12 Botany EM Lesson 5
12 Botany EM Lesson 5
12 Botany EM Lesson 5
T. Selvan 50
Arputharaj | G. Muthu | P. Jesintha Mary | S. Kaja Sulthan | A. Moses Packiaraj………
Ghlm; 1
Chapter 5
Plant Tissue Culture
One Mark Question and Answer
1. Find wrong statement about (IPR)
a) In biotechnology, the transformed microorganisms and plants and technologies for the
production of commercial products are exclusively the property of the discoverer
b) The discoverer has the full rights on his property. It should be neglected by the others
without legal permission.
c) The right of discoverer must be protected and it does by certain laws framed by a country.
d) The IPR is protected by different ways like patents, copyrights, trade secrets and
trademarks, designs and geographical indications
3. The grant is filled at the............ office which is not published It is a signed document,actually the
agreement that grants patent right to the inventor
a) Incom tax b) Municipal c) Collector d) Patent
5. Find the wrong statement about Potential risks and consideration for safety aspects
a) Toxicity of allergy associated with microbial production
b) Decreasing number of antibiotic resistant pathogenic microorganisms
c) Safety aspects associated with contamination, infection or mutation of process strains.
d) Safety aspects associated with the industrial use of microorganisms containing in vitro
6. "Bio safety guidelines are being implemented by"find the wrong department
a) The Institutional Bio-safety Committees
b) Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
c) The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation
d) The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
7. ..............was established as an apexbody to accord approval of activities involving large scale use
of hazardous microorganisms and recombinants in research and industrial production
a) The Institutional Bio-safety Committees
b) Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
c) The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation
d) The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
8. The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications(ELSI) program was founded in ....................
a) 1988 b) 1989 c) 1990 d) 1991
10. ............................... developed root cultures, used Knop’s solutionalong with three vitamins like
pyridoxine,thiamine and nicotinic acid
a) P.R.White b) Gott lieb Haberlandt c) Hildbrandt d) Carlson
11. Who was used coconut water in plant tissue culture work
a) Murashige b) Kanta c) Chilton d) F.C. Steward
12. Produced transformed tobacco plants fromsingle cell transformation and gene insertion
a) Murashige b) Kanta c) Chilton d) F.C. Steward
13. The process of biochemical and structural changes by which cells become specialized inform and
a) Totipotency b) Differentiation c) Redifferentiation d) Dedifferentiation
15. In culture facility growing the explant inoculated into culture tubes at
a) 22-28° C b) 22-30° C c) 28-30° C d) 28-32° C
16. In culture facility growing the explant inoculated with illumination of light
a) 2200 lux b) 2300 lux c) 2400 lux d) 2500 lux
19. Autoclaving at
a) 15 psi (120°C) for 15 to 30 minutes b) 15 psi (120°C) for 20 to 30 minutes
c) 15 psi (121°C) for 15 to 30 minutes d) 21 psi (121°C) for 15 to 30 minutes
20. Surface sterilization agents like ................ mercuric chloride, 70% ethanol under aseptic
condition inside the Laminar Air Flow Chamber
a) 1% b) 0.1% c) 0.01% d) 0.001%
22. The pH of medium is normally adj usted between ............ for the best result
a) 2.6 to 3.0 b) 3.6 to 4.0 c) 4.6 to 5.0 d) 5.6 to 6.0
24. In Protoplast culture the cell wall formation occurs within ...................
a) 0-24 hours b) 24-48 hours c) 48-72 hours d) 72-96 hours
25. Biosynthesis and isolation of indole alkaloids from ...................plant cell culture
a) Capsicum annum b) Papaver sominiferum
c) Catharanthus roseus d) Digitalis purpuria
32. In vitro icropropagation of banana suckers surface sterilized with 1% NaoCl for ........................
a) 30 seconds b) 30 minutes c) 30 hours d) 30 days
3, Define agar
A complex mucilaginous polysaccharide obtained from marine algae (sea weeds) used as solidifying
agent in media preparation.
2, Digoxin, Codeine, capsaicin --Write it's uses and it’s Plant sources.
Secondary Plant source Uses
Digoxin Digitalis purpurea Cardiac tonic
Codeine Papaver somniferum Analgesic
Capsaicin Capsicum annuum pain treatment
Vincristine Catharanthus roseus Anticarcinogenic
Quinine Cinchona officinalis Antimalarial
8, write a short note on Bioethics - Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI)
Bioethics refers to the study of ethical issues emerging from advances in biology and medicine.
It is also a moral discernment as it relates to medical policy and practice. Bioethicists are concerned with
the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology and medicine.
It includes the study of values relating to primary care and other branches of medicine.
The scope of bioethics is directly related to biotechnology, including cloning, gene therapy, life extension,
human genetic engineering, astroethics life in space, and manipulation of basic biology through altered
DNA, RNA and proteins.
These developments in biotechnology will affect future evolution, and may require new principles, such
as biotic ethics, that values life and its basic biological characters and structures.
The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) program was founded in 1990 as an integral part of the
Human Genome Project.
The mission of the ELSI program was to identify and address issues raised by genomic research that would
affect individuals, families, and society.
A percentage of the Human Genome Project budget at the National Institutes of Health and the U.S.
Department of Energy was devoted to ELSI research.
Important Diagrams