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Day-1 Secure
2. Compare and contrast the salient features of Early Vedic and Later Vedic
civilisations in political, social, economic, and religious fields.
Describe salient features of Early Vedic and Later Vedic periods in various
Aryan people entered northwest India from indo iranian region in 6th
century B.C. they occupied the whole north India, which was then referred to
as aryavarta. this period is in between 1500 B.C. and 600 B.C. is divided into
early Vedic period (or) rig Vedic period and later Vedic period.
Answer: c
Robert bruce is known as the father of pre-historic archaeology of india. pre-
historic india is divided into three stages- palaeolithic age, mesolithic age and
neolithic age.
2. Which among the following tools are most widely used in Lower
palaeolithic age?
a. Chopper and Hand axe
b. Implements of flake
c. Implements of blade and Flake
d. Scraper
Answer: a
Tools used in lower paleolithic era were mainly cleavers, choppers, and hand
axes. these tools were mainly used for cutting, digging, and skinning the prey.
3. Which among the following Neolithic site present in Andhra Pradesh?
a. Kurnool
b. Paiyampalli
c. Pallavaram
d. Utnur
Answer: d
Neolithic sites held in india are utnur in andhra pradesh, kashmir valley,
chirand in bihar, belan valley in uttar pradesh. maski, brahmagiri, hallur and
kodekal in tamilnadu.
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 3 and 1 only
d. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: d
Iron age in the world began in 1300 BC. Iron Technology played a central role
in urban revolution of gangetic valley. Cultures associated with Iron age are
1. Painted Grey Ware – PGW Cultue
2. Nothern Black Polished ware- NBPW Culture
3. Megalitic Culture
6. Which among the following is a port city of Gujarat during Indus valley
a. Lothal
b. Surkotada
c. Dholavira
d. Kalibangan
Answer: a
Lothal in Gujarat is Port city of IVC