1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 6
2 REQUIRMENT .................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Requirement Analysis ............................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Registration system ....................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Easy and modern responsive UI .................................................... 9
2.1.3 Fast responding server side .......................................................... 9
2.1.4 Scalable database ........................................................................ 10
2.2 Method ................................................................................................... 10
3 DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Project Planning ...................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Project design planning ............................................................... 11
3.1.2 Developer Environment .............................................................. 13
3.1.3 Git version Control ...................................................................... 14
3.1.4 List of Package and Framework .................................................. 14
3.2 Implementation ...................................................................................... 16
3.2.1 Front End implementation .......................................................... 17
3.2.2 Backend implementation ............................................................ 20
3.2.3 Database Implementation .......................................................... 24
3.2.4 Deployment ................................................................................. 27
4 RESULT ............................................................................................................ 28
5 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................... 31
6 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 32
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 33
In this project the client desired to present an e-commerce platform where only
student register as seller. They can sell their products or services to another user
from general people. Those general people can register as normal buyers but
cannot register as seller.
The main aim for this type of platform is to reduce the dependency of students
on the job market and to encourage them to start their business. It also provides
students with a suitable platform where they do not have to compete with big
established businesses and get suggestions for business related documentation
or if necessary, get mentorship from a business organization. Also, it will bring
new innovative products or services to the market and create more jobs in the
future. For this the client needs an e-commerce website and Jinnersoft is devel-
oping this project. Under their supervision a part of this project is developed by
To create this e-commerce, The MERN stack technology was selected. For the
past few years it has become more and more popular in the web developer
community by surprising other stack technology such as LAMP, PERN, due to its
most developer-friendly & highly customizable React Admin Template, testing
tools and big community support from their developer(1).
This thesis illustrates how this technology can be used to develop and to test the
project. Also, the use of its associate plug in and libraries and their functionality
has been described. This paper has been divided into five chapters: are Require-
ment, Design, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
In the requirement chapter the type of criteria and the method that has been
used to develop the project, the reason to select this method and analysis of
each requirement are explained. The design process of the project UI, functions
and libraries that has been implemented to create it and finally testing the over-
all project are described in the design chapter. In the result chapter the final out-
put of this project and the demonstration of the whole project view are shown.
The analysis of the project output, discussion about the project limitation and
possible solutions to overcome this limitation and my role and contribution to
this project are described in the discussion chapter. Finally, in conclusion the
summary of the whole project from beginning to end is given.
Before starting this project work, the client gave us certain requirements for this
project. Due to this, the application mainly targets a specific education communi-
ty so there are some requirements that must be fulfilled. Those are:
1. Only students over 18 years old can register as seller and they need to
prove their studentship.
2. An easy and modern responsive UI is needed to engage the student in the
3. Fast responding server
4. Scalable database
After analyzing the requirements, various possible solutions to handle this re-
quirement had arisen. Of those solutions some were rejected due to complexity
to the user and security issue.
Although the application targeted mainly the student community, all types of
users can use this platform for purchasing products or services. This makes the
registration system much more complicated because the registration system
must be developed in the way that the system can identify students and validate
First to validate the student, the student ID with QR code was considered to be
uploaded into the system. If there is student information, then it would be easy
to request the student data from their institute to verify it. But some institutes
do not provide this QR coded ID card, and they also do not want to share their
student data to third party organizations. Also, numerous times uploaded images
might be blurry and hard to read. Therefore, after analyzing this the final deci-
sion was that the student’s email will be used as a verification method and also it
will fulfill the requirement.
As per the requirement, an easy method to navigate and modern user interface
for the project was needed. Since most of the targeted audience are young stu-
dents. Also, the project had to be made responsive to all devices such as desk-
top, mobile and tablet.
To fulfill this requirement, the front-end of the project was focused on. Some
frameworks had been searched where the project could get the most customiza-
ble lay out. Also, the type of framework that has more community support on
the internet was chosen.
After considering all these factors the React framework was chosen for improv-
ing the UI of the application. It is free and open source. Because it is developed
by Meta, formerly known as Facebook, new updates are always released by their
company developer (2). Also, because it is open source, it can get lots of support
from developer communities all around the world. It is a JavaScript library mainly
used for front end development.
React also utilizes another framework Bootstrap which is a CSS framework and
also free, open source enrich with plenty of customizable layouts. Also, it has
community supports on the internet (3).
To run all operations smoothly in backend, the client asked to build a fast re-
sponding server side. There are several technologies such as Laravel, Django, Ru-
by on Rails and Express. But among all expresses, the framework of Node js is
fastest (4).
Node itself is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environ-
ment. It is used to write JavaScript in command line for server-side scripting.
With Express, which is a framework of Node js, it can put much more functionali-
ty by using its build in function like “auth” “error-pages” in the application back
end (5).
To provide a scalable database to the client’s project, the MangoDB was chosen.
Aside from scalability, MangoDB is much more user friendly and flexible than
MySQL (6). In the project, many users may upload their data for example an im-
age or file, in this case MangoDB has InsertMany() API for rapidly inserting data,
prioritizing speed over transaction safety wherein MySQL data needs to be in-
serted row by row(7).
2.2 Method
After analyzing the entire requirement for the project, it was decided to develop
the entire project with the MERN stack method. Because it uses uniform pro-
gramming language JavaScript, our project was simple and fast.
In this chapter, the entire development process from start to finish is elaborated.
This chapter first and foremost discusses pre planning such as designing the
page, IDE selection, version control. Secondly, the implementation such as front
end logic, backend logic, database logic is discussed.
Before starting any project, it is mandatory to plan its UI. In this case, the project
must have three types of user categories. One is an admin who controls the en-
tire project, a seller or a student who sell their products and a buyer or a normal
user who can see the products and order the product from the site.
The admin, seller, and buyer each will have their own accounts and each account
has their restrictions except the admin who will control the site.
Initially the admin only uploads the product so the admin had the order page
where they can monitor the order, products to create a product and edit a prod-
uct, the user page to monitor or remove the user, chats pages used to check the
message from the user, analytics is to check the sell graph of every month and
log out is to logout from the account.
After completing registration in the system, sellers or students can also sell their
products. When sellers log in their account, they will see their profile where they
can upload their products and see the history of their products.
Figure 1: Admin page design
For buyers or general users if they log in, they are directed to their user profile.
They also have a product page where they can see their order history. If Buyers
update their profile page they can see the buyer’s products exclusively.
Figure 3: Buyer page design
The right selection of development environment makes the entire project devel-
opment process smoother. For web application there several IDEs right now. But
for this project, Visual Studio code is selected. The main reason for choosing is
that it is easy to navigate and there are plenty of extensions which helped to ex-
ecute the code more smoothly. The list of extension of VS code that has been
used is given below.
In this project Git was initially installed by using command “git init”. Then the
status of code was checked using code “git status”. Then the code using code
“git commit” and “git push” was committed and pushed. At the time of Git
commit the version name was mentioned so that the next time whenever the
previous code is needed, it could be retrained. The Git cloud service called
“github” was used which is one of the popular Git cloud services.
For the backend Node js was used in this project. Some necessary node packages
needed to be installed for the add backend and frontend functionality. The list of
Node package is given below.
1. Install npm version 16.17.1. A library and registry for JavaScript software
packages. For package management the npm was needed in the pro-
2. Install npx version 8.15.0. A npm package runner which allows run some
npm package without even installing it(9).
3. Install react version 17.0.2. A JavaScript library for building user interfac-
4. Install bootstrap version 5.1.3. A front-end framework for developing re-
sponsive, mobile first projects.
5. Install react-bootstrap version 2.2.1. A Bootstrap 5 components built with
6. Install react-dom version 17.0.2. It serves as the entry point to the DOM
and server renderers for React(10).
7. Install react-router-dom version 6.2.2. It contains bindings for using React
Router in web applications.
8. Install redux version 4.1.2. One of the most important package because
helps to write applications that behave consistently, run in different envi-
ronments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test(11).
9. Install mongoose version 6.2.8. A MongoDB object modelling tool de-
signed to work in an asynchronous environment.
10. Install multer version 1.4.5. For uploading files.
11. Install nodemon version 2.0.15. To develop Node.js based applications by
automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the di-
rectory are detected(12).
12. Install nodemailer version 6.9.1. To help to send mail by node application.
In this case we use this package to send OPT to user email(13).
13. Install jsonwebtoken version 8.5.1. To create web token for login pur-
14. Install dotenv version 16.0.3. To load environment variables from a .env
file into process.env.
15. Install bcryptjs version 2.4.3. To help to create hash passwords to im-
prove security(14).
16. Install Axios version 0.26.1. To provide Promise based HTTP client (PUT,
GET, DELETE) for the browser and Node.js(15).
17. Install helmet version 5.1.1. To provide security for Express apps by set-
ting various HTTP headers.
Several other packages were used to create the project, but the ones above are
most important. All the names of the packages and their versions can be found in
the package. json file in the project folder.
3.2 Implementation
In this section the implementation of the code is discussed. The whole project
file is divided mainly between frontend and backend part. In the frontend the UI
of the project and in the backend the functionality of the project have been de-
The frontend is divided into several file that are public, for example src or node
module. The src file is the most important because all the page components are
in there. In the public file the default image has been stored in the project slider
and an uploaded image from the user will be stored there. The Node module is
an auto generated folder and package json is also auto generated where all the
frontend packages are displayed. The details about frontend are discussed in sec-
tion 3.2.1.
The backend also divided into many folders and the most important are config.
This one connects the database and gives us status about the connection. con-
troller folder control all the operation of the pages, middleware used to the login
operation, model declares all the pages required value, route have route instruc-
tion of the pages, seeder folder have demo data, utils have all the necessary
function commend. The details about the backend operation are discussed in
3.2.2 section.
Figure 4: Project file structure
In this project the frontend is divided into three sperate users (admin, seller,
buyer) and separate components were created for each of them to make it sim-
pler. All the pages and their components and utils are stored in the “src” folder.
But because of the huge number of components, the state management package
Redux was used and configured for global page management. The “Login page” is
discussed in detail so that readers can understand the Redux application in pro-
ject components.
For simplicity a login page and login page component were created separately. In
the log in page, the component contains all the Bootstrap elements, objects, and
condition and from the login page when the user signs up and logs into their ac-
count and “loginUserApiRequest” function is created and POST the data to
Table 1: Route command table
Specific pages are assigned with a controller. Each has different functionality and
condition(16), depending on the condition response status change. Some re-
sponse statuses are shown below in Table 2.
Status Function
res.status(201) Created
From the database MangoDB and its object model Mongoose was used to create
the database section. A model was created to define the architecture for specific
pages in the data base. Generate-schema was used to convert JSON Objects to
MySQL Table Schema. It gives a better format in the database.
For deployment “Render” was used. This is a cloud service where developers can
build and run their applications (18).
It is very easy to deploy the application in this site. A new “gitignor” file was cre-
ated and “.env” was written. Then a “personal access token” had to be created in
Github and the entire project uploaded in the Github repository.
After that the Github account was linked in Render and a live server in the render
application was created. After putting necessary credential, the project was de-
ployed in the live server using a unique link created by Render.
This chapter discusses what kind of problem this project has solved and what can
be learned through this process.
This project contributes mainly to front end part but some backend part work
was also done. Some UI and implementation using React was designed. Log in
and register page UI were created and its back-end work also done. Controller,
route for user, seller and buyer were created.
From this work one can learn a lot about React package management and how a
state works. By doing backend work the understanding of server-side work can
be improved. One can learn how to connect front and backend in a project and
what kind of package would be needed to accomplish this work.
Due to lack of time some functionality is not operational for example the, cart
page. In the live server the buyer profile page is not appearing. In future this
problem can be solved and this application can be published for commercial use.
There are some limitations of the project, first the authentication can be much
more sophisticated. Checking the validity of the student should be developed
further. A more colorful and easier UI for the application is also needed.
This project is an innovative project. The aim of this project is to create a youth
entrepreneur from the university. For that a fast, easy, and modern application is
The MERN method has been used to complete the project successfully because it
is faster than other web development stacks. In the project React was used to
develop the UI and Node was used to develop the backend.
Finally, this project brings a new idea and with new stack technology like MERN it
can be the next hit web application on the internet.