Emi and Ac 2
Emi and Ac 2
Emi and Ac 2
Electromagnetic Induction
and Alternating Current
Topic1 Magnetic Flux and Induced EMF
by Changein Flux
Objective Questions I (Only one correct option) 4. Ina coil ofresistance 100 2, a current is induced by changing
1. A very long solenoid of radius R is carrying current the magnetic flux through it as shown in the figure. The
It)= kte (k> 0) as a function of time (t2 0) Counter magnitude of change in flux through the coil is (2017 Main)
clockwise current is taken to be positive. A circular
conducting coil of radius 2R is placed in the equatorial plane
of the solenoid and concentric with the solenoid. The current
induced in the outer coil is correctly depicted, as a function of
time, by (Main 2019, 9 April I1)
ime 0.5
(a)tt=0 (b) t=0 (a) 225 Wb (b) 250 Wb (c) 275 Wb (d) 200 Wb
5. A circular loop of radius 0.3 cm lies parallel to a much
circular loop of radius 20 cm. The centre of the smaller
is on the axis of the bigger loop. The distance between their
(c) t=0 (d) t=0 centres is 15 cm. If a current of 2.0 A flows through the
bigger loop, then the flux linked with smaller loop is
(2013 Main)
2. A 10 m long horizontal wire extends from North-East to (a) 9.1 x 107 Wb (b) 6x 101l wb
South-West. It is falling with a speed of 5.0 ms at right (c) 3.3 x 10 Wb (d) 6.6 x 10 wb
angles to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic 6. The figure shows certain wire x X
10 cm
(d) ***
area: 2A
(1993, 1M)
X True/False
13. A coil of metal wire is
kept stationary in a
magnetic field. An emf is induced in the coil.
(1986, 3M)
Ihe emf induced in
the loo is proportional to the sum of Analytical & Descriptive Questions
Une areas of the
b) The r: two loops. 14. A metal bar AB can slide
on two
O Change ofthe flux is maximum when the plane parallel thick metallic rails
separated by a distance l. A resistance
ofthe is perpendicular to plane of the paper. are
connected to the rails as shown in the and an
inductance L
figure. A long straight
xx xX x
X x
oo o o o o
x Xx
oo o
jn AD,
but not in BC
but not in AD
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 539
in BC,
AD Nor in BC
neither in Truel False
both AD and BC
A metal rod moves at a
constant AConducting rod AB moves parallel to the X-axis in a
magnetic field
the z
B =
(B, yla)k is acting into the paperin
yertical horizontal a
falling with direction. B and a are positive constants. A square
ion MNQ the speed of themagnetic induction
ring is and
B. At the loop EFGH of side a, mass m and resistance R in x-Y plane
kifference developed across the ring is
potential falling under the influence of gravity. Note the
directions of x and y in the figure. Find (1999, 10M)
(1996, 2M)
xMv x (a) the induced current in the loop and indicate its direction.
(a) zero (b) the total Lorentz force acting on the loop and indicate its
0) BvT R/2 and M is at higher potential
(c) an expression for the speed of the
c) TBRv and Q is at higher potential terminal velocity.
loop v(t) and its
(d) 2RBv and Q is at higher potential 9. A pair of parallel horizontal conducting rails of
square loop of side L and resistance R moves in resistance shorted at one end is fixed on a table. Thenegligible
is plane with a uniform
velocity v perpendicular to one of its between the rails is L. A
sides. A magnetic induction B, constant in time
resistance R can slide on the rails
massless rod of
and space,
tied to a massless string which frictionlessly. The rod is
pointing perpendicular to and into the plane of the loop exists passes over a pulley fixed to
Cverywhere.The current induced in the loop is (1989, 2M) the edge of the table. A tied to the other end of the
mass m
string hangs vertically. A constant magnetic field B exists
perpendicular to the table. If the system is released from rest.
Calculate :
(1997, 5M)
a) BLv/R clockwise
b) BLv/R anti-clockwise (a) the terminal velocity achieved the
by rod, and
) zero
anti-clockwise (b) the acceleration of the mass at the
instant when the
velocity of the rod is half the terminal
Induction and Alternating Current
540 Electromagnetic
The loop is now made to tate with
10. A metal rod OA and
mass m and length velocity about an axis passing through angula
kept rotating with a perpendicular to the plane of the paper.
aper. The
The and
constant angular B resistance of the loop is R.
speed o in a vertical
plane about
(a) Obtain an expression
current in the loop.
tor the magnitude of the1985,indduced6M)
horizontal axis at the
(b) Show the direction of the current when the
end O. The tree end DODDDDD0 entering into the region 1.
A is arranged to slide
(c) Plot a graph between the induced current and the tim
without friction along a fixed conducting circular ring in the
rotation for two periods of rotation. time of
same plane as that of rotation. A uniform and constant
magnetic induction B is applied perpendicular and into the Region, Region Il
plane of rotation as shown in figure. An inductor L and an
external resistance R are connected through a switch S
between the point O and a point C on the ring to form an
electrical eircuit. Neglect the resistance of the ring and the
rod. Initially, the switch is open. (1995, 10M)
(a) What is the induced emf across the terminals of the
(b) The switch S is closed at time t=0
(i) Obtain an expression for the current as a function of time.
(ii) In the steady state, obtain the time dependence of the 13. A square metal wire loop of side 10 cm and resistance 10is
torque required to maintain the constant angular speed. moved with a constant velocity Yo in a uniform magnetic
Given that the rod OA was along the positivex-axis at r=0 field of induction B =2 Wb/m* as shown in the figure. The
11. Two parallel vertical metallic rails AB and CD are separated magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the plane ofthe loop
by I m. They are connected at two ends by resistances R and (directed into the paper). The loop is connected to a network
R, as shown in figure. A horizontal metallic bar of mass 0.2 kg of resistors each of value 3 2.
slides without friction vertically down the rails under the
action of gravity.
There is a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 0.6 T
velocity of the bar L and the values of R, and Rz. (1994, 6M) 3 30
current in the primary coil are the input voltage system is proportional to
(Main 2019, (d) C1
10 (c) LA
440 V and 5 A4 (b) 220 V and 20 April) (a)/L b)IL
V and 10 A (d) 440 V and 20 A
or more correct option)
coils PandQ are:separated by some distance. Objective Questions II (One
8 mH and
flows through coil When a 4=
of3 A P, a magnetic .
Two different coils have self-inductances
c u r e n t
flux of is increased at
will be proportional
inductance of solenoid 12 ( 4 V2
(Main 2019, 9 April 1)
(a) 1/L (b) (c) L
(d) 1/?
tic Integer Answer Type Question
ACOpper wire is wound on a wooden frame, whose shape is 9. A circular wire loop of radius R is placed in the x-y plane
that of an equilateral triangle. If the linear dimension of each
side of the frame is increased by a factor of 3, keeping the centred at the origin O. A square loop of side a (a<< R)
Drk number of turns of the coil per unit length of the frame the having two turns is placed with its centre at z =V3 R along
same, then the self-inductance of the coil the axis of the circular wire loop, as shown in figure. The
(Main 2019, 11 Jan Il) plane of the square loop makes an angle of 45° with respect to
(a) increases by a factor of 3.
the Z-axis.
b) decreases by a factor of 9/3.
If the mutual inductance between the loops is given by
() increases by a factor of 27. Ho a2
(a)2. (6) ) () 3 R
Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three O
Situations shown in the figure. Their mutual inductance XK
will be (2001, S)
Fill in the Blank
(a)27EL 7.3 EL EL
(a)R (b)
27R R d) 7.3 R2
2. A coil of self inductance 10 mH and resistance 012 is 15V
connected through a switch to a battery of internal resistance
092. After the switch is closed, the time takenfor the current
to attain 80% of the saturation value is [Take, In 5 = 1.6] What wil1 be the current through the battery long after the
(Main 2019, 10 April II) switch is closed? (2019 Main, 12
Jan )
(a) 0.002 s (b) 0.324s (a) 6 A (b) 3 A (c) 5.5 A (d) 7.5 A
(c) 0.103 s (d) 0.016 s 7. An inductor (L = 0.03 H) and a resistor (R = 015 kQ) are
3. A 20 H inductor coil is connected to 10 2 connected in series to a battery of 15V EMF in a circuit
a 10 ohm resistance in series as
www shown below. The key K, has been kept closed
ra long
shown in figure. The time at which E- 20 H time. Then at = 0, K, 1s opened and key K2 is closed
rate of dissipation of energy simultaneously. At t = Ims, the current in the circuit will be
(Joule's heat) across resistance is (150) (2015 Main)
0.15 k2
equal to the rate at which magnetic energy is stored in the 0.03H
inductor, is (Main 2019, 10 Jan 1)
000 ww
(d) In 2
(a) 6)In2 (c) 2 In 2
(a) (b)
() (b) (c)-1
(0after time
0000 CV(1-e) halfof the heat
will be
(c)the ork done by the voltage
the is fully charged
Work done by battery 1s half of the dissipated when
the capacitor the capacitor
(a) in the resistor
energy dissipated interval 2, charge
(1999, 2M) magnetic energy. is in the
b) 20 s (C) 35 ms (d) 1 ms current in the circuit
(6) at any time t > 0,
(a) S00 s
fthe figure below, the switches S, and S, are closed inductor and capacitor. current in the
11 maximum instantaneous
simultaneously at t = 0 and a current starts to flow in the (d) at any time t> 0,
circuit. Both the batteries have the same magnitude of the
circuit may be V
electromotive force (emt) and the polarities are as indicated
in the figure. Ignore mutual inductance between the circuit is Qo, then for t 2 0,
inductors. The current in the middle wire reaches its
14. Ifthe total charge stored in the LC (2006, 6M)
maximum magnitude max at time = t. Which of the
following statements is (are) true? (2018 Adv.) (a) the charge on the capacitor is Q = 2o cos Jc)
R R 2L
(b) the charge on the capacitor is Q =
Qo cos
V V LC d2
(a) max
(b) max 4R
(d) T=ln 2
Fill in the Blank
()TIn 2
R 15. A uniformly wound solenoidal coil of self-inductance
1.8x 10 H and resistance 62 is broken up into two
Fssage Based Questions identical coils. These identical coils are then connected in
Passage parallel across a 15 V battery of negligible resistance. The
The capacitor of capacitance C can be c arged (with the help time constant for the current in the circuit is S and the ......
of the paper as shown.
. TThe
lectric field
electric field at point P
magnitude of the
(a) is zero
(b) deereases as 1
induced a
distance r from the (d) decreases as 1/r
circular region
centre of the (2000, 2M)
(c) increases asr
(o) RC circuit with R = 1kS2 and C = 10uF (a) the bulb glows dimmer
(d) RL circuit with R = 1k2 and L == 10 mH (b) the bulb glows brighter
(c) total impedance of the circuit is unchanged
An alternating voltage V()=220sin 100tt volt is applied to (d) total impedance of the circuit increases
apurely resistive load of 50 2. The time taken for the current
to rise from half of the peak value to the peak value is
7. When an AC source ofemfe =
Eg 1
(Main 2019, 8 April 1) sin (1001) is connected across a
(a) 5 ms (b) 2.2 ms (c) 7.2 ms (d) 3.3 ms circuit, the phase difference
between the emfe and the current
R2 i in the circuit is observed to be
L R1
ahead, as shown in the diagram.
If the circuit consists possibly only of R-C or R-L or L-C in
series, find the relationship between the two elements.
(2003, 2M)
(a) R=1 k2, C = 10uF (b) R=1 k2, C = 1 uF
In the above circuit, C = uF, Rz = 20Q, L = YH and
10 (c) R=1 kS2, L = 10 H (d) R=1 k2, L = 1H
R= 10 2. Cur nt in L-R path is / and in C-R2 path is
The voltage of AC source is given by V = 200/2sin(1 00r)
Match the Column
8. You are given many resistances,
volts. The phase difference between and 72 is capacitors and inductors.
These are connected to a variable DC
(Main 2019, 12 Jan 11) voltage source
(the first
30 (b) 60° (d) 90 two circuits) or an AC voltage source of 50 Hz
(c)0° next three circuits) in different
frequency (the
rOr an R-L-C circuit driven with voltage of amplitude v,, and ways as shown in Column II.
When a current I (steady state
for DC or rms for AC) flows
ftrequency o , the current exhibits resonance. The through the circuit, the corresponding voltage
V and V2
LC (indicated in circuits) are related as shown in Column I.
quality factor, Q is given by (2018 Main)
(b) (c) (d)- R Column I
Column II
R 0C
In an
AC circuit, the instantaneous emf and current are given V2
e=100 sin 301, i =
20sin | 30t -
I+ 0, is
(p) 6mH uF
proportional to I
In on the
cycle of AC, the average power
consumed by
Gircuit and the wattless current are, respectively (2018 Main) V
546 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
If C
battery to charge the capacitor fully. 20uF =
Column I Column II and the battery is ideal with emf of 50 V, identifv 100
V V2
statement(s). (2014 Adv)
6 mH 22
(B) I 0, V2 > V (q)
T 50 V
C-20 uF
Vi 2 R 10S2
0.5 H 50 2
0000 w
across the resistance R. The amount
(1999, 2M)
(a) remains stationary (c)Ec 2Ep (d) Ec EpD
(b) is attracted by the loop A
(c) is repelled by the loop 4 16. In process 2, total energy dissipated across the resistance Ep
(d) rotates about its CM, with CM fixed is
(a)Ep = (b)Ep =
Assertion and Reason
Mark your answer as
he km istransmission
f t h e direct
method (2013 Adv,.)
f042 used, the power
with a cable of 21. What is the advantage of this system
ransnussion Is dissipation (in %)resistance
(a) No friction hence no power consumption
(b) No clectric power is used
(a) 20 (b) 30 (c) Gravitation force is zero
(o) 40 (d) 50 (d) Electrostatic force draws the train
ethod usingthe
laher f turns in the
transformers, assume that the ratio of 22. What is the disadvantage of this system ?
primary to that in the (a) Train expericnces upward force according to Lenz's law
n-uD transformer is I:
l0, If the power to thesecondary in (b) Friction froce create a drag on the train
o be s suupplied
at 200V, the ratio of the consumers
number of turns in (c) Retardation
ori to that in the (d) By Lenz's law train cxperience
transtormer is
secondary in the step-down
23. Which force causes the train to elevate up ?
(a) 200:1 (b) 150:1 (c) 100:1 (a) Electrostatic force
(d) 50:1
Passage 3 (6) Time varying electric field
(c) Magnetic force
A charge Q1s moving in a circular orbit
the y plane with an angular velocity o. ofThis radius R in (d) Induced electric field
considered as equivalent to a loop carrying a steady can
current Objective Questions II (One or more correct option)
Qlo A uniform magnetic field along the 24. In the circuit shown, L= l4H, C = IuF and R = I k2. They
27 positive z-axis is
now switched on, which increases at a are connected in series with an AC source V = V% sin o as
constant rate from 0 to
Bin one second. Assume that the radius of shown. Which of the following options is/are correct?
the orbit remains
Constant. The applications of the magnetic field induces an (2017 Adv.)
emf in the orbit. The induced emf is defined as the work done L 1uH C=11uF R= 1k
by an induced clectric ficld in moving a unit positive charge O000000 wwW
around a closed loop. It is known that, for an orbiting charge, V sin o t
magnetic dipole moment is proportional
the to the angular
momentum with a proportionality constant (2013 Adv.))
y. (a) Ato0, the current flowing through the circuit becomes
!. The magnitude of the induced electric field in the orbit at any nearly zero
instant of time during the time interval of the magnetic field (b) The frequency at which the current will be in phase with
change is the voltage is independent of R
BR -BR (c) The current will be in phase with the voltage if
a) (b) (c) BR (d) 2BR
0 = 10" rads
lhe change in the magnetic dipole moment associated with (d) Ato >> 10° rads, the circuit behaves like capacitor a
the orbit, at the end of the time interval of the magnetic ficld 25. Two metallic rings A and B, identical in
change, is shape and size but
having different resistivities p, and pp, are kept on top
BOR identical solenoids as shown in the figure. When current of two
la) yBOR (b) -7BOR
2 (c)Y2 (d) yBOR
switched on in both the solenoids in identical
I is
manner, the
rings A and B jump to heights h, and hp, respectively, with
Passage 4
rains are based on Maglev technology in which h> hp. The possible relation(s) between their resistivities
and their masses and mg
EDS Maglev m 1s (are) (2009)
are magnetically leviated, which runs its
Due to
on both sides of wheels.
here are
train, induces in the coil of track
leui trains
his is in accordance with Lenz's law. If
lou force increases
then due to Lenz's law a repulsive
duoie wn
to which train gets uplifted and ifit goes much high, then
resistance 0.005 2 and of radius 0.1 m is placed inside the A metal coil of area 5 x 10 m, number of turns 100 mmass
tube with its axis coinciding with the axis of the tube. 0.06 kg and resistance 1.6 2 is lying horizontally atthe
bottom of the vessel. A uniform time varying magneticfield
is setup to pass vertically through the coil at time t=0 Tha
field is first increased from 0. to 0.8 T at a constant rat
between 0 and 0.2 s and then decreased to zero at the same
rate between 0.2 and 0.4 s.
The cycle is repeated 12000 times. Make sketches of the
current through the coil and the power dissipated in the coilas
a function of time for the first two cycles. Clearly indicate
The current varies as /=!o cos300t where I, is constant. If the magnitudes of the quantities on the axes. Assumethat no
the magnetic moment ofthe loop is Nuolo sin (3001), then N heat is lost to the vessel or the surroundings. Determinethe
IS (2011) final temperature of the water under thermal equilibrium
Specific heat of metal = S00 J/kg-K and the specific heat of
Analytical & Descriptive Questions water =4200 J/kg-K. Neglect the inductance of coil
(2000, 10M)
28. A long solenoid of radius a and number of turns per unit
31. An infinitesimally small bar magnet of dipole moment M is
length n is enclosed by cylindrical shell of radius R, thickness
pointing and moving with the speed v in the positive
d (d << R)and length L.
x-direction. A small closed circular conducting loop of radius
a and negligible self-inductance lies in the y-z plane
centre at x
=0,and its axis coinciding with the X-axis. Findthe
force opposing the motion of the magnet, if the resistance of
the loop is R. Assume that the distance x of the magnet from the
centre of the loop is much greater than a.
(1997C, 5M)
32. Two long parallel horizontal V
rails, a distance d apart and
each having a resistance X K
T o p i c7
Topic 4 4. (b)
2. (a) 3. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c)
1.(b) 8. (c)
4.(b) 6. (a)
7. (c)
( a )
6. 7.(b) 8.(d)
5. (d)
10. (a,c) 11.(a, c) 9.(c) 13. (d)
. ( b , d )
1f. Clockwise
9. (a) y 2 (b) a =
the solution 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (b)
12.() (6) anti-clockwise (c) see
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (a, b)
13. 0.02 m/s, direction of induced current is clockwise 25. (b, d) 26. (b, d) 27.6
14.1 mV
28.i-oana1ocos@r 29. i Hoa Co- (2)
Topic 3 2pR
1. (a) 2. (b) (a) 4. (C) 30. 35.6° C
31.F 2 HGMa
5. (c) 6. (a) 7.(b) 8. (a, c, d) 4 Ra
9.7 10.115 a9 R+ 2A) i F =2A(R 2x + + idB
Bd Bd