• Tube Cutter – is a refrigeration tool use to cut copper tubing from sizes 1/8” to 1/2”
outside diameter. A larger tube cutter is also available for large tube diameters. Tubes are
mark first before cutting. Slight pressure is applied to the copper tube during cutting. The
burr inside the tube is cleaned with blade reamer.
• Flaring Tool – is a refrigeration tool use to spread the copper end outward until a flare is
formed. File and ream the copper tube before flaring. The copper tube is inserted into the
flaring block with 30% of its diameter protruding. Turn the flaring yoke slowly until the flare
is completed. Remove copper tube and inspect for defects.
• Swagging Tool – is a refrigeration tool use to expand the inside diameter of a copper
tube so that the resulting diameter is the same as the outside diameter. It is used to join
two copper tubes of the same diameter. Clamp the copper tube by the flaring block so that
an 'equal to the outside diameter' of the copper tube length is to be swagged.
• Copper Tube Bender – is a copper tube bending refrigeration tool. It has a three-size
molded half-round wheels. The most common sizes are from 1/4 of an inch diameter, to
5/16, then 3/8. Copper tubes are bent beautifully using this professional bending tool.