Cloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing Security
Abstract - Cloud computing refers to the management of Cloud providers offer types of services:
data and servers and the provision of technology services
using cloud computing technology. It is commonly used to 1) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Which provides
store large amounts of data on cloud platforms. As a hardware-related services through cloud computing.
result, it is essential to safeguard data in various formats
2) Platform as a Service (PaaS): Which provides a cloud
such as text, audio, video, and others. This paper presents
development platform. However, different vendors offer
a research study on cloud security, focusing on AWS, the
incompatible platforms.
most trusted cloud computing provider. AWS offers not
only cloud security but also cloud storage services. The 3) Software as a Service (SaaS): Which offers complete
document addresses several key security challenges, software services in the cloud.
including virtualization security, data storage in the cloud,
and risk tolerance assessment in cloud computing. As the Cloud computing security concerns include sensitive data
cloud grows, it is increasingly important to understand access, sharing, privacy, authentication, hacking, recovery,
and implement effective security measures to protect accountability, and account control.
sensitive information and maintain trust in cloud-based
services. 2. Security Analysis
Keywords: Cyber Security, Virtualization, Scalability, Cloud ECC encryption efficiently encrypts messages by
Service provider, Storage security, Data integrity and Data utilizing varying points on an elliptic curve. This method uses
confidentiality. a short key size of 256 bits which makes it difficult for
algorithms to attack the encryption system as the computing
1. Introduction complexity of attacking algorithms is O (2^128). Cloud
clients' IDs and private keys are stored in their smart cards to
Cloud computing refers to the practice of storing and prevent illegal users from generating a valid digital signature.
accessing data and programs on remote servers hosted on the
internet, rather than on a computer's hard drive or local server. 3. Security Architecture
The term "cloud" simply means the servers that are accessed
over the internet. Cloud providers usually offer a "pay-as-you- When designing cloud security architecture, it is crucial
go" model, which may result in unexpected operating to define the objectives. The architecture must address three
expenses if administrators are not familiar with cloud pricing key factors: the attack surface that represents external access
models. Essentially, cloud computing allows users to access interfaces, the protected asset set that contains the information
data and applications from anywhere, at any time, as long as being safeguarded, and vectors intended to perform indirect
they have an internet connection. This technology has become attacks, including those in the cloud and attacks on the system.
increasingly popular due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-
To achieve the goal of cloud security architecture, a set of
functional elements must be implemented. These elements are
Service providers: often treated as separate entities rather than being part of a
coordinated architectural plan. They include access control,
Google Cloud network security, application security, contractual security,
AWS(Amazon web server) and monitoring, also called service security. Additionally, data
Microsoft Azur protection measures are implemented at the protected asset
IBM Cloud level.
Alibaba Cloud
A comprehensive cloud security architecture brings
together the functional elements to achieve the objectives.
Insider Threat
party packet brokers, much of the complexity and friction that and testing an effective incident response plan specific to
came with NDR in the cloud has been eliminated. cloud environments is crucial to minimize the impact of
security incidents.
8. Cloud Access Security Brokers
10. Cloud Vendor’s Growth
Breaches can happen due to misconfigured cloud
settings, weak access controls, or insider threats. When Global spending on cloud infrastructure services
confidential data is stored in the cloud, it becomes vulnerable increased by 16% to reach $72 billion in the second quarter of
to cybercriminals. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to 2023. Although this growth rate represents a slowdown from
ensure that only authorized individuals have access by the previous quarter's 19%, it can be attributed to market
managing user identities, permissions, and access controls pressures. Additionally, slower growth is also due to the
across a dynamic cloud environment. Proper management of market's larger size.
these controls is essential to mitigate the risk of unauthorized
access and data breaches.
Prof. S.K.Totade, Priyanka Bhumbar, Vaishnavi Samudre, Lalita Darsimbe, “Cloud Computing Security” Published in
International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology - IRJIET, Volume 7, Issue 10, pp 579-582,
October 2023. Article DOI