REPORT Soumyadip Pande
REPORT Soumyadip Pande
REPORT Soumyadip Pande
About CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept
whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their
business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. CSR is
generally understood as being the way through which a company
achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives
(“Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach”), while at the same time addressing
the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders.
In this sense it is important to draw a distinctional line between CSR,
which can be a strategic business management concept, and charity,
sponsorships etc. Even though the latter can also make a valuable
contribution to poverty reduction, will directly enhance the reputation of
a company and strengthen its brand, the concept of CSR clearly goes
beyond that.
Key CSR issues: environmental management, eco-efficiency,
responsible sourcing, stakeholder engagement, labour standards and
working conditions, employee and community relations, social equity,
gender balance neutrality, human rights, good governance, and anti-
corruption measures.
In Indian context it can be explain as the Corporate Social
Responsibility concept in India is governed by Section 135 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (‘Act’), Schedule VII of the Act and Companies
(CSR Policy) Rules, 2014 wherein the criteria has been provided for
assessing the CSR eligibility of a company, Implementation and
Reporting of their CSR Policies. India having the most elaborated CSR
mechanism and implementation strategy has started its journey to set a
benchmark in attaining sustainability goals and stakeholder activism in
nation building process. Current scenario in India, the new companies
act amended in December 2012 mandates the corporate to spend 2% of
their average net profits of the last three financial years towards CSR.
This is applicable for companies with a turnover of 1000 Cr/ Profit after
Tax (PAT) of 5 Cr/ or net worth of 500 cr.
CSR Rule 5: As per the CSR Rules, the provisions of CSR are
not only applicable to Indian companies, but also applicable to
branch and project offices of a foreign company in India.
SDG-8: Promote
sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all.
End hunger, achieve food security and
improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture.
(#: About SDGs in Annexure)
Major Intervention-
Under this it focus on Ankuram’s Mother’s and child care and
capacity programme which address the issues of Ankurams
Mother’s and child care and capacity building program which
focuses on awareing them about antenatal care on which it focus
on care which the pregnant women get from health professionals
during pregnancy and also about post natal care which include
care ,clinical examination,observation of women and her baby.
attented that meeting fertility can be reduced.uu