Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal Internasional
Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 252-261. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_026
Available online at http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJMET?Volume=10&Issue=3
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the calculation of the amount of loses that
occur in the PT Pelindo IV Merauke Branch water distribution network. This study
uses the method of observation and literature review. Head losses calculation requires
flowrate data (Q), high pressure (h), and pipe flow velocity (v) using the Darcy-
Weisbach and Hazen-Wiliam methods. Data is collected and calculated to find
available Head Loses, Positive Head Suction and Net Positive Suction Head required.
The water velocity at the final pipe is 4.39 m / s, the fluid velocity that enters the pump
is 3.559 m / s, the discharge capacity is 72.144 m3 / hour with a power requirement of
19.1758 kW. The available Net Positive Suction Head is 8.019 m and the Net Positive
Suction Head required is 2.86 m, the total head is 24.92 m while the maximum Head
of the pump is 60 m so it can be stated the pump works in a safe and without
experience cavitation.
Keywords: head losses, distribution network, flowrate, power requirement
Cite this Article Reinyelda D. Latuheru, Analysis of Head Losses in Water
Distribution Network at Pt. Pelindo IV Branch of Merauke, International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 252-261.
With the extensive use of the pump, a test is needed to determine the performance of the
pump. Centrifugal pumps are one type of pump that is widely used in industry. Centrifugal
pumps are one type of fluid transfer pump, with the working principle of changing the kinetic
energy (velocity) of a liquid into potential (dynamic) energy through an impeller that rotates
in the casing. In general, pumps are considered to have good quality if they are considered to
have a strong thrust. In terms that are more commonly referred to as pump heads. The higher
the head, the better the quality of the pump.
One of the things that is affected by various variations of pipe installations such as
changes in altitude, changes in speed due to changes in cross section and fluid friction is the
change in pressure on the fluid flowing in the pipe (Khamdani, 2012).
Factor that affect headloss is roughness or roughness on the surface of the pipe.
Roughness depends on the material used by the pipe, corrosion, and the age of the pipe.
Because the normal flow will experience friction, the friction that occurs with a rough pipe
causes a decrease in pressure for each length of pipe that is passed. Another factor is caused
by the length of the pipe the longer the pipe passed the more pressure is lost, the other factor
is caused by the diameter of the pipe, generally small diameter pipes have more headlamps
than pipes with a larger diameter, this is caused by the large diameter of the water not
touching all parts while on a small diameter of water meets all space (Spellman, 2009).
The development of clean water supply systems continues, and careful planning and
practical and economical methods are very necessary. The loss of head of a ship water
distribution installation will cause the process of distribution of water from the ship reservoir
to be hampered. The increase in the number of ships going in and out will require a vessel
water supply system that can work optimally to distribute water from the reservoir to the ship.
Based on these problems, it is necessary to analyze the possibility of the occurrence of loses
head in the water distribution system. The objective to be achieved from this research is to
analyze the amount of loses head that occurs in the water distribution network of PT Pelindo
IV Merauke Branch.
Cavitation will occur if the static pressure of a liquid stream drops below saturated vapor
pressure. So to avoid cavitation it must be endeavored so that no part of the flow in the pump
has a static pressure lower than the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid at the relevant
temperature. This needs to be considered two types of pressure that play a role. First, the
pressure is determined by the environmental conditions in which the pump is installed and
both pressures are determined by the state of the flow in the pump.
a. Available NPSH
The available NPSH is the head that is owned by the liquid on the suction side of the
pump (equivalent to the absolute pressure on the suction side of the pump), reduced by the
pressure of the saturated vapor of the liquid in that place. In the case of a pump that sucks
liquid from the open place (by pressing the atmosphere at surface liquid) the amount of NPSH
available can be written as follows:
b. Required NPSH
The lowest pressure inside the pump is usually found near a point after the impeller blade
inlet. At that place, the pressure is lower than the pressure on the pump suction hole. This is
due to head losses in the suction nozzle, increase in flow velocity due to narrowing cross
section area, and increase in flow velocity due to the thick blade.
So, in order to avoid evaporation of the liquid, press the pump inlet, minus the pressure
drop inside the pump, to be higher than the liquid vapor pressure. The pressure head which is
the same as the pressure drop is called NPSH as needed. The amount of NPSH required is
different for each pump. For a particular pump, the NPSH required changes according to its
capacity and rotation. In order for the pump to work without experiencing cavitation, the
following requirements must be met: NPSH available> NPSH required.
Total 13.3
3 0.127 130
4 0.1016 20
5 0.1016 2.23
6 0.0762 9
Total 234.23
A = Cross-sectional area (0,013267 m2)
Q = Discharge (72 m3)
Then obtained:
=5427,20 m/h
=1,5076 m/s
For steady-state energy, it can be determined using the following equation:
It is assumed that the parameters P1 = P2, V1 ≈ 0 and V2≈V in the pipe, mean losses in
the upstream part of the pump and outlet pipe are obtained by the following equation:
v = velocity 1,5076 m/s
g = gravity acceleration 9,81 m/s2
f = Friction factor
(Deff/Dn = 0, 667)
V = viscosity for water 1,02x10-6 m2/s
Then obtained
Because there is a reduction in the cross section of the pipe, where the pipe is arranged in
a row the first condition is that for all discharge pipes it is the same.
Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = constant
V1 . D12 = V 2 D22 = V3D32
Assuming that the pressure increase due to cross section is equal to 1,25 atm ≈ 126656,25
≈ 1,29153 kg/cm2
≈ 12915,37 kg/m2
Elevation increase of 0.5 meters (average roughness of cast iron pipes). For water density
ρ =1000 kg/m3 , D = 1,02x 10-6 m2/s fluid crosses the system with a total upstream loss of
3.4. Pump
Pump diameter 25 cm = 9.8425 inch with 1450 rpm rotation, pump radius r1 = 6 cm and r2 =
18.5 cm ≈ 0.185 meter with pump blade blade β1 = 120 and β2 = 200 and pump bar width b1
= b1 = 5.89 cm 5 0.0589 meters.
The angular velocity of the pump is taken the smallest r from the lowest point of the pump
r = 2.8 cm ≈ 0.028 m so it is obtained
U1= ω .. r1
= (151,77 rad/s) . (0,028 m)
= 4,24956 m/s
U2= ω . r2
= (151,77rad/s) . (0,185 m) = 28,07745 m/s
With L1 =900 at the design point
Vn1 = u1 tan 12
= 4,24956 tan 12
= 0,9033 m/s
Obtained speed diagram of the inlet
For ideal conditions where the velocity of tangency in the inlet and outlet with the
pineness of the pin can be determined by the following equation:
Vt = ω x r1
= (151,77 rad/s) . (0,06 m)
= 9,1062 m/s
The style moment needed
To = ρ. Q. (r2Vn2 - r1Vn1)
= (1000 kg/m 3) . ( 72,144 m3/h) [(0,185m). (0,293 s) —(0,06).(0,9023) I
= 4,8334 Nm
So that:
VQ2 = P2 – Vt . cos β2
=(28,07745) – 9,1062 . cos 20
=19,52042 m/s
Ideal head increase
v : The average speed in the valve entry section (m/s)
fv : Valve loss coefficient (from table obtained 0.10) hv: Loss of valve head
So that HN (total head) = H friction + H bend + H valve
n = pump rotation 1450 rpm
Dn = the best capacity obtained 72,0576 m3/jam =1,20 m3/min
HN = total head 19,92 m
So that it is obtained:
In the graph the relationship between cavitation coefficient and specific velocity is
obtained σ = 0.90 NPSHr at the best point of efficiency is:
Hsvn = σ . HN
= 0,09 x 19,92
= 1,79 m
So that the efficiency point Q / Qn = 1.08, from the NPSH graph required from the highest
efficiency point capacity is equal to 1.6, NPSHr is obtained:
NPSHr =1,6 x Hsvn
= 1,6 x 1,79
= 2,86 m
Based on the calculation of cooling load, it can be concluded as follows:
1. The water velocity at the final pipe is 4.39 m / s, the fluid velocity that enters the
pump is 3.559 m / s, the discharge capacity of 72.144 m3 / hour with a power
requirement of 19.1785 kW is smaller than the installed power of 22 kW. The total
head loss at the installation is 19.92 m and the total head of the installation plus the
maximum height of the vessel is 24.92 m.
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