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By John J. Zahn,1 M. ASCE

ABSTRACT: The design of large flat-roof systems necessitates a means of ana­

lyzing the required strength of bracing members. If the braced beam is initially
perfectly straight, it will remain straight until it buckles; the prebuckling stresses
in the braces are theoretically zero. If the braced beam has initial imperfections,
they will grow under load and so will the stresses in the braces. Thus, there
is need to analyze the buckling of beams with initial imperfections. This was
done in the context of linear small-deflection theory; the results are simple and
suitable for use in design where loads are well below buckling and initial de­
formations are small. This paper presents a variational derivation of a set of
linear differential equations and boundary conditions and applies them to the
calculation of forces in midspan diagonal bracing members on a simply sup­
ported beam under constant bending. A sample calculation for a typical wood
roof application shows the forces in the bracing to be quite small. Only rectan­
gular beams are treated in detail, but the extension to singly symmetric I-beams
is sketched.

The widespread use of large flat-roof systems raises questions about
the need for lateral bracing and the required strength of bracing mem­
bers when needed. It is easier to answer questions about the required
stiffness and spacing of such restraints and several classical eigenvalue
analyses have been performed (3). These analyses contain stiffnesses as
coefficients and predict the buckling load as a function of stiffness and
geometry. The required strength of bracing members is another matter.
Linear small-deflection theory is silent about postbuckling forces, and
the prebuckling forces in elastic restraints are theoretically zero since the
member is assumed to be initially straight. Thus it becomes apparent
that there is a need for a treatment of imperfections.
In the presence of initial imperfections, deflections and stresses grow
continuously with load and equilibrium is always stable. The phenom­
enon of "buckling" appears as the indefinite growth of deflections and
stresses as the load approaches its critical value. If there are bracing
members present, they will exert an elastic restraint on the beam and
the restraint deflections and forces will mow continuously with load and
1Engr., Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. Agr., Madison,

Note.-Discussionopen until November 1, 1983. To extend the closing date
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Technical
and Professional Publications. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for
review and possible publication on October 5, 1981. This paper is part of the
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 109, No. 3, June, 1983. ASCE, ISSN
0733-9399/83/0003-0821/$01.00. Paper No. 18031.
approach infinity at buckling. It thus becomes possible to solve for non­
zero prebuckling forces in the braces.
While a complete treatment of the problem would employ nonlinear
large-deflection theory, it was decided here to pursue a course similar
to the small-deflection analysis of columns under eccentric load. Thus
the present results resemble the so-called "secant"formula for columns
in that prebuckling stresses and deflections approach infinity as the load
asymptotically approaches its classical eigenvalue. While this may be
physically unrealistic it can nevertheless provide suitable design infor­
mation at loads well below buckling if the initial deformations are small.
Several investigators have presented solutions to one or two cases of
simply supported beams with initial imperfections, namely constant
bending (2,6,7,8) and concentrated center load (2,8,10). They all pre­
sented their differentialequations without derivation or attribution other
than to Timoshenko's book (9) which does not consider initial imper­
fections. Their differential equations are herein rigorously derived and
The method employed is variational. It is similar to that of Bleich (1)
for perfect beams except that the treatment of work done by initial stresses
is new. Part I shows the derivation for rectangular beams with initial
imperfections and sketches the extension to singly symmetric I-beams.
Part II discusses the application to required strength of bracing.

Figure 1 shows the member, coordinate axes x (longitudinal), y (ver­
tical), z (lateral), the corresponding displacements of the centroidal axis
v(x) (vertical), w(x) (lateral), and angle of twist ß(x). The initial imper­
fections are a lateral deformation (bow) and twist:
w i (x)
The total deformations under load are the sum of the initial deforma­
tions and the deflections due to load
The vertical deflections due to load are assumed to be much less than
the lateral deflections w and cß, and will be ignored. This assumption
is conservative, since their effect is known to be stabilizing.

FIG. 1.-Sketchof Beam Showing Axes and Displacement Sign Convention. ini­
tial Imperfections Not Shown
The well-known treatise by Bleich (1) discusses the lateral stability of
initially perfect beams and employs a key simplifying assumption: That
the vertical displacement of the centroidal axis of the beam remains con­
stant during movement from the prebuckled but critically loaded state
to the buckled state. This reasonable-looking assumption eliminates the
vertical displacement from his formulation and produces a pair of dif­
ferential equations involving only the lateral displacement of the cen­
troidal axis and twist. Since Bleich imposes equilibrium by minimizing
the total potential energy, this assumption can be viewed in terms of
function space, i.e., the search for a minimum is constrained to a sub-
space in which the vertical displacement is held constant. The resulting
minimum is not exact but only the best approximation within the sub-
space. The magnitude of the resulting error is known to be small, es­
pecially if the beam is given an initial camber, as is common in timber
Since the search was confined to a subspace, it was convenient to choose
a datum within the subspace: The prebuckled loaded state. As that was
not a stress-free datum, it was necessary to include in the total energy
the work done by the datum-state stresses in going from datum to buck­
led equilibrium. Bleich does not treat this work as part of the strain en­
ergy; instead he considers it to be part of the potential energy of the
load. In this paper it will be considered as strain energy and will be
evaluated in a straightforward manner by integrating the product of da­
tum stress and incremental strain (11).
In the presence of initial imperfections there is no neutral equilibrium
corresponding to the critical load; instead, the lateral deflection increases
continuously as vertical load is applied and becomes indeterminate at
the critical load. We are forced to analyze the stable equilibrium state at
subcritical load. Nevertheless, Bleich' s key assumption can be adapted
to this case:
1. Assume that the vertical displacement is the same as would have
occurred were the beam initially perfect.
2. Constrain the minimization process to a subspace in which vertical
displacement and associated stresses are constant and equal to the value
assumed in 1.
3. Choose a datum in this subspace. The most convenient datum is
one in which the lateral bending moment and twisting moment are zero,
i.e. in which the lateral displacement and twist have their initial values.
Note this is not an equilibrium state, but that is all right since the choice
of datum for potential energy is entirely arbitrary.
Strain Energy.--The strain energy associated with lateral bending and
twist is


in which EIy = lateral flexural rigidity, GK = torsional rigidity, w = lat­

eral deflection of centroidal axis, ß = angle of twist, x = axial coordinate,
and primes denote differentiation with respect to x. This is the usual
elementary form, due to the choice of datum in which lateral bending
FIG. 2.-DiagrammaticSketch of Strain Energy when Datum State is Not Stress

and twist are initially stress free. The strain energy of vertical bending
is constant in this subspace and can be ignored. The work done by the
datum stresses in going from datum to equilibrium must be accounted
for. Call it U,. Then
total strain energy = (5)
This is sketched diagrammatically in Fig. 2. The next few sections are
aimed at obtaining an expression for
Euler-Bernoulli Assumption.- For the purpose of calculating the
warping of the cross section due to shear and torsion can be ignored.
Then plane transverse cross sections remain plane and the displace­
ments of a material point at x, y, z can be related to the defor­
mations as follows (subscript t is total, D is datum):
Datum Stresses.-These are due solely to vertical deflections. They



in which Mz is the bending moment about the z axis due to vertical

loading, Iz = principal moment of inertia (about the z axis), A = cross
sectional area, and c = half depth.
Incremental Strain.- Since is a second order quantity (stress and
strain are both small) must also be accurate to second order. But
is the product of datum stress and incremental strain, and the datum
stresses are finite. Thus the incremental strain must be accurate to the
second order. Therefore we use the Lagrangian strain-displacement



Since is in the direction of the long axis of the member, is very much
less than and Thus products of derivatives of will be neglected
in Eqs. 14 and 15 for strain. This follows Von Karman’s treatment of the
large deflection of plates (4).
Using Eqs. 6-11 in Eqs. 14 and 15, and taking the difference between
total strain and datum strain yields the following incremental strains:


Calculation of



after substituting Eqs. 12, 13, 16, and 17 into Eq. 18 and integrating over
the cross sectional area. This agrees with Bleich if wi and ßi are set to
zero and the remaining term is integrated by parts

Bleich does not get this integrated term in Eq. 20 because he derived his
result with the assumption of simple support at each end. Note that Eq.
19 is correct for any boundary condition however.
Potential Energy of Load.- Let p be a downward distributed load on
the top of the beam. The change in potential energy of the load in going
from datum to equilibrium is due only to the change in twist



This result can be made to agree with earlier investigators (2,6,7,10) after
some integration by parts and assumption of appropriate boundary con­
ditions (except for some terms whose first variation is zero). Those re­
sults were stated without derivation and evidently obtained by adding
appropriate terms to Bleich’s result without noting the restriction on
boundary conditions.
Differential Equations and Boundary Conditions.- Equilibrium can
now be imposed by setting the first variation of to zero
This yields, after two integrations by parts, the following Euler-Lagrange
differential equations:
and boundary conditions
i.e., six conditions for C1, C2, and four other integration constants. In
Eqs. 27 to 29 the symbol indicates that everything preceding that sym­
bol is to be evaluated at x = L in the first of each pair of equations and
at x = 0 in the second.
Extension to I-Beams.- With a few modifications the preceding result
can be extended to I-beams. Suppose the cross section is a singly sym­
metric I shape as shown in Fig. 3. The origin is at the centroid, and
dimensions a1, a2, bl, b2, c1, c2, d, t1, t2, and t3 are defined on the
The term which represents the strain energy of lateral bending

FIG. 3.-Cross Section of Singly Symmetric I-Beam. S is the ShearCenter(Center

of Rotation) and C is the Centroid

and twist, must here be augmented to account for an additional torsion
term first discussed by Timoshenko (8) and due to restraints against
warping of the cross section. The complete expression for becomes


in which, for the section shown in Fig. 3, is


Equation 18 for must be augmented by a term for the horizontal

shear in the flanges


The horizontal shear strain in the flanges is derived by using the La­
grangian strain-displacement relation


where the product of derivatives of will be neglected as before. Using

Eqs. 6-11 in Eq. 33 and taking the difference between total strain and
datum strain, the incremental shear strain becomes




Putting these datum stresses and the incremental strains, Eqs. 16, 17,
and 34 into Eq. 32 for and integrating over the cross section area



Finally, the expression for the potential energy of the load must
be modified since the center of rotation in this case is the shear center
rather than the centroid. The distance to the shear center is given by


and since a1 denotes the distance from the shear center to the top flange,


The total potential energy is

and the Euler-Lagrange differential equations and boundary conditions
i.e., eight conditions for C1, C2, and six other integration constants.
This result can be compared with that of Gjelsvik (5) who considered
an unsymmetric I-beam without initial imperfections. The agreement is
close but not exact. Instead of the term
Gjelsvik gets (in my notation)
it can be seen that the net difference is a term
present here but not in Gjelsvik’s result. This difference is due to the
different simplifying assumptions used in the two derivations.
The result derived above is here applied to the calculation of the forces
induced in diagonal bracing between the bottom edge of a beam and
purlins (see Fig. 4). For simplicity a rectangular beam will be considered.
Suppose the bracing is at midspan and place the origin there. Its effect
is to exert an elastic restraint against rotation
in which T = restraint torque, and R = restraint stiffness. Assume the
loading is symmetric about midspan, and let L be the half length as
shown in Fig. 5. Then it is only necessary to consider one-half of the
total system, namely from x = 0 to x = L.
Adding one-half the potential energy of the restraint to namely 1/
4 and setting the first variation to zero yields the same differential
equations and boundary conditions given in Eqs. 25-32 except that Eq.
31 is replaced by


FIG. 4.-(a)Typical Elastic Restraint against Tipping. The Bottom Edge of the
Beam is Braced against Transverse Purlins by 45” Braces. (b) Roof Beams Buck­
ling Congruently. (c) Analysis of Toque Exerted by Restraint

FIG. 5.-SimplySupported Rectangular Beam under Constant Bending Moment.
Ends are Rigidly Restrained against Tipping. An Elastic Restraint against Rotation
Acts at the Center

For this example, take the loading to be a constant bending moment

M and use conditions of simple support at x = ±L. Assume that the
initial deformations are in the form of the eigenfunctions for this case


Then the differential equations and boundary conditions become



The solution of this system is






and D is an integration constant to be determined from Eq. 62. This will

now be determined for the following three cases.
Case 1: No Elastic Restraint.-Setting R = 0 and applying Eq. 62 yields
D = 0 and
Note that as both w and ß approach infinity with This
agrees with the critical buckling load of a perfect beam. The result given
by Eqs. 68-72 agrees with Refs. 2, 6, 7, and 10.
Case 2: No Initial Imperfections.- When both A and B are zero, both
are zero also. Thus D must be nonzero at buckling. Equation
62 produces the eigenvalue equation


Since the elastic restraint stiffens the systems, the buckling load is higher
here than in case 1. Thus exceeds µ. The critical value of from Eq.
73 lies between which agrees with Bleich
(1). As which is like having another simple support at
the center or like cutting the length in half.
Case 3: General Case.-Inthe general case, prebuckling deformations
approach infinity as the load approaches the buckling load of case 2.
Equation 62 yields


from which, using Eq. 67, the restraint torque can be found to be


Numerical Example.- Consider a wood beam with a 30-ft (approx 9

m) span. Then half length L = 180 in. (approx 4.5 m) and suppose fur­
ther that width b = 5.125 in. (130 mm), depth h = 18 in. (457 mm), beam
spacing S = 96 in. (2.44 m), and modulus of elasticity E = 1.8 × 106
pounds per square inch (lb/in.2) (6.9 GPa). For many wood species G is
nearly E/16 and for narrow rectangular cross sections K is approximately
4 Iy. Thus for this wood beam assume

Assume that the center restraint consists of 45° braces from the bottom
of the beam to nominal 2- × 6-in. wood purlins (Fig. 4(a)). Figure 4(b)
shows purlin bending when all the main beams in the roof system buc­
kle congruently, as they must if they buckle at all. Figure 4(c) extracts
one period from this periodic system. On this free body diagram the
restraint torque is
and the angle of rotation is



In this example, the flexural rigidity of a wood 2 × 6 purlin is

and the restraint stiffness is, from Eqs. 77-80,


Assume that the beam has a rated bending strength of f = 2,100 lb/
in.2 (14.5 MPa). Then the bending moment at design load is


Substituting these numeric values into Eq. 75 the torque exerted by the
constraint becomes
If we take A = 6 in. (152 mm) and B = 15°, which is about three times
larger than what could reasonably be expected, then
From the free body diagram in Fig. 6, this torque corresponds to a force
F in the bracing of


Thus a nominal 2 × 4 would be sufficient. The stress in a 2 × 4 brace

would be only


FIG. 6.-FreeBody Diagram of Beam Section at Restraint Showing how Restraint
Torque Relates to Forces in 45° Braces. Force H is Exerted by Purlin against Top
Edge of Beam

If only the compression brace is effective, this stress should be doubled.

This example strongly suggests that bracing is valuable primarily for the
stiffening which it provides and need not be very strong; a result that
seems intuitively correct.


Equations 25-29 present the differential equations and boundary con­

ditions for the lateral buckling of a rectangular beam with initial imper­
fections. The corresponding result for singly symmetric I-beams is pre­
sented in Eqs. 43-48. An example application to a rectangular beam braced
at midspan by an elastic tipping restraint showed that the restraint torque
is dependent upon the applied bending moment M, the restraint stiff­
ness R, and the magnitude of the initial bow and twist of the beam. A
numerical calculation for an 18 in. (457 mm) deep timber beam diago­
nally braced into 2 × 6 purlins showed the required bracing strength to
be very small. Nominal 2 × 4 members were more than sufficient.
This theory is based on the assumption that total lateral displacements
wt and cßt are small. Yet the results approach infinity as the load ap­
proaches the Euler critical value. Therefore, any large results for w or ß
should not be taken literally except to indicate approaching buckling.
An exact elastic buckling analysis requires the use of nonlinear large-
deflection theory. This theory is a compromise in the same spirit as the
“secant” formula for eccentrically loaded columns and suffers exactly
the same inconsistency: “small” deflections that approach infinity. Its
virtues are: (1) It qualitatively describes the onset of buckling in the pres­
ence of initial deformations; (2) it accurately estimates prebuckling stresses
due to wt and ßt when those deflections are small; and (3) it permits one
to calculate prebuckling stresses in ancillary parts of the system such as
elastic restraints.


1. Bleich, F., Buckling Strength of Metal Structures, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
New York, N.Y., 1952.
2. Flint, A. R., “The Stability and Strength of Slender Beams,” Engineering, Vol.
170, 1950, England, pp. 545-549.
3. Flint, A. R., “The Influence of Restraints on the Stability of Beams,” The
Structural Engineer, Vol. 29, No. 9, Sept., 1951, England, pp. 235-246.

4. Fung, Y. C., Foundations of Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1965, pp. 463-465.
5. Gjelsvik, A., The Theory of Thin Walled Bars, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, N.Y., 1981, p. 198.
6. Massey, C., ”Elastic and Inelastic Lateral Instability of I-Beams,” The Engi­
neer, Vol. 216, No. 5622, Oct., 1963, England, pp. 672-674.
7. Meck, H. R., ”Experimental Evaluation of Lateral Buckling Loads,” Journal
of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 103, No. EM2, Apr., 1977,
pp. 331-337.
8. Schmidt, L. C., ”Restraints Against Elastic Lateral Buckling,” Journal of the
Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 91, No. EM6, Dec., 1965, pp. 1­
9. Timoshenko, S., Theory of Elastic Stability, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New
York, N.Y., 1936, p. 257.
10. Trahair, N. S., ”Deformation of Geometrically Imperfect Beams,” Journal of
the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 95, No. ST7, July, 1969, pp. 1475-1496.
11. Zahn, J. J., “Lateral Stability of Wood Beam-and-Deck Systems,” Journal of
the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 99, No. ST7, July, 1973, pp. 1391-1408.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

amplitude of wi, w, in. (m);

locate shear center of I-beam. See Fig. 3, in. (m);
amplitude of ß i, ß, radian;
integration constants;
half depth of rectangular beam, in. (m);
integration constant;
depth of I-beam, in. (m);
modulus of elasticity, lb/in.2 (N/m2);
stress, lb/in.2 (N/m2);
force in brace, lb (N);
shear modulus, lb/in.2 (N/m2);
depth of rectangular beam, in. (m);
moment of inertia, in.4 (m4);
cross section shape factor for Saint Venant torsion,
in.4 (m4);
length of beam, in. (m);
moment about z axis, in.-lb (N-m);
distributed load, lb/in. (N/m);
restraint stiffness, in.-lb/radian (N-m/rad);
beam spacing, in. (m);
torque, in.-lb (N-m);
flange and web thicknesses, see Fig. 3, in. (m);
energy, in.-lb (N-m);
displacements of a point at (x,y,z), in. (m);
vertical deflection of longitudinal axis (line joining
shear centers), in. (m);
displacement of shear center in z-direction, in. (m);
coordinate axes, see Fig. 1;
angle of twist, radian;
shear strain;
cross section shape factor for Timoshenko torsion, in.5
variation operator or purlin deflection, in. (m);
cross section property defined by Eq. 42, in. (m);
load parameter in.-1 (m-1);
eigenvalue of A, in.-1 (m-1); and
datum stresses, lb/in.2 (N/m2).


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