LIQ PDS CFA3011 Sod)
LIQ PDS CFA3011 Sod)
LIQ PDS CFA3011 Sod)
The Model CFA3011 Sodium analyzer is intended for the deter- the reliable performance and low maintenance of the Model
mination of sodium in high purity water. The analyzer is ideal for CFA3011) every two years. Total maintenance time is at most
measuring sodium in condensate and polisher effluent in high one hour per year.
pressure steam power plants.
Using an optional built-in stream selector, the Model CFA3011
can measure as many as six sample streams sequentially. A sin-
Features and Benefits gle analog output is standard. A stream identification marker
Simplicity, ease-of-use, and reliable operation characterize the indicates the start of each new sample. A multiple output option
Model CFA3011 Valve-Pump sodium analyzer. Place the color- in which a separate analog output is assigned to each sample
coded reagent straw in the color-coded reagent bottle, place the stream is also available. With the multiple output option each
standard straws in the high and low standards, and press a button. output holds the last value until updated.
The analyzer automatically calibrates and puts itself in service.
The Model CFA3011 Sodium Analyzer has a pumped reagent
Once in service, the analyzer runs the 10 and 100 ppb standards
delivery system. Instrument air, needed for pressurized systems,
twice a week.
is unnecessary.
Routine maintenance is simple. Replace the reagent and stan-
The Model CFA3011 uses a batch measurement technique. The
dards every three months. Replace the valve pump (the key to
update rate is approximately every 20 minutes.
Model CFA3011 January 2014
Principles of Operation
The CFA3011 Sodium Analyzer uses a sodium sensitive measur-
ing electrode and pH reference electrode. An organic base
added to the sample raises the pH and eliminates interference
from hydrogen and ammonium ions. The base also buffers the
sample, ensuring a constant reference electrode potential.
The valve pump (shown at right) is the heart of the analyzer flu-
idics system. The pump has separate elements for sample,
reagent, and standards. Each pump element consists of an inert
flexible membrane in a cavity. A vacuum/pressure pump pushes
and pulls on the membrane. Vacuum fills the cavity; pressure
pushes liquid out of the cavity into the mixing chamber. Check
valves prevent backflow. Air pumped into the mixing chamber
mixes sample and reagent. After mixing, the sample is circulat-
ed between the measuring chamber, which contains the sens-
ing and reference electrodes, and the mixing chamber until
readings are stable. To reduce temperature-related errors, the
measuring chamber is held at constant temperature. Once the
measurement is complete, the sample is flushed out and the
cycle resumes.
Specifications The output holds last value when the analyzer changes to
the next sample stream.
Ranges: 0.1-10.0, 1-100, and 10-1000 ppb. Higher two-decade
ranges up to 1000 ppm are available.
Method: Potentionmetric using ion specific electrode.
4-20 mA or 0-5 Vdc (non-isolated). Isolated output is
Sampling Method: Batch; update rate is approximately every
20 minutes.
Load requirements for 4-20 mA output: 450 W (minimum),
Accuracy: All two-decade ranges up to 1000 ppb maximum:
1200 W (maximum).
±10% of reading or ±2 ppb, whichever is greater
Load requirement for 0-5 Vdc output: 10kΩ (minimum).
0.1—10 ppm range: ±10% of reading or ±0.5 ppm, whichev-
Outputs are not scalable. The range of the outputs is the
er is greater
same as the measurement range.
Calibration standards: 10 ppb and 100 ppb. High ranges (ppm)
Parallel output for printer. Standard on multi-stream instru-
use 10 and 100 ppm standards.
ment. Optional on single stream instrument.
Automatic calibration: Twice a week, requires about 40 min.
RS232C output is standard on multi-stream instrument,
Reagent consumption: 5 L every three months
optional on single stream instrument.
Standard consumption: 5 L of high standard and 5 L of low stan-
dard every three months
General: process alarms for streams 1 through 6, leak
Sample requirements:
detection, LED failure, and calibration in progress.
Flow: 10-15 mL/min (minimum)
Stream 1: separate high and low alarm relays; contacts are
Pressure: <10 psig (<170 kPa) (overflow cup must drain to rated 2 A at 250 Vac or 3 A at 30 Vdc; delay on/off time is 1 min.
Streams 2 through 6 (multiple output option): one alarm
Temperature: 0-50°C (32-122°F) relay for each stream; alarm can be configured as high or
Filter: 8 micron filter in sample inlet line is recommended. low; contacts have dc ratings only: 100 Vdc (maximum), 10
Multiple sample option: VA (maximum), 1.0 amp (maximum - carry only), 0.5 amp
Up to six sample streams, measured sequentially. (maximum - switched); delay on/off time is 1 min.
Single output (standard): Output corresponds to sample Display: Single line LCD; 4 1/2 digits; readout in concentration
currently being measured. A stream identification marker units. For multi-stream option, display remains at last value
on a chart recorder indicates the start of each new sample. until new stream reading is stable.
Multiple output (optional): Each sample has its own output. Status LEDs: for leak, source LED failure, hours remaining before
January 2014 Model CFA3011
maintenance, and calibration in progress; for multi-stream ana- the other side for access to input/output panel and over-
lyzers, status LEDs show the sample stream currently valved in flow sampler.
and the sample stream for which data is being displayed. Panel mounting: Allow 12 in. (305 mm) on both sides for
Environmental: Install in a clean, indoor environment. Ambient access to input/output panel and overflow sampler.
temperature: 5-45°C (40-113°F). Avoid temperature Weight: 117 lb (53 kg). Add up to 60 lb (27 kg) for full weight of
swings greater than ±5°C (10°F) over a twelve-hour period. reagents and standards.
Humidity: 5-95% (non-condensing). Not for outdoor use. Shipping Weight of Analyzer: 147 lb (67 kg)
Dimensions: Shipping Weight of Reagents: 64 lb (29 kg) for three
Height of analyzer cabinet: 25.75 in. (654 mm) months supply
Height of reagent cabinet: 18.25 in. (464 mm) Power:
Width: 18 in. (457 mm) includes hinges Standard: 115 Vac (±10%), 60 Hz, 3 Amp
Depth: 16 in. (406 mm) includes rear mounting bracket Optional: 230 Vac (±10%), 50 Hz, 1.5 Amp
Space Requirements: Approval:
Wall mounting: Allow 18 in. (457 mm) on one side for IEC 61326
swing out access to rear panel. Allow 12 in. (305 mm) on
Ordering Information
Model CFA3011 is a batch analyzer suitable for the determination of sodium in any two decade range between 0.01 ppb and 1000
ppm. Range must be specified at time of ordering. A single, non-isolated output is standard. Isolated outputs and multiple outputs
(one output for each sample stream) are available as options and must be specified at time of ordering. 115 Vac, 60 Hz is standard;
230 Vac, 50 Hz must be specified at time of ordering. The analyzer is shipped with a three-month supply of reagents and standards. 3
Model CFA3011 Product Data Sheet
PDS 71-Sodium3011/rev.D January 2014
NOTE: A biannual reagent and valve pump service contract is available and is recommended. To order the reagent and pump service
contract, provide a blanket purchase order for eight reagent and standard kits (two-year supply). The kits will be sent in regular
intervals over the 24-month period. Once during the 24-month period you will be entitled to a valve pump refurbishment.
Contact Rosemount Analytical for details concerning the valve pump refurbishment.