FMC Accuload 4 Operation Manual
FMC Accuload 4 Operation Manual
FMC Accuload 4 Operation Manual
The default or operating values used in this manual and in the program of the AccuLoad IV are for factory testing
only and should not be construed as default or operating values for your metering system. Each metering system
is unique and each program parameter must be reviewed and programmed for that specific metering system
TechnipFMC hereby disclaims any and all responsibility for damages, including but not limited to consequential
damages, arising out of or related to the inputting of incorrect or improper program or default values entered in
connection with the AccuLoad IV.
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Literature Library:
Table of Contents
1 Introduction..............................................................................7 Security Level Activation.............................................................40
1.1 Product Description................................................................7 Parameter Security Level Assignment.......................................40
1.2 AccuLoad IV Models and Module.........................................7 Security Switches........................................................................40
1.2.1 AccuLoad IV ST Models..................................................................7 Communications Security...........................................................41
1.2.2 AccuLoad IV QT Model....................................................................8 Diagnostics Security...................................................................41
1.2.3 AccuLoad IV N4 Model....................................................................8 Security Configuration Example.................................................41
1.2.4 AccuLoad IV SA Model....................................................................9
3 Dynamic Displays.................................................................43
1.3 Common Features of All Models.........................................10
1.4 Configuring for Operation....................................................11 3.1 Dynamic Displays................................................................44
1.4.1 Load Arms Types........................................................................... 11 3.1.1 System Dynamic Displays.............................................................45 Straight........................................................................................12 3.1.2 Load Arms Dynamic Displays.......................................................45 Sequential Blending....................................................................12 Product Dynamic Displays.........................................................46 Ratio Blending.............................................................................13 Batch Dynamic Displays.............................................................47 Hybrid Blending...........................................................................14 Transaction Dynamic Displays...................................................48 Side-Stream Blending.................................................................15 Blend Dynamic Displays.............................................................49 Unloading....................................................................................16 Ratio Blend Data Dynamic Displays..........................................49 Straight Arm With Vapor Recovery System (Straight with Density Sampling Dynamic Displays.........................................50
“VRS”).......................................................................................................16 Recipe Dynamic Displays...........................................................50
1.5 I/O Assignments...................................................................17 Injector Rates Dynamic Displays...............................................50
1.6 Units of Measure..................................................................17 Flow Controlled Additives Dynamic Displays............................51
1.7 Flow Control.........................................................................17 3.1.3 Diagnostics Dynamic Displays Menu...........................................52
1.8 Product Definition.................................................................18 Active Alarms Diagnostics..........................................................53
1.9 Additive Injection..................................................................18 Alarm History Diagnostics...........................................................53 Non-Resettable Volume Diagnostics.........................................53 Event Log Diagnostics................................................................54
2 Operations..............................................................................19 Transaction Log Diagnostics......................................................55
2.1 Run Mode Overview............................................................19 Audit Trail Diagnostics................................................................56
2.1.1 Run Mode Options.........................................................................20 Digital Inputs Diagnostics...........................................................56
2.1.2 Typical Loading Sequence............................................................20 Digital Outputs Diagnostics........................................................57
2.1.3 System Status Display...................................................................25 Analog Input/Output (I/O) Diagnostics.......................................57
2.1.4 Idle Arms.........................................................................................28 Pulse Inputs Diagnostics..........................................................57
2.1.5 Arm Focus......................................................................................28 Pulse Outputs Diagnostics.......................................................58
2.1.6 Arm Display Precedence...............................................................29 Reset Dual Pulse Errors Diagnostics......................................58
2.1.7 Alarm Reporting.............................................................................29 Solenoid Actuation Count Diagnostics.....................................58
2.1.8 Allow Run/Ready Mode Clearing..................................................29 Valve Closure Database Diagnostics......................................59
2.1.9 Energize Alarm Relay Output One/Two........................................29 Meter Pulse Inputs Diagnostics...............................................59
2.1.10 Notify Via E-mail...........................................................................30 Boolean/Algebraic Diagnostics................................................59
2.1.11 Allow Flow to Continue.................................................................30 Engineering Diagnostics...........................................................60
2.1.12 Permissive Inputs.........................................................................30 Network Diagnostics.................................................................60
2.1.13 Main Menu Operation..................................................................31 Update Driver Database Diagnostics......................................61
2.2 Program Mode Overview.....................................................31 Update Firmware Diagnostics..................................................61
2.2.1 Program Mode Menu.....................................................................32 Update License Diagnostics.....................................................61 Configuration Directory Overview..............................................32 Force Update Diagnostics........................................................62 System Directory Overview........................................................33 Serial Communications Monitor Diagnostics...........................62 Bays Directory Overview............................................................33 Connected Devices..................................................................62 Arms Directory Overview............................................................33 Connected Devices Diagnostics..............................................63 Recipes Directory Overview.......................................................34 Adding (Pairing) I/O Boards.................................................63 Split Architecture Directory Overview.........................................34 Replacing I/O Boards............................................................64
2.2.2 Database Modification Using Front Panel or Browswer..............35 Deleting I/O Boards...............................................................65
2.2.3 Program Mode Directory Map.......................................................39 Resetting the System (Soft Restart).....................................65
2.2.4 Viewing the Help Messages..........................................................40 3.1.3..25.5 Resetting Individual I/O Boards (Soft Restart)....................66
2.2.5 Security...........................................................................................40 Security Levels............................................................................40
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Table of Contents
Figure 101: Replacing I/O Boards, Step 3..................................65 Figure 146: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Figure 102: Deleting I/O Boards, Step 3.....................................65 Models), Step 8.......................................................................... 82
Figure 103: Deleting I/O Boards, Step 4.....................................65 Figure 147: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Figure 104: Resetting the System (Soft Restart), Step 2...........65 Models), Step 9.......................................................................... 82
Figure 105: Resetting the System (Soft Restart), Step 3...........66 Figure 148: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Figure 106: Resetting Individual I/O Boards (Soft Restart), Models), Step 9.......................................................................... 83
Step 3............................................................................................66 Figure 149: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Figure 107: Resetting Individual I/O Boards (Soft Restart), Models), Step 10........................................................................ 83
Step 4............................................................................................66 Figure 150: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Figure 108: Report/Logs Main Menu..........................................67 Models), Step 11........................................................................ 83
Figure 109: Summary Reports....................................................67 Figure 151: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Figure 110: Audit Trail...................................................................68 Models), Step 12........................................................................ 84
Figure 111: Alarm History.............................................................68 Figure 152: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board
Figure 112: Transaction Log, Screen 1.......................................68 Set SAA...................................................................................... 85
Figure 113: Transaction Log, Screen 2.......................................69 Figure 153: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board
Figure 114: Event Log..................................................................69 Set SAB...................................................................................... 85
Figure 115: Prove Log, Screen 1.................................................70 Figure 154: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board
Figure 116: Prove Log, Screen 2.................................................70 Set SAC...................................................................................... 86
Figure 117: Prove Log, Screen 3.................................................70 Figure 155: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board
Figure 118: Prove Data................................................................70 Set SAA...................................................................................... 86
Figure 119: Weights and Measures/Calibration Main Menu......71 Figure 156: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board
Figure 120: Database Initialization..............................................72 Set SAB...................................................................................... 86
Figure 121: Set Transaction Number..........................................72 Figure 157: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board
Figure 122: Erase Event Log, Screen 1......................................72 Set SAC...................................................................................... 87
Figure 123: Erase Event Log, Screen 2......................................73 Figure 158: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Net-
Figure 124: Erase Transaction Log, Screen 1............................73 work Settings.............................................................................. 87
Figure 125: Erase Transaction Log, Screen 2............................73 Figure 159: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Net-
Figure 126: Meter Proving, Step 1..............................................73 work Settings 2........................................................................... 88
Figure 127: Meter Proving, Step 2..............................................74 Figure 160: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Pri-
Figure 128: Meter Proving, Step 3..............................................74 mary URL.................................................................................... 88
Figure 129: Meter Proving, Step 4..............................................74 Figure 161: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Pri-
Figure 130: Meter Proving, Step 5..............................................75 mary URL.................................................................................... 89
Figure 131: Meter Proving, Step 6..............................................75 Figure 162: Display Module Menu............................................ 89
Figure 132: Meter Proving, Step 7..............................................75 Figure 163: Main Menu, Device Settings.................................. 90
Figure 133: Meter Proving, Weights and Measures Menu........76 Figure 164: Main Menu, Device Settings, Touchscreen Calibra-
Figure 134: Metered Injector Proving, Description 1..................76 tion............................................................................................... 90
Figure 135: Metered Injector Proving, Description 2..................77 Figure 165: Maintenance Menu................................................. 91
Figure 136: Metered Injector Proving, Description 3..................77 Figure 166: Touchscreen Calibration from Maintenance
Figure 137: Reset Totals..............................................................78 Menu........................................................................................... 91
Figure 138: Firmware Lock..........................................................78 Figure 167: Log in at Security Level 4....................................... 91
Figure 139: Device Settings.........................................................79 Figure 168: TSLIB Test Program............................................... 91
Figure 140: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Figure 169: Action Timed Out.................................................... 92
Models), Step 2............................................................................80 Figure 170: Red Bar on LCD..................................................... 92
Figure 141: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Figure 171: Device Information................................................. 93
Models), Step 3............................................................................80 Figure 172: Edit Program Code Data........................................ 93
Figure 142: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Figure 173: Board Set 1........................................................... 203
Models), Step 4............................................................................81 Figure 174: Board Set 2........................................................... 203
Figure 143: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Figure 175: Board Set 3........................................................... 204
Models), Step 5............................................................................81
Figure 144: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Models), Step 6............................................................................81
Figure 145: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4
Models), Step 7............................................................................82
1 Introduction
Figure 1: AccuLoad IV ST
'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' Straight
A straight arm is used to deliver a single product through a single meter. Unloading
This arm type allows a truck compartment to be unloaded without entering a preset
volume. Implementing this feature requires that a load arm be identified as “unload-
ing”. For more information on unloading, refer to Application Bulletin AB06055. Straight Arm With Vapor Recovery System (Straight with “VRS”)
This arm type supports delivering a single product while monitoring the amount of
vapor recovered. This feature requires a load-arm type to be programmed as
“Straight with VRS”. Two meters are required for this application to determine the
amount of vapor recovered while loading light density products. The AccuLoad
provides a vapor product total and a net mass total between the liquid product meter
and the vapor product meter in the system. For additional information refer to
First Stage Trip*
Flow Rate, UPM
*Field programmable
There are parameters provided in the Flow Control sections of the configuration
database which allow the flow rate during each of these phases of the transfer to be
tailored to meet the safety, efficiency, and hydraulic requirements of the installation.
2 Operations
The AccuLoad has two primary modes of operation and are as follows:
• Run Mode
• Program Mode
In general, the Run Mode is used to perform transfers and the Program Mode
is used to configure and maintain the AccuLoad.
This description assumes operation of the AccuLoad using the front-panel touch
screen. For information on AccuLoad remote control options, refer to the AccuLoad
IV Smith Communications Manual MN06204L or the AccuLoad Modbus
Communications Manual MN06131L.
The following steps are one example of a typical loading sequence. Note that there
are many other sequence options available than what is shown.
1. Press the highlighted area to select the arm for the transaction.
Figure 16: Typical Loading Sequence—Select Arm
3. Using the pop-up keypad, enter the Driver ID and press the (accept) button to
confirm. The (cancel) button will cancel the entry and return to the previous
screen. The (backspace) button will delete characters entered in error. The
(information) button provides help with the entry.
4. Press Next to continue.
Figure 19: Typical Loading Sequence—Enter Driver ID 3
5. Press the data-entry field to enter the PIN number.
6. Enter the PIN number and press (accept) to accept the entry. Press
(cancel) to return to the prompt.
Figure 21: Typical Loading Sequence—Enter Pin Number, 2
Figure 22: Typical Loading Sequence—Enter Pin Number, 3
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
8. Press the recipe button to change the recipe. The default recipe for this arm is
9. Press the recipe to be loaded from the drop-down list and press Submit.
Figure 25: Typical Loading Sequence—Recipe Selection, 2
10. Once the correct recipe has been selected, press Next.
Figure 26: Typical Loading Sequence—Recipe Selection, 3
11. To display the numeric keypad to allow direction entry of a new preset amount,
perform either of the following actions:
• Press the preset amount field to display the numeric keypad to allow direct
entry of a new preset amount.
• Alternately press the plus/minus buttons to increment or decrement the
preset amount by the programmed amount.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
12. Once the correct preset amount has been entered, press the Next button.
13. The AccuLoad displays the preset amount and the recipe for confirmation.
If everything is correct, press Start to begin the flow of product.
Figure 28: Typical Loading Sequence—Recipe Selection, 5
14. Once the transaction is started, the AccuLoad will display the status of the
transaction in the arm’s status panel area, as shown in the following diagram:
Flow Rate
Status Information
14. To stop flow on the arm, press the Stop icon (red square in circle) on the delivery
display for the arm.
15. To stop flow on all arms, press the Stop All Arms button.
Figure 30: Typical Loading Sequence—Stop Flow on All Arms
16. When the batch has completed, another batch in this transaction can be started
(total accumulates) or the transaction can be ended.
If the transaction is ended, the AccuLoad returns to the Ready screen and prints a
transaction report (if configured to do so).
Top Panel
Bottom Panel
1 2 3 4 5
• Remaining Volume
• The preset remaining amount is displayed with the appropriate units
based on the parameters below, when Program Code 331—Run Display
Options—is set to “Default”:
• 332 Preset Amount Type, and either
• 303 Volume Descriptor, or
• 304 Mass Descriptor (when Preset Amount Type is “Mass”)
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
Column 5—Icons
• Start (Green right arrow icon)
• The Start icon indicates that an arm is idle and ready to be setup for a
• The Start icon also functions as a start button.
• If an arm is idle and the Start button is selected, the arm is brought
into focus.
• If a transaction is in progress and paused, the transaction will be
restarted, and the arm is brought into focus.
• Stop (Red square icon)
• The Stop icon is used to show an arm is flowing.
• The Stop icon also functions as a stop button to stop flow.
• If the icon is selected during flow, flow will be stopped (the valve is
closed) and the arm will automatically be brought into focus.
• Alarm
• The alarm icon is used to show when an alarm is present on an arm.
• Permissive Lost
• The permissive icon is used to show when a permissive is not met.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
There are configurable options which can be set for each default alarm type as follows:
Important: The AccuLoad should never be relied on to act as the primary safety
system control for the flow valve and pump controls, for example, emergency stop,
overfill, ground protection, etc.
These should always be handled by separate systems specifically designed for that
application. For example, safety systems specifically to meet SIL requirements. Any
power control circuits from these external systems shall be wired in series ahead of
the AccuLoad to remove power to the ancillary devices. See MN06201 for connection
For example, to enable a permissive input to monitor the status of the ground
detection system, the following would be required:
• Configure a digital input as a system permissive or as an arm permissive input.
• Define a message to be displayed to the operator when the permissive signal is
lost. For example, the message might be “Connect Ground”.
• Configure at what times the AccuLoad should monitor the permissive input
state. Available options are:
• Transaction Star—Permissive only checked immediately after
• Continuous—Permissive must be met continuously during the batch.
• Start Pressed—Permissive must be met whenever flow is started.
• Batch Start—Permissive must be met to start a batch.
• Once configured as previously described, if this permissive is lost during a batch,
the flow will be stopped. There is another configuration parameter which controls
the way the flow is resumed with options as follows:
• Manual—Start must be pressed to restart flow.
• Automatic—Flow will be started as soon as the permissive signal is
For this example (ground fault detection) the Continuous option would be used
so that the AccuLoad will prohibit loading any time the ground is not connected.
Either restart option could be used.
With this configuration, the operator is able to enter the loading information
without connecting the ground. However, the batch would not start and the
message, “Connect Ground”, would be displayed if the operator tried to start
the batch. Also, if the ground permissive signal is lost anytime during the batch,
the AccuLoad would stop flow and display the “Connect Ground” message.
Program mode provides a means to modify the AccuLoad configuration database.
Modifying the configuration with program mode allows the end user to customize the
behavior of the AccuLoad to meet the operational requirements of the installation.
The AccuLoad can be configured to require a passcode and an external enable
contact input before granting access to make parameter changes. In general,
Program mode access should be controlled since the settings in the database can
affect critical measurement and operational functions. Local weights and measures
jurisdictions may require password protection of some or all of the operating
parameters that are accessible through Program Mode.
A complete description of the security features provided by the AccuLoad can be
found in Section 2.9 of this manual.
Detailed information regarding the individual parameters that can be configured in
Program Mode is included this manual. See Section 8 Program Code Reference.
Note: If security passcodes have been enabled, the AccuLoad will display a prompt
to enter the passcode before granting access to the Program Mode.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
This section is used to set operating parameters which affect the operation of the entire
System Subdirectories:
• General Purpose
• Flow Control
• Volume Accuracy
• Temperature/Density
• Pressure
• Alarms
• Communications
• Additives
• Security
Subdirectories include:
• Bay 1
• Bay 2
Subdirectories include:
• General Purpose
• Flow Control
• Volume Accuracy
• Communications
• Meters
• Products Recipes Directory Overview
This section is used to pre-define specific combinations of products and additives that
can be selected for delivery by the AccuLoad—one section for each of 50 recipes
Subdirectories include:
• Product Blend
• Recipe Additives
Subdirectories include:
• Configuration
• Board Addresses
1. At the Main menu, press Program Mode. Note the AccuLoad Unit ID “AccuLoad
IV” displayed in the middle of the top line of the display.
Figure 44: Program Mode
2. Enter the security passcode and select the checkmark (optional depending on
security configuration, see Section 2.
Figure 45: Security Passcode Entry
3. If the passcode is correct, the top-level Program Mode menu is displayed. From
here press the System menu.
Figure 46: System Menu
4. The System top level menu is displayed. From here, press the General Purpose
menu. Note the “bread crumb” bar across the top shows each menu level as it
entered. Pressing any of the bread crumb menu levels will navigate directly back
to that menu level.
Figure 47: System—General Purpose
5. Select the Unit ID parameter which is currently set to AccuLoad IV.
The current setting for the Unit ID parameter is displayed with a keyboard to
enter a new value.
6. Select the Unit ID field and change the Unit ID from AccuLoad IV to AL IV Unit ID.
Figure 50: System—Change Unit ID, 1
Figure 51: System—Change Unit ID, 2
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
8. Press the far left bread crumb to return to the top level program mode menu.
The Unit ID displayed at the top of the screen is still reads AccuLoad IV since the
change has not been saved to the database.
8. Press the Save and Exit option to permanently save the change in the AccuLoad
After exiting Program Mode, the Unit ID displayed at the top of the screen is
changed to “AL IV Unit ID”.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Operations
Meter Directories
Code Description
200 Flow Control Directory
300 Volume Accuracy Directory
400 Temperature/Density Directory
500 Pressure Directory
Product Directories
Code Description
100 General Purpose Directory
200 Flow Control Directory
300 Volume Accuracy Directory
400 Temperature/Density Directory
500 Pressure Directory
Bay Directories
Code Description
100 General Purpose Directory
700 Communications
Recipe Directories
Recipes 01 through 50
2.2.5 Security
The AccuLoad provides a comprehensive set of features to control access to the
parameters in the configuration database including:
• Security switch inputs
• Passcodes
• Communications
• Diagnostics
The AccuLoad requires the correct passcode and an active key switch input before
granting the read/write access to Program Mode at Level 5. For Level 1 and Level 2,
only the correct passcode is required.
For complete control, the security level associated with communications should be
set. For this example, setting the Comm Link Programming parameter in the
communications section of the database to Level 2 is appropriate. This would allow
full access to the configuration database via the AccuMate except for the meter
factors and K factors.
Note: Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) may require parameters other than those
that are set by factory default to be set to either Level 4 or 5 to be logged in the audit
trail. This is determined at commissioning (initial verification).
3 Dynamic Displays
The Dynamic Display section describes informational displays that can be viewed
while in the Run or Ready Mode. These displays are dynamic because the
displayed values reflect current actual conditions and continuously update while
being viewed.
The following steps describe how to navigate the menus to view the current flow rate
of Product 2 on Arm 1.
2. Select the Load Arms to display the load arm selection menu.
Figure 57: Dynamic Displays Menu—Load Arms
3. Select Load Arm 1 to view product data.
3.1 Dynamic Displays
Dynamic display data is grouped into five categories:
• System
• Load Arms
• Recipe
• Injector Rates
• Diagnostics
System dynamic displays show all data that is common to the entire AccuLoad. A listing
of system dynamic displays, as well as the format in which the information appears, is
displayed in the table below:
If user-defined names have been assigned to these products, they will appear on this
menu. If no user-defined name has been configured, the products will be listed as
Product 1, Product 2, etc.
A listing of product dynamic displays, as well as the format in which the information
appears, is displayed in the following table:
Batch Dynamic Displays, from the Load Arm Dynamic Displays menu, shows all data
associated with a specific batch.
A listing of batch dynamic displays, as well as the format in which the information
appears, is displayed in the following table:
A listing of batch dynamic displays, as well as the format that the information
appears in, is displayed in the following table:
Density sampling dynamic displays apply only to unloading arms. The screen displays
up to ten density samples taken during the batch. Selecting Density Sampling from
the Dynamic Displays menu displays the following information:
Each of the samples is a flow-weighted average over the delta volume programmed
in Product Parameter 415. The last complete density sample is considered the
density of the pure uncontaminated product when the contaminant percentage is
Diagnostics options from the dynamic displays menu allows the operator to view
current conditions, identify causes of system errors, and analyze data collected by
the AccuLoad. Diagnostic options available are listed below and are shown in the
following graphic:
Note: The diagnostics available through the Dynamic Displays menu are run-time
diagnostics only. Program mode diagnostics are accessed from the Main Menu.
The Diagnostics menu available through the Dynamic Display consists of the
following options:
• Active Alarms
• Alarm History
• Non-Resettable Volumes
• Event Log
• Transaction Log
• Audit Trail
• Digital Input
• Digital Output
• Analog I/O
• Pulse Inputs
• Pulse Outputs
• Reset Dual Pulse Errors
• Solenoid Actuation Count
• Valve Closure Data
• Meter Pulse Inputs
• Boolean Algebraic
• Injector
• Engineering
• Network
• Update Driver Database
• Update Firmware
• Update License
• Force Update
• Serial Monitor
• Connected Devices
• Exit
Displays all currently active alarms associated with any of the arms.
The active alarms can be cleared from this display by pressing the Clear button. The
AccuLoad will then ask for the passcode. When the passcode is entered, the alarm
will clear.
The Diagnostics menu provides the selection of Alarm History where the most recent
alarms can be viewed. Select the Alarm History button, then select a load arm
and the historical alarms will be displayed. The alarms will be listed in order of
This is an alarm history for the arm. The Event Log screen provides a more complete
history of alarms for all arms.
Pressing the up and down arrow buttons will allow the operator to page through the
Alarm History displays. If “More…” is not displayed, then there is only one screen of
alarms in the alarm history.
The Diagnostics menu provides the selection of non-resettable volumes where the
product, additive injector, and recipe totalizer amounts can be viewed as shown on
the following screen:
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Product volumes are displayed per arm as shown on the following screen:
Press Recipes, then select a specific recipe to view that recipe’s totalizers:
The View Only Diagnostics menu option of Event Log is where past events can be
viewed. The Event Log includes alarms, transaction start, and transaction end events,
and, program mode parameter changes. Each entry includes the date/time of the
event and the associated detailed event description.
The Transaction Log displays the details of a current or past transaction. Totals for the
transaction and for each batch can be viewed as shown in the following screens:
Note: Additive totals will be displayed only for those injectors used in the transaction.
The audit trail provides the date, time, and description of program mode changes
that are relevant to weights and measures. Note that only changes to parameters
secured at the two highest security levels programmed are logged in the audit trail.
All metrologically significant program codes should be set to the highest two levels.
Reference Security Section 2.2.5 for further details.
It is possible to monitor the state of the outputs on the AccuLoad via this diagnostic.
With the proper access level, outputs from this diagnostic to assist in startup and
troubleshooting can be toggled. Analog Input/Output (I/O) Diagnostics
From the Analog I/O diagnostic, the data associated with the analog inputs and
outputs can be viewed. In addition, given a sufficient level of access, it is possible
to override the analog output engineering values manually from this diagnostic for
startup and troubleshooting purposes.
From the Pulse Input diagnostic, the pulse counts associated with the meter pulse
inputs can be viewed. In addition, given a sufficient level of access it is possible to
access a ‘test’ mode that permits the resetting of the pulse counts manually for
startup and troubleshooting purposes.
From the Pulse Outputs diagnostic, it is possible to enter a frequency and a specific
pulse count for testing and start/stop for each of the output pulse streams.
From the Reset Dual Pulse Errors diagnostic, it is possible to clear any built up error
pulse counts that have accumulated for an arm.
Note: The counters will be cleared by a factory initialization of firmware upgrade. The
registers may also be read and modified (set or cleared) via communications.
This command retrieves the time it takes for the product flow control valve to
completely close, retrieves the volume of product that has been delivered after the
STOP button (or remote stop) has been pressed, and indicates the flow rate. This
command will also measure the volume and time if there is a loss of permissive
resulting in valve closure or if a communication command is issued to stop the batch.
Select a meter to view the time, volume, and flow rate of the valve closure.
Selecting this diagnostic will result in a screen that indicates the number of pulses
received by the respective pulse input. This diagnostic should not be used to verify
the actual meter pulses received for any batch or transaction. It is intended as a
method of verifying pulse input wiring to the respective pulse input on the AccuLoad.
Applying pulses to the respective input will cause the respective counter to
Note: If Dual Pulse is enabled, “Reset Dual Pulse Errors” will appear as a menu
option on the screen. See description under Reset Dual Pulse Errors.
The Diagnostics menu provides the selection “Boolean Algebraic” to view Boolean/
Algebraic registers and their results. General-purpose timers can also be viewed from
this diagnostic.
Boolean Algebraic Equation line status with User Boolean and Float values:
See the AccuMate online help for further information.
The diagnostic screen, shown in the following screen, is a combination of the analog
and digital input low level status for factory testing.
Displays Network Diagnostics for each of the network interfaces in the AccuLoad IV.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Dynamic Displays
The Update Drive Database diagnostic allows for direct addition of new driver
information to the database New driver information can be added manually or by
presenting a previously unused card to the reader while in this diagnostic.
Note: If the firmware lock function located under the weights and measures
calibration menu (see Section 5) is enabled, firmware updates are inhibited until
the firmware lock is disabled. This action will then be recorded in the audit trail.
If a new feature license was obtained from the factory to expand the maximum
number of load arms or add additional features beyond the original licensed capacity,
the new feature license can be uploaded to the AccuLoad IV via AccuMate. Afterward,
this diagnostic must be utilized to instruct the AccuLoad to load and validate the new
license information. Assuming a valid license is found and loaded, the new arms or
features should then be available for use.
This diagnostic is intended to allow the AccuLoad to install or reinstall the most
recently uploaded firmware onto one or more of the satellite boards (A4M, A4B, A4I,
THMI) in the unlikely event that the normal automated upgrade process does not
complete successfully.
The serial communications monitor is a monitoring feature of the serial traffic over
RS-232 or RS-485 connections. Key features of the monitor:
After navigating to the serial monitor from the diagnostics menu, any serial port that is
configured can be selected to be monitored as shown in the following screen capture.
The Connected Devices Menu shows which I/O boards (A4Ms, A4Bs, and A4Is) are
included and connected within the board set. Starting with AccuLoad IV version 1.0,
the I/O boards must be connected or paired in order to use the I/O. There are three
states that the I/O boards can be in on this screen:
• Not Allocated―The I/O board is recognized by the system but is not paired.
• Connected―The I/O board is recognized by the system, is paired, and
communicating properly.
• Disconnected―The I/O board is paired to the system but is not communicating.
On the main Connected Devices screen, the system reset button will force a soft
restart of the system without requiring a full power cycle.
Each I/O board can be selected to view more information for that device. On the
Connected Devices screen, the board can be added (paired), deleted (unpaired),
replaced, or reset. Selecting reset will force a soft restart of that individual board with
out needing to cycle power.
Starting with firmware version 1.0, the user has the ability to explicitly pair the
auxiliary I/O boards (A4M, A4B, A4I1, A4I2) with the main processor board (labeled
as BBB). AccuLoads that are shipped from the factory with version 1.0 or higher will
already have the I/O boards paired. However, AccuLoad IV units being upgraded
from a pre-1.0 revision to revision 1.0 or higher will require the boards to be manually
paired after the upgrade.
This same procedure will be required to replace an I/O board in the event one of the
auxiliary I/O boards needs to be replaced.
• Devices that have not been paired will show as “Not Allocated”
• BBB will always show as “Connected”
• A4B, A4I1, A4I2 will only show for systems using those boards
3. When the information for the board is shown, select the “Add Device” button.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Dynamic Displays
4. When the popup is shown to confirm the selection, select the “Submit” button.
If an A4M is replaced, the other A4B or A4I boards in the system will need to be
manually unpaired by setting S1-6 ON and resetting the board. After the board has
been reset, turn S1-6 OFF and pair the A4B and A4I boards to the newly connected
If an I/O board needs to be replaced in the event of a failure, follow the steps below:
1. After the new board has been wired into the system and the AccuLoad has been
powered on, navigate to Main -> Diagnostics -> Connected Devices
3. Select the board that is replacing the one removed from the system.
4. Add the desired selected device in the same manner as in “Adding a new board”,
and confirm.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Dynamic Displays
If an I/O board is removed from the system and no longer used, it should be unpaired
or “deleted”.
3. When the information for the board is shown, select the “Delete Device” button.
4. When the popup is shown to confirm the selection, select the “Submit” button.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Dynamic Displays
3. When the information for the board is shown, select the “Reset Device”
button, as shown below:
4 Reports/Logs
• Summary
• Audit Trail
• Alarm History
• Transaction Log
• Event Log
• Prove Log
• Exit
This selection allows for printing summary data of all throughput during a designated
period. Specify an arm, start, and end time/date to define the period to use for the
report, and press Print Report to generate the summary.
This selection provides a means to view the audit trail log and optionally print a sub
set of the entries in the log. All changes to parameters set to Access Level 4 or 5
are recorded in this log (see Section 2.2.9).
Transaction Log provides a means to view a list of the transactions that have been
completed and optionally view the details or print entries in the log as shown in the
following screens:
The AccuLoad IV can store a maximum of 6000 batch records spread across a
variable number of transactions. Once this limit is reached, the oldest transaction
is deleted so that the latest transaction can be stored for reference purposes.
Event Log provides a means to view and optionally print the event log. All events,
such as alarms, transaction start/end, and changes to parameters set to Access
Level 3 or below (see Section 2.9) are recorded in this log.
The Prove Log provides a means to view the historic prove data, if the AccuLoad’s
‘Auto-Proving mechanism is used to generate linearization curves for the meters.
Figure 115: Prove Log, Screen 1
Figure 117: Prove Log, Screen 3
A list of the prove data for the arm as shown in the following screen. Prove details
can be viewed or printed from this diagnostic.
Figure 118: Prove Data
The features available within this section of the user-interface menu affect the
calibration information and metrologically significant data storage and are protected
by the weights and measures security requirements. The Level 5 access code (if
configured) will be required to perform these functions. Additionally, if the user has
programmed an input for a weights and measures security switch, it must be active.
See manual MN06201 for connection details for this optional switch.
The weights and measures/calibration main menu consists of the following options:
The number of arms (1-6) and the desired system of units (US or SI) can also be
configured as part of the reconfiguration. Once these options are selected, select
Submit to reconfigure the database.
The Set Trans # option allows the operator to specify what value the Transaction ID
for the next transaction run will be. This is to allow the operation to have continuous
transaction identifiers in the case of an upgrade or replacement of an existing preset.
Note that all existing transactions in the AccuLoad for the arm will be erased since
the prevention of duplicate transaction IDs cannot be guaranteed otherwise.
To change the starting transaction number, select the arm and enter the desired ID in
the text field, then select Continue.
Press Continue once more to complete the process, or Cancel to return to the screen
and exit without changes.
If Continue is selected, all entries in the event log will be erased. In either case, after
a selection is made control returns to the weights and measure/calibration menu. This
activity will be logged in the audit trail.
Follow the following steps to begin a proving operation from the weights and
measure/calibration menu:
2. Enter the volumetric coefficient of expansion for the steel (typically can be found
on the nameplate of the prover).
4. Enter the desired preset based on the can size and press Next.
At the end of the run, the data is presented allowing for multiple actions, including:
• Calculating the meter factor based on the prover neck reading and temperature
• Aborting the run and discarding the data associated with the run
• Accepting the run
• Starting a new run
6. Enter the volume in the prover can and the prover temperature reading, then
select Calculate to generate the new factor based on the run—This action may
take some time.
7. To accept the new meter factor, press Accept Last Run Meter Factor. To employ
additional runs, press Start Next Run. After multiple runs, the option to Accept
Avg Meter Factor can also be used. To see all the data associated with the prove
run, press the View button:
Once the prove operation is completed successfully and the appropriate meter factor
has been accepted, the AccuLoad will return to the weights and measures menu.
The AccuLoad has built-in metered injector proving support which provides a simple
and efficient way to ensure the accuracy of metered injectors.
C - Injection
D - Total
E - Start (multiple only)
The Process of proving an additive meter is as follows:
1. Arrange the plumbing out of the injector to flow into a graduated vessel.
2. Clear any active alarms.
3. Access the metered injector proving screen, shown above, from the main menu
(W&M/Calibration->Metered Injector Proving).
4. Select the injector to prove from the drop-down list (A in the figure above).
5. Select the option for a single or multiple injections:
• Single—The injections are manually controlled by the operator with one
injection of the amount entered in the amount of injection field each time the
operator presses the Inject button.
• Multiple—The AccuLoad automatically performs enough individual injections
of the amount entered in the amount of injection field to deliver the amount
entered in the total injection amount field.
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Weights and Measures/Calibration Menu
11. Once the injection(s) are complete, press Next to move to the next screen to
enter the amount of additive indicated by the calibrated vessel.
Figure 136: Metered Injector Proving, Description 3
12. On the calculations screen, enter the Actual Delivered Amount as read from
the proving vessel and select the correct units for this amount, then press the
Calculate button. The AccuLoad will calculate the new meter factor and also
display the percentage change between the old meter factor and the new meter
From this menu selection, the totalizers in the AccuLoad can be reset. It is possible to
reset the totalizers for all arms at once, or for an individual load arm if desired.
A confirmation dialog will appear. If continue is pressed, the totalizers for the selected
arm(s) will be cleared.
This option allows an installation to prevent certain features from being accessible
unless it is unlocked via a weights and measures-only accessible re-enable selection.
Disabled features include the ability to update the firmware, access to the factory
service port, and the ability to upload or download configuration files from AccuMate
(equations, configurable reports, etc.).
6 Device Settings
This menu provides options for configuring how the device operates, primarily
related to the user interface and display. Options are as shown and listed below:
Figure 139: Device Settings
• Screen Style
• NMI Settings
• Screen Test
This selection allows the user to configure the display style with the following options:
• Day style
• Night style
• Auto
Day style utilizes dark text and icons on a white background and is easier to read
in daylight. Night style utilizes a black background and is easier to view in darkness.
In auto, the AccuLoad will transition from day to night style based on a preset time
of 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
This selection redirects the interface to the local database server to allow modification
of the human-machine interface (HMI)/MMI settings. The following network settings are
default values for the HMI/MMI allowing network connection to an A4M with default
network settings:
This diagnostic is designed to validate each pixel on the display. When pressed, the
entire screen will cycle from all black, to all red, to all green, to all blue, to all white.
This will repeat until the screen is pressed again to return to the menu.
Follow the steps below to change the internal IP address for models ST, QT, and N4:
1. From the AccuLoad IV ready screen, press Main at the top left corner.
2. Navigate to the program mode -> system -> communications -> host interface.
Scroll to the bottom of the page where the parameters for Internal IP Address
and THMI IP Addresses are listed.
Figure 140: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 2
3. Change the parameters to the desired IP addresses and then press program
mode at the top of the screen.
Example: and respectively.
Figure 141: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 3
4. Once at the program mode menu, press save and exit. A Critical Errors screen
will appear. Choose Logout with warnings.
Figure 142: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 4
5. Once this has been completed, you will be brought back to the Main Menu. Press
Device Settings.
Figure 143: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 5
6. Choose MMI Settings. The screen will turn white for a moment.
Figure 144: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 6
7. Choose Configuration.
Figure 145: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 7
Figure 146: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 8
Figure 147: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 9
Figure 148: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 9
10. Change them to the desired new IP settings like the example below. Use the new
Accuload IV IP address as the Gateway. Once completed, press the green check
Figure 149: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 10
Figure 150: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 11
Figure 151: Changing the Internal IP Address (ST, QT, and N4 Models), Step 12
13. Change the Primary URL to reflect the new AccuLoad IV IP address preserving
all other content in the Primary URL.
14. Press the back arrow in the top right corner of the screen to ensure all settings
have saved.
15. Once these steps are completed, power down the entire AccuLoad IV for one
minute and re-apply power. The new IP settings should take effect.
• A unique internal IP address will be needed for each board set in the system.
• A unique THMI IP address will be needed for the board set connected to the
• A unique THMI B IP address will be needed for the board set connected to
MMI B (if applicable).
Example—This example assumes a three board set system (SAA, SAB, and
SAC) with two MMIs.
2. From the Run Ready Screen, select the Main button, then select the desired
board set from the Board Selector popup.
3. Navigate to Program Mode -> System -> Communications -> Host Interface and
scroll to the bottom of the list.
Figure 152: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board Set SAA
Figure 153: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board Set SAB
5. While still in Program Mode, navigate to Split Architecture -> Board Addresses.
6. Update the following parameters with the internal IP addresses from the other
board sets in the system:
Figure 155: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board Set SAA
Figure 156: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board Set SAB
Figure 157: Changing the Internal IP Address (SA Model)—Board Set SAC
8. Using the MMI(s), navigate to the Main Menu on the board set connected to the
MMI. From there, navigate to Device Settings -> MMI Settings.
11. Update the IP Address to use the THMI IP address or the THMI B IP address
entered on Board Sets that are connected to the MMIs. Save changes.
See the following board set examples and update IP address, Netmask, and
a. MMI A
• IP Address—
• Netmask—
• Gateway—
b. MMI B
• IP Address—
• Netmask—
• Gateway—
14. Update the URL to use the internal IP address to the Board Set connected to the
b. MMI B:
16. The AccuLoad must be restarted for all of the changes to take affect.
A nylon stylus MFG: FTDI PN: VA-FC-STYLUS1 or equivalent should be used on the
WARNING: Do not use a pen, screwdriver or any other sharp object as this may
damage or destroy the screen.
6.6.2 Accessing the Display Module Menu Through the AccuLoad IV Menu
The following steps describe how to access the display module menu:
4. For firmware older than 0.10, select the MMI Settings button and wait for the
Display Module menu to appear. If the menu does not appear after a short time,
you may have to restart the Display Module as follows:
c. Remove the Ethernet cable that connects the THMI to the A4M board.
d. Re-apply power to the unit. While the THMI is booting, a gear icon will display
e. Press the gears button to access the Display Module Main menu.
2. Log in at Security Level 4 using the 4-digit pin 4444. Upon successful login, the
calibration utility will appear.
3. Calibrate by touching the cursor with the stylus in each of the five
positions when prompted. If this fails, restart calibration utility then
launch the low-level calibration by firmly pressing the same location
on the TSLIB calibration utility screen five times.
Once enough touch points are received, the red bar will be displayed
on a new edge. Once all 4 sides have been calibrated, the process is
7 Device Information
Device Information provides details about the AccuLoad IV firmware and software as
shown in the following screen:
This section describes the individual program codes within the directories. The
directories and subdirectories are listed above each set of parameters. Please note
that the numbers in parentheses are reference numbers for communications. In the
database, pick list items have a reference number for communications, for example,
(2). Through communications, a 2 would be sent to the AccuLoad to select that
option for the parameter.
The program code explanations frequently list fatal or critical warnings, or indicate
that in some circumstances, the code is no entry. A fatal warning is triggered by a
selection that the AccuLoad cannot accept and will not allow to be entered. Possible
causes include an entry that falls outside an allowable range or an entry that
seriously conflicts with a previous entry. A critical warning signals that a selection
is incompatible with a previously configured program code. The AccuLoad will accept
the new entry, but the conflict will have to be resolved prior to operation. No entry
indicates that a program code is unavailable and will not appear on the menu,
because previous selections make it irrelevant. For example, ratio blending program
codes will not appear when sequential blending has been chosen.
• [(0) Straight Product Arm]
• (1) Sequential Blending Arm
• (2) Ratio Blending Arm
• (3) Side-Stream Blender
• (4) Unloading
• (5) Hybrid Blending
• (6) Straight with VRS
Unloading requires inputs DE Head High Flow, Low Flow, and Stop.
System Layout Arm Configuration Arm Number of Products Arm Number of Ratio Products
Arm 1 004 003 014
Arm 2 004 005 015
Arm 3 006 007 016
Arm 4 008 009 017
Arm 5 010 011 018
Arm 6 012 013 019
Description: This parameter should be set to No for the AccuLoad ST and N4 models which do not have an A4B module. It
should be set to Yes for the AccuLoad QT and SA models which have the A4B module.
• No―for the AccuLoad ST and N4 models which do not have an A4B module.
• Yes―for the AccuLoad QT and SA models which have the A4B module.
Help: Enter No for ST and N4 models, enter Yes for QT and SA models.
Description: This parameter must be set to indicate the number of optional A4I modules installed in the unit.
• No (None)
• One board
• Two boards
Description: This parameter must be set to the number of board sets in the system.
Description: Select if this AccuLoad board set is standalone or part of a Split Architecture configuration.
• No Split Arch―Used for the ST, QT, and N4 models
• No HMI―Used for a board set in split architecture that does not have an MMI connected to it
• HMI A―Used for a board set in split architecture that has MMI A connected to it
• HMI B―Used for a board set in split architecture that has MMI B connected to it
• Dual HMI―Used for a single board set with two MMIs
Help: See Section 8.8―Split Architecture Directories―for additional split architecture parameters.
The AccuLoad ST and N4 models have a total of 8 pulse inputs available for use.
The AccuLoad QT model supports up to 14 pulse inputs. The AccuLoad automatically
assigns pulse inputs for the product meters. Only pulse inputs not required for the
product meters are user configurable. Because the AccuLoad must have at least one
product meter input, at a minimum pulse inputs 1 and 2 are reserved for connection
to a product meter.
Pulse Inputs 3 - 14
Configurable Pulse Input parameters include Tag. Function, Pulse Input Arm, Pulse
Input Meter.
This section describes the parameters which are used to configure the pulse inputs.
• NA
• Freq Densitometer
• Meter Inj 1 - 4
• Flow Cntrl Inj 1 - 4
• Input assignments must be unique.
• Injector I/O assignment does not match type.
• No digital output assigned for this injector.
• This input cannot be a frequency densitometer.
• Pulse input already allocated for meter pulses.
• Insufficient configurable pulse inputs [no A4B].
• Only one densitometer allowed per arm/meter.
Pulse Input *Pulse Input Tag *Pulse Input Function *Pulse Input Arm *Pulse Input Meter
1 1100 1101 1102 1103
2 1104 1105 1106 1107
3 1108 103 104 105
4 1109 107 108 109
5 1110 111 112 113
6 1111 115 116 117
7 1112 119 120 121
8 1113 123 124 125
9 1114 127 128 129
10 1115 131 132 133
11 1116 135 136 137
12 1117 139 140 141
13 1118 1119 1120 1121
14 1122 1123 1124 1125
*Shaded areas = New to AccuLoad IV
Pulse Outputs 1 - 5
• Not used
• Arm 1 Pulses
• Arm 2 Pulses
• Arm 3 Pulses
• Arm 4 Pulses
• Arm 5 Pulses
• Arm 6 Pulses
• Load arm not configured.
• Combined Meters (Ratio Blending Only)
• Meter 1 Pulses
• Meter 2 Pulses
• Meter 3 Pulses
• Meter 4 Pulses
• Meter 5 Pulses
• Meter 6 Pulses
• IV [Indicated Volume or Raw]
• GV [Gross]
• GST [Gross Standard Temperature]
• GSV [Gross at Standard Temperature and Pressure]
• Mass
• Selected units not available.
Issue/Rev. 0.2 (4/21) ║ MN06200 • Page 101
AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Program Mode Reference
Digital Inputs 1 - 43
The availability of the digital inputs depends on the hardware being used in the
AccuLoad. The inputs available are as follows:
The AccuLoad also allows unused channels on installed A4I board(s) to be used for general-purpose I/O. One
input is available for each A4I channel not being used for Add-Pak injector control. The A4I set to address 100 is
mapped to Digital Inputs #24-33 and a 2nd A4I at address 200 would be mapped to Digital Inputs #34-43.
Example – If 1 A4I is installed and 6 Add-Pak injectors are programmed for use, 4 channels on the A4I are avail-
able for use as general purpose inputs. If additives 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 10 (corresponding to A4I channels 1-6) are
programmed for Add-Pak injectors then channels 7-10 on the A4I (Digital Inputs #30-#33) could be used for other
These program codes define the function for a digital input. Except for general purpose inputs, duplicate assign-
ments are not allowed. Inputs 1 through 6 are DC inputs, and 7 through 15 are AC. Selections are as follows:
• Not used
• Security 1 - 2
• Permissive 1 - 2
• First/Second High Flow
• Remote Start
• Remote Stop
• Remote Stop Arm
• Transaction Reset
• General Purpose Input
• Printer Tray Switch
• Block Valve Feedback
• Piston Injector 1 – 24 Feedback
• System Permissive 1 - 3
• Swing Arm – Side A and Side B
• DE Head Stop Flow [not available if no unloading arms]
• DE Head Low Flow [not available if no unloading arms]
• DE Head High Flow [not available if no unloading arms]
• Bay A Permissive 1 and 2 [not available if Bays not assigned]
• Bay B Permissive 1 and 2 [not available if Bays not assigned]
• Metered Injector Prove Remote
• Recipe Select 1 – 3
• Must be at highest level of security [to program or de-program security inputs]
• Input assignments must be unique [except general purpose inputs; block valve feedback (check arm and product);
permissive #1 (check arm); permissive #2 (check arm)]
• Injector I/O assignment does not match type [injector feedbacks only]
• No digital output assigned for this injector [injector feedbacks only]
• Block valves used with sequential blending only
• A4B required for this digital I/O point.
• This I/O currently configured as an Add-Pak injector. [Inputs 24 – 43 only]
• Additive injector selections available dependent on Configuration Code 020. (Only 12 are available with AccuLoad IV-S
• Arm 1 – Arm 6
• No DE Head High Flow, Low Flow, Stop Inputs on this arm.
• Load arm not configured.
• Some digital input functions are system-based and the arm entry is not used, and will not appear on the AccuLoad
Program Mode menus in these cases. These functions include security inputs, general purpose inputs, remote stop
(master), and piston injector feedback inputs.
• Product 1 – Product 6
These entries can only be configured for a Sequential Blending arm.
• Only one block valve feedback per product.
• Product not configured.
Digital Inputs *Input Tag Input Function Input Arm Input Product
1 1300 301 302 304
2 1301 305 306 308
3 1302 309 310 312
4 1303 313 314 316
5 1304 317 318 320
6 1305 321 322 324
7 1306 325 326 328
8 1307 329 330 332
9 1308 333 334 336
10 1309 337 338 340
11 1310 341 342 344
12 1311 345 346 348
13 1312 349 350 352
14 1313 353 354 356
15 1314 357 358 360
16 1315 361 362 364
17 1316 365 366 368
18 1317 369 370 372
19 1318 373 374 376
20 1319 377 378 380
21 1320 381 382 384
22 1321 385 386 388
23 1322 389 390 392
24 1323 393 394 396
25 1324 397 398 400
26 1325 401 402 404
27 1326 405 406 408
28 1327 409 410 412
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AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Program Mode Reference
Digital Inputs *Input Tag Input Function Input Arm Input Product
29 1328 413 414 416
30 1329 417 418 420
31 1330 421 422 424
32 1331 425 426 428
33 1332 429 430 432
34 1333 433 434 436
35 1334 437 438 440
36 1335 441 442 444
37 1336 445 446 448
38 1337 449 450 452
39 1338 453 454 456
40 1339 457 458 460
41 1340 461 462 464
42 1341 465 466 468
43 1342 469 470 472
*Shaded areas = New to AccuLoad IV
These program code define the functionality of the digital outputs. Except for
General Purpose outputs, duplicate assignments are not allowed for the same
arm (or meter or product). If a digital valve is being configured, both upstream and
downstream solenoids must be assigned. Outputs 1-3 are DC (located on the A4M
board). Outputs 4-30 are AC.
The AccuLoad also allows unused channels on installed A4I (Add-Pak) board(s) to be
used for general-purpose I/O. Two digital outputs are available for each A4I channel
not being used for Add-Pak injector control. The A4I set to address 100 maps to
Digital Output #39-58.
Example – If 1 A4I is installed and 6 Add-Pak injectors are programmed for use,
8 channels on the A4I are available for use as general purpose outputs. If additives
5,6,7,8,9 and 10 are programmed for Add-Pak injectors (corresponding to A4I
channels 1-6) then A4I channels 7-10 are available for General Purpose I/O.
You could then assign Digital Outputs #51-58 (which map to those A4I channels)
to the desired functions. If a second A4I is installed, the outputs map to Digital
Output #59-78.
Note: If the A4I I/O is controlled via serial communications; it is recommended that it
not be used for any time-sensitive function. Do NOT use these outputs for control
valve or injector solenoids. Response should be satisfactory for pump outputs and
block valve control.
The number of additive pumps, piston injectors, and metered injectors is dependent
on Configuration Code 020 and shared additives and on the hardware. (AccuLoad
hardware allows for 24.) The number of metered injectors depends on the number
of load arms selected and choices for dual pulse and transmitter integrity. (See
Installation Manual MN06201 for pulse input table, manual.)
Note: For selection (97) Vapor Line Valve, this is available for Straight with VRS
arm type. If configured, the AccuLoad will open the vapor line valve when the main
product valve is open and close the vapor line valve when the main product valve is
• Arm 1 – Arm 6
Critical: Load Arm not configured.
• Meter 1 – Meter 6
This entry is only valid for a Ratio Blending arm. (In other configurations, only Meter 1 exists for the arm; hence, the arm
entry determines which meter is intended.)
Critical(s): Meter not configured.
• Product 1 – Product 6
These entries are used only if the entry for the related Digital Output Function is “Block Valve Feed-back."
Critical: Product not configured.
Digital Output *Output Tag Output function Output Arm Output meter Output product
1 1500 501 502 503 504
2 1501 505 506 507 508
3 1502 509 510 511 512
4 1503 513 514 515 516
5 1504 517 518 519 520
6 1505 521 522 523 524
7 1506 525 526 527 528
8 1507 529 530 531 532
9 1508 533 534 535 536
10 1509 537 538 539 540
11 1510 541 542 543 544
12 1511 545 546 547 548
13 1512 549 550 551 552
14 1513 553 554 555 556
15 1514 557 558 559 560
16 1515 561 562 563 564
17 1516 565 566 567 568
18 1517 569 570 571 572
19 1518 573 574 575 576
20 1519 577 578 579 580
Digital Output *Output Tag Output function Output Arm Output meter Output product
21 1520 581 582 583 584
22 1521 585 586 587 588
23 1522 589 590 591 592
24 1523 593 594 595 596
25 1524 597 598 599 600
26 1525 601 602 603 604
27 1526 605 606 607 608
28 1527 609 610 611 612
29 1528 613 614 615 616
30 1529 617 618 619 620
31 1530 621 622 623 624
32 1531 625 626 627 628
33 1532 629 630 631 632
34 1533 633 634 635 636
35 1534 637 638 639 640
36 1535 641 642 643 644
37 1536 645 646 647 648
38 1537 649 650 651 652
39 1538 653 654 655 656
40 1539 657 658 659 660
41 1540 661 662 663 664
42 1541 665 666 667 668
43 1542 669 670 671 672
44 1543 673 674 675 676
45 1544 677 678 679 680
46 1545 681 682 683 684
47 1546 685 686 687 688
48 1547 689 690 691 692
49 1548 693 694 695 696
50 1549 697 698 699 700
51 1550 701 702 703 704
52 1551 705 706 707 708
53 1552 709 710 711 712
54 1553 713 714 715 716
55 1554 717 718 719 720
56 1555 721 722 723 724
57 1556 725 726 727 728
58 1557 729 730 731 732
59 1558 733 734 735 736
60 1559 737 738 739 740
61 1560 741 742 743 744
62 1561 745 746 747 748
63 1562 749 750 751 752
64 1563 753 754 755 756
65 1564 757 758 759 760
66 1565 761 762 763 764
67 1566 765 766 767 768
68 1567 769 770 771 772
69 1568 773 774 775 776
70 1569 777 778 779 780
71 1570 781 782 783 784
72 1571 785 786 787 788
73 1572 789 790 791 792
74 1573 793 794 795 796
75 1574 797 798 799 800
76 1575 801 802 803 804
77 1576 805 806 807 808
78 1577 809 810 811 812
*Shaded areas are new to AccuLoad IV.
• Not Used
• Temperature Input
• Density Input
• Pressure Input
• Analog Valve
• Flow Rate Output
• General Purpose Output
• Injector 1 – 4 Analog Valve
• Injector 1 – 4 Temperature Input
• General Purpose Input
• RTDs can only be temperature inputs
• I/O assignments must be unique (per load arm or meter)
• Function and type must both be input or output
• Only one densitometer allowed per arm/ meter
• This injector is not configured as a flow controlled injector
• Duplicate assignments are not allowed
• Arm 1 - 6
Critical: Load arm not configured.
Note: The AccuLoad leaves the factory with default values programmed for Cal 1 and Cal 2 counts for the six
analog I/O points, to achieve the highest possible accuracy, it is a user requirement to program the calibration
numbers marked on the individual modules.
• Meter 1 - 6
• Meter not configured.
• Meter must be set to 1 when this input is assigned to a side-stream blending arm.
• Density cannot be configured for the vapor recovery meter.
• Analog valve not available for vapor recovery line.
• Not Used
• 4-20 mA Input
• 1-5 Vdc Input
• 4-20 mA Output
• 1-5 Vdc Output
• RTDs can only be temperature inputs.
• Function and type must both be input or output.
• Analog type must be programmed.
Note: The AccuLoad leaves the factory with default values programmed for Cal 1 and Cal 2 counts for the six
analog I/O points, to achieve the highest possible accuracy, it is a user requirement to program the calibration
numbers marked on the individual modules.
Configuration:Analog I/O:Analog I/O Index: Analog I/O Range: -999.99 - [0.00] - 9999.99
Low Value
Configuration:Analog I/O:Analog I/O Index: Analog I/O Range: -999.99 - [600.00] - 9999.99
High Value
Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog
I/O I/O Tag I/O I/O Arm I/O Meter I/O Type I/O Cal 1 I/O Cal 2 Low High RTD
Function Value value offset
1 1900 901 902 903 905 906 907 908 909 910
2 1901 911 912 913 915 916 917 918 919 920
3 1902 921 922 923 925 926 927 928 929 930
4 1903 931 932 933 935 936 937 938 939 940
5 1904 941 942 943 945 946 947 948 949 950
6 1905 951 952 953 955 956 957 958 959 960
*Shaded areas are new to AccuLoad IV.
System 101
Description: This entry allows the operator to select the format used to display/print dates on the AccuLoad.
• Month/Day/Year
• Day/Month/Year
Fatal: Invalid Date.
System:General Purpose:Date
Description: This entry allows the operator to select the date.
• Month/Day/Year
System:General Purpose:Time
System 102
Description: This entry allows the operator to select the format used to display/print dates on the AccuLoad.
• 12 Hour
• 24 Hour
• Entry out of range.
• Invalid Time
Note: Date, time and date/time formats are read-only via communications; the SD command (smith protocol) or Extended Services
(Modbus protocols) must be used to set the date & time via communications.
System:General Purpose:Time
Description: This entry allows the operator to select the time.
• Hour/Minute/AM or PM
System 103
Description: This displays the MAC Address of the Ethernet interface. It is read-only.
System 104
Description: This displays the revision level of the firmware running in the unit. It is read-only.
System 105
Description: This displays the maximum number of arms this unit will support It is read-only.
System 1103
Description: This sets the Unit ID which is displayed in the center of the top line of the display.
System 111
Description: This parameter is used to define the time units used to compute the flow rate.
• [per minute]
• per hour
System 112
Description: This parameter allows an alphanumeric message to serve as the flow rate units identifier (for example, GPM,
System 121
Description: This program code defines the amount of time, in seconds, that dynamic displays will remain displayed before
the AccuLoad automatically returns to the run or ready screen. A zero entry for this program code will cause the dynamic
display to remain indefinitely, until the operator manually exits the dynamic display menu.
System 122
Description: This program code defines the amount of time, in minutes, before AccuLoad will return to the ready screen
in the absence of input by the operator. The auto reset feature will remove the AccuLoad from the program mode or end
transactions in progress when this parameter is set to a non-zero value. The clock starts after each button press (unless
flowing). If another button press is not made in the time set in this code, the unit will revert to the Ready display. If the
delivery has been completed and the transaction has not been ended, the AccuLoad will return to the Ready mode after
the time has expired. An entry of 0 disables this feature.
System 1104
Description: This parameter is used to allow/disallow remote access to the AccuLoad over the network from a browser.
• [Enable]
• Disable
Help: Select whether to enable/disable remote browsing.
System 1105
Help: Enter time in minutes for the remote browser idle timeout. Zero allows remote browsers to remain idle
System 131
Description: This parameter specifies whether a decimal or a comma is to be used to separate the whole and fractional
parts of numeric data. The comma is typically used in European markets. The selected delimiter is used in the program
mode and on run screens and dynamic displays local to AccuLoad, in host communications, and on delivery reports.
• [Decimal]
• Comma
System 132
Description: Allows the enabling/disabling of the "START" button on the touch panel. When this parameter is set to
disabled, the only methods for starting a batch will be through the communication remote start command or through a
remote start input.
• [No] (Enabled)
• Yes (Disabled)
• If the touch panel "START" is disabled at the AccuLoad and communications is in polling only, the AccuLoad will not be
able to start a transaction until the parameters are properly set.
• The "START" Button Enabled selection will not prohibit starting the batch via communications.
System 133
Description: This parameter selects the default (English) language or a custom translation to be displayed and printed.
• [Default]
• Translated
• If a translation has been entered on AccuMate and downloaded to the AccuLoad, the new translation will not appear on the
display until "translated literals" is selected here.
System 140
Description: This program code allows the STOP button on the AccuLoad front panel to be disabled for wild stream
blending operations. It is only available when the AccuLoad has at least one arm configured with a wild stream meter.
(i.e. the AccuLoad is not in control of one product stream). Arms that are not configured with any wild stream meter will
always stop when the STOP button is pressed, regardless of this setting.
• [No]
• Yes
Warning: Disabling the STOP button for wild stream arms prevents an operator from using the STOP button to shut down
flow on product streams that ARE being controlled by the AccuLoad.
Important: The AccuLoad STOP button should never be relied on for Emergency Stop functionality, all control power should
be routed through systems specifically designed for this purpose ahead of the AccuLoad, see MN06201 for wiring details.
Note: Allowing the STOP button to function on a wild stream blending arm could result in an out-of-spec blend if STOP is
pressed during the blending operation.
System 134
Description: This nine-digit security number provides an additional security level for operation of the AccuLoad. If this code
is programmed with any number other than 000000000, the driver or operator is required to enter this security ID before a
transaction can be started. A 0 entry disables this feature.
System 135
Description: This code allows a 28-character alphanumeric entry to prompt during the preset operations to enter a security
ID. This message should not be programmed as blanks.
System 136
Description: This program code provides the operator with the capability of setting the loading position up for the number of
batches allowed per transaction.
Fatal: Entry out of specified range.
Note: Enter the number of batches per transaction.
Warning: Changing this value deletes all stored transaction data. Re-entering the same number will not clear local storage
because the size of the transaction hasn't changed. Do not use System Code 136 to purge transactions; the Erase
Transaction Log has been provided for this purpose. For more information on Erase Transaction Log, refer to Section 5 in
this manual.
System 139
Description: This program code allows the operator to determine the mode of the display interface. The factory default is
"No." Selecting "Yes" dedicates the lower panel to system status display. The upper panel is always a full-screen view of the
arm currently in focus. Selections are as follows:
• (0) No
• (1) Yes
Help: Select whether the lower panel is dedicated to the System Status view.
Note: It is reported that this parameter be set to "Yes" when in a Split Architecture configuration.
Note: Added in firmware revision 1.0.
System 1106
Description: Enables/disables Bay Transaction handling.
• [No]
• Yes
Help: Select Yes to have a single transaction recorded for all arms assigned to a bay. See application bulletin for more
System 204
Description: This program code determines whether the solenoid actuation counts maintained by the AccuLoad are reset
when the Solenoid Counts alarm is cleared.
• [Manual]
• Automatic
If Manual (the default) is selected, the counts are not cleared automatically when the alarm is cleared. If Automatic is
selected, then when the Solenoid Counts alarm is cleared, the counts are reset to zero immediately.
If Manual is selected, the counts can be reset manually using the diagnostic or alternately via communications using the
'SC' command.
System 202
Description: This parameter indicates the maximum leakage limit in delivery units between transactions. Leakage amounts
greater than the value entered in this parameter will activate a leakage alarm. The range of this parameter is 0 to 999.9. The
factory default setting is 0 (which disables this feature).
System 203
Description: This parameter indicates the maximum reverse flow limit. When sufficient reverse flow occurs during a batch
to exceed this programmed limit, then a Reverse Flow Alarm is activated. The range of this parameter is 0 to 999.9. The
factory default setting is 0 (which disables this feature).
System 1200
Description: Enables/disables the built-in flow simulator which simulates flow based on the programmed flow profile. This
feature is used for testing or training.
• [Disable]
• Enable
Note: This feature shall not be enabled during normal operation; changes to this option are logged in the audit trail.
System 101
Description: Selects the transmitter pulse train type in use.
• Single
• [Dual]
Help: Select a single or dual pulse xmitter, PT1 1(+),2(-) for single channel or A; 3(+),4(-) for channel B
System 102
Description: Selects whether transmitter integrity is in use (/A, /B).
• [No]
• Yes
Help: If Yes, /A and /B inputs are required for each meter channel. Meter 1 requires PT1 5(+),6(-) for /A and 7(+),8(-) for /B
System 146
Description: Selects whether reverse flow is accounted for (subtracted from batch amount) when calculating batch
• [Ignore]
• Totalize
System 147
Description: Selects whether reverse flow is accounted for (subtracted) when updating non-resettable totalizers.
• [Ignore]
• Totalize
System 301
Description: This parameter selects the volume units used to measure product delivery. The factory default is "Gallons."
• [gal] - Gallons
• bbl - Barrels
• Dekaliters
• Liters
• m3 - Cubic Meters
Help: Select volume units. These are used to select proper conversion factors for calculations.
System 302
Description: This parameter defines the mass units used for product measurement. The factory default is "Pounds."
• [lb] - Pounds
• kg - Kilograms
• US Tons
• Metric Tons
• Long Tons
Help: Select mass units. These are used to select proper conversion factors for calculations.
System 303
Description: This code allows a four-character entry message to serve as the display unit identifier of the volumetric
measurement units that will be displayed on the display and the reports.
System 304
Description: This code allows a four-character entry message to serve as the display unit identifier of the volumetric
measurement units that will be displayed on the display and the reports.
System 305
Description: This parameter allows the selection of mass pulse input rather than the default of pulses representing volume
from the meter. The AccuLoad then totalizes directly in mass. A density input is required to back-calculate volume when
using a meter that produces pulses based on mass flow.
• [Volume]
• Mass
System 311
Description: This six-digit entry establishes the largest volume that can be preset. If a preset amount greater than this limit
is entered, an error message will be displayed on any attempt to start a batch with more than the maximum preset value.
The factory default is "0".
Note: "0" disables the maximum preset volume check.
System 312
Description: This six-digit entry will allow for the setting of the minimum preset amount. An error message will be displayed
on any attempt to start a batch with less than the minimum preset value. The factory default is "0".
Note: "0" disables the minimum preset volume
System 313
Description: The value in this parameter will automatically be filled in as the preset amount. The preset amount can be
changed by the operator during the preset setup process. This can be useful for an operation that usually delivers the same
batch amount.
Note: "0" disables the Auto Preset.
System 314
Description: This sets the amount by which the preset amount is increased or decreased by each press of the + or -
buttons next to the preset input field. See figure on page 18.
System 315
Description: This program code defines the primary method used to terminate a transaction. Communications can always
be used to terminate a transaction if the AccuLoad is programmed for Poll & Authorize or Remote Control operations. The
factory default is "End Transaction" button.
• User Interface
• Communications Only
• Trans Reset Input
• Printer Tray
• Card Reader
• End Transaction - For transactions that may be remotely authorized and terminated via the user interface: The ticket printer
tray switch is ignored. The "End Transaction" button is used to end the transaction. (The transaction may also be terminated
via communications.)
• Communications control only – For transactions that will be authorized and terminated remotely (i.e., through communica-
tions): The "End Transaction" button is disabled and the ticket printer tray switch is ignored.
• Transaction reset input – For transactions that will be authorized and terminated by a master reset input, the "End Transac-
tion" button is disabled. The ticket printer tray input is used to authorize and end the transaction.
• Printer Tray Switch Input – For transactions that will be authorized and terminated by a switch input from a load printer: The
"End Transaction" button is disabled. The switch input, when active, authorizes the AccuLoad to load. When the input de-ac-
tivates, the transaction is ended. The AccuLoad will not allow loading to continue or restart until the input is re-activated (a
ticket is put in the printer).
• Card Reader – For transactions that will be authorized and terminated by the insertion and removal of the card from the
card reader. The transaction is ended when the card is pulled.
Critical (s):
• No comm port selected for communications control.
• Transaction reset input required for each arm configured.
• Printer tray switch input required for each arm configured.
• Printer tray switch input is configured [if other method is selected].
• Option not allowed if bays are configured. [Printer tray switch input]
System 316
Description: Allows either single recipe transactions or multiple recipes per transaction. If programmed for a single recipe,
the AccuLoad will only prompt the driver for a recipe at the beginning of the transaction. The driver can load multiple batches
of the recipe but only that recipe for the transaction. If programmed for multiple recipes, the driver will be prompted for the
recipe at the beginning of each batch.
• Single Recipe per Transaction
• [Multiple] Recipes per Transaction
System 317
Description: This parameter selects whether a transaction requires operator intervention to begin and end the transaction.
In Manual Mode, a transaction is started by the operator interaction with the user interface (touch screen) and ended when
the operator presses the "End Transaction" button. Using the Auto mode for this parameter, the Auto Preset and Auto Reset
timer are used to continuously run batches that are initiated by a Remote Start input and can be stopped by a Remote Stop
input without operator intervention. If a Remote Stop input is not used the batch would run until the Auto Preset value was
reached. The Auto mode is intended to be used in an unattended operation.
• [Manual] Operation
• Automatic Operation
System 1300
Description: Selects whether auto-proving will be done as "Net proving" or "Gross proving". If set to net, both the volume of
the liquid will be compensated for temperature as well as the volume of the proving can. If set to gross, the effect of
temperature on the liquid will be ignored.
• [Net Proving]
• Gross Proving
System 321
Description: This parameter is used to enable or disable the Automated Proving Mode. The default for this program code
will be disabled. Select one of the three security options to enable the automated prove and associated security. Once se-
lected and the security activated, the beginning of the next transaction will launch the auto prove. Once the prove is complet-
ed and the meter factor calculated, the operator has the choice of downloading the calculated meter factor into the software
or ignoring it.
• [Disabled]
• Security input not required
• Security input 1 required
• Security input 2 required
Critical: Security input not configured
Note: Auto proving is described in MN06146.
System 323
• [Auto Prove Meter]
• Pulse Input 1 - 14
System 332
Description: This program code selects the registration type used to enter the preset value. This registration type is also
used for the downcounter display.
• IV - Indicated volume
• [GV - Gross volume]
• GST volume
• GSV volume
• Mass
Note: Selected units not available.
Batch Reverse Flow Accumulation Index: Pulse Input Selection: Ignore or Count
Nonresettable Reverse Flow Accumulation Index: Pulse Input Selection: Ignore or Count
Description: This program code allows for the detection and accumulation of reverse flow when using a dual-pulse trans-
mitter (quadrature detection).
• Ignore (do not include reverse flow in totals)
• Count (include reverse flow in batch totals)
If this option is enabled (by selecting ‘1’) then measured flow in the reverse direction is accumulated and the amount is
deducted from the batch amount.
This feature requires Dual Pulse meter inputs. This feature is not available when Transmitter Integrity is selected. Meter
pulse input wiring is as for dual pulse meters with integrity, however / A is not required to be wired to the Pulse Input Board
to use this feature.
• Cannot totalize reverse flow with transmitter integrity (hardware limitation).
• Meters are typically not proved in the reverse direction and this amount may not be accurate. Reverse flow is typically
considered an error and should not be part of normal operation.
System 333
Description: This code establishes how the delivery registration display (up-counter) will appear during operation. Five
possible selections are available that are dependent on the needs of the operation.
• IV - Indicated volume
• GV - Gross volume
• GST volume
• [GSV volume]
• Mass
Note: Selected units not available.
System 334
Description: This program codes selects the resolution that will be used by AccuLoad for the delivery up-counter and
down-counter during normal operations. The factory default is "Whole."
• Whole units
• 10ths - Tenths
• [100ths - Hundredths]
System 335
Description: This parameter selects whether the up-counter represents the batch delivered amount or the transaction
delivered amount on the delivery screen.
• [Transaction]
• Batch
System 336
Description: Leakage (flow that occurs between transactions) may be added to the non-resettable totals either dynamically
or at the start of the next transaction. The factory default is "Trans Start" which indicates that the non-resettable totals will be
updated with leakage at the start of the next transaction. To have the non-resettable totals updated as the leakage occurs,
choose "Dynamic". To insure the true end of transaction non-resettable totals are retrieved (i.e. not including leakage which
may have occurred after the transaction was ended), review the VT host command in the Smith communications manual
• [Transaction Start]
• Dynamic
System 401
Description: This program code selects the temperature scale used by AccuLoad.
• [NA]
• [°F] - Fahrenheit
• °C - Celsius
Critical: API table conflicts with selected units
Note: A zero entry, signifying No Temperature Selected, will disable all temperature-related calculations.
System 402
Description: This parameter defines the reference temperature from which temperature corrections are made. Typical entry
units are 60°F, and 15°C.
Note: Temperature units are defined in a separate parameter.
Critical: API table conflicts with selected units
System 411
Description: This selection allows the operator to choose which density scale will be used if there is a densitometer
installed. It is used to convert volume to mass.
• NA
• [°API]
• Lb/Ft3 (Pounds/Cubic Feet)
• Kg/M3 (Kilograms/Cubic Meter)
• Relative Density
Note: When using temperature compensation, a value (API, Lb/Ft3, or Kg/M3) must be entered in this parameter.
System 412
Description: This parameter defines whether the operator will be prompted for a density entry prior to starting a batch.
• [No]
• Always
• In Standby
Issue/Rev. 0.2 (4/21) ║ MN06200 • Page 127
AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Program Mode Reference
System 501
Description: This parameter defines the pressure units used by AccuLoad.
• NA
• [psi]
• bar
• kg/cm2 (Kilograms/square centimeter)
• kPa (kilopascals)
Note: If "NA" is selected, signifying no pressure transducer installed, any associated parameters will be removed from the
menus in Program Mode.
System 502
Description: Sets the local atmospheric pressure used in GPA TP-15 (gauge pressure) vapor pressure calculations. This
should be set to the average local atmospheric air pressure.
System 601
Description: This parameter defines the number of alarms that can be cleared in the Run and Ready modes without enter-
ing a passcode. In addition, the alarms to be cleared must be configured to be clearable in the Run/Ready mode. When this
number of alarms has been cleared, subsequent alarms require a passcode entry to clear, even if they are programmed for
Run/Ready mode clearing.
System 137
Description: This program code provides the operator with the capability of either enabling or disabling the powerfail alarm.
The powerfail alarm is a diagnostic alarm that is not clearable through communications.
• [Enable]
• Disable
System 682
Description: The AccuLoad provides two digital outputs which are energized when an alarm occurs. This parameter
controls whether programming error alarms will activate these outputs.
• [BOTH] - Both relays enabled
• ALRM1 - Output Relay #1 Only
• ALRM2 - Output Relay #2 Only
• NONE - No Relays Enabled
Alarm Actions
The action(s) taken when an alarm occurs and if a passcode is required to clear the
alarm can be selected for each individual alarm type. The options are as follows:
*If this option is checked and a valid server and user is configured, an email will
be issued by the AccuLoad to the address specified in the email Notification.
The combination of these program codes and new options will provide the
information required to transmit e-mail notifications on specified events, and check
for replies to alarm events that signal the alarm should be cleared remotely. Replies
will only be accepted from the programmed e-mail Notification Destination address.
To clear the alarm remotely, “Reply” to the notification. The reply message sent must
contain the alarm message in the body of the response message (nothing else needs
to be included). The AccuLoad will recognize the message sent to it by the alarm
message previously send and will clear the appropriate alarm (if it is clearable).
• Allow Run/Ready Mode Clear
• Energize Alarm Output 1
• Energize Alarm Output 2
• Send via Email
• Allow Flow to Continue
Note: Through Communications, add binary bits to get combination of desired options (e.g., 7 would set up the first three
Note: Allow Flow to Continue is available with Unlimited Preset arms only.
System:Default Alarms:User Alarms:User Index: per User Range: 1 - 10; 18 characters maximum
Alarm Configuration and User Alarm Alarm
System 727
Description: This parameter defines how the AccuLoad reacts when a transaction report fails to print.
If "Standby" is selected, the AccuLoad will silently enter printer standby mode (no alarm will be set or displayed) when a
transaction report fails to print within the programmed communications port timeout. An event will be logged in the event
log indicating that the transaction report is pending. A printer standby flag will be available via communications (see EE
command) which will indicate when there are pending transaction reports.
If "Standby & Alarm" is selected and Network Printing, XON/XOFF or PTB printing is being used, the AccuLoad will set the
"NP: Network Printer" or "PP: Printer" alarm respectively and will enter printer standby mode. These alarms are configurable
in the Alarms Directory and therefore do not necessarily need to stop flow. If choosing this option, be sure to configure the
alarm appropriately. No alarm will be set if using serial printing with no flow control.
If "Alarm + No Trans" is selected, the AccuLoad will set the associated printer alarm as above but will not enter standby
mode. Although the alarm may be cleared, the AccuLoad will not allow a new transaction to start on that arm until the
pending transaction has been successfully printed.
• [NA]
• Silent Standby
• Standby and Alarm
• Alarm and No Transaction
Critical: Select if desired to protect transaction reports not printed and if alarm should be set when the report is not printed.
System 728
Description: The AccuLoad may be configured to automatically reprint pending transaction reports using this parameter.
The AccuLoad will always attempt to print a transaction report when the transaction is ended. If a report is successfully print-
ed and there are pending reports, then the pending reports will be printed as well.
• [No]
• Yes
The AccuLoad will only reprint pending reports on idle arms. If a transaction is in progress on an arm, then the pending
reports on that arm will not be printed until the arm becomes idle. If any report fails to print, the printing of any remaining
reports will be aborted.
System 729
Description: When enabled, the AccuLoad will function with a printer's auto tear off feature. The tear off feature is when a
printer automatically advances the paper to the tear off position after a form feed is received (a form feed is at the end of the
print job).
• [No]
• Yes
System 731
Description: Defines which parameters can be modified through communications by the access level assigned to those
parameters. The factory default is "Level 1 Access."
• [Alarm Clearing Only] - This selection allows only the alarms to be reset (cleared) through communications.
• Level 1 Access Parameters
• Level 2 Access Parameters
• Level 3 Access Parameters
• Level 4 Access Parameters
• Level 5 Access Parameters - These selections limit the parameters that can be changed through communications to
those assigned a security level at or below the option selected.
System 732
Description: This program code defines the byte order for floating point values returned by Modbus communications.
AccuLoad supports three variations of byte ordering when sending floating point values via Modbus protocols. The factory
default and AccuLoad native byte order is "Big."
• [Big] endian - bytes are ordered most significant first
• Little 8 endian - bytes are ordered least significant first
System 733
Description: Standby mode allows the AccuLoad to continue to allow transactions in the case where host control has been
• [Alarm]
• Standby
• Alarm and Standby
System 734
Description: This program code, when selected, prevents the automation SB, SF, AP, WD, WP, WQ, and WX functions from
changing the focus of the display. (The FS command will still result in a focus change.) Selections are as follows:
• (0) No
• (1) Yes
Help: Select if it is not desired to automatically change the focus to an arm receiving communication prompt commands (SB,
SF, AP, WD, WP, WQ, WX).
Note: This parameter is only available when using Revision 1.0 and above firmware.
System 1700
Description: This setting selects whether the AccuLoad is configured with a fixed Ethernet IP address or it should obtain an
address automatically from a DHCP server on the network.
• [Manual]
System 1720
Description: Sets the network communications address associated with the AccuLoad. For multiple AccuLoads on a shared
communications line, all addresses must be unique.
Help: Refer to section 6.4 or 6.5 for additional information on changing the Internal IP Address.
Note: See Section 8.8 Split Architecture Directories for additional Split Architecture parameters.
System 1721
Description: Sets the network communications address associated with the AccuLoad's MMI.
In a Split Architecture configuration, the THMI IP Address is associated with MMI A. If multiple MMIs are used the THMI IP
Address must be unique.
If parameter 1003 Board Set Function is set to No HMI or HMI B, the THMI IP Address should be set to
Note: See Section 8.8 Split Architecture Directories for additional Split Architecture parameters.
System 1722
Description: Sets the network communications address associated with the AccuLoad's MMI B when using a Split
Architecture configuration.
The THMI B IP Address must be unique.
If parameter 1003 Board Set Function is set to No Split Arch, No HMI, or HMI A, the THMI B IP Address should be set to
Note: See Section 8.8 Split Architecture Directories for additional Split Architecture parameters
System 736
Description: The netmask (sometimes called a subnet mask) is a four octet address used to define a network. This address
uses the same format as the IP address. A typical netmask is This means that the first three octets describe
a particular network and the last octet describes a specific device. If the AccuLoad is assigned IP address and
a printer has IP address, then the two devices are on the same network because the first three octets of each
address are the same. In order to increase the number of devices on a particular network, simply adjust the netmask. In
the previous examples, the netmask allowed 256 devices to be connected to the network. If more devices are needed on a
network, then the netmask of would allow 512 devices to be connected to the network. Similarly, a network of would allow 1024 devices to be connected and so on.
• 4 octet numeric entry –
System 737
Description: The Gateway address is another four octet address that also uses the same format as the IP address. A
Gateway provides an exit route for all addresses that are not part of the local network. The Gateway address typically
belongs to a network device such as a router. The router can then connect to another local network or to the internet.
The entry for 'System 737-Gateway' should be the IP address for the router that your AccuLoad uses to connect to
any IP addresses not in your local subnet. If you don't have a router and are not connected to external networks, you can
leave this entry
• 4 octet numeric entry –
System 738
Description: This program code determines what level of control is exhibited by a host interfaced to the AccuLoad via the
Ethernet interface.
• Polling Only
• [Poll & Program]
• Poll & Authorize
• Remote Control
The highest level of control programmed among this entry and the serial port entries is assumed to be the desired level of
control for the AccuLoad.
System 739
Description: This entry specifies the timeout value in seconds for the host communication protocols via Ethernet/TC-IP
network (Smith I/P, Modbus TCP) before a communications alarm will be generated. A zero entry disables the time out
action. Range is 0-999
• 3 digit numeric entry
System 777
Help Message: When this option is selected, the 8 32-character user text fields available for writing/reading by the host
(via BW/ BR commands) are stored along with the final transaction data when a transaction ends. This allows a host to not
just place relevant text on the immediate bill of lading/receipt ticket, but also allows the to recall the data and
to reprint the ticket later with the same information.
• Not Saved
• Saved
Enabling this option (selecting 'Stored') will reduce the total number of transactions that can be archived at the AccuLoad in
the transaction log since it increases the size of each stored transaction.
System 780
Sets the IP address of the primary DNS server on the Ethernet network.
The DNS (Domain Name Service) provides a mechanism for Internet devices to obtain the IP address of another device on
the network using a text based name instead of a numeric address.
This IP address will be used by the AccuLoad to resolve host names if host names are entered instead of IP
addresses for the remote servers (specifically, the SMTP & POP3 servers and network printers at this time).
System 781
Enter the host name for the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server that provides the email account set up for the
if using DNS -
If using IP address -
To utilize the email features, an email account must be set up for each AccuLoad on a mail service provider that
supports SMTP (and optionally POP3) access.
System 782
Description: Enter the host name or IP address of the POP3 (Post Office Protocol
- 3) server that provides the email account to which the AccuLoad should send email notifications of alarms conditions.
If using DNS -
If not using DNS -
System 783
Description: Enter the user name on the email account to use to send email notifications.
System 784
Description: Enter the password for the email account used to send email notifications.
System 785
Description: Enter the email address where notification emails will be sent when an alarm configured for notification
occurs. The must have access to an SMTP server that is capable of forwarding emails to the destination
for this feature to operate.
System 786
Description: Enter the email address to be used in the <FROM> field of notification emails sent by this AccuLoad. For
example, if the email server is at, and the Email account name is AL3NET_1, then the reply-to address
would be
System 787
Description: Enter the IP address (or printer name if DNS server is available and the printer has a name in the domain) of
the network printer where the is to send print jobs.
The network printer can be used in place of or in conjunction with serial printer options.
System 788
Description: This parameter is to select the Master AccuLoad when interfacing via the Smith Meter/Sening Cross Over
prevention (COP) system via a Bluetooth interface. One and only one of the AccuLoads sharing a Bluetooth module should
be configured as a master.
• [Disabled] (AccuLoad is not designated as a master)
• Enabled (Designate this AccuLoad as the Bluetooth master.
System 1701
Description: Used to specify whether card reader is connected directly to the AccuLoad or remotely (on the HMI).
• [No]
• Yes
System 771
Description: This parameter defines the type of operator validation required by the card reader prior to initiating a
transaction. The factory default is "ID Stamp Only." If "Standalone/Standby" is selected, the AccuLoad operates as if
"ID Stamp Only" was selected while under host control.
• [ID Stamp Only]
• ID Stamp and Card-In Required
• Standalone/Standby
• Validate Always
Note: If an MMI port is configured and no card reader is being used, this parameter should be set to (0) ID Stamp Only;
otherwise, card data will be expected.
System 772
Description: This entry indicates the period that new card data will remain valid when no transactions are in progress.
On new card data, this timer is reset to 1 and begins to increment each minute until either a transaction is started or the
timer reaches the value programmed and expires. On expiration, the card data is erased. If programmed for any validation
selection other than ID stamp only, loading will be prevented until a valid card is again presented to the reader, or until the
next message from the card reader containing successfully read data is received.
Once a transaction is started within the card data valid timeout period, other transactions may be started on other arms.
Only when all transactions on all arms in the unit have been ended, will the valid card status will be removed.
A value of zero for this program entry indicates the timer should never expire. The card data will remain valid until a
transaction is started and will remain valid until all transactions are ended.
Critical: Card reader must be attached to MMI if using an MMI.
System 773
Description: This selects the operating mode of the card reader. Momentary is used when a card will be "swiped" to access
the AccuLoad. The captive option requires the card to be continuously present in front of the card reader to remain valid.
• [Momentary]
• Captive Card mode
Note: A new option has also been added to System 315 – Transaction Termination to allow selection of card removal as a
means of ending a transaction. This is to ensure that in Captive Card mode the operator cannot leave his card behind, as
the transaction cannot be ended until the card is removed.
System 774
Description: Select if it is desired for a valid card to allow multiple transactions to be started or only for the next transaction
that is started.
• [All Arms]
• Single Transaction
Note: Single Trans authorization is not available with "captive card" reader option (773).
System 775
Description: Used to select which of the standard AccuLoad prompts should be used to prompt the driver for the vehicle ID
tag when it is not electronically read from the trailer.
• [N/A]
• Prompt 1
• Prompt 2
• Prompt 3
• Prompt 4
• Prompt 5
System 707
Description: This program code defines the function of the communications port. The factory default is "Minicomp Host" on
comm port 1. Selections are as follows:
• N/A – This communications port is not selected for use.
• Term Host – This communications port communicates with a terminal type device using a simplified communications
• [Minicomp Host] – This communications port communicates with a minicomputer type device using a sophisticated and
secure communications protocol
• Modbus Host
• Printer – Permits the AccuLoad through this communication port to automatically output an end of a transaction report to a
printer connected to the AccuLoad
• Shared Printer – Same as number (4) above except the output report will go to a shared printer connected to one or more
AccuLoads. (This requires special wiring. See the Installation manual for further details.)
• Smart Inj/AICB/A4I – Permits the AccuLoad through this communication port to communicate with and control up to twen-
ty-four smart additive injector systems
• E+H Promass – Assigns a communication channel to an E+H Promass Coriolis Meter.
• Smith Meter Card Reader – Assigns a communications channel to the Smith Meter Card Reader Interface board, allowing
passage of card data to a host computer
• Nedap Reader – For connection to a Nedap access control device
• F.A. Sening COP – Enables the interface to the F.A. Sening cross over prevention.
The communications port control must be correctly configured for the selected function.
Fatal: Baud rates below 9600 are no longer supported. (They remain in the select list for backward compatibility).
Critical: Shared printing is only possible on port 1
Critical: An address must not be zero.
Critical: A maximum of two ports may be configured for injector control.
Critical: A maximum of two ports may be configured for printer functions.
Critical: A maximum of two ports may be configured for host interface.
Critical: Modbus requires 8-bit data.
Critical: Function conflicts with Port Control.
Note: it is possible to program multiple host control ports for redundancy purposes. Note that only one host control port should
be issuing control commands at any one time. It is up to the automation system to prevent conflicts when using this feature.
System 708
Description: Sets the speed of the associated communications port.
• 9600, 19200, 38400, [57600], or 115200 baud.
System 709
Description: This parameter defines the number of data bits and parity used by the associated communications port.
Unless indicated otherwise, one stop bit is used.
• 7 bits No Parity
• 7 bits Odd Parity
• 7 bits Even Parity
• [8 bits No Parity]
• 8 bits Odd Parity
• 8 bits Even Parity
• 8 bits No Parity, 2 Stop bits
Critical: Modbus requires 8-bit data.
System 710
Description: This program code sets the level of control the associated communications port commands. Polling Only, Poll
and Authorize, and Remote Control are valid with host communications options. XON/XOFF is valid with printer options.
Only one port can have transaction control. The factory default is "Poll & Program." Selections are as follows:
• N/A – No communications on this port.
• Polling Only – No transaction control, display control or programming allowed via this port. Able to read program code
values and run data from the unit.
• Poll & Authorize – Full programming/prompting control. Transaction control requiring authorization from host. Allows use
of AccuLoad communications commands such as AU Authorize Transaction and AP Authorize Transaction and Preset for
host authorization. Designed for terminals where the driver enters desired preset volume after authorization.
• Remote Control – Full programming and prompting control. Transaction control (also requiring authorization from host)
Allows use of SB – Set Batch to enter the preset remotely and EB to end the batch remotely. This is designed for pre-dis-
patch operations where the driver has limited input during the load process and the preset is host-controlled.
• XON/XOFF – For printer ports only. XON/XOFF flow control.
• [Poll & Program] – For use with AccuMate ports. Allows full program access but does not affect transaction control (acts
like a standalone unit).
• PTB-FX – Security level designed to support PTB Weights and Measures Agency-approved printer interface.
• PTB-LQ – Security level designed to support PTB Weights and Measures Agency-approved printer interface.
Critical: Comm port not configured for host communications.
Critical: Comm port not configured for printer.
System 711
Description: These three-digit codes allow the operator to specify the amount of time, in seconds, before aborting a
communications transfer that has halted. The communications alarm will then be set. This entry is also used to abort a
printout if waiting for a shared printer on an XON from a printer. If the timer expires while waiting for a shared printer, the
shared printer alarm will be set.
If the port is configured for host communication, zero disables the communications timeout and the accompanying alarm.
If the port is configured for a printer, the timeout cannot be disabled.
Critical: No entry if corresponding function = Not Used.
Critical: Comm port not configured for printer.
Note: Enter elapsed time in seconds of comm fail before signaling an alarm.
System 1702
Description: Sets the serial port for RS-232 or RS-485
• [RS-232]
• RS-485
System 1706
Description: Sets the mode of RS-485 serial communications.
• [Full Duplex] - 4-wire
• Half Duplex - 2-wire Prompts
System 740
Description: This program code selects when prompts will be displayed.
• [Transaction Start]
• Standby
System 742
Description: This two-digit entry defines the amount of time, in seconds, that a local prompt will remain displayed at
AccuLoad before the prompting sequence is aborted and AccuLoad returns to the ready screen. If set to zero the AccuLoad
will wait indefinitely for data entry in response to a prompt. The factory default is "0".
Issue/Rev. 0.2 (4/21) ║ MN06200 • Page 143
AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Program Mode Reference
System 758
Description: Selects how the AccuLoad validates (using the built-in driver database) the data entered by the operator in
response to a prompt. Options 1 and 2 are used only if no card reader is installed on the system. If Option 3 is selected, a
card reader must be in place because with that option, ID validation is performed by using the card data. Once the card data
has been verified, the PIN is compared with the previously defined PIN for that card in the database.
• [None]
• ID
• ID & PIN
Critical: Selection invalid when using Card Reader (for Options 1 and 2 above).
Critical: Prompt Response Type cannot be alphanumeric for PIN entry.
Critical: Card Validation must be enabled in 761 for this option (for Option 3 above).
• [Numeric] - shown on screen
• Hidden - numeric, X's shown on screen
• Alphanumeric
System 020
Description: The total number of injectors controlled by this AccuLoad
System 801
Description: This parameter defines how additive injectors will be selected for delivery. Only those additives programmed
for a recipe will be available. The selection of available additives may be further limited with a communications command
from an automation system.
• [Automatic] – No selection is required or allowed when presetting. All the injectors that are programmed, less those dis-
abled via automation communications, will automatically pulse when the unit is loading
• Transaction – Manual selection of the injectors at the start of the transaction. At the start of each transaction, the operator
will be prompted to select the desired injectors prior to presetting
• Batch – Manual selection of the injectors at the start of each batch. At the start of each batch, the operator will be prompt-
ed to select the desired injectors prior to presetting
• Standby Transaction
• Standby Batch
System 802
Description: This program code selects the volume type used to pace the additive injectors.
• [Indicated volume (IV)]
• Gross volume (GV)
• GST volume (GST)
• GSV volume (GSV)
• Mass
Critical: Selected units not available.
System 803
Description: This parameter defines when the additive injection will stop for each batch. It also determines whether the rate
will be recalculated so that the total amount of additive expected for the preset volume will be delivered before the down-
counter reaches the volume in System 805 – Additive Stop Amount.
• [End of Batch] – Stop volume is ignored. Additive is delivered until end of batch
• No recalculation – Additive is delivered as above but injection halts when only stop volume remains
• Recalculation – Proper additive volume for entire preset volume is "squeezed" so that the correct additive amount for
preset is delivered when the stop volume is reached.
Note: See System 806: Additive Stop Volume Disable for those individual additives that deliver to the end of the batch.
System 804
Description: This four-digit entry allows the operator to select the amount of product remaining to be delivered when the
additive injectors will be shut down. This code is used only in conjunction with Injector Option 1 and 2 of parameter 803.
The range of this code is 0 to 9999
Note: See System 806: Additive Stop Volume Disable for those individual additives that deliver to the end of the batch.
System 098
Description: This parameter allows the programming of the additive stop volume to be ignored for specified additives.
Select the additives that will NOT be stopped at the additive stop volume by scrolling through the list on the AccuLoad
• Additive 1 - 24
Additives that will ignore the stop volume will be highlighted and a 'check mark' icon will appear on that additive in the list.
System 099
Description: This program code determines when the additive pump is de-energized while an additive stop amount is
configured and active for the associated injector.
• [End of Batch]
• When Stop Amount reached (after last injection completes)
If the Additive Stop Disable option is configured for the associated injector, this option has no effect and the pump will remain
on until end of batch (default operation).
Note: This option cannot be guaranteed to give the desired results when used with smart injectors that perform their own
pump control.
System 805
Description: This code allows entry of a three-character identifier for the injected additive volume units, such as cc or oz.
These are the units associated with the programmed additive volume per injection in the recipe directory.
System 806
Description: This code allows entry of a three-character identifier for the injected additive volume units, such as cc or oz.
These are the units associated with the programmed additive volume per injection in the recipe directory.
System 807
Description: This ten-digit numeric entry is used to convert injection units to totals units. The AccuLoad uses this formula for
the conversion:
Volume in Injector units / Conversion factor = Volume in Total Units
Example: If injection units are in cc., and injector totals are to be displayed in liters, the value would be 1000. (1.00 e+03).
System 809
Description: This one-digit numeric entry is used with piston injectors with feedback only. It defines the number of missed
feedback signals that can occur before an additive feedback alarm occurs. A 0 entry disables the alarm.
System 026
Description: This parameter determines whether any active piston injector outputs are de-energized if the batch is stopped
prematurely via the user interface, an alarm, or loss of permissive. This does not affect the state of the piston injector
solenoid output at batch end or transaction end.
• [No Action]
• De-energize
System 087
Description: This parameter determines the threshold of leakage pulses allowed without an alarm. This parameter is for
metered injectors. When set to 0, the count defaults to 10.
System 088
Description: This parameter defines the amount of time in minutes between automatic resets of the Injector Alarm Pulse
Count. If set to 0, the count is not reset.
System 093
Description: Due to the large percentages and delivered amounts typically associated with flow-controlled additives,
these meters are typically custody transfer so they can be segregated/reported independently from the combined (product
+ additive) total usually reported when additives are plumbed downstream. Select whether to treat this flow-control additive
specially and NOT include the additive volume in the reported product total. Default is to include additive volumes in the
totals reported for the product.
• [Include in Product]
• Not Included
System 142
Description: Selects single or dual channel pulse inputs for flow controlled additive meters.
• [Single Channel]
• Dual Channel
Note: If the meter pulse input type in Configuration 101 - Transmitter Channel Selection is programmed for 0 – Single
Channel, then this program code must also be 0 – Single Channel.
System 143
Description: Sets the maximum number of dual pulse error counts allowed before a dual pulse error alarm occurs. The
count is maintained for each flow-controlled additive separately and the alarm is generated only if the error count for any
one injector pulse stream exceeds the error count programmed here. An entry of 0 disables the alarm.
System 144
Description: This program code defines the conditions under which the dual pulse error count will be reset for the
flow-controlled additives.
• [No Reset]
• Transaction End
• Power-Up
• Transaction & Power-Up
System 145
Description: This program code determines if error pulses accumulated after a Pulse Security alarm occurs are counted
towards the flow-controlled additive amount delivered.
Note: Select ‘0 – Count’ to continue to totalize normally after this alarm occurs; Select ‘1 – Ignore’ to ignore all pulses after
an alarm occurs. Selecting ‘1 – Ignore’ will cause any volume or mass that actually flows through the meter from point where
this alarm occurs to when the valve is completely closed to be ignored. The AccuLoad will ignore any pulses from the meter
until the alarm is cleared.
Some measurement agencies require this behavior.
• N/A
• Piston
• Piston Feedback
• Titan
• Blend-Pak
• Mini-Pak
• Smith Smart Injector
• Metered Injector
• Add-Pak-AICB
• Shared Injector 1
• Shared Injector 2
• Shared Injector 3
• Shared Injector 4
• Flow Rate Controlled Injector
• Add-Pak 2-Stroke injector
Critical: Metered injector pulse input not configured.
Critical: Injector I/O assignment does not match type
Critical: No comm port configured for smart additive control
Critical: No injector address assigned
Critical: Only four metered injectors may be configured
Critical: Add-Pak channel already assigned as auxiliary I/O point
Critical: Additive 1 must be a metered injector type to configure Shared Injector 1
Critical: Flow Rate Controlled Injectors limited to injectors 1-4
Critical: Flow Rate Controlled Injector pulse input not configured
• Arm 1 - Arm 6
• Meter 1 - Meter 6
• Downstream (None)
• Digital
• Analog
• None
• API 2004 - crude oils
• API 2004 - refined products
• API 2004 - C tables special
• API 2004 - Lube Oils
• API E Tables - LPG, NGL
• API 1952 (6,23,24,53,54)
• PTB-1 - Ethanol/Bio Blend
• PTB-3 - Ethanol/Bio Blend
• EPA-RFS2 (E100)
• EPA-RFS2 (B100)
• Aromatics (ASTM D1555)
• Brazil ABNT5992 (RefDen)
• Brazil ABNT5992 (RefGrade)
• Brazil ABNT5992 (LiveDen)
• Brazil BR1A
• Brazil BR1P
• Brazil BR2P
• NH3 - Ammonia
Critical: This API table not available for flow controlled injectors. [Odd-numbered API tables, Brazil tables and 24E]
System 1900
Description: Select the digital input to use for the Security Input #1 function.
• No Security Input
• Digital Input 1 - 43
System 1901
Description: Select the digital input to use for the Security Input #2 function.
• No Security Input
• Digital Input 1 - 43
System 156
Description: This entry selects the security level associated with Security Input #1. Access up to this level will be available
with the activation of this input (and passcode if configured).
• No Security
• Security Level 1 - 5
System 157
Description: This entry selects the security level associated with Security Input #2. Access up to this level will be available
with the activation of this input (and passcode if configured).
• No Security
• Security Level 1 - 5
System 158
Description: This entry selects the level of security required to enter the diagnostics menu.
• No Security
• Security Level 1 - 5
8.3.1 100—General Purpose Bay Directories
Bay 1-2
• [N/A] - Permissive is disabled
• Transaction Start - Permissive input is only checked immediately after authorization
• Continuous - Permissive input must be asserted continuously during the batch
• Start Pressed - Permissive input must be asserted whenever flow is started
Batch Start - Permissive input must be asserted to start a batch
• Manual – Start button must be pressed to restore
• Automatic – Flow will be started automatically as soon as the permissive is restored.
Bays 107
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter or edit a 28-character bay identification. The ID is used on default
reports and is available for configurable reports.
Bays 701
Description: This program code defines which delivery report will be printed at the completion of a transaction on the bay if
a printer function is assigned to one or more communications ports. The same report will be printed at each port if multiple
ports are configured for printer options.
• Default
• User Config 1
• User Config 2
Bays:Summary Report Print Time Index: Bays 1 and 2 Range: Text - 6-character max.
Bays 702
Description: This entry defines the initial time at which the AccuLoad will generate the summary report for the bay. This
report summarizes all transaction data on the bay for the interval defined in the Summary Report Interval parameter.
Bays 703
Description: This entry defines the interval of time covered by the Summary Report. Used in conjunction with the Summary
Report Print Time, a new report is generated at the interval specified in this program code. The range of this entry is 0 – 999
hours. If set to zero, the summary report is disabled.
Bays 704
Description: This entry selects the amount resolution to print on default reports. There are three available options.
• Whole
• 10ths
• 100ths
Bays 705
Description: This entry selects which pages will be printed on reports. There are four available options.
• Batch and Transaction
• Batch Only
• Transaction Only
• No Report
Bays 706
Description: This entry allows the operator to select which product's Hazardous Materials (HM) Classification will be printed
on the summary page of the report.
• Arm 1 - 6
Arm 1-6
• 100—General Purpose
• 200—Flow Control
• 300—Volume Accuracy
• 700—Communications
• Meter directories for this arm
• Product directories for this arm
• N/A
• Transaction Start – Permissive only checked immediately after authorization
• Continuous – Permissive must be met continuously during the batch
• Start Pressed – Permissive must be met whenever flow is started
• Batch Start – Permissive must be met to start a batch
• Manual – Start must be pressed to restore flow
• Automatic – Flow will be started automatically as soon as the permissive is restored
Arms 107
Description: Used to identify the load position. It is included on the AccuLoad's display in Ready mode. The Load Arm ID
can also be included on the delivery report.
Arm: General Purpose: Ready Message Index: Arm Range: Text - 28 Characters
Arms 108
Description: Enter the message to be displayed for the arm when it is idle (at the Ready screen).
Arms 109
Description: Allows the operator to assign a load arm to a bay.
• Independent
• Bay A
• Bay B
• Swing Arm
Arms 111
Description: Enables an alternative method of product delivery for specialized applications where the goal is to continu-
ously blend two or more products. This feature can optionally also be used in situations where a main product stream is not
under the control of the AccuLoad but component products being blended into the main product ARE being controlled by the
AccuLoad (wild stream blending).
When configured for unlimited preset with a wild stream meter, the desired flow rates will not be based on a programmed
high flow rate or low flow start rate. Instead the desired flow rate for the controlled products will be based on the flow rate of
the wild stream. The AccuLoad will attempt to adjust the flow rates for the controlled products to produce the programmed
blend ratio.
If all products are controlled (no wild stream meter), the desired flow rates will be based on the programmed high flow rate or
low flow rate. In this configuration, the high flow rate will not be exceeded.
• No
• Yes
Arms 113
Description: Specifies the hour of the day when the transaction reset period begins.
Arms 201
Description: Designates the flow rate used during low flow start, i.e., for the volume of product defined by the low flow start
volume or low flow start percentage parameters.
Critical: Low flow start rate can't be less than the minimum flow rate (checks all products configured).
Arms 202
Description: Defines the amount of product to be delivered at the low flow start rate. If both low flow start amount and low
flow start percentage are defined, the larger of the two will be used for low flow start.
Arms 203
Description: Defines the percentage of the preset volume to be delivered during low flow start. If both low flow start per-
centage and low flow start volume are defined, the larger of the two will be used for low flow start.
Arms 204
Description: Selects if the low flow start should be performed only at the start of a delivery or every time flow starts.
• Always
• Start of batch
Arms 205
Description: For ratio blending arms, this rate will be divided among the products being delivered according to the percent-
ages assigned in the recipe selected for loading. For other arm types, the high flow rate is set per product.
Note: "00000" will not allow the valve to open.
Note: This parameter is only used for ratio blending.
Arms 206
Description: For ratio blending arms, sets a second high flow rate which is selectable by a digital input. This flow rate would
be typically selected for smaller trucks.
Note: This parameter is only used for ratio blending.
Arms 232
Selects when the 1st/2nd High Flow input is monitored as follows:
If Batch Start is selected, the high flow rate used for the delivery will be based on the state of the input at the start of the
batch and subsequent changes in the input will be ignored. .
If the Dynamic option is used, the AccuLoad will continuously adjust the high flow rate based on the state of this input during
the high flow portion of the batch. If the batch has already reached 1st trip, the flow rate will only be reduced by a change in
state of the 1st/2nd high flow digital input.
• Batch Start
• Dynamic
Arms 229
Description: Preset amounts above this value will deliver at the first or standard high flow rates programmed. Presets less
than this amount will deliver at the second high flow rate (as if the second high flow switch input had been activated). Any
batch with a preset amount less than or equal to this entry will use the rates programmed in Product 203 – Second High
Flow Rate and Load Arm 206 – Second High Flow Rate in place of the rates programmed in Product 202 – High Flow Rate
and Load Arm 205 – High Flow Rate. This program code does not require nor preclude the use of a first/second high flow
switch. The second high flow rate will be used if either the second high flow switch is active or the preset amount is at or
below the value in this entry. An entry of 0 disables the feature. The range of this entry is units.
Note: The load arm high flow rate values only apply to ratio blending arms.
Arms 207
Description: Sets the number of seconds delay before allowing flow to be re-started after flow was stopped during a batch.
Arms 208
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for product delivered in excess of the preset amount.
Arms 210
Description: Sets the amount of time between asserting the pump control signal and opening the flow control valve. This
can be used to allow the pump to pressurize the line, providing for better valve response.
Arms 211
Description: Sets a time delay between flow stop and de-asserting the pump control signal. Upon a normal or
operator-requested stop, the pump output will remain active for this delay before turning off. Alarm shutdown will
not be delayed; the pump output will be turned off immediately.
Arms 212
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the amount of time that the AccuLoad will ignore flow after the valve has been
commanded to close. If flow persists beyond this time, a "Valve Fault" alarm will occur.
Arms 213
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the amount of flow that the AccuLoad will ignore after the valve has been
commanded to close. If flow exceeds this amount, a "Valve Fault" alarm will occur.
Arms:Flow Control:Clean Line Index: Arm Range: [0] - 999 Delivery units
Arms 221
Description: Specifies the amount of clean line flush product to be delivered to fill the pipe/load arm at the end of every
batch. This amount is determined by calculating the amount of product to fill the pipe/load arm from the control valve(s) to
the end of the loading arm.
Flow Control: Clean Line Alarm Index: Arm Range: 0 - 99 Delivery units
Arms 223
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the number of delivery units that the clean line amount can fall short of the pro-
grammed amount before causing an alarm. For example, if the clean line amount is set for 100 gallons and the maximum
clean line alarm limit is programmed for 5 gallons, the clean line amount can range between 95 gallons and 100 gallons
without causing an alarm.
Arms 230
Description: When a clean line product is used, it will be the first portion of the next delivery which can cause the blend to
be out of tolerance initially. If this parameter is enabled, the control valve for the clean line product will not be opened at the
start of the batch, to reduce the time to get the blend corrected.
• No
• Yes
Note: Applies only to ratio blending arms.
Arms 224
Description: Sets the ratio adjustment factor used to adjust the response of the blend valves to help maintain the
programmed blend ratio during loading. This factor is used to magnify the difference between the programmed blend
ratio and the current blend ratio so that the programmed blend ratio can be achieved more quickly.
Arms 225
Description: Sets the time in seconds between flow rate calculations based on programmed and current blend ratios. If this
results in a desired flow rate outside the tolerance of the current flow rate, then the control valves will be adjusted. This value
should be determined based on the hydraulic conditions that exist for the system.
Arms 226
Description: For sequential blending arms this entry selects the position of the block valve at the end of a transaction and
when the STOP button is pressed. The valve can either be left open (for relief of thermal expansion) or closed. This code
applies only to electric motor-operated valves.
• 0 - Valve is closed when STOP is pressed and at the end of the transaction
• 1 - Valve is open when STOP is pressed and closed at the end of the transaction
• 2 - Valve is closed when STOP is pressed and open at the end of the transaction
• 3 - Valve is open when STOP is pressed and open at the end of the transaction.
Note: Applies to sequential blending only.
Arms 228
Description: For unloading arms. This parameter determines the amount of time in seconds the valve will remain open after
the stop switch input is de-asserted. This prevents the valve from closing during the period when the gear pump may be
Arms 227
Description: This program code allows an arm-specific additive stop quantity (in delivery units) to be specified. If a nonzero
value is programmed both here and in System 805 – Additive Stop Amount, this value supersedes the system value.
Help: Enter load arm preset amount left to be delivered before injector shutdown (in preset type)
Arms 231
Description: This program code determines when additive pacing begins.
• Batch Start - Additive pacing begins immediately at the start of the batch
• After Low Flow - Additive pacing begins after Low Flow start volume has been delivered
This option allows for a delay between additive pump startup and first injection to assure sufficient pressure has been
established in the additive system.
Critical: Low flow start condition must be “Batch Start.”
Note: Feature is not available for flow controlled additives.
Arms 301
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for blend error as a percentage of the total batch. If the delivered amount of each
product is within plus or minus the blend percentage of the total delivery, no blend alarm will occur.
For example, assume a blend tolerance of 2%, a preset of 1000 gallons, and a recipe consisting of four products with each
making up 25% (250 gal)of the total. If 1000 gallons are delivered, the blend tolerance would be 20 gallons (2% of 1000 gal-
lons). If any product delivered less than 230 gallons (250 – 20) a blend low alarm will be set. If any product delivered more
than 270 gallons (250 + 20), a blend high alarm will be set. (This is true only if all 1000 gallons are delivered.)
Note: A blend tolerance entry of zero allows no tolerance, causing an alarm to occur unless all components are delivered
Arms 302
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for blend error as a fixed volume. This volume represents the maximum delivered
volume of each product in the blend over or under the target volume that will be allowed by AccuLoad without causing an
alarm. The range of this entry is 00.1 to 99.9 units.
Note: If both a blend tolerance volume and a blend tolerance percentage are entered, the AccuLoad will use the larger of
the two for a specific batch. It is recommended that the volume tolerance be programmed here to override the percentage
for very small batches to reduce nuisance alarms.
Arms 303
Description: Sets the type of Blend Correction on a sequential load arm, that will be allowed in case of a product overrun.
Three possible selections are available.
• [No Blend Correction]. If a product overrun occurs during the loading process, which would cause a blend alarm, no cor-
rection will be allowed and the transaction must be ended.
• Self-Corrected Blend. If a product overrun occurs during the loading process, the AccuLoad will automatically try to cor-
rect the blend if the product in error is being loaded as another component of the blend (i.e., error in component 2 – Regular,
Regular also being loaded as component 5). If the component in error is not repeated as one of the components that has not
been loaded, the transaction will have to be ended.
• Self-Corrected Blend/Complete Batch. If a product overrun occurs during the loading process, the AccuLoad IV will
automatically try to correct the blend if the product in error is being loaded as another component of the blend. If the compo-
nent in error is not repeated as one of the components that has not been loaded, the driver/operator will have the choice of
ending the batch or completing the loading of the original preset amount.
Arms 304
Description: For "Unlimited Preset" arms and arms using the timed blend algorithm this sets the alarm threshold for the
amount of time an "out of tolerance" blend condition can exist. The blend tolerance is determined by the values in both
Load Arm 301 - Blend Tolerance Percentage and in Load Arm 302 - Blend Tolerance Amount. Both tolerance limits must be
exceeded before the AccuLoad begins the out-of-tolerance condition timer.
Note: A zero value will result in an immediate alarm if the blend goes out of tolerance.
Arms 305
Description: For unlimited preset arms and arms using the timed blend algorithm, this program code inhibits the blend
tolerance alarm checking at batch start until this amount has been delivered. In unlimited preset arms, this volume or mass
allows time for the blend stream to catch up with wild stream. For arms using the timed blend algorithm, this is used to
suppress blend tolerance checking until after low flow start is completed if the blend makes impossible to maintain blend
during low flow start.
Arms 306
Description: Sets the deadband for the deviation from the target blend that is allowed before the AccuLoad attempts
to adjust/correct the blend on an Unlimited Preset or timed blend algorithm arm (in order to prevent continuous valve
adjustment). If this amount is exceeded, the AccuLoad will attempt to adjust the flow rate of the products such that the
blend will be on spec within the time specified in Load Arm 307 - Blend Correction Time.
Arms 307
Description: This program code determines how quickly the AccuLoad attempts to bring the blend percentage of an
Unlimited Preset or timed blend algorithm arm back to ideal conditions once the deviation from the desired percentages
exceeds the value in Load Arm 306 - Blend Correction Amount.
Arms 308
Description: This program code determines at what points the accumulated blend errors are reset to 0 when an arm is
configured for Unlimited Preset operation.
• Batch Start
• Blend Alarm Cleared
• Batch Start and Alarm
• No Reset
Arms 309
Description: This program code determines which algorithm will be used for ratio blend applications. The “Ratio Adj
Factor” is the traditional ratio blend method and uses the ratio adjust factor to control how quickly the blend is corrected.
The “Timed” blend algorithm will attempt to correct the blend within a programmable amount of time. The “Timed” blend
algorithm is independent of batch size and therefore works best when batch sizes can vary significantly. The “Timed”
blend algorithm will also make blend corrections during low flow start. This parameter can also be used for an unlimited
preset arm.
Arms 310
• Maintain min rate
• Allow valve to close
Critical: Option available with Timed Blend Algorithm only.
Factory Default: "Maintain min rate" (lowest flow rate allowed will be the programmed minimum flow rate – Product 201).
Arms 311
Critical: Option available only with "allow valve to close" option selected in Arm 321 - Ratio Product Minimum Flow.
Note: If zero is entered, then the valve will be allowed to open and close as often as necessary to maintain blend.
Arms 701
Description: This program code defines which delivery report will be printed at the completion of a transaction.
• Default
• User Configured Report 1 and 2
Note: Default Report – see appendix IV
Note: The user-configured reports are designed on the AccuMate and downloaded to the AccuLoad.
Note: Even if a user-configured report has been downloaded from the AccuMate to the AccuLoad, it will not be printed
unless it is selected here. If a user-configured report is selected but none has been downloaded, no report will print.
Note: The same report will be printed at each port if multiple ports are configured for printer options.
Arms 702
Description: Sets the initial print time of the summary report. Enter the hours, minutes, and time type (AM, PM, or military)
the summary report is to be printed. The summary report includes a line per batch for all transactions run during the time
interval specified.
Fatal: Invalid time entry
Arms 703
Description: Sets the number of hours between printings of the summary report. Once the time of the report has been set
using the Summary Report Print Time parameter, the report will automatically print each interval starting from that time.
Arms 704
Description: This entry selects the volume resolution to print on default reports.
• Whole units
• Tenths
• Hundredths
Arms 705
Description: Selects which pages will be printed on reports. The default report for a straight product load arm consists of a
single page report with both batch and transaction data on that page.
• [Batch and transaction pages] – one page per batch plus a summary page for the transaction
• Batch page only – one page per batch only; no transaction summary
• Transaction page only – transaction summary only; no batch details
• No transaction report – printer only used for summary reports
Arms 706
Description: Selects which products' HM Classification message will be printed on the transaction summary page of the
default transaction report.
• Product 1 - 6
Arms 710
Description: This parameter is used to enter a unique tag name for the load arm. Enter up to 8 characters of text.
Meter 1000
Description: This parameter is used to enter a unique tag name for the meter.
Meter 201
Description: This parameter selects the type of control valve used by AccuLoad IV.
• [Digital]
• Two-Stage
• Analog
• Wild Stream
Critical: Two-stage valve not allowed with ratio blending
Critical: No analog valve output configured
Critical: Upstream/downstream solenoids required
Meter 202
Description: This three-digit entry is the PID proportional gain factor for analog valve control. The range of this entry is from
(used only with analog valves).
Note: This entry is used only with analog valves
Meter 203
Description: This three-digit entry is the PID integral gain factor for analog valve control.
Note: This entry is used only with analog valves.
Meter 204
Description: This three-digit entry is the PID derivative gain factor for analog valve control. (It is used only with analog
Note: This entry is used only with analog valves
Meter 205
Description: Sets the time interval in seconds between PID calculations.
Note: This entry is used only with analog valves.
Meter 206
Description: For ratio blending arms, sets the alarm threshold for the maximum time the AccuLoad will allow between
commanding the flow control valve open and the start of flow. An entry of zero causes AccuLoad IV to disable the zero flow
Note: No entry if not a ratio blender. Use the arm zero flow timer for other arm types.
Meter 207
Description: For ratio blending arms, this sets the alarm threshold for the number of delivery units that may be delivered in
excess of the target amount before an alarm occurs.
Note: This parameter only applies to ratio blender arms, for other arm types use the arm overrun alarm limit parameter.
Meter 208
Description: Set the dead band tolerance used on ratio blending arms when making flow rate adjustments. This is intended
as a tighter flow tolerance than in Product 204. This tolerance is only applied when the flow rate has been adjusted (from low
flow to high flow, to improve the blend). The purpose of the tighter tolerance is to closely match the desired flow rate. Note
that this tight tolerance is only in effect for the time specified in the following parameter. For a desired flow rate Q, the
tolerance band is defined as Q +/- (Q * t) where t is the percentage entered for this tolerance.
Note: Applies only to ratio blender arms.
Meter 209
Description: Sets the time in seconds for the flow rate adjustment tolerance to be in effect.
Note: Applies only to ratio blending arms.
Meter 210
Description: This entry defines the plumbing of a minor product meter for a hybrid blending arm.
• Ratio (downstream of the main product meter)
• Side Stream (upstream of the main product meter)
If the ratio product is plumbed side stream it can share the same temperature probe and densitometer as the sequential
product if desired.
This entry is used for hybrid blending arms only; it is not used for any other arm types.
Meter 211
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for flow rate error during the first stage of the end-of-batch ramp down and is used
to predict a valve fault condition as the batch ends. If during the first stage of the end-of-batch ramp down, the flow rate is
not decreasing within the percentage entered for this parameter, a "PO: Predict Overrun" alarm will occur which will stop the
batch and turn the pump off. Note this tolerance should be greater than the programmed product flow tolerance % (Product
204) and needs to be large enough to allow for normal flow rate fluctuations during ramp down otherwise false alarms may
Meter 212
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for flow rate error during the second stage of the end-of-batch ramp down and is
used to predict a valve fault condition as the batch ends. If during the second stage of the end-of-batch ramp down, the flow
rate is not decreasing within the percentage entered for this parameter, a "PO: Predict Overrun" alarm will occur which will
stop the batch and turn the pump off. Note this tolerance should be greater than the programmed product flow tolerance
% (Product 204) and needs to be large enough to allow for normal flow rate fluctuations during ramp down otherwise false
alarms may occur.
Meter 301
Description: Sets the nominal number of pulses representing one unit of volume registration.
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Fatal: Entry must not be zero.
Meter 302
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for dual pulse errors before posting a pulse security alarm.
Note: Requires dual channel pulse meter input.
Meter 303
Description: Sets the conditions which reset the dual pulse error count.
• No Reset
• Transaction End
• Power-Up
• Transaction and Power-Up
Note: Clearing a pulse security alarm does not reset the error count.
Meter 304
Description: Sets the flow rate below which dual pulse errors are not counted.
Note: Requires dual channel pulse meter input
Meter 305
Description: This program code determines whether pulses received after a Pulse Security Alarm occurs are ignored (no
volume or mass is registered). Select “no” to continue to totalize normally after this alarm occurs. Select “yes” to ignore all
pulses after an alarm occurs. Selecting “yes” will cause any volume or mass that actually flows through the meter from the
point where this alarm occurs to when the valve is completely closed to be ignored. The AccuLoad will ignore any pulses
from the meter until the alarm is cleared. Some measurement agencies require this behavior, taking the position that after a
pulse security alarm, the consumer cannot be responsible for any measured quantity because it may not be reliable.
Meter 306
Description: Sets the amount of time in 0.1 second increments over which the frequency of the meter pulses is averaged to
provide flow rate smoothing. This parameter is intended for meters that produce a varying frequency pulse output when the
flow is steady.
Meter 401
Description: This parameter allows the operator to select the frequency densitometer used by the meter.
The factory default is "N/A."
• NA
• Linear
• Solartron
• Sarasota
• Other
Meter 402
Description: Selects a temperature input defined for another meter to be used with this meter. For example, a single
temperature probe may be used to supply temperature for several arms without having to use multiple analog inputs.
• Not Used
• Arm 1 - 6, Meter 1 - 6
• Flow Rate Injector 1 - 4
Critical: Selected meter has no I/O point configured for temperature.
Meter 403
Description: Selects a density input defined for another meter to be used with this meter. For example, a single density
probe may be used to supply density for several arms without having to use multiple analog inputs.
• Not Used
• Arm 1 - 6 Meter 1 - 6
• Flow Rate Injector 1 - 4
Critical: Selected meter has no I/O point configured for density.
Meter 425
Description: This parameter allows the operator to select the type of mass meter used.
• NA
• Promass
Meter 426
Description: Sets the address used for serial communications with this mass meter.
Meter 1400
Description: Sets the value for the A coefficient used to in the equation to calculate the density. - Density = A*freq + B
Note: Scientific notation is used for this value.
Meter 1401
Description: Sets the value for the B coefficient used to in the equation to calculate the density. - Density = A*freq + B
Note: Scientific notation is used for this value.
Meter 1402
Description: The Density Correction Factor is used to correct the density reading from a densitometer. The density received
by the AccuLoad is multiplied by the DCF before it is used for volume calculations.
Meter 411
Description: This entry allows the user to select the calibration units used for the Solartron Densitometer.
• English (Fahrenheit, PSI, Lb/Ft3)
• Metric (Celsius, Bar, Kg/m3)
Meter 412
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the density correction factor for computing the calculated density from
the actual density.
• English (Fahrenheit, PSI, Lb/Ft3)
• Metric (Celsius, Bar, Kg/m3)
Meter 422
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the temperature that the densitometer was calibrated at the factory. The
range of this entry is –9999.999 to 9999.999 (limit of three decimal points).
Meter 423
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the pressure that the densitometer was calibrated at the factory.
The range of this entry is –9999.999 to 9999.999 (limit of three decimal places).
Meter 441
Description: This entry allows the user to select the calibration units used for the Sarasota Densitometer. The factory
default is "English."
• English (Fahrenheit, PSI, Lb/Ft3)
• Metric (Celsius, Bar, Kg/m3)
Meter 442
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the density correction factor for computing the calculated density from
the actual density. The range of six-digit numeric entry is -9.9999 to 9.9999.
Meter 443
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the calibration constant for the spool on the Sarasota densitometer.
The range of this exponential numeric entry is from -9.999999 to 9.999999.
Meter 444
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the constant D0 from the Sarasota densitometer. The range of this
eight- digit numeric entry is -9999.999 to 9999.999.
Meter 445
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the T0 constant from the Sarasota densitometer. This constant is in
microseconds. The range of this eight-digit numeric entry is -9999.999 to 9999.999.
Meter 446
Description: This entry is used for entering the temperature coefficient constant from the Sarasota densitometer in
microseconds/degree F. The range of this exponential numeric entry is –9.999999 to 9.999999.
Meter 447
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the temperature that the densitometer was calibrated at the factory.
The range of this eight-digit numeric entry is –9999.999 to 9999.999.
Meter 448
Description: This entry is used for entering the pressure coefficient constant from the Sarasota densitometer in
microseconds/PSIG. The range of this exponential numeric entry is –9.999999 to 9.999999.
Meter 461
Description: This entry allows the user to select the calibration units used for the UGC Densitometer.
• [English] (Fahrenheit, PSI, gr/cc)
• Metric (Celsius, Bar, gr/cc)
Meter 462
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the density correction factor for computing the calculated density from
the actual density.
Meter 466
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the temperature that the densitometer was calibrated at the factory.
The range of this eight-digit numeric entry is –999.9999 to 999.9999.
Meter 470
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the temperature that the densitometer was calibrated at the factory.
The range of this eight-digit numeric entry is –999.9999 to 999.9999.
Meter 471
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the Pressure Constant Kp1 from the UGC densitometer. Enter the base
number (six digits) and then two digits for the exponent. The range of this exponential numeric entry is –1e37 to 1e38.
Meter 491
Description: This entry allows the user to select the calibration units used for the Solartron Densitometer. The factory
default is "English."
• [English] (Fahrenheit, PSI, Lb/Ft3)
• Metric (Celsius, Bar, Kg/m3)
Meter 476
Description: This entry allows the operator to enter the density correction factor for computing the calculated density from
the actual density. The range of this six-digit numeric entry is –9.9999 to 9.9999.
Density = aT2 + bT + c
Where: T is the period of the incoming signal and a, b, and c are the programmed constants.
Nine digits must be entered for constant a. The first seven digits represent the base number and the last two numbers
represent the exponent. The +/- button may be used to set the sign of the base and the exponent field. The range of this
exponential numeric entry is .
Meter 501
Description: Selects a pressure input defined for another meter to be used with this meter. For example, a single pressure
probe may be used to supply pressure for several arms without having to use multiple analog inputs.
• Not Used
• Arm 1 - 6, Meter 1 - 6
Critical: Selected meter has no I/O point configured for pressure.
Product 101
Description: Enter a name for this product.
Product 201
Description: Sets the lowest (final stage) flow rate for the product. This will be the flow rate when the valve is signaled to
close at the completion of a preset.
Product 202
Description: Sets the maximum flow rate for this product during loading.
Product 203
Description: Sets a second high flow rate that is selectable by a digital input. This flow rate would normally be used in
situations where the size of the deliveries varies and a lower high flow rate is needed for the smaller batches.
Note: Not used with a two-stage flow control valve.
Product 204
Description: Sets the threshold for making a valve adjustment as a percentage of the requested flow rate.
Current Flow Rate 600 GPM Flow Tolerance 9%
Flow rate can vary by + or - 54 GPM (600 GPM x 9% = 54 GPM) without a valve correction signal from the AccuLoad.
The AccuLoad will calculate the current flow deviation as a percentage of the target flow rate. This will be compared with
the programmed flow tolerance rate (below), with the larger of the two tolerances determining when to adjust the valve.
Product 205
Description: Sets the threshold for making a valve adjustment as a number of flow rate units. For example, if this parameter
is set to 20, the AccuLoad will adjust the flow control valve anytime the actual flow rate varies more than 20 flow rate units
from the target flow rate.
The AccuLoad will calculate the current flow tolerance using the percentage entered in Product 204 and the current flow
rate. This will be compared with the programmed flow tolerance rate entered here. The larger of the two tolerances will
determine when to adjust the valve.
Product 206
Description: Sets remaining amount of delivery when the flow rate ramp-down should begin.
Product 207
Description: Sets the remaining amount (in tenths) of delivery when the flow rate ramp-down ends and the valve is com-
pletely closed. 0.0 to 99.9 units.
Product 208
Description: This one-digit numeric entry defines the number of batches to be included in the average used to calculate
the second adjustment. For a preset, this is the number of batches run.
This parameter provides the operator an automatic method of adjusting the final trip point of the valve. The use of this
parameter is ideal when starting up the system or when system hydraulics are changed during maintenance. The AccuLoad
will automatically set up the second trip amount (Product 207) when this parameter is used.
If for some reason the system parameters change and the second trip amount needs adjusted, the operator must get into
the Program Mode and reset the auto ad- just to again automatically adjust the final stage trip point
Note: The batch volumes must be sufficient to allow the AccuLoad to reach high flow before the first trip point is
Product 209
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the maximum percentage by which the flow rate can exceed the product's high
flow rate. This entry must be greater than the Flow Tolerance entry, except when a value of zero is entered to disable excess
high flow alarm checking. The excess rate is entered as a percentage of the product high flow rate.
Product 210
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the low flow rate alarm which will be posted whenever a flow rate is equal to or
lower than the limit set and is maintained for eight seconds. The low flow alarm is not triggered in cases where there is no
Product 211
Description: Sets a time delay (in seconds) for the opening of the product block valve prior to delivery of the product. If an
input is programmed for block valve feedback and the feedback does not indicate the valve is open within the programmed
delay, a block valve alarm will be triggered. The range of this two-digit numeric entry is 01 to 99 seconds. For example, if
the Block Valve Delay to Open entry is set to 05 seconds, the AccuLoad would allow 5 seconds for the block valve to open
or else an alarm would be triggered if the valve had not been opened. If no block valve feedback input has been configured,
the AccuLoad assumes that the valve has opened after the programmed delay.
Critical: Zero not allowed without block valve feedback.
Note: Applies only to sequential blender arms.
Product 212
Description: Sets a time delay (in seconds) for the closing of the product block valve after the product has been delivered.
If an input is configured for block valve feedback and the feedback does not indicate that the valve has closed within the
programmed delay, a block valve alarm will be triggered. The range of this two-digit numeric entry is 01 to 99 seconds. For
example, if the block valve delay entry were set to 05 seconds once the delivery was completed, the AccuLoad would allow
5 seconds for the block valve to close, and then an alarm would be triggered. If no input is configured for block valve feed-
back, the AccuLoad assumes that the valve has closed after the programmed delay.
Critical: Zero not allowed without block valve feedback.
Note: Applies only to sequential blender arms.
Product 213
Description: Sets the shut down point of the ratio product. When the remaining batch amount (preset type) is equal to or
less than this programmed value the ratio product valve will shut down. The flow rates for the ratio product with an early
shutdown will be set up such that its requirement towards the batch will be satisfied before the stop volume is met. This
feature can be used in lieu of specifying a clean line product and clean line volume in the arm directory. Operation of this
parameter is identical to the additive stop amount, except that the stop amount pertains to a product and not an additive.
Note: Using this feature will likely result in a period during the batch where the component percentages do not remain at
the desired blend ratio. Assuming the batch completes normally, the blend percentages will be accurate.
Note: If the clean line volume as specified in the arm flow control directory (Code 221) is greater than the value programmed
here then the ratio product will complete its delivery prior to the beginning of the clean line delivery. The clean line amount
in the arm control directory (Code 221) will take precedence over this parameter if its value is greater than the value pro-
grammed here.
Note: Applies only to ratio products on hybrid arms.
Product 214
Description: Sets the amount of under-run allowed for the product stop programmed in Product 213 - Product Stop Amount
before an alarm occurs.
Note: Due to the conflicting goals of maintaining the correct product percentage ratios throughout the batch while accom-
modating a product stop amount, it may be desirable to program this amount to a larger value to avoid spurious alarms. The
AccuLoad will favor an accurate final blend percentage and preset over a precise stop amount.
Note: Applies only to ratio products on hybrid arms.
Product 301
Description: Sets a minimum batch size for this product. This value is used to calculate the minimum preset for the recipe.
An error message, "The minimum preset for this recipe is *." will be displayed. Any attempt to start a batch with a product
volume less than the minimum batch size for that product will not be allowed.
Note: * indicates the summation of all the minimum batches of the components of the recipe according to the percentages
programmed for that recipe.
Note: Not applicable to straight arms.
Page 186 • MN06200 ║ Issue/Rev. 0.2 (9/21)
AccuLoad IV Operator Reference Manual Program Mode Reference
GV = Meter factor * IV
Note: If only a single meter factor is used, it must be put into program code 311. The flow rate selected in program code 312
or 314 must be set to "0". Under these conditions any other meter factors programmed will be ignored. The range of these
six-digit numeric entries is 0 to 9.99999.
Note: A zero entry in meter factor 1 will be considered an invalid entry. Zero entries in the remaining factors will result in that
factor and subsequent factors not being used. (e.g., if a zero entry is made for factor 2, factors 3 and 4 will not be used.)
Fatal: Entry must not be zero [311 only]
Critical: Factor varies more than the Linearized Factor Deviation.
Critical: Meter factors must be within 2% of the master meter factor.
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Product 310
Description: This program code allows the operator to set a master meter factor which restricts meter factors one through
four (codes 302, 304, 306 and 308), to plus or minus 2% of the master factor (i.e., the value entered here). This range
restriction applies only to meter factors which are programmed for use (i.e., meter factor one always and, if linearizing, all
the factors used). Any attempt to enter a meter factor outside the 2% range, if installed, will cause a Critical Warning. In
addition, a master factor entry that causes the current meter factors installed to be out of range will cause those meter
factors which are out of range to prompt a Critical Message. This critical condition must be corrected so that all used meter
factors are within the 2% range of the master factor before normal Run Mode operations can occur.
Critical: Meter factor must be within 2% of the master meter factor.
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Product 311
Description: Sets a maximum allowable deviation between adjacent meter factors. Any attempt to enter a meter factor
outside this range will cause a Critical Warning.
A linearized factor deviation entry that results in the current meter factors installed to be out of range will set a program code
alarm. The meter factors that are out of range will be indicated by a DA alarm. The meter factors at fault must be corrected
so they are within range of the deviation entry before normal Run Mode operations can occur.
Critical: Meter factor varies more than the Linearized Factor Deviation.
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Product 312
Description: Enables or disables meter factor variation based on the temperature of the product. The factory default is
• [Disabled]
• Enabled
Note: The magnitude of the variation is determined by the meter factor percent change per degree temperature parameter
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Product 313
Description: The amount in percentage that the meter factor varies for each degree change in temperature.
Note: Has no effect if Program Code 333 is disabled or temperature units are not assigned.
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Product 314
Description: Sets the meter factor variation reference temperature. This entry represents the temperature, in tenths, at
which the present meter factor was determined.
Note: Not applicable if Program Code 333 is disabled or temperature units are not assigned.
Critical: Security level for parameter must be at top 2 levels.
Product 402
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for a high temperature alarm to be posted.
Note: An entry of "+999" will disable the alarm.
Product 403
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for a low temperature alarm to be posted.
Product 401
Description: Maintenance temperature is used when a temperature probe is not installed or working, but temperature relat-
ed calculations are desired.
Note: An entry greater than -999.9 will override the temperature probe or transducer input if installed and will be used in all
calculations where temperature is used. Note that this may not be allowed in all weights & measures jurisdictions.
Note: Not applicable if Temperature Units = Not Used
Product 411
Description: This program code selects the temperature correction method used for the product being delivered.
• None
• API 2004 crude oils
• API 2004 refined products
• API 2004 C Tables Special
• API 2004 Lube Oils
• API E Tables - LPG, NGL
• API 1952 (6,23,24,53,54)
• PTB-1 ethanol/bio blend
• PTB-3 ethanol/bio blend
• EPA-RFS2 (E100) - ethanol
• EPA-RFS2 (B100) - biodiesel
• Aromatics (ASTM D1555)
• Brazil ABNT5992 (Refden)
• Brazil ABNT5992 (RefGrade)
• Brazil ABNT5992 (LiveDen)
• Brazil BR1A
• Brazil BR1P
• Brazil BR2P
• NH3 - Ammonia
The old tables (API 1952) allow for non-60F/15C reference temperatures. In addition, the reference density may be at
a different temperature from the reference temperature. For example, the reference temperature may be 30C and the
reference density's temperature may be 15C. Product parameter #414 may be used to enter the reference density's
temperature. The API 1952 tables may be used for Asphalt temperature compensation. Old Tables 6, 24 and 54 may be
used in place of ASTM D4311 (Asphalt temperature compensation). ASTM D4311 uses a reference density of 1028.1
kg/m3 or 920.9 kg/m3.
Critical: API table conflicts with temperature units
Critical: No density input configured [odd tables only]
Critical: Live density is not available with PTB Ethanol blend calculation.
(PTB) available with 11.06 and higher. Table Aromatic available with 11.08 and higher.
Note: Eth and B100 (EPA-RFS2) equations for “Standardization of Volumes for renewable fuels per EPA 40 CFR Part 80
regulation of Fuels and Fuel additives”. A Reference Density entry is not required when using these equations; EPA –RFS2
uses a C of E of 0.000630 for ethanol and 0.000458 for B100 in these equations that can be entered for Reference Density
entry if volume to mass conversion is required.
Product 412
Description: This entry specifies the reference density of the product (density at standard temperature/pressure) when not
using a densitometer.
Entry range based on table selection.
Table 6 999.9 to +999.9 API
Table 24 0 to 9.9999 Relative Density
Table 54, 60 0 to 9999.9 Reference Density
Eth/Gas (PTB) 0 to 9999.9 kg/m3
Note: If the API table selection is changed, the previous five-digit entry for reference will not be converted. This value must
be re-entered.
Note: The valid range for the E tables is 0.3500 to 0.6880 relative density @ 60°F or 351.7 to 687.8 kg/m3 @ 15° C or 331.7
to 683.6 kg/m3 @ 20° C per GPA TP-27 and API 11.2.4.
The following are examples of the display when Tables 24, 54 or 6C and 54C are selected.
Product 1400
Description: This entry allows the user to specify the units associated with the value entered in Product 413 – Reference
• NA
• °API
• lb/ft3
• kg/m3
• Relative Density
Product 418
Description: In some applications, the temperature used to obtain the reference density may not always be the same as
the base temperature used for volume correction. The AccuLoad will allow entering a separate reference temperature for the
reference density. Volumes will continue to be corrected to the programmed reference temperature in System Directory 402.
This feature will only be available with the API 2004 tables (i.e. 6A\B\D, 24A\B\D, 54A\B\D, 60A\B\D), old tables and aromat-
For example, this parameter will allow entering a reference density measured at 15C and correcting volumes to 30C or enter
a reference density measured at 60F and correct volumes to 86F.
Critical: Reference density must be 15°C or 59°F for PTB ethanol blends.
Product 1401
Description: This entry, in units of percent per degree of temperature, specifies the amount of expansion as a percentage
for the product when using a ‘C’ type table. For example, a Coefficient of Expansion with a value of 0.0010720 would be
entered as a percentage value of 0.107200.
Product 1402
Description: This entry specifies whether a live densitometer is used and if so, whether it is providing a density corrected to
reference temperature or is providing the observed density at line conditions.
• No Densitometer
• Observed Density
• Corrected Density
Product 417
Description: This entry enables calculation of a real-time reference density from current temperature and live (observed)
density. An average reference density calculation for the delivery is always included, but if the reference density needs to
be monitored during the delivery, enable this option.
• No
• Yes
Product 413
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the high density alarm.
Note: Not applicable if Density Units = Not Used.
Product 414
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the low density alarm
Product 1403
Description: This program code allows for the entry of a maintenance density in situations where the densitometer fails, etc.
and the density value must be entered via the user interface or communications.
Product 415
Description: This parameter applies to unloading arms only, and specifies the batch quantity between density samples
–999.9 to +999.9 API used to calculate the percentage of contaminant during unloading. A maximum of ten samples are
taken over the course of a batch. Each of the samples is a flow- weighted average over the amount defined by this entry.
The density sample for the 10th delta amount delivered (or the last complete sample if less than 10) will be considered the
density of the pure uncontaminated product when the contaminant percentage is calculated.
Product 416
Description: This parameter applies to unloading arms only, and specifies the density value assumed for the contaminant
(such as water) that may be present in an unloading operation. It is used in the calculation to determine the percentage of
contaminant present during the unloading operation.
Product 425
Description: This entry is the coefficient required to implement the PTB k0E method 1 algorithm for ethanol/biodiesel
Product 426
Arms 423
Description: This program code specifies the industrial aromatic hydrocarbon or cyclohexane product being delivered.
Temperature compensation will be performed according to the ASTM D 1555 standard. This entry is only applicable if API
table (product parameter #411) is programmed for "Aromatic" and temperature units (system parameter #401 are
For impure products, product parameter #424 may be used to enter the density of the mixture. Otherwise the density of the
pure product will be used in the calculations.
• Benzene
• Cumene
• Cyclohexane
• Ethylbenzene
• Styrene
• Toluene
• m-Xylene
• 0-Xylene
• p-Xylene
• 300-350F Aromatic
• 350-400F Aromatic
Arms 424
Description: This parameter is used to enter the reference density of an aromatic hydrocarbon product that is considered
impure. If 0 is entered, the density of the pure product will be used in the calculations. Reference density should be entered
in density units of kg/m3 and should be based at the programmed reference temperature (system parameter #402) or the
reference density's temperature (product parameter #414)
Note: If "300-350°F Aromatic" or "350-400°F Aromatic" product is selected, the reference density for the product must be
entered. Otherwise the conversion of volume and mass will not be available (i.e. if volume pulse input, mass will not be
available. If mass pulse input, volume will not be available.
Product 1404
Product 503
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the High Pressure Alarm to be generated.
Product 504
Description: Sets the alarm threshold for the Low Pressure Alarm to be generated.
Product 501
Description: Sets a pressure to be used when a pressure transmitter is not installed or is not working, but pressure-related
calculations are desired.
Product 502
Description: This code will allow for the entry of a Compressibility Factory that will be used by the system to calculate the
CPL. This entry should be zero except when API 2004 C Tables is selected for the API table and pressure compensation is
required as the AccuLoad has no density with which to calculate the compressibility factor. The factor is used as the follow-
ing: XXXXX equals the factor entered and it is applied as 0.0000XXXXX.
Note: This value will represent the "F" variable in the CPL equation.
Product 511
Description: Sets the additional pressure to be maintained above the vapor or back pressure. In this situation, the low-pres-
sure alarm must be set high enough to ensure that the pressure does not fall below the product's vapor pressure.
Note: A non-zero entry here will override any other programmed type of back pressure flow control.
Product 512
Description: Sets the minimum flow rate allowed when reducing the flow rate to maintain the minimum back pressure. The
AccuLoad will post an alarm if the flow rate would need to be reduced below this level to maintain the target back pressure.
Product 513
Description: Sets the minimum time, in seconds, allowed for the unit to achieve a desired flow rate. If the flow rate is not
reached in this time, the flow rate will be lowered by a percentage because of insufficient back pressure. If the flow rate falls
below the back pressure minimum flow, an alarm will be issued and the valve will be closed.
If a differential pressure is entered in Product 511, this pressure must be attained within this time period after a flow rate
change. If not, the flow rate will be lowered due to insufficient back pressure.
Note: This entry is used for Automatic Flow Optimization (AFO).
Product 514
Description: This two-digit entry will allow the operator to select the percentage of flow rate to be used during insufficient
back pressure conditions or insufficient flow conditions. (For example, an entry of 90% will cause the flow rate to be reduced
to 90% of the current rate during insufficient back pressure conditions.)
Note: This entry is used for Automatic Flow Optimization (AFO).
Product 515
Description: Sets the amount of pressure above the vapor pressure of the product that will trigger the AccuLoad to attempt
flow recovery to the programmed high flow.
Note: This function requires a pressure input and this pressure must be sufficiently higher than the differential pressure
entered in Product 511 to prevent flow rate oscillation.
Product 516
Description: Sets the time the AccuLoad will wait to attempt flow rate recovery if a pressure reading is not available. This
parameter provides a method of flow recovery that does not require the use of a pressure transmitter input.
Product 521
Description: This parameter defines the method that the AccuLoad will use to calculate the vapor pressure of a product.
• Straight Line Approximation (Requires points of the curve to be entered in codes 522 through 527).
• GPA TP-15 (absolute)
• GPA TP-15 (gauge): As outlined in GPA TP-15 (Gas Processors Association Technical Publication 15). (Uses the reference
density of the product in the calculations).
Critical: GPA-TP15 requires corrected density [temperature used, API table selected]
Product Blend
Recipe Additives
Recipes 001
Description: This program code indicates whether a recipe is configured for use.
• Not Used
• Load Arm 1 - 6
Critical: Load Arm not configured.
Note: Load Arms 3 through 6 are not available on the AccuLoad-ST hardware.
Recipes 002
Description: Assigns a name for this recipe
Recipes 003
Description: Selects a product Hazardous Materials (HM) Classification for this recipe. This HM Classification will print on
the load ticket for this recipe. HM Classifications are defined in the individual product directories.
• Product 1 - 6
Critical: Product not configured.
Sequential Blending: These parameters define the order of delivery of the sequentially blended products in this recipe. This
applies to sequential blending arms and the sequentially delivered products on a hybrid arm.
• Not Used
• Product 1 - 6
Critical: First component must be programmed [--04 only]
Note: Applies to sequential blending arms and hybrid arms only
Note: For hybrid arms, the ratio products are counted first.
Hybrid Blending: Program product percentages for the ratio products first. The remaining parameters can be used to speci-
fy the percentages for the sequential products.
Critical: Component percentages must sum to 100%.
Critical: Component percentage not used with straight product.
Critical: Component percentage not used with ratio blending [13, 15; others depend on number of product selection for ratio
blend for this load arm]
Recipes 016
Description: Selects the product from which the clean line volume is to be deducted. In the Ready Mode, when a
recipe is selected and a preset amount is entered, the preset is divided among the products according to the percentages
programmed in the recipe. The clean line volume is deducted from the preset volume of the product selected here. If the
product selected is not part of this recipe, a critical warning will be issued. The range of this entry is one through six.
For example, assume a recipe with 50% of products 1 and 2. The clean line is 50 gallons of product 4. A preset of 1000
gallons is entered. This preset is divided among products 1 and 2: 500 gallons each. If product 1 is selected here as the
product from which to deduct clean line, then the product 1 preset would be 500 – 50 = 450 gallons. When START is
pressed, products 1 and 2 would deliver 450 gallons and 500 gallons, respectively. When products 1 and 2 have been
delivered, 50 gallons of the clean line product (product 4) will be delivered.
• Product 1 - 6
Critical: Product not used in recipe.
Critical: Clean Line Deduct must be Product 1 when recipe is assigned to a side-stream blending arm.
Recipes 089
Description: This parameter specifies the product used to 'pack' the load arm and meter run at the end of the batch. This
allows the operator to set a clean line product on a per-recipe basis.
If Load Arm parameter "221 Clean Line Amount" is greater than zero and if "Recipe 32 - Clean Line Prd" is not set to "NA",
the product as programmed in here in "Recipe 32 - Clean Line Prd" will be the clean line product. In other words, the clean
line product programmed in the recipe directory will take precedence over the clean line product programmed in the arm
directory provided that the recipe clean line product is not "NA". If the recipe clean line product is programmed as "NA" then
the clean line product will be that as programmed in the arm directory ("222 Clean Line Product").
• Not Used
• Product 1 - 6
Critical: Product cannot be a side stream product (ratio product plumbed upstream of the sequential product meter) on a
hybrid arm.
Critical: Product greater than the number of products available for this arm.
Recipes 090
Description: This program code allows for a ratio plumbed arm configuration to deliver products one after the other instead
of concurrently. Recipes where ratio percentages are difficult to achieve concurrently due to system hydraulics, or where
endothermic reactions could significantly affect results may be configured to deliver each product successively with this
program code.
Concurrent – Products are set up to flow simultaneously (traditional ratio blending) mixing in the arm as they are flowing
into the vessel.
Successive – Products are set up to flow one after the other (sequentially) and mixing once they are in the vessel.
If this option is set to ‘1 – Successive’ then the product order of delivery must also be specified (as for a sequential blending
If the injector is a flow controlled injector, the value represents a percentage of the preset amount that this additive will com-
prise. For example, with a preset of 1000 units and this parameter programmed to 10.0, the result will be 900 units of the
component products in the recipe plus 100 units of this additive. The range is 0 to 20.0 percent.
• Arms on Both HMIs
• Arms on HMI only
• Stop Arms
• Don't Stop Arms
Dual HMI
Note: The AccuLoad’s
MMI A MMI B default factory IP
address settings are
Network Se�ngs: Network Se�ngs:
shown in these examples.
IP Address: IP Address:
These may not reflect
Connec�ons: Connec�ons: the IP ddresses used
URL: h�p:// URL: h�p:// in the final installaton
bay=A/?secret=HMI bay=B/?secret=HMI of the system.
Board Set SAA
Program Mode Parameters
Note: The AccuLoad’s
Network Se�ngs: default factory IP
IP Address: Two Board Sets—Single MMI
address settings are
Board Set SAA Board Set SAB shown in these examples.
URL: h�p://
Program Mode Parameters Program Mode Parameters These may not reflect
bay=A/?secret=HMI the IP addresses used
1720 - Internal IP Address: 1720 - Internal IP address:
in the final installaton
of the system.
1721 - THMI IP Address: 1721 - THMI IP Address:
1611 - Board Set 2 Address: 1611 - Board Set 2 Address:
1612 - Board Set 3 Address: 1612 - Board Set 3 Address:
1613 - Board Set 4 Address: 1613 - Board Set 4 Address:
Network Se�ngs: Board Set SAA Board Set SAB Network Se�ngs:
IP Address: Program Mode Parameters Program Mode Parameters IP Address:
1611 - Board Set 2 Address: 1611 - Board Set 2 Address:
1612 - Board Set 3 Address: 1612 - Board Set 3 Address:
1613 - Board Set 4 Address: 1613 - Board Set 4 Address:
Note: The
Network Sengs:
Three Board Sets—Single MMI AccuLoad’s
IP Address: factory default
Board Set SAA Board Set SAB Board Set SAC IP address settings
Program Mode Parameters Program Mode Parameters Program Mode Parameters are shown in these
URL: hp://
bay=A/?secret=HMI examples. These
1720 - Internal IP Address: 1720 - Internal IP Address: 1720 - Internal IP Address: may not reflect the
IP addresses used
1721 - THMI IP Address: 1721 - THMI IP Address: 1721 - THMI IP Address: in the final installation of the system.
1611 - Board Set 2 Address: 1611 - Board Set 2 Address: 1611 - Board Set 2 Address:
1612 - Board Set 3 Address: 1612 - Board Set 3 Address: 1612 - Board Set 3 Address:
1613 - Board Set 4 Address: 1613 - Board Set 4 Address: 1613 - Board Set 4 Address:
Network Sengs:
Three Board Sets—Two MMIs Network Sengs:
IP Address: IP Address:
Board Set SAA Board Set SAB Board Set SAC
Connecons: Connecons:
Program Mode Parameters Program Mode Parameters Program Mode Parameters
URL: hp:// URL: hp://
bay=A/?secret=HMI bay=B/?secret=HMI
1720 - Internal IP Address: 1720 - Internal IP Address: 1720 - Internal IP Address:
1611 - Board Set 2 Address: 1611 - Board Set 2 Address: 1611 - Board Set 2 Address:
1612 - Board Set 3 Address: 1612 - Board Set 3 Address: 1612 - Board Set 3 Address:
1613 - Board Set 4 Address: 1613 - Board Set 4 Address: 1613 - Board Set 4 Address:
9 Appendix I—Alarms
AccuLoad IV DA Alarms
Arm Program Error This alarm indicates a conflict or inconsistency in arm configuration.
Arm Recipe Program Error This alarm indicates a conflict or inconsistency in arm recipe selection.
A4B Comm Fail This alarm indicates a failure on the A4B.
Display Failure This alarm indicates a failure in data transmission to the display.
Flash Corrupt on Power Up This alarm indicates that flash memory failed to successfully complete the power up testing sequence.
Flash Memory Error This alarm indicates a flash memory failure.
Meter Program Error This alarm indicates a conflict or inconsistency in meter configuration.
Passcode Reset This alarm indicates that the passcode has been reset.
Product Program Error This alarm indicates a conflict or inconsistency in product configuration.
RAM Bad When displayed, this alarm indicates a RAM failure.
RAM Corrupt on Power Up This alarm indicates that RAM failed to successfully complete the power up testing sequence.
Recipe Program Error The alarm indicates a conflict or inconsistency in recipe configuration.
ROM Bad When displayed, this alarm indicates a ROM failure.
System Program Error This alarm indicates a conflict or inconsistency in system configuration.
Watchdog Alarm Indicates an internal check feature has detected a possible operational problem in the microprocessor that
may have affected information stored in memory. A complete review of all program codes stored in memo-
ry must be made to confirm their correctness.
Injector # Communica- Address Input Point Output Points Input Point Output Points
(AccuLoad) tions Address Jumper on (A4I) (A4I) (AccuLoad) (AccuLoad)
A4I Board
Pump = 1 A4I 1 = 39
5 101 A4I #1 Out 1 A4I 1 = 24
Solenoid = 2 A4I 2 = 40
Pump = 3 A4I 3 = 41
6 102 A4I #1 Out 2 A4I 2 = 25
Solenoid = 4 A4I 4 = 42
Pump = 5 A4I 5 = 43
7 103 A4I #1 Out 3 A4I 3 = 26
Solenoid = 6 A4I 6 = 44
Pump = 7 A4I 7 = 45
8 104 A4I #1 Out 4 A4I 4 = 27
Solenoid = 8 A4I 8 = 46
Pump = 9 A4I 9 = 47
9 105 A4I #1 Out 5 A4I 5 = 28
Solenoid = 10 A4I 10 = 48
Pump = 11 A4I 11 = 49
10 106 A4I #1 Out 6 A4I 6 = 29
Solenoid = 12 A4I 12 = 50
Pump = 13 A4I 13 = 51
11 107 A4I #1 Out 7 A4I 7 = 30
Solenoid = 14 A4I 14 = 52
Pump = 15 A4I 15 = 53
12 108 A4I #1 Out 8 A4I 8 = 31
Solenoid = 16 A4I 16 = 54
Pump = 17 A4I 17 = 55
13 109 A4I #1 Out 9 A4I 9 = 32
Solenoid = 18 A4I 18 = 56
Pump = 19 A4I 19 = 57
14 110 A4I #1 Out 10 A4I 10 = 33
Solenoid = 20 A4I 20 = 58
Pump = 1 A4I 1 = 59
15 201 A4I #2 In 1 A4I 1 = 34
Solenoid = 2 A4I 2 = 60
Pump = 3 A4I 3 = 61
16 202 A4I #2 In 2 A4I 2 = 35
Solenoid = 4 A4I 4 = 62
Pump = 5 A4I 5 = 63
17 203 A4I #2 In 3 A4I 3 = 36
Solenoid = 6 A4I 6 = 64
Pump = 7 A4I 7 = 65
18 204 A4I #2 In 4 A4I 4 = 37
Solenoid = 8 A4I 8 = 66
Pump = 9 A4I 9 = 67
19 205 A4I #2 In 5 A4I 5 = 38
Solenoid = 10 A4I 10 = 68
Pump = 11 A4I 11 = 69
20 206 A4I #2 In 6 A4I 6 = 39
Solenoid = 12 A4I 12 = 70
Pump = 13 A4I 13 = 71
21 207 A4I #2 In 7 A4I 7 = 40
Solenoid = 14 A4I 14 = 72
Pump = 15 A4I 15 = 73
22 208 A4I #2 In 8 A4I 8 = 41
Solenoid = 16 A4I 16 = 74
Pump = 17 A4I 17 = 75
23 209 A4I #2 In 9 A4I 9 = 42
Solenoid = 18 A4I 18 = 76
Pump = 19 A4I 19 = 77
24 210 A4I #2 In 10 A4I 10 = 43
Solenoid = 20 A4I 20 = 78
Note: Add-Pak parameters and mappings are fixed and set automatically.
Note: If one Add-Pak injector is programmed to operate, then all addresses are reserved and are unable to be used for any other injector for
the entire system in an address bank. Banks are 100 through 110 and 200 through 210. Note that the addresses 100 and 200 are system
addresses for the entire A4I board.
Note: Special attention should be paid to the Configuration 020 parameter (Number of Injectors). This number provides the number of injectors
that will be used staring at Injector #1 and running sequentially to #24. If an injector number is not programmed up, its position is still counted.
Example: Only two injectors are needed and these are Add-Paks. Injector positions numbers 5 and 6 are configured as Add-Pak injectors. The
parameter CF 020 must be set to at least 6, since the accounting starts at injector #1 and continues sequentially to #6. Injectors #1 through #4
count against this number, even though they are not currently configured.
13 Related Publications
The following literature can be obtained from TechnipFMC Measurement Solutions Literature Fulfillment at or online at
When requesting literature from Literature Fulfillment, please reference the appropriate bulletin number and title.
Calibration—61, 71-78, 87-88, 90-92, 109-110, 178-182
Factory Default—41-42, 117-119, 121-123, 126, 134, NEMA 4—8-9
139, 141-143, 152-153, 171, 177, 188 Netmask—79, 87-88, 135
Firmware—25, 52, 58, 61-63, 71, 78, 90, 93, 112-113, Net Proving—124
117-118, 134, 205 Network Diagnostics—60
Flash—205-206 NGL—155, 190
Flash Memory Error—206 Non-Resettable Volumes—52-54
Flow Control—11-12, 17, 33-34, 39, 41, 45, 51, 59, 95,
97, 106, 109, 112, 118-119, 133, 142, 149, 153-157, 162, O
164-168, 173-175, 183-186, 195, 200 Overrun Alarm—129, 164, 166, 174
Flow Controlled Additive—45, 51, 149, 157, 168
Flow Rate Time—112, 114, 196
Flow Tolerance—153, 157, 174-175, 184-185
Passcodes—31, 41
Permissive—9, 27, 30, 59, 103, 112, 117, 148, 159-160,
G 162
Gateway—79, 83, 87-88, 136 PID—154-155, 157, 173-174
Gross Proving—124 PIN—21-22, 144
Piston Injector—104-105, 148
H Piston Stop Action—145
High Flow Rate—12, 163-165, 184-185 Pressure Directory—39, 128, 173, 183, 195
HMI—26, 28-29, 79, 88, 98, 135, 138, 201 Printer Alarm—129, 133, 142
Host Interface—41, 80, 85, 132, 134-138, 141 Printer Control—132-133
Hybrid Blending—14-15, 71, 96, 175, 199 Printer Tray—103, 123
Print Report—67
I Product Blend—67, 198-200
Injector Rates—44-45, 50 Product Description—7
I/O Assignments—12, 17, 109 Product Directories—39, 95, 162, 183, 198
IP Address—80-89, 135-138, 202 Program Mode—19, 26-27, 31-32, 35-36, 38-41, 52,
55-56, 80, 85-87, 95-204
Promass—129, 141, 177
L Prompts—20, 132, 140, 143-144
Leakage Alarm Limit—117-118
Prove Log—67, 70
Leaking Solenoid—205
Proving—15, 41, 70, 71, 73-77, 124-125
Load Arm—11-12, 16, 32, 39, 43-48, 50, 53, 61, 78,
Proximity Card Reader—10
95-97, 99, 101, 104-105, 107, 109, 118, 132, 162-163,
Pulse Inputs—10, 17, 32, 52, 57, 59, 95-96, 98-99, 103,
165-166, 168-170. 172, 198-200
149, 157
Low Flow Rate—163, 185
Pulse Input Type—120, 149
LPG—10, 155, 190
Pulse Outputs—17, 32, 52, 58, 95, 100-101
Lube Oils—155, 190
MAC Address—112-113
Main Menu—19, 31, 35, 43, 52, 67, 71, 76, 81, 87, 89-90
Ratio Blend—13-14, 95, 165, 167, 170, 173-174,
Maintenance Technicians—41
Mass Descriptor—26-27, 120
Ratio Blend Data—45, 49
Mass Units—120-121
Ratio Blending—10-11, 13-14, 71, 95-96, 101, 107, 109,
Maximum Available Arms—112-113
165, 167, 173-174, 199, 200
Maximum Preset—120-122
Ready Screen—19, 25, 29, 31, 44, 80, 85, 114, 143, 163
Meter Directories—39, 95, 162, 173
Recipe—7, 12-13, 18, 20, 23-24, 26, 32, 34, 39, 41,
Metered Injector—71, 76, 77 99, 103, 105, 106, 148,
44-45, 47, 50, 53-54, 103, 120, 123, 146-147, 165, 167,
151, 152, 200, 205, 207
169, 186, 198-200, 206
Meter Factor—18, 41, 46-48, 75-77, 124, 145, 152-153,
Recipe Additives—34, 95, 198, 200
Reference Density—46, 155-156, 190-192, 194, 197
Meter Pulse Inputs—10, 17, 52, 59, 96
Reference Temperature—46, 127, 188, 190-192, 194
Minicomp Host—141
Relative Density—46, 127, 156, 165, 191
Minimum Preset—120, 122, 186
Remote Browser—92, 112, 114-115
MMI Settings—79, 81, 87, 90
Report HM Class—159, 161
Modbus—10, 19, 28, 35, 113, 134, 136, 141-142, 210
Nedap Reader—132, 138-141
Temperature/Density—33, 39, 95, 112, 127, 173,
177-182, 189-194
Temperature Units—127, 156-157, 188-190, 194
Ticket Alarm—129
Time Format—112-113
Transaction Log—7, 52, 55, 67-69, 71, 73, 116, 136
Transaction Start—54, 69, 117, 120, 124, 126, 143, 160,
Transmitter Integrity—17, 105, 120, 125, 129
USA Operation
1602 Wagner Avenue
Erie, Pennsylvania 16510 USA
P:+1 814.898.5000