Class 12th Python Lecture 6
Class 12th Python Lecture 6
Class 12th Python Lecture 6
for i in d :
print( i, ':', d[i] )
■ Adding an element
D['monkey'] = 'Human-Like'
■ Updating an element
D[ 'parrot'] ='Sometimes-funny' ✔
D['bat' ] ='Not-for-eating' ❌
Playing with Dictionaries
■ Deleting an element
del <dictionary>[<key>] del d['lion']
<dictionary>.pop(<key>) d.pop('lion')
Pop method also returns the deleted element.
■ Checking existence of a key
‘lion’ in d --- true
‘tiger’ in d --- false
Dictionaries Functions
■ The len( ) method
len( <dictionary> ) --- gives the count of pairs
■ The clear( ) method
<dictionary>.clear( ) --- clears the whole dictionary.
■ The get( ) method
print(d.get(‘lion’)) --- print(d[‘lion’])
■ The keys( ) method
print(d.keys( )) --- displays all the keys
Dictionaries Functions
■ The items( ) method
This method returns all the pairs as a sequence of (key,value) tuples.
(in no particular order).
L=d.items( )
print(L) --- [('dog' , 'friendly'),('lion' , 'wild'),('parrot' , 'funny')]
■ The values( ) method
<dictionary>.values( ) --- returns all the values.
Dictionaries Functions
■ The update( ) method
<dictionary>.update( <other-dictionary> )
<other-dictionary> will over-ride in <dictionary>.
● New Keys will be added.
● Existing key will be updated with new values.
e.g. d = { 'dog' : 'friendly' , 'lion' : 'wild' , 'parrot' : 'funny' }
d2= { 'dog' : pet' , 'lion' : 'wild' , tiger' : 'dangerous’ }
{ 'dog' : pet' , 'lion' : 'wild' , 'parrot' : 'funny', ‘tiger’:’dangerous’ }
Practice Time
Q1. R={ 'Name' : 'Python', 'Age' : '20', 'Addr' : 'NJ' , 'Country' : 'USA' }
R2={ 'Name' : 'Python', 'Age' : '20', 'Addr' : 'NJ' , 'Country' : 'USA' }
print(id1==id2) ( id( ) gives the address of the object )
Q2. D = { }
for k in D:
D[ (1,2,4) ] =8
D[ (4,2,1) ] =10
D[ (1,2) ] =12
sum = 0
Practice Time
1. W.a.p. to verify whether the phone number is in the given format
or not
( ex. 017-555-1212 is the correct format )
4. W.a.p. to make a list of all integers less than hundred which are
multiples of 3 or 5. --- H.W.
Practice Time
1. Write a function addDict(dict1, dict2) which computes the union of two
dictionaries. If same key appears in both, pick either one.
2. Create a dictionary whose keys are month names and whose values are
number of days in the corresponding months.
a. Ask user to enter month name and number of days.
b. Print out all of the keys in alphabetical order.
c. Print out all of the months with 31 days.
d. Print out the (key-value) pairs sorted by keys.
e. Print out the (key-value) pairs sorted by values. Typical