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Release Notes
To find out more about the new features, changes, and improvements to this Unity version, see
the 2022.1 Release Notes.
Upgrade Guide
If you are upgrading existing projects from 2021LTS, read the Upgrade Guide to 2022.1 for information
about how your project may be affected.
What’s new
See what’s changed in Unity 2022.1 since 2021LTS and view the documentation for the affected areas.
Dependency Viewer
The Dependency Viewer provides an accessible, quick and reliable way for you to reason about
dependencies in your project, regardless of the amount of assets it contains.
Option Description
UploadOnly Only does hashing when uploading, and ignores hashing on downloads.
With Material variants, you can create templates or material prefabs. Based on a base template, you can
create variants that share common properties with the template material and override only the properties
that differ. If you change common and non overridden properties in the template material, the changes
automatically reflect in the variant material. You can also lock certain properties on material so they
can’t be overridden in the variants.
In a more complex setup, you can create variations of a variant material. The material inheritance
hierarchy promotes reusability and improves iteration speed and scalability of material authoring in your
A new feature to set the storage location for the package cache and asset store package cache by
using the Preferences window.
Support for multiple selection in the Package Manager window, so you can apply the same
operation to multiple packages at once, rather than applying each operation individually.
An enhanced flow for when you import complete projects from the Asset Store. The
enhancements include an option to import complete projects into a temporary project where you
can safely explore the package without impacting your main project.
Redesigned Filters and Sorting controls in the Unity Registry, My Registries, In Project,
and My Assets lists.
A Check for updates option in the Refresh list in the My Assets list. You can use this option
to check for updates to all packages on your computer, not just the ones that are visible in the
My Assets list.
A new Update button to automatically update a Git package to the latest version, so you don’t
have to add the package to the project again with Add package from git URL.
Moved the Manual resolve action from the Refresh list button to the Package Manager
settings menu.
Added Delaunay Mesh Support for 2D Colliders
Polygons and outlines on
the PolygonCollider2D, CompositeCollider2D & TilemapCollider2D are produced
via libtess2. Often those polygons can be too thin or small the physics engine
filters them out. Delaunay tessellation produces superior results in these cases; it not only stops
producing polygons that are too thin or small but also produces fewer polygons to cover the same area.
Frame Timing Manager improvements
The Frame Timing Manager supports all platforms, works in Editor, and provides more information
about frame timing. These improvements allow you to build performance adaption, profiling, and
reporting tools on every platform.
The Animation quality of life for 2D has support for Sprite deformation, Sprite Swap, and IK Solvers in
Animation preview windows. There is also an added Character Pivot tool in the Skinning
Editor. You can use the new asset upgrading tool to upgrade older Sprite Library Assets and Animation
to the latest version.
Incremental build pipeline support for more platforms
Added incremental build pipeline support for iOS, tvOS and other platforms. This makes Player builds
faster for these platforms by removing redundant work in subsequent builds.
For example, you can synchronize data capture of the Unity Face Capture and Unity Virtual Camera
companion apps. Future third-party motion capture and performance capture plugins can use this
functionality to synchronize with any other plugin that implements the provided APIs.
Programmer tools
Netcode for GameObjects
Netcode for GameObjects is an open-source networking
library built for the Unity game engine. It’s available to users under a permissive, MIT license.The first
release focuses on enabling the creation of small-scale, cooperative, client-hosted games. You can also
choose to extend the library and leverage the available support for dedicated servers.
This is achieved through the introduction of an interpreted representation of VS graphs at runtime while
you preserve the ability to modify and execute MonoBehavior-based graphs at execution time.