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35th International Chess and Games Festival

part of CZECH TOUR 2024 Series
11th – 28th July 2024, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Place: IDEON congress centre, Jiraskova 1963, 530 02 Pardubice

Organizer: AVE CHESS z.s.
Festival director: IO Jan Mazuch

A) 19–27 July: Open grandmaster tournament – GM and IM norms
- ELO FIDE >= 2100, rating for ACP TOUR, FIDE and DWZ
- 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 1,5 h/40 +30 min + 30s/move, waiting time 1 hour

B) 20–27 July: Open rating tournament

- ELO FIDE 1700–2199, rating for FIDE and DWZ
- 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 1,5 h/40 +30 min + 30s/move, waiting time 1 hour

C) 20–27 July: Open rating tournament

- ELO FIDE < 1800, rating for FIDE and DWZ
- 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 1,5 h/40 +30 min + 30s/move, waiting time 1 hour

30+) 19–27 July: Open rating tournament

- players born in 1994 and older, rating for FIDE and DWZ
- 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 1,5 h/40 +30 min + 30s/move, waiting time 1 hour

E) 11–14 July: Open championship of the Czech Republic of 4-member team tournament –
Svatoslav Zahorovsky` s memorial tournament
- without limitations, rating for FIDE and DWZ, max. 2 substitutes
- 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, waiting time 1 hour

F) 19 July: Open 4-member team tournament of youngsters up to 16 years of age

- players born in 2008 and younger, 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 15 min + 5 s/move
G1) 17–18 July: Open championship of the Czech Republic in rapid chess
- without limitations, rating for ACP TOUR, rapid ELO FIDE
- 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 20 min. + 10 s/move

G2) 17–18 July: Open rapid tournament

- without limitations, rating for rapid ELO FIDE
- rapid ELO FIDE  2000 (or ELO FIDE 2000 for those, who do not have rapid ELO FIDE) or without
- 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 20 min. + 10 s/move

H) 15–16 July: Open championship of the Czech Republic in blitz marathon – Otto
Gutdeutsch` s memorial tournament
- without limitations
- each with each (max. 24 hours) + possibly finals according to the number of participants, 2x 5 min

I) 22 July: Open blitz KO tournament

- without limitations, rating for blitz ELO FIDE (except KO)
- 11 rounds by Swiss system + KO, 2 x 3 min.+2s/move

L) 20 July: Open championship of the Czech Republic of Bughouse

- pairs of players without limitations
- playing system according to the number of participants, 2x 2 min + 2 s/move (so-called Bronstein system)

M) 16 July: Open championship of the Czech Republic of Fischerandom chess - Vladimir

Novak` s memorial tournament
- without limitations
- 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 20 min + 10 s/move

N) 17 July: Open super blitz tournament

- without limitations
- 13 double rounds by Swiss system, 2x 3 min

O) 15 July: Open pairs tournament in rapid chess

- pairs of players without limitations
- 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 10 min + 5 s/move
Q1–3) 23–25 July: Open blitz tournament series
- 3 separate tournaments, without limitations, rating for blitz ELO FIDE
- 11 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 3 min.+2s/move

R) 26 July: Open 4-member team blitz tournament

- without limitations
- playing system according to the number of participants, 2x 5 min

S) 27 July: open tournament in Raindropchess

- without limitations
- playing system according to the number of participants, 2x 15 min

(for all tournaments given in EUR):
GM, IM, WGM and WIM have free start in tournaments A, G1, H, L and M
IM with ELO FIDE >= 2450 and GM conditions upon agreement in A tournament

A (open grandmaster tournament – GM and IM norms)

ELO FIDE Players accommodated through the Other players


>= 2300 62.5 83.5

2200–2299 75 96

2100–2199 104 125

1900–2099 * 187.5 * 208.5

*Exception: The organizer reserves the right to accept a player whose ELO does not meet requirements
of the tournament.

B (open rating tournament)

ELO FIDE Players accommodated through the Other players


2000–2199 62.5 83.5

1850–1999 75 96

1700–1849 83.5 104

< 1700 * 125 * 146

*Exception: The organizer reserves the right to accept a player whose ELO does not meet requirements
of the tournament.
C (open rating tournament)

ELO FIDE Players accommodated through the Other players


1600–1799 62.5 83.5

< 1600 and without ELO 83.5 104


30+ (open rating tournament)

Players accommodated through the Other players


62.5 83.5

E (4-member team tournament)

starting fee for a team 50

team whose list of players contains only players with GM, IM, 0
WGM and WIM titles or with ELO FIDE >= 2400

starting fee for a player 21

starting fee for a player with GM, IM, WGM or WIM title or with 0
ELO FIDE >= 2400

G1 (rapid)

ELO FIDE starting fee for a player

ELO FIDE >= 2200 12

ELO FIDE 2000–2200 16.5

ELO FIDE < 2000 24.5

G2 (rapid) starting fee for a player 16.5

F (youth teams) starting fee for a team 16.5

H (marathon) starting fee for a player 21

refundable deposit 8.5

I (blitz + KO) starting fee for a player 6.5

L (Bughouse) starting fee for a pair 8.5

M (Fischer random chess) starting fee for a player 8.5

N (super blitz) starting fee for a player 6.5

O (rapid pairs) starting fee for a pair 8.5

Q (blitz) starting fee for a player 6.5

R (blitz teams) starting fee for a team 16.5

S (raindropchess) starting fee for a player 4

Discounts: young players up to 18 years of age, seniors over 65 years of age and women players have in
tournaments A, B, C, 30+, G, H, L and M 25% discount, these discounts are not added up and do not refer to
additional charge for late registration and exception in the tournament.
Fees for rating of the tournament results for ELO in A, B, C, 30+ (2.5 EUR per player), G, I, Q (0.5 EUR per
player) and E (10.5 EUR for a team) charged according to the economic directive of the Chess Federation of the
Czech Republic, are not included in the starting fee and will be paid by participants during the registration.
The organizer pays these fees in the A and G1 tournaments for players with GM, IM, WGM and WIM titles, and in
the E tournament for a team whose list of players contains only players with GM, IM, WGM and WIM titles or with
ELO FIDE >= 2400.
Late registrations: Those players (or teams) whose application will be registered after 30th of June 2024 will pay
additional charge of 13 EUR in A, B, C, 30+ and E tournaments and 2 EUR in G and H tournaments. Applications
for other tournaments are not registered and it is possible to register for them only on the day of the launching of the
Membership in TOP CLUB CZECH OPEN: players who participate in at least five CZECH OPEN chess festivals
are becoming members of TOP CLUB CZECH OPEN (by participation for this purpose is meant starting in the main
9-round tournaments for individuals)
Discount on corresponding starting fee in tournaments A, B, C and 30+:

TOP club "30" TOP club "25" TOP club "20" TOP club "15" TOP club "10" TOP club "5"

30 % 25 % 20 % 15 % 10 % 5%

in thousands CZK (including special financial prizes and prizes for the best players from the Czech Republic,
payment in EUR possible, 15% tax will be deducted from prizes in excess of 50 000 CZK):
Tournament Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

A 300 70 50 40 30 20 15 10 7 5 3

B 40 12 10 7 5 2 2 1 1

C 25 8 6 4 2 2 1 1 1

30+ 25 8 6 4 2 2 1 1 1

E 90 20 15 10 8 6 5 4 4

G1 88 12 10 8 5 3 2 1 1

G2 5 2 1.5 1 0.5

H 20 7 5 3 2 1

I 5 2 1.5 1 0.5

M 3 1.5 1 0.5

Q1–3 3 1.5 1 0.5

Notice: prizes are awarded only during solemn presentation of results

Special financial prizes (CZK)

A – best women: 12 000, 8 000, 6 000, 3 000
– best seniors 60+: 7 000. 5 000. 3 000
E – best teams with average ELO 2000–2199, 1800–1999, 1600–1799 and < 1600 (average ELO is counted
according to ELO 4 best rated players) will obtain in each of these categories 2 000
– best teams comprising only women: 5 000, 3 000, 2 000
G1 – best players with ELO < 2200: 1 500, 1 000, 500
– best women: 5 000, 3 000, 1 000
– best seniors 60+: 5 000, 3 000, 1 000
H – best woman: 2 000

Criteria used for ranking and prizes distribution

- open individual tournaments: 1. number of points, 2. Buchholz Cut 1, 3. Buchholz, 4. Sonnenborn-
Berger, 5. greater number of games played with black.
Financial prizes in tournaments A, B, C, 30+ and G1 are distributed according to Hort system among such
number of players which corresponds to the number of advertised prizes in overall ranking.
- open team tournaments:
1. number of the match points (win = 2 points, draw 1 point, defeat 0 points), 2. number of game points
(score), 3. sum of the board points of all team's opponents, 4. sum of the board points of all opponents
defeated plus one half of the board points of all the opponents with which a tied result was achieved, 5. sum
of the board points of all the team's opponents, excluding the opponent who scored the highest number of
board points and the opponent who scored the lowest number of board points.
By the unpaired lot a team will obtain 2 match points and 50 % of points to the score. If an opponent does
not come out, a team will obtain 2 match points and 100 % of points to the score.
Financial prizes for teams, which have the same number of match and game points, are distributed
according to Hort system (among such number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes)
- blitz marathon H: 1. number of points, 2. number of wins, 3. mutual match, 4. S.-B., 5. Lot.
- open pairs tournament O:
- 1. total of points gained on individual chessboards (so called olympic system), 2. Buchholz Cut 1, 3.
Buchholz, 4. Sonnenborn-Berger, 5. the greater number of games played with black.



11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July

Registration 11.00 8.30 8.00 9.00 14.00 14.00

and – – – – – – – – –

accommodation 15.30 10.00 8.30 9.45 17.00 21.00

E 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7

G1, G2 1–3 4–9

H x x

M x

N x

O x


19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July

Registration 9.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.15 8.30

and – – – – – – – – –
accommodation 20.00 13.00 8.30 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.00 9.00

A, 30+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

B, C 1 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

F x

I x

L x

Q1–3 x x x

R x

S x

Playing schedule, registration deadline, final ceremony of tournaments

Tournament Registration deadline Playing time Results


A, 30+ * 19 July 13.00 19–27 July from 15.00 28 July 10.00

B, C * 20 July 13.00 20–27 July from 15.00 + 21 July from 9.00 28 July 10.00

E 11 July 15.30 11 July from 17.00, 12–14 July from 9.00 14 July 20.00
and 15.00

F 19 July 9.30 19 July 10.00–16.30 19 July 17.00

G1, G2 17 July 17.00 17 July 18.00–21.30, 18 July 9.00–17.00 18 July 18.00

H 15 July 10.00 15 July 11.00 – 16 July 11.00 16 July 11.30

I 22 July 8.30 22 July 9.00–13.30 22 July 14.00

L 20 July 8.30 20 July 9.00–13.30 20 July 14.00

M 16 July 8.30 16 July 9.00–17.30 16 July 18.00

N 17 July 9.45 17 July 10.00–14.00 17 July 14.30

O 15 July 9.30 15 July 10.00–14.00 15 July 14.30

Q1–3 23–25 July 9.45 23–25 July 10.00–13.00 23–25 July 13.30
R 26 July 9.00 26 July 9.30–13.00 26 July 13.30

S 27 July 9.00 27 July 9.30–12.30 27 July 13.00

* Registration for tournaments A, B, C and 30+ will be possible from 17 July.


Accommodation facilities (everywhere Wi-Fi distance shower + reception price for 1 night
free of charge) from the WC
playing hall
Dukla youth home ** 2 km nonstop
1-bed rooms on the floor no 25 EUR / room
2,3-bed rooms on the floor 16.5 EUR / bed
University of Pardubice Dormitory ** 2 km till 22.00
1-bed rooms classic * - block A, B on the floor no 29 EUR / room
2-bed rooms classic * - block A, B on the floor no 16.5 EUR / bed
1-bed rooms units ** - block A, B for 2 rooms no 37.5 EUR / room
2-bed rooms units ** - block A, B for 2 rooms no 46 EUR / room
1-bed apartments with a kitchenette ** - block C yes no 46 EUR / room
2-bed apartments with a kitchenette ** - block C yes no 54 EUR / room
Hurka hotel ** 3 km nonstop
1-bed rooms with a kitchenette for 2 rooms for 2 rooms no 27 EUR / room
2,3-bed rooms with a kitchenette for 2 rooms for 2 rooms no 21 EUR / bed
Kristl hotel ** garni 500 m till 20.00
(from 12 July)
1-bed rooms for 2 rooms no 33.5 EUR / room
2,3-bed rooms for 2 rooms no 25 EUR / bed
Trim hotel *** 4 km nonstop
1-bed rooms for 2 rooms yes 41.5 EUR / room
2-bed rooms for 2 rooms yes 62.5 EUR / room
3-bed rooms for 2 rooms yes 83.5 EUR / room
Arnost hotel *** garni 600 m nonstop
1-bed rooms with a kitchenette yes no 50 EUR / room
2-bed rooms with a kitchenette for 2 rooms for 2 rooms no 54 EUR / room
2-bed rooms with a kitchenette or a balcony yes no 66.5 EUR / room
3-bed rooms with a kitchenette yes no 91.5 EUR / room
Zlata stika hotel *** 700 m nonstop
1-bed rooms yes yes 62.5 EUR / room
2-bed rooms yes yes 79 EUR / room
3-bed rooms yes yes 112.5 EUR / room
Labe hotel *** 1.5 km nonstop
1-bed rooms yes yes 54 EUR / room
2-bed rooms yes yes 62.5 EUR / room
3-bed rooms yes yes 79 EUR / room
1-bed rooms new ***+ yes yes 62.5 EUR / room
2-bed rooms new ***+ yes yes 71 EUR / room
Stare casy hotel ***+ 1.2 km till 22.00
1-bed rooms yes yes 62.5 EUR / room
2-bed rooms yes yes 79 EUR / room
1-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 71 EUR / room
2-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 87.5 EUR / room
Austria guest house ***+ 700 m till 22.00
1-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 71 EUR / room
2-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 87.5 EUR / room
3-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 112.5 EUR / room
2-bed apartments with air-conditioning yes yes 96 EUR / room
3-bed apartments with air-conditioning yes yes 121 EUR / room
4-bed apartments with air-conditioning yes yes 146 EUR / room
Euro hotel **** 300 m nonstop
1-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 100 EUR / room
2-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 112.5 EUR / room
3-bed rooms with air-conditioning yes yes 137.5 EUR / room

Accommodated persons over the age of 18 pay the municipal fee in the amount of 30 CZK / night (~ 1.25
EUR) upon arrival at the reception.

Complete on-line your obligatory applications together with accommodation orders by 30th June 2024 on or send them by e-mail to
All foreign players must have an assigned FIDE identification number (abbreviation FIDE ID or FID) at the time of
the submission of the application form. If they do not have it, they have to apply their national chess federation for it.

Starting fee and accommodation payments will be collected during the registration in cash in EUR (at the
amount given in these regulations), CZK (in the rate 24:1 compared to prices given in these regulations) or USD or
by debit and credit cards: Eurocard/Master Card, Maestro, VISA, VISA Electron, JCB or Diners Club. The
organizer can ask for the advance payment with some kinds of accommodation.
Discount on starting fee and accommodation price - 5% discount in 2nd start in the tournament held within the
frame of this year CZECH TOUR Series, or 10% in 3rd start, 15% in 4th start etc. (only starts from all tournaments
for individuals played with rating min. 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move are counted).
Playing halls, place of registration, accommodation and secretariat: congress centre IDEON, Jiraskova 1963,
530 02, Pardubice
Transport: Karla IV. Bus stop - connection from the railway station by bus No. 6 or 8 (5th stop).
Refreshments: congress centre IDEON – bar and restaurant by the playing halls, festival party tent
Internet: during the whole festival wireless Internet access available free of charge at the congress centre IDEON
Chess equipment distribution in premises of the festival is allowed only after previous written agreement.
Tournaments in bridge, go, draughts, backgammon, gomoku and other games will take place within the frame of the
More detailed information at the internet festival web site
On-line broadcast:
Interesting things:

By participating in the tournament, the player gives the organizer the right to take photos and videos with his
person and to use them.

Contact to the organizer: AVE CHESS z.s., tel. + 420 - 466 535 200; mobile phone + 420 – 608 203 007, e-mail:

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