Pe Lab

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Power electronics

Co &Knowledge
S. No.
Experiments Level
To study triggering of (i) IGBT (i) MOSFET (i) power transistor CO1, K3
2 To study V-l characteristics of SCR and measure latching and CO1, K3
holding currents.
3 To study the commutation circuit for SCR. CO1, K3
To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers with resistive and inductive Co2, K4
4 |loads.
5 To study single phase fully controlled bridge rectifiers with DC motor load. CO2, K4
6 To study single-phase ac voltage regulator with resistive and inductiveloads. CO2, K4
7 To study single phase cyclo-converter CO2, K4
To study the four-quadrant operation of chopper circuit CO2, K4
To study MOSFET/IGBT based single-phase bridge inverter. CO2, K4
MATLAB Software based
To obtain the simulation of single-phase half wave-controlled rectifier with Rand CO3, K5
10 RL load and plot load voltage and loadcurrent waveforms
Toobtain simulation of single phase fully controlled bridge rectifier and plot load CO3, K5
11 voltage and load current waveform for inductive load.
To obtain simulation of single-phase full wave ac voltage controller and draw load CO3, K5
12 voltage and load current waveforms for inductive load.
To obtain simulation of step-down dc chopper with L-C output filter for inductive CO3, K5
|load and determine steady-state values of output voltage ripples in output voltage
13 and load current.
To obtain the simulation of single-phase full wave inverter with Rand RL load and CO3, K5
|14 plot load voltage and load current waveforms

Power electronics

S. No.
1 dv/dt protection and firing panel / PE2
2 SCR application panel / PE3
Inverter/converter panel
Four quadrant chopper circuit using power MOSFETS
IGBT/MOSFET inverter panel
6 Stepper motor demonstrator panel / P25
MATLAB software
Csulocosy et

1. Triac Lamp Dimmer

Unit Objective
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to test a
Triac Lamp Dimmer circuit and draw the wave form across load.

Triac lamp dimmer circuit is shown below. Study the
circuit diagram.
Fig. P20.1.1. Triac Lamp Dimmer
230V L
15W3 Power.
100K Scope
(000 110V
IK 22K 136
400V 400V

Wiring Sequence :230VAC L-1,N-2, 4-13, 5-14, Power scope I/PA-3,

Power scope GND A -6

Identify Triac Lamp Dimmer circuit on Panel. Make the

connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
For safety use isolation transformer (230VAC
Primary/1 l10, 230V secondary) for the operating supply of the
circuit. Connect transformer secondary (110V or 230V) to supply
terminals of the circuit. Connect lamp load (10/15 watt, 230V)


Al 8

across output. Switch on mains supply. Vary the potentiometer.
Observe the effect on the intensity of lamp

Connect CRO (Power Scope) across lamp load and observe

medium and
the waveform when potentiometer at minimum,waveform.
ximum positions. Also observe input AC Draw
input AC and output waveforms

Variation in position of potentiometer (i.e. resistance in
firing circuit) causes variation in intensity of lamp (i.e. output
voltage). Triac controls the amount of power in lamp load.
Equipments required
1. CRO Power scope
isolate mains
2. Isolation Transformer 230V IP/110, 230 OP to
so that regular CRO may be usei (optional).
3. Panel No. P20.
it as fan speed
1) Construct above circuit separately and try to use

PE6.2 Mosfet based chopper (Buck)
Unit Objective
On completion of this unit you will understand-working of Mosfet
based chopper. You will also understand procedure for
implementing the same using PE Main unit and Panel PE6.

Discussions on fundamentals
DC-t0-DC conversion is required quite frequently in Industry.
Control power supplies, various battery chargers etc are few


Time Toff

Fig. 2.1Chopper Fig. 2.2 Pure DC Fig, 2.3 Chopper Waveforms

A typical step-down(Buck) chopper is shown in above diagram. If
switch SW is kept continuously ON, then pure DC will be
available across load for all the time and it's average and
maximum value will be same as
If the switch is continuously made ON for time Ton' and kept
OFF for time Toff, the average voltage across the load will be
Ton Ton
Iaag = V =V =Vx Tonxf
Ton +Toff T

Where f is switching frequency in Hz and Ton is in seconds. T is

known as Duty cycle and is always less than 1.t's value will
increase with Ton for given T and so is the output voltage.
Keeping Ton constant if T is reduced or switching frequency is
increased, this also results into increase in output voltage. Thus On
time (which is also known as pulse width) or frequency can be
used to control average output voltage. One can note here that the
output voltage ripple content is quite high as the output is
pulsating. Proper filters may be introduced to reduce this ripple.
The switch shown above willbe replaced here by a power device -
called MOSFET. Mosfet L

t D


Fig, 2.4 MOSFET Chopper

The inductor L and capacitor C fom a L/C filter at the output. The
Mosfet is either ON or OFF depending upon the drive signal. A
separate control circuit may be arranged to get regulated DC
output. This circuit will compare the DC output with a preset
reference and the error will be used to vary the pulse width so as to
maintain the output voltage constant against varying load or
varying input voltage. This is known as Pulse Width Modulation
or PWM. The technique may also be used to generate pulsating
waveformns other than DCat the output as the power device can be
switched at very high speeds.

M choppers are verv widely ed in hatery ohargers D drive
KYtemk Trection mote drives ete
In this esperiment drive wavefm of ahot 2s0H to t00Hz is
obtained using PWAM controller I IMI$21 fhe Chas been used in
en l mode as ch n waveforn with 0% duty eye ie cntrolled
through pot P2 i8 availabie As shown in the dagram, the oure
terminal of the Mosfet is not al smain ground, so the drive to be given
hetween (iate and Source has to be iolated from main power pply
This is equired s gate has to be made positivewith respect to
sOuree ie put ON the Mosfet An opto iolator followed by a totemn
pole transistorized driver circuit is ued for this purpose This opto
solatot reveires it s nput from LMI325
The PI main unit provides two isolated 12volts power supplies for
drvet ciN uit, and also one 11SVolts/ Anps power supply as main
we sourve The flter and a 1Oohmv40W load is also available
trom Pl man unit The duty cyc le being controlled between 0 to
s0the output voltage is around half of ingput voltage for 50% duty
wie Students can observe ripple on output DC at diferent
frequencies The ripple will be less at high frequencies /
The different sections in PE6 and PE main unit will be wired as
PE Mt d


6nsh oe r eses

Fig 2.5 MOSFET based Chopper detail connection diagram

Wiring Schedule
(tve)-DC AM(t ve), DC AM(-ve)-23, 24-15, 16-29, 16
Charger Choke 2 Upper, Choke 2 L.ower
Chokel Upper, Choke l Lower -
Upper,Cap. Bank CI Upper - Cap. Bank C2 Upper,
ap. Bank CI Upper, Cap. Bank C3 Upper
Cap. Bank C2Upper -Cap. Bank C3 - RI0QJ40W (Left),
Upper, Cap. Bank C4 upper
Cap. Bank C4 Cap. Bank C4 Lower -
R10SN40W (Right) Cap. Bank C4 Lower, - Cap. Bank C2 Lower,
Cap. Bank C3 Lower, Cap. Bank C3 Lower, Cap Bank C1 Lower
Cap. Bank C2 Lower- Cap. Bank 5-14, 46-9, 6-16,+12V-1,
27, 28-24, 27-Charger(-ve), 27-37,25-27,
GND-2, 1SQ +12V-4, -12 V-3, ISO common-6,

Fig.2.6 MOSFET based Chopper

across load
At about 250Hz

5V 4.5V
At about 2.5KHz

DCvoltage wavefTrns across Load. (Time period will depend

upon actual frequency of operation)



1 A


1) Make the connections as per above wiring diagram and wiring
2) Note that 10ohm resistance from PE main unit is connected as
3) Keep SW3selector switch on Chopper' mode
4) Keep 'Freq' switch SW5 on 'LOW' position
3) Keep Freq' pot in CCW position.
6) Keep duty cycle pot P2 in CW position
7) Connect 2° channel of oscilloscope across 10ohm load.
8) PutON 230V input to PE main unit. Also put ON 'ON'switch
at the rear of PE main unit.
9) The waveform as shown above (250Hzs) will be seen on the
oscilloscope with DC level of about 4.5 volts. Students may try
different choke capacitor filter combinations from PE main
unit and observe the ripple. By controlling duty cycle control
pot P2 you can change this output voltage.
10) Take the readings according to table given for different duty
cycle by setting pot P2 observing on channel one. Set desired
frequencies by Pl pot.
) Now switch off PE main unit by putting OFF switch at the
12) Change 'Freq' switch to 'High' position. Put ON PE Main
13) The waveform as shown above (2.5KHz) will be seen on the
Oscilloscope with DC level of about 5 volts. The ripple now
will be considerably less. Now by controling duty cycle
control pot P2 you can set any output voltage from 0to 5V.

14) Students may observe the waveforms in both the by
changing the frequency using 'frequency pot' by turning it t
CW position.
15) Take voltage readings as per following table for various
Table No. 2.1 Observation Table
Sr. Frequency DCoutput volts at
No. (Hz)
D-0.5 D-0.3 D=0.2
26 6 4-S 2-73
2 4.s3 2-73|
4.49 2.73
load. A small 12V/20Watt
14) Students may also try DC motor as be used from
PMDC motor is available optionally or may run
will at reduced
labstock. It can be observed that the motor

Equipment required
oscilloscope, Multimeter, Small
PE main unit, PE6, patch cords,

Conclusion to form a basic

can be wired together
PE6 and PE main unit chopper operates at 50% duty cycle
chopper. This mnosfet based
produces almost half the input voltage at output
and as such reduces the ripple. The
the output
terminals. The L-C filter at switching
the frequency increases. The
ripple also reduces -asON or OFF as such the
device heating is
power device is either
quite less.

PE6.7 Mosfet based Step up (Boost)
Unit Objective
On completion of this unit you will understand working of Mosfet
as a step up / boost chopper. You will also understand procedure
for implementing the same using PE Main unit and Panel PE6.

Discussions on fundamentals.
The Step up or boost chopper is the second type basic topology
chopper circuit, in which the output voltage is greater than the
input voltage. The circuit arrangement is as shown in figure 7.1.
Fig 7.1 Step up (Boost) Chopper


Vs C5 R

Drive Q2

From this figure, it is clear that the power MOSFET Q2 has been
moved to a point after the inductor and is connected directly across
the positive and negative lines of the output through series diode.
The flywheel diode D6 is connected in series and is reverse biased

by the inductor. The capacitor is connected in parallel with the
output terminal toprovide filtering.
When MOSFET Q2 is switched on, the input current flows
through the inductor L and the mosfet Q2. The flywheel diode D6
is reverse biased in this case and thus isolates the output stage.
When the mosfet is switched off, the output capacitor receives a
voltage from the inductor added to the supply voltage. This means
that the output voltage of the boost regulator is always greater than
the input voltage, hence the name boost. The voltage at the output
can be regulated by adjusting the duty ratio of the circuit.
Fig 7.2 Boost chopper waveforms
V4 (Vs)


I (Vs- Vac)



A1 the time ttm the transistofis on, and asuming that the
inductor current rises from I, to I;

V, -L -()

Similarly. inductor current falls linearly from 12 to l, in the period.
1 lof then
toff toff
Loft -(4)
V,Vac Va V,
Switching period Ts

Is Lon t Loff
Substituting the values of t & tofr from equation (2) & (4), we get

V, Vac- V,

T;Vs (Vac -Vs) -...(5)

Substituting the values of Al in equation (4), we get

toff = Ts Vs

Ts Vs Vs
1-D --(6)
Where D- Dutycycle ton/T's
From equation (6), it is clear that the average output voltage
depends on the dutyratio of the circuit. Thus, the boost chopper
can step up the output voltage with high efficiency because of a
single transistor. However, a high peak current has to flow
through the power transistor.
Fig 7.3Interconnection between PE main unit &PE6

Vs=8V C5


Wiring Schedule

8V (+ve)-Choke (Upper), Choke (Lower)-25, Choke (Lower)-15,

27-24, 23-37(GND), 45 - 10, 7-14, 8-16,+12V-1, -12V - 3,
GND-2, 8V(-ve)-37, DMM(+ve)-28, DMM(-ve)-23.

1) Make the connections as per above wiring diagram and
wiring Schedule.
2) Note that 100 ohm /2W resistance should be used as load
in the socket provided on PE6 panel.
3) Keep SW3 selector switch on Chopper' mode (leftt side).
4) Keep 'Freq' switch SW5 on 'LOW' position (left side).
Keep 'Freq' pot Pl in CCW position (250Hz).
6) Keep 'duty cycle control pot P2 inCW position.
7) Connect DMM across load.
8) Put ON 230V input to PE main unit. Also put ON
ON'switch at the rear of PE main unit.
9) Observe the DC output of chopper on DMM, it will 2 times
the input voltage.
10) Vary the frequency pot P1 to vary the drive frequency &
take readings for different frequencies as per table given.
11) Students may also vary duty cycle by moving P2 pot
towards CCW direction.
12)Students may also observe the drive waveform on tag 10.
These will be square waves with 50% duty cycle control by
P2 pot and approximately 12 volts peak amplitude, The

chon ScR

6.1.4 SCR based ACFlasher

Unit Objective
On completion of this unit you will understand a practical
way of configuring AC Flasher using 'Anti parallel SCRs.
Discussions On Fundamentals
In industry 'Alarm Conditions' are often indicated by
lashing lights to attract attention of user. AC power is
commercially readily available and as such can be used for flasher
circuits. SCRs become obvious choice for power control in these
circuits in view of reliability of the equipment.
Fig. 6.9 SCR based AC Flasher

TX1 270VAC

21 23

AutoTx RLC card
230V AC 15W

22 24

Not used in AC Flasher

Herc low frcqucncy output of 555 oscillator is used to drive
antiparallel connected SCRs in series with a auto transformer. (The
auto transformer is actually not part of flasher circuit but the SCR
pair Th5, Th6 used here is part of other application involving these
The Oscillator output passes through "Tap Selector / AC
flasher' switch on this panel and is fed to 'Pulse Amplifier on
LSPT panel through 1S Pin Dconnector. 5h way of mode selector
switch is selected to acomplish this so that Oscillator output is
gatted with high frequency pulses before feeding to Pulse
Amplifier.The pulse tx output switch for one pair of SCRs is
kept in OFF position so that Th7,Th8 do not receive triggering
It can be observed that the output bulb flashes at the rate
decided by Oscillator frequency. This is a nonsynchronous
flasher. The SCR gatr triggering can be synchronised with input
ACusing some additional circuits.
Wiring Seq. : 3-5, 230VAC (L-21,230VACON)-22, 23
AuF/400V(left), 24-4uF/400V(Right), 4uF/40OV (left)-load
lamp (L), 4uF/400V(Right)-load lamp (N), load lamp (L)
Pwerscope (L), load lamp (N)-Powerscope (N)
Note - Use 15W/230V lamp as load.

1) Connect the circuit as per wiring schedule given bellow.

2) Connect 15 pin D' connector cable between LSPT card
and apllication panel.
3) Keep 2P6W switch on LSPT card at 5 position . Keep
slide switch SW2 at connect position & slide switch SW3

4.1.1. Simple Resistance firing circuit for
upto 90"sCR firing- half Wave
Cnit Objective
Oncompletion of this unit you will become fasniliar with
OBl mplSCR iong circuit using only sesistor, whichoffers
limited control over firing angle )
Discussion on Fundamentals
SCR Deeds to receive gatc triggering in synchronism with
Anode -Cathode voltaye while working with AC circuits. The
Reustance iring' cirCut descr ibed in this unit is the simplest
configuration of tripgering circuits This configuration offers firing
angle control only up to 90" and cannot be used as closed loop
Fig. 4.7 Resistance Triggering



As shown in above fig 47 a100W lamp load is connected

to 230V AC through SCR. The AC waveform appearing across
SCR i: also applicd to a string of Potentiometer (1 Meg), Diode
5408, and a gate -cathode resistor of IK2. The voltage appearing
across this string (Vg) is in phase with SCR anode - cathode
voltage and varies sinusoidally SCR requires mininum Gate

Cathode voltage VeC to trigger The Pot and IK resistor form
potential divider and the voltage across Ik resistor is this voltage
Fig. 4.8 Resistance firing of SCR

ACVolts Time
1OmS 20mS
Shown in dia
Bs referance
Min. Reqd Vgc


Load Voltage 300V

@Vg=Vgc, (4=9)



Actual peak value will depend upon Input AC voltage while

1aking the reading

During positive half of input AC, Anode is positive with

respect to it's Cathode and depeiding upon the potentiometer
setting, Gate - Cathode voltage required for triggering the SCR

appears across resistor 1K at different timne from 0 to II/ 2 and so
on As shown in the wave forms (Ref fig 4.8) whenever the peak
voltage available to trigger the SCR is more than required, the
SCR triggers at an angle less than II / 2, as such the maximum
triggering angle possible using this method is limited to II/2.

Connect the circuit as shownusing wiring schedule as
given bellow. Connect "Power Scope" across load and observe the
ioad voltage waveform for various settings of POT
Note - Use 100W lamp as load.
Wiring Sequence: 230VAC(L)-lamp load (L), 10-28, 15-35, 16-31,
S0-230VAC(N). 36-lamp load (N), Powerscope (RED)-lamp load (L),
Powerscope (Black)-lamp load (N)
Equipment required
1) 2 Channel power oscilloscope,
2) DE trainer with "dv/dt - triggering Panel
3) Lab multimeter,
) patch chords supplied with PE Trainer.

This is the most simple method for synchronized SCR
triggering. The firing angle control possible is from 0 to 90
degrees only. The firing angle can not be varied proportional to a
control voltage which may be an error in a closed loop control
sstem. The method may be used for simple applications ike
"Light Dimming" etc.


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