Miscellaneous Waste Water Treatment Techniques-Handouts
Miscellaneous Waste Water Treatment Techniques-Handouts
Miscellaneous Waste Water Treatment Techniques-Handouts
CONSIDERATIONS Size of plant Applicable level of treatment prior to disinfection Equipment reliability Process control Relative complexity of technology Safety concerns Transportation on site Bactericidal Virucidal Fish toxicity Hazardous by products Persistent residual Contact time Contributes dissolved oxygen Reacts with ammonia Color Removal Increase dissolved solids pH-dependent O & M Sensitive Corrosive
Good Well developed Simple to moderate Yes Substantial Good Poor Toxic Yes Long Long No Yes Moderate Yes Yes Minimal Yes
Fair to good Developing Simple to moderate No Minimal Good Good Nontoxic No None Short No No No No No Moderate No
Yes Substantial Good Poor Nontoxic Yes None Long No Yes Moderate Yes Yes Moderate Yes
Yes Substantial Good Fair to good Slight to moderate Yes Short Moderate No Yes Unknown Yes Yes Moderate Yes
Yes Substantial Good Good Toxic Yes Moderate Moderate to long No No Yes Yes No Unknown Yes
No Moderate Good Good None Expected None expected None Moderate Yes Yes (high pH only) Yes No Slight (high pH) High Yes
Odor Control
Odors at wastewater treatment plants are normally associated with the products of anaerobic decomposition: reduced short-chain organics and hydrogen sulfide. Since these compounds are fairly volatile, they are readily released to the air at any point where the waste is exposed to the atmosphere, particularly if there is turbulence at the surface. Odor problems are particularly common at the headworks of treatment plants where stale sewage is exposed to the atmosphere in grit removal facilities, screening or comminution operations, and primary clarifiers. Odor problems are also encountered in operation of many tricking filters as a result of the anaerobic activity which occurs in the lower levels of the attached layer. To be controlled, odors must be contained. The first step in reducing the problem therefore, generally involves covering the source areas with flat or domed covers. The contained space must then be positively vented to prevent buildup of toxic concentrations of gas. For areas where workers will need access, the flow should be sufficient to give at least one air change in 5 minutes. The vented air must then be managed in some fashion to reduce its impact on the neighborhood. Possible techniques include dispersion through tall stacks which depends on dilution for reduction of odor levels; treatment with oxidizing agents such as chlorine, ozone, permanganate, or hydrogen peroxide; wet scrubbing; adsorption on activated carbon; combustion, either catalyzed or uncatalyzed; biological treatment by passage of the air through aeration basins or compositing operations; or addition of masking agents. Odors which arise from overloaded biological treatment processes can be controlled only by modification of the system. For short-term problems, the addition of nitrate will provide supplemental oxygen and may prevent creation of anoxic conditions and their consequent odors. The nitrate may result in an increase in nitrogen in the plant effluent, although under these conditions it would ordinarily be reduced to nitrogen gas.
Industrial Wastes
Industrial process wastes, wash waters, and cooling waters are subject to discharge restrictions similar to those applied to municipal wastes. Individual industries have specific NPDES requirements which must be met and which depend on the particular processes and/or products and the size of the manufacturing plant. Industrial waste discharges may, of course, be further restricted because of failure to meet quality standards in particular areas. Industries, in general, are not interested in waste treatment and would prefer that the responsibility lie with someone else. Combining industrial and municipal wastes in a single plant will ordinarily provide some economy scale, reducing the unit costs of all users. Combining wastes from different sources may improve the treatability of the mixture, since one waste one may supply the nutritional deficiencies of another. Finally, materials which might be difficult to treat their original concentrations may be diluted by other flows to levels which are amenable to treatment. From the standpoint of the community, addition of industrial wastes offers all of the advantages cited above save in the matter of responsibility. Once the community permits industrial discharges to the common sewers it accepts responsibility for treating them to whether degree may be necessary to meet state and federal requirements. Pretreatment or exclusion is required for wastes which might cause problems in the collection system, the treatment facilities, or the receiving stream. The characteristics of a variety of industrial waste are summarized in the table (Industrial waste and treatment processes). Some 3
Eugene E. Aguilar & Ma. Eunice K. Siena of these discharges are explosive, flammable, or corrosive or contain high concentrations of grease or solids and may cause damage to the sewers or danger to the public. Others contain toxic materials which may interfere with treatment, cause violations of the municipal permit, or create danger to workers. Many toxic materials and heavy metals have been found to be concentrated in sludge, and such contaminants may severely restrict the disposal options open to the community. Industrial discharges to common sewers should be required to pretreat their wastes to the degree necessary to prevent such problems. Industrial waste treatment is an extensive topic which encompasses procedures such as plant surveys to determine individual waste sources and strengths, process changes to reduce waste flow and/or strength, housekeeping improvements, pretreatment to meet sewer discharge or other standards, and, finally, treatment either in a separate industrial plant or jointly with the municipality. Treatment processes are dependent on the nature of the waste and may be physical, chemical, biological, or a combination of the three. Wastes which contain primarily simple organic compounds, such as those arising in food processing industries, may be treated by the techniques used for domestic wastewater. Others, such as metal plating wastes, may be treated primarily by chemical processes such as oxidation, reduction, precipitation, and neutralization. Still others, such as refinery wastes, may be treated by physical-chemical and biological techniques. Industrial wastes are often deficient in trace materials and nutrients necessary for biological treatment. When joint treatment is not practical, these deficiencies must be supplied by chemical addition.
INDUSTRIAL WASTES AND TREATMENT PROCESSES Sources Food industries: a. Breweries b. c. d. e. f. Canneries Dairies Fish Meat processing Pickles Characteristics High nitrogen and carbohydrates High solid and BOD High fat protein and carbohydrates High BOD, odor High protein and fat (may be warm) High BOD, high or low pH, high solids High BOD and solids High carbohydrate Low pH, low organics High BOD and phosphates High organics and nitrogen trinitrotoluene High organics, toxic to biological systems High solids (sand, clay and coal) Dissolved solids, high BOD, odor, phenols Variable pH, high solids Acid, heavy metals, cyanide toxic to Treatment Biological treatment, recovery, animal feed Screens, lagoons, irrigation Biological treatment Evaporation, burial, animal feed Screens, sedimentation, floatation, biological treatment Screening, flow equalization, biological treatment Screening, biological treatment Lagoons, biological treatment Neutralization Floatation, precipitation Chlorination or TNT precipitation Dilution, adsorption, chlorination at high pH Screens, drying Injection, recovery of oils Sedimentation, biological treatment Oxidation, reduction, precipitation,
g. Soft drinks h. Sugar Chemical industries: a. Acids b. Detergents c. Explosives d. Insecticides Material industries: a. Foundries b. Oil c. Paper d. Plating 4
e. f. g.
biological systems High BOD and solids, odor Low pH, phenols, high suspended solids High pH and BOD, high solids
TYPESOF ESTABLISHMENT Small swellings and cottages with seasonal occupancy Single-family dwellings Multiple family dwellings (apartment) Rooming houses Boarding houses Additional kitchen wastes for nonresident boarders Hotels without private baths Hotels with private bath (2 persons per room) Restaurants (toilet and kitchen wastes per patron) Restaurants (kitchen wastes per meal served) Additional for bars and cocktail lounges
LITERS PER PERSON PER DAY 190 280 225 150 190 40 190 225 25-40 10-12 8 5
Tourist camps or trailer parks with central bathhouse Tourist courts or mobile parks with individual bath units Resort camps (night and day) with limited plumbing Luxury camps Work or construction camps (semi-permanent) Day camps (no meal serve) Day schools without cafeterias, gymnasiums or showers Day schools with cafeteria but no gymnasiums or showers Day schools with cafeteria gym and showers Boarding schools Day workers at school and offices (per shift) Hospitals Institutions other than hospitals Factories (flow per person per shift, exclusive of industrial waste) Picnic parks with bathhouse, showers and flush toilets Picnic house (toilet waste only) Swimming pools and bathhouse Luxury residences and estates Country clubs (per resident member) Country clubs (per nonresident member present) Motels (per bed space) Motels with bath, toilet and kitchen waste Drive-in theaters (per car space) Movie theaters (per auditorium) Airports (per passenger) Self-service laundries (flow per wash, i.e., per customer) Stores (per toilet room) Service stations (per vehicle served)
130 190 190 380-570 190 55 55 75 95 280-380 55 570-950 + 280-470 + 60-130 40 20 40 380-570 380 95 150 190 20 20 10-20 190 1500 40
CHARACTERISTICS OF RURAL HOUSEHOLD WASTEWATER Average flow per capita Peak flow per capita BOD per capita Soluble solids per capita
Modern septic tanks are manufactured of both concrete and fiberglass. The fiberglass tanks are cylindrical with domes ends and are placed with axis of the cylinder horizontal. Heavy solids, including most organic solids, settle to the bottom where some biological activity may occur. The ratio of peak flow to average flow is very high in small septic tanks, and brief surges may disturb the solids in the bottom and carry them to the outlet.The effluent of a septic tank is offensive and potentially dangerous. The mean BOD concentration observed in a number of septic tank installations ranged from 120 to 270 mg/L, and the mean suspended from 44 to 69 mg/L. Further treatment of septic tank effluent is required, either in an additional process or by subsurface disposal. Aerobic treatment processes have been applied to single-family and other small flows. Available systems may employ a septic tank followed by anaerobic treatment or aerobic treatment alone. The aerobic unit is usually an extended aeration system, but other small systems which utilize attached growth processes are also available.The latter employ more or less stationary media immersed in the wastewater, which is aerated by diffused air. In either type of process, a small compressor provides air for 6
Eugene E. Aguilar & Ma. Eunice K. Siena oxygen supply. In the extended aeration versions, solid recycle may be provided either by gravity of by an airlift pump. These systems are installed below ground and their effluent may be discharged to a disposal field, a sand filter, or to surface drainage.The latter alternative is not desirable, since the effluent quality may not meet secondary standards under the best of circumstances, and there is no guarantee the unit will be properly maintained. Mean effluent BOD in a number of systems ranged from 38 to 57 mg/L with suspended of 45 to 64 mg/L. The manufacturers of these processes also provide Fabric Filter Bags and Hypochlorination Equipment which may be added to improve the effluent quality. The filters will reduce the suspended solids to levels less than 30 mg/L and hypochlorination will substantially reduce the bacterial population. The difficulty with this concept is the absence of any assurance of regular monitoring and maintenance. The filter bags must be changed regularly and the hypochlorite supply must be replenished. If these things are not done, discharge to a subsurface disposal field appears to be more dependable technique. Where soils are impermeable and aerobic units are used with discharge to surface drainage, a possible management technique is to require that all such units be maintained on a regular schedule either by the local government or by a single franchise. This will help to ensure that they are operating as well as possible. Subsurface Disposal Fields can serve as a point of further treatment and ultimate disposal for wastewater which has undergone some reduction in suspended solids and grease content in processes such as septic tank or individual aerobic units. Many natural soils are suitable for such systems. Since the primary limitation lies in the long-term ability of the soil to transmit water, design is based on a standardized percolation test. The percolation test is conducted by boring a hole 100mm (4in) or more in diameter to the depth of the proposed disposal field (at least 500mm). The sides of the hole are scratched and all loose earth is removed, after which 50mm (2in) of fine gravel or coarse sand is placed in the bottom. The hole is then filled with water to a depth of 300mm (12in), and that depth is maintained for at least 4 h and preferably overnight by adding water.If the hole holds water overnight, the depth is adjusted to about 150mm (6in) above the gravel and the drop in the water surface within 30 min is recorded. If the hole is empty in the morning, it is refilled to about 150mm (6in) above the gravel and the drop in water surface is recorded at 30-min intervals for 4 h, with water being added as necessary. The drop recorded in the last 30-min is used to determine the percolation rate. The table may then be used to determine the required trench area. Alternatively the equation will yield the flow which can be applied per unit area per day as a function of the percolation rate. Q= 204/t^0.5 where Q is the flow, L/(m2*day), and t is time, min. required for the water to fall 25mm.
APPLICATION RATES FOR SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL Percolation rate, time required for water to fall 25mm (1in), mm 1 or less 2 3 4 5 Maximum rate of waste application, L/(m2*day) 204 143 118 102 90 7
A variation of the disposal field utilizes a modified trench structure called a capillary seepage trench. In this system, the bottom and the lower part of the sides of the trench are sealed so that the water must flow horizontally in order to leave. This spreads the flow over a greater area and reduces the load in the immediate vicinity of the trench. The system is reported to yield a better effluent than the standards trench system. Mounds may be constructed above the surface of the ground in areas where soils are not suitable for subsurface disposal. The mound is constructed of imported pervious material over which the wastewater is distributed as in disposal fields. The mound depends on evapotranspiration for disposal of the bulk of the liquid.The remainder may be able to percolate through the soil below. Grass cover and proper shaping of the mound are important to ensure that rainfall will run off and that evapotranspiration of the wastewater will be maximized. Sand filtrationeither on intermittent filters or buried filters may be required when soils are relatively impermeable. Loading rates on intermittent sand filters treating septic tank or aerobic unit effluent have ranged from 0.16 to 0.20 m/day [4 to 5 gal/(ft 2*day)]. The surface must be cleaned after 3 to 9 months, depending on the degree of pretreatment achieved. Subsurface sand filters are installed in place of permeable material in a suitable excavation. The sand should be relatively coarse (about 1mm) and uniform to permit through ventilation. Loadings are about 0.04 m/day [1 gal/(ft2*day)]. The effluent from either filtration process must be collected and discharged to surface drainage. Depending on the point of discharge, disinfection may be required. On site wastewater treatment system have the potential of providing an excellent effluent when they are properly designed and operated. Subsurface methods which will provide nitrification and denitrification adequate remove up to 70 percent of the nitrogen content have been developed, and small wetland system can remove nearly all the contaminants in ordinary wastewater.
Additional Information
New Treatment Systems and Techniques
FAST Wastewater Treatment System FASTs advanced treatment systems use fixed, integrated approach, to physically and naturally reduce organic pollutants as well as nitrogen simultaneously in the process. It removes contaminants from wastewater using FAST (Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment) processes. It employs a unique hybrid combination of attached and suspended growth in aerobic, packed bed reactor. This proven IFAS (Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge) combination includes the stability of fully-submerged, fixed-film media and the effectiveness of activated sludge treatment. STM Aerotor STM-Aerotor combines activated sludge and fixed film in a compact biological treatment system that requires a low power input. The STM-Aerotor captures atmospheric air, draws it down into the mixed liquor, and slowly releases it as coarse bubble aeration.The fixed film component increases the effective sludge age and improves the sludge settling characteristics.
Eugene E. Aguilar & Ma. Eunice K. Siena Compared to the suspended growth in the basin, the fixed film organisms will supply between 1525% of the total treatment based on the available food source. The fixed film will react quickly to an increased food source or shock load, to eliminate discharge violations during peak or diurnal fluctuations. WeidaPolysept (septic tank) It is the modern, economical, effective, efficient and reliable solution to domestic sewage treatment. It is designed and manufactures with the latest technological innovations in terms of construction, materials used and process design. The treatment process is enhanced by a revolutionary up-flow filter chamber filled with specially designed propriety Polyethylene filter media to ensure maximum treatment and eliminate clogging. Ox-Media Ox-Media is a granular filtration media used for removal of iron, hydrogen sulphide, and manganese compounds from water supply. The naturally mined ores utilizes a filtration process and an oxidation-reduction reaction process. It operates both as a standard oxidizing filter and as a catalytic media. T-Media It is a filtration media for effective removal of silt, sediment and turbidity. AquaMed F-Series Fiberglass Sand Filters It is constructed by the latest engineering technology. The improvement of flow ability provided an ultra-pure water filtration. Ozone Technology Ozone is a gas with distinct odour. The powerful oxidation breaks down almost all toxic materials in a completely harmless way. Ozones powerful sterilising effect leaves no odour, taste or colour. Reaction time is fast, and any remaining ozone breaks down into oxygen under normal temperature. In water treatment, the effects on pH are minimal and formation of sludge is negligible. It deodorize, sterilize and disinfect.
Company Name: SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Services: Land Development and Malls Use wastewater treatment system based on Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), which takes up less space and uses less energy than conventional systems. It works by utilizing one tank for the separate steps in the wastewater treatment process, which in conventional treatment plants requires separate tanks. Additionally, SBR requires only intermittent use of the air blowers instead of having them run continuously, which saves electricity and money. The efficiency has been further enhanced with fine bubble diffusers, which are more effective at transferring oxygen to the water than more common bubble diffusers. Company Name: HOLCIM Cement Works Product: Construction Materials such as Cement Sewage from each house was relaid and connected directly to an interceptor tank (one per house and factory building). Relaid sewer, installed new interceptor tanks and pump lines so the treatment plant only receives domestic sewage not storm water. Treated effluent is collected in the Treated Effluent Tank (TET) tank prior to being pumped into the disposal area. Binalood Paint Iindustry (Kerman, Iran) Lead (Pb) and Copper (Co) removal from paint industries effluent using wood ash. Wood ash is recommended as a low cost and available adsorbent to remove Pb and Co from municipal and industrial wastewaters. 9
Eugene E. Aguilar & Ma. Eunice K. Siena Company: Nestl Philippines, Inc. Product: Various Food and Beverages The wastewater treatment facilities of Nestl factories showcase how water can be treated and reused, and demonstrates the importance the Company gives to water. In these factories, treated waste water is used to sustain life forms, from watering the gardens in the premises, to propagating Koi fish and tilapia, serving as a constant reminder to employees and guests about the life-giving value of water. Muntinlupa Public Market Wastewater Treatment Facility The wastewater treatment facility was constructed by Public Market Cooperative, part of the local government, in coordination with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and a specialized firm that provided technical assistance. A hybrid technology was selected as the most suitable for the circumstances. The collected wastewater from the market enters first the anaerobic baffled reactor where it undergoes several steps where the waste is screened and partially clarified until the BOD level is reduced. Afterwards, the water proceeds through a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) that aerates and settles the wastewater under sluggish conditions, then passes to a settling tank with inclined plates to reduce suspended solids. The water is then filtered through a cocopeat filtration system for the final phase of the process. The treated water is used in the market for cleaning and flushing.
Book o Terence J. McGhee, Water Supply and Sewerage, 6th edition. Internet cites o http://wolverinadik.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/optimizing-water-management-andadvocating-the-responsible-use-of-scarce-resources%E2%80%A6/ o http://www.unescap.org/pdd/prs/ProjectActivities/Ongoing/Water/Muntinlupa/Was tewaterTreatmentFacilityInTheMuntinlupaPublicMktPhilippines.asp Product Catalogue o Water Philippine Expo 2011 Green Innovations (www.greeninnovations.com.ph) Watercorp Technologies (www.watercorptech.com) o Rex Ozone Generator (www.rexind.co.jp) o Weida Polysept (www.weida.com.ph)