IACC Brochure 2021
IACC Brochure 2021
IACC Brochure 2021
4 No. 229/1, 2nd Cross, 4th Main, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru - 18
5 Ph : 080-22420547 Email Id : ayuiacc@gmail.com
of Karnataka can participate.
From each college maximum 15 participants are allowed.
Impromptu Speech - A.WØû.xÉÔ. 11, 12, 13 & 14th Chapters
3. The participant is required to share the active Whatsapp number and email 1. The event will be conducted online through Zoom/Google meet. The event will be
id in the registration sheet. The scanned registration form with Principal’s conducted on Sunday 7th Nov. 2021.
signature should be mailed(JPEG or PDF format) and the registration forms 2. The topics for the event will be from above chapters.
along with the entries should reach our mailbox within 31st Oct. 2021. 3. The participant is required to select a random number displayed on the screen. The
4. The date of conduction of final rounds will be on 30th Nov. & Dec. 1st 2021 coordinator will tell the topic and the participant is required to talk about the topic.
The Time limit will be 2+1 minutes.
at Bengaluru & Moderate food and accommodation will be provided.
4. The parameters for judgement will be content, language and presentation.
5. The Official language for the competitions will be Sanskrit/English/Kannada.
DETAILS OF THE COMPETITIONS: Elocution - Can Rakta be considered as a Dosha?
Short Movie - One of(Lettheyour
question from the public is -“What are Tridoshas?”
answer be in the form of a short movie.) gÀPÀÛªÀ£ÀÄß zÉÆõÀªÉAzÀÄ ¥ÀjUÀt¸À§ºÀÄzÉÃ???
(Only one entry per college is allowed)
First round: Online
1. Minimum 3 members in the team and maximum 15 (including technical team) 1. The participant is required to send a video (not exceeding 16mb) of talk of 3 minutes
2. The time limit is 8 minutes including credits. about the topic through mail. Mail should reach our mailbox within Oct.31st 2021.
3. All kinds of movie making technologies and equipments can be used. (Drone,
2. Selected participants will receive their confirmation by Nov. 15 and move into
Still camera etc)
4. The languages used should be either in Sanskrit or English or Kannada. second round/Final round.
3. The participant is allowed to use teaching aids for effective presentation (PPTs,
5. The file format should be mp4 and size 16Mb and should be shared through mail.
Charts, Models etc)
6. The mail should reach our mailbox within October 31st 2021. 4. The parameters for judgement will be Content, Creativity and Overall presentation.
7. Content, Creativity, Overall Presentation will be the parameters for judgement. Second/Final round: Offline
Recitation - A.WØû.xÉÔ.12th Chapter 1. The finalist is required to present the topic in front of a Judge panel and Time limit
would be 4+2 minutes.
1. Participant is required to send an audio recording of any10 shlokas from the
above chapter not exceeding 2 min 30 seconds. 2. The participant is allowed to use teaching aids for effective presentation (PPTs,
Charts, Models etc)
2. The audio should be in Mp3 or WAV format and file size not exceeding 16MB.
3. The parameters for judgement will be Content, Creativity and Overall presentation.
3. The audio should reach our mailbox within 31st OCT. 2021.
4. Selected participants will get the confirmation by 15th Nov and move into “Dosha - jnana is more important than Agni - jnana in
Second/Final round on 30th NOV. 2021.
Debate - diagnosis and treatment of a disease.”
5. Correctness in content, Clarity in pronunciation, Meaningful Presentation as ªÁå¢ü¤tðAiÀÄ ºÁUÀÆ aQvÉìAiÀÄ°è CVßeÁÕ£ÀQÌAvÀ zÉÆõÀeÁÕ£ÀªÉà ªÉÄîÄ.
per the rules of Vyakarana will be the parameters for judgement. Round 1 - Online
1. The Participant is required to send their Statements/Arguments with suitable
Essay writing - “Role of understanding of Tridosha in prevention and cure of
major diseases affecting the world”
references in typed form in Microsoft word through mail. (Not exceeding 10 points)
2. Equal number of For and Against participants are expected from each College.(One
“dUÀvÀÛ£ÀÄß PÁqÀÄwÛgÀĪÀ ªÀĺÁªÁå¢üUÀ¼À vÀqÉ ºÁUÀÆ ¤ªÁgÀuÉUÉ wæzÉÆõÀ«eÁÕ£ÀzÀ PÉÆqÀÄUÉÉ.” more in case of odd number of participants)
1. The Essay should be typed in word format and converted to PDF and should 3. The mail should reach our mailbox within October 31st 2021.
reach our mailbox within 31st OCT. 2021. 4. Finalists will receive their confirmation by 15th Nov.
2. Font - ‘ Times new Roman’ for English and ‘Baraha’ for Sanskrit and Kannada. Final round – Offline
3. Font Size - 14 for heading and 12 for the content. Line Spacing - 1. 1. The final round will be based on Vada marga as explained in Charaka samhitha.
4. The Content, Language & Presentation will be the parameters in assessing Essay.
Group Song - SÉåwÉxÉÉqrÉqÉç / zÉÆõÀ¸ÁªÀÄå
Quiz - Topics for the quiz is 1. This is an online event. Only one team allowed per college. Minimum 3 members in
Ashtanga Hrudaya Sutrasthana 11, 12, 13 & 14th Chapters the team and maximum 15 (including accompaniments).
Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana 15 & 21st Chapters 2. The participant is required to record the video of the song and send it through mail.
Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 12, 22 & 23nd Chapters 3. Two accompanists are allowed. (Tabla, Mridanga, Flute, Violin etc)
4. The video format should be MP4 and file size not exceeding 16MB.
First Round - Online 5. Video compressing/File size reduction can be done and no other editing is allowed.
1. A link to the questions will be shared to the participants (Google form). The 6. Time limit – 6+2 minutes.
participant is required to answer and send the responses within the stipulated time. 7. The mail should reach our mailbox within Oct 31st 2021.
2. There will be Negative marking for wrong answers. 8. The parameters for judgement will be Sahitya(lyrics), Raga and Tala.
3. The event will be held online on 3rd Nov. 2021.
4. Selected participants will receive their confirmation by Nov 5 and The decision of the Academy will be final in
move into the final round. all matters pertaining to the competitions.