5 & 6 - BIOSTATISTICS V & VI Inferential Statistics I & II
5 & 6 - BIOSTATISTICS V & VI Inferential Statistics I & II
5 & 6 - BIOSTATISTICS V & VI Inferential Statistics I & II
Inferential Statistics
Lets recap
Identify the graph
Is the distribution left skewed or right?
Learning outcomes
Key elements of inferential statistics
Concept of generalizing sample result to population
Concept of SE , CI
What increases or decreases SE and CI
Steps of hypothesis testing
What’s this all about?
Inferential Statistics
Accuracy of inference depends on
representativeness of sample from population
Inference is based on the principle of probability
It help researchers
◦ test hypotheses and answer research questions
◦ derive meaning from the results—holds true for
population or not
Inferential Statistics…
Inferential comes from the word infer. To infer is to conclude
or judge from premises or evidence and not to prove.
Inferential statistics frequently involves
Estimation (i.e., guessing the characteristics of a population from a
sample of the population)
Clinically significant
Generalization of result of a sample over the whole
Standard error (SE)
It is measure of extent to which sample mean deviate from the population mean”.
Standard deviation of distributions of means or variation
Also called as Standard error of mean
Standard Error = S/√ n
Where S=standard deviation and n= sample size
Standard Error depends upon:
1. Standard deviation
2. Sample size
If standard deviation is more SE is also
If sample size is more SE is
Difference between SD & SE
SD quantifies the variation within a sample
Descriptive Inferential
Point Estimate
Point estimate
A point estimate is a specific numerical value
estimate of a parameter.
The best point estimate of the population mean
is the sample mean
Point estimate
Suppose a college president wishes to estimate the
average age of students attending classes this
semester. The president could select a random
sample of 100 students and find the average age of
these students, say, 22.3 years( mean)
This type of estimate is called a point estimate.
Interval estimate
Sample mean different from the population mean
The point estimate fails to indicate how close the estimate is
to population parameter.
This flaw can be remedied by use of a confidence interval
A group of numbers for which we have a specified degree of
assurance that the value of the parameter was captured.
Interval estimate…
Either the interval contains the parameter or it does
A degree of confidence (usually a percent) can be
assigned before an interval estimate is made.
90%, 95% , 99%
Estimating Confidence Intervals
Confidence Interval - Definition
A range of values for a variable constructed so that this
range has a specified probability of including the true value
of the variable
Point estimate
How much confident you are?
The range in which we are fairly certain that the
population mean lies.
CI 68% = x ± SE x = sample mean
CI 95% = x ± 2SE SE = standard error
CI= mean ± z (SE), at 95% z = 1.96 , for
CI 99% = x ± 3 SE calculations use 2,
At 99%, z = 2.58, for calculations use 2.5
Knowledge check!
Mean and SD for height of 50 boys were 150 cm and 7 cm
respectively. Could this sample be from the universe with a population
mean of 154cm?
For this u need to calculate SE and 95% CI
CI = x ± 2 SE
CI = 150 ± 2 (7/√50)
CI= 148.04- 151.96
So this sample is not drawn from this pop with mean of 154.
Imp terms
Confidence Interval:
Range of values for a point estimate that has a specified
probability of including the true value of the parameter.
Confidence Level:
usually expressed as a percentage (e.g. 95%)
Confidence Limits:
The upper and lower end points of the confidence interval.
How much should be CI?
CI = mean ± z (S/√n)
S and n can be varied
Narrow confidence intervals are of the greatest
value in making estimates, because they allow us
to estimate an unknown parameter with little room
for error…..
Width of CI reflects precision
Hypothesis testing
A systematic way to test claims or ideas about a
group or population.
Hypothesis testing…
In medical research, through test of significance :
Compare sample mean with population mean
Estimate unknown population parameter
Comparing two or more statement to reach a conclusion
General physician making a diagnosis & statisticians testing a
“The procedure which lead to acceptance & rejection of
specific statement about population parameters” is called
hypothesis testing
Testable theory
Educated guess
Statement of belief
Types of statistical hypotheses
Alternative/research hypothesis (HA)…
◦ An effect (that you predict)
Null hypothesis (HO) …
◦ No difference
◦ Observed difference is due to chance alone
HA there is a relationship
Must be mentioned in
Protocol/synopsis/proposal/research plan.
A company claims that average time a make a
ready mix pie is 5min…
Test it…
Ho: µ = 5min
Ha: µ= 5min, µ > 5min, µ< 5min
Types of null hypothesis
1. One tailed ..directional or one sided
one group is either greater than or less than
group B
2. Two tailed or non directional or two sided
Two groups are not the same
A researcher thinks that if expectant mothers
use vitamin pills, the birth weight of the babies
will increase. The average birth weight of the
population is 8.6 pounds.
H 0 : wt = 8.6
H 1 : wt > 8.6
directional or onesided
Doctors believe that the average teen sleeps no
longer than 10 hours per day…
A researcher believes that teens on average sleep
Ho: µ = 10 hours
Ha: µ > 10 hours
Steps of hypothesis testing
1. Statistical hypothesis
Null Hypothesis
Alternate hypothesis
2. Decision Rule or level of significance
3. Apply test of statistical significance
4. Comparison of p-value with Alpha
5. Decision
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Steps of Hypothesis testing…
1. State the null hypothesis, Ho
2. State the alternative hypothesis, H1 or HA
3. Establish a level of significance or Alpha = 0.05
Steps of Hypothesis testing…
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Steps of Hypothesis testing…
Tests of Significance
Parametric vs Non parametric
Depends upon scale of data
◦ Categorical data
◦ Chi Square test/ SE of proportion
◦ Continuous Data
◦ One Sample
◦ Two Samples
◦ Paired t test / Dependent sample t test
◦ Unpaired / Independent samples t test/ two samples t test
◦ More than two samples
SE of mean
We obtained a random sample of 100 individuals
with mean Hb levels of 12 gm and SD of 2gm.
Assuming normal distribution of Hb in population,
What possible range of mean of Hb level could we
expect within 95% confidence limits?
SE of proportion
In a population of 10000, the working people are
5200. A random sample of 100 individuals was
taken and the proportion of working people was
What possible range of working people we will
expect in a sample of 100 with 95% confidence?
Choice of test
Knowledge check
When comparison is based on quantitative
data (comparison of mean)
When comparison is based on qualitative
data (comparison of proportions)
Chi-Square Test
Which of the following test is appropriate for
testing the proportion of type II diabetes is similar
in men and women?
a. X2 test
b. T test
Which of the following test is appropriate for testing the mean
Hb levels difference among female students before and after
iron supplementation?
a. X2 test
b. Paired/dependent t test
c. Unpaired/independent samples t test
•Indicates the probability or likelihood of obtaining a
result at least as extreme as that observed in a study
by chance alone, assuming that there is truly no
association between exposure and outcome under
• Probability of falsely rejecting Ho
• Probability of finding the result by chance alone
• Probability of committing Type I error or Alpha error
Interpretation of p - value
The p – value that is obtained after having applied
a relevant test of significance is compared with the
predetermined level of significance that is ‘Alpha’.
If this was set at 0.05 then:
p = or < 0.05 – Reject the null hypothesis
p > 0.05 – Accept null hypothesis
Exact term : failed to reject null hypothesis
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Interpretation of p – value…
P value is probability of wrongly rejecting a null hypothesis
when it is true
p > 0.05 – result not significant
p = or < 0.05 – result significant at 0.05 but not at 0.01
p < 0.01 - result highly significant
p < 0.001- result very highly significant
p < 0.0003 – means it is significant at all levels
p < 0.0000 in journals/articles -??
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Pl note!
The size of the p-value does not indicate the
importance of the results
Results may be statistically significant but be
clinically unimportant
Results that are not statistically significant
may still be important
Difference between alpha and p value
The p value (obtained after applying test of significance)for obtaining a
outcome is compared to the level of significance.
Type I error Correct
Hypothesis (observe difference
rejected when not exists)
Hypothesis Correct
rejected Decision
Hypothesis Correct
accepted Decision
Type I (Alpha) and Type II (beta)
Null hypothesis Null hypothesis
was true was false