S.NO. Name of The Practical NO. Signature AND Remarks: Index
S.NO. Name of The Practical NO. Signature AND Remarks: Index
S.NO. Name of The Practical NO. Signature AND Remarks: Index
Social psychology as the Scientific field of psychology that seeks to understand the. Nature and
causes of individual behaviour , feeling and thought in social situations . It investigate the ways
in which our thoughts, feelings and actions are influenced by the social environments in which
Social Psychology as a science : Science doesn’t refer to a special group of highly advanced
fields but therefore it refers to two things 1) a set of values and 2) several methods that can be
used to study wide range of topics Core values that all fields must adopt to be considered as
Open-mindedness: readiness to accept as valid evidence that may be inconsistent with one’s
Applied social psychology refers to the field of social psychology that uses social psychological
theories, principles, methods and research findings that contribute to (a) understanding of social
and practical problems and (b) development of intervention strategies separation of individuals,
groups, organizations, communities and societies from social and practical problems .
According to the applied social psychology definition above ,functioning broadly encompasses
how well people are fulfil or act according to certain criteria, including, for example, emotional
and social criteria adjustment, physical health and performance at school, work or sport.
Thus, it is based on the scientific method and guided by the basic values of science. In addition,
Applied social psychologists are also motivated by the aforementioned goals of science:
Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) Especially using Focus Group Discussion
To suggest Affective, Behavioural and Cognition related changes in our life to make a better
environment .
PRA as approach used by NGOs in late 1970s and this approach aims to incorporate the
Reverse learning : It involves face to face leaning from the local people directly on the
site .
Learning rapidly and progressively : Using flexible, cross checking and adaptive
Offsetting biases : It includes learning concerns and priorities of poor people by being
relaxed ,listening .
Optimising trade offs : Following principles of cost effective and optimal ignorance .
Seeking Diversity : It focuses on gaining maximum diversity and information and seeks
Facilitating : Focuses on analysis ,presenting , owning the outcome and also learn from
it .
Self critical awareness : Self learning ( examining the behaviour and welcoming error
Key Indicators : Unit of information that provide a basis for assessing importance and
achievement .
Ranking and scoring : Scoring and ranking as the method supply information on the
basis with comparisons which aid to prioritize solutions that are relevant and adoptable.
Case studies and stories : Case studies are in depth information and used in special cases.
Workshop: Brief intensive educational program for a relatively small group of people that
Continuous analysis and reporting: PLA method is a Participatory method which involves
potential participation in all the stages of the study. So in this method participants
continuously make analysis of the problems and report to the local people or the
authorities .
Participatory, planning, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation and other self surveys: This
method shows the ultimate aim of the PLA method and the processes that requires to
The concept of environment typically refers to the physical, social, cultural, and
particular context.
Location and Setting : The physical location where the focus group takes place can
impact participant’s comfort and openness. A comfortable and neutral setting is usually
Accessibility : Considerations about how easily participants can access the venue are
Social environments :
Group Dynamics : The social dynamics within the group, such as power structures or
existing relationships among participants, can influence the flow of the discussion.
cultural factors can shape perspectives and opinions on the topic under discussion.
Psychological environment :
Emotional Climate : The emotional atmosphere of the discussion can impact participant’s
willingness to share their thoughts and experiences. Fostering a supportive and non-
Participant Comfort : Ensuring that participants feel comfortable and respected is crucial
for creating an environment where they feel safe expressing their opinions.
Different Environmental issues
Some key environmental issues that could be the focus of group discussions :
Climate change :
Discuss how climate change is impacting their communities, lifestyles, and livelihoods.
Air quality :
Discuss health implications and quality of life concerns related to air quality.
Biodiversity loss :
Energy consumption :
Assess awareness and opinions on the environmental impact of different energy sources.
Global Warming :
The burning of fossil fuels, emissions from automobiles and chlorofluorocarbons add to
the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This has led to an increase in the earth’s
Concept of Affective, Behaviour and Cognitive and how we can connect with
The ABC component of attitude in psychology , which stands for Affective (emotional),
environmental issues. When trying to promote environmental awareness, you can appeal
pollution), and the positive emotions associated with conservation efforts (e.g., happiness
Behavioural Component: This aspect deals with the actions and behaviours individuals
waste, conserving energy, and participating in community clean-up events. It's important
can provide information about the environmental impact of human activities, the benefits
of sustainable practices, and the consequences of neglecting the environment. This helps
In summary, to promote environmental awareness using the ABC Model, you can appeal
addressing all three components, you can create a more comprehensive approach to
Review of literature
Consumer attitudes on the use of plastic and cloth bags. Erkan,A Y, Veysel (2017) Cons
, Erkan,A Y, Veysel in this paper( Consumer attitudes on the use of plastic and cloth
bags) discussed about consumer attitudes and behavior on the use of plastic and cloth
Environmental consciousness regarding the use of plastic bags, social pressure, support
for the banning of plastic bags, the intention to use cloth bags and behavior to reduce
Effect of global warming on temperature rise due to pollution in the capital city of New
Delhi, India in past 25 years, Dr.Chouhan .A , Dr. Mishra .S , Dr. Kumar .A , Dr.
Devi .K.S , Dr Dongre .S.B , (2023), Bulletin of Environmental, pharmacology and life
sciences ,
Dr.Chouhan .A , Dr. Mishra .S , Dr. Kumar .A , Dr. Devi .K.S , Dr Dongre .S.B in this
paper (Effect of global warming on temperature rise due to pollution in the capital city of
New Delhi, India in past 25 years ) discussed about the rise of air pollution over the past
few decades .Air pollution and climate change have become major global concerns. In
light of this concern about Indian cities, where air pollution and climate change have a
significant health impact . Human Health is at risk from the expanding urban areas that
experience extreme climate events like high rainfall extreme temperature Floods, and
droughts. Urban residents are experiencing thermal discomfort and a number of health
issues as a result of the Elevated temperature levels brought on by the intensified heat
& Reports ,
Kweku .D.W , Bismarck .A , Maxwell .A, et.al , in this paper ( Greenhouse Effect:
Greenhouse Gases and Their Impact on Global Warming ) discussed about the
Greenhouse effect . The green house gases are the leading factor in keeping the Earth
warm because it keeps some of the planet's heat that would otherwise escape from the
atmosphere out to space. The study report on the Greenhouse gases and their impact on
Global warming. Without the greenhouse effect the Earth's average global temperature
plastic, and the Effects of pollution by these materials on animal, human and
environmental health, Insofar as this is known. Since 2004, the world has made as much
plastic as it did in The previous half century, and it has been reckoned that the total mass
of virgin plastics Ever made amounts to 8.3 billion tonnes, mainly derived from natural
gas and crude oil, Used as chemical feedstocks and fuel sources.
Potential use of plastic waste as construction materials: recent progress and future
Materials Science and Engineering 267 (1), 012011, 2017. View at iopscience.iop.org .
construction materials: recent progress and future prospect) researched about Plastic
associates products based have been considered as the world most consumer packaging
solution. Recycling of plastic waste as valued added product such as concrete appears as
one of promising solution for alternative use of plastic waste. This paper summarized
recent progress on the development of concrete mixture which incorporates plastic wastes
Geetha R, Rajalakshmi , S examined about the solid waste management ,it is not only
necessary for maintaining the hygienic environment but in reducing the probable health
hazards. The current study deals with the problems faced by the public due to improper
waste management and the behaviour in waste disposal. The data used in our study is
A focus group discussion is like an interview with a group. It generates thick description
moderator. Using focus groups, researchers can assess similarities and differences among
individuals and allow participants to elaborate on ideas and themes by reacting to each
size is one for each group. Individual comments are not independent of other group
members; indeed, one of the purposes of the focus group is to elicit discussion. Each
group is usually composed of 6–12 participants who share some characteristic of concern
to the researchers—for example, the same race, gender, culture, or age, similar
This homogeneity helps to promote free discussion and ability of participants to be able
the effects of prior personal contacts. Multiple focus groups are needed to provide
broader information and to compare populations (husbands vs. wives, for example).
Advantages of FGD-
Focus groups have several advantages over other qualitative methods. Researchers can
structure discussion and learn about topics of interest and personal experiences of others
more easily than with participant observation. Compared to individual interviews, focus
groups allow greater access to shared knowledge and mutual discussion. They also allow
Disadvantages of FGD-
A focus group moderator has less flexibility to ask for elaboration, control changes of
topic, or learn about individuals in depth than an interviewer of individuals. Focus groups
are not a good approach for understanding an individual’s unique experiences and cannot
Phones were not allowed to be used by any of the participant during the session.
The discussion was open to everyone and anyone was allowed to talk about the issues
chosen who asked multiple questions about the environmental issues and problems we
are facing. The participants were required to speak about these issues and give their
perspectives and solutions. The note taker had to note down all these issues and solutions
that were spoken by the participants. The session was recorded by phone and it lasted for
46 minutes.
Topic generation – - It is the most relevant topic among other environmental topics. As
the human population is increasing rapidly, humans are exploiting the natural resources
on a high rate. Therefore, it has become a huge problem for us today. As humans, it is our
responsibility to understand these issues, manage them and find possible solutions to
these issues.
Group formation – There were 10 members from each group which were selected on the
basis of their roll numbers. Out of 10 participants, 1 was a moderator and 1 was a note
taker. The rest were speakers who spoke about the environmental issues and solutions
Physical planning of the FGD - FGD took place on 19th September 2023 at 1:30 pm in
Psychology Lab 1A .
FGD members –
Harjot Singh
JS Joshua Rochanhlu
Harshita Singh
Hardik Khurana
Isha Bagraa
Diya Jaiswal
Karma Stanba
between human beings and their environment and its ABC components. We discussed
about the problems in our environment and the subsequent solutions which we, as a
group, could think of to deal with the same. We also talked about how the issues which
we face in our environment could affect our emotions, actions and thinking i.e. affective,
there were total 10 members, out of which, we had one moderator and one note-taker.
The moderator guided the discussion in a way that it was open and everyone got a chance
to participate in the same. He also used few questions to smoothly direct the discussion.
After the completion of our FGD, we got to know about the myriad number of
environmental issues which we face on this planet. The discussed environmental issues
along with their psychological impacts and their solutions are discussed below.
urgent attention. Climate change, accelerated by greenhouse gas emissions, leads to rising
temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting ice caps, jeopardizing ecosystems and
the extinction of numerous species. Pollution, both air and water, contaminates vital
resources and endangers human health, while plastic waste accumulates in oceans,
harming marine life. Depleting natural resources, like fresh water and fossil fuels,
First we discussed environmental issues which we face in our localities. A very prevalent
problem was pointed out by participant 1 and 2 which is noise pollution due to
construction work and uncontrolled traffic. Due to this the ability to concentrate and
focus on the necessary tasks is badly influenced. The mental peace and rest is also
affected very negatively. Also there are Issues of clean water supply and fresh air in our
metropolitan city. Participant 8 mentioned that in his hometown the traditional practices
of cleanliness and toilet-use which were eco-friendly are now neglected which poses
threat to mindful use of water and sanitation. While discussing of major global
environmental issues, Air, Soil and Water Pollution, lack of proper Recycling,
Overpopulation, Global Warming and Climate Change are stated as significantly serious
transportation, processing, recycling, and disposal of waste materials. It’s crucial for
environmental protection and public health. Waste can have several negative impacts on
the environment and society. Inadequately managed waste can contaminate air, soil, and
water, resource depletion, health risk , loss of biodiversity, aesthetic and quality of life
issues , economic cost, greenhouse gas emissions. The issue of inadequate recycling is
another complex challenge, marked by a lack of enthusiasm from both authorities and the
deforestation, occupying cultivable and forest land for construction, industrial waste etc.
Similarly there are indirect effects like increase in green house gases, cutting hills, ozone
layer depletion and global warming which occurs mainly due to human activities. The
Climate change is primarily driven by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels
and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap
heat and lead to global warming, resulting in a wide range of environmental impacts,
including more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to
ecosystems. It impacts agriculture, economy, human and plant life badly. The impacts of
climate change have already significantly affected livelihoods and living conditions,
especially of the poorest and most vulnerable, and will continue to undermine
development during the coming century. Past assessments have identified the linkages
between climate change, poverty, livelihoods and human vulnerability, and shown how
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC ), it gives a serious warning of climate change to India,
as per the reports, Mumbai , Navi Mumbai , Kolkata, Chennai, , Kochi and Parts of Goa
might go underwater because of rising sea level due to global warming (IPCC, 2021). A
study shows that 10 lakh people died in India due to air pollution . Among the states in
India, Delhi is at the higher levels of exposure to ultra fine particulate matter followed by
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar ,Haryana and Rajasthan (ICMR, 2017). Participant 4 also mentioned
that due to climate change South-Asian cities like Karachi and Delhi are experiencing
extreme heat waves. Urban residents are experiencing thermal discomfort and a number
of health issues due to elevated temperature levels brought by the intensified heat waves
due to climate change and air pollution.(Dr. Chauhan, Dr. Mishra, Dr. Kumar, Dr. Devu
and Dr. Dongre, 2023). Also natural disaster which is inevitable also poses threat to
human and environment. It refers to a catastrophic event that occurs naturally, such as
earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and tsunamis. These events can cause
significant damage to the environment and pose a threat to human lives and
infrastructure. These events lead to many mental health issues to the victims like
depression, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder etc. Green house gases like water
vapour, carbon dioxide, methane halogenated compounds, nitrous oxide and other gases
traps sunlight heat and maintain temperature of the Earth which makes life possible but
due to human activities the amount of these and other harmful gases is increasing which
collectively leads to global warming which causes sea level rise, glacier melting, climate
Some participant also pointed out that certain religious and cultural practices also affect
our environment. Several festivals have rituals of submerging massive idols of gods’ and
goddesses’ in water bodies. These idols are made with harmful synthetic materials which
contaminate the purity of water and eventually harm the aquatic organisms. Unregulated
Tourism and their inadequate accommodation also poses threat to that place’s natural
resources and aesthetics. Participant 8 mentioned that tourism has affected water
pollution mainly in hilly regions. In Leh , 35,000 tonnes of water is flushed by tourists.
Average usage is around 200 litre per person. Participant 1 and 5 said due to large
amount of non biodegradable waste generation and its inadequate disposal large hills of
waste material are created which pollutes the soil and also contaminate the ground water
during rains.
The affective, behavioural and cognitive aspects related to these issues were also
overcrowded area and a clean, quiet space is clearly felt and experienced. Most of the
people having their home towns away from cities feel much better, healthier, peaceful
and calm there in comparison to the cities. Its total opposite is there in urban, semi-urban
and unhealthy environment, these conditions effects our mental health which also leads to
deteriorating physical health and urges to overeating and indulge into unhealthy practices.
Also many people seeing others not contributing in maintaining and taking responsibility
for the environment, they also neglect their responsibility and lacks motivation..
After discussing environmental issues , our focus now was on how to deal with these
problems at global and local level and also to discuss the role of affective, behavioural
measures, like rainwater harvesting, are crucial in areas facing scarcity. Furthermore,
combined with community involvement, can create a sustainable future, ensuring the
well-being of both humanity and the planet. Some problem specific solutions that were
discussed are :-
carbon emissions, and promote energy efficiency. Renewable energy technologies like
wind ,solar, and biomass energy provide an excellent opportunity for mitigation of green
house gases emission and reducing global warming through substituting conventional
energy resources.(Panwar, Kaushik and Kothari , 2011). Public Interventions like support
policies that encourage clean energy adoption, reduce personal carbon footprint, and
advocate for climate action would also help. Deforestation can be reduced and controlled
efforts, supporting organizations both by government and general public that work on
reforestation and educate others on the importance of preserving forests. Controlling Air
Pollution requires implementing stricter emissions standards for vehicles and industries,
and promoting public transportation. Public intervention in this can include advocating
for cleaner air regulations, using public transport or carpool, and reduce personal
treatment, regulate industrial discharges, and reduce the use of harmful chemicals like
lead, mercury etc. Local population should participate in local clean-up efforts, report
instances of pollution, and support policies for clean water. For preventing further
Biodiversity Loss we must establish protected areas, reduce habitat destruction, and
engage in citizen science, and raise awareness about endangered species. Related to
sustainable fishing practices, and establish marine protected areas will help. Choosing
sustainably sourced seafood, advocating for responsible fishing policies, and support
marine conservation groups are some steps that the local population can took for the
Other strategies that were proposed by the participants to tackle with environmental
problems at both larger and smaller scales are as follows: Firstly to make people feel
connected with the nature they suggested that people should go for walk, workout and
meditation activities in open natural space. Also we should opt for minimalist lifestyle
where we should use home made and naturally produced goods more and avoid eating
packaged food as they are unhealthy as well as cause much harm to environment in their
production. To instil responsibility and love for nature students must me motivated and
helped in activities which are eco-friendly like one of which was proposed by one of
participants is teaching students how to utilize waste plastic bottles to construct shelters
and homes which can be used for animals and people in need and carrying out games and
activities which connects them to nature. Using plastic waste in melted form with the
construction material of roads as research proved that it gives more durability to the
roads. Educational and awareness drives in tourist zones are helpful as it educates both
tourists and local people thus generates a sense of responsibility among and pride in
being part of that place. More effective methods to tackle with global warming are
motivating people to use public transport and doing carpooling. Constructing homes in a
way that ventilation is proper and material used helps to keep homes cool thus reduce use
of air conditioners. In a study (Baimel and Preston,1949) it was found that cross
culturally, religious traditions around the world doctrinally support concern for and
behavioural commitments to protecting the natural world. Thus we should educate ourself
of these values prescribed in our religious doctrines and promote them for a larger good
and give up wrong practices of the culture which are harming our nature.
During our overall discussion, we discussed about the environmental issues, their cause
and solutions. This discussion is different from the conventional discussions as we just
not focused on the physical components but had seen the whole scenario with a new
affective, behavioural and cognitive components which describe how our emotional state,
feelings, actions, ideas and perception of our surroundings effect our environment and
vice versa. Few points and evidences that were put forth during discussion which reflects
centres play a pivotal role in shaping people’s behaviours and promoting sustainable
practices. Recycling and waste collection centres provide accessible drop-off points for
people are more likely to participate. Accountability and Responsibility – The presence
They are more likely to take personal responsibility for their waste when they have easy
Cognitive component- Presenting data about the scarcity of resources is a key strategy to
change the cognitive component of public attitudes regarding the waste of non-renewable
knowledge and understanding of the issue. Show data about the consequences of non-
economy principle.
connectedness to nature ( Rosa, Profice & Collado, 2018 ). This cross-sectional research
on PEB in adulthood. The results indicate that increased exposure to nature during
childhood correlates with greater engagement with nature as adults. This, in turn, is
behaviours. It appears that positive experiences with nature during childhood stimulate
environmental actions.
Thus, based on the analysis of this FGD, we can say that the ABC component are integral
and research is still required in this field to know the role of ABC components and how
to effectively use that knowledge to deal and solve contemporary environmental issues.
Venn diagram :
Personal Reflection -The focus group discussion allowed me to understand the environmental
issues that we (humans) are facing and also the possible solutions to these issues and problems. I
got to know about other people’s problems that they are facing in their neighborhood, like noise
issues, etc., and also understood the different perspectives of others on environmental issues and
As all the members of focus group discussion have different perspectives related to
environmental problems they have given various solutions or steps of how we can control or
save our environment some of them are like car pooling , Afforestation , save electricity, etc. .
There are many steps of conserving the environment but according to me the primary and
utmost important step is education. Education (the cognitive component) contains factual
information that motivates people to perform in the behavioral aspects. The whole society has to
take or adopt some steps toward conserving the environment through their minimal contribution.
I should adopt and execute the steps that will help in conserving the environment, nature, and
planet, like Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not in use; conduct a proper
pollution check-up on vehicles; instead of plastic, use paper, jute, cloth, etc.
Conclusion - The state of the environment is a critical concern that demands immediate attention
and concerted efforts from individuals, communities, businesses, and governments worldwide.
We tried to understand some of the problems faced by our environment and the possible
solutions to these issues. By understanding most of these issues and problems, it is possible to
develop more comprehensive strategies for mitigating environmental problems and promoting
sustainability while prioritizing mental health and well-being. The objective of the discussion
was accomplished by the cooperation and supervision of Dr. Neera Kapoor (mam) and the
members with mutual exchange of environmental related dilemmas & strategies with regard to
contemporary world.
References –
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