Part 2

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Gingival recession: part 2.

• Gingival recession can be corrected using

Surgical management using pedicle grafts but careful case selection

is essential for complete root coverage.
• To ensure success of periodontal plastic

pedicle grafts surgery several patient and tooth related

factors need to be assessed before
• Pedicle grafts are not suitable in cases
M. Patel,1 P. J. Nixon2 and M. F. W.-Y. Chan3 with thin gingival biotype and in areas
where there is a lack of keratinised tissue.


This paper is the second in a three part series looking at the aetiology and management of gingival recession. Part one discussed
the aetiology and non-surgical management and this part aims to discuss the use of pedicle soft tissue grafts in the treatment
of gingival recession. This article also considers the factors affecting the outcome of surgical procedures used to treat localised
recession defects. The third paper in this series will consider the use of free soft tissue grafts and guided tissue regeneration.

Table 1 Miller’s classification of recession defects
Gingival recession is defined as the api-
cal displacement of the gingival margin
from the Cemento-Enamel Junction (CEJ).1
Recession that does not extend to the mucogingival junc-
The patient’s main complaint often relates Class I
tion with no periodontal bone loss in the interdental areas
to poor aesthetics and occasionally it is
related to sensitivity. Part 1 in this series
discussed the aetiology of gingival reces-
sion and the non-surgical management. Recession that extends to or beyond the mucovingival
This paper aims to introduce some of the Class II
junction, with no interdental bone loss
surgical options available to correct local-
ised recession defects.

PERIODONTAL PLASTIC SURGERY Recession that extends to or beyond the mucogingival

Periodontal plastic surgery describes any Class III junction, with some periodontal attachment loss in the
interdental area or malpositioning of the teeth
surgical procedures involving the mucog-
ingival tissues. It includes surgery which
attempts to increase the width of kerati-
nised tissue around a tooth and cover Recession that extends to or beyond the mucogingival
any exposed root surface associated with Class IV junction, with severe bone and/or soft-tissue loss in the
interdental area and/or severe malpositioning of the teeth
a recession defect. The main indications
for surgical intervention to correct reces-
sion defects include the need to improve
localised soft tissue aesthetics, reduce CLASSIFICATION OF as a result of surgical intervention and
hypersensitivity, improve plaque con- GINGIVAL RECESSION therefore any periodontal plastic surgery
trol and prevent further progression of Miller3 has classified gingival recession should be avoided. This is commonly seen
recession defect.2 into four categories (Table 1). These cat- in patients who have developed recession
egories can be used to assess the reces- due to chronic periodontal disease.
sion defect present and predict the possible
outcome of any periodontal plastic sur- FACTORS AFFECTING OUTCOME OF
gery procedure which would aim to cover
Specialist Registrar in Restorative Dentistry,

Consultants in Restorative Dentistry, Department of

the recession defect and restore aesthet- There are several factors that can affect the
Restorative Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon
Way, Leeds, LS2 9LU ics. Defects classified as Miller’s Class I outcome of any periodontal plastic sur-
*Correspondence to: Dr Mital Patel and II can result in full coverage of the gery procedures. These are listed below and
recession defect whereas class III would should be assessed and corrected where pos-
Refereed Paper only provide partial coverage to the level sible before surgery as part of the pre-surgi-
Accepted 21 July 2011
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.821 of the interdental bone. Class IV defects cal preparation or during surgery in order to
© British Dental Journal 2011; 211: 315-319 are unlikely to provide any root coverage improve the overall success of the procedure:


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a) Condition of root surface - of keratinised tissue available adjacent to

presence of calculus, caries, the recession defect should also be assessed
contaminated cementum or when considering rotational or coronally
restorations on root surface advanced pedicle graft.8
Any filling material or caries on the root
surface should be removed before surgery e) Size of the recession defect
and the root surface should be prepared
and graft material
by scaling to remove any residual calculus The graft material harvested from the donor
and contaminated cementum. Removal of site should be large enough to cover the
all endotoxins, bacteria and other antigens whole recession defect and extend beyond
found in contaminated cementum is essen- it in order to get adequate blood supply Fig. 1a Diagram showing the outline of the
initial incision through the surface epithelium
tial to leave the root surface biologically from the soft tissue surrounding the reces- around the recession defect
compatible with healthy periodontal tissues. sion defect. As the root surface does not
Lindhe and Nyman4 and Lindhe et al.5 have contribute any blood supply to the graft
highlighted that thorough debridement of material, recession defects which are nar-
the root surface is essential for a success- row result in a better outcome than wide
ful outcome of periodontal plastic surgery recession defects as the overlap between
attempting to provide root coverage over a graft material and recipient soft tissue bed
recession defect. Some authors have sug- will be greater. The graft should also be of
gested the use of citric acid to treat the root an adequate thickness to prevent necrosis.2
surface before the surgical procedure. The The height of the recession defect is not
aim of this treatment is to remove the smear as critical as the width of the defect but
layer on the root surface to allow connec- will influence the choice of surgical proce-
tive tissue attachment to the root surface.6,7 dure depending on the amount of attached
Others have suggested the use of tetracycline gingival tissue available and the depth of Fig. 1b The surface epithelium is dissected
away as shown to leave exposed connective
hydrochloride to help promote the healing the vestibule.8 tissue (CT) on the mesial aspect which is now
response post surgery however, clinical prepared to receive the graft tissue
studies have failed to show any improve- f) Thickness of split thickness
ments in outcome when using such agents.8
flaps raised
The split thickness pedicle flaps raised
b) Prominent frenal attachments for many of the periodontal plastic sur-
Prominent frenal attachment can con- gery procedures play an important role in
tribute to the cause of gingival recession. nourishing the grafted tissue. It is essential
Before or as part of any periodontal plastic that this tissue has a certain amount of
surgery it is worth considering carrying thickness to be robust enough to fulfil this
out a frenectomy to relieve any tension on role. Evidence has shown that flaps with a
the gingival tissues from a prominent fre- thickness of less than 1 mm can negatively
num which may otherwise result in failure affect the outcome in terms of the amount
of the surgical procedure. of root coverage achived.9 Fig. 1c The amount of tissue required is
measured and a split thickness flap is raised
on the distal aspect of the root surface.
c) Depth of vestibule CONTRAINDICATIONS TO The tissue is laterally repositioned over the
Patients with shallow vestibule depth should
PERIODONTAL PLASTIC SURGERY recession defect and the exposed CT on
mesial aspect of root
not be considered for pedicle grafts as this a) Smoking
can result in further decrease in vestibule
depth. Alternative surgical procedures Any surgical procedure carried out on
should be considered for these patients. smokers is likely to have a compromised
healing response. Research has shown that
d) Tissue type smoking can significantly impair the out-
Patients with thin gingival biotype are likely come of surgical periodontal therapy when
to have a poorer outcome than those with compared to non-smokers.10-13 Periodontal
thick gingival biotype. When considering plastic surgery should therefore be avoided
periodontal plastic surgery it is important in patients who smoke.
to assess the periodontal tissues carefully
to see if the gingival tissues require a surgi- b) Poor oral hygiene
cal procedure such as a connective tissue Patients with inadequate oral hygiene and Fig. 1d The pedicle flap is sutured into
graft that will thicken the tissue while also active periodontal disease should not be position and the exposed CT at the donor site
is left to heal by secondary intention
correcting the recession defect. The amount considered for periodontal plastic surgery.


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flaps and a subsequent article in the series incision away from the recession defect
will discuss the use of free grafts and leaving a few millimetres of keratinised gin-
guided tissue regeneration. gival tissue around the adjacent tooth at the
donor site. A second oblique distal relieving
PEDICLE FLAPS incision is made towards the apical region
A pedicle graft involves repositioning from where the first incision terminated
donor tissue from an area adjacent to and extended beyond the mucogingival
the recession defect to cover the exposed junction into the alveolar lining mucosa.
root surface. It avoids the need of a sec- A split thickness pedicle flap is then raised
ond surgical site and has the advantage of and rotated over the exposed root sur-
Fig. 1e Pre-op view of a Miller’s Class III retaining its own blood supply from the face and the connective tissue previously
recession defect on the lower left first molar
base of the flap which remains attached exposed on the opposite side (Fig. 1c). The
to the donor site. This helps nourish the graft tissue should be free from any ten-
graft and facilitates vascular union with sion; if not the relieving incision should be
the recipient site. extended further apical. Once repositioned
The pedicle flap was first described by the pedicle flap is sutured down with fine
Grupe and Warren16 as a laterally reposi- interrupted sutures (Fig. 1d) and pressure
tioned full thickness flap. Here the donor applied for a few minutes to minimise the
tissue is taken from one side of the reces- clot underneath the pedicle flap. This is
sion defect and repositioned over the important to ensure good union between
exposed root surface. This was later modi- donor and recipient tissues and to ensure
fied by Hattler17 with the use of a split good vascularisation of the grafted tissue. A
thickness flap repositioned in a similar way periodontal dressing can be placed if neces-
Fig. 1f Surgical site immediately post-
surgery with a pedicle flap taken from the to cover multiple exposed root surfaces. sary but is not mandatory. The donor site is
mesial aspect of LL7 and repositioned over Soon after, Cohen and Ross18 described the left to heal by secondary intention.
the recession defect at LL6 double-papilla repositioned flap for use in If the flap is left under tension, or there is
areas where there was insufficient kerati- excessive movement and poor stabilisation
nised gingival tissue on any one side of or if the flap is too narrow for the reces-
the recession defect to reposition and cover sion defect, then there is a higher chance of
the exposed root surface. Here the papillae failure of the procedure. Figures 1e-g show
are taken from both sides of the recession an example of a Miller’s Class III recession
defect and repositioned over the exposed defect on the lower left first molar treated
root surface. This procedure limits itself to with a laterally repositioned pedicle flap.
single tooth recession defects. The double- At one week post-surgery there has been
papilla flap can also be performed either significant coverage of the exposed mesial
as a full thickness flap or a split thickness root surface. Grafting of a Miller’s Class III
flap depending on the thickness of the defect of this size is highly unlikely to pro-
Fig. 1g Clinical appearance one week gingival tissues.19 vide full coverage of the recession defect;
post surgery
however, significant improvement can be
LATERALLY REPOSITIONED made with partial coverage of the root sur-
SURGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR PEDICLE FLAP face and an increased amount of keratinised
Clinical technique (Figs 1a-g) tissue around the gingival margin as shown
Periodontal plastic surgery is technique in this case. A second surgical procedure
sensitive and involves delicate handling Before raising the donor tissue, the width with a coronally repositioned flap (discussed
of the mucogingival tissues. Burkhardt and of the recession defect should be measured later) can be undertaken to try and cover the
Lang14 concluded that the use of magni- to gauge what size pedicle flap is required. remaining exposed root surface if necessary.
fication and microsurgical instruments to To allow adequate union and healing of
handle the tissues resulted in improved the repositioned flap a cuff of epithelialised DOUBLE PAPILLA
vascularisation of connective tissue grafts tissue around the margins of the recession
and increased root coverage compared to defect is cut away to expose the underlying Clinical technique (Figs 2a-b)
macrosurgical techniques. connective tissue. Similarly, the surface epi-
There are three main types of periodon- thelium adjacent to the recession defect on The width of the recession defect should be
tal plastic surgery procedures described the side opposite to where the donor tissue measured initially to ensure there is suffi-
in the literature to treat recession defects. will be taken is also removed to expose the cient width of tissue available from the two
These include pedicle flaps, free grafts, and underlying connective tissue (Fig. 1a-b). A adjacent papillae to allow full coverage of
guided tissue regeneration.15 The rest of pedicle flap twice the width of the recession the exposed root surface. A cuff of epithe-
this article will look at the use of pedicle defect is then raised by making an oblique lialised tissue is removed from around the


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recession defect to expose the underlying stage technique to cover shallow recession
connective tissue (Fig. 2a). Split thickness defects21 or a two stage technique which is
flaps of the papillae either side of the reces- combined with a free gingival graft, con-
sion defect with vertical reliving incisions nective tissue graft or with guided tissue
on the distal line angle of the tooth in front regeneration procedures. If the gingival
and mesial line angle of the tooth behind tissue apical to the recession defect has
should be raised. The relieving incisions are thin gingival biotype or there is insuf-
extended beyond the mucogingival line and ficient keratinised tissue, a free gingival
taken down to bone at this point to help graft or a connective tissue graft can be
release tension in the flap. The two papil- carried out first to increase the thickness
lae are repositioned and placed over the and amount of keratinised tissue. After
exposed root surface and sutured together approximately three months of healing
Fig. 2a Outline of the incisions made over
with fine interrupted sutures along the mid- the tissue can be coronally repositioned the papilla either side of the recession defect
line of the exposed root surface (Fig. 2b). A as a second stage surgery. If the gingi- to raise a split thickness pedicle flap
sling suture is placed around the tooth to val biotype is thick and there is adequate
hold the grafted tissue in its position and keratinised tissue (minimum 3 mm) then
prevent it from sliding apically. Gentle pres- the tissue can be coronally repositioned
sure is applied for a few minutes to mini- as a one-stage technique. In order to carry
mise the clot that forms under the pedicle out this procedure it is essential to ensure
graft and a periodontal dressing can be there are shallow crevicular depths on
placed if necessary. The exposed connective interproximal surfaces and no interproxi-
tissue at the donor site can be left to heal by mal bone loss.1
secondary intention. Inadequate suturing The amount of coronal advancement
and inadequate stabalisation can result in required is determined by measuring the
separation of the two pedicle flaps resulting height of the recession defect. The same
in failure of the procedure. length is then measured from the tip of
Fig. 2b The pedicle flaps are sutured together
the papilla towards the apex and horizon- over the recession defect.
CORONALLY REPOSITIONED FLAP tal incisions are placed through the tissue
Clinical technique (Figs 3a-f) for a split thickness flap. Vertical relieving thickness flap of even thickness is raised
incisions are placed at the distal line angle and extended beyond the mucogingival
The coronally advanced flap was first of one tooth anteriorly and mesial line margin. The periosteum is released to allow
described by Bernimoulin et al.20 The pro- angle of one tooth posterior to the tooth freedom of movement of the flap. The most
cedure can be performed either as a one with the recession defect (Fig. 3a). A split coronal part of the papilla which remains

Fig. 3a Diagram outlines the incisions made Fig. 3b The surface epithelium coronal to Fig. 3c Diagram shows the pedicle flap
around the recession defect to raise a split the pedicle flap is removed to expose the coronally repositioned and sutured over the
thickness pedicle flap underlying connective tissue. This prepares recession defect
the site to receive the graft tissue

Fig. 3f Post op clinical view of UL2 following

grafting over recession defect, minor
Fig. 3e Clinical picture demonstrating a enameloplasty to reduce length of tooth and
Fig. 3d Pre-op clinical picture showing coronally advanced pedicle flap sutured in some minor addition of composite mesially to
recession defect at UL2 position over the recession defect improve overall shape of the tooth


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