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This is to certify that the major project work entitled “Impact of Learning Styles on
Training and Development of employees at Techvolt Software Private Limited,
Coimbatore ” submitted to the Department of Business Administration, Avinashilingam
Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Administration is the bonafide record of original project work done by “SABITHA.S” during
the period of study under the supervision and guidance of Dr.M. Iswarya, Teaching

Signature of the Head of the Department Signature of the Supervisor

Submitted for Viva Examination Held on

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Impact of Learning Styles on Training and
Development of employees at Techvolt Software Private Limited, Coimbatore ” submitted to
Department of Business Administration, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and
Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is the bonafide
record of major project work done by us during the period of study, under the supervision and
guidance of Dr.M. Iswarya, Teaching Assistant, Department of Business Administration.

Signature of the Candidate

Place: Coimbatore

The Researcher would like to acknowledge sincere thanks to Prof S. P. THYAGARAJAN,

Chancellor, Dr. PREMAVATHY VIJAYAN, Vice Chancellor and Dr.S. KOWSALYA,
Registrar of Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore, for giving the opportunity to undertake the project work and providing all required
facilities to complete the project.

The Researcher is special thanks to Dr. P. CHITRAMANI, Dean, School of Commerce and
Management, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
for providing her support and help to carry out the project.

The Researcher would like to express her genuine and truthful thanks to
Dr. A. PANKAJAM, Head of the Department, Department of Business Administration, for
her support and valuable inputs and encouragement to complete the project.

The Researcher would like to express my gratitude and thanks toDr.M.Iswarya, teaching
assistant, Department of Business Administration for her guidance, constant motivation,
valuable suggestions and strong support throughout the project.

The Researcher would like to extend heart full thanks to all the faculty members of
Department of Business Administration for their help and continuous support and help to
complete the project.
Introduction to the study 9
Industrial profile 10-14
Company profile 15-17
Objective of the study 18
Scope of the study 19
Limitation of the study 20
Statement of problem 21-22
Research design 31-32
Source of data 33-35
Data collection 36-38
Data analysis 39- 43
Tools used for data collection 44-50
Findings 57-59
Suggestion 60
Conclusion 61
Bibliography 63
Questionnaires 64-65












4.11 ANOVA 58
4.12 T-TEST 59











While much research has been conducted in the field of learning styles and learning method
preferences, most of this research has focused on the college population in foreign countries. The
study, forming the basis of this article, focuses on the relationship between learning styles, as
defined by VAK learning style inventory version and learning methods in the training and
Research on the relationship between memory and oral/visual learning the study moved to
different cognitive styles and strategies that determine a learner’s mode of receiving,
remembering, thinking and problem solving and many others made studies and provided models
proving learning style preferences of learners. Are their preferred learning modes VAK theory is
now a favorite of the accelerated learning community because its principles and benefits extend
to all types of learning and development, far beyond its early applications. .
The Visual Auditory, Kinesthetic learning style model does not overlay Gardner's multiple
intelligences, or Kolb's theory; rather the VAK model provides a different perspective for
understanding and explaining a person's preferred or dominant thinking and learning style, and
strengths. Gardner's theory is one way of looking at learning styles Kolb and VAK are still other
The VAK learning style uses the three main sensory receivers: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
to determine the dominant learning style, and it is sometimes known as VAK (Visual, Auditory,
and Kinesthetic). Visual learners prefer to learn via the visual channel. Therefore, they like to
read a lot, which requires concentration and time spent alone. Visual learners need the visual
stimulation of bulletin boards, video and movies. Auditory learners enjoy the oral-aural learning
channel. Thus, they want to engage in discussions, conversations, and group work. These
students typically require only oral directions".
Kinesthetic learners are those who "imply total physical involvement with a learning
environment such as taking a field trip, dramatizing, pantomiming, or interviewing. The second
variable was problem solving style. Problem solving style has emerged in the literature as an
important variable in the development and maintenance of affective disorders.
The concept of problem solving style originated in the literature on coping stand was developed
through the work of This study attempted to investigate the relationship between these VAK
The training and development of employees is an important element in many successful
organizations. Training and development is important not only for the growth and development
of the employee but is also critical to the long-term success of the organization. To be
successful, organizations must continually learn. Organizations that learn are competitive. They
are on the leading edge. They create their own futures instead of being created by their futures.
In many organizations a generic approach is taken when choosing learning methods, and
individuals are trained the same way irrespective of their individual learning style. While many
different methods of learning are available, organizations do not necessarily choose the most
appropriate learning method for an individual.
The success of a training program majorly depends on the identification of parameters of
training, which should happen in a proper fashion as well as very frequently, preferably every
quarter. There are several issues that needs the attention as to how the training requirement will
be identified, what has been the gaps of the previous training program, what will be the size of
the target group of training and the most important matching the training with the strategic
objectives of the company.
These are the important points, which require critical attention from the Human Resource
professionals in order to assess the training needs. Usually companies have their own system to
identify training needs However, need identification task can be harmful in few cases if the needs
are not identified systematically and supported with effective programs. Managers must study
that their proposals are grown due consideration and suitable actions are initiated to satisfy the
felt needs. Only then, they will take this exercise seriously.
Hence, planning of suitable and need based training programs and their timely implementation is
very important for the success of any training program. If the training program is constructive
and carries practical evaluation of training it substantially helps the organizations in reducing the
costs of training programs.
Learning styles:
Learning styles can be defined, classified, and identified in many different was generally they are
overall patterns that provide direction to learning. Learning styles can also be described as a set
of factor, behaviors, and attitude has facilitated learning for an individual in a given situation.
A learning style refers to an individual’s method of making sense of new material. Commonly
done thought sight, touch and sound.
Importance of learning styles:
Most educators recognize three broad learning styles in employee - visual, auditory and
kinesthetic. Each style refers to a preferred way of receiving and processing information in order
to learn.
That’s because those approaches work for you and you believe them to be the most effective.
Taking a moment to discover and understand your employee learning style, as well as your own,
can quickly understand.

Three type of learning styles:

Learning styles

Visual learning

Auditory learning

Auditory Learners
Individuals who are audio learners do their best when physically listening to the content being
taught to them. Traditional in-house training sessions are beneficial to these types of people, as
they can hear the information. When you transition to an online training platform, these types of
learners will benefit from more voice-over videos, audio recordings, and uploaded in-house
training recordings. With an online solution, a big bonus for these learners is that they can
always rewind and re-listen to the learning material and really retain the information.
Characteristics of auditory learning:

They may struggle to understand a chapter they have read, but then experience a full
understanding as they listen to the class lecture. They have the ability to follow verbal
instructions readily and prefer to hear information rather than read it. With a tendency to adopt a
theoretical style of learning, they need to understand small parts and the relationships between
these parts in order to create a bigger picture and gain a deeper understanding. An auditory
learner is skill oriented, memorizes tasks well and benefits from traditional styles of teaching
/lectures/ question and answer sessions. While they are able to orally communicate well, they
may have difficulty communicating in written form. Auditory learners are good at writing
responses to lectures they have heard. They are also good at oral exams and learn effectively by
listening to information delivered orally, in lectures, speeches, and oral sessions.

Visual Learners
Your employees with this learning style learn best when the training is presented to them
visually. Graphics and videos resonate more strongly with these types. Try adding writing tasks
to your courses and handouts are great additions as well – something they can look at and
reference. Remember that these learner types also benefit from pictures and symbols so
remember to add graphs, numbers, and charts to your content so that they absorb the information
Characteristics of Visual Learners:
Individuals who prefer this style of learning are those who learn through seeing things. They
prefer to see information & instructions and may forget information that has only been heard.
With the ability to visualize, they tend to see pictures and images when they remember
things and may use mind maps. They have a predisposition for writing, drawing, imagining
and prefer to create their own notes and to read for themselves.

They have an inclination to see a concept as whole rather than individual parts. They benefit
from seeing the aims and objectives of learning sessions or from understanding the purpose of
the session. Relying heavily on their senses and enjoying working in groups where they
observe non-verbal cues from colleagues, they learn through role play and watching others
perform or demonstrate a skill. Moreover, they also tend to have good control over sign

While visual learners tend to be good at spelling, they may forget names. Preferring a less
formal setting to learn, a traditional classroom environment may not be highly beneficial to them.
They are usually organized and observant but can be distracted by movement of others when
they are trying to concentrate.

With a tendency to daydream while reading, they are likely to visualize what they are hearing.
Visual Learners tend to be fascinated with colour and have the ability to understand complex
maps, graphs and charts. Hence, they may use colour coding, diagrams and symbols to revise
and help recall, or by re-writing pieces of text or other information in their own style.
Kinesthetic Learners:
These learners retain the most amount of information with their senses, as they learn via
experience. This even includes tasting, touching, and smelling. Essentially, these employees
learn best by experiencing things hands-on. As an example, if you are training your employees
on some new safety procedure, you should also try to give them an in-person scenario to help
simulate the situation e.g. how to operate machinery properly.

Also keep in mind that these individuals are more emotional when learning, and since online
training accommodates audio and visual learners more, it's important to be creative when
training kinesthetic learners.

Characteristics of kinesthetic learners:

According to Fleming’s learning style theory, students who have a predominantly kinesthetic
learning style are thought to be natural discovery learners. They prefer learning by doing as
opposed to having thought first before initiating action. With a tendency to prefer exploring
concepts through experimentation, they may not benefit from learning by reading or listening.
Moreover, such students need few verbal or written instructions and are confident in
participating in hands on activities.

Thus, kinesthetic learners would enjoy making things and learning through practical activities
and learn best in a laboratory, workshop, gymnasium, simulated or real environments where they
can be active. The kinesthetic learner usually does well in things such as chemistry experiments,
sporting activities, art and acting. They also may listen to music while learning or studying. It is
common for them to focus on two different things at the same time. Kinesthetic learners' short-
and long-term memory is strengthened by their use of their own body's movements.

Training and Development

Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization which emphasize on the

improvement of the performance of individuals and groups. Training is an educational process
which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more
knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees. Good & efficient training of
employees helps in their skills & knowledge development, which eventually helps a company

Training is about knowing where you are in the present and after some time where will you reach
with your abilities. By training, people can learn new information, new methodology and refresh
their existing knowledge and skills. Due to this there is much improvement and adds up the
effectiveness at work. The motive behind giving the training is to create an impact that lasts
beyond the end time of the training itself and employee gets updated with the new phenomenon.
Training can be offered as skill development for individuals and groups.

Importance of Training and Development

For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations to have continuous training
and development programs for their employees. Competition and the business environment
keeps changing, and hence it is critical to keep learning and pick up new skills. The importance
of training and development is as follows:

• Optimum utilization of Human resources

• Development of skills

• To increase the productivity

• To provide the zeal of team spirit

• For improvement of organization culture

• To improve quality, safety

• To increase profitability
• Improve the morale and corporate image

Need for Training and Development

Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it requires a lot quality inputs from
trainers as well as employees. But it is essential that the company revises its goals and
efficiencies with the changing environment. Here are a few critical reasons why the company
endorses training and development sessions.

• When management thinks that there is a need to improve the performances of employees. To
set up the benchmark of improvement so far in the performance improvement effort.

Training and Development Process

Training and development is a continuous process as the skills, knowledge and quality of work
needs constant improvement. Since businesses are changing rapidly, it is critical that companies
focus on training their employees after constantly monitoring them & developing their overall

Steps for training and development processes are:

1. Determine the need of training and development for individuals or teams

2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved

3. Select the methods of training

4. Conduct and implement the programs for employees

5. Evaluate the output and performance post the training and development sessions.

6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if more training is required.

Hence, this concludes the definition of Training and Development along with its overview.
Learning styles and training and development on IT industry:
Training is the giving of information and knowledge, through speech, the written word or other
methods of demonstration in a manner that instructs the trainee. Learning is the process of
absorbing that information in order to increase skills and abilities and make use of it under a
variety of contexts. Training and Development - It is a learning process in which employees get
an opportunity to develop a skill, competency and knowledge as per the job requirement. It can
be referred to as job focused
The word "software" was coined as early as 1953, but did not appear in print until the
1960s. Before this time, computers were programmed either by customers or the few commercial
computer vendors of the time such as UNIVAC and IBM. The first company founded to provide
software products and services was Computer Usage Company in 1955.
The software industry expanded in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers
were first sold in mass-produced quantities. Universities, government, and business customers
created a demand for software. Many of these programs were written in-house by full-time staff
programmers. Some were distributed freely between users of a particular machine for no charge.
Others were done on a commercial basis, and other firms such as Computer Sciences
Corporation (founded in 1959) started to grow. Other influential or typical software companies
begun in the early 1960s included Advanced Computer Techniques, Automatic Data
Processing, Applied Data Research and Informatics General. The computer makers started
bundling operating systems, systems software and programming environments with their
machines. When Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) brought a relatively low
priced microcomputer to market, it brought computing within the reach of many more companies
and universities worldwide, and it spawned great innovation in terms of new, powerful
programming languages and methodologies. New software was built for microcomputers, so
other manufacturers including IBM, followed DEC's example quickly, resulting in the IBM
AS/400 amongst others.
The industry expanded greatly with the rise of the personal computer in the mid-1970s, which
brought desktop computing to the office worker for the first time. In the following years, it also
created a growing market for games, applications, and utilities. DOS, Microsoft's first operating
system product, was the dominant operating system at the time.
In the early years of the 21st century, another successful business model has arisen for hosted
software, called software-as-a-service, or SaaS. This was at least the third time this model had
been attempted. From the point of view of producers of some proprietary software, SaaS reduces
the concerns about unauthorized copying, since it can only be accessed through the Web and by
definition no client software is loaded onto the end user's PC. As technology improved, the speed
at which information needed to be transmitted increased, and with that the importance of IT was
also compounded.
India's IT Services industry was started in Mumbai in 1967 with the establishment of the Tata
Group in partnership with Burroughs. The first software export zone, SEEPZ – the precursor to
the modern-day IT park – was established in Mumbai in 1973. More than 80 percent of the
country's software exports were from SEEPZ in the 1980s.
The Indian economy underwent major economic reforms in 1991, leading to a new era of
globalization and international economic integration, and annual economic growth of over 6%
from 1993–2002. The new administration under AtalBihari Vajpayee (who was Prime Minister
from 1998–2004) placed the development of Information Technology among its top five
priorities and formed the Indian National Task Force on Information Technology and Software
Wolcott & Goodman (2003) report on the role of the Indian National Task Force on Information
Technology and Software Development:
Within 90 days of its establishment, the Task Force produced an extensive background report on
the state of technology in India and an IT Action Plan with 108 recommendations. The Task
Force could act quickly because it built upon the experience and frustrations of state
governments, central government agencies, universities, and the software industry. Much of what
it proposed was also consistent with the thinking and recommends notions of international bodies
like the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Telecommunications Union (ITU),
and World Bank.
In addition, the Task Force incorporated the experiences of Singapore and other nations, which
implemented similar programs. It was less a task of invention than of sparking action on a
consensus that had already evolved within the networking community and government.
Regulated VSAT links became visible in 1994. Desai (2006) describes the steps taken to relax
regulations on linking in 1991.
In 1991 the Department of Electronics broke this impasse, creating a corporation called Software
Technology Parks of India (STPI) that, being owned by the government, could provide VSAT
communications without breaching its monopoly. STPI set up software technology parks in
different cities, each of which provided satellite links to be used by firms; the local link was a
wireless radio link. In 1993 the government began to allow individual companies their own
dedicated links, which allowed work done in India to be transmitted abroad directly. Indian firms
soon convinced their American customers that a satellite link was as reliable as a team of
programmers working in the clients’ office.


Techvolt Software Pvt.Ltd classified as Non-govt Company and is registered at Registrar
of Companies, Coimbatore. Its authorized share capital is Rs.10,00,000 and its paid up capital is
Rs. 500,000.It is involved in Software publishing, consultancy and supply [Software publishing
includes production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software,
operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games software
for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing the best solution in the form of custom
software after analyzing the user’s needs and problems.
Custom software also includes made-to-order software based on orders from specific
users. Also, included are writing of software of any kind following directives of the users;
software maintenance, web-page design. The company is blended with a strong culture of ethics
and excellence, built over a strong foundation of commitment, credibility and quality, Techvolt
Software Pvt.Ltd assures clients a best in class experience.
To provide world class, scalable and reliable software to a variety of industries their solutions
will always be designed keeping in mind, their customers’ belief and need to meet their
challenges. Their goals are focused at understanding, migrating, adapting and re-engineering key
business processes to meet the need of clients

Our vision is to develop in a constant manner and grow as a major IT service provider to become
a leading performer, in providing quality Web and Software Development solutions in the
competitive global marketplace. Our professional, flexible and integrated process reflects in what
we do. We always guide our customers to success. We have the ability to accelerate and quickly
share the great work or products of your organization or business

Techvolt Software Pvt.Ltd delivers its solutions through an empowered team of
professionals, where all the members are encouraged to innovate, explore, and take responsibility
for their own growth both technically and professionally. Techvolt Software Pvt.Ltd, an open
work environment and culture that encourages personal and group achievement with a clear
focus on delivering customer satisfaction.

Android is the top mobile platform and Mobile with Android Operating System is in trend. The
number of people using Android Mobile is increasing day by day. And hence developing android
applications are in demand and need of time. By doing Android development you can create new
applications for Mobiles having Android operating system.Market Study and research statistics
has clearly indicates that there are millions of Android smart phones were sold during last year
and the number is increasing rapidly. This gave more demand for Android Developers and rise to
many Android Development Companies around the world.
Techvolt Software Pvt.Ltd is one of the leading Android Development Company in Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu. At Techvolt Software Pvt.Ltd we have expert and well qualified team of IT
Professionals & Android developers. Our aim and focus is to provide the best Mobile app which
is compatible for any mobile device, run fast and error-free, without affecting your mobile
performance and other aspects.
E-commerce is the rapidly growing Business trend today. Many customers prefer buying online
today, and the number of active buyers on internet keeps on increasing day by day.
At, Techvolt Software Pvt.Ltd we understand the latest trend of e-commerce, have in-depth
knowledge of how online shopping system works & e-commerce strategies. Our team of
professional web developers has a great experience of developing e-commerce websites that
deliver a great online shopping experience and lead customers to complete the order.


To study the impact of learning styles on training and development of IT employees at techvolt
software private limited, Coimbatore

• The analyze the different learning styles of IT employees
• The analyze the impact of demographic differences on employee learning styles
• To analyze demographic differences on training and development


This research would provide an opportunity to explore in the field of human resources. It would
also provide a feedback of people involved in the learning styles on training and development
process. A part form that it would provide me a great deal of exposure to interact with high
profile managers in IT sector
➢ due to lack of permission the size is restricted to 107
➢ time constraint exists
➢ The answers given by the respondents have to be believed and have to be taken for
granted as truly reflecting their perception.


Discrepancy between the provider of learning styles on training and development job skills.
Work environment does not support new behaviors learned in training and development lack of
motivation among employees lack of professional in few of the training and development
difficulties to evaluate training and development outcomes The employees concentrate more on
the job related activity and mostly avoid the act of establishing or maintaining human relations
with peers, sub-ordinates and supervisors. This kind of attitude prevents them from sharing their
wisdom with others. Consequently they behave differently. Hence, it is very much essential to
inculcate the value of team spirit and team building among the employees to achieve the goals of
any organization. For this purpose, the employees need to understand the need to understand the
organization so as to enhance their competency level through various types of training module


➢ Kinesthetic learning
➢ Visual learning
➢ Auditory learning
The purpose of a literature review is to gain an understanding of the existing research and
debates relevant to a particular topic or area of study, and to present that knowledge in the form
of a written report. Conducting a literature review helps to build knowledge in the field. From
this can learn about important concepts, research methods, and experimental techniques that are
used in your field, also gain insight into how researchers apply the concepts based on learning in
our unit to real world problems. Another great benefit of literature review is getting a better
understanding of how research findings are presented and discussed in our particular discipline

. N. Akbar Jan and C. Muthuvelayutham (2000) much promise for developing higher level
cognitive skills, they are not without their limitations. This study compares deductive and
inductive training strategies and presents factors to consider when selecting a strategy for
planned on-the-job training. Increase the performance level of an employee and to develop
him/her in such a manner that he/she can rise to the position of higher responsibility, to
constantly develop manpower to meet the current as well as future needs of the organization, to
ensure effective utilization of human resource, to integrate individual goals with the
organization goals by creating a climate so that an individual employed can best achieve his
goals by achieving the goals of the organization, to be more specific, this is the stage of
identifying employees within the organization

. Marget and Lohman (2001) found plan training on-the-job programs have historically used
deductive training strategies as a means to deliver the training content. However, the changing
nature of work in today’s organizations demands that employees be more effective problem
solvers and independent learners than ever before. Therefore, alternative training strategies, such
as an inductive approach, must be considered to respond to these changing job demands.
Although inductive training strategies.

Cheng and Ho (2002) discuss the importance of training and its impact on job performance:
While employee performance is one of the crucial measures emphasized by the top management,
employees are more concerned about their own productivity and are increasingly aware of the
accelerated obsolescence of knowledge and skills in their turbulent environment. As the
literature suggests, by effectively training and developing employees, they will become more
aligned for career growth— career potential personal motivation
Hakan Regner (2003) explains that on-the-job training has a large positive effect on wages for
employees in Sweden, and employees in jobs that require long on-the-job training earn
significantly more than workers in jobs with short training requirements. The effects of training
are large for the recently hired and low for the senior employees. There are significant wage
effects of general and specific on-the-job training, and the effect is significantly larger for
general training.

Stavrou et al., (2004) The main goal of training is to provide, obtain and improve the necessary
skills in order to help organizations achieve their goals and create competitive advantage by
adding value to their key resources – i.e. managers.

Tan, Hall and Boyce (2005) Companies are making huge investment on training programmers
to prepare them for future needs. The researchers and practitioners have constantly emphasized
on the importance of training due to its role and investment.

According to Ananth (2006), He pointed out different problems faced by the organization in
handling the corporate finance such as the time of procurement and investment of funds. He
suggested that the organization must relate itself with the needs of changing environment by
taking good decisions through professionally trained people.

Asha (2007) in her article “Dimension of Training and Development” pinpoints that planning
and designing a training module along the lines of content, theme and psychological aspects
make a training program more enjoyable, learnable and capable of providing long term benefits.
Training and development has various connotations to different people in different work
For instance, to a trainer, the final objective of a training program would be to deliver an idea
and reach out to the participants. But for a trainee, it would be to learn an idea, enhance his
knowledge, and then he must try to acquire new skills. But organizations would require
employees to assimilate learned skills in the present job and to make better end-products. From
the psychological perspective, training skills (learning) are much required and through that each
trainee acquires a value addition which must be imbibed in order to enhance employee

Pilati et al. (2008) concluded that research in training, development and education (TD&E) in
organizations has produced important results in the last two decades. Evaluation of TD&E has
been a special focus of this research, which has resulted in the production of relevant predictive
models. The present study has the aim of testing a model for effectiveness of training on work,
with the trainee's motivation and satisfaction with training as the antecedent variables and the
Employees’ Training and Development in IT Sector: an Essential Instrument for Effectiveness
of Organizational Productivity of training as a moderator variable.

P.S.Velmurugan et al. (2009) find that training is the periscope to see the future. It is intended
to identify the future of the organization. Development creates generalists and helps people to
think strategically, even when their present jobs do not call for such thinking. It pushes and
stretches people beyond their present function.

Marget and Lohman (2010) found plan training on-the-job programs have historically used
deductive training strategies as a means to deliver the training content. However, the changing
nature of work in today’s organizations demands that employees be more effective problem
solvers and independent learners than ever before. Therefore, alternative training strategies, such
as an inductive approach, must be considered to respond to these changing job demands.
Although inductive training strategies hold.
According to Bates and Davis (2011), Usefulness of training programme is possible only when
the trainee is able to practice the theoretical aspects learned in training programme in actual work
environment. They highlighted the use of role playing, cases, simulation, mediated exercises, and
computer based learning to provide exposure to a current and relevant body of knowledge and
real world situations.

According To Fizzah (2012), The purpose of the research is to find out how training and
development effect organizational performance and to find out what is the impact of training and
development in organization. Data is collected from the 100 members of different organizations.
And the previous researches carried out on training and development. Training and development
is important for the employees in organization, it helps the employees to improve their skills and
to give a good performance in workplace. There is a big relation between training and
development with the organization performance and the relationship is discussed in the paper.
Huseyin (2013) made a study on “The Relationship between the Learning Styles of Students
and Their Attitudes towards Social Studies Course”. The result revealed that the objective of the
study is to determine the relationship between the attitudes Descriptive scanning model has been
used in the study. Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey and Attitude Scale for In
addition, whereas there is a statistically significant difference between the auditory kinesthetic
and tactile learning styles between classes, no difference has been determined between other
learning styles.

Shelley Frost, Demand Media(2014) Training is a crucial component in preparing new

employees for their positions and keeping existing employees current on critical information. To
be effective, a training program needs a specific purpose with appropriate training methods.
Understanding the factors that influence training programs enables you to develop or change
your current employee education to make it fit the needs of your business and your employees.
Haslinda ABDULLAH (20015), the challenges faced by employers and organizations in the
effective management of HR T&D varied from concerns about the lack of intellectual HR
professionals to coping with the demand for knowledge-workers and fostering learning and
development in the workplace. The core and focal challenge is the lack of intellectual HRD
professionals in manufacturing firms, and this suggests that employers viewed HR T&D as a
function secondary to HRM and perhaps considered it as being of lesser importance. This
implication could lead to the ineffective implementation of HRD
Chih , Li and Lee (20016) Training programme is dependent on the following parameters for its
success (i) perceived value of leaning programme (ii) attitude to teacher (iii) response to learning
conditions (iv) desire to learn: the degree to which trainees really want to learn.
Akinpeju (2017):The process of training and development is a continuous one. The need to
perform one’s job efficiently and the need to know how to lead others are sufficient reasons for
training and development and the desire to meet organizations objectives of higher productivity,
makes it absolutely compulsory.

Raymond (2018): The influences of trainees’ characteristics on training effectiveness have

focused on the level of ability necessary to learn program content. Motivational and
environmental influences of training effectiveness have received little attention. This analysis
integrates important motivational and situational factors from organizational behavior theory and
research into a model which describes how trainees' attributes and attitudes may influence the
effectiveness of training.
Yoder (2019):
Training and development in today’s employment setting is far more appropriate than training
alone since human resources can exert their full potentials only when the learning process goes
for beyond the simple routine.
Hesseling (2020): Training is a sequence of experiences or opportunities designed to modify
behavior in order to attain a stated objective.
3.1 Introduction
Research methodology describes how the research study was undertaken. This chapter
includes the specification of research design, source if data, and methods of primary data
collection and the sampling methods.
3.2 Research Methodology
This study will examine the different factors which causes consumers to switch from one
brand to another. SPSS Software is used for data analysis.
3.3 Research Design
Though considering the surrounding convenience, the cost and timings also influenced
the decision concerning the choice of methodology. The research design used for the study is
Descriptive Research Design. The descriptive research design is used for fact finding and it
describes the state of affairs as it exists at present.
3.4 Data Collection
Data which is collected for the first time is called Primary Data. Well Structured Questionnaires
has been prepared for collection of primary data. Most of the questions are consist of multiple
choices. The structured Questionnaire method was undertaken. Proper care was taken to frame
the Questionnaire in such a manner it should be easily understood in view of educational level of
the employees
The secondary data is those which have been already collected by someone else and which have
already been passed through the statistical process. This data was collected from the files of the
company, journals, reports and books, etc
3.6.1 Sampling Technique
The sampling techniques used for the study is convenience sampling. Convenience
sampling is a type of non-probability which involves the sampling being drawn from the part of
population which is closed to hand.
3.6.2 Period of Study
The study was conducted for a period of FEBRUARY 2021 – APRIL 2021.
3.6.3 Area of Study
The study cover to the techvolt software private limited, Coimbatore
3.6.4 Sample Size
The sample size of 107 respondents is selected using convenience sampling techniques.
3.7 Data Analysis
For the present research work, different statistical tools were used to analyze the data.
The statistical tools used in the study are selected based on the suitability to inspect the research
objectives by using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The statistical tools used
in the research are Simple Percentage Analysis, T-test, regression, correlation.
Analysis and interpretation are the central step in research process. Analysis of data means
studying the tabulation material in order to determine the inherent facts for meaning. It involves
breaking down complex factor into simple units. Interpretation refers to the task of drawing
inferences from the collection facts after an analytical study. Interpretation is the search for
broader meaning of research findings. Interpretation is the device through which the factor that
seems to explain what has been observed from the research in the study can be better understood
and also provides theoretical conception, which can serve as a guide for further research.
This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data and information collected from
respondents. The study aims to fulfill the following objectives:
❖ Identify the implication of demographic factors on visual, auditory and kinesthetic
❖ Understand the effect of visual learning styles, auditory learning styles and kinesthetic
learning styles on training and development.
❖ Find the relationship between employees training and development with respect to of
visual learning styles, auditory learning styles and kinesthetic learning styles.

The instrument was validated using the reliability of the various factors in the instrument were
tested using reliability analysis in SPSS and was found to be statistically significant Cronbach’s
alpha greater than 0.7.
Visual learning .881
Auditory learning .880
Kinesthetic learning .880

Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha based on N of Items
standardized items
880 880 3

The Cronbach’s alpha is .880, which indicates a high level of internal consistency for our scale
The factors in the instrument (questionnaire) were test using the reliability analysis and was
found to be statistically significant with Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.8, hence the above
factors are reliable.
The demographic profile of the respondents shows the basic information of the selected
respondents under the study. In the present research, age, gender, income is included as
demographic factors for research. It is an essential part of the research for interpretation of the
basic information’s of the selected respondents. The data analysis of the demographic profile is
explained in following:
4.1.1 GENDER
Gender is an important variable in a situation which is variably affected by any social or
economic phenomenon and globalization is not an exception to it. The relationships between
male and female, the differences between the roles that male and female play, the different levels
of power they hold, their access to resources, their activities, their differing needs, constraints
and opportunities differs. Hence the variable gender gives a broad understanding in their impact
in the growth of the firm and was investigated for this study.

4.1.1. Table showing gender of respondents:



1 MALE 45 42%

2 FMELAE 62 57%

TOTAL 107 100%

Source: primary data

The result demonstrates that the number of female respondents is more (52.0%) than the number
of male respondents (42.0%) in this study. out of 107 respondents 52% are female
respondents and 42% are Male respondents, so there are higher number of female
employees than the Male employees. Gender of Respondents

4.1.2 AGE
Age of the respondents is one of the most important characteristics in understanding their views
about the particular problem; large age indicates level of maturity of individuals in that sense age
becomes more important to examine the response.

4.1.2Table showing the Age of Respondents


1 18 to 23 55 51
2 24 to 27 31 29
3 Above 27 21 19
TOTAL 107 100%
Source: primary data
The above table shows that 51% percent of the respondents are 18-23 years old employees, 29
percent of the respondents are 24 to 27 years employees, and 19% above 27 years old employees
responding .Majority of respondent’s 18-23 Age of employees learning and develop the skills. Age of Respondents


The educational qualification determines the knowledge possessed by the respondents. The
educational qualification is used to test to identify employees’ education level. Based on the
skills and knowledge acquired by the respondents may reflect in the level of satisfaction. The
below table explains the educational qualification of the respondents in a categorical order
4.1.3Table showing education qualification



1 UG 56 52
2 PG 51 47
TOTAL 107 100.0

Source: primary data

INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 52 percent of the respondents are UG
employees, 47 percent of the respondents are PG employees, Majority of respondents we are UG
employees learning and develop the skills Education Qualification

The department of employees determines the knowledge possessed by the respondents. The
department is used to test to identify employees’ technical and non- technical level. Based on the
skills and knowledge acquired by the respondents may reflect in the level of satisfaction. The
below table explains the department of the respondents in a categorical order.
4.1.4Table showing the department



TOTAL 107 100.0%

Source: primary data

The above table shows that 44 percent of the respondents are technical employees, 55 percent of
the respondents are non- technical department of employees, Majority of respondents we are
non- technical department employees learning and develop the skills Department of Employee


Month training program of the respondents is one of the most important characteristics in
understanding their views about the particular problem, undertaking and boost performance,
productivity, skills and knowledge. The below table explains the month of training program the
respondents in a categorical order.
4.2.6Table showing how many months training program
1 1 to 3 56 52
2 4 to 6 38 35
3 more than 6 13 12
Total 107 100.0

Source: primary data

The table shows the month of the respondents, 52%of respondents are 1 to 3 month, 35% of
respondents are 4 to 6 month, and remaining 12% of respondents are more than 6 month. The
majority of employee 1 to 3 month training program attending and learning and develop theskills Month of Training program


Training method refers to way or technique for improving knowledge and skills of employee for
doing assigned job perfectively. Method of training program of the respondents is one of the
most important characteristics in understanding their views about the particular problem, the
below table explains the method of training program the respondents in a categorical order.
4.2.8 Table showing method of training program
1 video and audio 39 35
2 Lectures 38 36
3 group discussion and 25 23
4 All of the above 5 4
Total 107 100
Source: primary data
The table shows the method of training section of the respondents, 36%of respondents are video
and audio, 35% of respondents are lectures, 23% of respondents are group discussion and
activities, and remaining 23% of respondents are all of the above. The majority of employee
lectures of training section attending and learning and develop the skills Method of Training Section

4.2.7Table showing new technology training program:



1 YES 36 30
2 NO 70 70
TOTAL 107 100.0

Source: primary data


The table shows the providing the new method of technological program. 30% of employee of
responding to the YES, 70% of employee responding to the NO providing the new method
technological program, so 70% of employee not introducing the new method technological
program 4.1.7 new method technological program
4.1.8Table showing career of employee:



1 YES 51 48
2 NO 56 52
TOTAL 107 100.0

Source: primary data

The table shows help to the employee career. 48% of employee of responding to the YES, 52%
of employee responding to the NO help to the employee career, and so 52% of employee not
help to the career. Employee Career

The t-values for the null hypotheses of equality of means Ho: ρ = 0, and equality of alternative
hypothesis, Ha: ρ =! 0 should be rejected at significance level. The statistical test for the
significance of a correlation coefficient is conducted using a t-statistic. The hypothesis to be
tested is mentioned below. .05
Ho: ρ = 0 = No correlation between training and development and visual learning, auditory
learning, kinesthetic learning
Ha: ρ = 0 = Correlation between training and development visual learning, auditory learning
kinesthetic learning

TRAININ auditory visual kinesthetic
G learning learning learning
TRAINING AND Pearson 1 .894** .772** .924**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 107 107 107 107
auditory learning Pearson .894** 1 .512** .792**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 107 107 107 107
visual learning Pearson .772** .512** 1 .557**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 107 107 107 107
Pearson .924** .792** .557** 1
kinesthetic Correlation
learning Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
N 107 107 107 107
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The value of R are significant at level less than the 0.05 se as the for statistical significant the
following hypotheses,

The significant value (p) is 0.00 which is less than 0.05, so null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and
alternate hypothesis (Ha)is accepted .Hence, there is a relationship between training and
development and visual learnings, kinesthetic learnings and auditory learnings. The test is
statistically significant with a positive correlation of magnitude r is between preferred training
and development and visual learnings, auditory learnings and kinesthetic learnings.


The t-values for the null hypotheses of equality of means Ho: ρ = 0, and equality of
alternative hypothesis, Ha: ρ = 0 should be rejected at  = .05 significance level. The statistical
test for significant affecting variable in the Pre-merger acquisition on stock Return in service
sector. The hypothesis to be tested is mentioned below.
➢ Ho: There is no significant affecting variable in the visual learning, auditory learning,
and kinesthetic learning.
➢ Ha: There is significant affecting variable in the visual learning, auditory learning, and
kinesthetic learning.
➢ Level of Significance = 0.05
Model Summaryb
Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .990a .979 .975 .19443 1.974
a. Predictors: (Constant), visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic

The above table shows the and the R square value is 0.979 which is statistically
significant.Therefore,.979 % of variance is influenced by the predictor variables which are
visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic learning
With respect to above table, R value=0.990 and R Square is 0.979 which means 59% of
independent variables i.e., visual learning, auditory learning, and kinesthetic learning. And,
Correlation between all the independent variables with the dependent variables is around 0.990
which is highly positive correlation with each other.

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 156.483 19 8.236 217.868 .000b
Residual 3.289 87 .038
Total 159.772 106
a. Predictors: (constant), visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic learning
b. Dependent Variable: training

The above table shows that the p value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05.therefore the test is
statistically significant,H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Hence, the independent variables(visual
learning. Auditory learning and kinesthetic learning) are good enough to predict the dependent
variable(training and development)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .533 .142 3.744 000
visual learning .180 .031 .128 5.865 .000
auditory learning -.009 .040 .007 -.212 .832
kinesthetic .044 .038 .034 1.146 .255
a. Dependent Variable: training development

The above table 4.8.3 provides equation of the regression for the dependent variable (Method of
training and development) dependent variable (training and development), training and
development =(0.180* visual learning)+(0.009*auditory learning)+(0.004* kinesthetic learning)
The above result indicates the independent variables have a significant impact on determining
the preferred training and development. The t value for visual learning is 0.5865 which is the
most influential factor of the training and development.
Hence the perceived quality among others plays an important role.
4.4 ANOVA:
Analysis of variance is an analysis tool used in statistics that splits an observed aggregate
variability found inside a data set into tow pats systematic factors and random factors.
The one –way analysis of variance can be thought of as an extension of a t-test for independent
samples. It is used when there are two or more independent groups, therefore if t
here are only two groups an independent t-test is a shortcut to using a one way anova but
provides the same results, it an extension of independent t-test only one “p” value is obtained

4.4.1 Table show the demographic difference and auditory learning

auditory learning
Sum of Mean
Squares Df Square F Sig.
Between 53.195 67 .794 6.151 .000
Within Groups 5.034 40 .129
Total 58.229 107

Null hypothesis means there is no significant relationship and alternative hypothesis means there
is significant relationship. P value is less than to the significance level the decision is to reject the
null hypothesis. Therefore is clear that there is significant difference between demographic
variable and auditory learning.
4.4.2 Table showing the demographic difference and kinesthetic learning

kinesthetic learning
Sum of Mean
Squares Df Square F Sig.
Between 81.461 67 1.216 25.864 .000
Within Groups 1.833 40 .047
Total 83.294 107

Null hypothesis means there is no significant relationship and alternative hypothesis means there
is significant relationship. P value is less than to the significance level the decision is to reject the
null hypothesis. Therefore is clear that there is significant difference between demographic
variable and kinesthetic learning.
The table showing demographic difference and visual learning

visual learning
Sum of Mean
Squares Df Square F Sig.
Between 45.756 67 .683 14.528 .000
Within Groups 1.833 40 .047
Total 47.590 107
Null hypothesis means there is no significant relationship and alternative hypothesis means there
is significant relationship. P value is less than to the significance level the decision is to reject the
null hypothesis. Therefore is clear that there is significant difference between demographic
variable and visual learning.


The table showing demographic difference and training and development

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 200.487 94 2.133 51.188 .000
Within Groups .500 12 .042
Total 200.987 106

Null hypothesis means there is no significant relationship and alternative hypothesis means there
is significant relationship. P value is less than to the significance level the decision is to reject the
null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Therefore is clear that there is significant
difference between demographic variable and training and development.
4.5 T-TEST:
T-test are called test result are all based on t- values. T-values are an example of what
statisticians call test statistics. A test statistics is a standardized value that is calculated form
sample data during a hypothesis test.
The Independent Samples t Test compares the means of two independent groups in order to
determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means are
significantly different. The Independent Samples t Test is a parametric test.
The null hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (H1) of the Independent Samples t Test can
be expressed in two different but equivalent ways:
Ho: the different between two variable on training program and gender the means value is equal
H1: the different between two variables on training program and gender the value is not equal

Independent Samples Test

Test for
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Std. 95% Confidence
(2- Error Interval of the
taile Mean Differen Difference
F Sig. T df d) Difference ce Lower Upper
visual Equal .674 .41 .763 107 .447 .09918 .13004 - .35699
learning variances 3 .15863
Equal .769 99.78 .444 .09918 .12901 - .35513
variances not 7 .15677
auditory Equal 1.12 .29 .026 107 .979 .00374 .14427 - .28977
learning variances 8 1 .28229
Equal .025 90.27 .980 .00374 .14684 - .29545
variances not 1 .28797
kinestheti Equal 1.25 .26 -.707 107 .481 -.12230 .17294 - .22058
c variances 0 6 .46518
learning assumed
Equal -.702 94.27 .485 -.12230 .17427 - .22371
variances 2 .46831
Not assumed

Null hypothesis means there is no significant relationship and alternative hypothesis means there
is significant relationship. P value is less than to the significance level the decision is to accepted
the null hypothesis, therefore is clear that there is significant difference between learning styles
and demographic variable
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Std. 95% Confidence Interval of the
Error Difference
Sig. (2- Mean Differenc
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference e Lower Upper

TRAINING Equal 2.213 .140 - 105 .054 -.10079 .05174 -.20339 .00181
AND varianc 1.948
MENT assum
Equal - 102.660 .048 -.10079 .05034 -.20063 -.00094
varianc 2.002
es not

Null hypothesis means there is no significant relationship and alternative hypothesis means there
is significant relationship. P value is less than to the significance level the decision is to accepted
the null hypothesis, therefore is clear that there is significant difference between training and
development and demographic variables
• From the study, it was found that57 % of the employees is female.
• From the study, it was found that51 % of the employees are under the age between 18-23
• From the study, it was found that 55% of the employees non- technical
• From the study, it was found that 36% of employee preferred the video and audio
learning training program
• Form the study, it was found that 52% of employees preferred the 1 to 3 month training
• From the study, it was found that 36% of the employees say training is organized
• From the study, it was found that 63% of the employees say they have attended on the job
Suggestion scheme may be opened for staff and technicians. The main advantage is that would
help convince the employees that the organization “Listen to them “and they are the part of
organization Training should aim at improving the skills of the employees and so that training
should be practically given by imparting it on the job Suggestion and experience from other
business houses & people from related field should also be taken & in calculated if used .New
development programs should be used. External and internal training programs should be
connected with each other


This study was a learning experience for me and I came to know that training and development
program in Techvolt software pvt ltd was positive in response but still more training and
development is needed in Techvolt. So that the employees are motivated time by time and they
should know their strength and weakness so that they can work on it and improve their
knowledge and skills for the betterment of their organization. Last but not least I conclude that
all the training and development programs of the company are highly effective and beneficial to
the employees in giving their best contribution to their personal growth and development as well
as to meet the organization objective.
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1. Age:
o 18 to 23
o 24 to 27
o Above 27
2. Gender:
o Male
o Female

3. Educational Qualification
o UG
o PG
4. Department
o Technical
o Non-technical
5. Is your organization conducting training programs frequently?
o Yes
o No

6. Have you attended any training programs?

o Yes
o No
7. Which method of training session do you will prefer?
o Video and audio
o lectures
o Group discussion and activities
o All of the above
8. Are you provide with training once an new method or technology is introduced.
o Yes
o No

9. How often the training programs are conducted in your organization?

o Every month
o Every quarter
o Half year
o Once in a year
10. Does the training methods focus on developing team work and learning skills?
o Yes
o No

11. Will the training program helpful to your career?

o Yes
o No
Survey questions:

5- Strongly agree, 4- agree, 3- Neutral, 2- disagree, 1- strongly disagree

I VISUAL LEARNING (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 I learn best with smart board
2 I prefer learning with power point presentation

3 I like to write things down or take notes for visual

4 I prefer bright light

5 I can easily understand and follow the instruction on

visual mode
6 I understand better seeing instructor’s physical

II AUDITORY LEARNING (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1 I learn best with experimentation

2 If I hear something, I will remember it

3 I prefer listening to radio programs

4 I prefer lecture method
5 If I had the choice to learn new information via a
textbook I would choose to hear it rather than read it

6 I follow oral direction better than written one

7 I prefer the explanations of diagram, graphs or visual
III KINESTHETIC LEARNING (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 I prefer to learn by doing something in my training
2 I think better when I have the freedom to move
3 I enjoy learning in training by doing experiments.

4 They understand better things in training period when

they participate in role-playing
5 They activities and tasks given to improve the
learning methods
6 I use the trial and error approach to problem-solving

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