Montouri 2019 Lung Us in PTB
Montouri 2019 Lung Us in PTB
Montouri 2019 Lung Us in PTB
Original Article
Keywords: Objectives: The validity of lung ultrasound (LUS) in the diagnosis of interstitial or focal lung pathologies is well
Pulmonary tuberculosis documented, we assessed its accuracy in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).
Diagnostic imaging Methods: Sonographic signs suggestive of PTB and their diagnostic accuracy were evaluated in patients admitted
Lung ultrasonography with clinical suspicion of PTB. Consolidations, subpleural nodules, pleural thickenings or irregularities and
pleural effusion were assessed. LUS signs significantly associated with PTB in the univariate analysis (p < .05)
were entered in a multivariate logistic regression model.
Results: PTB was confirmed in 51 out of 102 patients. Multiple consolidations (OR 3.54, 95%CI 1.43–8.78),
apical consolidations (OR 9.65, 95%CI 3.02–30.78), superior quadrant consolidations (OR 4.01, 95%CI
1.76–9.14), and subpleural nodules (OR 5.29, 95%CI 2.27–12.33) were significantly associated with PTB di-
agnosis. Apical consolidation (OR 9.67, 95%CI 2.81–33.25, p 0.003) and subpleural nodules (OR 5.30, 95%CI
2.08–13.52, p 0.005) retained a significant association in a multivariate model, with an overall accuracy of
Conclusions: Our data suggest a possible role of LUS in the diagnosis of PTB, a high burden pathological con-
dition for which the delay in diagnosis still represents a critical point in the control of the disease.
Abbreviations: TB, Tuberculosis; PTB, Pulmonary tuberculosis; WHO, World Health Organization; CXR, Chest X-Ray; LUS, Lung ultrasonography; CT, Computed
tomography; TST, Tuberculin Skin Test; HIV, Human immunodeficiency virus; US, Ultrasound; LR+, Likelihood ratio; LR-, Negative likelihood ratio; PPV, Positive
predictive value; NPV, Negative predictive value; CI, Confidence intervals; OR, Odds ratios; ROC, Receiver-operating characteristic
Corresponding author at: Infectious Diseases Unit, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences "Luigi Sacco" University of Milan, ASST-FBF-Sacco, Via dei
Sormani 12, 20144 Milano (MI), Italy.
E-mail address: (M. Montuori).
Received 1 February 2019; Received in revised form 15 May 2019
Available online 22 June 2019
0953-6205/ © 2019 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Montuori, et al. European Journal of Internal Medicine 66 (2019) 29–34
2. Methods
M. Montuori, et al. European Journal of Internal Medicine 66 (2019) 29–34
Fig. 2. Anatomical Lines identifying superior and inferior areas anteriorly (left panel) and posteriorly (right panel).
R4: fourth rib.
T3: third thoracic vertebra.
the end of each exam, the physician was required to fill a predefined 4. Results
form where an accurate description and localization of the pathological
findings were outlined. One hundred-ten consecutive patients with clinical suspicion of PTB
were enrolled. Eight patients have been excluded: 2 of them had a
known interstitial lung disease while in 6 patients the diagnosis of PTB
3. Calculations predated the day of admission. One hundred-two patients were thus
included and completed the study. PTB was confirmed in 51 (44 by
Continuous variables were reported as mean (standard deviation) or culture and 7 on clinical basis) with a disease prevalence of 50% in our
median (range), as appropriate. Categorical data were expressed as population.
counts (percentages). For group comparison, the Student's t-test or Study population characteristics are reported in Table 1. Ninety-six
Mann-Whitney test were used for continuous variables, as appropriate, (94.1%) of the patients had at least one risk factor for TB. PTB patients
and the Fisher exact test was used for categorical variables. were younger, more frequently foreign born and living in overcrowded
Diagnostic accuracy of each echographic sign was assessed and conditions (homelessness, incarceration, refugee camp). We observed
sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio (LR+), negative like- longer duration of symptoms in the PTB patients and a lower white
lihood ratio (LR-), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative pre- blood cells count. Out of the overall population, 28 patients (27%)
dictive value (NPV), with their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), tested HIV positive, of which 11 have been diagnosed with PTB. Dis-
were calculated. Then a logistic regression approach was adopted to charge diagnosis are shown in Table 2. The most frequent non-PTB
find the combination of echographic signs with the best diagnostic diagnosis was bacterial pneumonia, followed by pulmonary neoplasia,
accuracy. First, univariate logistic models were fitted to assess the as- pneumocystosis and aspergillosis. In 10 patients no definite diagnosis
sociation between each of the sign and PTB diagnosis. Then, a multi- was obtained, TB was nonetheless excluded.
variate analysis was performed by considering only the signs sig- Univariate analysis of LUS findings showed significant association
nificantly associated with PTB diagnosis at univariate analysis and with PTB diagnosis for multiple consolidations, apical consolidations,
adopting a stepwise strategy in order to find the best model. Results of superior quadrant involvement and subpleural nodules. These variables
logistic regression analysis were reported as odds ratios (OR) with 95% were then included in the multivariate model where apical consolida-
CI. The c-statistic, which can be interpreted as the area under the re- tion (OR 9.67, 95%CI 2.81–33.25, p 0.003) and subpleural nodules (OR
ceiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve, was used to assess the 5.30, 95%CI 2.08–13.52, p 0.005) were found to be independently
overall accuracy of univariate and multivariate models. Finally, in correlated with the diagnosis of PTB (Table 3, Fig. 3). Calculation of
order to translate the results of the models into clinical practice, diag- sensitivity and specificity were performed for each echographic sign
nostic accuracy was assessed considering only the echographic signs (Table 4) and for the model constructed by using the two variables
that were found to be statistically significant at the multivariate ana- significantly correlated with PTB in the multivariate analysis (apical
lysis. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for combinations of consolidation and subpleural nodules) (Table 5). We observed a speci-
signs, according to the following two scenarios: positive patients are all ficity of 96% when the apical consolidations and subpleural nodules
those with a positive result in at least one of the signs; positive patients were found in the same patient, with sensitivity of 31%. Sensitivity of
are all those with positive results in all the signs. 86% and specificity of 63% were attained when the test was considered
P values < .05, two sided, were considered statistically significant. positive with the detection of at least one of those signs. The c-statistic
All the statistical analyses were performed using SAS statistical software for the model with two variables was 0.799.
(release 9.4). We analysed the characteristics of subpleural nodules. Maximal
pleural extension and depth measured 8 ± 3 mm (range 3–15) x
8 ± 2 (range 3–14) in TB patients and 7 ± 3 mm (range 4–14) x
3.1. Sample size
6 ± 2 mm (range 3–11) in non-TB. Eighteen out of 37 TB patients
presenting subpleural nodules had bilateral involvement. In twenty-one
We were interested in the assessment of the ability of echographic
patients nodules were confined to superior quadrants, while 14 patients
signs in ruling-out PTB. We expected that the sign with the highest
presented diffuse nodules (superior and inferior quadrants). In only two
sensitivity would have 80% sensitivity. Assuming a PTB prevalence of
PTB patients (5%) subpleural nodules were limited to inferior quad-
45%, the inclusion of at least 100 consecutive patients (45 with PTB)
rants. Five out of the 17 patients without TB (29%) presented nodules
would have provided an estimate of the anticipated sensitivity with
just in the inferior quadrant while in 11 the superior quadrants were
95% CI from 65% to 90%, that can be considered sufficiently precise.
M. Montuori, et al. European Journal of Internal Medicine 66 (2019) 29–34
M. Montuori, et al. European Journal of Internal Medicine 66 (2019) 29–34
Table 3
Diagnostic accuracy of LUS signs.
Univariate Multivariatea
n (%) PTB (%) non PTB (%) OR (95% CI) p-value c-statistic OR (95% CI) p-value c-statistic
PTB: Pulmonary Tuberculosis; OR: Odds ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; AUC: Area Under Curve.
Only the variables found to be statistically significant after stepwise strategy are reported in the table.
Fig. 3. (a,b) Single subpleural nodule (c) multiple subpleural nodules (d,e,f) apical consolidations.
Table 4
Diagnostic accuracy of LUS signs.
SE CI 95% SP CI 95% LR+ LH- PPV CI 95% NPV CI 95%
Consolidations 78,4 64,7-88,7 35,3 22,4-49,9 1212 0,945-1554 0,611 0,322-1661 54,8 42,7-66,5 62,1 42,3-79,3
Multiple consolidations 43,1 29,3-57,8 82,4 69,1-91,6 2444 1249-4784 0,69 0,527-0,905 71 52–85,8 59,2 46,8-70,7
Apical consolidation 45,1 31,1-59,7 92,2 81,1-97,8 5,75 2,14-15,449 0,596 0,459–0,774 85,2 66,3-95,8 62,7 50,7-73,6
Superior consolidation 68,6 54,1-80,9 64,7 50,1-77,6 1944 1284-2946 0,485 0,308-0,763 66 51,7-78,5 67,3 52,5-80,1
Subpleural nodules 72,5 58,3-84,1 66,7 52,1-79,2 2176 1425-3323 0,412 0,253-0,67 68,5 54,4-80,5 70,8 55,9–83
Pleural irregularities 72,5 58,3-84,1 35,3 22,4-49,9 1121 0,861-1460 0,778 0,435-1390 52,9 40,6-64,9 56,3 37,7-73,6
Pleural effusion 19,6 9,8-33,1 74,5 60,4-85,7 0,769 0,372-1592 1079 0,874-1331 43,5 23,2-65,5 48,1 36,7-59,6
SE: Sensitivity; CI: Confidence interval; SP: Specificity; LR: Likelihood ratio; PPV: Positive predictive value; NPV: Negative predictive value.
Table 5
Diagnostic accuracy of the model based on LUS signs.
TP FP FN TN SE CI 95% SP CI 95% LR+ CI 95% LR- CI 95% PPV CI 95% NPV CI 95%
Apical consolidation OR subpleural 44 19 7 32 86 74–94 63 48–76 2,32 1,6-3,36 0,22 0,11-0,45 69,80% 57–80,8% 82,10% 66,5-92,5%
Apical consolidation AND subpleural 16 2 35 49 31 19–46 96 87–100 8 1,94- 0,71 0,59-0,87 88,89% 65,3-98,6% 58,30% 47,1–69%
nodules 33,03
TP: True positive; FP: False positive; FN: False negative; TN: True negative; SE: Sensitivity; SP: Specificity; LR: Likelihood ratio; PPV: Positive predictive value; NPV:
Negative predictive value.
M. Montuori, et al. European Journal of Internal Medicine 66 (2019) 29–34
of the nodules seems to be different in the PTB and non PTB population. interest.
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