Comparison Between Geant4 and Egsnrc of Dosimetric Quantities and Spectra Simulation For Electrons Beam
Comparison Between Geant4 and Egsnrc of Dosimetric Quantities and Spectra Simulation For Electrons Beam
Comparison Between Geant4 and Egsnrc of Dosimetric Quantities and Spectra Simulation For Electrons Beam
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All content following this page was uploaded by Gabriela Hoff on 19 December 2014.
a) 10 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50
Energy(keV) Energy(keV)
� g �: � � i t:;; :
� �
1)" 1)"
� � �
I!! I!!
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Ci 6 :
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Energy(keV) Energy(keV)
(b) -.- G4LOW/NIST _ EGSnrc/NIST .......- G4LOW/EGSnrc -.- G4LOW/NIST _ EGSnrc/NIST .......- G4LOW/EGSnrc
Fig. I. Comparison among CSDA ranges \\ere taken from the NIST \\eb database ESTAR (ESTAR), ant the simulate on this \\o{)rk for Geant4 an d
EGSnrc for (a) for the same energy cut of IkeY; and (b) the default energy cut of the simulation programs IkeY for EGS and 250keY for Geant4
--Q.- 10keY· ivermore -Q- lS keV· liYermore 20kev • li11t!1'lT'oOI'v 2Skev·liYt!I'lT'oOI'e
�IOkeV·stilndard -Q- 15keV- standard 2OkeV· standard -0- 25keV-standard
�)()keV-st<Jnd.lrd --e-- 35lteV -standMd -e- 40keV - staodiJrd -
--e-- 4Ske\i stand;Jrd
lOkeY • liYermorv --Q.- 15keV· livermorv .. OkeV • llYmlOJe --Q.- 4SkeV· liYemore
2 1
", '
.. °
8 1)1;10
tK 10,1
( a) Oistance(cm) Distance(cm)
-e-- JOt:eY penelope --9-- 15
ke · pen�pe
V 20keV • pendope -9- 2 "k
eV· penelope � I OkeV· �ope 1 5keV· penebpe 2OkeV·petlefope 2SkeV· penelope
--0-- lOkeY· penelope --0-- 3SkeV' penelope -G-- 40keV· Pf!flt'lofMl --0- 45keV' penelope -e-- JOkeV· penetope -e-- 15keV· penebpe __ 4OlceV·petlefope 4S11:ev· penelope
501toY- peneklpo -Q- 551.:0V· penetope ---9-- 601I:oV· penelope --.Q.- 101teV· penelope 5OkeV· penefope 55keV· penelope �60lceV·petlelope -e-- 70keY . penelope
801teV penelope 90keV- penelope \OOkeV- penelope 8 OkeV· ��ope 9OlceV· penelope lOOkeV· pe�ope
IX 10"
(b) Distance(an)
-e- 0k 1 e'!
· livermore �151ceV·h...el'Tl1Ofe ...
20keV • � ennore -e- 2SkeV· liYennore
--4-- JOkeY' livermore -Q-- lSkeV' livermore ...
-e- 4OkeY· � emore � 45keV' liYemore
Fig. 3. Profile of dose deposition as function of the distance from the
'SOkeV • livennore -Q- 5SkeV·l ....em"!OJ'e � 6OIteV' � ...cnroore -&- 7OkeY· liYerml)(e
BOte'! • livermore 90keV • hvermore lOOkeY· ""'elmore
source in radial geometry for Geant4 Low Energy library: (a) Penelope
and (b) Livermore. Default cut energy of 250 eY.
and Geant4 for thin sensitive volumes even when the same Comparing to EGSnrc to Geant4 for default parameter end
energy cut are used. lkeV of energy cut (it means for Geant4 uses the standard
library) we can say that both presented peaks but geant4
----0-- 40Io:e'" eosnrt
---Q-- tOkeY· eosllft
-e- SOkeV - �nn: -e-
15keV· IiISnn:
6010:." . e<;1snn:
�k.V· tOsorc
-e- 10k.V· ...,snn:: -
-4-- )Oke'" 105m
8Ok.V . �nrt • tOOleeV· e<;15n�
presented better results showing less visible peaks. But the
For electrons of energies under 150kV, no significant
differences on calculation of CSDA and significant differences
for dose simulates for thin layer on spherical geometry. The
evaluation of E.b and CSDA for different layer thickness united
----0-- lOkeV· IIOSnrt ---Q-- ISkeV· IiISnrc 2OIo:e"· eosnrc ---Q-- 3Oke"· eosm ----Q-- 401o:e'" • eosnrt
-€I>- SOkeV - egsnn: � 60keV . e<;Isnrc -&- 10keV· e<;Jsnn: - .
SOkeV egsnn: .. tOOle.V· egsnn:
to study of electron flux (spectra) and the percentage of
(b) Distancelcml peaks using the default values. For Livermore and Penelope
--Qo..- tOkeV. eosnn: ISkeV. eoSin ---Q.-- )OkeV. eosnrc
-&- SOhV- egsnn:
-e- 60 ke V . eosnrt:
-&- 10ke"· eosnn::
- SOleeV . egsnrc
--Q-- 40keV· egsm
.. l00ke'l' egsnn:: models the profile is smooth, closer to the expected according
the theory of transport of electrons. Instead of those presented
differences on radial dose distribution do not present
significant influence on the values calculated, when compared
to the published by NIST. However this is a first evaluation.
We are planning to verii)' those chances for different materials
(medium and high densities), verii)' the differences among the
different models implemented in GEANT4 and the results
' presented are EGSnrc simulations; study the differences on the
( C) Distance(cm)
process of transport computed by each model, and the
----0-- 101<ell. eosnrc .......Q- 15keV. eosnrt --Q-- 3OkeV. eosnrt ---Q-- 40keV. egsr«
--e-- SOhV. eosnrt -G- 60keV • eosrn -&-
2OIo:e'" eosnrc
10ke . II(ISIV't - 80keV • egsnn: • lOOkeV. eQsnI'C
simulation running time. The important information to be
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