Allotment of Government Residences in Drdo

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RULES - 2003

Ministry of Defence
Defence Research 8& Development Organisation
(Directorate of CivU Works 8& Estates)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Research and Development

New Delhi
Dated the 06-06-2003


S.R.O.74 In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of

the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules to regulate the
allotment of residences to the officers and staff of the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) in respect of residences constructed for

1. Short title, application and commencement - (1) These rules

may be called the allotment of Government residences (Research
and Development Common Pool) Rules, 2003 ..

(2) They shall apply to all officers/staff of the Defence Research

and Development Organisation (DRDO) serving in various
Research and Development Establishments/ Laboratories who are
required to reside on duty at the stations where DRDO has
constructed accommodation out of defence estimates.

(3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in
the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) "allotment" means the grant of a licence to occupy R&D

Common Pool Accommodation in accordance with· the
provisions of these rules.

(b) "allotment year" means the year beginning on 01 January

or such other period as may be notified by the President of

(c) "adjoining municipality" means any municipality

contiguous to a local municipality.
(d) "Common Pool" means the residential accommodation
built/to be built for service officers/personnel and civilian
officers/staff serving at various Research and Development
(R&D) Establishments/Laboratories. Any such
accommodation rendered surplus to the requirements of
Research and Development Establishments/Laboratories
may be allotted by the competent allotment authority based
on recommendations by the Heads of R&D
Establishments/Estate Management Committee, to the
Officers and staff of support facilities located in the
Research and Development Township or to other Defence
Central Govt Employees as a temporary measure.

(e) "competent allotment authority" means authority

empowered to allot R&D Common Pool accommodation
(Director Labs/Establishments or Estate Managers at
Stations where Estate Management Unit exists).

(f) "damages rates" for unauthorized occupation of DRDO

residential accommodation will be Rs.75/- per square meter
of living area per month in respect of Type-I to Type-IV in
respect of Civilian employees and OR quarters to Capt
quarters, and Rs.ll 0/- per square meter of living area per
month in ry'$pect of Type VlMaj to Brig quarters and above
or damages rates as may be determined from time to time by
the Government. In addition to this, garden charges and
other charges as are applicable will also be recovered.

(g) "employee" means civilians, service Officers and other

persons employed in Research and Development

(h) "emoluments" means the emoluments as defined in F .R.

9(21)(a)(i) and any other authority or amendment issued
from time to time.

Explanation : In the case of an Officer who is under suspension, the

emoluments drawn by him on the first day of the allotment year in which
he is placed under suspension or, ifhe is placed under suspension onthe
first day of the allotment year, the emoluments drawn by him
immediately before that day shall be taken as emoluments.
(i) "family" means the wife or husband, as the case may be, and
children, step children legally adopted children, parents,
brothers or sisters as ordinarily reside with and are
dependendent on the officer.

U) "Government" means the Central Government.

(k) "house" in relation to an Officer or member of his family

means a bui1ding or part thereof used for residential purposes
and situated within the jurisdiction of a local municipality or
of any adjoining municipality.

(l) "licence fee" means the sum of money payable monthly in

accordance with the provisions of Fundamental Rules in
respect of a residence allotted or the policy laid down by
Govt of India from time to time.

(m) "local municipality" in relation to an officer means the

municipality within whose jurisdiction his office is located.

(n) "municipality" includes a municipal corporation, a

municipal ftommittee or board, a town area committee, a
notified area committee, and a cantonment board.

(0) "priority -date" of civilian employees in relation to Types I

to IV means the earliest date, from which he has been in
continuous service under the Central Govt, while in respect
of Type V and above it shall mean the earliest date from
which he has been continuously drawing the emoluments
relevant to the particular type or higher type in a post under
Central Government except for the period of leave. "Priority
date" of service employees means the date of his posting to
the station. Priority date will, however, be antedated for the
period specified in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letters
issued from time to time.

Note -The past service rendered by an employee shall be counted for the
purpose of determining the date of priority even if the officer has drawn
terminal benefits like pension and gratuity. Periods of break in service if any,
shall be deducted from the total of the past service for determination of date of
priority. For the purpose of allotment of accommodation "Notional Pay" of
the post in which an official is re-employed shall be taken into account.

Provided that in the case of an employee on deputation to foreign service, on his

reposting to R&D EstablishmentlLaboratory, the period of foreign service shall
be included for the purpose of determination of his priority date;

Provided further that where the priority date of two or more employees is the
same, seniority among them shall be determined by the amount of emoluments,
the employee in receipt of higher emoluments taking precedence over the
employees in receipt of lower emoluments and where the emoluments are equal,
by the length of service under the Central Govt; and where both the emoluments
and length of service are equal, on the basis of the scale of pay of the employee,
the employee working in a post having higher scale of pay taking precedence
over those in receipt oflower scale of pay.

(p) "residence" means any residence for the time being under
the administrative control of the Competent Allotment

(q) "spedallicence fee" will be determined at the rate of double

the standard licence fee under FR-45 (B), or double the
licence fee at flat rates under FR 45-A, which-ever is higher,
plus single departmental charges plus double the additional
licence fee for additions and alterations, if any, plus other
charges (Service charges, garden charges, charges for
furniture, electrical appliances etc) under FR-45 (B)
including departmental charges.

(r) "subletting" includes sharing of accommodation by an

allottee with another person with or without payment of
licence fee by such other person. Sharing of accommodation
by relatives or friends of allottee upto 30 days shall not be
deemed as subletting.

(s) "temporary transfer" means transfer which involves

absence from the station for a period not exceeding six
(t) "type" means the type of residence to which an employee is
eligible under these rules.

3. Allotment to Husband and Wife Eligibility in Cases of Officers who

are married to Each Other
(i) No employee shall be allotted a residence under these rules
if the wife or the husband, as the case may be, has already
been allotted a residence, either from R&D Common Pool or
any other Pool, unless such residence is first surrendered,
provided that this sub rule shall not apply' where the husband
and wife are residing separately in pursuance of an order of
judicial separation made by any court.

(ii) Whenever any case of allotment to a couple both from R&D

Common Pool and any Pool comes to notice, the
circumstances under which R&D Common Pool
Accommodation was retained by the employee will be
enquired into and suitable action taken, if there is evidence
of unauthorised subletting or any other misuse of the R&D
Pool Accommodation by such employee. The other
Departmemt concerned will also be requested to conduct
similar enquires and to take appropriate action in respect of
the accommodation belonging to their Pool.

(iii) Where two employees in occupation of separate residences

allotted under these rules marry each other, they shall send
an intimation thereof immediately on marriage and· shall
within one month of the marriage surrender one of the

(iv) If a residence is not surrendered as required by rule 3 (c) the

allotment of the residence of the lower type shall be deemed
. to have been cancelled on the expiry of the said period and if
the residences are of the same type the allotment of one of
them as the Competent Allotment Authority may decide
shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of the
said period and the employee shall thereafter be considered
as an unauthorized occupant thereof.

(v) Where both husband and wife are employed at different

stations under R&D Organisation, the entitlement of each of
them to the allotment of a residence under these rules shall
be considered independently and rule 3 (a) to (d) will not be

(vi) In case Estate Management Unit exists in a station, allotment

of R&D (Common Pool) residential accommodation will be
made by the Estate Manager. In case any Lab/Estt is located
away from the other Labs/Estt in the same station and is
having a separate residential colony, a separate seniority list
for the Lab will be maintained by the Estate Manager for
allotment of the accommodation. Wherever Estate
Management Unit does not exist allotment will be made by
the Head of R&D Establishment/Laboratory to its employees

(vii) Handing/taking over of residential accommodation (all

types) shall be done between BSO and employees.
Wherever a Lab/Estt has a separate Pool of residential
accommodation and Director Lab/Estt is the allotting
authority, handing/taking over of residential accn (all types)
shall be c,arried out under Lab/Establishment arrangements
to its employees.

Eligibility of Employees Owning Houses

(a) An employee owning a house either in his own name or in the
name of any member of his family at the place of his duty or in an
adjoining municipality shall be eligible for allotment of
Government residence on payment of licence fee for the
Government accommodation allotted to him at such rate as may be
determined from time to time by the Government.

(b) When after a Govt residence has been allotted to an Officer, he or

any member of his family becomes owner of a house at the place of
his duty or in an adjoining municipality, such officer shall notify
the fact to the Estate Manager within a period of one month from
the date the house is let out or occupied or the date of
completion whichever is earlier.
Explanation - "Member of family" in relation to an officer means the
wife or husband, as the case may be, or a dependent child of the Officer.

5. Classification of Residences

Same as otherwise provided by the rules, an employee will be eligible for

allotment of a residence of the type shown below:

Type of residence Category of employee or his monthly emoluments as
on such date as may be specified by the Central
Government for the purpose of the Allotment year
TYPE-I Less than Rs.30S0/­
TYPE-II From Rs.30S0/- to Rs.S499/­
TYPE-III From Rs.SSOO/- to Rs.8499/­
Type-IV From Rs.8S00/- to Rs.lI999/­
TYPE-V From Rs.12000/- to Rs.18399/­
TYPE-VI From Rs.l8400/- & above.

Category of The rank of the Officer for whom admissible
Major to Brig Qtrs Major to Brig and their equivalents in the Air Force
and Navy
Capt Qtrs Capt and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
JCO Qtrs JCO and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
Hav Qtrs Hav and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy
OR Qtrs OR and their equivalents in the Air Force and Navy

6. Application for Allotment

(a) An employee, who seeks allotment of a residence or the

continuation of allotment of a residence, which has already been
allotted to him, may apply within a month of his arrival, to the
Competent Allotment Authority i.e. Head of the
Office/EstablishmentiLaboratory/Estate Manager where posted, as
the case may be, on the form and the manner and date as may be
prescribed. Employees seeking deferment due to valid reasons
should mention the period of such deferment in their application.

(b) In the case of applications from employees coming to a station on

permanent posting otherwise than in pursuance of the provisions
under ru Ie 6 (a) recei ved upto the last day of a calendar month
shall be considered for allotment in the succeeding month.

(c) Allottee and non-allottee employees shall separately apply in the

application forms prescribed vide Annexure-I to these Rules,
clearly mentioning on the top whether for allottee or non-allottee.
Application form for service employees is attached at Annexure-II.

(d) Only employees entitled to Type-V and above will be eligible for
next lower type on the basis of his priority date for that type of
accommodation. All such employees who desire to be considered
for next lower class shan submit their applications in duplicate,
failing which they will be considered for entitled type only.

(e) Waiting lists relating to allotment of residential accommodation

from the R&D PJ)ol will be issued by the Competent Allotment
Authority every month on the 25 th of the month preceding that to
which the lists pertain. If any of the employees whose name
appears in those lists does not wish to be considered for allotment
of accommodation during. the month concerned, he will be required
to intimate his option to the Competent Allotment Authority before
the first of the month to which the lists pertain. Request for
postponement of allotment of accommodation received after the
prescribed date will not be entertained and the employee will have
to pay the rent and all other charges for the residence, whether it is
occupied by him or not. The employees who are already allottees
of the accommodation from R&D Pool and whose names appear
in those lists for allotment of higher Type of accommodation,
cannot seek deferment of allotment. They can, however, be
allowed to retain the present residence even after declining the
allotment of their appropriate or next below type. The
concession to seek deferment of allotment will also not be available
to those who are allotted out of tum residence excepting where
such deferments are solicited on medical grounds and the
applications are accompanied by a medical certificate of the
competent medical officer.

7. Allotment of Residence and Offers

(a) Same as otherwise provided in these rules, a residence falling

vacant, will be allotted by the Competent Allotment Authority
preferably to an applicant desiring a change of accommodation in
that type, as provided in Rules and if not required for that purpose,
to an applicant having the earliest priority date for that type of
residence as per Annexure-III subject to the following conditions:

(i) Competent Allotment Authority shall normally not allot a

residence of a type higher than that to which the applicant is
eligible under these rules.

(ii) Competent Allotment Authority shall not compel any

employee to accept a residence of a lower type than that to
which he is eligible under these rules.

(iii) 'Competent' Allotment Authority on request from an applicant

for allotment of a lower category residence, may allot to
him a residence next below the type for which the employee
is eligible (Type-V and above) on the basis of his priority
date for the same.

(b) The Competent Allotment Authority shall normally reserve one

residence each for the Head of the R&D Establishment/Laboratory
concerned. If, however, in the opinion of the Competent Allotment
Authority such reservation is not required on local conditions or
any other reasons, the residence will be allotted in the normal
manner to one of the employees entitled to that type of residence
with reference to their dates of priority.
(c) Where a residence has been reserved for the appointment of
Head of R&D Establishment/Laboratory specifically held by a
service employee, and where this appointment is held by a civilian
Officer who is not entitled to rent free quarter its allotment will be
governed by the policy laid down by the Govt from time to time.

(d) Where a residence has been constructed or earmarked for specific

appointment held by an employee who is not entitled to rent free
residence, will be allotted to the incumbent holding that
appointment. In such cases, the allottee shall be liable for the
payment of the rent of that residence and other charges, if any,
whether he occupies or not. In case the present incumbent is
unwilling, appointment house may be allotted to an eligible Officer
as per Priority List on condition that same be vacated whenever
required at the time of change of incumbency. So long the
accommodation is occupied, employee holding specific
appointment for which appointment house has been constructed,
will not be charged 'Licence Fee' for not occupying the
appointment house.

(e) Where residential . accommodations have been

earmarked/constructed for Heads of R&D Establishments/
Laboratories and some of the Heads of R&D EsttslLaboratories are
staying under their own arrangements, the accommodation should
be allotted to ether willing Heads of R&D Establishment!
Laboratories as per inter-se-seniority. However, if such
accommodations still remain vacant, the same may be offered for
allotment to the senior most individuals as per seniority list subject
to their being eligible for such type of accommodation on condition
that same be vacated whenever required for allotment to the Heads
of R&D Estts/Laboratories. Before being asked to vacate the accn,
the individual will be allotted accn of entitled type or one type
below. .

(t) The Competent Allotment Authority may cancel the existing

allotment of an employee and allot him an alternative residence of
the type to which he is entitled or in emergent circumstances an
alternative residence of the type next below the entitled type if the
residence in occupation of the employees is required to be vacated.
(g) A vacant residence may, in addition to allotment to an
employee under sub rule 7 (a) above, be offered simultaneously to
other eligible employees in order of their priority dates.

(h) When a residence is vacant and there is no employee of the

appropriate grade/pay range to whom the residence could be
allotted, the Competent Allotment Authority may allot the
residence to an employee of the lower grade/pay range.

(i) An employee allotted a residence under (h) above will not be asked
to vacate it subsequently without providing him with alternative
accommodation of the appropriate type, but if a residence of
appropriate type is allotted to him, he shall vacate the earlier
allotted residence failing which he shall be charged rent at damages
rates on his refusal to vacate or non-vacation of the higher type of

G) However, before a higher type residence could be allotted to an

employee of lower grade/pay range of an Establishment, it will. be
ascertained by the Competent Allotment Authority whether at
stations where residential accommodation has been constructed for
more than one R&D Establishment, Employees of the other
Establishments entitled to higher types of residences are desirous
of being considt.(,~ed for allotment of such residence. If they are,
the allotment shall first be made to him/them.

(k) In the event of upgrading of residences subsequent to allotment,

employees who do not become entitled to retain the upgraded
residences presently in their occupation, and were ordinarily
required to shift to their appropriate class of accommodation, may
not be compulsorily shifted nor any penal licence fee charged from
them for the continued retention of their existing residences. For
so long as their valid allotment subsists, such officers will continue
to be charged normal licence fee as laid down by the Govt from
time to time.

(1) (i) When an employee who has been allotted accommodation

from R&D Common Pool retires or dies while in service his
son, daughter, wife, husband or father or mother as the case
may be, will be allotted entitled accommodation from
R&D Common Pool on out of tum basis provided that the
said relation is eligible for allotment of residential
accommodation from R&D Common Pool.

(ij) The residence may be regularized in the mime of relation if

. he/she is eligible for a residence of that type or a higher type.

(iji) Provision contained in rule 7 (1) (i) & (ii) above will be
applicable on fulfillment of prescribed conditions


When an employee in occupation of R&D (Common Pool) residential

accommodation retires from service, his/her son, daughter, daughter-in­
law, or spouse may be allotted R&D (Pool) residential quarter on
payment of normal licence fee, if the proposed allottee satisfies the
fo]]owing conditions :­

(aa) Should apply to the Competent Authority in the prescribed

form along with an affidavit as given in Annexure-IV from
the retired Government servant within two months from the
date of retirement.

(bb) Should have ibeen residing with the retInng employee

continuously for the last three years or more immediately
preceding the date of retirement, and should not have drawn
HRA for that period if employed in the same station and
residing with the retiring employee in the same Government

(cc) If appointed or transferred to the station within three years,

the date on which so appointed or transferred will be the
crucial date for enforcing condition (bb) above.

(dd) Concession not available if dependant secures employment

after the date of retirement of the employee but during the
period of re-employment.

(ee) The retiring employee or any member of his family should

not own a house in the place of posting of the dependant.

(ff) All outstanding dues pertaining to the premises occupied by

the retiring employee should have been completely cleared.

The dependant will be allotted the accommodation to which he is entitled. The

emoluments drawn by the dependant on the crucial date/cut-off date will be
taken into account for determining the entitled type of accommodation.

This concession would not be available to an eligible dependant, if any other

dependant (member of the family) is already in occupation of Government


When.a Government servant in occupation of Government residence dies while

in service, his/her eligible dependant may be allotted Government
accommodation on payment of normal licence fee on the following conditions :­

(aa) The dependent employee should have resided with the

deceased officer for at least six months prior to date of death.

(bb) If the eligible dependant is not employed at the time of

death, he/she should get an employment in an eligible office
within a period of two years from the date of death and the
accommodation in occupation is not vacated.

(cc) The dependant will be allotted the accommodation to which

he is entitled.

(dd) All outstanding dues pertaining to the premises occupied by

the deceased employee should have been completely cleared.

(ee) Application for allotment may be submitted within a period

of two months from the date of death of the allottee or date
of appointment in Government service, whichever is later.

(ff) The concession is not admissible if the deceased employee

or the dependant owns a house/plot at the place of posting.

(m) The allotment of residential accommodation to an employee under

suspenSlOn would be made as if the suspension has not taken

8. Maintenance of Separate Pools for Certain Categories of Employees

(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the following

pools shall be maintained viz:

(i) SC/ST employees pool Type- I & II 10%

Type-III & IV 5%

(ii) Medical gfounds and 5%

Physically handicapped.

(iii) Lady Officers Pool Number and types of

residence to be placed
in the Pool shall be
determined by DGR&D.


(i) The lady Officers shall be entitled for allotment of

accommodation in the entitled type from the "Ladies Pool".
They, however, are also eligible for allotment of
accommodation from R&D Common Pool on maturity of
their tum. Unless their tum is covered in R&D Common
Pool waiting list, change of accommodation to lady officers
is allowed only against the ladies pool.

(ii) "Married Lady Officer" means a lady Officer whose

marriage is subsisting and who is not judicially separated
from her husband.

(iii) Single lady officer means lady Officer who is not a married
lady officer.

(iv) In the "Lady Officers" Pool, inter-se-seniority of officers

eligible for the allotment of residence, shall be determined
. on the basis of priority date on which Officer became
eligible for the type of residence in that Pool.

(v) The allotment of ladies pool accommodation may be made to

the lady crfficers in the ratio of I: I for married and single
lady officers.

vi) Widow with or without children is to be treated as a single

lady officer for the purpose of allotment of residential
accommodation from "Lady Officers Pool".

(b) Accommodation available in the quota reserved for the purpose

would be allotted in the ratio of2: I to SC/ST employees, respectively. In
case, however, there is no scheduled tribe employee available, the quota
reserved would be allotted to scheduled caste employee. However, if
both scheduled caste and scheduled tribe employees are not available,
quota reserved will be brought in general pool for allotment.

(c) Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe employees who are already in

occupation of R&D Pool Accommodation will not be entitled to be
considered for al10tment of higher types from the reserved quota.

(d) (i) Roster for reservation of accommodation for SC/ST

employees be maintained as per Govt orders issued
from ti me to time.

(ii) In addition to the reservation according to the roster

scheduled caste/scheduled tribe employees are also
to be considered for allotment in their tum alongwith
general employees.

(e) The al10tment on medical grounds shall be made in the case of

Government servants and their spouses, dependent children and
dependent parents suffering from any of the following diseases:

(i) Tuberculosis Pulmonary tuberculosis

(Serious cases only)
(i i) Cancer Cases Malignant neoplasm.
(iii) Heart ailments Of an exceptionally serious
nature and in need or urgent
(iv) Disabled persons:

(aa) Blind-Those who suffer from either of

following conditions :­
(l) Total absence of sight.
(2) Visual Acuity not exceeding 6/90 or
201200(snellen) in the better eye with cOlTecting
(3) Impression of the field of vision subtending an
angle of20 degrees or worse.

(bb) Deaf Those having hearing loss of more than 90

decibles in the better ear(Profound impaitment) or total loss
of hearing in 'both ears.
(cc) Orthopaedically handicapped To the extent of 40%
and above disability.
(dd) Mentally handicapped/spastic dependants.

(f) Out of Turn/discretionary allotment

Government may consider out of tum/discretionary allotment in

relaxation of rules on medical grounds only if the Government servants,
their spouses, dependent children & dependent parents are suffering from
any of the disease at rule 8 (e) above. The allotment may be made within
the overall ceiling of 5% of vacancies in respect of each type of houses
occurring a year through a committee of Officers constituted as under :­
Chief Controller (R&D) Chairman

One Scientist "F" Member

Or Equivalent grade Offr
(from concerned Lab/Estt)

Medical Experts Member

One Officer from Dte Member Secretary

Of Ci vil Works &, Estates/
Dir R&D Estates/Estates
Procedure/guidelines to be followed:
(i) The Committee shall meet at least once in a three months to
consider all applications received through proper channel.
All applications shall have to be specifically recommended
by the Heads of the Labs/Estts.
(ii) The Committee will consider discretionary allotments in the
next below type of the entitlement of the official concerned.

(iii) The Committee, while recommending allotment to the

Secretary Department of Defence R&D, shall make a
speaking recommendations in each case giving specific
reasons for discretionary/Out of turn allotment.
(iv) The Committee may also consider and recommend for
al10tment of residential accommodation to any other case of
serving Government Officials, not falling under any of the
categories mentioned above, on extreme compassionate
grounds. Such allotment shall however be restricted within
the over all ceiling of 5% to be considered for allotment on
medical grounds.

N{}tel: The Iist of diseases, on the basis of which discretionary

allotment may be considered as above, is not an· exhaustive one. The
Committee may consider any other life threatening diseases or other
serious disabilities causing permanent impairment, for this purpose.

N{}te 2 : In cases where disability of dependent parents is the sole ground

for asking for discretionary allotment, the Committee should consider the
facts and circumstances along with merits of each case carefully, before
making their recommendations.

9. Non-acceptance· of allotment or Offer or Failure to Occupy the

Allotted Residence after Acceptance

(a) If any employee fails to accept the allotment of a residence within

five days of its receipt or fails to take possession of that residence
after acceptance within eight days from the date of receipt of the
letter of allotmel1;t, he shall not be eligible for another allotment for
a period of one year from the date of the allotment letter and
allottee may be informed as per Annexure-V to these rules. The
application is required to be made afresh after the said period is
over for consideration of allotment of accommodation.

(b) If an employee occupying a lower type residence is allotted or

offered a residence of the type for which he is eligible or for which
he has applied, he may, on refusal of the said allotment or offer of
allotment, be permitted to continue in the previously allotted
residence on the following conditions viz:

(i) That such an employee shall not be eligible for another

allotment for the remaining period of the allotment year in
which he has declined the allotment or offer;

(ii) While retaining the existing residence, he shall be charged

the same licence .fee which he would have had to pay under
FR-45A in respect of the resid~nce so allotted or offered or
the licence fee payable in respect of the residence already in
his occupation, whichever is higher.

Notel: An employee will be allowed 10 days to move into the

accommodation of his entitlement. As such, he should intimate his
refusal within 10 days of allotment. In case the employee does not
intimate his refusal or move to the accommodation of appropriate
class but continues to occupy the out-of-type accommodation, he
will be charged licence fee on the above basis from the date of
letter of allotment of the appropriate accommodation.

Note 2 An employee who is residing in an entitled class of

accommodation and vacates voluntarily, the same employee may
be debarred from applying to the same class of accommodation for
a period of one year.

Note 3 :. Deferment of allotment of residential accommodation

can be sought for a period of not less than 3 months. In case where
Officers seek deferment after the initial allotment, the question of
any rent liability in such cases does not arise.

In cases, where Officers in occupation of lower type of

accommodation on request for allotment of their entitled type of
accommodation after the allotment of their entitled type of
accommodation has been made, they may be allowed deferment
for 3 months on the condition that they would pay licence fee for
the lower type of accommodation in their occupation or the licence
fee which they would have had to pay in respect of the residence so
allotted or offered, whichever is higher. The deferment will be for
a maximum period of 6 months

Note 4 :Ordinarily, there should be no case for reconsideration for

allotment, if an offer of allotment previously sent is not responded
to within the time prescribed in the allotment rules/the offer of

Nevertheless, if there are reasons to believe that inspite of all the

precautions taken by the Officer to receive & respond the offer the
allotment letter did not really reach him or the person authorized
by him to receive the same, such cases may be considered only
after obtaining the approval of Estate Management Committee.

10. Period for which Allotment Subsists and the Concessional Period for
Further Retention.

(a) An allotment shall be effective from the date on which it is

accepted by the employee as per Annexure-VI and shall continue in
force until:

(i) The expiry of the concessional period permissible under rule

10 (b) below after the employee ceases to be on duty in an
eligible office of R&D for any reason whatsoever;

(ii) It is cancelled by the Competent Allotment Authority or is

deemed to have been cancelled under any provisos in these

(iii) It is surrendered by the employee, or

(iv) The employee ceases to occupy the residence.

(b) A residence allotted to an employee may, subject to sub rule

(c) hereafter, be retained on the happening of any of the events

specified In column (2) of the Table below for the period specified
in the corresponding entry in column (3) thereof, provided that the
residence is required for the bonafide use of the employee or
members of his family.

I S.No Events Permissible period for

retention of the residence
1 2 3
I Resignation, dismissal or removal 1 month
from service, termination of service
or unauthorized absence without
II. Retirement or terminal leave. 2 months on normal licence
fee; and another 2 months on
double the normal licence fee.
*On Medical/education grounds
Further retention 2 months on
four times the normal licence
Subsequent 2 months on six
times the normal licence fee.
III. Death ofthe allottee **24 month
IV. Transfer to a place outside the ***2 months
Station of R&D Establishments/
Laboratories provided Govt
accommodation is not available at
the new duty station and non
availability certificate is provided
within 45 days ftOllJ-. the date of
V Transfer to any place III NE, Period of posting (The
Sikkim, A & N Islands, employee must apply as per
Lakshadweep and J & K form prescribed vide
Annexure-VII to these rules
for retention and furnish a
certificate stating that his
dependant family members are
actually residing at the Govt
accommodation twice every
year and also at the time of
seeking retention).
VI. Transfer to an ineligible Office 2 months

VII. On proceeding on foreign service in 2 months

VIII. Temporary transfer m India or 4 months
transfer to a place outside India.
IX. Leave (other than leave preparatory For the period of leave but not
to retirement, medical leave, exceeding 4 months.
maternity leave or study leave),
X, Maternity leave For the period of maternity
leave plus leave granted m
continuation subject to a
maximum of five months.
XL Leave preparatory to retirement. For the full period of leave on
full average pay subject to a
maximum 180 days in the case
of leave preparatory to
retirement inclusive of the
period permissible in the case
of retirement.
XII. Deputation outside India For the period of deputation
but not exceeding 6 months
XIII. Study leave in or outside India (a) In case the Officer is in
occupation of accommodation
below his entitlement, for the
entire period of study leave.

(b) In case the Officer is in

occupation of his entitled type
accommodation, for the period
of study leave but. not
exceeding 6 months provided
that where the study leave
extends beyond 6 months, he
may be allotted alternative
accommodati on, one type
below his entitlement before
the expiry of 6 months.
XIV. Leave on medical grounds Full period of leave.
XV, On proceeding_o_n__tr_a_in~_l_'n...".Lg'--_ _ _-L-F_or_d_u_r_a_ti_o_n_o_f_s_u_ch_tr_a_in_in_lg""'-,'---l
*The allottee shall apply for further retention before the expiry of
initial four months alongwith documentary proof in respect of
medical/educational ground. Licence fee for the period extension is
asked for is required to be paid in advance. Retention of accommodation
beyond maximum period of eight months will be treated as un-authorized
occupation/retention and allottee will be charged licence fee at damages

**In case of death of an employee, retention of Govt accommodation is

12 months on payment of normal licence fee. Further, retention of 12
months will also be permissible on payment of normal licence fee subject

(i) Deceased employee or hislher dependants does not own a house at

the place of posting.
(ii) The family of the allottee shall be required to apply for such
(iii) Licence fee is to be paid in advance

*** Allotment is cancelled after allowing two months' concessional

period on payment of normal licence fee in the event of transfer to other
station. The allottee may be allowed further retention for a period of 6
months on medical grounds on payment of twice the normal licence fee.
For such retention, the allottee has to apply before the expiry of initial
concessional period offwo months duly supported by medical documents.

Explanation :- The period permissible on transfer mentioned against items

(IV), (V), (VI) (VII) & (VIII) shall count from the date of relinquishing charge
plus the period of leave if any, sanctioned to and availed of by the employee
before joining duty at the new Office.

(c) Where a residence is retained under rule 10 (b), the allotment

shall be deemed to be automatically cancelled on the expiry of the
admissible concessional periods unless immediately on the expiry
thereof the employee resumes duty In the R&D
. Establishment/Laboratory at the station.

(d) An employee who has retained the residence by virtue of the

concessions under item (i) or item (ii) of the Table above shall, on
re-employment in an eligible office under R&D Organisation
within the period specified in the said Table, be entitled to retain
that residence and he shall also be eligible for any further allotment
of residence under these rules.

Provided that if the emoluments of the said employee on such re­

employment do not entitle him to the type of residence occupied by
him, he shall be allotted a lower type of residence.

(e) An employee going on study leave in India or abroad or on training

who had vacated the accommodation allotted to him shall be
allotted on his return, a residence, in the next vacancy, of the same
type as the one previously occupied by him. If the employee
concerned had been occupying a garage prior to his departure for
study leave/training he shall be allotted a garage also on his return
and if none is immediately available the next vacancy shall be
allotted to him.

(f) Where an employee is on medical leave without pay and

allowances he may retain his residence by virtue of the concession
under item (XIV) of the table below rule lO (b), provided he
remits the licence fee for such residence in cash every month and
where he fails to remit such licence fee for more than two months,
the allotment shall stand cancelled.

Note - Provisos under Rule 10 are applicable to civilian employees


11. Provisos Relating to Licence .Fee

(a) When an allotment of accommodation or alternative

accommodation has been accepted, the liability for licence fee shall
commence from the date of occupation or the eighth day from the
date of receipt of the letter of allotment, whichever is earlier.

An employee who, after acceptance, fails to take possession of that

accommodation within eight days from the date of receipt of

the allotment letter, shall be charged licence fee from such date
upto a period of one month or upto the date of re-allotment of that
particular accommodation whichever is earlier. He shall also not
be entitled to HRA for the duration licence fee is charged from

(b) Where an employee, who is in occupation of a residence is allotted

another residence and he occupies new residence, the allotment of
the former residence shall be deemed to be cancelled from the date
of occupation of the new residence. He may, however, retain the
former residence on payment of normal licence fee, for a period
of 15 days for shifting to the allotted accommodation in change;

Provided, if former residence is not vacated within 15 days as

aforesaid, the officer will be liable to pay damages for use and
occupation of said residence, furniture & garden charges as may be
determined by Govt from time to time with effect from sixteenth
day from the date of occupation of the new residence.

(c) The date of receipt of letter of allotment shall be the date of the
letter of allotment plus the time normally taken for receipt of letter
by post.

(d) Amount of licen~e fee chargeable to an individual will be governed

by the instructions issued by Govt of India from time to time.

12. Personal Liability of the Employee for Payment of Licence Fee till
the Residence is vacated and Furnishing of surety by Temporary

The employee to whom a residence has been allotted shall be personally

liable for the payment of the licence fee thereof and for any damage
beyond fair wear and tear caused thereto or to the furniture, fixtures or
fittings or services provided therein by Government during the period for
which the residence has been and remains allotted to him, or where the
allotment has been cancelled under any of the provisions in these rules.
until the residence alongwith the outhouses and appurtenant thereto have
been vacated and full vacant possession thereof has been restored to
Government. The procedures for recovery of such fees will be
governed by the policy letters issued by the Govt from time to time.

13. Surrender of an Allotment and Period of Notice

(i) An employee may at any time surrender the residence allotted to

him by giving an intimation in writing (Regd. A.D) so as to reach
the Competent Allotment Authority at least ten days before the date
of his vacation of the residence. The allotment of the residence
shall be deemed to be cancelled with effect from the eleventh day
after the day on which the letter is received by the Competent
Allotment Authority or the date specified in the letter, whichever is
later, if he fails to give due notice he shall be responsible for
payment of licence fee for ten days or the number of days by which
the said notice falls short of ten days, provided that the Competent
Allotment Authority may in his sole discretion accept a notice for a
shorter period under special circumstances.

(ii) An employee who surrenders the residence under rule 13 (i) above,
shall not be considered again for allotment of R&D Pool
accommodation at the same station for a period of one year from
the date of such surrender.

t 4. Change of Residence

(a) An employee to,ll!whom a residence has been allotted under these

rules may apply for a change to another residence of the same type
or a residence of the type to which he is entitled, whichever is
lower. However, employees residing in the accommodation of the
type higher than their entitled type will be allowed changes only to
their entitled type of accommodation and not in the type of
accommodation occupied by them. Not more than one change
shall be allowed in respect of one type of residence allotted to the
employee during his tenure at one station.

(b) All applications for change of residence shall be made in the form
prescribed at Annexure -VIII to these rules. All applications
received upto the last day of a calendar month shall be included in
the waiting list in the succeeding month. After acceptance
by the· competent authority, the names of the applicant shall be
included in the waiting list and the inter-se-seniority of the
applicant so included shall be determined on first come first served
basis. Change of accommodation is allowed on maturity of the
tum of the applicant for initial allotment, the inter se seniority will
be based on first come first served basis.

(c) Changes shall be offered in order of seniority determined in

accordance with rule 14 (b) above and having regard to the
employee's preferences as far as possible.

Provided that no change of residence shall be allowed during a

period of six months immediately preceding the date of

(d) No modifications in the applications already submitted shall be

admissible. The employees desiring to do so will have to apply
afresh whereby, their earlier application will be treated as
cancelled. The employees seniority for change will be on the basis
of fresh applications and not on the basis of the earlier ones.

(e) If an employee fails to accept a change of residence offered to him

within five days of the issue of such offer or allotment; he shall not
be considered again for a change of residence of that type.

(f) An employee who, after accepting a change of residence .fails to

take possession of the same, shall be charged licence fee for such
residence in accordance with the provisions of rule 11 above in
addition to the normal licence under FR-45-A for the residence
already in his possession, the allotment of which shall continue to

(g) Allotment to employees proceeding on tour or leave and

deferments : No deferments will be admissible and as such
employees proceeding on tour or leave must make their own
arrangements for their interests being looked after in the matter in
their absence,

(h) It will be enjoined on all the employees to see that their

applications are complete and correct in all respects as otherwise
the incomplete/defective applications are likely to be ignored and
considered as if no application for allotment was made.

15. Change of Residence in the Event of Death of a Member of the


Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, an employee may be

allowed a change of residence on the death of any member of his family
if he applies for a change within three months of such oceUlTenee,
provided that the change will be given in the same type of residence and
normally in the same floor as the residence already allotted to the

16. Mutual Exchange of Residence

Employees to whom residences of the same type have been allotted under
these rules may apply for permission to mutually exchange their
residences. Permission for mutual exchanges may be granted if both the
employees are reasonably expected to be on duty at the station to reside
in their mutually exchanged residences for at least six months from the
date of approval of such exchange. Mutual exchange without permission
is not permitted and if done shall debar both the employees from any
allotment of any residence.

17. Retention of Residence up to the End of Current School/College

Academic Year

If any employee is transferred to another station and the residence allotted

to him under these rules is required by the family for the bonafide
educational needs of his dependent children, he may be allowed, on
request, to retain the residence on payment of normal licence fee initially
for a period of two months and thereafter on payment of twice the normal
licence fee till the end of current school/college academic year of any
child in the family. The termination of the current year will be decided
based on a certificate to be produced from the institution in which the
child was studying at the time when the transfer of the employee is

18. Maintenance of Residence.

The employee to whom a residence has been allotted shall maintain the
residence and premises in a clean tenantable condition. Such employee
shall not grow any tree, shrubs or plants contrary to the instructions
issued by the Government nor cut or chop off any existing tree or shrub in
any garden, courtyard or compound attached to the residence. Trees,
plantation or vegetation grown in contravention of this rule may be
caused to be removed by the Competent Allotment Authority at the risk
and cost of the employee concerned.

19. Subletting and Sharing of Residence

(a) (i) No employee shall share the residence allotted to him or any
of the out-houses, garages, stables and appurtenant thereto
except with the employees of the Central Government;
eligible for allotment of residence under these rules.

(ii) Prior permission will be needed for sharing accommodation

as in rule 19 (a) (i) above. Particulars of the sharer such as
name, P0st held, office where employed, whether any
contribution made to licence fee or not, shall be submitted
along with application to the Competent Allotment
Authority. These sharers shall have no right to stay in the
residence after the same has been vacated by the employee;

(iii) The servant quarters, out-houses, garages and stables may be

used only for the bonafide purposes including residence of
the servants of the allottee for such other purposes as may be
permitted by the Competent Allotment Authority.

(b) No employee shall sublet the whole of his residence provided that
an employee proceeding on leave may accommodate in the
residence any other employee eligible to share Govt
accommodation, as a caretaker, for
the period not exceeding six months or the period of leave
whichever is shorter.

(c) Any employee, who shares or sublets his residence, shall do so at

his own risk and shall remain personally responsible for any
licence fee payable in respect of the residence and for any damage
beyond fair wear and tear for which Govt shall be the sole judge
caused to the residence or its precincts or grounds or services
provided therein by Government.

(d) If an employee sublets the residence allotted to him or any portion

thereof in contravention of the rules, he will be charged such
damages from the date of cancellation of allotment as may be fixed
by the Government from time to time. The allotment shall be
cancelled wef the date of issue of the order for the cancellation of
the allotment. The employee will be declared ineligible for
allotment of residential accommodation for the remaining period of
his service and concerned Labs/Estts will be informed for initiating
disciplinary proceedings for major penalty under the relevant rules.
An appeal may be filed within 30 days from the date of receipt of
the orders imposing the penalty.

20. Consequences of Breach of Rules and Conditions

(a) If an emplo)f~e to whom a residence has been allotted

unauthorisedly sublets the residence or charges rent from the sharer
at a rate which the Competent Allotment Authority considers
excessive or erects any unauthorized structure in any part of the
residence or uses the residence or any portion thereof for any
purposes other than that for which it is meant or tampers with the
electric or water connection or commits any breach of the rules or
of the terms and conditions of the allotment or uses the residence or
premises or suffers the residence or premises to be used for any
purpose which the Competent allotment authority considers to be
improper or conducts himself in a manner which in his opinion is
prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonious relations with his
neighbours or has knowingly furnished incorrect information in
any application or· written statement with a view to securing the
allotment; the Competent allotment authority may without
prejudice to any other disciplinary action that ~ay be taken
against him, forthwith cancel the allotment of the residence and the
employee shall vacate the same immediately thereafter without
prejudice to the rights of the Govt under these rules.

Explanation: In this sub rule the expression "employee" includes, unless the
context otherwise requires, a member of his family and any person claiming
through the employee.

(b) If the employee has failed to notify to the Competent Allotment

Authority or while so notifying has in any application or statement
suppressed any material fact, the Competent Allotment Authority
may cancel the allotment with effect from the date he became
ineligible for allotment of Government accommodation under these
rules and the employee shall vacate the residence forthwith without
prejudice to the rights of the Government under these rules.

(c) If the employee sublets a residence allotted to him or any portion

thereof or any of the out-houses, garages or stables or appurtenant
thereto, in contravention of these rules he may, without prejudice to
any other action that may be taken against him by the Govt, be
charged damages rate rent as laid down by the· Govt from time to
time. The period for which the same may be recovered in each
case will be decided in his sole discretion by the Competent
Allotment Auth,9rity on merits. In addition, the employee may be
debarred from sharing the residence for a specified period in future
as may be decided by the Competent Allotment Authority in his
sole discretion. Repetition of this would permanently debar the
employee from allotment of any residence.

(d) Where action to cancel the allotment is taken on account of

unauthorized subletting of the premises by the allottee, the
allotment shall be cancelled with effect from the date of issue of
the orders for the cancellation of the allotment.

(e) Where the allotment of a residence is cancelled because of conduct

prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonious relations with
neighbours, the employee at the sole discretion of the Competent
,Allotment Authority may be allotted another residence in the
same class at any other place. Recurrence of conduct prejudicial to
maintenance of harmonious relations with neighbours on the part
of an allottee will debar him/her continuance of further occupation
of R&D Common Pool Accommodation and allotment order will
stand cancelled.

(f) Where an individual employee is found guilty of unauthorized

subletting out the Govt residential accommodation allotted to
him/her, the Competent Allotment Authority may take suitable
disciplinary action under the Disciplinary Rules for imposition of a
suitable penalty on grounds of unbecoming conduct of the Govt
employee involving violation of Rules 3 (l) (iii) of the CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964 or any similar rule governing them.

(g) The Competent Allotment Authority shall be competent to take all

or any of the actions under sub rule (a) to (f) of this rule and also to
declare the employee, who commits a breach of the rules and
instructions issued to him, to be ineligible for allotment of
residential accommodation for a period not exceeding five years.

(h) Eviction of unauthorized occupants from R&D Common Pool

accommodation will be regulated under the Public Premises
(Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 and the rules
made there under as amended from time to time.

(i) Estate Management Committee will depute officer/officers to

inspect a quarter to detect sUbletting. The inspecting
officer/officers/team will submit their report as per Annexure-IX.

21. Overstay in Residence After Cancellation of Allotment

Where, after an allotment has been cancelled or is deemed to be cancelled

under any proviso contained in these rules, the residence remains or has
remained in occupation of the employee to whom it was allotted or of any
person claiming through him, such employee shall be liable to pay
damages for use and occupation of the residence, services, furniture and
garden charges equal to the "damages" rates as may be determined by the
Government from time to time.
22. Continuance of Allotments made Prior to the Issue of These
Any valid allotment of a residence which subsists immediately before
commencement of these rules shall be deemed to be an allotment duly
made under these rules and all the preceding provisions of these rules
shall apply in relation to that allotment and that employee accordingly.

23. Business or Trade by Families I-living in Government Quarters

The wife or husband or other member of the family of an employee to

whom residence has been allotted shall not be pemlitted, while occupying
them to be concerned in any way with the formation or operation of any
club or other association having for its object the collection of money or
the distribution of money or goods within the residential colony or to use
Govt residence for the purpose of any trade or business. Any breach of
these regulations will render the allottee liable to vacate the
accommodation and also payment of Penal Licence Fee as decided by the
Competent Allotment Authority.

24. Recovery of Licence Fee

Except when otherwise laid down by the Govt, the recovery of licence fee
will be done as under:

(a) The authority responsible for allotment of residence will render to

the Unit Accountant Barrack and Stores Officer (BSO) (MES) on
occupation/vacation return (IAFZ-2170) which will form the basis
for recovery of licence fee. Where no occupation return is
received, the licence fee bills will be prepared on the basis of the
corresponding entries for the previous months. Taxes, if any,
recoverable from the employee will be shown by the GE in his

(b) Licence Fee Bills (IAFZ-224l) will be prepared in triplicate by the

Unit Accountant BSO and disposed of as under :­

0) In the case of civilian employees paid from Defence Services

Estimates, one copy will be sent to the Head of R&D
Establishments/Laboratories, in the case of non-gazetted
Officer(s) and to the Officer concerned in the case of gazetted
Officer(s). One copy will be sent to the
CDA/DCDA/concerned/other paying Officers(s) concerned.
One copy will be retained as office copy;

Oi) In the case of Service Officers, Licence Fee Bills (IAFZ­

2241A) will be prepared in triplicate by the Unit Accountant
BSO. Two copies will be sent to the CDA (0)
Pune/appropriate paying authority and one retained as Office

(c) Amounts billed will be recovered by the above named authorities

from the pay bills or otherwise without prior notice to the
individuals concerned.

(d) When quarters are to be vacated before the last day of the month
owing to the departure of the employee on transfer, leave or
retirement, the Heads of the R&D Establishments/Laboratories will
intimate the probable date of vacation to the GE who will intimate
the impending charges to UA BSO concerned and the bill will be
prepared at once~

(e) Pending settlement of any discrepancies in the licence fee bills,

which sould be referred to the authority responsible for allotment
of the residence, the employee concerned will pay the amount
billed for.

(t) Amounts recovered will be entered as Revenue Receipts.

(g) An employee leaving for any place out of India when applying to
the CDA concerned for a last pay certificate, will enclose with his
application a certificate countersigned by the Head of the R&D
Establishment/La~oratory and duly verified by UA BSO concerned
to the effect that any charges payable to the State on account of
licence fee, electricity and water consumed by him have been

25. Recovery of Charges of Water, Electric Energy & Hire of Fans

Charges for water and electric energy based on the Meter Reader's Book
as shown in the Returns of Recoveries (Electric/Water) meter rent and
hire charges of fans and furniture duly checked by the UA GE etc. will be
intimated by the GE concerned to the UA BSO for inclusion in the
licence fee bills payable by the employees.

26. Fundamental Principles

(a) The application for allotment of a residence should normally be

made within a period of one month of taking up the appointment.

(b) The employee applying for allotment of residence must be held on

regular posting as opposed to temporary duty attachment.

27. Special Features of Common Pool Accommodation

(a) R&D Common Pool of Accommodation has been created

separately both for Service and civilian employees. Allotment of
Service Officers accommodation would be made only to Service
Officers of R&D and the rules for provision and allied services and
recovery of quartering charges from them would be governed by
relevant paragrClphs of SAOs 10/S/86 as amended from time to
time. The powers and functions of OC Station as applicable would
be exercised by the Heads of R&D
Establishments/Laboratories/Estate Managers. At a station where
service Officers acconlmodation have not been built in R&D
Estate, the allotment of R&D Pool accommodation to the service
Officers will be at the discretion of the DGR&D. If no such
accommodation is available for allotment to the service Officers,
they will approach for the station Pool accn. In a station where
R&D Pool accn has been built for service Officers, a common
seniority roll for service Offrs of different R&D Labs/Estts in a
station will be maintained by the Estate Manager and allotment
will be made strictly as per seniority roll. Service Officers
whether permanently seconded or tenure, are entitled to DRDO
service Pool accn while serving in DRDO Labs/Estts. In case
residential accommodation of service Officers has not been

constructed to the extent of authorization in the establishment,

permanently seconded service Officers will be given priority for
allotment of accommodation. Tenure Officers postedlheld over &
above the availability of service pool accommodation will apply
for regular Defence Poollhired accommodation at the station. Any
accommodation surplus to the service personnel may be
temporarily allotted along with furniture (on assessed rent) on
conditional basis to the civilian employees based on their seniority
for the type of accommodation and in case a service officer is
subsequently posted to station then the first appropriate type of
civilian quarter falling vacant would be allotted to the junior most
civilian officer allottee of service Officer's accommodation, who
will be asked to vacate the same, failing which rent at damages
rates will be charged from the individual. Allotment of R&D
Common Pool Accommodation to service Officers would be
restricted only to their respective authorized percentage of
entitlement so as to guard against the hiring of accommodation for
service Officers over and above their authorized entitlement. In
fact, this principle will also apply to various categories amongst
civilians themselves such as (i) Scientific/Technical Personnel, (ii)
Fire Fighting & Security Staff, and (iii) Officers and Staff other
than mentioned at (i) and (ii) including Industrial Staff so as to
maintain their respective authorized percentage of accommo~ation.

(b) Where the existing accommodation is deficient in relation to the

present PE, the allotment to various categories will be restricted to
the respective percentage on which the existing accommodation
has been built. Pending augmentation of the existing
accommodation, service Officers would be provided hired
accommodation to the extent of deficiency in their class of

(c) In the event of allotment of a service Officers's residence to a

civilian employee and vice-versa the furniture would be shifted to
the quarter which is allotted to a service Officer. Similarly, the
geyser would be removed and fitted in service Officer's quarter,
the same being a removable item like furniture. This would be
done under the MES arrangements.
(d) The garages and the servant quarter authorized for Captains
quarters would be allotted to Captains even if they happen to be
allotted Type IV quarters. \.. 1
28. Interpretation of RulesO"M\\:;\;eJ \..\~ RO \1 S' Jj;; l.-~c '"l.o~Lt I

If any question arises g to the interpretation of th~""TUles the decision of

Scientific Advis 0 the Raksha Mantri . irector General, Defence
Research a evelopment there o:q..s be final.
29. Relaxation of Rules 0 vv:.. 1 ~ t'1 t:: ..l;~\~ .
The Government rna r reasons to be recorded i~riflg relax all or
any of the pr . Ions of these rules in the ~~of any employee or
residence class of employees or type o~ence.
30. Delegation of Power of Functions
The SA to RM may delegate any or all the powers conferred upon him by
these rules to any Officer under his control, subject to such conditions as
he may deem fi t to impose.
31. Appeal
(1) An employee including a person who has ceased to be in service,
may prefer an appeal against any order under provisions of these
rules, unless Specific provisions to the contrary exist, to the
Scientific Adviser to the Raksha Mantri and DGR&D within 30
days of the date of receipt of the order. An appeal preferred after
this period shall not be entertained.
(2) If an appeal is not preferred within the time prescribed in sub rule
(1), the SA to RM may condone the delay in case he is satisfied
that appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring
such appeaL
No.DCWE/01l35326/881D (R&D)
( Rosy Sharma)
Dy Secretary to Govt of India


(Rosy Sharma)
Dy Secretary to Govt ofIndia
D (Coord)
MOD ID NO.CWE/Ol/35326/88/:2.0 b.b D (R&D) dated 6.- 6- 2003



For allottees only/Non-allottees only

(strike out which ever is not applicable

1. Name - Shri/Shrimati/Kumari
(in block letters)

2. Designation

3. Lab/Estt where posted with


4. Scale of pay as on date

5. BasIc Pay (as on 1 January of

the current year)

6. Date of birth

7. Date from which continuously

employed under Central Govtl
State Govt including foreign
Service if any.

8. Date of retirement on

9. Service status TemporaryIPermanent

10. Service to which Officer


11. (a) Are you on deputation!

tenure to DRDO.
(b) If yes, since when

12. In case of female marital status : Single Married

wi dow/

13. Are you/your spouse occupying: Yes/No

accommodation allotted by
DRDO/any other Govt Deptt.
If yes fill up the name of allottee
Designation, address & Name
Of Pool(including the type &
Number of the flat.

14. (a) Are you debarred from Yes/No

allotment of Govt residence.
(b) If yes upto which date &
under what authority.

15. Do you/your spouse/your dependent children own a house within the

jurisdiction of local or any adjoining municipality? If yes please indicate.

(a) Owner (b) Relationship

with the
(c) Address (d)Rental
of Income
the house

16. Are you applying after the Yes/No

last date of receipt of
application, if yes
(i) Transfer
(ii) Posting from ineligible

(iii) Any other reason

(iv) Date of joining duty in the
eligible office on transferl

17. (a) Indicate below the type(s) of quarter for which you are applying (For
employees entitled to type I to IV)

Type Eligible R&D SC/ST Ladies Remarks

Basic Pay Common Pool Pool
.. __ ...
I Less than Rs.3050
II Rs.3050-5499
:~III Rs.5500-8499 i
i IV Rs.8500-11999

(b) For employees entitled to Type-V and above.

I Type Eligible Date since when Please Pool(s)

basic pay minimum emoluments Tick under
prescribed are the which
I continuously drawn type applied
IV Rs.12000­
.~ ..
VI Rs.18400­
& above

Note - Next below type if desired can also be applied.

18. Are you entitled to rent

free accommodation?


(a) I agree to abide by the Allotment of Govt residence (Research and

Development common pool) Rules, 2003 as amended from time to
time or relevant allotment rules applicable.

(b) I am aware of the penalties, which can be imposed in the event of

refusal of acceptance of allotment of accommodation of the entitled
type under Allotment Rules or furnishing of false information,
subletting/misuse of the premises.

(c) I am working in an eligible office located in eligible zone.

Date: Signature of the applicant


1. Certified that particulars furnished by the applicant have been verified

from records and founa correct. It is also certified that the applicant is
employed in an eligible office and has not been debarred from allotment
of R&D pool accommodation.

2. It is certified that applicant is entitled to rent free accommodation( delete

if not required).

Signature_ _ _ __
Designation_ _ __
Name of Office- - -
Date Tele:

(For Service Officers/Personnel)



1. Name and initials of the

applicant (Block letter)

2. Rank

3. Whether an old payor new pay:


4. Date of Rank (Lt Col & above) :

5. Date of promotion to the

present rank.

6. Date of Birth

7. Personal No.

8. Regtor Corps

9. Account No.

10. Accounts Officer responsible

for pay

11. Appointment held

12. Telephone No. Office Room No.

13. Date of reporting to take upon

permanent appointment in the
present R&D Establishments/
Laboratories & authority thereof
43 .

14. No and date of posting order

15. Date of Marriage

16. Dates of Birth!Adoption : (1)

and sex of children (2)
where applicable (3)

17. Particulars of accommodation

occupied at present

18. Whether the applicant is

entitled to and claiming antedate;
if so, from which date.
Annexure-Il(a) in this regard
Should be submitted duly
Completed alongwith the
Application form.


(a) I have read the allotment of Govt residence (Research and

Development Common Pool) Rules 2003, and declare that the
particulars given by me above are correct and that the allotment to
be made to me or amendments, if any, thereto.

(b) I do not stand debarred for allotment of Govt accommodation.

Name in Block letter
Designation- - - - - -
Section/Office to which attached- - - -




Forwarded to Estate Manager/Allotment Section. The facts stated by the

applicant have been verified and are correct.

Signature_ _ _ _ __
Designation_ _ _ __
Name of Office- - - -
Telephone Noo_ _ __


( To be filled by those who are eligible for the grant ofantedated

seniority & submitted alongwith their application)

(Requests for grant of antedate, if not made to the Head of the present R&D
Establishments/Laboratories within 14 days from the date on which an
employee reports for duty, not be entertained)

Certified that :­

(a) I served In operational area/afloat appointments for the period

from to prior to my posting to

(b) I served in peace station for the period

to during that period married
accommodation was not available for allotment to me there. A
certificate of non-availability of married accommodation including
accommodation on hired/rent reimbursement basis' from
OC/Allotting Authority/Estate Manager (as the case may be) of the
previous station of posting is enclosed.

(c) I did not stay w~~h

my family for a period of three months or more
at anyone time during the periods stated above.


Dated : Signature of the

Applicant concerned

Certified that the particulars given above are correct.


Dated : SIgnature and designation

Of the countersigning Officer

(Not less than the Rank of Lieutenant Col) in the case of Major and
below, and immediate senior Officer in the case ofLt Cols and above)

The Head of the R&D Establishments/Laboratories/Estate



Name & Address of the person to
whom residence is being allotted

Subject: Allotment of Residential Accommodation

The marginally noted residence is Particulars Type Furnished or

hereby allotted to you in accord- of residence un-furnished
ance with and subject to the allotment of
Government Residential Accommodation
(R&D Common Pool) Rules 2003)

2. You are requested to send your acceptance within 5 days from the date of the receipt
of this letter. The acceptance should be in the enclosed form in duplicate and should
be forwarded to the undersigned by Regd. AD post.

3. If no acceptance is received within the prescribed period of 5 days, the allotment will
be deemed to have been refused and the case will be dealt in accordance with the
provision of the said rules.

4. If you are a temporary Government Servant you are required to furnish a Surety
Bond from a permanent Central Government Servant alongwith the acceptance_ The
Bond should be on the form prescribed in the said rules.

5. If the allotment is accepted, you should obtain an occupation slip from this office and
take possession of the allotted residence from the GE/EstablishmentiLaboratory
concerned within 10 days from the date of receipt of this letter. In case of failure to
take the possession within the time specified above the allotment will be treated as
cancelled and you shall be liable to pay rent as prescribed in the said rules.

6. Please note that if no reply is received from you by _________ the residence
will be allotted further.

Director/Officer-in-Charge . __ Lab/EsttiEstate Manager

For Scientific Adviser to the Raksha Mantri & DGR&D.


(To be furnished by the retired DRDO employee)

I , son/daughter of Shri at present

allottee of DRDO Pool quarter No and a permanent resident of (District)
___ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that I do not own or possess a
house either in whole or in part, in my own name or in the name of my wife or
son or unmarried daughter, in local or adjoining Municipality of the place of my

2. I further declare that I or my wife or my son or unmarried daughter (or

married daughter) do not own or possess a residential plot in the local or
adjoining Municipality of the place of my posting.

3. I also declare that I or my wife, son or unmarried daughter (or married

daughter) is not a member of any co-operative Housing Building Society.

4. I declare that the above statements are true and correct.

Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Solemnly affirmed and declared before me

Date: Signature
DirectorlHead of R&D Labs/Estts


Raksha Mantralaya
Research & Development Organisation
Name and Address of the person
To whom residence was allotted


I am to refer to my letter No_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

dated . allotting residence No. Type_ _
and to state that you have failed to accept the allotment of the residence ibid
within the stipulated period of 5 days or have shown your unwillingness to
accept the said allotment.

2. You shall now not be eligible for another allotment for a period of one
year from the date of this allotment letter for a type_ __
accommodation. Further, you shall be charged the same rent which you
would have had to pay as laid down by the Govt in respect of the
residence allotted or the licence fee payable in respect of the residence
already in your octupation whichever is higher for one year
ending or upto the date on which you get another allotment of a
residence of type higher than the one already in your occupation if such
an allotment is made within the aforesaid period of one year.

Director/Lab/EstablishmentiEstate Manager
For Scientific Adviser to the Raksha Mantri and
Director General Defence Research & Development Organisation


The Director/Officer-in-Charge/Estate Manager


I acccpt thc allotment ofresidcnce No. ____ ~_____. made to me vide your
lcttcr No. ___________dated received by me on____ (date).

2. I Certi ry that :­

(a) I havc bccn in continuous service with Central Govt since- - - -

(b) My datc or priority for type accommodation now allotted to me is_ _.

(c) Full dctails of my emoluments are given below:

(i i) Spccial Pay, if
(ii i) Pcnsion, if
(iv) Dcarness Pay, if
(v) Dcputation Pay, if
(vi) Non-practicing allowance(for doctors)_
(vii) City ComRensatory Allowance
(viii) Othcr rccerpts defined in F.R. 45-C as­
(ix) Total Emoluments

(d) Datcsincc when the emoluments in serial (c) (i) above are being drawn

(c) I am a permanent Central

Govt scrvant

I am temporary govemment Name of Surety- - -

Servant and the particulars of Designation_ _ _ _ __
My surety are given opposite. Offiee/Ministry where employed

(f) My salary bills are presented to the pay and accounts officer noted alongside.

(g) I do not stand debarred for allotment of Govt accommodation.

(h) No other Govt accommodation is allotted to me or my wife/husband, on date,

either by the Directorate of Estates or by the Deptt of Rehabilitation or by any
other Govt Deptt, Semi Govt Organisation or local body.

2. I am eligible for allotment of Govt accommodation on payment of nonnal rent under

Para 9 (P) of Quarter's and Rents vide your letter/Memo No dated and
there has been no change in the position of ownership or in the plinth area of the house
requiring a review of any eligibility.

Yours faithfully,

Name in Block letters- - - - _................._­
Section/Office to which -~-





The Director Labs/Estts/Estate Manager


I relinquished charge of my previous posting as (Designation),

Lab/Estt/Office~_ (Name of Office) at (Name of station) on
____ (date) and have joined on (date) as ~_
(designation) in the Office of in the state/Union Territory
of (name of state/Union Territory). I am an allottee of R&D (Common
Pool) residential accommodation and desire to keep my family at the last station
of posting. I may, therefore, be allotted alternative R&D (Common Pool)
accommodation as per orders or allowed to retain the existing accommodation
for the bonafide use of the members of the family, Necessary particulars are
furnished below :­

(1) Details of R&D (Common Pool) accommodation at present

occupied :­

(a) Type ~~~_ __

(b) Full postal address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(2) Emoluments drawn (as defined under FR-45-C including CCA) on

the date of transfer.

(3) Has the request been made within one month of relinquishing of
charge at the last station of posting.

(4) Full name and postal address of the person nominated by you who
will convey acceptance on your behalf of the allotment and take

possession of the alternative accommodation. A copy of the allotment

letter will also be endorsed to your nominee.

(5) Name and full postal address of the person who shall deposit
licence fee.

2. As soon as I am transferred from the State/Union Territory mentioned

above, I undertake to inform Dir Lab/Estt/Estate Manager concerned about such
transfer within 15 days of such transfer.

Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Name - - - - - - - - - - - - -




1. Name ----------------------------------------------

2. Particulars of accommodation (a)

(b) Date of Priority for the type_

3. Type of accommodation to which

entitled on the basis of emol uments
as drawn on the first of January of
the year of application

4. Particulars of change desired

(a) Block/Sector

(b) Floor

5. Reasons for change

6. Whether any change was made

in the past also, if so, when?
Mention type of change

7. Does the applicant (or any other_________________________

member of his/her family) own
a house at the station concerned


Date: - - - -
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.

Name of the Estt/Lab

Forwarded to the a110tment sectionlEstate Management Unit.

Signature of the forwarding Officer__________________

De signation_________________________




I. Date of Inspection

2. Time of Inspection

3. Name of Inspecting Officer

4. Quarter No. & Type


I. Name of the allottee as

ascertained at the time of

2. Designation and the name of

the Lab/Estt/Oftice in which
the allottee is working and
names of all the famil!), members
of the allottee as ascertained at
the time of inspection.

3. Whether, any other member of

allottee's family is found
if so, detai Is.

4. Whether the allottee was found:

at the quarter? if yes, his
particularslidentity card No.

5. Number' of families found

residing in the quarter and
their full particulars.

6.. Whether the allottee is a house

owner, if so, full particulars of
the house owned by him.

7. Details of the CGHS Card No.

date of issue and name and
address therein.

8. Cooking Gas Consumer No.

name of Agency name and
address shown therein.

9. Details of the Institutions and

classes in which the children
of the allottee/occupants are

10. Bank Account, Insurance,

Scooter/Car Registration No.
and residential address etc, if
any, its No. and residential
address entered therein.

II. No. of telephone installed

at the premises alongwith the
name of the subscriber, If
allottee is not residing in the
flat, his telephone No. at the
place of his residence, if any.

12. If the accommodation is being :

shared, details of the sharer
whether intimation regarding
sharing the quarter was sent
to the Estate Manager/Lab/

13. Any other infonnation.

14. Whether subletting is suspected:

15. Ground on which inspecting

officer/officers/team have
suspected full/partial subletting;


Name - - - - - - -


(C) Signed Statements of

A. Occupant

B. Neighbours


I, Shri son of Shri_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

At present employed as in, hereby stand
surety (hereinafter called 'the surety' which expression shall include my heirs, executors and
administrators) to the President of India (hereinafter called 'the Government' which
expression shall we all include his successors and assigns) for payment by
Shri Of licence fee and other dues in respect of the residence now allotted to
him by Government as also for any residence, additional accommodation, extra servant
quarter or garbage's that may be allotted to him from time to time by the Government.

2. I, the surety, shall indemnity the Government against all loss and damage or moneys due
to the Government towards licence fee or otherwise until delivery of vacant possession of
the residence in good condition is made to the Government. I, the surety, hereby
undertake to pay to the Government forthwith on demand by the Government and without
demur all such sums as may be due to the Government as aforesaid and I hereby agree
that the Government shall be at liberty (and I hereby irrevocably authorize to do so) to
recover the said sums from the salary payable to me and the decisions of the Government
as to the amount so to be recovered shall be final.

3. The obligations undertaken by me shall not be discharged or in any way affected by an

extension of time or any other indulgence or forbearance granted by the Government to
the said Shri (name ofthe allottee) _ or by any other
matter or thing whatever which under the rules or law relating to sureties would but for
this provision have the effect of so releasing me from such liability. This guarantee shall
not be revocable at any time or discharged by my death so long as the said Shri(name of
the allottee) "_ continue to be in occupation of any such
residence, servants quarter, and or garage.

4. The Government have agreed to bear the stamp duty, if any, for this document.
Signed and delivered by
Said_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
-------------the date of-------------
Address & Occupation of witness (Signature of Surety)
Office to which attached
Certified that the above surety is a permanent Government Servant. He years
of age and his pay is per month.

Signature of the Head of the Department

Of the Office in which the surety is employed
Dated: Office Stamp

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