Kirby On A Star Cloud-1
Kirby On A Star Cloud-1
Kirby On A Star Cloud-1
Hello! This is an intermediate level pattern. Please do NOT sell, reference or copy this
pattern in any way, and do NOT repost on your IG page; only shares are allowed. You
may sell the plushies you make with this pattern as long as you credit
@kuma.migurumi as the owner of the pattern. There is no need to sl st at the start of
each round as we will work in continuous rounds for this pattern. This pattern is
written in US terminology. Have fun making your Kirby! :3
Materials Abbreviations
-Plush Yarn (3 colours) r _ = round _
A- Light pink for Kirby’s body
mr = magic ring
B- Dark pink for Kirby’s legs
ch = chain
C- White for big star cloud
-4ply/8ply Yarn (2 colours) sc = single crochet
D- Cream for mini stars inc = increase
E- Pastel blue for mini stars dec = decrease
-Crochet Hook- I used 6.5mm for sl st = slip stitch
Kirby’s body, arms and legs, 5.5mm st(s) = stitch(es)
for the big star and 4.5mm for ( * ) = number of stitches
the mini stars. This will vary depending
at the end of each round
on your yarn size but it is recommended
to use thinner yarn for the mini stars.
example- r3: (1sc, 1inc) x6 (18)
-Felt for Kirby’s facial features = in round 3, repeat the process of
-Stuffing making 1 single crochet, then 1
-Scissors increase, 6 times. This round will
-Crochet needle end with a total of 18 stitches.
-Stitch marker (optional)
Kirby’s Body r14: sc all around (48)
Kirby's Arms
Using colour A (light pink),
Using colour A (light pink),
r15:(2sc, 1dec, 2sc) x8 (40) make 2 arms.
r1: 6sc in a mr (6)
r16: (3sc, 1dec) x8 (32) r1: 6sc in a mr (6)
r2: 6inc (12)
*Start stuffing Kirby* r2: 6inc (12)
r3: (1sc, 1inc) x6 (18)
r17: (1sc, 1dec, 1sc) x8 (24) r3: (sc, inc) x6 (18)
r4: (1sc, 1inc, 1sc) x6 (24)
r18: (1sc, 1dec) x8 (16) r4: sc all around (18)
r5: (3sc, 1inc) x6 (30)
*Finish stuffing Kirby* r5: (sc, dec) x6 (12)
r6: (2sc, 1inc, 2sc) x6 (36)
r19: dec all around (8) *Stuff Kirby's arm fully*
r7: (5sc, 1inc) x6 (42)
FO and close the body, Sl st into the first st of r5 and
r8-12 (5 rounds): sc all
leaving a long tail to sew FO, leaving a long tail for
around (42)
onto the star cloud later. sewing.
r13: (3sc, 1inc, 3sc) x6 (48)
Star Cloud r10: 5sc, 1ch, turn hook, skip the ch and last
Faces sc (5)
Using colour C (white), make 2 cloud faces r11: 4sc, 1ch, turn hook, skip the ch and last
r1: 6sc in a mr (6) sc (4)
r2: 6inc (12) r12: 3sc, 1ch, turn hook, skip the ch and last
r3: (1sc, 1inc) x6 (18) sc (3)
r4: (1sc, 1inc, 1sc) x6 (24) r13: 2sc (you should be at the tip of the star
r5: (3sc, 1inc) x6 (30) point)
r6: (2sc, 1inc, 2sc) x6 (36) r14: sc down the side of the star point
r7: (5sc, 1inc) x6 (42) (takes around 4-5 sc in random holes you
r8: (3sc, 1inc, 3sc) x6 (48) can put your hook through!) until you reach
*From here, we will be making 8 star the original 6th sc from r9. This is so that
points. Each star point is made using 6 sts we can begin our next star point.
from r8. Once you finish the first star (Repeat r9-14 for the next star point) x7
point, please use the next 6sts from r8 to *Once all 8 star points are complete, sl st
create a second star point, and so on* and FO your first star cloud face. Do not sl
r9: 6sc, 1ch, turn hook, skip the ch and st or FO the second star cloud face, follow
last sc (6) page 6 for assembly*
Mini Stars
CREDIT: Hooked by Robin
Make around 7-9 of these with 4ply or 8ply
yarn (not plush yarn) in colours D and E, or a
colour combination to your liking.
YouTube link
r1: in a mr, ch1, (sc, dc, ch2, dc) x 5.
r2: sc, sl st to the 1st sc of the round. v=X3m9cn9jjuY&ab_channel=Hook
FO, no need for tail edbyRobin
Kirby's Wings
Please make 2 wings in colour C by
following @kaycrochetss wing pattern in
her Oscar Teddy Bear free pattern using
this QR code on the left. I modified her
Instagram Link pattern by starting off with 7ch and therefore skipping r3-4. This is so that
the wings aren’t too long for Kirby's
body. However, you are free to just keep
it the same as hers! She has a detailed
tutorial on how to make the wings which
is linked in her pattern.
1- Sew Kirby's arms on r9-14, 6-8 sts from each other. This may vary depending on
your Kirby's body length.
2- Keep your second cloud face on the hook and put the first cloud face (which has
been FO) directly against it, matching the star points in place. Ensure they are back-
to-back with the proper sides facing outwards. sl st all throughout the cloud faces by
hooking through both the sts of the cloud faces. This will join them together and you
will start to form your star cloud. Before you approach the end, stuff the star cloud so
that it becomes plump. Sl st until you arrive at your initial sl st, then FO and sew close.
Alternatively, you can sew the two faces together with yarn.
3- Sew Kirby's body all around r5-6 of the star cloud. This might be difficult but try to
sew as tightly as possible so that Kirby doesn't fall off the cloud!
4- Glue the mini stars onto the front of the star cloud as pictured.
5- Sew Kirby's legs on the back of his body in r9-14 around 5-6 sts from each other.
Please make sure the longer ends are pointing downwards and outwards. They are
meant to be wonky legs as mentioned before <3
6- Sew Kirby's wings onto r6-8 of his body, placing them appropriately between the
7- Use dark purple/black, blue and white felt for Kirby's eyes. Use light pink felt for
Kirby’s blush. Design is illustrated on the next page. Glue onto Kirby in r6-8.
Reference pictures
1 2+4
3 5+6
7 7
Good job on finishing your Kirby on a star cloud! This is my first pattern so
please forgive me if any part was confusing to understand! The star cloud
was definitely the hardest part of the pattern so please do not hesitate to
ask me questions if you are unsure of how to approach it or any other part
of the pattern. Thank you for using my pattern and I can't wait to see your
versions <3 I hope to release more patterns in the future as my crochet
skills advance more. Thank you again!
Tester appreciation
Thank you to all my lovely testers for making the cutest Kirby’s I could ever
ask for HEHEHE. Please make sure to check all their posts out because they
have the best and most talented projects <3
@craftncs @emriscrochet @_.crochetbyemilia._
@velscrochet @asphodelcrochet
@iuli.crochets @hcrochetx