
Bond should be on the form prescribed in the said rules.
5. If the allotment is accepted, you should obtain an occupation slip from this office and
take possession of the allotted residence from the GE/EstablishmentiLaboratory
concerned within 10 days from the date of receipt of this letter. In case of failure to
take the possession within the time specified above the allotment will be treated as
cancelled and you shall be liable to pay rent as prescribed in the said rules.
6. Please note that if no reply is received from you by _________ the residence
will be allotted further.
(To be furnished by the retired DRDO employee)
Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Solemnly affirmed and declared before me
Date: Signature
DirectorlHead of R&D Labs/Estts
Raksha Mantralaya
Research & Development Organisation
Name and Address of the person
To whom residence was allotted
2. You shall now not be eligible for another allotment for a period of one
year from the date of this allotment letter for a type_ __
accommodation. Further, you shall be charged the same rent which you
would have had to pay as laid down by the Govt in respect of the
residence allotted or the licence fee payable in respect of the residence
already in your octupation whichever is higher for one year
ending or upto the date on which you get another allotment of a
residence of type higher than the one already in your occupation if such
an allotment is made within the aforesaid period of one year.
Director/Lab/EstablishmentiEstate Manager
For Scientific Adviser to the Raksha Mantri and
Director General Defence Research & Development Organisation
The Director/Officer-in-Charge/Estate Manager
I acccpt thc allotment ofresidcnce No. ____ ~_____. made to me vide your
lcttcr No. ___________dated received by me on____ (date).
2. I Certi ry that :
(d) Datcsincc when the emoluments in serial (c) (i) above are being drawn
(f) My salary bills are presented to the pay and accounts officer noted alongside.
Yours faithfully,
Name in Block letters- - - - _................._
Section/Office to which -~-
The Director Labs/Estts/Estate Manager
(3) Has the request been made within one month of relinquishing of
charge at the last station of posting.
(4) Full name and postal address of the person nominated by you who
will convey acceptance on your behalf of the allotment and take
(5) Name and full postal address of the person who shall deposit
licence fee.
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Name - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. Name ----------------------------------------------
(b) Floor
Date: - - - -
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.
I. Date of Inspection
2. Time of Inspection
Name - - - - - - -
A. Occupant
B. Neighbours
2. I, the surety, shall indemnity the Government against all loss and damage or moneys due
to the Government towards licence fee or otherwise until delivery of vacant possession of
the residence in good condition is made to the Government. I, the surety, hereby
undertake to pay to the Government forthwith on demand by the Government and without
demur all such sums as may be due to the Government as aforesaid and I hereby agree
that the Government shall be at liberty (and I hereby irrevocably authorize to do so) to
recover the said sums from the salary payable to me and the decisions of the Government
as to the amount so to be recovered shall be final.
4. The Government have agreed to bear the stamp duty, if any, for this document.
Signed and delivered by
Said_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
-------------the date of-------------
Address & Occupation of witness (Signature of Surety)
Office to which attached
Certified that the above surety is a permanent Government Servant. He years
of age and his pay is per month.