NIOS 8.5.5 ReleaseNotesREVD

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 2

SUPPORTED PLATFORMS ........................................................................................................ 2

NEW FEATURES ................................................................................................................... 7

NIOS 8.5.5 ...................................................................................................................... 7
NIOS 8.5.4 ...................................................................................................................... 8
NIOS 8.5.3 ...................................................................................................................... 8
NIOS 8.5.2 ...................................................................................................................... 9
NIOS 8.5.1 .................................................................................................................... 12
NIOS 8.5.0 .................................................................................................................... 14

CHANGES TO DEFAULT BEHAVIOR .......................................................................................... 17

NIOS 8.5.x .................................................................................................................... 17
NIOS 8.4.x .................................................................................................................... 20
NIOS 8.3.x .................................................................................................................... 21

CHANGES TO INFOBLOX API and RESTFUL API (WAPI) .................................................................. 21

WAPI Deprecation and Backward Compatibility Policy .............................................................. 22
NIOS 8.5 ...................................................................................................................... 22

UPGRADE GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................... 23

BEFORE YOU INSTALL ......................................................................................................... 24

ADDRESSED VULNERABILITIES................................................................................................ 25

RESOLVED ISSUES............................................................................................................... 34
Fixed in NIOS 8.5.5 ......................................................................................................... 34
Fixed in NIOS 8.5.4 ......................................................................................................... 39
Fixed in NIOS 8.5.3 ......................................................................................................... 39
Fixed in NIOS 8.5.2 ......................................................................................................... 46
Fixed in NIOS 8.5.1 ......................................................................................................... 54
Fixed in NIOS 8.5.0 ......................................................................................................... 59

KNOWN GENERAL ISSUES ..................................................................................................... 73

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes


Infoblox NIOSÔ 8.5 software, coupled with Infoblox appliance platforms, enables customers to deploy large,
robust, manageable and cost-effective Infoblox Grids. This next-generation solution enables distributed
delivery of core network services—including DNS, DHCP, IPAM, TFTP, and FTP—with the nonstop availability and
real-time service management required for today’s 24x7 advanced IP networks and applications.


Infoblox NIOS 8.5.x is supported on the following platforms:

• Infoblox Advanced Appliances: PT-1405, PT-2205, PT-2205-10GE

• Network Insight Appliances: ND-805, ND-1405, ND-2205, ND-4000, ND-4005
• Network Insight Virtual Appliances: IB-V805, IB-V1405, IB-V2205, IB-V4005
• Trinzic Appliances: TE-815, TE-825, TE-1415, TE-1425, TE-2215, TE-2225, TE-4015, TE-4025
• Trinzic Virtual Appliances: IB-V815, IB-V825, IB-V1415, IB-V1425, IB-V2215, IB-V2225, IB-V4015,
• Trinzic Reporting Appliances: TR-805, TR-1405, TR-2205, TR-4005
• Trinzic Reporting Virtual Appliances: IB-V805, IB-V1405, IB-V2205, IB-V4005, IB-V5005
• Cloud Platform Appliances: CP-V805, CP-V1405, CP-V2205
• Infoblox Virtual NIOS Appliances for AWS, Azure, GCP, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: IB-V825, IB-
V1425, IB-V2225, CP-V805, CP-V1405, CP-V2205

The following appliances are supported only when you upgrade to NIOS 8.5 from an earlier version. They are
not supported on a new NIOS 8.5 installation:
ND-V800, ND-V1400, ND-V2200, TE-V810, TE-V820, TE-V1410, TE-V1420, TE-V2210, TE-V2220, TR-V2200, IB-
V4010, IB-V4020, TE-V800, TE-V1400, TE-V2200, CP-V800, CP-V1400, and CP-V2200.

NOTE: Using NIOS on appliances supported but not available for purchase or on appliances supported only when
you upgrade may result in a performance degrade.

NOTE: TE appliances are also known as the IB appliances.

NOTE: DNS forwarding proxy is not supported on any appliance that is running on a memory lower than 4 GB.


Infoblox supports the following vNIOS virtual appliances. Note that Infoblox does not support running vNIOS in
any nested VMs or VM-inside-VM configuration.

• vNIOS for VMware on ESX/ESXi Servers

The Infoblox vNIOS on VMware software can run on ESX or ESXi servers that have DAS (Direct Attached
Storage), or iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) or FC (Fibre Channel) SAN (Storage Area
Network) attached. You can install the vNIOS software package on a host with VMware ESX or ESXi versions
7.0, 6.7, 6.5.x, 6.0.x installed, and then configure it as a virtual appliance.

vSphere vMotion is also supported. You can migrate vNIOS virtual appliances from one ESX or ESXi server to
another without any service outages. The migration preserves the hardware IDs and licenses of the vNIOS
virtual appliances. VMware Tools is automatically installed for each vNIOS virtual appliance. Infoblox
supports the control functions in VMware Tools. For example, through the vSphere client, you can shut
down the virtual appliance. You can deploy certain vNIOS virtual appliances with different hard disk
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Some vNIOS appliances are not supported as Grid Masters or Grid Master Candidates. For more information
about vNIOS on VMware, refer to the Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS Software on VMware.

• vNIOS for Microsoft Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 Hyper-V

The Infoblox vNIOS virtual appliance is now available for Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, and
2012 R2 that have DAS (Direct Attached Storage). Administrators can install vNIOS virtual appliance on
Microsoft Windows® servers using either Hyper-V Manager or SCVMM. A Microsoft Powerscript is available
for ease of installation and configuration of the virtual appliance. Note that for optimal performance,
vNIOS for Hyper-V is not recommended as a Grid Master or Grid Master Candidate. For more information
about vNIOS for Hyper-V, refer to the Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS on Microsoft Hyper-V.

NOTE: NIOS virtual appliance for Hyper-V is not recommended as a Grid Master or Grid Master Candidate.

• vNIOS for KVM Hypervisor

The Infoblox vNIOS for KVM is a virtual appliance designed for KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)
hypervisor and KVM-based OpenStack deployments. The Infoblox vNIOS for KVM functions as a hardware
virtual machine guest on the Linux system. It provides core network services and a framework for
integrating all components of the modular Infoblox solution. You can configure some of the supported
vNIOS for KVM appliances as independent or HA (high availability) Grid Masters, Grid Master Candidates,
and Grid members. For information about vNIOS for KVM hypervisor, refer to the Infoblox Installation
Guide for vNIOS for KVM Hypervisor and KVM-based OpenStack.

NOTE: KVM-based OpenStack deployments are supported on the Red Hat OpenStack 16.0, Rocky RHOSP 14
(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6), Queens RHOSP 13 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6), Newton RHOSP 10 (Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4), and Stein PackStack (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6) platforms.

• vNIOS for AWS (Amazon Web Services)

The Infoblox vNIOS for AWS is a virtual Infoblox appliance designed for operation as an AMI (Amazon
Machine Instance) in Amazon VPCs (Virtual Private Clouds). You can deploy large, robust, manageable, and
cost effective Infoblox Grids in your AWS cloud, or extend your existing private Infoblox NIOS Grid to your
virtual private cloud resources in AWS. You can use vNIOS for AWS virtual appliances to provide carrier-
grade DNS and IPAM services across your AWS VPCs. Instead of manually provisioning IP addresses and DNS
name spaces for network devices and interfaces, an Infoblox vNIOS for AWS instance can act as a
standalone Grid appliance to provide DNS services in your Amazon VPC, as a virtual cloud Grid member tied
to an on-premises (non-Cloud) NIOS Grid, or as a Grid Master synchronizing with other AWS-hosted vNIOS
Grid members in your Amazon VPC; and across VPCs or Availability Zones in different Amazon Regions. For
more information about vNIOS for AWS, refer to the Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS for AWS.

• vNIOS for Azure

Infoblox vNIOS for Azure is an Infoblox virtual appliance designed for deployments through Microsoft Azure,
a collection of integrated cloud services in the Microsoft Cloud. The vNIOS for Azure enables you to deploy
robust, manageable, and cost effective Infoblox appliances in the Microsoft Cloud. Infoblox NIOS provides
core network services and a framework for integrating all the components of the modular Infoblox solution.
It provides integrated, secure, and easy-to-manage DNS (Domain Name System) and IPAM (IP address
management) services. You can deploy one or more Infoblox vNIOS for Azure instances through the
Microsoft Azure Marketplace and provision them to join the on-premises NIOS Grid. You can then use the
vNIOS for Azure instance as the primary DNS server to provide carrier-grade DNS and IPAM services in the
Microsoft Cloud. You can also utilize Infoblox Cloud Network Automation with your vNIOS for Azure
instances to streamline with IPAM, improve visibility of your cloud networks, and increase the flexibility of
your cloud environment. For more information about vNIOS for Azure, refer to the Infoblox Installation
Guide for vNIOS for Microsoft Azure.

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Release Notes

• vNIOS for GCP

Infoblox vNIOS for GCP is an Infoblox virtual appliance that enables you to deploy robust, manageable, and
cost-effective Infoblox appliances in the Google Cloud. Infoblox vNIOS provides core network services and a
framework for integrating all the components of the modular Infoblox solution. It provides integrated,
secure, and easy-to-manage DNS (Domain Name System) and IPAM (IP address management) services. For
more information, see the Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS for GCP.

• vNIOS for Nutanix AHV

Infoblox vNIOS for Nutanix enables you to deploy large, robust, manageable, and cost-effective Grids.
Infoblox NIOS virtual appliance for Nutanix functions as a hardware virtual machine guest on the Linux
system. It provides integrated, secure, and easy-to-manage DNS, DHCP, and IPAM services and a framework
for integrating all the components of the modular Infoblox solution. For more information, see the Infoblox
Installation Guide vNIOS for Nutanix AHV.

• vNIOS for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Infoblox vNIOS for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is a virtual appliance designed for deployment on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure, an infrastructure as a service that is offered by Oracle. The virtual appliance enables
you to deploy large, robust, manageable, and cost-effective Infoblox Grids. The NIOS virtual appliance
for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure functions as a hardware virtual machine guest on the Linux system. It
provides integrated, secure, and easy-to-manage DNS, DHCP, and IPAM services. It also provides a
framework for integrating all components of the modular Infoblox solution. Currently, only CP-V2205 is
supported on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This appliance runs only as a Grid member; you cannot deploy it
as a Grid Master or Grid Master Candidate. For more information, see the Infoblox Installation Guide vNIOS
for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

• vNIOS for Red Hat OpenShift

Infoblox vNIOS for Red Hat OpenShift is a virtual appliance designed for deployment on Red Hat®
OpenShift®, an enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform. The virtual appliance enables you to
deploy large, high-performance, robust, manageable, and cost-effective Infoblox Grids.
The NIOS virtual appliance for Red Hat OpenShift functions as a virtual machine running on KubeVirt
virtualization. It provides integrated, secure, and easy-to-manage DNS service. For more information, see
the Infoblox Installation Guide vNIOS for Red Hat OpenShift.

NOTE: Infoblox NIOS virtual appliances support any hardware that provides the required Hypervisor version,
memory, CPU, and disk resources. To maintain high performance on your NIOS virtual appliances and to avoid
not having enough resources to service all the NIOS virtual appliances, do not oversubscribe physical resources
on the virtualization host. Required memory, CPU, and disk resources must be adequately allocated for each
virtual appliance that is running on the virtualization host. For information about the required specification for
each NIOS virtual appliance model, see the following table.

NOTE: Deploying vNIOS on Xen Hypervisor is not supported, but you can upgrade from earlier versions to 8.3
and then upgrade to 8.5.x.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

The following table lists the required memory, CPU, and disk allocation for each supported Infoblox virtual
appliance model:

NIOS Virtual Primary # of Memory Recomme NIOS NIOS NIOS NIOS for NIOS NIOS for Supported
Appliances Disk CPU Allocation nded CPU for for MS for Azure, for Red Hat as Grid
(GB) Cores (GB) Per Core VMwa Hyper KVM AWS, Nutanix OpenShift Master and
Clock re -V* GCP AHV Grid Master
Rate Candidate

IB-V815 ** 250 2 16 1100 MHz ü ü ü1 û ü û Yes

IB-V825 ** 250 2 16 1600 MHz ü ü ü1 ü ü û Yes

IB-V1415 ** 250 4 32 1200 MHz ü ü ü1 û ü û Yes

IB-V1425 ** 250 4 32 1800 MHz ü ü ü1 ü ü û Yes

IB-V2215 ** 250 8 64 2100 MHz ü ü ü1 û ü û Yes

IB-V2225 ** 250 8 64 2100 MHz ü ü ü1 ü ü ü Yes

IB-V4015 ** 250 14 128 2400 MHz ü ü ü1 û û û Yes

IB-V4025 ** 250 14 128 2400 MHz ü ü ü1 û2 û û Yes

Network Overall # of CPU Memory Recommende NIOS for NIOS NIOS NIOS for NIOS for Supported
Insight Disk Cores Allocation d CPU Per VMware for MS for Azure, Nutanix as Grid
Virtual (GB) (GB) Core Clock Hyper- KVM AWS, AHV Master and
Appliances Rate V* GCP Grid Master

ND-V805 ** 500 2 32 2700 MHz ü ü ü1 û û No

ND-V1405 ** 500 4 32 3600 MHz ü ü ü1 û ü No

ND-V2205 ** 500 8 64 2100 MHz ü ü ü û û No

ND-V4005 ** 500 14 128 2400 MHz ü ü ü û û No

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NIOS 8.4
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8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

The overall disk space in NIOS reporting virtual appliances is the value mentioned in the Overall Disk column
plus user defined reporting storage.

NIOS Overall # of CPU Memory Recommended NIOS NIOS NIOS NIOS for NIOS Supported as
Reporting Disk (GB) Cores Allocation CPU Per Core for for MS for Azure, for Grid Master
Virtual (GB) Clock Rate VMware Hyper KVM AWS, Nuta and Grid
Appliances -V * GCP nix Master
AHV Candidate

IB-V805 ** 250 2 32 2700 MHz ü ü ü1 û û No

IB-V1405 ** 250 4 32 3600 MHz ü ü ü1 û û No

IB-V2205 ** 250 8 64 2100 MHz ü ü ü1 û û No

IB-V4005 250 14 128 2400 MHz ü û û û û No

(+ 1500

IB-V5005 User User User N/A ü ü ü û ü No

defined defined defined

Cloud Overall # of Memory Recomme NIOS NIOS for NIOS NIOS for NIOS NIOS for Supported
Platform Disk CPU Allocation nded for MS for Azure, for Oracle as
Appliances (GB) Cores (GB) CPU VMware Hyper-V * KVM AWS, Nutanix Cloud Grid Master
Per Core GCP AHV Infrastr and
Clock ucture Grid Master
Rate Candidate

CP-V805 250 2 16 2000 MHz ü ü ü ü ü û No

CP-V1405 250 4 32 6000 MHz ü ü ü ü ü û No

CP-V2205 250 8 64 12000 ü ü ü ü ü ü No



* When running NIOS in MS Hyper-V with dynamic memory allocation enabled, your system might experience
high memory usage. To avoid this issue, Infoblox recommends that you disable dynamic memory allocation.

** To achieve best performance on your virtual appliances, follow the recommended specifications and allocate
your resources within the limits of the licenses being installed on the appliances.
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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

1 NIOS for KVM is supported in the following environments: OpenStack, RHEL, SUSE Enterprise and Cloud, and
2 NIOS for AWS is supported on IB-V4025 from NIOS 8.5.2 onwards.

The following table lists the required CPU and memory allocation for each supported Infoblox appliance model
when Threat Protection is enabled:

NIOS Virtual # of Memory

Appliances CPU Allocation
Cores (GB)

IB-V1415 4 32

IB-V1425 8 32

IB-V2215 16 64

IB-V2225 16 64

IB-V4015 28 128

IB-V4025 28 128

For the IB-V1425, IB-V4015, and IB-V4025 appliances, the # of CPU Cores column indicates the number of
virtual CPUs assuming that hyperthreading is enabled.


This section lists new features in the 8.5.x releases.

NIOS 8.5.5

Displaying the Correct Cloud Platform Types (RFE-11596)

The Grid Manager > Members tab now displays two new columns: Host Platform and Hypervisor. These
columns respectively display the platform or the virtual platform on which NIOS is running and the hypervisor
of the appliance.

The values of the host platform and hypervisor are also displayed in the output of the show hardware-type
CLI command.

IPv6 Support for Subscriber Services (RFE-10975)

Subscriber services now support IPv6 address types. You can now run subscriber services and send RADIUS
message communication on IPv4, IPv6, and dual-mode (IPv4+IPv6) devices. NIOS now also supports proxy API
calls and expire profile API calls over IPv6 to MSPs and SPMs respectively. However, the MSP/SPM in version do not yet support IPv6.

Support for SafeNet Luna SA 7 (RFE-10477)

NIOS now supports SafeNet Luna SA 7 devices.

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Release Notes

NIOS 8.5.4

New Port Placements for the Infoblox 2205 and Infoblox 4005 Series Appliances
The front panels of the Infoblox 2205 Series and the Infoblox 4005 Series have been modified to have slots for
the four ports (LAN2, HA, LAN1, MGMT) at the right. However, the Infoblox 2205 and Infoblox 4005 Series
models that have the ports located at the center are also being shipped. There is no difference in software
functionality between the models that have ports on the right and those that have ports in the center. Both the
models will support NIOS versions prior to 8.5.4 and earlier.

For a visual representation of these models, see the Infoblox Installation Guide for 2205 Series Appliances and
the Infoblox Installation Guide for 4005 Series Appliances documentation at

NIOS 8.5.3

DHCPv6 Option Filters (RFE-9401)

You can now configure DHCPv6 option filters using the Data Management > DHCP > Filters > IPv6 Option Filter
option. The Filters tab now displays the filter type and you can associate DHCPv6 option filters with these IPv6
objects: IPv6 networks, IPv6 ranges, IPv6 network containers, IPv6 shared networks, IPv6 fixed addresses, IPv6
network templates, IPv6 range templates, IPv6 fixed address templates, Grid DHCP, and member DHCP
properties. For more information, see “Configuring Option Filters” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

NAC Authentication Messages in Syslog (RFE-10028)

Network Access Control or RADIUS messages related to DHCP authentication are now part of syslog logging.

Bypass Subscriber Services (RFE-10709)

The set subscriber_secure_data bypass and the show subscriber_secure_data bypass
commands now contain the following new parameters:
• grid: Enables or disables the subscriber service policies bypass for all members of each site on the
entire Grid.
• site: Enables or disables the subscriber service policies bypass for all members of a site.

The earlier parameters such as on, off, and dca have been deprecated. For more information about the
syntax, arguments, and examples of these commands, see the “set subscriber_secure_data bypass” and the
“show subscriber_secure_data bypass” topics in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Multi-Grid Master and Sub Grid Synchronization (RFE-7653)

You can now configure the way in which Multi-Grid Master gathers updates from its connected sub Grids. You
can choose the communication mode of the Master Grid to be sub Grid initiated or MGM initiated. If you choose
sub Grid initiated, the sub Grid initiates the connection request to join Multi-Grid Master and synchronization
takes place from the sub Grid to the Multi-Grid Master and from the Multi-Grid Master to the sub Grid. If you
choose MGM initiated, Multi-Grid Master initiates the connection request to the sub Grid and it also initiates
the synchronization request regularly with the sub Grids that are already joined.

For more information about the communication modes, see the Multi-Grid Manager Administrator Guide at

ACL for DNS Domains (RFE-6181)

You can now add, update, or delete an allow query domain ACL for the domain of a DNS view. Allow query
domain is an ACL that allows or denies a client request for query access to a domain. The following new CLI
commands have been introduced:
• set allow_query_domain: Adds, updates, or deletes an allow query domain ACL for the domain of
a DNS view.
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Release Notes
• show allow_query_domain: Displays the list of all domain names in the DNS view specified or its
default DNS view.
• show allow_query_domain_views: Displays the list of DNS views that have allow query domain
ACLs configured.

For more information about the syntax, arguments, and examples of these commands, see the “set
allow_query_domain”, “show allow_query_domain”, and “show allow_query_domain_views” topics in the NIOS
8.5 online documentation.

Defining the NTP Orphan Mode (RFE-11096)

Grid members including the Grid Master can now function as NTP servers to clients if NTP is enabled on the
Grid. You can even configure a stratum value that enables Grid members to continue serving NTP
uninterruptedly using the disconnected NTP service in the absence of external NTP servers. This mode is called
the orphan mode. When the external NTP servers are reachable again, the Grid connects to the server to serve
NTP and derive the NTP stratum values and automatically switches to the connected mode.

For more information about the orphan mode, see the “Configuring Orphan Mode” and the “Using NTP for Time
Settings” topics in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

vNIOS for Red Hat OpenShift (RFE-10707)

vNIOS is now supported on the Red Hat OpenShift platform. For more information, see the Infoblox Installation
Guide vNIOS for Red Hat OpenShift at

Deploying vNIOS instances Using Managed Disks in Azure (RFE-8690)

You can now deploy NIOS instances on Microsoft Azure using managed disks. For more information see the
Infoblox Installation Guide vNIOS for Microsoft Azure at

Microsoft Server 2019 Support (RFE-10227)

NIOS 8.5.3 is supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2019.

NIOS 8.5.2

DNS Over HTTPS (RFE-9826)

You can now avoid DNS query spoofing and eavesdropping by using the newly introduced DNS over HTTPS
service. When you enable the DNS over HTTPS feature, DNS traffic is encrypted through the HTTPS protocol to
prevent eavesdropping and tampering of DNS data. You can enable this feature by selecting the Enable DoH
Service check box. This check box is present in the Member DNS Properties editor, Toggle Advanced Mode
> Queries tab.

You can also view the status, configuration, and details of the DNS over HTTPS service by using the following
new commands:
• show doh-status: Displays the status of the DNS over HTTPS service.
• show doh-config: Displays the DNS over HTTPS configuration and includes DNS over HTTPS servers
that are listening on port 443.
• show doh-stats: Displays statistics such as active HTTPS sessions and number of queries or responses
received or sent over HTTPS.

NIOS appliances must have the required base memory configuration for the DNS over TLS and the DNS over
HTTPS features to be displayed. For information about the required memory footprint, see the “Base
Configuration Requirements” section in the “Configuring DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS Services” topic in
the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

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For detailed information about the appliances that support DNS over HTTPS, limitations, and configuration, see
the “Configuring DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS Services” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation. For
information about the commands, see the “show doh-status”, “show doh-config”, and “show doh-stats” topics.

DNS Over TLS (RFE-6979)

NIOS appliances that support vDCA or vADP now include the DNS over TLS capability that helps increase DNS
security and privacy. When you enable the DNS over TLS feature, DNS traffic is encrypted through the TLS
protocol to prevent eavesdropping and tampering of DNS data. You can enable this feature by selecting the
select the Enable DoT Service check box. This check box is present in the Member DNS Properties editor,
Toggle Advanced Mode > Queries tab.

You can also view the status, configuration, and details of the DNS over TLS service by using the following new
• show dns-over-tls-status: Displays the status of the DNS over TLS service.
• show dns-over-tls-config: Displays the DNS over TLS configuration and includes DNS over TLS
servers that are listening on port 853.
• show dns-over-tls-stats: Displays statistics such as active TLS sessions and number of queries or
responses received or sent over TLS.

NIOS appliances must have the required base memory configuration for the DNS over TLS and the DNS over
HTTPS features to be displayed. For information about the required memory footprint, see the “Base
Configuration Requirements” section in the “Configuring DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS Services” topic in
the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

For detailed information about the appliances that support DNS over TLS, limitations, and configuration, see
the “Configuring DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS Services” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation. For
information about the commands, see the “show dns-over-tls-status”, “show dns-over-tls-config”, and “show
dns-over-tls-stats” topics.

Proxying RPZ Passthru Rules (RFE-9982)

You can now proxy RPZ passthru rules for parental control through a configured MSP (Multi-Services Proxy)
server by selecting the newly introduced Proxy RPZ Passthru check box. If you select this check box, and a
passthru rule from any RPZ zone is hit, then the query resolves to an MSP proxy virtual IP address and NIOS
generates a "synthetic resolution”. If you do not select this check box, the query resolves normally.
Note: If an RPZ passthru rule is triggered and the Proxy RPZ Passthru check box is selected, queries are
proxied to the MSP (Multi-Services Proxy) server only if the passthru rule is not blocked by other policies (for
example, blacklist, whitelist, parental control) in NIOS.

For more information, see the “Scaling Using Subscriber Sites” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Changing the Default Password During the First Login for Standalone AWS Members (RFE-10280)
For an AWS standalone member, NIOS now displays the New Password and Retype Password fields when you
log in for the first time. You must change the default password. For more information, see the “xxx” topic in
the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Key Pair Authentication for CLI Access (RFE-7968)

To prevent CLI login failures after upgrade, you must enable the Use AWS SSH authentication keys option for
each user that needs CLI access to AWS appliances. When you select the Use AWS SSH authentication keys
option, you can either select the Key pair option to gain access to the CLI without entering a password or the
Key pair + password option to gain access after entering a password and uploading the SSH public key. You can
upload the public key using the Manage SSH Public Keys field. For more information, see the “Creating Local
Admins” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

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Release Notes

vNIOS Support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (RFE-10643)

You can now deploy the NIOS virtual appliance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can deploy an Infoblox
vNIOS for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance as a virtual cloud member tied to an on-premise (non-cloud)
NIOS Grid. The NIOS virtual appliance for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure functions as a hardware virtual machine
guest on the Linux system. For more information about vNIOS for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see the Infoblox
vNIOS for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Installation Guide at

vNIOS for AWS Support for IB-V4025 (RFE-10374)

You can now deploy vNIOS for AWS instances with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, Infoblox provides support
for IPv6 network connectivity only on the IB-V4025 appliance.

Service-Level Black and White Lists (RFE-9981)

The allowed and blocked listing feature allows you to specify well-known names (for example, “linkedin” or
“netflix”) for well-known domain names. For information about the rules that are applied if a dotless name is
the allowed list or blocked list, see the “Scaling Using Subscriber Sites” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online

Enabling Parental Control Subscriber Policies Through DNS Cache Acceleration (RFE-9980)
This release of NIOS introduces parental control at DNS Cache Acceleration using cached domain and subscriber
data. To this effect, the following new check boxes have been added on the Parental Control > Advanced tab:
• Enable DCA subscriber Query count logging: Select this check box to use DNS Cache Acceleration to
generate subscriber logs and to record query counts greater than or equal to zero.
• Enable DCA subscriber Allowed & Blocked list support: Select this check box to use DNS Cache
Acceleration to provide the blocked and allowed list of subscribers.

The following new CLI commands have been introduced:

• show subscriber_secure_data bypass: Allows you to view the status of the subscriber data
bypass for a member.

• set subscriber_secure_data bypass: Bypasses subscriber service policies at the local cache and
DNS Cache Acceleration (when available).
• show subscriber_secure_data garbage_collect: Displays the status of garbage collection for
the specific member
• set subscriber_secure_data garbage_collect: Designates the specific member for the
garbage collection service.

A new report called Query Count Details by Subscriber ID is generated at every DNS Cache Acceleration
subscriber cache update. It is based on the query counter per subscriber ID.

For more information about these check boxes, see the “Scaling Using Subscriber Sites” topic in the NIOS 8.5
online documentation. For more information about the CLI commands, see the “show subscriber_secure_data
bypass”, “set subscriber_secure_data bypass”, “show subscriber_secure_data garbage_collect” and the “set
subscriber_secure_data garbage_collect” topics.

NIOS appliances require additional memory if you intend to run Parental Control features such as proxy RPZ
passthru, DNS Cache Acceleration subscriber query count logging, and DNS Cache Acceleration subscriber
allowed and blocked listing simultaneously. For information about memory requirements, see the
“Configuration Requirements if Parental Control is Enabled” section in the in the “Configuring DNS over TLS
and DNS over HTTPS Services” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

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Extensible Attribute Support for VLAN and DNS Objects (RFE-10056)

This release of NIOS introduces the following extensible attribute inheritance chain:
• Network view > DNS view > Network > Zones (including response policy) > Subzone or Resource Record
• VLAN view > VLAN range or static VLAN
For more information, see the “Managing Extensible Attributes” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Enabling and Disabling the FIPS Mode

You can now enable or disable the FIPS mode in NIOS. You can enable or disable the FIPS mode on a Grid
Master, a standalone system, or on the active Grid Master node in a HA setup. In an HA setup, you can set the
FIPS mode only on the standalone Grid Master node and then form an HA pair. You cannot change the setting
on the HA Grid Master or HA Grid member. For more information see, the “Enabling/Disabling the FIPS Mode”
topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

New CLI Commands to Set DNS and Anycast Start and Restart (RFE-10176)
This release of NIOS introduces the following commands:
• set restart_anycast_with_dns_restart: Sets DNS and anycast start and restart sequences.
This command brings down the anycast service during the DNS restart or stops and redirects the traffic
on the IP address of anycast to another site. You can use this command only on Grid Master.
• show restart_anycast_with_dns_restart: Displays the status of the set
restart_anycast_with_dns_restart command.
For more information about these commands, see the “set restart_anycast_with_dns_restart” and “show
restart_anycast_with_dns_restart” topics in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Enabling DDNS Updates from IPv6-Only DHCP Members (RFE-5118)

You can now enable DDNS updates from IPv6-Only DHCP members.

Caching Threat Category Information from the Cloud Services Portal (RFE-9249)
You can configure the Cloud Services Portal and and schedule the entire threat indicator database download
from the Cloud Services Portal. The threat category information is then sent to the reporting server to augment
RPZ hits and reports are generated. Caching threat category information from the Cloud Services Portal helps
enhance the performance of threat reports as data is fetched from the cache that is stored locally.
You can also download incremental updates from the threat indicators of the Cloud Services Portal. The
incremental threat indicator is downloaded only after the whole threat indicator is downloaded from the Cloud
Services Portal.
You can configure threat indicator caching by using the Threat Indicator Caching > Basic tab in the Grid
Reporting Properties editor. For more information, see the “Grid Reporting Properties” topic in the NIOS 8.5
online documentation.

New Supported Cisco ISE Version

NIOS now supports the integration of Cisco ISE versions 2.6 and 2.7. For information about integrating NIOS
with Cisco ISE, see the “Cisco ISE Integration” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

NIOS 8.5.1

Additional Validation on Host Names (RFE-7507)

You can now enable or disable additional validation on host names when creating zones, subzones, and records
of type A, AAAA, host record, ALIAS, CAA, MX, and NS. The following new CLI commands have been introduced
to enable or disable the additional validation:
• set extra_dns_name_validations: Enables or disables additional DNS name validation.
• show extra_dns_name_validations: Displays the status of the additional DNS name validation.

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Additional validation is disabled by default. For more information about these commands, see the “set
extra_dns_name_validations” and “show extra_dns_name_validations” topics in the NIOS 8.5 online

High Performance Query Logging (RFE-7747)

You can now use the dnstap log format to achieve performance query logging. NIOS logs all valid DNS queries
and responses that are not dropped by Advanced DNS Protection. You can configure high performance query
logging by using the Logging tab in the Grid DNS Properties or Member DNS Properties editor.

The following new commands have been introduced to configure the use of dnstap:
• set enable_dnstap: Enables or disables using dnstap to log DNS queries and responses.
• show dnstap-status: Displays the status of the dnstap configuration.
• show dnstap-stats: Displays the statistics of the dnstap configuration.

For information about configuring high performance query logging, see the “Capturing DNS Queries and
Responses” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation. For information about the new commands, see the “set
enable dnstap”, “show dnstap-status”, and “show dnstap-stats” topics in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Support for More Intel NICs (RFE-8677)

NIOS now supports SR-IOV Virtual Function drivers for Intel® Ethernet Controller XL710 and Intel Ethernet
Network Adapter XXV710 NICs. These NICs are supported on KVM platforms.

Configuring the edns-udp-size and max-udp-size Attributes (RFE-4795)

You can now configure the edns-udp-size and max-udp-size attributes by entering byte values in the EDNS0
Buffer Size and UDP Buffer Size fields in the Grid DNS Properties/Member DNS Properties/DNS View > General
> Advanced tab. The minimum and maximum values of both these attributes are 512 and 4096 respectively. By
default, the buffer size is set to 1220 bytes. For information about configuring these attributes, see the “Using
Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Configuring Root Name Server Inheritance (RFE-10347)

You now have the option to configure whether customized root name servers must apply only to the default
DNS view or to all DNS views. You can do this using the Applies to default DNS view only and the Applies to all
DNS views on this member options in Member DNS Properties > Root Name Servers > Basic tab.

Capturing CSV Errors After NetMRI Synchronization (RFE-9097)

After an IPAM synchronization in NetMRI, CSV import errors if any are now logged in a separate file named
discovery_csv_error.log.xxxxxx located at /infoblox/var/discovery_csv_error

Collecting NIOS Database Performance Data (RFE-9550)

You can now download Ptop log files that comprise database metrics which you can use to determine the
health of the NIOS database and baseline its performance. Based on the database performance, you can
ascertain the impact of changes such as adding a Grid member or enabling features such as Grid replication for
DNS zones or multi-master DNS, on the database performance. You can download the Ptop log files by using a
WAPI call. For more information, see the “Collecting Database Performance Data” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online

Adding TLSA Records in Unsigned Zones (RFE-10324)

You can now add TLSA records in both DNSSEC signed zones or unsigned zones.

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NIOS 8.5.0

Infoblox Customer Experience Improvement Program

The Infoblox Customer Experience Improvement program is an alert feature that sends encrypted network
infrastructure and product usage data to Infoblox on a periodic basis. Infoblox uses this data to improve
product functionality and to provide better customer service.

The Infoblox Customer Experience Improvement Program screen is displayed only when you login for the first
time. You can choose whether or not you want to participate in the program. You can configure the Infoblox
Customer Experience Improvement program on the Grid Properties > Edit > CSP Config > Advanced tab.

vDCA Support on 22x5 and 40x5 Appliances (RFE-9242)

vDCA is now supported on the IB-2215, IB-2225, IB-V2215, IB-V2225, IB-4015, IB-4025, IB-V4015, and IB-V4025
appliances. For more information, see the “Configuring DNS Cache Acceleration” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online

CSV Import for Subscriber Records (RFE-8672)

You can now import subscriber site data by using the CSV Import option and export subscriber site data by
using the Export Subscriber Data option. However, you cannot perform merge, custom, and replace operations
for subscriber records. For information about supported object types for subscriber records and their
corresponding fields for CSV import and export, see the “Subscriber Record” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online

You can also add, update, and delete subscriber records using NIOS APIs. For more information, see the NIOS
WAPI documentation.

Scalable Installer Image on IB-FLEX (RFE-7533)

The NIOS 8.5 installer image files are available in the following two variants:
• Default image files of size 250 GB
• Resizable files of size 68 GB. You can resize these images depending on your requirement and
deployment. You can resize up to a maximum of 2.5 terabytes.
For more information, see the “Installing NIOS” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation. For limitations
about the scalable installer image, see the “Limitations of Using the Scalable Image File” section in the
“Installing NIOS” topic.

vNIOS Support on Nutanix AHV (RFE-7970)

vNIOS is now supported on the Nutanix AHV platform. For more information, see the vNIOS on Nutanix AHV
documentation at

Infoblox IPAM Driver for Terraform (RFE-7614)

NIOS is now supported on Infoblox IPAM Driver for Terraform version 1.0. For installation details, see the
Infoblox IPAM Driver for Terraform online documentation at

Splunk Upgrade (RFE-9484)

NIOS 8.5 now works with the upgraded Splunk version 7.2.6.

DHCP Support for Subscriber Policy (RFE-8538)

You can now use extensible attributes to populate the subscriber cache with subscriber policies. Fixed
addresses, reserved addresses and networks can use extensible attributes to add a subscriber policy during
creation and remove the subscriber policy when they are removed. Supported extensible attributes are
Subscriber-Secure-Policy, Parental-Control-Policy, PC-Category-Policy, User-Name, Proxy-All, Black-List and

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White-List. The DHCP member serving subscriber services must belong to a single subscriber secure site. This
feature is not supported when the Allow NATed Subscribers only option is enabled in the subscriber site.

New Dashboard Reports

This release of NIOS introduces the following new reports:
• DNS QPS Usage Report: Displays the five-day rolling average of the total peak DNS queries per second
calculated for all Grid members.
• IP Address Usage Report: Displays the five-day rolling average of peak values of the total count of IP
addresses aggregated across all networks in the Grid.
• DHCP LPS Usage Report: Displays the five-day rolling average of the total peak DHCP leases per second
calculated for all Grid members.
For more information, see the “DNS Dashboards”, “IPAMv4 Utilization Dashboards”, and “DHCP Dashboards”
topics in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Configuring LAN1/LAN2 for Automated Failover (RFE-9114)

LAN1 and LAN2 interfaces both support DNS recursion in such a way that if the default route interface goes
down, the route redundancy feature removes the failed interface so that there is automatic failover of
recursion traffic. This provides for a seamless flow of recursive traffic movement.
You can configure automated failover by selecting the Enable default route redundancy on LAN1/LAN2 check
box on the Network tab of the Grid Member Properties editor. For more information, see the “Using the LAN2
Port” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

New Match Rule Filters for Outbound ObjectChange Events

This release of NIOS introduces two new rule filters in the Match the following rule section when you add
notification rules. The new filters are Username and Usergroup. These filters are applicable only to the
ObjectChange events.

New Cisco ISE Endpoint (RFE-9236)

You can now add a Cisco ISE endpoint using the Grid > Ecosystem > Outbound Endpoint > Add Cisco ISE
Endpoint option. For more information, see the “Configuring Outbound Endpoints” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online

HA Support for Outbound Notifications

NIOS now provides HA support and performs a failover to a standby node without loss of data when a large
number of Outbound events is triggered.

Support for Bulk CSV Operations (RFE-8789)

NIOS 8.5 supports bulk CSV operations for heavy loads of DBChange objects.

Testing the Grid Master Candidate Connection Before Promotion (RFE-1737)

You can now test the connection and also schedule a test connection of the Grid Master Candidate with the
other Grid members before promoting it to Grid Master. You can do this either by using the GMC Promote Test
option on the Grid Manager or by using the NIOS CLI.

The following new commands have been introduced to test the connection:
• show test_promote_master: Enables you to view the results of the test promotion of a Grid Master
Candidate to Grid Master.
• set test_promote_master: Enables you to check whether the Grid Master Candidate is connected
to the rest of the Grid members.

You need the new ADP ruleset version to use this feature. For information about the GMC Test option, see the
“Managing a Grid” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation. For information about the CLI commands, see
the “show test_promote_master” and the “set test_promote_master” commands.

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Release Notes

SSH CLI Access to Non Super Users (RFE-504)

Super users can now give SSH and CLI access to non-super users by selecting the CLI option in the Allowed
Interfaces section of Admin Group Wizard. For more information, see the “About Admin Groups” topic in the
NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Faster Refresh Rates for DNS Traffic Control Status Updates (RFE-6258)
DNS Traffic Control status updates are now refreshed every 10 seconds compared to the earlier refresh rate of
2 minutes. Therefore, you can now view the latest DNS Traffic Control update every 10 seconds.

Selecting NOERROR/NODATA or NXDOMAIN as a Response (RFE-7113)

You can now select NOERROR/NODATA or NXDOMAIN as a Destination/Response option when configuring a
topology ruleset for destination types other than pools or servers. For more information, see the “Configuring
Topology Rules and Rulesets” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Increase in the DNS Traffic Control Scale (RFE-8771)

DNS Traffic Control now is more scalable and supports more numbers of DTC objects and health monitors.

Increase in the DNS Traffic Control Persistency (RFE-9150)

You can now enter a value up to 2 hours in the Persistence field of the DTC LBDN wizard. This has been
increased from the maximum persistence value of 30 minutes in earlier releases.

DNS Forwarding Proxy as a Service (RFE-9137)

DNS Forwarding Proxy is now a NIOS service called DFP and automatically handles DNS query forwarding. You
can start and stop the DFP service just like other NIOS services. You can configure the connection between
NIOS and BloxOne Threat Defense Cloud Services Portal by using the new CSP Config tab in Grid Properties
Editor or Grid Member Properties Editor. For more information, see the Using Forwarders topic in the NIOS 8.5
online documentation.

NIOS Grid Connector

NIOS 8.5 enables the BloxOne DDI NIOS Grid Connector that allows you to view NIOS Grid DHCP and IPAM data
from the SaaS based Infoblox Cloud Services Portal. You can configure access to Cloud Services Portal in NIOS
through the CSP Config tab in the Grid Properties editor. The NIOS Grid Connector service is then configured
using the Cloud Services Portal GUI. Viewing the NIOS Grid Connector in the Cloud Services Portal requires
BloxOne DDI licensing using BloxOne DDI 2.3 or later.

Discovery of SDN and SD-WAN Devices

You can now discover SDN and SD-WAN devices from Cisco ACI and Cisco Meraki using Network Insight. For more
information, see the “Configuring Discovery Properties” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.
Enabling or Disabling RPZ Logging (RFE-7574)
You can now enable or disable RPZ logging for an RPZ zone by using the RPZ logging check box on the Logging
tab of the Response Policy Zone editor. For more information, see the “Managing RPZs” topic in the NIOS 8.5
online documentation.

Inheritance Permissions for Host Objects Not Enabled in DHCP and DNS (RFE-9521)
You can now apply permissions to a network and have those permissions inherited by a host object that is not
enabled in DHCP and DNS.

NAT Port as IPSD (RFE-9527)

This release of NIOS supports CGNAT (Carrier Grade NAT). Multiple subscribers share the same public IP
address. In specific NATing algorithms that use port block (known port range allocation), the IP address and the
first usable port (which is a new AVP called Deterministic-NAT-Port ) for the subscriber are provided in a

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RADIUS accounting AVP. You can select this AVP from the IP Space Discriminator drop-down list. For more
information, see the “Scaling Using Subscriber Sites” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

Searching Host by IP Addresses or Networks (RFE-9231)

You can now search for hosts by IP addresses or networks using the NIOS API. For more information, see the
NIOS WAPI documentation.

Viewing CPU Utilization and Top N Processes (SPTYRFE-18)

You can now monitor the top number of processes and the CPU utilization of all individual CPU cores in the
System Activity Monitor widget. You can either track the live CPU utilization data or you can view the CPU
utilization data for up to a maximum of the past 60 minutes based on the time range you specify. You can also
determine the frequency with which the Ptop tool must run and collect data and also configure the number of
top processes to be displayed. For more information, see the “Status Dashboard” topic in the NIOS 8.5 online

You can configure the number of top processes and the Ptop interval only for the Grid Master. It is mostly for
use of the Infoblox Technical Support team.


This section lists changes to the default behavior in NIOS 8.x releases.

NIOS 8.5.x

• During a staged upgrade, if the NIOS source version to be upgraded from is earlier than 8.5.3, RabbitMQ
will continue to use the unsecure mode until the RabbitMQ password is toggled through the CLI after
the Grid is completely upgraded to make it secure.
NOTE: If you run the set update_rabbitmq_password command on Grid Master, once ND members
rejoin the Grid, RabbitMQ fails to establish connection with the ND members. Perform a product restart
on the ND members for the RabbitMQ changes to be reflected.

• In NIOS 8.5.5, for subscriber service devices that have parental control enabled, guest device CEF logs
are now throttled to minimise overloading on reporting servers. That is, the generation of CEF logs for
guest devices is reduced. This is disabled by default and you can enable disable it by running the newly
introduced set log_guest_lookups CLI command. The duration of the throttling is for 2.5 minutes
and the cache size is 4096 entries. However, RPZ violations will continue to be logged even during the
throttling time period.

• In NIOS 8.5.5, subscriber data replication happens through IPv6 for dual mode by default.

• In NIOS 8.5.5 parental control can be enabled on IPv6-only devices.

• NIOS 8.5.5 requires the ruleset engine version 13 for parental control.

• In NIOS 8.5.5, any domain that categorizes as 0 is considered “fail open” irrespective of whether the
database is running or expired. Unknown or dummy domains fail even if Proxy-All is set. “Fail open”
means getting a regular response and allowed on the Internet.

• In NIOS 8.5.5, if you add a blocking server, adding a policy management address or a Multi-Service
Proxy (MSP) address is optional. In earlier NIOS versions, it was mandatory to add a policy management
address or a Multi-Service Proxy if you added a blocking server.

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• In NIOS 8.5.5, the Platform column in the Grid Manager > Members tab has been renamed to Host

• In NIOS 8.5.5, you must restart the Grid member if you apply a NIOS subscription license after a NIOS
temporary license expires.

• During a staged upgrade to NIOS 8.5.5, you cannot add, update, or delete the following subscriber site
attributes: policy management addresses, content proxy addresses, NAS gateways.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, all filters in the logic filter list are displayed in the inherited mode for both
IPv4 and IPv6 objects such as network, range, shared network, fixed address, host address, and the
related edit pages of these objects.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, the Member DHCP Properties dialog box may not show the correct inherited
logic filter list when you make changes to the member assignments. NIOS currently does not have the
ability to filter out the logic filter list after you make changes to the member assignment. This does
not affect functionality. If you refresh the IPv4 Network editor or the IPv6 Network editor, the correct
list of logic filters is displayed.

• Prior to NIOS 8.5.3, DHCP class filters (MAC address, Option, NAC, Relay Agent, Fingerprint) were
inconsistently enforced when multiple filters were configured. NIOS 8.5.3 corrects this, requiring all
configured class filters to match before a lease is granted. This description presumes that all filters are
configured to grant lease when the filter matches the client's request. Note that if any of the filters is
configured to grant lease when the filter matches the client’s request and the match fails, the lease
will be denied regardless of the result of any of the other filters. Similarly, if any class filter is
configured to deny lease and the filter matches the client’s request, the lease will be denied. A deny
result always takes precedence over any other filter result.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, the Data Management > DHCP > IPv4 Filters menu item has been renamed to

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, in the Member DHCP Properties dialog box, you cannot override any one type
of filter (either IPv4 or IPv6). If you want to override, you must override both IPv4 and IPv6 filters.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, you cannot perform an SSH login if the remote console access is set to

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and NIOS 8.6, if the MGMT interface is listening to DNS queries on an IP address, do not
add the IP address to the Other IP Address column in Member DNS Properties > DNS Views > Basic
tab. Adding an IP address may result in an error. Conversely, if you add an MGMT IP address to the
Other IP Address column, you will not be able to enable the DNS service on the IP address.

• When DNS Cache Acceleration and Infoblox Advanced DNS Protection software were both enabled in
NIOS versions earlier than 8.5.3, by default Advanced DNS Protection was the first to receive an
incoming packet. From NIOS 8.5.3 onwards, by default DNS Cache Acceleration is the first to receive an
incoming packet.

• You can now reset the UDP and EDNS0 buffer to default 1220, if you are using DoT/DoH. This is because
TCP handshake is now supported for DoT and DoH queries.

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• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, when Intel® Ethernet controllers XXV710/XL710 are used for the instance and
port redundancy is enabled on the node, the fail_over_mac mode is set to “active or 1”. For other
NICs, the fail_over_mac mode is set to the default value.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, the OpenSSH server process sshd is binding only to primary interfaces.
Additional interfaces like VLANs, loopback addresses are restricted.

• If you are using threat analytics, you must have installed the minimum module set version (20210620)
before upgrading to NIOS 8.5.3 or later.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, the certificate_usage, matched_type, and selector fields are
mandatory. Therefore, you must specify these through WAPI when adding TLSA records.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, if the Disable Concurrent Login check box or the Enable Account Lockout
check box is selected, then while logging in to NIOS as a local user, you will have read-write
However, If the Disable Concurrent Login check box or the Enable Account Lockout check box is not
selected, then while logging in to NIOS as a local user, you will have read-only transactions. After
logging in, other permissions remain the same based on the group to which you belong.

• In NIOS 8.5.3 and later, support has been removed for some special characters in SCP/FTP passwords to
fix a potential vulnerability. The allowed special characters are as follows: . - _ / ! @ ^ + % , :

• The value of PLATFORM_NAMED_MAX_CACHE_SIZE for the IB-2215 and IB-2225 platforms has been
increased from 2048 to 12288.

• For NIOS 8.5.2 and later, when you change the member assignment of DHCP ranges from a failover
association to a Grid member and then back to failover association, leases in the primary and
secondary server fall out of sync. To resynchronize the peers, the failover association of the secondary
server is now put in the Recover-Wait state and then it moves to the Recover-Done state immediately
after synchronization without any MCLT delay. Therefore, both the servers come back to the normal
state and are available for lease.

• For NIOS 8.5.2 and later, by default the anycast service is restarted along with the DNS service.
However, you can change the restart sequence based on your network topology.

• From NIOS 8.5.2 onwards, CLI access to AWS appliances now requires that the Use AWS SSH
authentication keys option be enabled for each user that needs CLI access to AWS appliances. You will
not be able to access the CLI after you upgrade to 8.5.2 until you select the Use AWS SSH
authentication keys option. That is, you cannot use the CLI to access vNIOS for AWS if you are a
remote user or a SAML user. For more information, see the “Creating Local Admins” topic in the NIOS
8.5 online documentation.

• In NIOS 8.5.2 and later, passwords are stored using the SHA-512 hashing algorithm. Because of this, the
password fields now range between 4 to 128 characters.

• In NIOS 8.5.2 and later, for a Grid Master or a standalone vNIOS instance deployed on AWS, you are
prompted to reset the password on the first login attempt. You must reset the default password as a
security requirement.

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• NIOS 8.5.2 introduces the following changes in output when you click the Perform Dig button:
o If the response of the DNS lookup is below 8000 characters, the entire response is displayed.
o If the response of the DNS lookup is greater than or equal to 8000 characters, the short output
is displayed.
§ If the short output is greater than or equal to 8000 characters, the “The <FQDN>
response is too large. Try using an external client to run the query.” error message is

• The Last Queried column with respect to DNS scavenging now displays the timestamp of the last
queried information only if the query is received from an external client and not from any other
source. The Last Queried field is updated once a day with the timestamp of the last query. If there is
no existing last queried timestamp and a query is received, the last queried timestamp is immediately
updated. (RFE-8805)

• In the System Activity Monitor widget, you can now view CPU utilization data for up to a maximum of
the past 30 minutes.

• You can now configure the number of top processes and the Ptop interval not only for the Grid Master
but also for Grid members.

• For Infoblox Subscriber Services, category-related information is now fetched by a different service
provider and the following new CLI commands have been introduced:
o show pc_domain
o set pc_domain add
o set pc_domain delete

For information about these commands, see the “show pc_domain”, “set pc_domain_add”, and “set
pc_domain delete” topics in the NIOS 8.5 online documentation.

• The IP Space Discriminator field has been removed in NIOS 8.5.2. All WAPI objects related to this field
have also been removed. Infoblox does not recommend using PAPI to add or update the IP space

• The Go to field in the Data Management > Security page is not available by default (tree view) in the
following screens:
o Data Management > Security > Threat Protection Rules > Threat Protection Rules Home
o Data Management > Security > Members > <selected member> > Threat Ruleset
o Data Management > Security > Profiles > <selected profile> > Threat Ruleset
As a workaround, use the flat view to see the Go to field.

• From NIOS 8.5.1 onwards, the default UDP buffer size has changed from 4096 to 1220 bytes.

NIOS 8.4.x

• For NIOS 8.4.8, by default the anycast service is restarted along with the DNS service. However, you
can change the restart sequence based on your network topology.
• For NIOS 8.4.8, when you change the member assignment of DHCP ranges from a failover association to
a Grid member and then back to failover association, leases in the primary and secondary server fall
out of sync. To resynchronize the peers, the failover association of the secondary server is now put in
the Recover-Wait state and then it moves to the Recover-Done state immediately after synchronization
without any MCLT delay. Therefore, both the servers come back to the normal state and are available
for lease.
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8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes
• If you choose to manually update a Threat Analytics whitelist set, it now gets activated automatically.
• The VMXNET virtual network adapter for vNIOS is not supported from NIOS 8.4.x onwards.
• If you select the Enable DNSSEC validation check box and add a trust anchor, the Responses must be
secure check box is no longer enabled by default. (RFE-6478)
• Threat Insight whitelists have been updated and are now synchronized with the whitelists on BloxOne
Threat Defense Cloud. (RFE-9171)
• You can now perform traffic capture on multiple members at the same time. For more information see
the “Monitoring Tools” topic in the NIOS online documentation.

NIOS 8.3.x

• Threat Insight in the Cloud now uses credentials instead of an API key for authorization. If you use
Threat Insight in the Cloud, you must configure the email address and password for ActiveTrust Cloud
integration in the Grid Properties Editor > ActiveTrust Cloud Integration tab. The Cloud Services
Portal uses these credentials for authorization when you enable the cloud client for Threat Insight in
the Cloud or ActiveTrust Cloud for Outbound.

• You can override the Grid or member zone transfer setting at the zone level. Due to an implementation
issue in previous releases, when you set the zone transfer setting at the zone level to “None,” the zone
still inherited the Grid or member setting. For example, the appliance would still perform zone
transfers when you overrode the zone transfer setting to “None” at the zone level if your Grid or
member setting allowed zone transfers. When you set zone transfers to “None” at a zone level, the
appliance denies zone transfers, and all zone transfers for that zone will fail.

• From NIOS 8.3 onwards, RPZ events require more storage to enable detailed reporting. If you
experience a high level of RPZ events, you must either acquire more reporting capacity or change your
RPZ configuration to reduce event generation. Post upgrade from NIOS 8.2.7, RPZ hits consume greater


This section lists changes made to the Infoblox RESTful API. For detailed information about the supported
methods and objects, refer to the latest versions of the Infoblox WAPI Documentation, available through the
NIOS products and on the Infoblox documentation web site.

NOTE: The Perl API (PAPI) has been deprecated. The PAPI functionality since NIOS 8.3 is still supported.
However, API calls enhancements after version 8.3 will only be introduced through the RESTful API (WAPI). The
latest available WAPI version is 2.11.5.

This NIOS release supports the following WAPI versions: 2.9, 2.9.1, 2.9.5, 2.9.7, 2.10, 2.10.1, 2.10.2, 2.10.3,
2.10.5, 2.11, 2.11.1, 2.11.2, 2.11.3, and 2.11.5.

The following table describes the mapping of NIOS versions to WAPI versions:

NIOS Version WAPI Version

8.3.0 to 8.3.1 2.9

8.3.2 to 8.3.5 2.9.1

8.3.6 2.9.5

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8.3.7 to 8.3.8 2.9.7

8.4.0 to 8.4.1 2.10

8.4.2 to 8.4.3 2.10.1

8.4.4 2.10.3

8.4.5 to 8.4.7 2.10.5

8.5 2.11

8.5.1 2.11.1

8.5.2 2.11.2

8.5.3, 8.5.4 2.11.3

8.5.5 2.11.5

WAPI Deprecation and Backward Compatibility Policy

This policy covers the interfaces exposed by the Infoblox WAPI and the protocol used to communicate with it.

Unless explicitly stated in the release notes, previously available WAPI versions are intended to remain
accessible and operative with later versions.

The planned deprecation of a given version of the WAPI will normally be announced in the release notes at
least one year in advance. Upon deprecation, the announced WAPI version and all prior versions will no longer
be supported in subsequent releases. For example, if the current WAPI release is v3.4 and the release notes
contain an announcement of the v1.5 deprecation, v1.4, and v1.5 API requests would continue to work with
later releases for one year from the announcement date. After that, some or all requests for these deprecated
versions may not work with versions later than v1.5. API requests adherent to versions later than v1.5 (v2.0 for
example) would continue to work with subsequent releases. Infoblox seeks to avoid any deprecation that has
not been announced in advance, however product modifications and enhancements may affect specific API
requests without a prior announcement; Infoblox does not warrant that all API requests will be unaffected by
future releases. This policy applies to both major and minor versions of the WAPI. Infoblox reserves the right to
change this policy.

NIOS 8.5

NIOS 8.5.x includes the following WAPI changes:

New Structures:
• csp_grid_setting
• csp_member_setting

New Objects:
• parentalcontrol:subscribersite:dca_sub_bw_list
• parentalcontrol:subscribersite:dca_sub_query_count
• parentalcontrol:subscribersite:proxy_rpz_passthru
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Release Notes
• adminuser
• adminuser:auth_method
• adminuser:use_ssh_keys
• adminuser:ssh_keys:key_name
• adminuser:ssh_keys:key_type
• adminuser:ssh_keys:key_value
• member:dns:doh_service
• member:dns:doh_https_session_duration
• member:dns:dns_over_tls_service
• member:dns:tls_session_duration
• admingroup:admin_set_commands
• admingroup:admin_show_commands
• admingroup:admin_toplevel_commands
• admingroup:cloud_set_commands
• admingroup:database_set_commands
• admingroup:database_show_commands
• admingroup:dhcp_set_commands
• admingroup:dhcp_show_commands
• admingroup:dns_set_commands
• admingroup:dns_show_commands
• admingroup:dns_toplevel_commands
• admingroup:docker_set_commands
• admingroup:docker_show_commands
• admingroup:grid_set_commands
• admingroup:grid_show_commands
• admingroup:licensing_set_commands
• admingroup:licensing_show_commands
• admingroup:machine_control_toplevel_commands
• admingroup:networking_set_commands
• admingroup:networking_show_commands
• admingroup:security_set_commands
• admingroup:security_show_commands
• admingroup:trouble_shooting_toplevel_commands
• parentalcontrol:subscriberrecord
• pxgrid:endpoint


• If you have configured DNS forwarding proxy and forwarders for the DNS view (DNS tab > Zones tab
> dns_view check box), contact Infoblox Support before upgrading to NIOS 8.5.3 or later.

• If you are using threat analytics, you must have installed the minimum module set version (20210620)
before upgrading to NIOS 8.5.3 or later.

• During a staged upgrade, you cannot apply the latest ruleset. Therefore, if all the subscriber site
members are dual-mode and the threat protection service is running, then replication of subscriber
data takes place only if the Collect on the MGMT interface only checkbox is selected.

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Release Notes
• If the subscriber site is using HA and the HA passive node is the first to upgrade, the data repository
connectivity uses the IPv4 protocol for the site members. If you want the data repository to be
connected over the IPv6 protocol, you must stop and restart the subscriber service in the upgraded
Grid. You may lose subscriber cache data after stopping and restarting the subscriber service.
Therefore, perform the stop and restart one member at a time.

• The Infoblox Docker bridge uses the network by default. If this network is used in
your environment, you must change the Infoblox Docker bridge network. Use the show
docker_bridge CLI command to view the current setting and the set docker_bridge CLI
command to change the setting. For information about these CLI commands, see the “show
docker_bridge” and the “set docker_bridge” topics in NIOS online documentation.

• If there are Threat Protection members in your Grid for the 8.3 and later features (Infoblox Subscriber
Services, forwarding recursive queries to BloxOne Threat Defense Cloud, and CAA records), ensure that
you upload the latest Threat Protection ruleset for these features to function properly.

• Infoblox recommends that you enable DNS Fault Tolerant Caching right after you upgrade to NIOS
8.2.x and later and keep this feature enabled to handle unreachable authoritative servers. Note that
enabling this feature requires a DNS service restart, which will clear the current cache. Therefore, if
you enable this when you are trying to mitigate an ongoing attack on an authoritative server that is
outside of your control, it will clear the DNS cache, which will magnify the issues that your system is

• During a scheduled full upgrade to NIOS 8.1.0 and later versions, you can use only IPv4 addresses for
NXDOMAIN redirection. You cannot use IPv6 addresses for NXDOMAIN redirection while the upgrade is in

• If you set up your Grid to use Infoblox Threat Insight but have not enabled automatic updates for
Threat Analytics module sets, you must manually upload the latest module set to your Grid or enable
automatic updates before upgrading. Otherwise, the upgrade will fail.


Infoblox supports the following upgrade paths:

• 8.5.4 and earlier 8.5.x releases
• 8.4.8 and earlier 8.4.x releases
• 8.3.8 and earlier 8.3.x releases

Even though Infoblox supports the upgrade paths mentioned above, Infoblox has tested and validated only
the following upgrade paths for NIOS 8.5.5. Infoblox recommends that you upgrade to NIOS 8.5.5 from
these tested and validated releases:
8.5.4, 8.4.8, 8.3.8

If you must upgrade from other NIOS releases, you must first upgrade to the validated paths before upgrading
to NIOS 8.5.5. For example, if you want to upgrade from 8.3.x to 8.5.5, you must first upgrade to 8.3.8, and
then upgrade to 8.5.5.

To ensure that new features and enhancements operate properly and smoothly, Infoblox recommends that you
evaluate the capacity on your Grid and review the upgrade guidelines before you upgrade from a previous NIOS

Infoblox recommends that administrators planning to perform an upgrade from a previous release create and
archive a backup of the Infoblox appliance configuration and data before upgrading. You can run an upgrade
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Release Notes
test before performing the actual upgrade. Infoblox recommends that you run the upgrade test, so you can
resolve any potential data migration issues before the upgrade.

Should you need assistance with your upgrade, contact your preferred Infoblox Partner, Infoblox Professional
Services or by contacting your Account Team for further information. Our offering for Upgrade Assessment
Service is also available for your further information.

GUI Requirements
Grid Manager supports the following operating systems and browsers. You must install and enable Javascript for
Grid Manager to function properly. Grid Manager supports only SSL version 3 and TLS version 1 connections.
Infoblox recommends that you use a computer that has a 2 GHz CPU and at least 1 GB of RAM.

Infoblox has tested and validated the following browsers for Grid Manager:

OS Browser
Microsoft Windows 10® Microsoft Internet Explorer® 11.x, Internet Explorer 10.x
Microsoft Edge 10 and later
Microsoft Windows 8® Google Chrome 61.0 and later
Microsoft Windows 7® Mozilla Firefox 59.x
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.4 Google Chrome 61.0 and later
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.3 Mozilla Firefox 59.x
Apple® Mac OS Safari 9, Safari 10, Safari 11

When viewing Grid Manager, set the screen resolution of your monitor as follows:
Minimum resolution: 1280 x 768
Recommended resolution: 1280 x 1024 or better

Training information is available at


This section lists security vulnerabilities that were addressed in the past 12 months. For vulnerabilities that are
not listed in this section, refer to Infoblox KB #2899. For additional information about these vulnerabilities,
including their severities, please refer to the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) at
The Infoblox Support website at also provides more information, including
vulnerabilities that do not affect Infoblox appliances.

CVE-2021- 25220
When using forwarders, bogus NS records supplied by, or via, those forwarders may be cached and used by
named if it needs to recurse for any reason, causing it to obtain and pass on potentially incorrect answers. If
applicable, modify your configuration to either remove all forwarding or all possibility of recursion. Depending
on your use-case, it may be possible to use other zone types to replace forward zones.

CVE-2021- 25217
A flaw was found in the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). There is a discrepancy between the code
that handles encapsulated option information in leases transmitted "on the wire" and the code which reads and
parses lease information after it has been written to disk storage. This flaw allows an attacker to deliberately
cause a situation where dhcpd while running in DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 mode, or the dhclient attempts to read a
stored lease that contains option information, to trigger a stack-based buffer overflow in the option parsing
code for colon-separated hex digits values. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality
and integrity as well as service availability.
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Release Notes

CVE-2021- 25215
A flaw was found in BIND. The way DNAME records are processed may trigger the same RRset to the ANSWER
section to be added more than once which causes an assertion check to fail. The highest threat from this flaw
is to system availability.

CVE-2021- 25214
In BIND 9.8.5 -> 9.8.8, 9.9.3 -> 9.11.29, 9.12.0 -> 9.16.13, and versions BIND 9.9.3-S1 -> 9.11.29-S1 and 9.16.8-
S1 -> 9.16.13-S1 of BIND 9 Supported Preview Edition, as well as release versions 9.17.0 -> 9.17.11 of the BIND
9.17 development branch, when a vulnerable version of named receives a malformed IXFR triggering the flaw
described above, the named process will terminate due to a failed assertion the next time the transferred
secondary zone is refreshed.

CVE-2021- 23841
The OpenSSL public API function X509_issuer_and_serial_hash() attempts to create a unique hash value based
on the issuer and serial number data contained within an X509 certificate. However, it fails to correctly handle
any errors that may occur while parsing the issuer field (which might occur if the issuer field is maliciously
constructed). This may subsequently result in a NULL pointer deref and a crash leading to a potential denial of
service attack.

CVE-2021- 23840
Calls to EVP_CipherUpdate, EVP_EncryptUpdate and EVP_DecryptUpdate may overflow the output length
argument in some cases where the input length is close to the maximum permissible length for an integer on
the platform. In such cases the return value from the function call will be 1 (indicating success), but the output
length value will be negative. This could cause applications to behave incorrectly or crash. OpenSSL versions
1.1.1i and below are affected by this issue.

CVE-2021- 23839
OpenSSL 1.0.2 supports SSLv2. If a client attempts to negotiate SSLv2 with a server that is configured to
support both SSLv2 and more recent SSL and TLS versions, then a check is made for a version rollback attack
when unpadding an RSA signature. Clients that support SSL or TLS versions greater than SSLv2 are supposed to
use a special form of padding. A server that supports greater than SSLv2 is supposed to reject connection
attempts from a client where this special form of padding is present, because this indicates that a version
rollback has occurred (i.e. both client and server support greater than SSLv2, and yet this is the version that is
being requested). The implementation of this padding check inverted the logic so that the connection attempt
is accepted if the padding is present, and rejected if it is absent. This means that such as server will accept a
connection if a version rollback attack has occurred. Further the server will erroneously reject a connection if
a normal SSLv2 connection attempt is made. Only OpenSSL 1.0.2 servers from version 1.0.2s to 1.0.2x are
affected by this issue.

Dubbed "SAD DNS attack" (short for Side-channel AttackeD DNS), the technique makes it possible for a malicious
actor to carry out an off-path attack, rerouting any traffic originally destined to a specific domain to a server
under their control, thereby allowing them to eavesdrop and tamper with the communications.

The Linux kernel through 5.7.11 allows remote attackers to make observations that help to obtain sensitive
information about the internal state of the network RNG, aka CID-f227e3ec3b5c. This is related to
drivers/char/random.c and kernel/time/timer.c.

ntpd in ntp before 4.2.8p14 and 4.3.x before 4.3.100 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service
(daemon exit or system time change) by predicting transmit timestamps for use in spoofed packets. The victim

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Release Notes
must be relying on unauthenticated IPv4 time sources. There must be an off-path attacker who can query time
from the victim's ntpd instance.

In BIND 9.0.0 -> 9.11.21, 9.12.0 -> 9.16.5, 9.17.0 -> 9.17.3, also affects 9.9.3-S1 -> 9.11.21-S1 of the BIND 9
Supported Preview Edition, An attacker on the network path for a TSIG-signed request, or operating the server
receiving the TSIG-signed request, could send a truncated response to that request, triggering an assertion
failure, causing the server to exit. Alternately, an off-path attacker would have to correctly guess when a TSIG-
signed request was sent, along with other characteristics of the packet and message, and spoof a truncated
response to trigger an assertion failure, causing the server to exit.

An error in BIND code which checks the validity of messages containing TSIG resource records can be exploited
by an attacker to trigger an assertion failure in tsig.c, resulting in denial of service to clients.

A flaw was found in BIND, where it does not sufficiently limit the number of fetches that can be performed
while processing a referral response. This flaw allows an attacker to cause a denial of service attack. The
attacker can also exploit this behavior to use the recursing server as a reflector in a reflection attack with a
high amplification factor.

The X.509 GeneralName type is a generic type for representing different types of names. One of those name
types is known as EDIPartyName. OpenSSL provides a function GENERAL_NAME_cmp which compares different
instances of a GENERAL_NAME to see if they are equal or not. This function behaves incorrectly when both
GENERAL_NAMEs contain an EDIPARTYNAME. A NULL pointer dereference and a crash may occur leading to a
possible denial of service attack.

The TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->tcp_gso_segs value was subject to an integer overflow in the Linux kernel when
handling TCP Selective Acknowledgments (SACKs). A remote attacker could use this to cause a denial of
service. This has been fixed in stable kernel releases 4.4.182, 4.9.182, 4.14.127, 4.19.52, 5.1.11.

By design, BIND is intended to limit the number of TCP clients that can be connected at any given time. The
update to this functionality introduced by CVE-2018-5743 changed how BIND calculates the number of
concurrent TCP clients from counting the outstanding TCP queries to counting the TCP client connections. On a
server with TCP-pipelining capability, it is possible for one TCP client to send a large number of DNS requests
over a single connection. Each outstanding query is handled internally as an independent client request, thus
bypassing the new TCP clients limit.
When a TCP connection with a large number of pipelined queries is closed, the load on the server releasing
these multiple resources can cause it to become unresponsive, even for queries that can be answered
authoritatively or from the cache. (This is most likely to be perceived as an intermittent server problem).

A rare condition leading to denial of service was found in the way BIND handled certain malformed packets. A
remote attacker who could cause the BIND resolver to perform queries on a server could cause the DNS service
to exit.

An error in the EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) feature for recursive resolvers could cause BIND to exit with an
assertion failure when processing a response that contained malformed RRSIGs.

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Release Notes

A vulnerability in the “support access” password generation algorithm on NIOS could allow a locally
authenticated administrator to temporarily gain additional privileges on an affected device and perform
actions within the super user scope. A locally authenticated administrative user may be able to exploit this
vulnerability if the “support access” feature is enabled. This is because the administrator knows the support
access code for the current session and the algorithm to generate the support access password from the
support access code. “Support access” is disabled by default. When enabled, the access is automatically
disabled (and support access code will expire) after 24 hours.

The named DNS service fails to properly enforce limits on the number of simultaneous TCP connections.

During a key agreement in a TLS handshake using a DH(E) based ciphersuite, a malicious server can send a very
large prime value to the client. This will cause the client to spend an unreasonably long period of time
generating a key for this prime resulting in a hang until the client has finished. This could be exploited in a
Denial Of Service attack.

OpenSSH through 7.7 is prone to a user enumeration vulnerability due to not delaying bailout for an invalid
authenticating user until after the packet containing the request has been fully parsed, related to auth2-gss.c,
auth2-hostbased.c, and auth2-pubkey.c.

A specially constructed response from a malicious server could cause a buffer overflow in the DHCP client.

A malicious client that was allowed to send very large amounts of traffic (billions of packets) to a DHCP server
could eventually overflow a 32-bit reference counter, potentially causing the DHCP daemon to crash.

The Linux kernel versions 3.9+, is vulnerable to a denial of service attack with low rates of specially modified
packets targeting IP fragment re-assembly. An attacker may cause a denial of service condition by sending
specially crafted IP fragments. This vulnerability became exploitable in the Linux kernel with the increase of
the IP fragment reassembly queue size.

A flaw named SegmentSmack was found in the way the Linux kernel handled specially crafted TCP packets. A
remote attacker could use this flaw to trigger time and calculation expensive calls to tcp_collapse_ofo_queue()
and tcp_prune_ofo_queue() functions by sending specially modified packets within ongoing TCP sessions which
could lead to a CPU saturation and hence a denial of service on the system.

Constructed ASN.1 type with a recursive definition (such as can be found in PKCS7) could eventually exceed the
stack given malicious input with excessive recursion. This could result in a Denial Of Service attack. There are
no such structures used within SSL/TLS that come from untrusted sources so this is considered safe.

Because of an implementation bug the PA-RISC CRYPTO_memcmp function is effectively reduced to only
comparing the least significant bit of each byte. This allows an attacker to forge messages that would be
considered as authenticated in an amount of tries lower than that guaranteed by the security claims of the

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Release Notes

The udl_fb_mmap function in drivers/gpu/drm/udl/udl_fb.c at the Linux kernel version 3.4 and up to and
including 4.15 had an integer-overflow vulnerability allowing local users with access to the udldrmfb driver to
obtain full read and write permissions on kernel physical pages, resulting in a code execution in kernel space.

There is an overflow bug in the AVX2 Montgomery multiplication procedure used in exponentiation with 1024-
bit moduli. No EC algorithms are affected. Analysis suggests that attacks against RSA and DSA as a result of this
defect would be very difficult to perform and are not believed likely. Attacks against DH1024 are considered
just feasible, because most of the work necessary to deduce information about a private key may be performed
offline. The amount of resources required for such an attack would be significant. However, for an attack on
TLS to be meaningful, the server would have to share the DH1024 private key among multiple clients, which is
no longer an option since CVE-2016-0701. This only affects processors that support the AVX2 but not ADX
extensions like Intel Haswell (4th generation).

OpenSSL 1.0.2 (starting from version 1.0.2b) introduced an "error state" mechanism. The intent was that if a
fatal error occurred during a handshake then OpenSSL would move into the error state and would immediately
fail if you attempted to continue the handshake. This works as designed for the explicit handshake functions
(SSL_do_handshake(), SSL_accept() and SSL_connect()), however due to a bug it does not work correctly if
SSL_read() or SSL_write() is called directly. In that scenario, if the handshake fails then a fatal error will be
returned in the initial function call. If SSL_read()/SSL_write() is subsequently called by the application for the
same SSL object then it will succeed and the data is passed without being decrypted/encrypted directly from
the SSL/TLS record layer.

If an X.509 certificate had a malformed IPAddressFamily extension, OpenSSL could do a one-byte buffer
overread, resulting in an erroneous display of the certificate in text format.

udp.c in the Linux kernel before 4.5 allowed remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via UDP traffic
that triggered an unsafe second checksum calculation during execution of a recv system call with the
MSG_PEEK flag.

An attacker who was able to send and receive messages to an authoritative DNS server and who had knowledge
of a valid TSIG key name for the zone and service being targeted might be able to manipulate NIOS into
accepting a dynamic update.

An attacker who was able to send and receive messages to an authoritative DNS server might be able to
circumvent TSIG authentication of AXFR requests via a carefully constructed request packet.

RPZ policy handling could affect servers using RPZ policies that included NSIP or NSDNAME triggers, resulting in
additional recursions that consumed DNS resources indefinitely and caused performance issues or DNS outage.

Vulnerabilities for NTPD

Upgraded NTPD to ntp-4.2.8p10 to address the following medium to low severity vulnerabilities:
CVE-2017-6464, CVE02017-6463, CVE-2017-6462, CVE-2017-6460, CVE-2017-6459, CVE-2017-6458,
CVE-2017-6455, CVE-2017-6452, CVE-2017-6451, CVE-2016-9042, CVE-2016-7434.

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Release Notes

Processing a response containing CNAME or DNAME records in an unusual order could cause a DNS resolver to

Using DNS64 with 'break-dnssec yes' could cause the DNS service to exit with an assertion failure.

Under some conditions when using both DNS64 and RPZ to rewrite query responses, the querying process could
resume in an inconsistent state, resulting in either an INSIST assertion failure or an attempt to read through a
NULL pointer.

Splunk Web in Splunk Enterprise 5.0.x before 5.0.17, 6.0.x before 6.0.13, 6.1.x before 6.1.12, 6.2.x before
6.2.12, 6.3.x before 6.3.8, and 6.4.x before 6.4.4 allowed remote attackers to conduct HTTP request injection
attacks and obtain sensitive REST API authentication-token information via unspecified vectors, aka SPL-

An unusually-formed answer containing a DS resource record could trigger an assertion failure and cause the
DNS service to stop, resulting in a denial of service to clients.

An error handling a query response containing inconsistent DNSSEC information could trigger an assertion
failure and cause the DNS service to stop, resulting in a denial of service to clients.

A malformed response to an ANY query can trigger an assertion failure during recursion and cause the DNS
service to stop, resulting in a denial of service to clients.

While processing a recursive response that contained a DNAME record in the answer section, “named” could
stop execution after encountering an assertion error in resolver.c.

The certificate parser in OpenSSL before 1.0.1u and 1.0.2 before 1.0.2i might allow remote attackers to cause
a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) via crafted certificate operations, related to s3_clnt.c and s3_srvr.c.

Multiple memory leaks in t1_lib.c in OpenSSL before 1.0.1u, 1.0.2 before 1.0.2i, and 1.1.0 before 1.1.0a,
allowed remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via large OCSP Status Request

The net/ipv4/tcp_input.c in the Linux kernel before 4.7 did not properly determine the rate of challenge ACK
segments, which made it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to hijack TCP sessions via a blind in-window

A defect in the control channel input handling could cause the DNS service to fail due to an assertion failure in
sexpr.c or alist.c when a malformed packet was sent to the control channel.

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An attacker who controlled a server to make a deliberately chosen query to generate a response that contained
RRSIGs for DNAME records could cause the DNS service to fail due to an assertion failure in resolver .c or db.c,
resulting in a denial of service to clients.

In some versions of BIND, an error could occur when data that had been received in a resource record was
formatted to text during debug logging. Depending on the BIND version in which this occurred, the error could
cause either a REQUIRE assertion failure in buffer.c or an unpredictable crash (e.g. segmentation fault or other
termination). This issue could affect both authoritative and recursive servers if they were performing debug
logging. Note that NIOS 7.1.0 through 7.1.8 and NIOS 7.2.0 through 7.2.4 were affected by this vulnerability.

A DNS server could exit due to an INSIST failure in apl_42.c when performing certain string formatting
operations. Examples included, but might not be limited to, the following:
§ Slaves using text-format db files could be vulnerable if receiving a malformed record in a zone transfer
from their masters.
§ Masters using text-format db files could be vulnerable if they accepted a malformed record in a DDNS
update message.
§ Recursive resolvers were potentially vulnerable when logging, if they were fed a deliberately
malformed record by a malicious server.
§ A server which had cached a specially constructed record could encounter this condition while
performing 'rndc dumpdb'.

A badly formed packet with an invalid IPv4 UDP length field could cause a DHCP server, client, or relay
program to terminate abnormally, causing a denial of service.

If responses from upstream servers contained an invalid class parameter for certain record types, DNS service
might terminate with an assertion failure.

The glibc DNS client side resolver was vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow when the getaddrinfo()
library function was used. Software using this function might be exploited with attacker-controlled domain
names, attacker-controlled DNS servers, or through a man-in-the-middle attack.

Fixed a use-after-free bug related to PAM support that was reachable by attackers who could compromise the
pre-authentication process for remote code execution

Fixed a privilege separation weakness related to PAM support. Attackers who could successfully compromise
the pre-authentication process for remote code execution and who had valid credentials on the host could
impersonate other users.

An incorrect boundary check could cause DNS service to terminate due to a REQUIRE assertion failure. An
attacker could deliberately exploit this by providing a maliciously constructed DNS response to a query.

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Parsing a malformed DNSSEC key could cause a validating resolver to exit due to a failed assertion. A remote
attacker could deliberately trigger this condition by using a query that required a response from a zone
containing a deliberately malformed key.

A remotely exploitable denial-of-service vulnerability that exists in all versions of BIND 9 currently supported.
It was introduced in the changes between BIND 9.0.0 and BIND 9.0.1.

CVE-2015-6364 and CVE-2015-5366

A flaw was found in the way the Linux kernel networking implementation handled UDP packets with incorrect
checksum values. A remote attacker could potentially use this flaw to trigger an infinite loop in the kernel,
resulting in a denial of service on the system, or causing a denial of service in applications using the edge
triggered epoll functionality.

The X509_cmp_time function in crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8zg, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0s, 1.0.1
before 1.0.1n, and 1.0.2 before 1.0.2b allowed remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds
read and application crash) via a crafted length field in ASN1_TIME data, as demonstrated by an attack against
a server that supported client authentication with a custom verification callback.

The PKCS7_dataDecodefunction in crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8zg, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0s,
1.0.1 before 1.0.1n, and 1.0.2 before 1.0.2b allowed remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL
pointer dereference and application crash) via a PKCS#7 blob that used ASN.1 encoding and lacks inner
Encrypted Content data.

The do_free_upto function in crypto/cms/cms_smime.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8zg, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0s, 1.0.1
before 1.0.1n, and 1.0.2 before 1.0.2b allowed remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via
vectors that triggered a NULL value of a BIO data structure, as demonstrated by an unrecognized X.660 OID for
a hash function.

A buffer overflow flaw was found in the way glibc's gethostbyname_r() and other related functions computed
the size of a buffer when passed a misaligned buffer as input. An attacker able to make an application call any
of these functions with a misaligned buffer could use this flaw to crash the application or, potentially, execute
arbitrary code with the permissions of the user running the application.

A recursive resolver configured to perform DNSSEC validation, with a root trust anchor defined, could be
deliberately crashed by an attacker who could cause a query to be performed against a maliciously constructed

Addressed an internal issue in C library (GNU C Library gethostbyname*). Although it was not possible to exploit
this as a security issue in NIOS, it could cause some incorrect error conditions and messages while administering
the product.

An attacker could bypass source IP restrictions and send malicious control and configuration packets by
spoofing ::1 addresses because NTP's access control was based on a source IP address.

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Failure to place limits on delegation chaining could allow an attacker to crash named or cause memory
exhaustion by causing the name server to issue unlimited queries in an attempt to follow the delegation.

The OpenVPN community issued a patch to address a vulnerability in which remote authenticated users could
cause a critical denial of service on Open VPN servers through a small control channel packet.

SSL3 is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle-attacks. SSL3 is disabled in NIOS, and connections must use TLSv1
(which is already used by all supported browsers). Note that SSL3 is still used for transmission of reporting
data, but you can disable SSL3 on your reporting server to protect it from the vulnerability.

A denial of service vulnerability that is related to session tickets memory leaks.

Off-by-one error in the read_token_word function in parse.y in GNU BASH through v. 4.3 allowed remote
attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds array access and application crash) or possibly an
unspecified impact through deeply nested for loops (also known as the "word_lineno" issue).

The redirection implementation in parse.y in GNU BASH through v. 4.3 allowed remote attackers to cause a
denial of service (out-of-bounds array access and application crash) or possibly an unspecified impact through
the "redir_stack" issue.

CVE-2014-6271, CVE-3014-6277, CVE-2014-6278, AND CVE-2014-7169

GNU Bash through v. 4.3 processed trailing strings after function definitions in the values of environment
variables, which allowed remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted environment (also known as
the "ShellShock" vulnerability)."

Enabling anonymous ECDH cipher suites on TLS clients could cause a denial of service.
A specially crafted handshake packet could force the use of weak keying material in the SSL/TLS clients,
allowing a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack to decrypt and modify traffic between a client and a server.

Remote attackers could utilize DTLS hello message in an invalid DTLS handshake to cause a denial of service.

Enabling SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS failed to manage buffer pointer during certain recursive calls that
could cause a denial of service.

Remote attackers could trigger buffer overrun attack through invalid DTLS fragments to an OpenSSL DTLS
client or server, resulting in a denial of service.

A crafted query against an NSEC3-signed zone could cause the named process to terminate.

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Release Notes


The following issues were reported in previous NIOS releases and resolved in this release. The resolved issues
are listed by severity. For descriptions of the severity levels, refer to Severity Levels.

Fixed in NIOS 8.5.5

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-83694 Critical Under a rare circumstance, a high replication queue was observed on DHCP
NIOS-78480 Critical Grid Manager crashed when configuring SAML.

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-83911 Major The loopback IP address was not added to the allow recursion list in the DHCP
configuration file as a result of which recursive queries to the loopback IP
address failed.
NIOS-83298 Major Permissions of certain writable and executable files and folders on NIOS had to
be restricted.
NIOS-83269, Major On NIOS systems that had Advanced DNS Protection enabled, if a ruleset within
NIOS-83076 a profile was modified, the modification did not take effect.
NIOS-83194 Major Under certain circumstances, the DNS service crashed and was unstable.

NIOS-83150 Major Under certain circumstances, unable to communicate with IPv6 Grid members.

NIOS-83130 Major The device status log files did not display the correct interface speed and
duplex value for appliances.
NIOS-82873 Major A CP-V2200 appliance running on Microsoft Azure experienced high CPU
NIOS-82860 Major Certificate validation failed for an HTTPS health monitor.

NIOS-82849 Major The status of DNS Traffic Control LBDN and pools was warning and the server
status was unknown when consolidated health monitors were configured with
the Full Health Communication checkbox not selected, even though the
selected Grid member was capable of performing a health check and sharing the
status with non-selected DNS Traffic Control licensed members.
NIOS-82847 Major Grid Manager displayed a red status even though servers within a consolidated
health monitor group did not fail a health check but servers in an external LBDN
pool failed the health check.
NIOS-82745 Major If the name of a Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) device was changed,
the change did not take effect.
NIOS-82670 Major Client-generated DDNS updates only succeeded on one primary server;
therefore, some clients failed to register and access specific resources.

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NIOS-82631 Major The delimiter in an SQL query needed to be changed for CLI credentials to work
NIOS-82543 Major Under certain circumstances, the threat analytics service restarted repeatedly.

NIOS-82541 Major A few vulnerabilities over port 8765 were reported due to unsecured ciphers.

NIOS-82540 Major Under certain circumstances, DNS Traffic Control and EDNS0 did not work as
NIOS-82534, Major A certain subscriber service category needed to be removed.
NIOS-82533 Major Data without credentials was displayed in Active WebUI Users dashboard and
also in the audit logs when a SAML authentication was triggered at the same
NIOS-82530 Major The Advisor client did not work correctly with certain devices of complex
configuration (stack + several different chassis).
NIOS-82515 Major The Ptop files in var/log had gaps where no fastpath line was included, thus
impacting reporting data.
NIOS-82450 Major Unable to swap a Grid member from hardware to virtual if the DSCP setting was
overridden in Grid Member Properties Editor.
NIOS-82436 Major A vDiscovery job that has one or more non-breaking space characters in the job
name could be created.
NIOS-82305 Major SOA records failed to validate with DNSSEC.

NIOS-82187 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2021-33193, CVE-2021-34798, CVE-2021-36160, CVE-

2021-39275, and CVE-2021-40438.
NIOS-82153 Major Retrieving a CA certificate for SDN displayed an error.

NIOS-82141 Major Conversion of unmanaged objects to host records did not work as expected.

NIOS-82026 Major Under certain circumstances, the swap usage rate and CPU usage were very
NIOS-82009 Major NIOS rotated the syslog before it reached the configured maximum syslog size.

NIOS-81890 Major Using the WAPI status_member search field for a DNS Traffic Control search
did not work as expected.
NIOS-81848 Major Restarting the DNS service generated “Server failed” responses in the log files.

NIOS-81846 Major When joining a Network Insight member to Grid Manager using IPv6, the “A
Discovery License is incompatible with an IPv6 only Member" message was
displayed in the debug log.
NIOS-81796 Major DNSTAP stopped working when the destination server restarted or rebooted.

NIOS-81726 Major Modifying a set of TXT DKIM records using CSV import failed because the record
string contained backslash characters.
NIOS-81694 Major The Audit log events report returned a discrepancy in the number of results
when they filtered results for a specific admin name because the sort command
used in the search string did not have a count value with it.
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NIOS-81688 Major Editing the settings of an NTP member displayed the following error message on
Grid Manager:
“expected single object, got 2”
NIOS-81683 Major DHCP failed to renew certain unicast requests from certain members and
multiple IP addresses were active from the same subnet for the same client.
NIOS-81682 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the “Indexer reporting service is failed” error message
was displayed in the Grid Manager > Reporting > Members > Status column of a
Grid reporting member.
NIOS-81643 Major All licenses for a Grid member were revoked after changing the IPv6 gateway
NIOS-81634 Major Scheduled tasks did not get executed as scheduled when a Grid Master
Candidate promotion took place.
NIOS-81633 Major The set debug_tools db_sync CLI command did not work for HA pairs.

NIOS-81629 Major During a CSV export, the password for CLI credentials was displayed.

NIOS-81615 Major When network containers and their child objects were deleted, orphaned host
systems were not cleared.
NIOS-81611 Major Some of the authoritative DNS servers returned server failed responses for
queries to zones and the log files contained the “has no NS records” error
NIOS-81581 Major Restarting NIOS services using the Grid Manager displayed the “Contact
Technical Support” message.
NIOS-81574 Major Able to create a vDiscovery job that contained a non-breaking character in its
job name.
NIOS-81555 Major Option 81 support settings were not being inherited from the Grid to its
NIOS-81552 Major Users on networks only assigned to a particular member were unable to get
addresses until an HA failover took place.
NIOS-81540 Major MAC addresses were incorrectly assigned.

NIOS-81469 Major Users in read-only group were able to add and remove DNS records.

NIOS-81429 Major Traffic arriving at the secondary VLAN interface was being answered by the
primary VLAN interface.
NIOS-81248 Major Admin groups for which the CLI permission was allowed were able to perform
operations outside the scope of the permission.
NIOS-81243 Major Virtual DNS cache acceleration dropped packets that contained a specific
transaction ID.
NIOS-81131 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2021-34798,CVE-2021-34798, CVE-2021-36160, CVE-
2021-39275, and CVE-2021-40438.
NIOS-80961 Major Threat Insight data failed to synchronize in the Cloud Services Portal and the
“Unable to request data: Authorization error” error message was displayed.
NIOS-80928 Major Unable to add a member to a nameserver group.

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Release Notes

NIOS-80877 Major The threat protection service did not start on a new NIOS appliance.

NIOS-80795 Major When a DHCP lease was cleared from a range, the IP Map tab displayed IP
addresses as unused whereas they should have been marked in green.
NIOS-80755 Major In an HA setup, the passive node seemed to be stuck and the “Fatal error during
Infoblox startup” error was displayed in the log files.
NIOS-80749 Major The threat protection service did not start on certain appliances.

NIOS-80740 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the Member DNS Properties dialog box displayed an error
NIOS-80683 Major The log files displayed the “DHCP service enabled, but a DHCP license is
missing.” message despite the DHCP license being applied.
NIOS-80578 Major Certificate validation failed for the HTTPS health monitor.

NIOS-80563 Major The syslog logging facilities of DNS Traffic Control monitors for the
"idns_healthd" process were tagged as "mail".
NIOS-80554 Major Unable to start the member DNS service and an error message was displayed.

NIOS-80445 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2021-3517.

NIOS-80444 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2017-16931.

NIOS-80443 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2017-7376.

NIOS-80441 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2016-4658.

NIOS-79949 Major The Grid secondary did not synchronize with the lead secondary on time thus
leading to inconsistencies in the SOA record data.
NIOS-79889 Major The WAPI output displayed an error for Unicode DNS zones that have a numeric
value in their FQDN names during a KSK rollover.
NIOS-79627 Major In Grid Manager, creating a host record in authority delegated DNS
zones displayed an error message.
NIOS-79604 Major "iftab.IB-FLEX" was not part of the support bundle.

NIOS-79586 Major An AD authentication error was displayed in the log files after an SAML
NIOS-79456 Major Cisco ISE integration with NIOS did not work.

NIOS-79411 Major All screens under the Cloud tab took a long time to be displayed.

NIOS-79314 Major A secondary peer in a DHCP failover was stuck in the recover-wait state.

NIOS-79268 Major The Data Management > Network Users tab stopped populating the Cisco ISE
NIOS-78460 Major When adding an SAML authentication service, the “An invalid value was
entered” error message was displayed in the Add SAML Authentication Service
dialog box.
NIOS-77738 Major Data without credentials was displayed in the Active WebUI Users dashboard and
also in the audit logs when SAML authentication was triggered at the same time.
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Release Notes

NIOS-77621 Major Unable to start the discovery service on a Network Insight member.

NIOS-76803 Major The logging interval of stats.log needed to be changed to 600s.

NIOS-76687 Major Certain API calls that result in errors included a trace field thus exposing file
NIOS-76676 Major After a NIOS upgrade, unable to run global searches for IP addresses when a
Network Insight member is disconnected from the Grid.
NIOS-75657 Major vNIOS for Microsoft Azure Grid members were unable to rejoin the Grid during
an upgrade due to an incorrect time on Grid Master.
NIOS-75572 Major After a NIOS upgrade, SSH did not work as expected.

NIOS-75381 Major A scheduled restart on an hourly basis did not working on one of the DHCP
failover pairs.
NIOS-74955 Major After DNS scavenging was enabled, over a thousand static records were deleted.

NIOS-69003 Major The named.conf file for an RPZ on an IB-FLEX member displayed a syntax error.

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-83476 Minor The term “ATC” continued to be displayed in Grid Manager even though it is no
longer used.
NIOS-83350 Minor In the DTC Pool > Health Monitors > Advanced tab, the UI label read
NIOS-83146 Minor In Network Insight, discovery data was being sent for devices whose
network_view_id was of the value 0.
NIOS-82885 Minor A deduplication issue occurred when a network was added without SNMP
enabled on a Consolidator-Probe appliance.
NIOS-81793 Minor The global search did not return matches when searching for DHCID records
using the DNS name.
NIOS-81674 Minor NIOS required to be restarted after a NIOS license was overwritten.

NIOS-81636 Minor The Transport and Authentication section of the NIOS WAPI documentation
contained an error regarding authentication methods.
NIOS-81626 Minor Reading of files using path traversal in WAPI did not work as expected.

NIOS-81449 Minor Changing the public network configuration from dual stack to IPv6 caused the
"Cannot delete MGMT configuration when Subscriber Services Properties 'Collect
on the MGMT interface only' is enabled" error message to be displayed.
NIOS-81155 Minor The Data Management > Devices page failed to load and an error message was
NIOS-80831 Minor When using global smart folders, some icons such as edit, create link, delete
were hidden.
NIOS-80771 Minor The CSV exported file for CNAME records did not contain * for required fields.
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Release Notes

NIOS-80717 Minor Clicking the Edit icon to edit a network container caused a logout of the Grid
Manager and a system error was displayed.
NIOS-80687 Minor Table formats of Grid members did not display correctly on Firefox browsers.

NIOS-80433 Minor The warning message that is displayed when the Enable Time Based Retention
check box is selected needed to be reworded.
NIOS-80379 Minor AD authentication failed for users whose login name included German
NIOS-78374 Minor A discrepancy in the process manager caused a service outage.

NIOS-72950 Minor Logging into Grid Manager using LDAP authentication displayed an LDAP server
failure error message.

Fixed in NIOS 8.5.4

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-80659 Major The DHCP service kept failing and the “No DHCPv4 configuration files found.
Rebuilding conf file dhcpd.conf” error message was displayed in the log file.
NIOS-80641 Major IB-Flex members went offline repeatedly when virtual DNS cache acceleration
and subscriber services with proxy services were running. This was because of a
subscriber service proxy hash table collision that caused a deadlock.
NIOS-80639 Major On a vNIOS for OpenStack with SRIOV deployment, interfaces did not respond
when bonding interfaces flapped on a node that had port redundancy enabled
and was running features such as virtual DNS cache acceleration and Advanced
DNS Protection software.

Fixed in NIOS 8.5.3

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-79934 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, SSH, MGMT port flapping, and DNS service issues
NIOS-78347 Critical NIOS was vulnerable to CVE 202021-23839, CVE-2021-23840, and CVE-2021-
NIOS-78293, Critical DB_SENTINEL VIOLATION errors were displayed in the serial console of IB-FLEX
NIOS-78309 appliances on which virtual DNS Cache Acceleration and Advanced DNS
Protection software licenses were installed.
NIOS-76236, Critical SNMP traps for DNS tunneling activity detection were not triggered even though
NIOS-78212 the Threat Analytics DNS Tunneling Detection event type was enabled.
NIOS-75658 Critical Unable to automatically create a reverse zone when creating a network using
NIOS-75330 Critical The CPU utilization of a Grid member was 100% when it started to receive
RADIUS packets.
NIOS-68362 Critical In a specific scenario, the password was visible in the core files.
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8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-79968 Major SNMPV3 credentials that had the privacy protocol set to None were not being
saved in Network Insight.
NIOS-79720 Major When creating an authoritative IPv4 reverse mapping zone containing the
RFC2817 prefix, the "RFC2317 prefix must not be empty for classless reverse
zones" was displayed in Grid Manager even though the prefix was entered.
NIOS-79693 Major Renaming the built-in “admin-group” administrator group prevented a NIOS
upgrade from taking place.
NIOS-79686 Major On IB-FLEX appliances, in a large deployment, CPU configurations were changed
based on specific deployment numbers.
NIOS-79647 Major When extensible attributes in a network were modified, the “Cannot create
DHCP seed X.X.X.X within the network view default, because it duplicates the
discovery seed router” error message was displayed in Grid Manager.
NIOS-79628 Major Under certain circumstances, MSP proxy virtual IP addresses were resolved for
non -subscriber sites.
NIOS-79607 Major LDAP authentication failed and the "LDAP authentication error: list index out of
range" error message was displayed during a login attempt.
NIOS-79605 Major The NIOS documentation contained incomplete information about the Infoblox
Customer Experience Improvement Program.
NIOS-79592 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain information about the Enable GSS-TSIG
Updates field being overridden to use the KDC server configured in the Member
DHCP Properties dialog box.
NIOS-79579 Major After a NIOS upgrade, Azure vDiscovery ran a vDiscovery job and then deleted
all the records it had discovered in the past.
NIOS-79542 Major Unable to perform vDiscovery on a cloud platform member.

NIOS-79502 Major If you change the case of an extensible attribute value in a smart folder filter,
then duplicate results are displayed for the same extensible attribute.
NIOS-79454 Major After a NIOS upgrade, Grid Master and Grid Master Candidate restarted
continuously and core files were generated.
NIOS-79426 Major The passive node of a Grid Master was unable to communicate with the Grid at
intermittent intervals.
NIOS-79393 Major The threat protection service did not start on IB-FLEX appliances after a NIOS
NIOS-79388 Major An incorrect status was displayed for the LBDN object in the DNS > Traffic
Control screen.
NIOS-79343 Major A false positive alert that the power supply is up was sent though the power
supply was down.
NIOS-79319 Major Exporting VLAN names is visible data format displayed non-readable entries in
the Assigned To column in the CSV file.

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Release Notes

NIOS-79292 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain information that a Grid member cannot
act as an NTP server to the Grid Master.
NIOS-79285 Major After a disaster recovery, truncated DNS queries were dropped for certain Grid
NIOS-79276 Major Unable to add back an external secondary nameserver to the default
nameserver group.
NIOS-79273 Major The security vulnerability QID 48001 "Content-Security-Policy HTTP Security
Header Not Detected on port 443/tcp" was detected after a vulnerability scan.
NIOS-79200 Major The message size sent by certain devices exceeded the maximum SNMP packet
NIOS-79170, Major On a vNIOS for OpenStack with SRIOV deployment, when port redundancy was
NIOS-79010 enabled on LAN1/LAN2, the appliance restarted and encountered a fatal error.
NIOS-79165 Major When the threat protection service was enabled on an TE-4025 appliance, the
appliance tried to reboot but was not up and running after the reboot.
NIOS-79137, Major On the IPAM tab, Network Insight displayed a VLAN configured against the
NIOS-79015 interface IP address but there were no VLANs configured on the interface.
NIOS-79112 Major A reporting appliance returned empty data for the End Host History report.

NIOS-79058 Major Unable to download threat protection rules when the proxy server setting is
configured with an IPv6 address in a dual stack Grid Master.
NIOS-79025 Major The reporting backup did not work if the directory path contained a backslash
(\); however, the Grid backup worked with a backslash in the directory path.
NIOS-79021 Major During a logout using WAPI and cookies on appliances that had the Cloud
Network Automation license installed, the “500 Internal Server Error” error
message was displayed.
NIOS-79001 Major On the Net Map tab, if you hover over a network, the Comments field displayed
the comments of the network container instead of the network itself.
NIOS-78582 Major Unauthenticated users could determine the NIOS version by parsing
nios_version.txt in the URL.
NIOS-78573 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the Discovery Status screen displayed an error message.

NIOS-78522 Major Under certain circumstances, CPU and memory utilization increased after a NIOS
NIOS-78514 Major The DNS client failed to detect the UDP DNS response when the was an RPZ rule
match and virtual DNS Cache Acceleration was enabled.
NIOS-78512 Major In the Authoritative Zone screen, when editing the Settings > Primary name
server (for SOA MNAME field) field the value reverted to the inherited value.
NIOS-78487 Major A Microsoft Azure vDiscovery job failed and the “Complete discovering for task
name: vDiscovery InfoBloxProd, result: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'”
error message was displayed.
NIOS-78483 Major The show firmware command did not display the Ethernet firmware version.

NIOS-78461 Major SAML authentication using PingID SSO displayed the “"Internal Server Error 500"
error message.
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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-78461 Major Adding SAML authentication displayed an “An invalid value was entered” error
NIOS-78455 Major The NIOS documentation contained an incorrect value for ibProbableCause.

NIOS-78434, Major The NIOS Release Notes did not contain information that the value of
NIOS-78415 PLATFORM_NAMED_MAX_CACHE_SIZE for the IB-2215 and IB-2225 platforms has
been increased from 2048 to 12288.
NIOS-78403 Major Azure vDiscovery did not work if a proxy authorization was required.

NIOS-78397 Major A NIOS on-prem host appliance was unable to connect to the CSP portal and the
corresponding entry was not displayed in the CSP portal.
NIOS-78387 Major Report generation on a cloud member caused high database usage for hosts that
had many IP addresses.
NIOS-78384 Major The global search did not return matches when using the DNS name to search for
DHCID records.
NIOS-78382 Major A NIOS upgrade caused a MAC address to change on the MGMT interface.

NIOS-78347 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE 2021-23839, CVE-2021-23840, and CVE-2021-23841.

NIOS-78328 Major Under certain circumstances, VRF data collection failed.

NIOS-78313 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain information that for reporting
members, a minimum disk space of 250 GB by default.
NIOS-78299 Major Installing a permanent reporting license created issues in a TE-5005 appliance.

NIOS-78281 Major New parsing rules for VRRP addresses needed to be added.

NIOS-78268 Major In an HA setup, whenever a node became passive or became a Grid Master
Candidate, the "System Call failed with Connection refused" error was displayed
in the debug log files.
NIOS-78261 Major The “error fetching dhcp_range:/ for reporting event” error was displayed in
the syslog file even after a DHCP restart.
NIOS-78246, Major The NIOS documentation contained incorrect information regarding restarting
NIOS-78244 DHCP services.
NIOS-78242 Major Unable to find the loopback interface IP address to be selected as the
management IP address of a device.
NIOS-78241 Major The device license limit had to be modified for ND-1405 appliances.

NIOS-78240 Major Upgrade failed due to incorrect index processing in the
NIOS-78239 Major Global search by DNS name did not include Network Insight devices.

NIOS-78236 Major End hosts did not display model and version information. And discovery
diagnostics collected for certain end hosts displayed fingerprints as disabled
even though the fingerprinting option was enabled.
NIOS-78235 Major The Gird Master restarted when adding a conversion policy for the discovery

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-78234 Major The End Host History report did not contain information about unmanaged
NIOS-78233 Major Logging data for Network Insight needed to be increased.

NIOS-78232 Major Discovery processing took a long time when a large number of networks was
included in the discovery process.
NIOS-78229 Major The 'privProtocol is unknown' error message is displayed when trying to create a
NIOS-78227 Major Unable to reset the password after expiry and the error "Old password is invalid"
error message is displayed.
NIOS-78226 Major IPv6 networks were not discovered correctly.

NIOS-78223 Major IPv4 DHCP filters did not work as expected.

NIOS-78221 Major Unable to search for an FQDN for an LBDN pattern using WAPI.

NIOS-78205 Major Time reset did not work on a NIOS VM on Microsoft Azure.

NIOS-78195 Major DNS cache acceleration sent all the traffic to the BIND server after a NIOS
NIOS-78181 Major The failure counter of the DNS Statistics widget did not increment as expected.

NIOS-78164, Major When DNS fault tolerant caching was enabled, SERVFAIL errors were displayed in
NIOS-70117 the configuration file.
NIOS-78163 Major Unable to apply hotfixes on upgrade groups.

NIOS-78131 Major The WAPI REST engine did not recognize IPv6 addresses that contained upper-
NIOS-78112 Major A subscriber client remained offlline in the Cisco ISE server.

NIOS-77939 Major Grid members including the Grid Master were not able to function as NTP
servers to clients if NTP is enabled on the Grid.
NIOS-77913 Major If the subscriber cache entry did not contain the PCP:Parental-Control-
Policy parameter, the proxy virtual IP address allocation process was not
initiated towards the MSP.
If the RPZ zone had the override action of passthru, the proxy virtual IP address
allocation process was not initiated towards MSP even though the domain inside
RPZ was passthru.
NIOS-77893 Major Unable to download categories when using a proxy server without credentials.

NIOS-77871 Major The parental control policy was checked before the subscriber secure policy
which caused all domains whitelisted for passthrough to be ignored when the
Internet was paused.
NIOS-77864 Major Certain appliances with over 12000 LBDNs experienced DTC memory exhaustion.

NIOS-77815 Major The show log CLI command did not work as expected.

NIOS-77808 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the RPZ dashboard and certain reports did not work.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-77800 Major After a NIOS restart, IPv6-only members experienced network issues.

NIOS-77786 Major Some DNS members started to flap and were disconnected from the Grid due to
an FQDN gateway violation.
NIOS-77772 Major A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) packet was dropped due to SNIC issues.

NIOS-77752 Major Grid Manager became unstable when object change tracking was enabled.

NIOS-77707 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE 2020-16166.

NIOS-77697, Major Splunk password dependencies needed to be removed.

NIOS-77675 Major The dns_stats.txt file displayed a high number of recursive queries.

NIOS-77664 Major SNMP traps were being dropped due to a mismatch in the SNMP engine ID.

NIOS-77662 Major Unable to use the SSH command to log in to the NIOS CLI after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-77619 Major NIOS encryption algorithms may have caused conflicts with internal policies.

NIOS-77607 Major When generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on the Grid, the CA
parameter is set to true thus causing connectivity issues in Mozilla Firefox and
other vendor appliances.
NIOS-77584 Major After a NIOS upgrade, DNS Traffic Control objects did not load in to Grid
NIOS-77563 Major DNS Traffic Control round robin load balancing did not work as expected after a
NIOS upgrade.
NIOS-77560 Major The passive node of a Grid Master remained in a synchronization state and many
members went offline after an HA failover.
NIOS-77487 Major The threat protection service failed to start on one of the Grid members in an
IB-1415 appliance.
NIOS-77450 Major Under certain circumstances, DNS servers did not respond to dynamic updates.

NIOS-77352 Major File distribution between Grid Master and Grid members did not synchronize
NIOS-77349 Major NIOS was vulnerable to CVE-2020-1971.

NIOS-77292 Major After a NIOS upgrade, intermittent DNS timeouts and long delays query
resolution (up to 3 seconds) occurred.
NIOS-77246 Major The "Threat Analytics Auto Download has failed." email notification was received
about a threat analytics download failure on the passive node LAN1 IP address.
NIOS-77102 Major The DNS acceleration usage was 0% when virtual DNS Cache Acceleration was
NIOS-76821 Major Virtual data collection for a Citrix device was required.

NIOS-76743 Major SAML authentication service failed and the "HTTP/1.0 500 INTERNAL SERVER
ERROR" error was displayed in the trace log.
NIOS-76713 Major The SNMP clear trap was not sent for the NTP_SYNC_DOWN event.
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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-76662 Major RabbitMQ service uses more secured password for user NIOS.

NIOS-76654 Major An end-of-life version of Apache HTTP was in use.

NIOS-76653 Major Account passwords were stored using the salted SHA-1 hashing algorithm.

NIOS-76651 Major SSH services applied relaxed security settings on remote users.

NIOS-76650 Major The host system used an outdated version of the Linux kernel (3.14.25).

NIOS-76491 Major The extensible attribute rebuild prompt was not displayed when deleting the
extensible attribute from a network.
NIOS-76485 Major A CSV export of all records using WAPI gives multiple entries for the same host
NIOS-76447 Major The priority number and inventory collection for certain devices needed to be
NIOS-76445 Major Unable to log in to the remote console when creating an ACL for an
administrator group.
NIOS-76362 Major Single-site cluster configuration for reporting servers did not work and the
“Cluster master service failure due to search factor is not met” error message is
NIOS-76261 Major Data collection for a certain device needed to be supported.

NIOS-76237 Major When trying to install a temporary license in an IB-V5005 appliance for a vNIOS
for Microsoft Hyper-V instance, the “'You must provision the reporting disk
before adding a license to the Reporting server” error message was displayed.
NIOS-75598 Major NIOS returned an incorrect value in the supportedMech field of the GSS-TSIG
TKEY response.
NIOS-75534 Major After installing a .crt file with many number of intermediate and root
certificates, the SSL_ERROR_RX_MALFORMED_HANDSHAKE error message was
NIOS-74815 Major Grid members were offline after the NIOS license expired on Grid Master.

NIOS-74480 Major Unable to create an IPv6 network using an IPv6 template that contained
multiple IPv6 fixed address templates.
NIOS-73951 Major Auto-created records of forward zones (subzones) were not deleted after the
subzones were deleted.
NIOS-72516 Major The DNS service stopped responding to queries when the soft limit of the
recursion client quota was reached.
NIOS-72478 Major Tools such as a CLI command to collect network interface statistics (such as
packet drops) in the support bundle was required.
NIOS-69319 Major When DHCP exclusion ranges are added to an IP map, the boxes appear to be

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-78552 Minor An ADP rule did not recognize the NAT mapping.

NIOS-78237 Minor Network Insight pushed a few public networks to IPAM even after the Disable
discovery networks not in IPAM option was enabled.
NIOS-77645 Minor A new check box named Stop the anycast service when the subscriber service
is in the interim state in the Add Subscriber Site wizard was required. The
check box is selected by default and stops the anycast service from running
when the subscriber service is in the interim state as in the previous
releases. Deselecting the check box allows subscriber services to respond to DNS
queries when anycast is in service during the interim state (initial state when
the subscriber dataset is not fully populated).
NIOS-77067 Minor Modifications made to the host record and sent to an Outbound endpoint did not
work with HOST_ADDRESS events.
NIOS-76694 Minor NIOS version URL access had to be allowed only to authenticated users.

NIOS-76663 Minor RabbitMQ Erlang cookies strengthened to have 200 bytes of alphanumeric
characters instead of the standard 20 bytes.
NIOS-73157 Minor The reset storage CLI command failed.

NIOS-70056 Minor All licenses for a Grid Member were revoked when the IPv6 gateway address was
NIOS-69309 Minor In an HA setup, some discovered networks were marked grey and not
propagated to IPAM.

Fixed in NIOS 8.5.2

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-77003 Critical Under a rare circumstance, the anycast service went down when a Grid Master
Candidate was promoted to Grid Master.
NIOS-76826 Critical Under a rare circumstance, unable to resolve DNS queries after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-76658, Critical Several world-writable files were generated that could lead to privilege
NIOS-76693 escalation or root-level compromise of the system.
NIOS-76565 Critical Under a rare circumstance, the DNS service crashed unexpectedly.

NIOS-76517 Critical Under a rare circumstance, applying a hotfix resulted in DNS Traffic Control
service issues.
NIOS-76487 Critical Under a rare circumstance, an unexpected HA failover occurred during a zone
data import.
NIOS-76425 Critical Under a rare circumstance, unable to add members to a nameserver group and
the “Invalid value was entered" error message was displayed.
NIOS-76421 Critical An SNMP trap did not work after a Grid Master Candidate promotion.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-76216 Critical Packet drops increased between the production environment and vNIOS.

NIOS-75687 Critical After disabling a parent zone, unbale to query PTR records and PTR requests
NIOS-75433 Critical The value of the snmpEngineBoots SNMPv3 trap not incrementing.

NIOS-75382 Critical Subscriber services category blocking did not take place consistently.

NIOS-75139 Critical Under a rare circumstance, CPU usage was at 100% and the non-cache latency
had increased.
NIOS-75003 Critical Unable to start the DHCPv4 service, because no valid configuration files were
NIOS-74808 Critical Under a rare circumstance, an IB-FLEX appliance was constantly rebooting.

NIOS-74756 Critical After enabling Subscriber Services, DNS core files were generated.

NIOS-74681 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, NIOS restarted on the active node resulting in an HA
NIOS-74661 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, fastpath restarted on IB-FLEX appliances.

NIOS-74597 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, DNS queries were not being resolved by DNS servers.

NIOS-74557 Critical Under a rare circumstance, after a NIOS upgrade, swap usage gradually
NIOS-74517 Critical DNS Traffic Control initialization failures were encountered after a hotfix was
applied on the Grid members without applying it on Grid Master.
NIOS-74440 Critical Under a rare circumstance, an IB-V1415 appliance frequently restarted and
stopped responding to DNS queries.
NIOS-74433 Critical Under certain circumstances, system swap space usage exceeded the critical
threshold value.
NIOS-74378 Critical The /etc/hosts file was replaced by a 0 length file causing WAPI requests to fail
and causing NTP to go out of sync.
NIOS-73857 Critical Unable to connect to an IPMI device on the IB-1425 appliance.

NIOS-73359 Critical The NIOS Release Notes did not contain information about the change in
behavior of the DHCP failover association wherein it is put in the Recover-Wait
state for the entire duration of MCLT.
NIOS-73127 Critical An RPZ was not being refreshed by a zone transfer and alerts were being
NIOS-72552 Critical Views were erroneously populated into the DNS member configuration even
though recursion was disabled and the member was not authoritative for any
zone within those views.
NIOS-72396 Critical The subscriber ID needed to be un-escaped (by using the
imc_cleanup_exckude() function) before adding it to the proxy API.
NIOS-71011 Critical Under a rare circumstance, unable to change the name server group of a
particular sub-zone.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-70993 Critical Unable to edit the name server group properties and the "An error occurred
while getting the model object for Component" error message was displayed.
NIOS-67224 Critical A PAPI get call for fixed address in a specified network returned too much data.

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-77096 Major The performance of the Grid Manager was very slow especially on the VLAN tab.

NIOS-77009 Major The CVE-2020-25705 vulnerability was fixed.

NIOS-77004 Major The vendor name had to be changed in certain tables.

NIOS-76980 Major Forwarding data was not collected successfully for certain devices.

NIOS-76972 Major Unable to find the network view when the Include Extensible Attributes Values
check box was selected in the Smart Folders tab.
NIOS-76927 Major The restart banner was not displayed after adding additional blocking servers.

NIOS-76911 Major The DNS Query Rate by Member report and data collected by the Ptop tool
displayed different information.
NIOS-76870 Major Unable to make configuration change in Grid Manager.

NIOS-76734 Major Grid Manager crashed after DNS Traffic Control was configured.

NIOS-76720 Major The CVE-2020-25705 and CVE-2020-8617 vulnerabilities were fixed.

NIOS-76656 Major A warning banner was displayed that the Grid license will expire in 60 days.
However, the license was to expire after 89 days.
NIOS-76629 Major DNS resolution for the host record failed after creating a reverse mapping zone.

NIOS-76573 Major Unable to access Grid Manager and the API after an HA failover.

NIOS-76568 Major The NIOS 8.5.x Release Notes did not state whether or not TE-4030 is a
supported appliance.
NIOS-76523 Major An incorrect timestamp was displayed for the last discovered hosts in the Data
Management > IPAM > IPAM Home > Last Discovered column.
NIOS-76363 Major A user configured to use local authentication was able to login with the remote
password if the same user name existed in the remote authentication server.
NIOS-76349 Major TCP quota logs were never hit even though the TCP client quota was exceeded.

NIOS-76300 Major vDiscovery failed and the “ip_owner_id” error message was displayed in the
log files.

NIOS-76180 Major The netmask format was changed in the NetMRI, SDN, and ACI .pm files.

NIOS-76142 Major The NIOS documentation contained an incorrect DNS query log format.

NIOS-75659 Major Rolled zone-signing keys (ZSKs) were not being deleted automatically.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-75646 Major Because the network map version was not upgraded, the version displayed was
inconsistent with the network check version.
NIOS-75579 Major Under certain circumstances, the database was over-utilized and alerts were
generated in Grid Manager.
NIOS-75561 Major DNS servers did not accept or acknowledge RADIUS messages that were over
1077 bytes.
NIOS-75540 Major The NTP server did not set the absolute time early.

NIOS-75527 Major The entity ID in the SAML metadata could have led to a denial of service
NIOS-75498 Major The SSO metadata URL was populated automatically and incorrectly while using
the metadata file in the SAML authentication service configuration.
NIOS-75465 Major A vADP member was offline during a Grid replication start and core files were
NIOS-75435 Major The value type of RADIUS class AVP needed to be of type string.

NIOS-75374 Major Unable to add a job using the bloxTools scheduler.

NIOS-75361 Major SSH did not work on MGMT after restarting when the Restrict Remote Console
and Support Access to MGMT Port check boxes were enabled.
NIOS-75326 Major The consolidator status had turned red and the “Discovery Consolidator Service
has failed” message was displayed.
NIOS-75275 Major Inconsistent VLAN data was displayed across hosts and networks on the IPAM
NIOS-75242 Major Under certain circumstances, VRF collection skipped a few IP addresses thus
causing duplicate instances.
NIOS-75186 Major vNIOS did not send a "report ready" indication to Microsoft Azure that the
provisioning was complete as per Azure Marketplace guidelines.
NIOS-75171 Major Adding an authoritative zone and enabling the DNS Cache Acceleration service
caused an internal error.
NIOS-75122 Major A DNS Traffic Control query failed if the server was configured with a domain
name and if consolidated health check was enabled on the pools.
NIOS-75031 Major After the time zone was changed to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (UTC
+3), logging out and logging back in changed the time zone to Nairobi (UTC +3).
NIOS-75010 Major Running the set reporting_reset_license CLI command caused an HA
NIOS-74986 Major Threat protection rule publishing failed and IMC core files were generated.

NIOS-74981 Major Unable to view debug logs for an endpoint.

NIOS-74946 Major Some of the extensible attribute values were not displayed for the DNS Traffic
Control and topology rulesets.
NIOS-74943 Major High disk utilization on Grid Master caused by the contents of the
/storage/infoblox.var/msmgmt/reporting-capture-data file.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-74923 Major The DNS server was no longer synchronizing subscriber data.

NIOS-74896 Major After a NIOS upgrade, outbound API integration failed.

NIOS-74880 Major Under certain circumstances, RabbitMQ failed.

NIOS-74865 Major Under certain circumstances, fastpath crashed and an unexpected reebot
NIOS-74860 Major Colors for the reserved range values and DHCP exclusion range values were
displayed incorrectly in the IP Map page.
NIOS-74842, Major Microsoft clusters were unable to perform dynamic updates against NIOS leaving
NIOS-74841 behind discrepancies in the DNS entries in the log files.
NIOS-74821 Major During a NIOS upgrade, one of the virtual members in the Grid failed to upgrade
and the “1 of 1 node has failed upgrade - Upgrading: Syncing Storage files”
message was displayed.
NIOS-74818 Major Selecting the Copy Audit Log Messages to Syslog check box and then selecting
the syslog facility displayed incorrect values in the Administration > Logs >
Syslog screen.
NIOS-74795 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the DNS service failed to start.

NIOS-74792 Major Under certain circumstances, the Cisco ISE integration with NIOS did not work.

NIOS-74769 Major The threat analytics service restarted repeatedly and the
“” error message was displayed in the log files.
NIOS-74742 Major Disk usage on Grid Master was over the threshold value.

NIOS-74739 Major The status of decommissioned IP addresses was displayed as Used in the IPAM
NIOS-74722 Major Unable to delete stale NS records from the NIOS database.

NIOS-74713 Major After a NIOS upgrade, unable to log in to NIOS using SSH AD authentication.

NIOS-74708 Major Unable to generate certain reports.

NIOS-74665 Major A CLI panic procedure was required to swiftly stop the Subscriber Services
parental control DNS process on a Grid member.
NIOS-74613 Major Under certain circumstances, the reset all CLI command did not work.

NIOS-74612 Major After adding a the DOW_DHCP_AllScopes MAC address filter, the DHCP service
did not restart.
NIOS-74533 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain clear information about the Allow
VLAN Range Overlapping check box.
NIOS-74516 Major The NIOS documentation contained incorrect information about the Log Only
NIOS-74451 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain information about support for SNMPv3
AES data encryption.
NIOS-74450 Major The threat analytics service could not be enabled on certain appliances.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-74449 Major The reset database command did not work in the emergency prompt.

NIOS-74436 Major Under certain circumstances, database utilization was at 84%.

NIOS-74420 Major Unable to send traffic through the LAN1 and LAN2 interfaces and an unexpected
restart occurred after changing the maximum client recursion.
NIOS-74408 Major Under certain circumstances, a DHCP outage occurred along with a high
replication queue.
NIOS-74335 Major The Cisco route collection methodology needed to be improved.

NIOS-74331 Major An error message was displayed when opening the VRF Mapping page.

NIOS-74066 Major A Multi-Grid Master stopped synchronizing with one of the sub Grids.

NIOS-74058 Major The NIOS on-prem host joined twice to the Cloud Services Portal.

NIOS-74053 Major Devices that were viewed as discovered under probes and validated were not
displayed on the Devices tab.
NIOS-73976 Major Accessing the DNS > Member/Servers tab caused an error message to be
NIOS-73953 Major DNS Traffic Control health check failed due to multiple search heads responding
to the TCP port 9185.
NIOS-73939 Major Active Directory users were unable to access reports after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-73937 Major Under certain circumstances, the scheduled Grid upgrade was disabled
NIOS-73901 Major The NIOS 8.3.8 Release Notes did not mention NIOS-73636 as a resolved issue.

NIOS-73896 Major The DHCP failover association went into the RECOVER-WAIT state after a range
was modified.
NIOS-73813 Major Unable to launch the reporting appliance and the "The Reporting App is
currently unavailable" error message was displayed.
NIOS-73809 Major Unable to override RPZ logging when a nameserver group is assigned to an RPZ
zone and the RPZ logging check box is greyed out.
NIOS-73689 Major Adding multiple extensible attributes to a network container resulted in an Ibap
internal error.
NIOS-73659 Major After promoting a Grid Master Candidate to Grid Master, the status of HA
members and some Grid members was offline.
NIOS-73621 Major The threat analytics service restarted continuously, because DNS tunneling took
a while to start.
NIOS-73601 Major The primary DNS server went offline after external syslog servers were enabled.

NIOS-73571 Major The SAML login did not directly sign in to Grid Manager. Instead it displayed the
login page once again even after a successful authentication.
NIOS-73488 Major SAML authentication was prone to XML bomb attacks.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-73474 Major Under certain circumstances, the threat protection service displayed a failed
NIOS-73463 Major Adding Active Domain certificates broke the SSL certificate chain for the WAPI
NIOS-73368 Major A DHCP protocol violation occurred when option overload (Option 52) was
NIOS-73140 Major In a Multi-Grid Master, the status of a sub Grid fluctuated regularly between
Working and Offline.
NIOS-73137 Major Unable to create a TLSA record in an unsigned zone.

NIOS-73006 Major When a forward zone was added inside another forward zone, and a forwarder
was added, the records were not displayed during an advanced search. Instead
an error message was displayed.
NIOS-72868 Major Auto-resilvering reset the network settings thereby resulting in lost data and
services on the node. It has now been enhanced to not reset networking
NIOS-72844 Major SNMPv3 traps were not being generated from a reporting member.

NIOS-72725 Major The restriction of preventing Grid replication for local RPZ zones needed to be
NIOS-72694 Major SNMP traps were generated incorrectly when they were triggered from the CLI.

NIOS-72637 Major The show rpz_recursive_only command was vulnerable to a sprintf

based buffer overflow.
NIOS-72557 Major Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) data collection needed to be added to the
H3C FF59 series.
NIOS-71303 Major Unable to log in to Grid Manager after entering the user name and password.

NIOS-71185 Major When DNS Cache Acceleration was enabled on a DNS server, the infoblox-
dtc-enable yes line was removed from the DNS configuration file and the
status of the hosts in the pool was unlicensed in the DTC LBDN Visualization
NIOS-70968 Major After enabling subscriber services, an upgraded Grid member displayed the
warning status.
NIOS-70767 Major A Splunk API request did not work after a password change.

NIOS-70638 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the reporting license usage spiked.

NIOS-70386 Major Unable to log in to NIOS using SAML authentication.

NIOS-70376 Major Unable to resolve DNS entries for a newly joined Grid member to the name
server group for zone replication.
NIOS-70371 Major Unable to delete network containers that were discovered from Microsoft Azure
NIOS-69003 Major The named.conf file for an RPZ displayed a syntax error.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-66097 Major The Data Management > Devices > Network View screen displayed the “An
error has occurred. Contact technical support if the problem persists” error
NIOS-65621 Major SRV record case-sensitivity caused certain issues with respect to the target

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-77139 Minor The IPAM IP list was incorrectly updated when a neighboring device was
NIOS-77024, Minor The Data Management > IPAM > List tab displayed an incorrect VLAN ID and
NIOS-76967 VLAN name against an interface IP address.
NIOS-77006 Minor The “"Network Insight has detected unassigned VRFs" message was displayed in
Grid Manager but the VRF was already assigned to a network.
NIOS-76803 Minor Logs were generated every 8 seconds instead of 600 seconds.

NIOS-76796 Minor Inactive host devices were displayed as used devices on the IPAM tab.

NIOS-76695 Minor Some of the devices displayed an incorrect VLAN ID.

NIOS-76677 Minor In the Add CNAME Record wizard, if you added a CNAME record, entered an
alias, and then clicked Select Zone to select a different zone, the previously
selected zone was prefixed to the alias.
NIOS-76511 Minor When modifying the value of an external attribute, the “ "An invalid value was
entered" error message was displayed.
NIOS-76456 Minor When parental control was configured, the “"PCP config result: Subscriber
Config not fully applied" error message was generated.
NIOS-75567 Minor The WAPI call for atc_fwd_forward_first and dfp_forward_first did
not return any value.
NIOS-75532 Minor Subscriber services error messages were not clear and needed more information.

NIOS-75431 Minor The CVE-2020-13817 vulnerability was fixed.

NIOS-75375 Minor The NIOS documentation mentioned a TEST GSS-TSIG button when none such
existed in Grid Manager.
NIOS-75174 Minor The NIOS documentation for discovered data for managed objects description
needed to be updated.
NIOS-75170 Minor A WAPI call to get the DTC LBDN data yielded unexpected search results.

NIOS-75097 Minor TR-800 was not listed as a supported appliance in the NIOS 8.5.1 and 8.4.7
Release Notes.
NIOS-75087 Minor The IPAM tab displayed an incorrect value for the last discovered timestamp of
the end hosts.
NIOS-75009 Minor The VLAN Name column displayed an incorrect value when the interface IP
address did not have a VLAN assigned to it.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-74970 Minor Device type recognition needed to be updated.

NIOS-74900 Minor Certain IPAM data caused high load on Grid Master.

NIOS-74674 Minor After a NIOS upgrade, a MGM Grid did not synchronize with the sub Grid.

NIOS-74491 Minor The SNMP scan attempted to scan a network for which SNMP and other polling
options were disabled.
NIOS-74439 Minor The NIOS documentation needed to be updated with information about certain
SNMP traps.
NIOS-74412 Minor An upgrade check for Docker bridge network conflict needed to be performed.

NIOS-72768 Minor Information on the blue power LED indication was missing in the Infoblox
Installation Guide 1405 Series Appliances documentation,
NIOS-72623 Minor Under certain circumstances, DNS Traffic Control visualization produced
unexpected results.
NIOS-72442 Minor An HA failover occurred when trying to create a smart folder with the
Discovered VLAN ID filter.
NIOS-72178 Minor The header of the reporting help PDF file was displayed as “anonymous”.

NIOS-70512 Minor After a NIOS upgrade, the hardware model was modified.

NIOS-70137 Minor The restart banner was displayed in Grid Manager even when there were no
pending changes.
NIOS-69273 Minor The DNS service was stopped before or at the same time as the BGP service
resulting in anycast queries and LAN1 queries failing at the same time.
NIOS-65064 Minor Editing custom forwarders did not work.

Fixed in NIOS 8.5.1

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-73535 Critical Under a rare circumstance, the system swap usage exceeded the critical
threshold value.
NIOS-73445 Critical Unable to log on to SSH using TACACS+ after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-73400 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, the reporting license limits dropped from 5 GB to 500 MB.

NIOS-73118 Critical Under a rare circumstance, DNS members dropped queries and generated slower
NIOS-73010 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, there was an increase in memory utilization, and in turn
swap usage, on some Grid members.
NIOS-72523 Critical Under a rare circumstance, single-site reporting cluster backup failed.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-74042 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the status of DNS forwarding proxy on an HA node was
NIOS-74039 Major Unable to add NIOS Grid members to the Cloud Services Portal after a NIOS
NIOS-73943 Major Under certain circumstances, performing a global search did not return results
for NIOS on Microsoft Azure but returned results for NIOS on VMware.
NIOS-73900 Major Under certain circumstances, a new nameserver could not be added to a zone.

NIOS-73890 Major The NIOS documentation did not state that existing extensible attributes are
automatically enrolled for cloud usage when cloud licensed are installed.
NIOS-73862 Major A vDiscovery job with a non-breaking space character could be created.

NIOS-73800 Major The Discovery Status table displayed an incorrect controller type in the Type
NIOS-73794 Major Fastpath and virtual DNS Cache Acceleration were not started; however, their
status was displayed as green in the DNS Cache Acceleration tab.
NIOS-73730 Major Supported GCP parameters for the The DNS name will be computed from the
formula field were not documented in the NIOS documentation.
NIOS-73705 Major The NIOS documentation erroneously mentioned that when DNS forwarding
proxy is enabled on a NIOS member, queries are forwarded to BloxOne DDI
instead of BloxOne Threat Defense.
NIOS-73670 Major After a NIOS upgrade, the SSO Login button was hidden in the NIOS login page.

NIOS-73664 Major The ufclient log file had to be updated to establish a connection through a proxy
NIOS-73653 Major Unable to use WAPI to update or get a network template that has an extensible
attribute with no value.
NIOS-73645 Major Grid Manager displayed different versions of the module set for module sets
downloaded manually versus those downloaded automatically.
NIOS-73612 Major After a NIOS upgrade, disk usage from both the active and passive nodes of an
HA pair reached almost 100%.
NIOS-73545 Major Unable to view records in the Data Management > DNS > Members > Records
NIOS-73541 Major Configuration changes were not synchronized with the Network Insight
consolidator (type, time, and interfaces).
NIOS-73540 Major The SDN API refresh did not take into account the difference between the local
time and the Cisco ACI controller clock.
NIOS-73531 Major The threat analytics service kept restarting continuously.

NIOS-73515 Major Both physical and virtual IP addresses were not getting synchronized with NIOS.

NIOS-73501 Major A Microsoft Azure vDiscovery job failed for all subscriptions when a valid but
inactive free trial subscription was found during vDiscovery.
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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-73499, Major The threat protection service was in a failed status for several second and then
NIOS-73478 restarted unexpectedly.
NIOS-73465, Major During a Grid replication, the SOA serial number was different between the
NIOS-73231 primary and secondary Grid members.
NIOS-73464 Major Testing a domain against the EDNS Compliance Tester displayed a timeout error
NIOS-73462 Major End host device information was missing on the IPAM tab for networks that were
not included in discovery but for which the VRFs were mapped with network
NIOS-73397 Major The Attached Device Port Name and Device Port Name fields on the IPAM tab
contained different values.
NIOS-73318 Major The NIOS 8.3.0 EA upgrade path and the CAA record upgrade restriction needed
to be removed.
NIOS-73281 Major The Last Queried column on the Records tab did not display Not Monitored for
shared records.
NIOS-73266, Major Both, latency and traffic increased on LAN1 and LAN2 interfaces after a hotfix
NIOS-73151 installation.
NIOS-73260 Major The End Hosts Present field displayed an incorrect interface name.

NIOS-73246 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain a note that L2 packets were dropped
on the bond0 passive interface if port redundancy was enabled.
NIOS-73234 Major A KSK rollover caused issues with LBDN records.

NIOS-73215 Major The set interface_mtu command did not work when port redundancy was
NIOS-73209, Major DNS message compression did not take place after a NIOS upgrade.
NIOS-73173 Major PTR records were not getting resolved after being converted to host records.

NIOS-73168 Major The reporting data restore operation was being triggered inadvertently resulting
in loss of reporting data.
NIOS-73137 Major Unable to create a TLSA record in an unsigned zone.

NIOS-73108 Major MTU size needed to be added for OpenVPN tunnels between consolidators and
NIOS-73068 Major WAPI calls performed against a cloud member failed.

NIOS-73022 Major The set reset_rabbitmq CLI command needed to be modified.

NIOS-72972 Major Under certain circumstances, the system swap space usage exceeded the critical
threshold value.
NIOS-72967 Major Under certain circumstances, CPU usage was high on a passive HA node.

NIOS-72955 Major The computation of the database cache size needed to be based on a formula.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-72945 Major Non-superusers were unable to view data using the global smart folders search
but could view the same data on the Data Management > Devices tab.
NIOS-72926 Major Perl modules had to be upgraded to download third-party data using the HTTPS
NIOS-72839 Major Notification emails to inactive users were not sent as per schedule.

NIOS-72783 Major After a NIOS upgrade, if you tried to edit the properties of a Grid member, the
"Must be a fully qualified domain name" message was displayed next to the Host
Name field.
NIOS-72627 Major Bookmarks and customization of columns were lost for users using SAML
authentication who logged out and logged in back again.
NIOS-72616 Major DNS latency occurred in upstream communication when a single forwarder
NIOS-72615 Major Certain CLI commands were vulnerable to SSH implementation security.

NIOS-72520 Major An error message was displayed when users belong with roles with limited
permissions tried to edit DNS zones.
NIOS-72447 Major The set snmptrap command used 0 as the value of the
msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots and msgAuthoritativeEngineTime
variables and this caused the trap receiver to drop traps.
NIOS-71004 Major A service restart took a long time to complete in certain Grid members.

NIOS-70653 Major Unable to update or get a network template using WAPI when assigned an
extensible attribute with no value.
NIOS-70588 Major Core files were generated and subsequent HA failovers occurred after viewing a
DHCP range.
NIOS-72447 Major The set snmptrap command used 0 as the value of the
msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots and msgAuthoritativeEngineTime
variables and this caused the trap receiver to drop traps.
NIOS-71385 Major Unable to set time-based retention policy for the ib_security_summary summary
NIOS-71199 Major The IP map did not display the DHCP exclusion range.

NIOS-71169 Major A SAML authentication login redirected the host name to the IP address thus
breaking the SSL certificate.
NIOS-71029 Major Grid Manager was unable to download the third-party category information
NIOS-70558 Major Secondary name servers that were made primary did not have the new SOA
NIOS-70149 Major Unable to use PuTTY to SSH into NIOS after disabling cipher suites.

NIOS-70047 Major Under certain circumstances, CPU usage was high on an HA passive node.

NIOS-69878 Major Automatically updating resource records according to conversion rules did not
work correctly if several associated objects existed.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-68195 Major The MAC address of the client system was displayed as the MAC address of VIP in
the security report.
NIOS-63430 Major NIOS was susceptible to certain vulnerabilities that did not have a CVE number.

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-74413 Minor The NIOS Release Notes did not state that the Infoblox Docker bridge uses the network by default and if this network is being used, to
change the Docker bridge network.
NIOS-73817 Minor The NIOS documentation incorrectly stated that a NetBIOS discovery returned
the MAC address and the operating system.
NIOS-73682 Minor After a NIOS upgrade, one of the Grid members displayed an error on the DNS
Cache Acceleration tab.
NIOS-73494 Minor End host information was not displayed on the IPAM tab.

NIOS-73428 Minor The Microsoft Azure vDiscovery configuration steps were not documented
NIOS-73425 Minor The NIOS Release Notes did not document CVE-2019-11477 as an addressed
NIOS-73329 Minor The show date command did not display the correct time zone for Indiana
(East) Time Zone even though this time zone was set in Grid Manager.
NIOS-73317 Minor On the IPAM tab, Network Insight displayed a VLAN configured against an
interface even though no such VLAN was configured.
NIOS-72885 Minor Stopping and restarting the DNS service increased the zone serial number.

NIOS-72834 Minor The set snmptrap CLI command did not work if ibTrapDesc contained special
characters such as a single quote (').
NIOS-72704 Minor When Advanced DNS Protection was not running, a vulnerability was detected on
port 8089.
NIOS-72276 Minor A disabled network was not greyed out on the Members tab.

NIOS-72274 Minor After every successful Grid Manager login, an HTTP 500 server error was
displayed in the response log.
NIOS-72273 Minor The color scheme for the DHCP range on the IP map did not match with the
color scheme in the legend.
NIOS-72177 Minor The PDF file of the reporting help was not formatted correctly.

NIOS-72172 Minor The count of the number of events on the reporting dashboard was not displayed
NIOS-71362 Minor Sending the enable command at the device level was possible.

NIOS-71171 Minor NIOS always returned 0 as the value of ibSystemMonitorSwapUsage.

NIOS-70691 Minor An RPZ configured to block data did not work when DNS64 was enabled.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-67066 Minor Unable to create a TLSA record correctly.

Fixed in NIOS 8.5.0

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-73150 Critical The DNS service did not start after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-73127 Critical Under a rare circumstance, RPZs were not refreshed after a zone transfer and
alerts were generated.
NIOS-73091, Critical When events occurred, responses were delayed.
NIOS-73002 Critical DNS query responses for EDNS-enable queries were dropped when DNS Cache
Acceleration was enabled.
NIOS-72810 Critical The Infoblox Installation Guide vNIOS for VMware did not contain information
about installing temporary licenses while deploying Trinzic virtual appliances.
NIOS-72797 Critical After a NIOS upgrade, the named.conf file contained syntax errors.

NIOS-72789 Critical Splunk instances failed to recognize timestamps that start from January 1, 2020.

NIOS-72553 Critical DNS views were erroneously populated in the DNS member configuration even
though recursion was disabled and the DNS member was not authoritative for
any zones within those views.
NIOS-72441 Critical Restoring accidentally deleted objects from the Recycle Bin took a very long
NIOS-72396 Critical The subscriber ID needed to be unescaped before adding it to the proxy API.

NIOS-72388 Critical Fatal error messages were displayed in the log files in a vNIOS KVM-based
OpenStack Newton deployment and numerous core files were generated.
NIOS-71567 Critical Under certain circumstances, Grid Master's disk space usage had reached up to
NIOS-71216 Critical RPZ local zones were not transferred to Grid members that joined the Grid with
the IPv6 only MGMT port.
NIOS-71069 Critical NIOS encountered a high swap issue after setting the server for consolidated
health monitor settings.
NIOS-70956 Critical The Grid Manager LAN1 interface failed during a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-70917 Critical Unable to start threat protection service because it was greyed out.

NIOS-70903, Critical Statistics for the DNS Effective Peak Usage Trend for Flex Grid License report
NIOS-70764 were incorrect and the QPS did not represent the actual value.
NIOS-70786, Critical Devices at two sites went down and a restart did not recover the systems.
NIOS-70770 Critical Unable to upload the NIOS image file on the Upgrade tab of Grid Manager.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-70762 Critical A NIOS test upgrade failed and the “upgrade cannot proceed since
/mnt/usr/conf/dhcp_fingerprints.conf not found” error message was displayed
in the syslog file.
NIOS-70698 Critical An IPv6 loopback address that was not assigned to an area in OSPFv3 caused it
to be displayed as LSA type 5 in the neighboring router instead of LSA type 1.
NIOS-70657 Critical Under certain circumstances, the name server configuration was removed for
AWS zones.
NIOS-70654 Critical Editing workflows in the BloxTools environment caused an internal error
message to be displayed.
NIOS-70650 Critical The Identity Mapping feature did not work correctly even after a hotfix was
NIOS-70577 Critical The join WAPI function did not work on IB-FLEX appliances.

NIOS-70573 Critical On an HDD failure, SSD was reformatted.

NIOS-70547 Critical A NIOS upgrade test failed and the “Test status DB Import Fail” error message
was displayed.
NIOS-70484 Critical During a failover in an HA cluster, the virtual IP address became unavailable.

NIOS-70336 Critical Editing fields in the SAML Authentication Service dialog box did not work.

NIOS-70331 Critical DNS Forwarding Proxy on NIOS did not work as Docker containers failed to start.

NIOS-70324 Critical Restarting DNS services on Grid members took 20 minutes or longer.

NIOS-70234 Critical A local RPZ zone with 150 records was slow to open.

NIOS-70222 Critical During a NIOS upgrade, the “Member is not connected” error message was
displayed even though there were no offline members.
NIOS-70008 Critical A Grid member that was evicted after the vNIOS license expired was not able to
rejoin the Grid until you restarted Grid Master.
NIOS-69995 Critical Under certain circumstances, NIOS upgrade on IB-4010 systems failed.

NIOS-69887 Critical The DCHP service crashed soon after it started, went into a restart loop, and
generated core files.
NIOS-69883 Critical Reporting of Subscriber Services categories for DNS resolutions by CNAME was
NIOS-69755 Critical PTR records were removed from Microsoft DNS as a result of changes to TTL
NIOS-69742 Critical Modifying the configuration of a Grid member took longer than 10 minutes.

NIOS-69711 Critical The OCSP two-factor authentication could easily be bypassed.

NIOS-69676 Critical Modifying extensible attributes caused Grid members to go offline.

NIOS-69668 Critical Custom extensible attributes in Cisco ISE and NIOS did not synchronize.

NIOS-69650 Critical Many RPZ refresh failure error messages were generated in the log files after
cleaning up some invalid records.
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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-69606 Critical Some SNMP trap CLI commands did not work as expected.

NIOS-69250 Critical DDNS updates made using the GSS-TSIG authentication did not work Apple Mac
NIOS-69052 Critical The system swap space usage exceeded the critical threshold value on the Grid
Master Candidate.
NIOS-68305 Critical Under certain circumstances, the DNS latency was too high and caused service
NIOS-68297 Critical Under certain circumstances, the Test SNMP button did not send an SNMP trap.

NIOS-67997 Critical Under certain circumstances, Grid Master restarted every 10 minutes.

NIOS-67742 Critical Under certain circumstances, some Grid members were dropped from the Grid
after a NIOS upgrade.
NIOS-67562 Critical A bloxTools member reported high memory utilization after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-67488 Critical During a NIOS upgrade, an error message was displayed on the Grid Master
Candidate stating that the passive node had to be upgraded even though the
passive node upgrade was complete.
NIOS-67412 Critical High CPU utilization caused by an intermittent DNS resolution problem.

NIOS-67150 Critical Converting a Grid Master and a Grid Master Candidate to IPv6 displayed an error
NIOS-66179 Critical Active Directory automatically created underscore zones did not inherit DNZ
scavenging last queried time configurations in the named.conf file.
NIOS-65869 Critical Under certain circumstances, a high replication queue caused a DNS outage.

NIOS-65678 Critical Some of the Grid members in a Grid went down, came up again, and tried to
rejoin the Grid leading to a high replication queue.
NIOS-64851 Critical On vNIOS for OpenStack, LAN2 was unavailable when LAN1 was allowed to
obtain an IP address from the DHCP server.
NIOS-62679 Critical The CVE-2016-10126 vulnerability was fixed.

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-73272 Major Network Insight did not populate IPAM information across network views.

NIOS-73103 Major DNS queries and ICMP requests were unresponsive when port redundancy was
NIOS-72864 Major SAML authenticated users were unable to access or edit objects on the DHCP >
IPv4 Filters tab and the DHCP > Option Spaces tab.
NIOS-72808 Major DHCP fingerprinting scanned devices that were excluded from discovery.

NIOS-72746 Major Unable to collect management and virtual IP addresses.

NIOS-72729 Major After a NIOS upgrade, some domains were resolved with an increase in latency.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-72723 Major Unable to add an external secondary name server to a name server group and an
error message was displayed.
NIOS-72720 Major Unable to collect IP address data from VRF using SNMP.

NIOS-72718 Major An offline IP address that was previously connected to a leaf network was still
being discovered.
NIOS-72698 Major DNS Traffic Control health check failed because multiple search heads
responded to a TCP port.
NIOS-72696, Major Running certain commands enabled NIOS administrators to gain root access.
NIOS-72695 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain enough information about the Retry Up
Count field.
NIOS-72693 Major The MAC Address filter type is ignored after a DHCP fingerprint filter type is
added to the same DHCP range.
NIOS-72688 Major A hardcoded password was found in the library.

NIOS-72686 Major Under certain circumstances, making changes in Grid Manager displayed an error
NIOS-72657 Major NIOS did not have a mechanism to check for deprecated VMXNET virtual network
NIOS-72637 Major Running the show rpz_recursive_only command caused the serial console
to crash.
NIOS-72634 Major Under certain circumstances, Grid Master failed to join the Multi-Grid Master.

NIOS-72534 Major Non-superusers were unable to create a smart folder with the Type Equals
Device filter.
NIOS-72513 Major Perl modules had to be upgraded to download third-party data.

NIOS-72483 Major NIOS changed the load balance split of the Microsoft failover association thus
causing synchronization issues.
NIOS-72473 Major An LBDN object was resolving with an offline DTC server.

NIOS-72415 Major The set hotfix CLI command allowed full root access to the NIOS system.

NIOS-72403 Major Under certain circumstances, running the set certificate_auth_services

CLI command caused memory corruption.
NIOS-72402 Major Under certain circumstances, running the set admin_group_acl CLI
command caused memory corruption.
NIOS-72384 Major DNS resolution stopped; however, after some time the DNS service recovered by
NIOS-72369 Major Under certain circumstances, high CPU utilization was observed.

NIOS-72351 Major Multiple records were not obtained for the same IP address behind the home
gateway (CPE).
NIOS-72349 Major The CVE-2019-6477 vulnerability issue was fixed.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-72348 Major The Advisor tab displayed errors in the Last Scheduled Execution Result and
Last Run Now Result fields.
NIOS-72328 Major Unable to discover VMs in an Azure vDiscovery environment.

NIOS-72321 Major vDiscovery failed on a VMware endpoint.

NIOS-72315 Major Console login was denied to groups that contained a named ACL.

NIOS-72282 Major Grid Manager displayed the status incorrectly as Running even when DNS
Forwarding Proxy did not work.
NIOS-72280 Major If you disabled synchronization for a Microsoft managed server, it was not
grayed out in Grid Manager.
NIOS-72278 Major CSV export failed and an error message was displayed.

NIOS-72277 Major Disabled zones were not grayed out in Grid Manager.

NIOS-72271 Major The NOERR and NODATA response types did not work with subnet rules.

NIOS-71665 Major Subscriber services was logging a report of all guests irrespective of whether
their CPE had the opt-in policy or not.
NIOS-71660 Major Assigning proxy addresses to a subscriber policy included multiple sets of IP
NIOS-71659 Major Multiple core files that were generated caused one of the Grid members to
NIOS-71616 Major Under certain circumstances, a test NIOS upgrade failed and displayed error
messages in the log files.
NIOS-71613 Major The system swap space usage exceeded the critical threshold and increased
constantly on PT-2205 systems.
NIOS-71597 Major When a non-superuser tried to access a global smart folder, an error message
was displayed.
NIOS-71497 Major Under certain circumstances, vDiscovery did not run on Google Cloud Platform.

NIOS-71479 Major Adding entries to an ACL (Access Control List) caused a DNS outage.

NIOS-71477 Major The DHCPv6 service failed to restart.

NIOS-71474 Major Legitimate domains were automatically added to blacklisted RPZs.

NIOS-71454 Major Delegated name servers via Microsoft synchronization were being deleted.

NIOS-71398 Major Wildcard A records with a second label were prevented from being created by
the default host name policy.
NIOS-71395, Major Running Discover Now on the networks or IP addresses caused the status to be in
NIOS-71009 a pending state.
NIOS-71375 Major The “Primary drive is full” warning message was displayed for a consolidator.

NIOS-71356 Major Enabling a threat protection ruleset displayed an error message during a zone

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-71330 Major The Threat Analytics log files filled up 100% of the disk space.

NIOS-71298 Major Software ADP dropped external notification messages.

NIOS-71277 Major The VRRP priority was always 1 in the traffic capture file after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-71263 Major The Member Selector dialog box took a very long time to load.

NIOS-71251 Major Accessing the DNS tabs in Grid Manager displayed an error message.

NIOS-71217 Major DTC load balancing did not work as expected with DNSSEC.

NIOS-71209 Major An ND appliance encountered high CPU utilization.

NIOS-71208 Major The RouteLimit variable had to be added to the CLI route collection.

NIOS-71197 Major Upgrading NIOS caused excessive messages to be logged in the syslog file.

NIOS-71192, Major When DNS Cache Acceleration was enabled on a DNS server, the infoblox-
NIOS-71184 dtc-enable yes line was removed from the DNS configuration and the status
of the hosts in the pool were displayed as Unlicensed in the DTC LBDN
Visualization window.
NIOS-71191 Major A disabled zone caused a DNS outage.

NIOS-71174 Major The NIOS 8.3.4 Release Notes contained internal issues in the Resolved Issues
NIOS-71155, Major After a NIOS upgrade, Grid members went offline causing a DNS outage.
NIOS-71153, Major After a NIOS upgrade, the Go to IPAM View and Go to DHCP View options were
NIOS-71198 not visible in Grid Manager.
NIOS-71152 Major ARP, route and IP address data collection needed to be added in NIOS.

NIOS-71141 Major A new appliance was stuck at startup with the "Fatal error during Infoblox
startup" error message.
NIOS-71128, Major The DNS service was in a restart loop because of DTC configuration issues.
NIOS-71053, Major The NIOS documentation had to be updated with a note that regular expressions
NIOS-70614 cannot be used in a basic global search.
NIOS-71107 Major Under certain circumstances, a bunch of SNMP alerts was generated.

NIOS-71086 Major The maximum value of maximum concurrent transfers was too low and had to
be increased.
NIOS-71029 Major Category information data was unavailable for some Grid members.

NIOS-70989 Major Reporting volume usage thresholds and the associated GUI banner were
incorrect for single or multiple site clusters.
NIOS-70984 Major A DHCP service outage occurred due to multiple segmentation fault.

NIOS-70955 Major Running the show subscriber_secure_data command closed the SSH
connection to the server.
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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-70943 Major A memory error caused Grid Manager to reset.

NIOS-70929 Major Unable to run Discover Now on a physical probe.

NIOS-70927 Major Performing operations such as adding a record caused the Grid Manager to hang.

NIOS-70888 Major The admin status under Administration >Administrators > Admins was disabled
if you tried to modify a setting for the admin.
NIOS-70835 Major NIOS crashed during DTC health monitoring and a critical message was displayed
on the Syslog tab.
NIOS-70832 Major The DNS service stopped responding and a manual service restart had to be
NIOS-70809 Major If you selected the Enable DNSSEC validation check box and added a trust
anchor, the Responses must be secure check box was enabled by default.
NIOS-70774 Major Adding a new CA certificate broke the existing session along with the Certificate
Authentication Service.
NIOS-70765 Major Adding a new zone after a data import caused Grid Manager to slow down.

NIOS-70729 Major Health checks did not function correctly after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-70726 Major Under certain circumstances, an IB-1410 member restarted unexpectedly.

NIOS-70713 Major Running the set promote_master CLI command did not display the Primary
reporting site candidates input.
NIOS-70705 Major After a NIOS upgrade, in IB-810 and IB-820 platforms, members in a Grid Master
or Grid Master Candidate role needed to be displayed in yellow in Grid Manager.
NIOS-70671 Major The reporting license usage exceeded after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-70635 Major Certain configured parameters for the SIP health monitor did not work during
the health monitor checks.
NIOS-70633 Major Unable to add an IP address in the Virtual TFTP Root tab.

NIOS-70619 Major During a NIOS upgrade, the internal version was displayed.

NIOS-70609 Major Using WAPI, unable to create records in a shared record group.

NIOS-70604 Major Information about restrictions on addition and deletion of DS records was
NIOS-70592 Major Synchronization of delegate zones between Microsoft and NIOS did not work as
NIOS-70591 Major Unable to access the IPMI interface.

NIOS-70581 Major The NIOS documentation incorrectly mentioned the presence of a Notification
Address field.
NIOS-70579 Major The service status of Grids fluctuated between online and offline.

NIOS-70569 Major Unable to import LBDN records using CSV import.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-70557 Major Removing system generated records caused shared delegated records to also be
removed thus resulting in an outage.
NIOS-70502 Major Under certain circumstances, high disk usage was reported on the IB-1410
NIOS-70476 Major Using a non-superuser account to edit the port interface displayed an internal
error message.
NIOS-70473 Major IB-820 appliances encountered a memory leak with high swap disk usage.

NIOS-70445 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain information about the way to
determine whether an extensible attribute is required or not.
NIOS-70441 Major Using an API query returned an error message.

NIOS-70434 Major An HA Grid member went offline after the Threat Protection monitoring mode
was disabled.
NIOS-70411 Major Certain IPAM interfaces displayed incorrect VLAN information.

NIOS-70392 Major A software distribution caused the HA passive node to randomly restart.

NIOS-70365 Major A warning message had to be added in Grid Manager if IB-820 or IB-810 were
upgraded into a Grid Master or Grid Master Candidate.
NIOS-70351 Major The “err infoblox_find_host_by_haddr” message was displayed in the syslog file.

NIOS-70346 Major If you modified the MAC address associated with a host record, the update did
not get logged in the audit log file.
NIOS-70341 Major The delete leases command did not work.

NIOS-70340 Major Unable to log on to NIOS using Citrix NetScaler.

NIOS-70328 Major The SNMP engine ID displayed different values in Grid Manager versus a WAPI
NIOS-70322 Major Threat Analytics did not block tunneling traffic.

NIOS-70313 Major The Data Management > IPAM tab displayed incorrect VLAN information.

NIOS-70295 Major The hardserver.log file was large and did not get truncated or rotated.

NIOS-70278 Major When both the alias record and the host record are present in the same zone,
the zone failed to load.
NIOS-70276 Major Under certain circumstances, the Threat Analytics service kept restarting
NIOS-70228 Major The Threat Protection log file logged a DROP error message even though the
transfer was successful.
NIOS-70138 Major Unable to find the network view using the Include Extensible Attributes Values
filter on the Smart Folders tab.
NIOS-70128 Major The OSPF protocol did not work after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-70116 Major AD authentication for a nested group query failed for a canonical name that
contained commas.
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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-70108 Major The DNS integrity check failed after signing a zone with DNSSEC.

NIOS-70091 Major Modifying an LBDN record displayed an SOA response.

NIOS-70085 Major A NIOS upgrade failed and the database reset took longer than 1.5 hours to
NIOS-70081 Major Pre-provisioned clients were hitting a non-subscriber RPZ.

NIOS-70075 Major Using WAPI, MAC address filters and MAC addresses could be added in the Grid
Master Candidate that read-only API access enabled.
NIOS-70020 Major Running the set reporting_reset_license CLI command caused the SSH
session to close.
NIOS-70000 Major Unable to edit a Grid member during SNMPv3 configuration.

NIOS-69980 Major Logic filter lists were not inherited dynamically in the DHCP range template.

NIOS-69975 Major If ARP data was collected using the CLI, then it was not collected using SNMP
after disabling CLI access.
NIOS-69966 Major The Data Connectors documentation contained incorrect information about hard
disk drives for the Data Connector VM.
NIOS-69954 Major The DNS Cache Hit Ratio widget in the dashboard displayed data for only the last
5 minutes.
NIOS-69929 Major The NIOS upgrade failed on multiple members of a Grid.

NIOS-69898 Major The Threat Analytics service kept restarting on a Grid member.

NIOS-69896 Major A Grid member was not visible in reports and neither was it visible in the
Members drop-down list on the Reporting tab.
NIOS-69891 Major DNS fault tolerant caching did not work when the Enable Recursive ECS option
was selected.
NIOS-69860 Major DNS did not start on an HA Grid member and generated a message in the IBAP
log file.
NIOS-69859 Major The zone-signing key rollover did not happen as scheduled.

NIOS-69857 Major Reporting traffic was sent over the MGMT interface irrespective of the selected
NIOS-69855 Major NIOS did not accept the BGP advertised default route for IPv6.

NIOS-69844 Major File uploads failed after two-factor authentication was enabled.

NIOS-69831 Major On the IPAM tab, the device model for certain Cisco devices did not display
NIOS-69825 Major DHCP failover peer offered a new dynamic lease to a client that had an existing
lease in the same shared network.
NIOS-69785 Major The DNS integrity check did not account for the fact that DNS is not case-

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-69773 Major When query monitoring was enabled to use the data in DNS scavenging, the last
queried data was modified without a DNS query towards the authoritative
NIOS-69759 Major Unable to create A record in Grid Manager.

NIOS-69734 Major Reports did not display data for all the days.

NIOS-69717 Major The NIOS documentation needed detailed information about synchronizing
Active Directory domains on a domain controller.
NIOS-69712 Major The CSV import had to be manually broken down into multiple files to avoid
NIOS-69677 Major The set snmp trap command did not include the sysUpTime variable.

NIOS-69651 Major High CPU utilization on Grid Manager caused an HA failover.

NIOS-69623 Major Amazon Route 53 synchronization groups did not synchronize to AWS and
because of this, zone data was not updated.
NIOS-69578 Major Pending changes on the View Pending Changes tab were not logged in the audit
log files.
NIOS-69532 Major Unable to download the support bundle using both Grid Manager and the CLI.

NIOS-69519 Major A newly configured LDAP authentication for remote admins failed.

NIOS-69499 Major Running the set dns transfer command displayed an error message.

NIOS-69412 Major You had to enter the OPSF authentication key each time you edited the system
NIOS-69377 Major A WAPI call that does not have extarrs added is successful even though the
Required column on the Extensible Attributes tab is set to Yes.
NIOS-69307 Major The AD authentication nested group query failed for a canonical name that
contained parenthesis.
NIOS-69306 Major The wrong certificate was displayed when connecting to the Splunk API.

NIOS-69248, Major Performance when adding a DHCP member to a network needed to be improved.
NIOS-69236 Major The DHCP service stopped working after a failover to a passive node.

NIOS-69219 Major Non-Superuser users are not getting data when trying to access a global Smart
folder filtered with the Location extensible attribute.
NIOS-69093 Major Access to Grid Manager was lost after emptying the Recycle Bin.

NIOS-69080 Major A user not associated with any role or permission was able to view the host
record in Grid Manager as well as by using the WAPI.
NIOS-69054 Major On the Data Management > Devices tab, the list of devices did not load.

NIOS-69051 Major Unable to search for the FQDN of records using the search WAPI object.

NIOS-69022 Major Able to access blocked settings of Splunk when the reporting appliance was very
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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-68431 Major The start and stop performance of the DNS service from Grid Manager needed to
be improved.
NIOS-68414 Major Under certain circumstances, the DNS latency was too high and caused service
NIOS-68294 Major The NIOS WAPI did not retrieve networks associated with an AD site that also
had a network container associated with it.
NIOS-68220 Major Under certain circumstances, high disk usage occurred on IB-VM-1410 Grid
NIOS-68201 Major When creating a new range, Infoblox DHCP scope options were not replicated in
Microsoft DHCP.
NIOS-68085 Major Certain devices in Network Insight needed to be merged.

NIOS-67862 Major Environmental data and port control needed to be added in Network Insight.

NIOS-67854 Major The conflict_types field of an IP address always returned NONE irrespective of
whether there was a conflict or not.
NIOS-67707 Major The system primary hard disk usage was over the threshold value.

NIOS-67644 Major After rebooting the system, the DNS Cache Acceleration service failed and error
messages were displayed in the Infoblox.log file.
NIOS-67633 Major Under a rare circumstance, the performance of some NIOS appliances was very
NIOS-67601 Major Delay in communication occurred between the Grid Master and Grid members.

NIOS-67569 Major The primary hard disk usage of a system was over the threshold value on one of
the passive node of the Grid member.
NIOS-67494 Major Network Insight did not display the model number and serial number for certain
NIOS-67493 Major The number of routes during VRF collection had to be adjusted to the route
NIOS-67352 Major Unable to download the support bundle using both Grid Manager and the CLI.

NIOS-67280 Major Grid Master disk usage increased because of RabbitMQ files.

NIOS-67266 Major Signing a zone displayed an error message.

NIOS-67158 Major The DNS service crashed and many core files were generated.

NIOS-67067 Major Primary disk usage on the Grid Master increased.

NIOS-66960 Major Unable to access all the events in the audit log files.

NIOS-66866 Major The NIOS documentation did not contain information about the SNMP trap MIB.

NIOS-66744 Major Unable to resolve a CNAME record until the record was deleted and manually
added again.
NIOS-66658 Major The reporting server restarted the cluster.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-66478 Major The Grid Master disk usage was consistently increasing.

NIOS-66235 Major Newly added records were not propagated to some servers in the Grid.

NIOS-65915 Major Unable to access Grid Manager after promoting Grid Master Candidate to Grid
NIOS-65838 Major After enabling the LAN2 port on the vNIOS HA Grid Master, an error message was
NIOS-65755 Major A NIOS appliance blocked ICMP requests and replies.

NIOS-65467 Major The Grid Master Candidate promotion failed and the Grid Master Candidate was
not set as the Grid Master after the promotion.
NIOS-65317 Major The Inactive IP Addresses report included active IP addresses.

NIOS-65279 Major An IB-1400 appliance was disconnected from Grid Master and later restarted.

NIOS-65222 Major Individual SSH ciphers that were to be disabled were not disabled.

NIOS-65197 Major Irrespective of the static routes used, SNMP traps were always sent through the
MGMT interface.
NIOS-64844 Major An autogenerated A record that was created with an IP address that belonged to
an external primary member existed in another nameserver group.
NIOS-64840 Major After upgrading BIOS on a TE-1415 appliance, it failed to start and displayed
error messages.
NIOS-64739 Major The API documentation for list_values parameters was incorrect.

NIOS-64397 Major The IB-14x5 and IB-8x5 systems failed to restart.

NIOS-63901 Major DDNS entries for newly added roaming hosts were removed from the log files.

NIOS-63790 Major A discovery member was deployed; however, the set temp_license
command returned licenses for a normal member type.
NIOS-63763 Major A synchronization failure was indicated by the 'hardware uncompatible' error
NIOS-63655 Major A vulnerability assessment on the IB-4010 LOM interface yielded a number of
critical vulnerabilities with the SSL implementation.
NIOS-62203 Major After a NIOS upgrade, DNS reports did not contain data.

NIOS-61967 Major Host records in reverse zones did not resolve PTR queries.

NIOS-53575 Major Smart NIC crashed on the PT-2200 appliance.

NIOS-49787 Major A large number of multi-master DNS messages were logged in the syslog and
Infoblox.log files.

ID Severity Summary
NIOS-73038 Minor Horizontal scrolling on certain tables in Grid Manager does not work as
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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-72764 Minor The timestamp needed to be updated if the device was reachable using ICMP
NIOS-72748 Minor The Grid Manager banner displayed incorrect expiry days for temporary licenses.

NIOS-72692 Minor Running DiscoverNow on an inactive IPv4 address updates Grid Manager with the
last discovered timestamp.
NIOS-72648 Minor Synchronization between Grid Manager and ND devices was not successful.

NIOS-72410 Minor NIOS inserted backslashes when passing the fixed line ID for MAC address
NIOS-72376 Minor When merging ADP rulesets, Grid Manager hung and Java exceptions were
displayed in the Infoblox.log file.
NIOS-72272 Minor The threatanalytics:whitelist object was missing from the WAPI schema
NIOS-72190 Minor When printing the Home Dashboard on the Reporting tab, the PDF generated
displayed the title as Home Dashboard | Splunk instead of Home Dashboard |
NIOS-71480 Minor Global search did not yield results as expected.

NIOS-71478 Minor An alert trap sent the wrong severity level.

NIOS-71450 Minor The PDF link to the NIOS documentation pointed to an internal Google drive
NIOS-71361 Minor Duplicate requests to the API needed to be eliminated when using the IfAddrs
API request.
NIOS-71178 Minor Apex records that were masked by LBDN did not display in strikethrough font.

NIOS-71115 Minor Devices of type NIOS and vNIOS needed to be excluded from CLI collection.

NIOS-71094 Minor The Enable DHCP option was almost hidden because of the default window size.

NIOS-71030 Minor Time zone changes related to Daylight Savings Time were incorrectly computed.

NIOS-70991 Minor The IPAM tab displayed VLAN as Multiple for networks even when the IP
addresses within the network have only one value for Discovered.
NIOS-70954 Minor High CPU utilization because certain consolidator queries were not optimized.

NIOS-70932 Minor The NIOS documentation contained incorrect information about CSV export limit
NIOS-70873 Minor The reporting service restarted every 30 minutes after a NIOS upgrade.

NIOS-70808 Minor Inheritance of DHCP threshold email settings at the network container level was
NIOS-70734 Minor The routing table index was reverted for certain devices.

NIOS-70659 Minor The Discover Now option displayed Failed for all devices and networks.

NIOS-70655 Minor The audit log entry for the set smartnic-debug command was incorrect.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-70534 Minor Deleting a record did not trigger an event for Outbound API.

NIOS-70531 Minor Tenant, bridge, and domain information was not available for networks in IPAM.

NIOS-70411 Minor Certain IPAM interfaces displayed incorrect VLAN information.

NIOS-70387 Minor The NIOS documentation did not contain information about the report
categories that are required for the DNS Effective Peak Usage Trend for Flex
Grid License dashboard.
NIOS-70368 Minor The Threat Protection Status for Member dashboard widget did not update the
Megabits Dropped value.
NIOS-70359 Minor A global search for a MAC or DNS name resulted in an error message being
NIOS-70339 Minor The set license command accepted invalid licenses.

NIOS-70259 Minor Users with read-only access were able to modify extensible attributes.

NIOS-70202 Minor The IPAM > Network View > BGP AS column displayed both local and remote
NIOS-70195 Minor The session timeout value set in the SAML Authentication Services dialog box
also sets the session timeout for the Grid.
NIOS-70179 Minor Selecting a string containing the & character from the IPAM Home > List >
Extensible Attributes > Value drop-down list displayed an error.
NIOS-70079 Minor Configuration synchronization between a Grid Manager and a Network Insight
virtual appliance failed.
NIOS-70030 Minor During a NIOS upgrade on a virtual machine, the IP address is not retained.

NIOS-69870 Minor After a NIOS upgrade, the RPZ report was missing several fields.

NIOS-69776 Minor The threshold at which smart NIC drops SNMP packets had to be lowered.

NIOS-69663 Minor The Enable GSS-TSIG authentication of clients option was available at the Grid
DNS level but took effect only when enabled at the member level.
NIOS-69397 Minor The grammatical mistake in the 'Forwarder is running but it fails to connect to
none of the indexers' message was fixed.
NIOS-69383 Minor Microsoft synchronization displays an ERROR status even though the
synchronization is successful.
NIOS-69376 Minor The Export visible data option did not export all the members during a Grid
NIOS-69311 Minor When creating a smart folder using the “VLAN ID – has a value” criteria, an HA
failover occurred.
NIOS-69160 Minor During a CSV import, the DHCP option 1 was added instead of DHCP option 52.

NIOS-69105 Minor In Grid Reporting Properties, the Used % column displayed 100 for the Device
category even though the device was unused.
NIOS-69102 Minor The exported PDF file of the reporting dashboard was not formatted correctly.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-68989 Minor The Send to Syslog alert action sent only the first line of the alert to the syslog
NIOS-68400 Minor Under certain circumstances, devices are not being completely discovered by
Network Insight.
NIOS-68367 Minor NIOS time zones for certain locations had to be changed.

NIOS-68364 Minor Documentation about supported NIOS virtual appliances was incomplete.

NIOS-68272 Minor The DHCP fingerprint database needed to be upgraded.

NIOS-67921 Minor When creating rules in IPv4 option filters, the “An invalid value was entered”
error message was displayed.
NIOS-67559 Minor Some of the Grid members failed to upload DNS logs to the data collector VM.

NIOS-67479 Minor If LAN1 was down, the default route in the routing table was not being changed
to LAN2.
NIOS-65526 Minor Unable to update the IP address of a Grid member.

NIOS-65064 Minor Editing custom forwarders did not work.

NIOS-64958 Minor When updating the resource_type field of a permission object using the API,
although the update was successful, the reference returned as a response to the
update was incorrect.
NIOS-64810 Minor The "httpd config file generation failed" messages were displayed in the debug
log files.
NIOS-59901 Minor Unable to remove a blacklisted RPZ after removing the analytics node from the

Severity Levels

Severity Description
Critical Core network services are significantly impacted.
Major Network services are impacted, but there is an available workaround.
Moderate Some loss of secondary services or configuration abilities.
Minor Minor functional or UI issue.
Enhance An enhancement to the product.


ID Summary
NEPTUNESEC-31 After a Grid Master Candidate promotion, NIOS adds the deleted blacklisted domains once again
to the blacklisted RPZ zone in the new Grid Master. If you select the Configure Domain Level to
block Tunneling option, NIOS adds the new domains to the blacklisted RPZ zone based on the
top-level domain that you configured.
NIOS-84863 During an upgrade from NIOS 8.5.5 to NIOS 8.6.2, upload from the Grid > Upgrade tab fails.

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NIOS 8.4
NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-84138 If you run the set update_rabbitmq_password command on Grid Master, once ND members
rejoin the Grid, RabbitMQ fails to establish connection with the ND members.
Workaround: Perform a product restart on the ND members for the RabbitMQ changes to be
NIOS-82918 Signing a zone fails on SafeNet Luna SA 7 devices and an RSA_generate_key_ex failed error
message is displayed.
Workaround: Restart the DNS service and perform the zone signing operation once again.
NIOS-80276 If you create, modify, or delete IPAM objects, you may experience performance degradation in
Grid Manager for these objects.
NIOS-80069 The DNS service is not able to stop and restart by itself when a database initialization is in
NIOS-79971 If you have configured to download the threat protection ruleset on a customized schedule, the
latest ruleset does not get downloaded.
Workaround: Download latest ruleset by clicking the Download Rules Now button.
NIOS-79832 If you add a TLSA record in NIOS to a zone that is synchronized with Microsoft Windows Server, a
synchronization error may occur because Microsoft Windows Server does not support TLSA
NIOS-79718 If you want to view options such as View Configuration, View Debug Log, and other options that
involve viewing configuration or log files in a new browser window or tab, a session logout takes
place. You must modify your browser settings to open links in a new window or tab to avoid the
session logout.
NIOS-78494 If you upgrade a NIOS appliance that supports both SR-IOV devices and virtio devices, and in
which NIC bonding is enabled, MAC addresses are swapped and one of the nodes is shut down.
Workaround: Restart the NIOS instance to get the node up and running.
NIOS-77527 Do not make changes to parental control configurations (site properties) during a NIOS upgrade.
Modifying the configuration will not take effect on older members waiting to upgrade. This in
turn may lead to failure in processing incoming RADIUS messages on the members waiting to
upgrade because these changes are not propagated to the DNS service.
NIOS-77388 On NIOS virtual appliances, time is shifted by approximately 6 minutes when you perform a
resilver operation.
Workaround: Turn off automatic time synchronization on ESXi hosts.
NIOS-77382 There is a difference in behaviour between BIND and DNS Cache Acceleration if there are
overlapping networks under subscriber data such that the octets do not match the CIDR. For
example, and
NIOS-77375 Major query timeouts occurred during the performance testing of vNIOS for Oracle Cloud
NIOS-77361 If you create or update a zone or any other record that has a descendant at one or more levels,
you may experience some performance degradation.
NIOS-76518 After you upgrade Cisco ISE from version 2.4 to 2.7, the Cisco ISE outbound endpoint does not
connect and an error is displayed in the log file.
NIOS-76517 Publishing DHCP data fails for Cisco ISE servers.
Workaround: Override the publish settings in the notification rule for the DHCP publish in the
Cisco ISE endpoint.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-74196 If the vDCA or vADP service has failed before a NIOS upgrade, Infoblox recommends that you
manually reboot the node after the upgrade to see if it recovers.
NIOS-73897 When running NIOS with Intel XXV710 cards on KVM, if you perform a product restart with
accelerated Advanced DNS Protection or DNS Cache Acceleration running, a kernel crash occurs.
Workaround: Terminate the NIOS instance and restart.
NIOS-73693 Under a rare circumstance, communication between the reporting cluster master and cluster
peer fails and the “Search Factor is Not Met” and “Replication Factor is Not Met” messages are
displayed on the Dashboards > Reporting Clustering Status tab.
Workaround: Restart the reporting service.
NIOS-73650 If you reset the reporting data on any reporting member or replace the reporting hardware
before or after enabling threat indicator caching, you must log in to the Grid as a user with
delete permission so that the user details are pushed to the Splunk database for threat indicator
caching to work.
Workaround: Disable and enable the threat indicator caching feature.
NIOS-73649 If the reporting search head reboots or shuts down when a replication is in progress, all threat
indicator indexes are removed, and therefore, all entries in the threat details report and the
syslog threat context show as unknown. To fix this issue, disable and enable the threat indicator
caching feature.
Workaround: Disable and enable the threat indicator caching feature.
NIOS-73648 You must configure an RPZ feed zone before or after enabling threat indicator caching to start
the download of threat category information.
NIOS-73162 Deduplication does not work for Cisco APIC fabric devices previously added as regular network
NIOS-73088 After a NIOS upgrade, sometimes certain devices are displayed are duplicated on the Devices
NIOS-72977 If you add notification rules with RPZ or Software ADP event notifications, data publish fails.

NIOS-72871 In a multi-site reporting cluster, on the Reporting Clustering Status dashboard > Search Heads
tab, a reporting member from each site is displayed as an active search head in the following
• If you change the primary site using the Grid Reporting Properties > Clustering tab.
• If you upgrade a single-site cluster to multi-site and select the new members added to
the Grid primary site members.
Workaround: After the new configuration is completely active and the cluster master shows one
reporting member from each site as an active search head, restart the reporting service on the
secondary site.
NIOS-72791 NIOS is vulnerable to the Extended Master Secret TLS extension (TLS triple handshake).

NIOS-71369 When a Grid Master Candidate is selected as a subscribing member, then after the Grid Master
Candidate promotion, subscription still takes place through the previous Grid Master Candidate
member which is a new Grid member.
NIOS-70953 After enabling DNS Cache Acceleration, Grid Manager interfaces are not reachable on IB-FLEX
instances deployed on VMware ESXi 6.5.0 with SR-IOV enabled.
NIOS-70257 On some occasions during an upgrade or revert process, vNIOS on Azure might become non-
Workaround: Reboot the VM to complete the upgrade or revert.

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NIOS Release
8.5.5 Notes
Release Notes

NIOS-69728 Cisco ISE extensible attributes are not configured for DHCP networks.

NIOS-69117 When a reporting member goes offline from the cluster, clustering may be disabled on that peer
indexer. So, the hot buckets that were created when clustering was enabled roll into standalone
buckets after the peer is restarted. The standalone buckets are not compatible when the
reporting member rejoins the cluster. This may result in the search factor and replication factor
not being met. This may happen more likely in testing where you may be enabling or disabling
clustering. The Splunk documentation mentions it as known behavior.

Workaround: Rename all the peer standalone buckets (in all the indexes) that have issues as
non-standalone buckets by adding the peer GUID. Then reboot all the peers to recover. For
mv db_<newest_time>_<oldest_time>_<bucketid> db_<newest_time>_<oldest_tim
NIOS-64802 On the Data Management > DNS > Zones > Records tab, the Record Source column for a host
record may change from Static to Dynamic if you add the host record with an existing name that
is already added by DDNS.
NIOS-61565 Object Change Tracking: In situations that involve a large database, performing a full
synchronization from the Grid Master Candidate while the previous file is still being synchronized
to the Grid Master might cause the deletion of the original synchronization file.
Workaround: Do not perform a full synchronization from the Grid Master Candidate until the file
from the previous synchronization is fully synchronized to the Grid Master.
N/A Infoblox has upgraded the software for our user community (, which
will offer users enhanced features and a more robust experience. This new community software
however, is not compatible with our community dashboard widget. As a result, the functionality
of the Community Dashboard widget is inconsistent. The Community Dashboard widget will
subsequently be removed in the next NIOS maintenance release.
ISE-249 Cisco ISE: Unable to create a network active user if the user is configured with Cisco ISE server
using the standby server address.

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