CFPP4 Classroom Planning Ezequiel Haritzhandy

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Lesson plan: 1

Name of School: EESN°02

Trainee: Haritzhandy, Ezequiel
Teacher in charge of the class: Vallejos, Marcos
Time allocated in the lesson: From 12:45 to 14:35
Course: 5° 6ª
Number of students: 29
Lesson: Inventions that Transformed the Global Economy.
Materials: photocopies, whiteboard markers.

1) Teacher’s purposes:

 Create a friendly atmosphere so that students feel comfortable and eager to learn a

foreign language.

 Make use of different reading comprehension strategies to get general and specific

information from the text.

 To promote communication skills.

2) Objectives. Students will be able to…

 Analyse paratextual elements of a text and hypothesise about its content.

 Infer the meaning of the new structure (passive voice) through a text that contains

visual support.

 Understand the text and extract general and specific information from it.

 Identify active and passive voice in Present Simple and Past Simple.

 Create sentences in both the active and passive voice, applying them appropriately

within a given context and specific type of text.

3) Content:

Elementos de la Micro y Macroeconomía: La Microeconomía. Aspectos Generales.

a. Context: Everyday and school life.

b. Topic: Inventions that transformed the Global Economy

c. Genre and text type: Newspaper website

d. Target language item (Exponente linguístico)

- Lexical content (vocabulary):


Recycled: "Verb to be," regular verbs, and irregular verbs in the simple past tense.

- Linguistic content (structures, grammar):

New: Passive voice: Present Simple and Past Simple

Recycled: Present Simple and Past Simple

Inventions that Transformed the Global Economy
Timing: 15 minutes.

Before starting the class, the teacher will arrange the desks with the help of the students.
The seating arrangement for this class will be in three equal rows, as some proposed
activities require students to group themselves by row.

The teacher will start the class by greeting the students and introducing himself. After that,
he will call the roll.

To get their attention, the teacher will hand out three envelopes to the students. The
students in rows will share and inspect the pictures. The envelopes contain a picture of a
bottle of Coke, a bottle of Villamanaos and a bottle of Manaos Cola.

Then, the teacher will stick a poster on the board which contains different phrases about the
drinks. The students will have to reach an agreement and one student of each row will
display the picture in the corresponding column.

Later, to engage the students, he will ask the following questions:

What is Coca-Cola? (Expected answer: It's a soda, a fizzy drink, or simply a drink)

Do you drink Coca-Cola? (Expected answers: Yes, no, or sometimes)

The teacher will ask the same questions about the other two drinks.

Pre-reading moment:
Timing: 5 minutes. Pair work.

Criterion: The students will work with their classmates who have been previously assigned

The teacher will hand out copies of the text to the students. Then, he will ask them to
determine the text type. He will allow the students to skim the text and encourage them to
gather as much information as possible from the entire page. While they are doing this, the
teacher will write a question and three options on the board.

1) What type of text is it?

A) An email
B) A newspaper website.
C) A magazine.

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask three students at random to share their answers.
And he will ask them: “How do you know” ¿Cómo saben?

Sts: ¡Por el titulo! ¡porque dice el nombre del diario! ¡por la fecha!

T: Excellent!

After having analysed all the paratextual features, the teacher will ask them to answer the
following question. He will write it on the board.

General comprehension.
Timing: 10 minutes. Pair work.
Criterion: The students will work with their classmates who have been previously assigned

2) Do you think these facts about Coca-Cola are true (T) or false (F)?

1) 1.6 billion gallons are sold every day. ____

2) Coca-Cola is drunk in every country in the world. ____
3) It was invented in the USA. ____
4) It is nearly 100 years old. ____

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask the students to read the newspaper article briefly.

(The typography and the highlighted pastel colours have been chosen to ensure that
students do not have readability issues.)

While the students are reading the text, the teacher will place a poster on the board to
correct the activity. Once the students have finished the activity, the teacher will randomly
select four students and invite them to share their answers. Each student will be given four
pictures representing the symbols for "like" and "dislike." The students will then place the
"like" symbol on the true sentences and the "dislike" symbol on the false sentences.

Core task: Inference of the meaning of the new structure.
Timing: 20 minutes.

After that, the teacher will ask the teacher in charge to participate. He will give the teacher in
charge a bottle of Coke and inform the students that he is Dr Pemberton, the inventor of
Coca-Cola. The teacher will write "1886" on the board, right behind the participating teacher,
to indicate that we are referring to a past event.

The teacher will say, "Dr Pemberton invented Coca-Cola," and write the sentence on the
board. Then, he will ask the students which element is more important in this sentence: the
person or the action. The expected answer is the person.

Next, the teacher will ask the teacher in charge to leave the classroom, and he will take the
bottle of Coke himself. This time, the teacher will say, "Coca-Cola was invented by Dr
Pemberton," and write it on the board. Afterwards, he will ask the students which element is
more important in the sentence: the person or the action. The expected answer is the action.

The teacher will explain to the students that when the person is the most important element
in the sentence, it is in the active voice. On the other hand, when the action is the most
important element in the sentence, it is in the passive voice. With the students' participation,
he will write "active" next to the first sentence and "passive" next to the second sentence.

Dr Pemberton invented Coca-Cola. (Active)

Coca-Cola was invented by Dr John Pemberton. (Passive)

Afterwards, the teacher will explain to the students that most of the verb forms in the article
are in the passive voice. The teacher will underline and point out the verb "to be" and the

past participle in the previous example to illustrate how the passive voice is formed.

Next, the teacher will ask the students to focus on the highlighted sentences in the text,
emphasizing that the passive voice appears in different verb tenses, such as the Present
Simple and the Past Simple.

The teacher will write one example of each on the board:

"Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world." (Present Simple)

"Diet Coke was introduced in 1982." (Past Simple)

Then, the teacher will ask the students to identify which sentence is in the Present Simple
and which one is in the Past Simple.

The teacher will explain to the students that there is a word that indicates the tense of the

Teacher: "There is a word that helps us know if the sentence is in the Present Simple or in
the Past Simple. Can you identify it?"

Students: "is!" "was!"

Teacher: "Very good! Which verb is it?"

Students: "Verb To be! To be!"

Teacher: "Excellent!"

Timing: 15 minutes. Group work.

Criterion: Group of six. The students will be grouped in order to complement their abilities. If
some of the members of the group are absent the teacher will rearrange the students taking
into account their abilities.


Group 1: Sosa, Antonella (Fluent in English comprehension); Fariña, Brian (Outgoing);

Retamar, Rover (Friendly- social abilities); Perez, Maité (shy/cooperative); Salto, Carolina
(Creativity.) Gomez, Jorge (Networking.)

The teacher will stick five posters in the classroom. the students will have to decide if the
sentences are in passive voice (Present Simple or Past Simple) or in active voice (Present
Simple or Past Simple) and stick them in the corresponding section of the poster.

While the students are doing the activity, the teacher will monitor them and offer his help.

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask one member from each group to come forward
and stick two sentences in the appropriate column on the board.

Then, the teacher will ask the students to copy the activity into their folders.

Follow up:
Timing: 10 minutes. Individual work.

The teacher will distribute a copy to the students, which contains a table. In the first column,
students are required to fill in the blanks to complete active voice sentences. In the second
column, students need to fill in the gaps to construct passive voice sentences. It is important
for them to pay attention to both columns as the missing information in one column can be
found in the other column.

5) Fill in the gaps. (Active and Passive)

Active Passive

1) Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook. 1) Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg.

2) Three billion people _________ Facebook. 2) Facebook is used by 3 billion people

3) The Argentine company Refresh Now S.A. created 3) Manaos ___________ by the Argentine

Manaos. company Refresh Now S.A.

4) Every month, Manaos produces 225 million litres of 4) Every month, 225 million litres of fizzy drinks

fizzy drinks. ___________ by Manaos.

5) They _________ WhatsApp in 2009. 5) WhatsApp was created in 2009.

To correct this activity, the teacher will randomly select five students to come to the front and
write their answers on the board.

Break: 5 Minutes.

The teacher will instruct the students to take notes about today's lesson, focusing on what
they have learned and what they consider important to remember. Following that, the
teacher will encourage the students to share their notes with their assigned partners.

Final task:
Timing: 30 minutes. groups of 5.
6) Writing.

Firstly the teacher will ask students to form groups with their assigned partners.
Then, he will ask one student from each group to randomly select a paper without looking at
the invention written on it.
The papers contain descriptions of the following inventions: Netflix, Mercado Libre, Chat
GPT, YouTube, and Jeans.
Each paper provides a brief description of the invention. The teacher will encourage students
to conduct their own research using their smartphones to gather more information.
He will explain to students that their newspaper article should be brief, consisting of 6 to 8
lines, and should predominantly use the passive voice. Additionally, they should choose an
eye-catching title.
Finally, the teacher will invite students to share their articles with the rest of the class.

This activity encourages students to research and write a concise newspaper article about
an invention of their choice, using the passive voice structure. By randomly selecting
inventions and conducting research, students can develop their understanding of various
inventions and their impact on the global economy. Sharing their articles with the class
allows for a collaborative and engaging learning experience.


 Developers: Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings
 Founded: 1997
 Streaming television service
 Over 232 million paid memberships in more than 190 countries

Mercado Libre:

 Developers: Stelleo Passos Tolda, Marcos Galperin, Hernán Kazah

 Created in 1999
 Place: Argentina
 Dedicated to e-commerce in Latin America

Chat GPT:

 Developers: Open AI
 Launched on November 30th.
 Artificial intelligence chatbot.
 Over 100 million users.


 Developers: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim

 Founded: 2005
 American online video sharing and social media platform.
 more than 2.5 billion monthly users, who collectively watch more than one billion
hours of videos each day.


 Inventor: Levi Strauss.

 Invented: 1872
 Place: United States.
 Today, people wear jeans in many countries around the world.

Lesson plan: 2

Name of School: EESN°02
Trainee: Haritzhandy, Ezequiel
Teacher in charge of the class: Vallejos, Marcos
Time allocated in the lesson: From 12:45 to 14:35
Course: 5° 6ª
Number of students: 29
Lesson: Supply and Demand.
Materials: photocopies, whiteboard markers, computer, TV room.

Teacher’s purposes:

 Create a friendly atmosphere so that students feel comfortable and eager to learn a

foreign language.

 Make use of different listening comprehension strategies to get general and specific
information from the video

 To explore the concepts of Supply and Demand

Objectives. Students will be able to…

 Analyse paratextual elements of a video and hypothesise about its content.

 Infer the meaning of new vocabulary through a video that contains visual support.

 Understand the video and extract general and specific information from it.

 Analyze and Predict changes in Supply and Demand.

3) Content:

Elementos de la Micro y Macroeconomía: La Microeconomía. Aspectos Generales.

a. Context: Everyday and school life.

b. Topic: Supply-Demand Dynamics!

c. Genre and text type: Informative video

d. Target language item (Exponente linguístico)

- Lexical content (vocabulary):

New: Supply - Demand - Increase - decrease - purchase - price - product- service -

Consumer - available

Recycled: Business - factory -

- Linguistic content (structures, grammar):

New: ----

Recycled: Passive voice: Present Simple and Past Simple

Supply-Demand Dynamics

Timing: 10 minutes.

Before starting the class, the teacher will arrange the desks with the help of the students.
The seating arrangement for this class will consist of three equal rows, as some activities
require students to group themselves by row.

When the teacher enters the classroom, he will greet the students by saying, "Hello,
everybody!" Then, he will engage the students by asking them about the day and
encouraging their participation in writing the date on the board. Next, the teacher will ask,
"How are you?"

Students: "Very well! Well! Okay! Good!"

Teacher: "Okay, nice! Let's call the roll. Remember to say 'Here!' when I call your name."

(After taking attendance)

Teacher: "Alright, let's begin! Do you remember the topic we were working on last week?"

Students: "Yes! No! Kind of."

Teacher: "Okay, last week we learned about Inventions that Transformed the Global
Economy, focusing on the passive voice and the active voice. Let's practice!"

Timing: 10 minutes. Individual work.

1) Put the sentences in the correct order.

In this activity, the students will have to put the sentences in the correct order. It is an
interactive activity. The teacher will share the link with the students. If it is not possible to
access the internet or if most of the students don't have their phones, he will write the activity
on the board.

Pre-listening activity:
Pre-teach vocabulary: 15 minutes. Pair work

Criterion: The students will work with their classmates who have been previously assigned

Students, in this vocabulary activity, the teacher has prepared two columns on the board or
handout. In one column, there is a list of vocabulary words, and in the other column, there
are corresponding definitions.

The students will work in pairs for this activity. Their task is to match each vocabulary word
with its correct definition by drawing lines or connecting them with arrows.

Each pair will take some time to discuss and collaborate to make their matches. They can
share their reasoning and discuss their choices with their partner.

Once the students have completed their matching, the teacher will go through the correct
answers as a class. Pairs will be asked to share their matches and explain their reasoning to
the class.

As a class, any uncertainties or questions about the matches will be discussed. The teacher
will clarify any misunderstandings and provide additional examples or explanations if

After that, the teacher will inform the students that we are going to watch a video. he will
kindly request that they prepare themselves to proceed quietly and in an orderly manner to
the TV room.

Timing: 10 minutes. Individual work.

2) Predictions.

To prepare the students for the video, the teacher will display a still image or a screenshot of
the video that shows a dollar in the clip. Then, he will ask the students to make predictions
about the content of the video based on the image. He will write their guesses on the board.
This can help activate their prior knowledge and get them thinking about the topic.


To correct this activity, the teacher will read the predictions aloud and ask the students to
identify which prediction is closest to the actual content of the video. he will circle the closest
prediction to emphasize its accuracy.

While listening activity:

Specific comprehension
Timing: 15 minutes. Individual work.

3) Choose the correct option.

The teacher will give a copy to each student and ask them to listen and choose the correct
In order to confirm their comprehension of the task, he will select a student at random and
ask them to explain the activity to the rest of the class.

Choose the correct option.

1) What would you do if the prices at your favourite pizza shop ….

a) decreased? b) increased?

2) The more people who want a good or service, ...

a) the higher the demand for it b) the lower the demand for it

3) The higher the amount of a good or service produces it makes available to


a) the smaller the supply will be b) the larger the supply will be

4) There are few bananas on the shelves

a) but many people are waiting to purchase them b) but few people are waiting to

purchase them.

5) The demand for bananas is higher than the supply of bananas

a) because there are more people wanting them b) because there are fewer people

wanting them.

6) Knowing this, the producer of bananas may ….

a) increase the price of bananas b) decrease the price of bananas

After the students have completed the activity, the teacher will ask them to compare their
answers with a partner. Once they have finished, he will randomly select two or three
students to share their choices, and then confirm their answers with the rest of the class.

4) Write true (T) or false (F) for the following statements.

Timing: 15 minutes. Individual work.

Next, the teacher will write five statements on the board and ask the students to determine
whether they are true or false. To ensure they understand what they need to do, he will
randomly select a student to explain the activity to the class.

Write true (T) or false (F) for the following statements

1) Supply is the desire consumers have for a good or service. _____

2) Demand is the total amount of a good or service available for consumption. _____

3) Supply and demand have a big impact on the prices of products and services _____

4) With the higher demand consumers are willing to pay more to get what they want.


5) Understanding supply and demand is key to understanding our own purchasing

behaviour _____

After the students have completed the activity, the teacher will ask them to compare their
answers with a partner. Once they have finished, he will randomly select two or three
students to share their choices, and then confirm their answers with the rest of the class.

Post-listening activity:

Timing: 15 minutes. Pair group.

The teacher will distribute a copy of the activity to each student. Using the vocabulary they
have learned, the students will read each sentence carefully. For each sentence, they will
select the option that best fits and completes the sentence. They will mark their chosen
option on the activity sheet by circling the corresponding letter (a, b, or c). Students should
consider the meaning and context of each sentence to make their choice.

Once they have completed all the sentences, they will review their answers.
The teacher will then go through the correct answers as a class, discussing any
uncertainties or questions.

This activity aims to reinforce their understanding of the vocabulary words through practical

Choose the correct option:

1) The prices were significantly increased due to the high __________ for concert

a) supply b) demand c) decrease

2) The decision was made by the company to __________ the production of their
popular video game.

a) consumer b) service c) increase

3) A special discount was offered by the store to encourage __________.

a) products b) purchases c) availability

4) After the holiday season, the price of the item __________.

a) increased b) decreased c) supplied

5) The announcement of the new smartphone was made on the company's website.

a) demand b) consumer c) service

6) At the local market, there was a limited __________ of fresh vegetables.

a) increase b) purchase c) supply

7) A new __________ was introduced by the store to attract more customers.

a) product b) price c) service

8) The __________ for repair services has been steadily growing.

a) available b) decrease c) demand

9) The customer was satisfied with the __________ received at the hotel.

a) increase b) decrease c) service

10) Is the item __________? I would like to buy it.

a) consumer b) product c) available.

Final activity:
Timing: 20 minutes. Group work.

Criterion: Group of six. The students will be grouped in order to complement their abilities. If
some of the members of the group is absent the teacher will rearrange the students taking
into account their abilities.

First, the teacher will ask the students to form groups of five students each. Then, he will
give a copy to each group containing different statements. Their task will be to carefully
analyze each statement and make predictions about what may happen in each situation.

The teacher will ask the students to consider various factors that could impact the outcomes,
such as changes in supply and demand, market trends, consumer behaviour, or external
influences. He will encourage them to engage in critical thinking and discuss their reasoning
within their groups.

The teacher will remind the students to take their time and thoroughly evaluate each
statement before making their predictions. He will encourage them to support their
predictions with relevant evidence or logical reasoning.

Once they have completed their predictions, the teacher will ask each group to share their
insights with the rest of the class. This will provide an opportunity for further discussion and
exploration of different perspectives.

6) Read each statement in the cause column. What do you think happened to the price and
explain why.

Cause Effect
Yesterday, the day before the 9th of July The prices of fireworks were
holiday, the prices of fireworks were …………………………………………………
affected as the fireworks stand was almost …………………………………………………
out of fireworks. What happened to the
prices of fireworks? …………………………………………………

The price of ornaments was affected as The prices of ornaments was

there were lots of holiday ornaments still left …………………………………………………
on store shelves the day after Christmas. …………………………………………………
What happened to the prices of ornaments?

The amount of oil available to make The……………………………………………

gasoline for cars and trucks was reduced …………………………………………………
due to an oil well explosion. What happened ………………………………………………
to the price of gas?

The car dealer had too many cars of last …………………………………………………

year's model still left on his lot to sell. …………………………………………………
What happened to the price of last year's …………………………………………………
model cars?

Too many cupcakes were accidentally …………………………………………………

baked by the bakery one morning. Instead …………………………………………………
of 30 cupcakes, they now have 300. What …………………………………………………
happened to the price of the cupcakes?

Lesson plan: 3

Name of School: EESN°02

Trainee: Haritzhandy, Ezequiel
Teacher in charge of the class: Vallejos, Marcos
Time allocated in the lesson: From 12:45 to 14:35
Course: 5° 6ª
Number of students: 29
Lesson: Student Internship: Soft Drink Brand
Materials: photocopies, whiteboard markers, cellphones, posters.

1) Teacher’s purposes:

 Create a friendly atmosphere so that students feel comfortable and eager to learn a

foreign language.

 Encourage students to develop their own business ideas or entrepreneurial projects.

 Apply their knowledge of economics and the passive voice to create presentations,

business plans, and promotional materials.

2) Objectives: Students will be able to…

 Analyse paratextual elements of a text and hypothesise about its content.

 Infer the meaning of new vocabulary through a text that contains visual support.

 Understand the text and extract general and specific information from it.

 Write a report about a soft drink brand using the passive voice.

3) Content:

 Elementos de la Micro y Macroeconomía: La Microeconomía. Aspectos


 a. Context: Everyday and school life.

 b. Topic: Student Internship: Soft Drink Brand.

 c. Genre and text type: E-mail

 d. Target language item (Exponente linguístico)

- Lexical content (vocabulary):


Recycled: Supply - Demand - Increase - decrease - purchase - price - product- service

- Consumer - available

- Linguistic content (structures, grammar):


Recycled: Passive voice: Present Simple and Past Simple

Student Internship: Soft Drink Brand

Timing: 5 minutes.

Before starting the class, the teacher will arrange the desks with the help of the students.
The seating arrangement for this class will consist of three equal rows, as some activities
require students to group themselves by row.

When the teacher enters the classroom, he will greet the students by saying, "Hello,
everybody!" Then, he will engage the students by asking them about the day and
encouraging their participation in writing the date on the board. Next, the teacher will ask,
"How are you?"

Students: "Very well! Well! Okay! Good!"

Teacher: "Okay, nice! Let's call the roll.

T: OK. Nice! Let's begin. Do you remember the topic we were working on last week?

Sts: ¡si! ¡no! más o menos.

T: We watched a video. Do you remember what was it about?

Sts: ¡si! ,¡No! ¡de Oferta y demanda!

T: Okay, last week learned about supply and demand.

Timing: 10 minutes. Individual work.

In this activity, students will complete five sentences, choosing between 'Increase' and
'Decrease' based on the given situations.

Later, the teacher will post a poster on the board with the following text: "When the supply is
exceeded by demand, the price is ____________. If the supply is greater than the demand,
the price is ____________."

The teacher will ask the students to read what is written on the board. The students will have
to choose between the options a) Increased or b) Decreased.

The objective of this exercise is to remind the students of what they learned in the previous

Pre-reading moment:
Timing: 5 minutes. Pair work.

The teacher will hand out copies of the text to the students. Then, he will ask them to

determine the text type. He will allow the students to skim the text and encourage them to
gather as much information as possible from the entire page. While they are doing this, the
teacher will write a question and three options on the board.

What type of text is it?

a) An email

b) A blog website.

c) A newspaper article.

To correct this activity, the teacher will randomly ask three students to share their answers.
And he will ask them: “How do you know” ¿Cómo sáben?

Sts: ¡Por el título! ¡porque dice el Business Blog! ¡por la fecha!

T: Excellent!

After having analysed all the paratextual features, the teacher will ask them to answer the
following question:

General comprehension.
Timing: 5 minutes. Pair work.

What do you think the text is about?

a) Creating a new company.

b) An advertisement for a new soda.

c) An invitation for a job interview.

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask the students to read the email briefly.

Specific comprehension.
Timing: 15 minutes. individual work.
The students will decide which statements are true and which are false. After that, the
teacher will tell them to check each other’s work in pairs.
Finally, we will check the answers as a whole class.

Follow up:
Timing: 20 minutes. Individual work

The teacher will hand out a copy to the students, which will contain the activity requiring
them to fill in the gaps. Then, the teacher will randomly select a student to read the
instructions. Following that, the teacher will work through the first point of the activity
together with the students to ensure clarity regarding the task and the strategies to be

To correct this activity, the teacher will randomly select four students to share their answers.
Then, the teacher will write these answers on the board and inquire if anyone in the class
completed it differently. The teacher will also ask the students to provide justifications for
their solutions.

Timing: 20 minutes. Group work.

Criterion: Group of six. The students will be grouped in order to complement their abilities. If
some of the members of the group are absent the teacher will rearrange the students taking
into account their abilities.

The teacher will ask the students to form their preassigned groups. The teacher will give
each team a poster that will contain a crossword puzzle. The students in groups should read
the clues to fill in the crossword squares.

To correct this activity, the teacher will have the students place their posters on the board,
and we will review them as a whole class.

Final task:
Timing: 30 minutes. groups of 6.

Criterion: Group of six. The students will be grouped in order to complement their abilities. If
some of the members of the group are absent the teacher will rearrange the students taking
into account their abilities.

6) Writing:

Firstly the teacher will ask students to form groups with their assigned partners.
Then, he will ask one student from each group to randomly select a copy without looking at

The copies contain descriptions of the following inventions: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Manaos,
Crush and Pritty.
Each copy provides a brief description of the brand. The teacher will encourage students to
conduct their own research using their smartphones to gather more information.
He will explain to students that their report should be brief, consisting of 6 to 8 lines, and
should predominantly use the passive voice.

Finally, the teacher will invite students to share their reports with the rest of the class.

This activity encourages students to research and write a concise report about a brand of
their choice, using the passive voice structure. By randomly selecting brands and conducting
research, students can develop their understanding of various brands and their impact on
the global economy. Sharing their articles with the class allows for a collaborative and
engaging learning experience.

Lesson plan: 4

Name of School: EESN°02

Trainee: Haritzhandy, Ezequiel
Teacher in charge of the class: Vallejos, Marcos
Time allocated in the lesson: From 12:45 to 14:35
Course: 5° 6ª
Number of students: 29
Lesson: Student Internship: Soft Drink Brand
Materials: photocopies, whiteboard markers, cellphones, posters.

1) Teacher’s purposes:

 Create a friendly atmosphere so that students feel comfortable and eager to learn a

foreign language.

 Encourage students to develop their own business ideas or entrepreneurial projects.

 Apply their knowledge of economics and the passive voice to create presentations,

business plans, and promotional materials.

2) Objectives: Students will be able to…

 Analyse paratextual elements of a text and hypothesise about its content.

 Infer the meaning of new vocabulary through a text that contains visual support.

 Understand the text and extract general and specific information from it.

 Design a new fizzy drink using the passive voice.

 Speak about and introduce their new drink to the entire class.

 Make use of different reading comprehension strategies to get general and specific


3) Content:

 Elementos de la Micro y Macroeconomía: La Microeconomía. Aspectos


 a. Context: Everyday and school life.

 b. Topic: Student Internship: Soft Drink Brand.

 c. Genre and text type: PowerPoint Presentation

 d. Target language item (Exponente linguístico)

- Lexical content (vocabulary):


Recycled: Supply - Demand - Increase - decrease - purchase - price - product- service

- Consumer - available

- Linguistic content (structures, grammar):


Recycled: Passive voice: Present Simple and Past Simple

Assessment: Designing Delicious Drinks
Timing: 10 minutes.

When the teacher enters the classroom, he will greet the students by saying, "Hello,
everybody!" Then, before the class begins, the teacher will work together with the students
to rearrange the desks. He will request the students to group three desks together to
facilitate group work, as most of the activities during the class will involve working in groups.

After that, the teacher will clean the board and write the date. He will ask the students to help
him write the date.

the teacher will share a link with Lisandro the student in charge of the WhatsApp group of
the students. The teacher will ask him to share the link with the rest of the class.

Timing: 10 minutes. Individual work.

In this activity, students will complete five sentences, choosing between 'Increase' and
'Decrease' based on the given situations.

While the students are engaged in the activity, the teacher will take attendance.

Timing: 10 minutes. Group work

Correction of the final task from the previous class:

The teacher will hand out the copies that the students completed during the last class. These
copies will either have points or underlined mistakes that they made. The students will be
given 5 minutes to correct them. Following this, the teacher will request the students to share
their corrected writings with the rest of the class.

Pre-reading moment:
Timing: 5 minutes. Pair work.
Criterion: The students will work with their classmates who have been previously assigned

The teacher will hand out copies of the text to the students. Then, he will ask them to
determine the text type. He will allow the students to skim the text and encourage them to
gather as much information as possible from the entire page. While they are doing this, the
teacher will write a question and three options on the board.

1) What type of text is it?

A) A PowerPoint presentation.
B) A newspaper advertisement.
C) A magazine.

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask three students at random to share their answers.
And he will ask them: “How do you know” ¿Cómo saben?

Sts: ¡A newspaper advertisement!

T: ¿Las publicidades tienen mucho texto? o generalmente es imagen y un slogan?

Sts: ¡A PowerPoint Presentation!

T: Good! How do you know?

Sts: Por el logo!

T: Very good!

After having analysed all the paratextual features, the teacher will ask them to answer the
following question:

General comprehension.
Timing: 15 minutes. Pair work.
Criterion: The students will work with their classmates who have been previously assigned

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask the students to read the newspaper article briefly.

Specific Comprehension.
Timing: 15 minutes. Individual work.
The teacher will hand out a copy to the students. To ensure that everyone comprehends the
instructions regarding what they need to do, the teacher will randomly select a student and
ask them what they are required to do. The chosen student will clarify the activity.

students will be asked to carefully read the question, consider the provided answer choices,
and then select the option they believe to be the correct answer. To indicate their choice,
they should physically draw a circle around or highlight the selected answer.

A) August 2023
B) Carefully selected cherries
D) Cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles
B) In Argentina
C) Because it's known for its exceptional taste and quality

To correct this activity, the teacher will ask the students to read the newspaper article briefly.

Final task:
Timing: 45 minutes. groups of 6.

Criterion: Group of six. The students will be grouped in order to complement their abilities. If
some of the members of the group are absent the teacher will rearrange the students taking
into account their abilities.

Presentation of a New Fizzy Drink:

The teacher will hand out a poster to each group, and their task will be to create their own
fizzy drink for the brand Super-Refresh. Within this project, they will need to devise a
captivating name, design an appealing label, and determine the flavour of the drink.
Additionally, they should include specific information about the creators, the year of
invention, and the place where it was conceived. The teacher will encourage them to
compose their reports using passive voice structures whenever possible.

Following this, the teacher will invite the students to present their new fizzy drink concepts to
the rest of the class. The teacher will hand out a copy to each of the groups. They will have
to listen to their classmates and complete the information requested.

Each group will take turns sharing details about their inventions. The goal is to ensure that
every student in the group contributes something to their creation.







Score Competency level

4 Can identify different types of texts.

Can make predictions of the text by looking at titles and pictures.
Can extract general information from the text.
Can extract specific information from the text.
Can identify the Passive voice from the text.

3 Can identify different types of texts with some difficulties.

Can make predictions of the text by looking at titles and pictures with some
Can extract general information from the text with some difficulties.
Can extract specific information from the text with some difficulties.

2 Finds it difficult to identify different types of texts.

Finds it difficult to make predictions of the text by looking at titles and pictures.
Finds it difficult to extract general information from the text.
Finds it difficult to extract specific information from the text.

1 Cannot identify different types of texts.

Cannot make predictions of the text by looking at titles and pictures.
Cannot extract general information from the text.
Cannot extract specific information from the text.


Score Competency level

4 Can identify the topic.

Can identify and extract the main ideas.
Can identify specific information.
Can understand keywords.

3 Can identify the topic with some difficulty.

Can identify and extract the main ideas with some difficulty.
Can understand keywords with some difficulty.
Can understand any type of oral presentation with some difficulty.

2 Finds it difficult to identify the topic.

Finds it difficult to identify and extract the main ideas.
Finds it difficult to identify specific information.
Finds it difficult to understand keywords.

1 Cannot identify the topic.

Cannot Identify identify and extract the main ideas.
Cannot identify specific information.
Cannot understand keywords.


Score Competency level

4 Can communicate through a written text.

Can organise ideas in writing.
Can spell the new lexical and linguistic content.
Can properly use the new vocabulary and structures.

3 Can communicate through a written text with some difficulty.

Can organise ideas in writing with some difficulty.
Can spell the new lexical and linguistic content with some difficulty.
Can use the new vocabulary and structures with some difficulty.

2 Finds it difficult to communicate through a written text.

Finds it difficult to organise ideas in writing.
Finds it difficult to spell the new lexical and linguistic content.
Finds it difficult to properly use the new vocabulary and structures.

1 Cannot communicate through a written text.

Cannot organise ideas in writing.
Cannot spell the new lexical and linguistic content.
Cannot properly use the new vocabulary and structures with some difficulty


Score Competency level

4 Can communicate his/her ideas.

Can ask and answer questions.
Can apply orally the new vocabulary and structures.

3 Can communicate his/her ideas with some difficulty.

Can ask and answer questions with some difficulty.
Can apply the new vocabulary and structures with some difficulty.

2 Finds it difficult to communicate his/her ideas.

Finds it difficult to ask and answer questions.
Finds it difficult to apply the new vocabulary and structures.

1 Cannot communicate his/her ideas.

Cannot ask and answer questions.
Cannot apply orally the new vocabulary and structures.






Score Competency level

3 Enthusiastic towards activities.

Pay attention to instructions.
Participate in class.

2 Is often enthusiastic towards activities.

Often pay attention to instructions.
Is often willing to participate in class.

1 Is not often enthusiastic towards activities.

Don’t pay attention to instructions.
Is not often willing to participate in class.


Score Competency level

3 Is always willing to accept work with others.
Is always able to co-operates with his/her partner in group/pair work.
Is always able to share ideas and knowledge.
2 Is often willing to accept work with others.
Is often able to co-operate with his/her partner in group/pair work.
Is often able to share ideas and knowledge.
1 Is not often willing to accept work with others.
Is not often able to co-operates with his/her partner in group/pair work.
Is often able to share ideas and knowledge.


Score Competency level

3 Always expresses and shows original ideas.

Always presents neat work and clear.

2 Often expresses and shows original ideas.

Often presents neat work and is clear.

1 Not often Always express and show original ideas.

Not often presents neat work and clear.


Score Competency level

3 Is always able to produce pieces of work without help.

Is always able to self-correct in group corrections.
Is always able to ask for help when necessary.

2 Is often able to produce pieces of work without help.

Is often able to self-correct in group corrections.
Is often able to ask for help when necessary.

1 Is not often able to produce pieces of work without help.

Is not often able to self-correct in group corrections.
Is often able to ask for help when necessary.


- DGCyE. (2010). Diseño Curricular para la Educación Secundaria. Inglés. 5° año.

- DGCyE. (2010). Sistemas de Información Contable. Secundaria. Economía. 5° año.

- DGCyE. (2010). Elementos de Micro y Macroeconomía. Secundaria. Economía. 5° año.

- Ministerio de Educación de la Nación. (2017). Marco de Organización de los Aprendizajes.

- Nunan, D.(1999) Second Language Teaching and Learning.

- Penny Ur. (1996). A course in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press.

- Estaire S. and Zanón J. (1994). Planning classwork a task-based approach, Macmillan.


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