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CHAPTER 1 research process and maps out how they come together to draw coherent

The Problem and Its Background conclusions (Swaen, B. & George, T., 2022) A conceptual framework sets
I. Introduction forth the standards to define a research question and find appropriate,
All human interactions are opportunities either to learn or to teach. meaningful answers for the same. It connects the theories, assumptions,
(M. Scott Peck, 2012) To experience a lifetime as an individual, everybody beliefs, and concepts behind your research and presents them in a
has an opportunity to communicate, enlighten, and learn from others. The pictorial, graphical, or narrative format. (Sachdeva, T. 2023)
Researchers will abate the focus to the Academic Environment in Junior
High School. Communication builds experiences and develops
emotional connections within the community such as the Academic
Environment which has major effects on our educational attainment.
Peer presence is an integral component in the learning contexts of both
the traditional classroom (Tricoche et al., 2021). This study will focus on
advantage of the Effects of Peer Interaction on Academic Performance,
this will provide views on beneficial perspectives. As well, as the
effectiveness and imperative development the Peer relationships could
offer to a being.
Students learn more, are more highly motivated to learn, enjoy
learning more, feel more positive towards the subject being studied, and
are more accepting of one another when they work together with peers as
opposed to working competitively or individually (Johnson & Johnson,
2013). Peer
relationship influence students' academic performance because they
can increase productivity through goal-setting, preparation, minimizing
distractions, adaptability, and self-assurance.
This generation is enthralled by the influence of Peer Interaction on
the Academic Capabilities of a Student. For instance, students who FIGURE 1: Schematic Diagram that shows the relationship
engage more in peer-to-peer communication build companionship that is between Impact of Peer Interaction and Students' Academic
beneficial in their journey as students, the advantage of peer Performance.
relationships includes boosting a student's self-esteem as they explore The diagram above shows the relationship between Impact
and unlock their full potential throughout their experience, such as Group Interaction and Academic Performance and how it affects academic
Research where it requires Peer Interaction to accomplish a successful performance on Individual features or characteristics. The Independent
defense. These are the foundations that sustain the successful variable shows that peer Interaction will cause academic performance,
development of a student. Peer interaction helps in developing students' which is the Dependent variable.
skills and values by promoting collaborative learning, enhancing critical III. Theoretical Framework
thinking, improving social interaction skills, and fostering autonomy Theories are developed by researchers to explain phenomena, draw
(Sirikarn Kuyyogsuy, 2019). connections, and make predictions. In a theoretical framework, you
II. Conceptual Framework explain the existing theories that support your research, showing that your
A conceptual framework illustrates the expected relationship paper or dissertation topic is relevant and grounded in established ideas.
between your variables. It defines the relevant objectives for your (Vinz, 2022)
This research by Nasser Alalwan, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi, Performance and Its connection to Youth’s advantages. Furthermore,
Osama Alfarraj, Ahmed Alzahrani, Noraffandy Yahaya, and Ali Mugahed this study aims to answer the following questions:
Al-Rahmi in the year 2019 Integrated three theories to develop a model of 1. What is the possible contribution of Peer Interaction
factors affecting students’ academic performance in higher education. to the Character Development of student?
This theory was proposed by Nasser Alalwan, Waleed Mugahed Al- 2. What are the benefits of peer interaction
Rahmi, Osama Alfarraj, Ahmed Alzahrani, Noraffandy Yahaya, and Ali on student's overall academic performance?
Mugahed Al-Rahmi. The study indicates that collaborative learning, as 3. What is the relationship between peer interaction
well as online communication over social media enhances, the student's and students' academic performance?
learning activities and enables them to share knowledge, information, 4. What is the significance of peer interaction for student
and discussions, hence, we recommend students utilize social media for academic performance?
education purposes and should have encouraged them through lecturers
at higher level education institutions.
Identifying ways in which peers interact with each other offers V. Hypothesis of the Study
insights into how students provide each other with the necessary The Researchers will formulate a hypothesis to determine that peer
resources and create supportive contexts that directly promote academic interaction has a significant impact on student's academic performance
motivation and achievement. The research addresses these possibilities and how it makes the foundation of the basis of one's growth. This study
by describing academically-related correlates of peer acceptance and will inform students about the potential impact on their academic
approval, and specific mechanisms of influence that explain how peers achievement.
can facilitate positive academic motivation and achievement in each The students who engage more in Peer Interaction during
other. discussion have improved their grades because the engagement
A Swiss psychologist known for his work on child development, between their peers contributed to understanding the lessons.
Jean William Fritz Piaget (1932) studied children’s relationships with Additionally, Peer Interaction benefits them by being open to new
parents and with peers more than 70 year ago. The theory namely the understanding and resolving problems.
cognitive development will accommodate the possible learning Alternative Hypothesis: Students who engage more in Peer
outcomes from peer experiences as Piaget (1985) described developing Interaction have an impact on their Academic Performance.
knowledge as a relationship between the child’s current cognitive system Null Hypothesis: Students who engage more in Peer Interaction do
and the particular object, task, or problem at hand. not have an impact on their Academic Performance.
Piaget’s theory is properly associated with educational practices
that encourage students’ active participation in the teaching-learning VI. Scope and Limitations of the Study
process. Peer learning has a second potential educational benefit for The study will be delimited for all students just inside Imus National
students, namely, learning how to manage interactions with High School. This study aims to expand the importance of the advantage
classmates in order to have an effective and successful team experience of peer interaction on Students’ Academic Performance. This study may
(De Lisi, 2002) depend on the quality of interactions and individual differences among
This theory will support the objectives of the study of the Impact of students. It can provide students with opportunities to develop their
Peer Interaction as an instrument of improvement to the Students' social skills, such as communication and cooperation. The research also
Academic performance. on understanding the Impact of Peer Interaction as a student at Imus
National High School.
IV. Statement of the Problem VII. Significance of the Study
The study will be conducted to deliberate the dispute of the This study aims to determine the approach of the participants
importance and benefits of Peer interactions’ Impact on Academic towards the Impact of Peer Interaction on their academic performance.
Furthermore, this research is designed to make appropriate individual has completed. It is a measure of the educational
recommendations based on the data that will be gathered. The findings qualifications or degrees that a person has obtained. (United States
of this study aim to benefit the students, the teachers, and the future Census Bureau, 2022)
Researchers. Enthralled. An attentive and an adjective that describes a state of
Students - The students are the primary beneficiary of this study. captivation, fascination, or intense interest in something or someone.
This study will be able to provide the students a better understanding When someone is enthralled, they are completely absorbed or engrossed
about the relationship of Peer Interaction to their academic in a particular subject, activity, or person. (Oxford Languages)
performances. The findings will be able to help them perform better as Fostering autonomy. Refers to the process of supporting and
an individual and can help them improve a and learn range of critical encouraging individuals to develop and exercise their independence,
social-emotional skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and problem- self-direction, and decision-making abilities. It involves creating an
solving strategies. environment that allows individuals to take ownership of their actions,
Teachers - This study will be a way for the teachers to thoroughly make choices, and develop their skills and confidence. (The Princeton
comprehend the attitude of their students and will introduce peer-to- Encyclopedia of Self-Determination)
peer activities especially those who do not actively perform in class. Abate. Defines as a lessen, reduce, or remove. Also to decrease in
Through the findings of this study, the teachers will be able to create amount or value. (Merriam Webster)
more effective teaching strategies that would be aimed at improving the Detrimental effect. As causing detriment; harmful. (Collins
quality of learning of the students. Dictionary, 2010)
Parents - The findings of this study will help the parents understand
the relationship of the peer CHAPTER 2
interaction to students’ academic performances. Furthermore, this REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
can pave way for the parents This chapter includes the review of related literature of the study.
to take specific actions and actively guide their children in order to The researchers gathered data from different studies, thesis and
address and improve the literatures to use them as references. The information gathered from the
academic performance. references will serve as the basis and guidelines for the researchers to
Future Researchers - This study can be used as a reference to continue the study. The studies and literatures will also make the
other researchers. The data and research more detailed.
the findings that will be gathered by this study may serve as a guide Review of Related Literature
and source of information IX. Foreign Study
that could make way for more comprehensive studies in the future. Asmamaw Taye Guyaho (2020) Influence of Peer Learning on
Students’ Academic Performance (The Case of 2010 E.C for the Course
VIII. Definition of Terms Chemical Thermodynamics at Assosa University) The Journal of
This research entails the significant relationship between the Education, Culture, and Society (Science Publishing Group) pp 115.
impact of Peer Interaction toward the Students' academic performance. Asmamaw, T. (2020) stated in her study that learning is enhanced when it
The following are the noteworthy terms used as presented in its is more like a team effort than a solo race. This study explores how peer
operational and conceptual definition: learning influences the academic performance of students and it also
Peer interaction. This refers to the social interactions and resolves the negative attitude of teachers and students on the active
relationships between individuals who are of similar age or status within teaching-learning process. It increases student’s social interaction as
a group or community. (Law Insider Dictionary) well as subject matter knowledge. This study determined that Peer
Educational attainment. As defined by United States Census Interaction contributes to students' learning capability.
Bureau (2022), this refers to the highest level of education that an
Swapna Naskar Williamson, Laila (2018) Paulsen-Becejac The Dan Ding, Prasanta Bhattacharya, Tuan Q. Phan (2019) The Impact
impact of peer learning within a group of international post-graduate of Peer Influence on Academic Performance in a Multiplex Network: A
students – a pilot study- American Journal of Education (Education Unit Three-Stage Co-Evolution Framework-Social Science Research Network.
of ATINER) pp 7-27. Swapna, L. (2018) wrote about the instructional A study by Dan, D., Prasanta, B., Tuan Q. P. (2019) We leverage a Monte
approach used to help students to become actively engaged in their own Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC)-based method to jointly model peer
learning process involved in the formation of self-selected learning sets. influence and individual network formation, and extend the method by
Within these groups, the students explored the concepts covered in their introducing a prior course-enrolment stage to correct for self-selection
lectures and presented in their findings to the class. This study is part of concerns. Using a granular and de-identified student-level dataset
this process involved peer and tutor feedback, as well as self and peer spanning four years from a major Asian university, we characterize the
assessment on the performance of the group members. dependency between course enrolment, in-course social interactions,
Emilia Ninik Aydawati, Dwi Rukmini, Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati, and academic performance. The study emphasized the significance of
Sri Wuli Fitriati (2019) The Effect of Online Peer Review Activities on Peer Interaction in courses.
Students’ Academic Writing Performance, pp 249-252. Emilia, N., Dwi R., Dandan Li (2018) The Influence of Peer Relationship on Middle
Dwi, A., Bharati, S. (2019) stated in their journal the online peer review School Students’ Education —CEPS Data Based on 2013-2014 Baseline-
could be done both synchronously and asynchronously. In this study, the Open Journal of Social Sciences. In a study, Dandan Li (2018) discovered
data were collected using a pre-test and a post-test for language that the impact of peer relations on students in different regions in China
proficiency and writing skills. The result revealed that there was a and foreign countries is different. In areas with a large number of floating
significant increase in their writing score. The research determined the population, peer relationships significantly affect the academic
significance of Peer Interaction within the student's peer review. performance of overseas students. This study in the national core
Chasna Tsuroyya (2020) Students’ Perception On Peer Correction sample, peer relationships significantly affect the academic performance
For Academic Writing Performance Chasna Tsuroyya (2020) stated in her of local students, with no significant impact on foreign students.
study that peer correction has taken an important role in language Barbara Lutz (2022) Peer Relationships, Academic Motivation, and
teaching and learning as a contribution to motivating the performance of Academic Performance-University of Maryland, College Park1. Barbara
L2 learners in writing classrooms, peer correction encourages the (2022) explained in her study that One strategy for understanding the
development of autonomous learning due to teachers' review that took nature of social competence with peers and its association with
reliance thus lowering the students' initiative. In this study, Peer academic motivation and achievement is to identify social
Interaction plays a vital role in the advancement of a student. characteristics and outcomes related to peer approval and acceptance.
Williamson, S. N. & Becejac, L. P. (2018). The impact of peer learning This allows insight into the goals, values, and actions that peers expect in
within a group of international post-graduate students – a pilot study. exchange for positive regard and identifies potential indirect pathways of
American Journal of Education. Williamson, S. N. & Becejac, L. P. (2018) influence. This study, identifying ways in which peers interact with each
published an article that aims to examine whether peer learning is other offers insights into how students provide each other with the
effective in active and shared learning in small groups, to enhance the necessary resources and create supportive contexts that directly
student’s overall development as a post-graduate research student. promote academic motivation and achievement.
Initially, the students were briefed as to the purpose of this study. This Ana Raquel Carvalho, Carlos Santos (2020) The impact of a digitally
study is the instructional approach used to help students become enhanced peer learning program on peer teacher students’ academic
actively engaged in their learning process involved in the formation of self- performance: A study developed under Educational Design Research
selected learning sets. Within these groups, the students explored the University of Aveiro. Carvalho, A. & Santos, C. (2020) presented in their
concepts covered in their lectures and presented their findings to the study Under the methodological framework of Educational Design
class. Research, this study aims to develop a digitally enhanced prototype of a
peer learning program in the scope of English as a Foreign Language
curricula for basic and secondary education and assess the impact of effects of digital media on both familial and peer relationships among
peer teacher students’ (PTS) voluntary participation under the cognitive Filipino youth. In this study, peer interaction in digital media accentuates
(as for metacognitive skills), affective (regarding motivation), and social the role it plays in the self-perceived effects of an individual, which is
dimensions (considering collaborative and communicative skills). prominent nowadays among students.
Anita Chadha (2022) Introspective interactions: implications from Mark, R. et. al. (2023) Attitude Towards Peer-to-Peer
an international collaboration. A study by Anita Chadha (2022) aimed to Accommodation: Evidence from Tourists in the Philippines. Published by
evaluate student peer reflective interactions through an online Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 71 (2), 301-315 A study
collaboration in an identical course among students across international conducted by Mark, R. et. al. (2023) This research serving an excellent
boundaries. Significant evidence reveals that students deliberate with resource for gaining further knowledge about P2P accommodation. The
academic reflectivity by clarifying and debating the questions asked of role of Peer Interaction in various aspects is introduced among tourists
them while being inquisitive and tolerant of differing ideas. This study regarding peer-to-peer accommodation and Its benefits.
concludes that online collaborations are a viable means to engage Guarin M. et. al. (2023) Peer Mentoring for Academic Performance
students with academic content regardless of international boundaries. of Students in Science at Northern Negros State College of Science and
Tạp chí Giáo dục (2022) Peer Interaction by English as a Foreign Technology Department of Education, Philippines. Published by
Language (EFL) Students in a International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social
Decision Making Task. Tạp chí Giáo dục (2022) published an Science (IJLRHSS), 183-189. In an article made by Guarin M. et. al. (2023)
article that the authors investigated how a decision-making task the study suggests that Peer Mentoring has a positive impact on the
stimulated interaction among peers and how it mediated knowledge academic performance of Grade 8 students in science. This study was
construction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes and found used as an additional and supportive tool to enhance students' academic
that cumulative talk was present in all pairs' recordings, while exploratory performance in accordance with Peer Interaction and Peer Mentoring.
talk was not generated as frequently as cumulative talk. This study AI Hipol, et. al. (2020) Impact of blended learning instruction in
supported the Impact of Peer Interaction as the foundation of academic performance of grade 10 students in a selected private high
comprehension between foreign language classes. school in San Juan City, Philippines. Published by Journal of Physics:
X. Local Research Conference Series 14708, 25-27. AI Hipol, et. al. (2020) wrote in their
Ma. Lorina gacosta- parrilla (2021) GENDER PAIRING VARIATIONS study that the study aimed to assess the impact of blended learning
IN PEER TUTORING: THE CASE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN instruction on students' academic performance in a specific Science
EASTERN VISAYAS, PHILIPPINES. Published on November 18, 2021. topic. It also indicated a significant difference between the pre-test and
Parrilla, M. (2021) stated in her article that the study aimed to investigate post-test scores of the classes, suggesting that blended learning
the impact of pairing students based on gender in peer tutoring on the instruction has a positive effect on students' academic performance. The
academic performance of Grade 11 students in Statistics. In this study employed a pre-test and post-test approach, utilizing standardized
research, the peer interaction between the students immensely affected tests as the assessment tools.
them efficiently. Dumrique, D., et. al. (2018) Online gaming: Impact on the academic
Racidon, B. et. al. (2016) The digital media consumption, performance and social behavior of the students in Polytechnic University
dependency and its self-perceived effects on familial and peer of the Philippines Laboratory High School. Published by KnE Social
interpersonal relationships of the Filipino youth. Asia Pacific Journal of Sciences, 1205–1210. Dumrique, D., et. al. (2018) published an article
Multidisciplinary Research 4 (1), 91-98. Racidon, B. et. al. (2016) about the study aimed to examine the effects of online gaming on the
presented in his study that the research sought to find out the digital academic performance and social behavior of students in the Polytechnic
media consumption and dependency of the Filipino youth and know its University of the Philippines-Laboratory High School. This book
self-perceived effects on their interpersonal relationship among family emphasized that playing online games for a limited duration, such as half
and friends. The research focused on determining the self-perceived
an hour, can be managed with proper discipline and engagement in Peer XI. Foreign Journal
Interaction to lessen the addiction to online gaming. Simkims, S. P. et al. (2023). Taking advantage of structured peer
Ligan, H., et. al. (2022) Assessing the Influence of Social Interaction interaction: cooperative learning in the Principles of Microeconomics
on Student’s Learning in Balagunan Elementary School and Tulalian course. Teaching principles of microeconomics.202-216.
Elementary School in the municipality of Sto. Tomas Davao Del Norte Simkims, S. P. (2023) had found that many of these
involving 110 Grade VI pupils. Published by The Pendulum, 337-364. instructional techniques involve students interacting with each other in
Ligan, H., et. al. (2022) presented that This study focused on examining structured group work, ranging in complexity from simple think‒pair‒
the impact of social interaction on students' learning. This book revealed share activities to full-course implementations of team-based learning.
that social interaction had a positive effect on various aspects of This study explains that its common for the student to have traditional
students' learning, including physical health and well-being, lecture and there's a benefit when you're interacting or being an active
connectedness, social-emotional development, school experience, and student.
the utilization of after-school time. Nabiryo, N. R. & Sekiziyivu, S. (2020). The Influence of Peer
Barrot, J., et. al. (2021) Students’ online learning challenges during Interaction on Students’ Mastery of Writing. Education Quarterly Reviews.
the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines. Nabiryo, N. R. & Sekiziyivu, S. (2020) stated in their article that one of the
Published by Education and information technologies, 7321-7338. Barrot, ways through which students do master writing content is peer
J., et. al. (2021) had found that This study is important to acknowledge and interaction. It supports the mastery of different processes of writing, there
address the limitations of this study, such as its exclusive focus on is a need for teachers and students to be trained on how to maximize the
students' perspectives. This study shed the challenges faced by students benefits of peer interaction to enable students' mastery of writing. This
in an online learning environment and examines the impact of the study focuses on the skill language of the students which is the peer
pandemic on their online learning experience. interaction helps them on mastery of writing.
Paroginog, F. (2018) Social skills and academic performance Zhao, L. & Zhao, W. (2022). Impacts of family environment on
among grade 10 students of the University of Bohol–University High adolescents’ academic achievement: The role of peer interaction quality
School. Published by ACADEME University of Bohol, Graduate School and and educational expectation gap. Frontiers in Psychology. A study by
Professional Studies, 1-31. Paroginog, F. (2018) stated that this study Zhao, L. & Zhao, W. (2022) determined the family environment and peer
aimed to assess the level of social skills among students and its interaction quality can positively predict adolescents’ academic
relationship with their academic performance for the school year 2017- achievement. Educational expectation gap moderates the effect of the
2018. This study is defined as a set of behaviors exhibited by individuals family environment on academic achievement and also on peer
in interpersonal situations, involving the expression of feelings, attitudes, interaction quality. Therefore, from the perspective of environment and
desires, opinions, or rights that are appropriate for the given context important others, to correctly grasp the academic achievement of junior
concerning Peer Interaction. high school students in the process of socialization. This study focus on
Barcenas, J., et. al. (2022) The influence of study habits in the peer interaction in the family environment and the academic
academic performance of senior high school students in Cagraray Island, achievement of the students is the systematic study that comprehend
Philippines. Published by Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies, 21- practical activity.
28 Barcenas, J., et. al. (2022) Literature has shown how study habits affect Biswal, Dr & Chaudhary, Dr. (2024). Impact of Peer Learning on
the academic achievement of students. Study habits were signified as the Performance and Motivation in Management Professional in Higher
gist of a learner’s academic success with practices such as writing notes, Education Sector -An Empirical Study. Journal of Informatics Education
reading, organizing group studies, and performing and accomplishing and Research. Biswal, Dr & Chaudhary, Dr. (2024) presented in their
learning objectives. This study includes the peer interaction formed research that Peer Learning is an important factor to motivate the
through group activities affecting study habits that led to academic employee and it is one of the methods and source to enhance the
success. knowledge and skill. Peer learning helps the faculty to develop himself or
herself in various ways for better result. It is not lonely a teaching method before. This study pinpointed that peer interaction helps the students to
but also a learning method innovated by the educationists based on the have more confidence in their own and show great teamwork and
psychological and sociological concepts. It helps to interact with the interaction together with their colleague.
peers and shows the roadmap of success with motivation depends upon Adams, R. & Oliver, R. (2019). Teaching through Peer Interaction.
various roles and responsibility. This study motivates the performance of Routledge. 216. Adams, R. & Oliver, R. (2019) presents current research of
peer-to-peer learning process, the participants have the same level of peer interaction and language learning for teachers, including
engaging in collaborative learning where no fear is there with the learning background on the role of peer interaction in classroom language
attitude. learning, guidelines for adopting and adapting peer interaction
Dao, P. et al. (2024). Young learners’ synchronous online peer opportunities in real classrooms, and perspectives on teachers’
interaction: teachers’ beliefs of its benefits and implementation. frequently expressed concerns and questions about peer interaction.
Language Awareness, 45-69. Based on the study Dao, P. et al. (2024) This study explores about the use and the role of peer interaction, it
conducted the results from the survey and interviews revealed that presents information on the peer interaction in relation to various skills,
teachers believed synchronous online peer interaction promoted young different groups of learners, different circumstances.
learners’ attention to language issues as well as created a sense of peer- Tenenbaum, H. R., Winstone, N. E., Leman, P. J., & Avery, R. E.
support in the online learning environment. The teachers also highlighted (2020). How effective is peer interaction in facilitating learning? A meta-
the importance of using peer interaction for YLs in online classes and analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(7), 1303–1319.
suggested various strategies to maximize its benefits. This study focused Tenenbaum, H. R., Winstone, N. E., Leman, P. J., & Avery, R. E. (2020) wrote
on the online peer interaction and Its effectiveness with the learner's about Peer Interaction, where individuals discuss or work on a task
individual differences, grouping, etc. that helps the students itself. collaboratively, may be beneficial for children’s and adolescents’
Sippel, L. (2024). Maximizing the benefits of peer interaction: form- learning. Peer interaction was effective in promoting learning in
focused instruction and peer feedback training. Language Teaching comparison with other types of learning conditions. This study focuses
Research. 413-439. Sippel, L. (2024) explained in their study: Maximizing about the children who learn from peer interactions and present practical
the benefits of peer interaction: form-focused instruction and peer consequences for the efficient application of peer interaction
feedback training. Language Teaching Research that this study approaches in the classroom.
investigated the effectiveness of form-focused instruction and peer Rudsberg, K., Östman, L. & Östman, E. A. (2017). Students’
feedback training to improve grammatical accuracy and thereby meaning making in classroom discussions: the importance of peer
maximize learning opportunities during peer interaction, peer interaction interaction. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 709–738. Rudsberg,
was effective when combined with form-focused instruction, but more K., Östman, L. & Östman, E. A. (2017) published an article telling the
effective when peer feedback training was also provided to learners. This results show that the analyzed student is influenced by peers when
study enlightened the significance of providing guidance on peer construing arguments, and thereby acts on others’ reasoning when
feedback in order to enhance the effectiveness of peer interaction making meaning. Further, the results show that most of the additions
activities. made by the analyzed student are taken further by peers in the
Tullis, J. G. & Goldstone, R. L. (2020). Why does peer instruction subsequent discussion. This study shows how an individual’s earlier
benefit student learning?, Cognitive research: principles and experiences, knowledge, and thinking contribute to collective meaning-
implications. 1-12. In the study, Tullis, J. G. & Goldstone, R. L. (2020) found making in the classroom.
a large body of evidence showing that peer instruction benefits student XII. Local Research
learning, students chose their answers individually, reported their Candelaria, P. (2022) PEER TUTORING ON ENHANCEMENT OF
confidence, discussed their answers with their partners, and then MATHEMATICS PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED GRADE 6 STUDENTS AT
indicated their possibly revised answer and confidence again. Overall, GREGORIO HERRADURA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, VICTORIA, LAGUNA,
students were more accurate and confident after the discussion than PHILIPPINES. Published by International Journal of Education Technology
and Science (IJETS), 125-126. A study conducted by Candelaria, P. (2022) Sierra, M., et al. (2021) Peer Influence and Its Effect on the
has concluded that peer learning is an all-encompassing learning Academic Performance of the First Year College Student of Laguna, State
technique. It contains a variety of activities in which students learn Polytechnic University. International Journal of Innovative Science and
through various approaches. Allowing them to practice the methods and Research Technology, Volume 6, Issue 1. The study of Sierra, M., et al.
approaches they will need to utilize will help them gain the abilities they (2021) about Peer Influence and Its Effect on the Academic Performance
will need. This study elucidates the everlasting contribution of Peer of the First Year College Student of Laguna, State Polytechnic University
Interaction among students in a diverse method of teaching as per stated that Peer groups are composed of people with the same
teachers and instructors. preferences. They are commonly at the same age and they tend to travel
Cleofas, J. (2019) Student involvement, mental health and quality of around and interact within the social aggregate. Members in a peer group
life of college students in a selected university in Manila, Philippines. commonly have the same interest and attitudes. This research supported
Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group, 435- the idea of Peer Interaction usually forms in a similarity between
437. Cleofas, J. (2019) published an article that the study of Jerome individuals which contributes to conviviality of the community.
Cleofas introduced to Meade and Dowswell through their longitudinal Manuel, R., et al. (2019) Effects of Peers to the Academic
study suggested that the health-related quality of life of adolescence Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students in Bestlink College of the
changes overtime, and is influenced by peer relationships. Friendship Philippines School Year 2018-2019. Bestlink College of the Philippines
quality and student engagement were found to be linked with student Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts, Vol. 1, No. 1. Manuel, R.,
quality of life. The research tackled the contributions of Peer Interactions et al. (2019) explained in their research that the study has shown that peer
in the Mental Health of a Student as it evolves the quality of a being. relationships play an important role in human development. Maturation
Tenerife, J., et al. (2021) SOCIAL INTERACTION AND ACADEMIC occurs as the evolutionary process through chronological stages as
PERFORMANCE OF DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING STUDENTS IN CEBU influences shift from parents to peers and students struggle with peer
CITY, PHILIPPINES. Open Access Publishing Group, Vol 7, No 4. Tenerife, acceptance. This study defined the Impact of Peer Interaction as an
J., et al. (2021) had found immersed to embrace the interaction involves advantage and essential part of adolescents as it contributes to growth
the person’s contact with the environment he or she belongs. Such as an individual.
interactions help the person develop relationship with others which Bade, L. J., Grande, L. T., Monsole, G. C., Degayo, J. L. D., Amajo, S.
would affect the way they perceive with the environment. In this study, we R. A., Develos, D. B. D., ... & Rangcapan, E. H. (2022). Level of
concluded that peer interaction molds students in the community they entrepreneurial intentions among business and accountancy students in
belong. Generally, this study emphasizes the value of Peer Relationships a private higher education institution in Iloilo City. Central Philippine
is beyond limits. University Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(1), 90-111. An article by
Lutes, P. (2022) The Beliefs Of Japanese Science Majors On Bade, L. J., Grande, L. T., Monsole, G. C., Degayo, J. L. D., Amajo, S. R. A.,
Learning English And The Influence Of Communication In Student Develos, D. B. D., ... & Rangcapan, E. H. (2022) discussed this study
Personal Networks. University of the Philippines Open University aimed to determine the level of entrepreneurial intentions among CBA
Repository. Lutes, P. (2022) presented in his research that two successful students in private higher education institutions in Iloilo City in terms of
learners, Fumiko and Masahiro, had their learner beliefs influenced by finances, family influence, peer influence, and opportunity. The study
their student personal networks through face-to-face communication, evaluated Peer Interaction as business-related as it is a motivator for
SNS software, and Facebook communication. These communications entrepreneurship.
led to increased motivation, and self-awareness in language learning, and Fragata, L. D. & Limpot, M. (2023) Peer Pressure and Motivation of
provided more opportunities to use language. Beliefs can influence Student Learning in Filipino: The Mediating Effect of Cooperative
behaviors, and behaviors, in turn, can influence outcomes. The study is a Learning. Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, Vol. 44, Issue 1,
beam of light of light as it includes that Peer Interaction impacts our belief 1-12. Fragata, L. D. & Limpot, M. (2023) stated Cooperative learning helps
led as inspiration to others. to reduce the unwanted effects of peer pressure on students' motivation
to learn Filipino. The high level of cooperative learning in the relationship XII. Research Design
between peer pressure and student motivation in Filipino is a good The research design refers to the overall strategy and analytical
indication that this is necessary to take place within the class an example approach that you have chosen in order to integrate, in a coherent and
is group activities in which students have to exchange ideas and work logical way, the different components of the study, thus ensuring that the
together to solve an academic problem. This research implied the Impact research problem will be thoroughly investigated (De Vaus, D. A, 2006).
of Peer interaction. For instance, cooperative learning can combat Peer The study “The Impact of Peer Interaction on Students' Academic
Pressure among the students. Performance” used a qualitative research design. Qualitative research is
Macale, A. (2021). Enhancing the performance of students in a type of research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-
chemistry through flipped classroom with peer instruction teaching world problems. Instead of collecting numerical data points or intervene
strategy. Macale, A. (2021) wrote about the students in the flipped or introduce treatments just like in quantitative research, qualitative
classroom with peer instruction had higher Chemistry achievement, a research helps generate hypotheses as well as further investigate and
high level of participation, and wider acceptance of the teaching strategy understand quantitative data (Tenny, S. & Brannan, J., 2022). The
than the control group. With this teaching strategy, the students were able qualitative research methods allow for in-depth and further probing and
to complete their assigned tasks on time, show a cooperative and questioning of respondents based on their responses. The
supportive attitude during classroom discussions and activities, share interviewer/researcher also tries to understand their motivation and
ideas in class, and show respect for the opinions of others. This study feelings. Understanding how your audience makes decisions can help
apprises the advantages of Peer Interaction in teaching strategy which is derive conclusions in market research (Bhat, A. Question Pro, 2018)
a learning method as well. It includes the persona. One of the objectives of this study is to determine the relationship
Aggarao, B., et al. (2023) Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning Activities between the impact of peer interaction on students' academic
on the Academic Skills of Accounting Students. The Research Probe, 3 (1), performance. Having all these said, a qualitative research design was
39-51. In an article made by Aggarao, B., et al. (2023), it states that the employed by the researchers in order to achieve and be aligned with the
data gathered was analyzed using frequency and percentage to objective of this study.
describe the profile of the respondents, weighted mean to interpret XIII. Population and Sampling of the Study
the extent of the effects of peer-assisted learning activities on Sampling is an essential part of any research project. The right
students' academic skills, and independent sample t-test and one- sampling method can make or break the validity of your research, and it’s
way analysis of variance to determine the significant difference on the essential to choose the right method for your specific question. In this
extent of the effects of peer-assisted learning activities on student's article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most popular sampling
academic skills. This study concludes that assisted Learning methods and provide real-world examples of how they can be used to
promotes Peer Interaction and benefits students’ potential in gather accurate and reliable data. (Fleetwood, QuestionPro. 2018)
academics by enhancing and expanding skills. The Imus National High School students of School Year 2023-2024
CHAPTER 3 are the sole population that will be studied in this study. The Researchers
METHODOLOGY will apply quota sampling. Quota sampling defined as a non-probability
This chapter presents the methodology of this study. This includes sampling method in which researchers create a convenience sample
the research design, which is a vital part of a study that is used to involving individuals that represent a population. Quota sampling can
determine how the data is gathered, analyzed and interpreted. The help get a broad picture of attitudes, behaviors, or circumstances, such
inclusion and exclusion criteria, the population and the sampling as understanding the range of concerns facing respondents about an
procedures and techniques are discussed in this chapter. Furthermore, issue.
the research instrument used to gather the data, as well as the data The researchers will employ a non-random sampling procedure to
gathering and analysis procedures, which will be used to answer the accomplish the sampling size of the study. Specifically, the exploratory
research questions of this study, are also discussed in this chapter. survey research technique will be implemented. From the 2 sections, the
names of the students will be list down on the question on an online with the required data. In this study, the researchers will ask random
survey platform, the Google Form, and the answers for the following Junior High School students at Imus National High School as their
questions will be appropriately examine. Then, the researchers will respondents on this study. After asking random students, the researchers
evaluate the answers succeeding in the objectives and significance of will present their informed consent to the respondents to inform them
supporting the subject. that their answers would only be used for this research study.
XIV. Respondents of the Study The researchers will conduct this survey through Google form on
The research study will conduct at Imus National High School, City the evening of April 2024, inside Imus National High School. The
of Imus, Cavite. It will assess the impact of peer interaction on the researchers will wait for the responses of the students who answered our
student's academic performance and competitive advantage at the survey. The data gathering began as the researchers provided a survey
school. Furthermore, it will impact the overall academic performance of through the use of Google Forms wherein the respondents had to answer
students who engage in peer interactions both inside and outside of the the given questions based on their perspectives. The questions given was
classroom. The researchers will select the students of Imus National High related to the impact of peer interaction on student's academic
School Year 2023-2024 because they are suitable and relevant to the performance. The researchers will collect their responses then after
study. analyzing their answers, the researchers will gather the information based
XV. Research Instrument on the responses of the respondents.
This study will use questionnaires that were used to survey the Imus
National High School students in Google Forms about the impact of peer
interaction on students' academic performance. The questionnaire was
developed based on the research significance of the study. The
questionnaire consisted of ten (10) items. The first part of the
questionnaire consisted of two (3) questions about personal information
and the second part consisted of seven (7) questions about students'
experiences and perceptions of the impact of peer interaction. The
respondents will answer the question about the frequency of peer
interaction in a week using the following Multiple-Choice: A. Less than 1
hour B. 1-3 hours C. 3-5 hours D. 5-10 hours E. More than 10 hours and the
rest will be answered in paragraph form.
In order to gather accurate data, the researchers will look for a
questionnaire that is related to the study. The impact of peer interaction
on students' academic performance questionnaire will base on the study
of London Management Center 2023 about "The Benefits of Collaborative
Learning: How Peer Interaction Enhances Learning". While the personal
information questionnaire will serve as data.
XVI. Data Gathering Procedure
The data-gathering procedure of this study will be discussed in this
part. This is the part where researchers start to collect the required data.
The researchers shall specify a specific date and time when they will
conduct the data collection and establish their participants. This is an
essential part of the study because it will allow researchers to gather
information from their chosen respondents, which can then provide them

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