Mutare Zimbabwe Potato Farming
Mutare Zimbabwe Potato Farming
Mutare Zimbabwe Potato Farming
Tsitsi Nyabando is a Zimbabwean graduate student at East Tennessee State University studying
Secondary Education. She grew up on a small potato farm and dreamed of becoming a commercial
farmer until sometime in her late teens when the passion for teaching took over.
I have seen potatoes growing ever since I was a child. My father has been growing
potatoes for more than twenty years now on the family’s farm 25 miles from Mutare.
Whenever I seek his advice before taking a big decision, he will always refer back twenty two
years ago, when he broke away from traditional corn growing to potato growing armed with a
borrowed handbook from a friend who grew potatoes in Nyanga about 60 miles away. The
family had grown with the birth of Jacob, my brother, and my father had been looking for an
investment that would pay him more than corn growing. He then realized that potato growing
paid him about three times more than corn growing with a ready
Growing potatoes will therefore
market in the local city of Mutare and Africa University a few miles
not only pay back high
away from the small farm.
dividends to the farmer but it
will also contribute greatly to More farmers in the farming area of Mutare should consider
Zimbabwe’s food security. changing from corn growing to potato growing. Although a farmer
investment. In his handbook on potato growing, Sithole (2007) pointed out that potatoes give
about three times higher yields than corn, and with a good water supply a farmer can grow
potatoes three times a year. There is a growing demand for potatoes in Zimbabwe’s cities and
neighboring Mozambique which is only thirty minutes away from this farming area. Growing
potatoes will therefore not only pay back high dividends to the farmer but it will also contribute
Potatoes are in two main classes; sweet potatoes, and ordinary or Irish potatoes. The
Irish potato comes in hundreds of varieties and some of the common ones in Zimbabwe are
Jasper, Diamond, BP 1, Montclare and Amethyst. Different varieties look different in size, skin
and inside color. Some varieties take as long as fifteen weeks to mature, whilst others will be
ready in just twelve weeks. The height of plants as well as flower color also differs among
varieties. The chef would also choose different varieties for different dishes because different
potato varieties are good for baking, roasting and boiling. A farmer will take all these factors
into consideration when choosing a variety to grow. The market’s preference will also definitely
My father has grown different varieties over the years before settling for Amethyst and
BP1. He grows BP1 as an irrigated crop during the dry season, between July and October. It
saves on irrigation costs because it is a short term variety which takes between 14 and 15
weeks to mature. Although Amethyst takes almost 19 weeks to mature, my father grows it
because it gives higher yields than the other varieties. Amethyst grows well as a rain fed crop
Potatoes grow well in areas with cool temperatures of not more than 80 F. High
temperatures will dry up the potatoes, and if they do survive they might not produce anything
worth selling. Potatoes will thrive in the highlands near Mutare where temperatures are
moderate throughout the year. Water for irrigation should also be in abundance since potatoes
need lots of water except when potatoes are grown during the rainy season when the area
Rich loamy soils produce the best potatoes because potatoes need a lot of nutrients to
do well. If the soil is not fertile a farmer would have to add organic
manure to the soil or mulch it long before planting. My father The soil should be
space to grow so light soils will give them all the freedom they need. The soil should also be
well aerated and should drain well. Deep tilling of the land when it is not too wet will pay back
the farmer at harvest time. The land should be weed free and well disked at planting.
The quality of seed a farmer plants definitely has a bearing on the yield. Tubers can be
purchased from seed farmers, or a farmer might leave over some of the harvested crop for
seed. Tubers should be healthy looking and firm at the time of selection. Potatoes selected or
bought for seed should be stored in a warm, well-ventilated area with adequate light to help
them sprout in about four weeks. When sprouts of about six inches develop, potatoes will be
The sprouts should not be left to grow too long because the tuber will be spent and will
not have enough energy to grow and produce. To delay sprouting potatoes can be temporarily
Tubers can be planted in rows of about ten inches deep and two feet apart. This will
ensure that the tubers will have adequate space to grow under the soil. The tubers should be
Weeding, Watering and Fertilizer
The fertile nature of potato soil makes it a thriving ground for a host of weeds. Some of
the most common ones are the Wandering Jew, black jack and star grass. Weeds such as these
should be controlled to ensure that they do not compete for nutrients with the potatoes,
stalling growth and ultimately reducing yields. It also becomes more difficult to control weeds
herbicides have an advantage to the farmer over selective herbicides because they control all
types of weeds. If a farmer chooses to use selective herbicides they will have to use mechanical
methods to remove the remaining weeds. My father uses two herbicides; Metribuzin 48EC and
Alachlar to control weeds. Using herbicides is cheaper than hiring labor to remove the weeds
The potato field should be well watered because potatoes need lots of water to grow
well. Ideally watering should be done weekly but this will depend on soil type and daily
temperatures. When the temperatures are high, watering should be done more frequently. This
also applies for soils which have a low water retention rate. Ridging up should also be done
ensuring that the plants are well covered with earth about four inches high, through-out the
season. Ridging the potato plants will cover the developing tubers ensuring that they are not
A farmer can apply fertilizer to a potato crop to supplement nutrients in the soil. At
planting, Compound S can be applied in the furrows to encourage good leaf and stem
development. This should be applied in small amounts. High quantities will destroy the crop.
Potassium Nitrate can be applied every three weeks to ensure the good development of the
tubers. As an alternative, mulching and adding organic can also supplement nutrients in the
To effectively control some of the common pests and diseases, pesticides can be applied
to the crop soon after planting as a preventive measure. Some of the most common pests are
the potato beetle, which is very small and red in color as well as aphids, mites, nematodes and
cutworms. These pests affect the leaves and developing tubers of the potato plant and if not
controlled early the plant wilts and die. Ensuring that the crop is weed free is one of method of
controlling pests. Early blight, late blight and common scab is also common in potatoes. The
potatoes will dry up and the diseases can wipe away a crop of potatoes in a few days if the
The Commercial Farmers’ Union of Zimbabwe recommends the use of pesticides such as
potatoes. They also suggest rotating potato growing with grasses such as
Harvesting, Storage and Packaging
Harvesting time varies among different varieties. It can be anytime between 14 and 20
weeks depending on the variety. When potatoes are ready for harvesting the leaves and stem
will dry up. Watering should be stopped at the first signs of maturing. A farmer can also tell that
a crop is ready for harvesting by looking at the tubers. The skin should be firm and should not
easily peel away when rubbed. A pitch fork can be used to harvest the potatoes by carefully
unearthing them.
The harvested potatoes can be left in a warm place for two days to harden them. After
hardening, potatoes may be graded by size, quality and quantity. The potatoes can now be
stored in a well-ventilated, dark and cool place of abo t F or delivered to different markets.
Moist conditions are not ideal for potato storage because the potatoes will rot.
My father sells potatoes soon after harvesting while they look firm and fresh. Potatoes
for the Mutare market are usually sold in 11, 22 and 33 pound bags. Prices may vary depending
Mozambican market may offer higher prices than the local Mutare
Sithole, S. (2007). A guide to potato growing. Department of
Potato tubers for seed
Agricultural, Technical and Extension Services.
Seed Potato Co-op The Zimbabwe Commercial Farmer’s Union Fact Sheet: Potato
Pictures from Microsoft Office
Herbicides, insecticides,
The Zimbabwe
Department of
Technical and
Extension Services
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