E911w Euen
E911w Euen
E911w Euen
The ERITECH ERICORE insulated cable achieves the important objective of minimising, under
lightning transients, voltage rise along its length relative to the structure it is protecting, preventing
conducted currents and minimising the risk of side-flashing. The voltage rise across the cable is
minimised using HV field-control principles, a small geometric R/r ratio, internal semiconductive
layers and a semiconductive outer sheath that is bonded to the structure at regular intervals.
The following short paper highlights some of the key features of the cable for use in lightning
protection applications.
What are the physical features of the ERITECH How does the cable respond to lightning transients?
ERICORE cable? When a lightning current is injected into the cable, the
The physical characteristics and upper termination of current within and the voltage across the cable passes
the cable are shown in Figure 1. From the inside to through each of three key stages over the time scale of
the outside, the components are as follows: (i) Plastic the impulse. These stages, as illustrated in Figure 2, are:
(polyethylene) filler; (ii) Inner conductor comprised 1. Impedance-dominated stage, in which the voltage is
of copper strands and copper tape (> 50 mm2); (iii) determined purely by the characteristic impedance,
Thin, extruded, semiconductive, stress-relief layer Zo, and the magnitude of the applied current up to
#1; (iv) Polyethylene insulator; (v) Thin, extruded, the time the reflection returns from the far end of the
semiconductive, stress-relief layer #2; (vi) Shield ERITECH ERICORE downconductor. The impedance
(copper tape); (vii) Semiconductive outer sheath (doped of the cable during Stage 1 is in the range 6-11 Ω.
PVC). The voltage rating of the upper termination and The corresponding impedance for a standard
cable is > 250 kV. The cable has an overall diameter downconductor is of the order of 50-100 Ω.
of ~ 36 mm. 2. Inductance-dominated stage, in which the voltage
across the cable is determined by the inductance per
unit length, dI/dt of the impulse and the total length
of cable. The inductance of the cable, determined from
the voltage between the inner and shield conductors
at the time of peak dI/dt, for all waveshapes, is
~ 37 nH/m.
3. Conduction-dominated stage, which begins with
a zero value of dI/dt. When the conduction current
dominates, the overall voltage developed across the
cable decreases significantly.
Generally, Stage 2 of the lightning impulse results in the
most extreme voltage rise on the downconductor, hence
all calculations carried out for the ERITECH ERICORE
cable assume this worst case. This fact is illustrated in
Figure 3, which shows the response of a 100 m length of
ERITECH ERICORE cable to a severe lightning current
impulse (5.5/75 μs, dI/dt = 24.3 kA/μs, peak I = 70 kA).
The voltage shown is that developed between the inner
and shield conductors of the cable as the combined result
Figure 1 of inductive reactance and signal reflection.
Technical Note
The ERITECH® ERICORE Lightning Downconductor Cable
What verification of the ERITECH ERICORE cable
Voltage (kV)
Technical Note
The ERITECH® ERICORE Lightning Downconductor Cable
As Fig. 3 shows, the voltage developed across the • 2003 (USA): Upper termination withstand voltage,
cable due to its impedance during Stage 1 is smaller Vb = 263 ± 7 kV, 100 kA surge test also carried out
than the inductive voltage rise during Stage 2. successfully.
Therefore, for most practical calculations, the results What are the bonding requirements of the ERITECH
follow the Stage 2 dependence on length and ERICORE cable for a typical installation?
waveshape (dI/dt). The PSpice simulations also
showed that the voltage developed on the ERITECH® There are three simple steps that comprise the typical
ERICORE cable has very little dependence on the installation practice for the ERITECH ERICORE
installation scenario (type of structure). cable with respect to bonding requirements. These
requirements are illustrated in Figure 5, with the
Figure 4 shows the dependence of the voltage numbers corresponding to the following steps:
developed between the inner conductor and the cable
shield as a function of the length of the ERITECH 1. Cable “bonding braid” at the upper termination is
ERICORE cable for a variety of lightning current bonded to the structure at the top.
waveshapes (negative lightning, positive lightning, 2. Cable (outer semiconductive sheath) is secured to
first and subsequent strokes). Bearing in mind the the structure with saddles every 1-2 metres.
upper termination voltage limit of 250 kV, for 3. Cable lower termination (“short circuited” central
high reliability of operation, the installed length of conductor and shield) is bonded to the structure and
ERITECH ERICORE cable should not exceed about services earth at the bottom.
70 metres. Taller structures or longer required lengths It is important to highlight the fact that the lightning
can be accommodated via the use of series-connected current passes down the central conductor of the
or parallel (multiple) cables. ERITECH ERICORE cable. The three bonding steps
are required simply to ensure the optimum operation of
the cable. For example, because a large lightning current
flows down the central conductor and the cable has an
insulation layer and a metallic screen, the capacitance of
the cable results in a small “cable charge current” (from i
Maximum Voltage (kV)
Inline Coupling
1 Stainless Steel Cable Tie
0 30 60 Metallic Lower Mast
Technical Note
The ERITECH® ERICORE Lightning Downconductor Cable
the ERITECH ERICORE cable is designed to provide
tude (Volts
“protection by isolation”. Such an earthing system
will have a single injection point, typically employ
ofile Magni
a crow’s foot design (shorter than the “critical length”
ofile Magni
of 70 metres), and have vertical rods at various nodes.
Potential Pr
In order to compare the performance of the ERITECH
Potential Pr
ERICORE earthing system with a multi-conductor
earthing system at lightning frequencies, a case study
will be used, namely:
• Structure dimensions of 20 x 20 x 20 metres; file
• Downconductors: One ERITECH ERICORE Pro
cable to be compared with four standard, bare igin
tan Or
downconductors cables (one down each vertical ce
(m fro
) ce
edge of the structure); Figure 6a tan
• Earthing system: ERITECH ERICORE cable
injects lightning current into the purpose-designed,
buried, “crow’s foot” earthing system (ECFES)
with a 5 m ground rod at each node, vs four bare
downconductors, each terminating at a 5 m
ground rod but all interconnected with a buried
ring conductor (BDRCES). (m)
of Pro Dist
• Lightning impulse waveshape: 5.5/75 μs in m Origin (m)
e fro
both cases. Distanc
bare downconductors into one corner of the BDRCES.
tial P
file M
l Pro
directly down to ground from the injection point,
with the remaining current being distributed via
Figure 6b
with the state-of-the-art CDEGS software program.
It can be clearly seen that there is little difference
in the soil surface potentials for both systems.