Chapter 7..
Chapter 7..
Chapter 7..
As was stated earlier, judicial control of administrative agencies is one of the effective
mechanisms for ensuring rule of law and improving the quality of decision-making in
the administration. The judiciary, being the guardian and the ultimate arbiter of
justice, can intervene to test the legality of administrative decisions either in its
differences of these two important powers of the court will be given due consideration
in this chapter. Particularly, this chapter tries to introduce you with the notion, the
grounds, the scope and limitation of judicial review. Needless to say, courts do not
organs. Having regard to this fundamental principle, courts are expected to play their
supervisory roles only based on the accepted grounds. So, the rich experiences of
some foreign jurisdictions in relation to judicial review will be given due attention
administrative action.
Define and analyze ultra virus acts and abuse of power as grounds of judicial
Analyze how the above concepts affect the availability of judicial review
The term ‘judicial review’ has different meaning and scope in different
jurisdictions. For example, in the United States, judicial review refers to the power
of a court to review the actions of public sector bodies in terms of their lawfulness,
( the_United_States.)
Broadly speaking, the term judicial review may have the following two meanings:
legal findings” or “Supreme Court’s power to decide whether a law enacted by the
(http:/ accessed on 20
June 2008)
But in the United Kingdom’s context, the term judicial review refers to the power
rules and principles of public law that define the grounds of judicial review. It is
concerned with the power of judges to check and control the activities and decisions
supervise the exercise of public power. A person who feels that an exercise of such
power by, say, a government minister, the local council or a statutory tribunal, is
unlawful, perhaps because it has violated his or her rights, may apply to the
Administrative Court (a division of the High Court) for judicial review of the
decision … Unlike the United States and some other jurisdictions, English law does
not know judicial review of primary legislation (laws passed by Parliament), save in
Although the Courts can review primary legislation to determine its compatibility
with the Human Rights Act 1998, they have no power to quash or suspend the
dictates that the judiciary cannot review a law enacted by the Parliament.
among jurisdictions, for the purpose of this discussion, the term judicial review is
taken in its narrow sense: it meant the power of the court to supervise/ control the
the court’s inherent power to determine whether an agency’s action is lawful or not
keeping public authorities within due bounds and for upholding the rule of law
(Wade & Forsyth, PP. 33-34) The primary purpose of judicial review is to keep
In terms of purpose and scope, merits review of an agency’s decision is different from
judicial review (technical review). As was stated somewhere else, the purpose of
merits review action is to decide whether the decision which is being challenged was
the ‘correct and preferable’ decision. If not, the reviewing body can overrule such
decision and substitute it with a new decision it deems ‘correct and preferable’ under
the given circumstance. The issue in merits review is to test whether decision
complained is ‘right or wrong’. The process of merits review will typically involve a
review of all the facts that support a decision. Merits review is said to be the sole
responsibility of the executive, because the person or tribunal conducting the review
tribunals are not bound by strict rules of evidence and seek to provide a less formal
atmosphere than the courts. If the reviewing body would make a different decision, then that
decision will be substituted for the original decision. As practices of
decision may be conferred to a court (in the form of appeal), a special tribunal, or a
the court is concerned with the legality or illegality of the decision under review. If
the court finds out the decision is legal, it will not do anything on it even if the
decision deems incorrect in terms of preference. But if the court finds out the decision
against which review is sought is illegal or ultra vires, it can set it aside and order the
concerned agency to reconsider the decision based on the directions of the court. The
reviewing court does not substitute its own new decision in place of an agency’s
invalidated decision on account of illegality. In one case, the phrase judicial review
The duty and jurisdiction of the court to review administrative action do not go
beyond the declaration and enforcing of the law which determines the limits and
governs the exercise of the repository’s power. If, in so doing, the court avoids
administrative error or injustice, so be it; but the court has no jurisdiction simply to
extent that they can be distinguished from legality, are for the repository of the
relevant power and, subject to political control, for the repository alone ((AttorneyGeneral (NSW) v
Quin (1990) 170 CLR at 35-36 per Brenan J.))
The fundamental principle of judicial review is that “all power has its limits,” and
restrained by the judiciary. Judicial review does not prevent wrong decisions; it,
instead, prevents them from being made unjustly. It does not matter whether the judge
who is reviewing the decision would himself or herself has arrived at a different
if there was some illegality in the process by which it was made. The jurisdiction of
the court is confined to quashing the decision and remitting the matter back to the
original decision-maker for determination in accordance with the law. This may not
always be satisfying- either for individual judges or for the party seeking relief- but it is often
unfairness in the making of a decision, rather than the decision itself, that
Unlike merits review which is statutory in origin, the source of judicial power is not
statute; statutory authority is not necessary the court is simply performing its ordinary
functions in order to enforce the law. The basis of judicial review, therefore, is
common law (Wade & Forsyth, P.34) However, it has to be noted here that, although
a statutory empowerment may not be necessary to exercise judicial review, this power
can be taken away from the court by a statute. For example, in French,
agencies. That is, regular courts cannot claim inherent power of judicial review to
tribunals that are established outside the structure of the ordinary courts. There are
also countries that confer statutory judicial review power to ordinary courts in order to
7.3.1. In General
Concerning the basis or the sources of the power of ordinary courts to supervise
is accepted by all jurisdictions. As indicated above, some authorities state that judicial
review is the exercise of the court’s inherent power to determine whether an action is
lawful or not. According to these authorities, since the basis of judicial review is
common law, no statutory authority is necessary: the court is simply performing its
ordinary functions in order to enforce the law (Wade & Forsyth, P.34). But the
practices in some other countries indicate that statutes may empower ordinary courts
Australia, appreciating the arcane and complications of the common law practice and
supervisory jurisdiction upon a specialist Federal Court. These criteria are clearly provided under
section 5 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
(‘AD (JR) Act’. The practice in Australia indicates that judicial review of
administrative decisions is possible by other methods besides the AD (JR) Act, such
as review by the High Court in its original jurisdiction conferred by section 75(v) of
the Constitution, and review by the Federal Court under section 39B of the Judiciary
Act 1903.
The system of judicial remedies is derived from two main sources. First, there is a
group of statutes which establishes an agency and incorporates provisions for the
review of its actions. Second, there is a branch of remedies which has been developed
by the combined action of the common law and statutes consolidating, simplifying, or
in some other ways reforming the common law remedies. These remedies are
certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, habeas corpus, quo warranto (the so- called
procedure. These remedies are available where no specific review has been provided,
or where the specific review provisions have been drafted in such a way as to make
No two of these systems are identical. The same administrative action may be
whether it is subject to control at all. Assuming the availability of any relief, the
available, mandamus may be, and if neither, the proper remedy may be injunction;
and different questions relating to the same proceeding may have to be tested by
different means. Nevertheless, all of the systems are based on the system developed
by English judges and parliaments. (Jaffee From Administrative Action, pp. 152-
The English judges were the King’s judges. As such they exercised his supreme
plenary power of judicator. The King’s Bench issued writs, the so-called prerogative
writs, to all the inferior officers. The writ ordered the officer to demonstrate the
legality of this order or determination. The King’s courts also allowed actions for damages against an
officer who by exceeding his powers had injured the plaintiff. The
theory was that public officers were subject to “the law” as were the private citizens,
i.e., they were answerable in the regular courts of law. It was this latter phenomenon
of damage suit which came to characterize the “rule of law,’ though it is one aspectand not the most
impeared to exclude it. (Jaffee, pp. 152-196).
As can be inferred from the remarks made above, the basis of the power of the court
power of the regular/ordinary courts may not always stand valid, as there are
courts at all. The French and other continental systems, for example, which follow the
extreme version of separation of power doctrine, take away from the regular court the
administrative courts - the administrative counter part of regular courts within the
But this does not mean that there is no judicial review in France and other continental
law countries. It is to mean that this power is exercised by administrative courts not
In the United States, there is a different position. The US Federal Supreme court, as it
is well known, not only has the power to review administrative decisions and
subordinate legislations like in the case of United Kingdom, but also has the
invalid on constitutionality ground. One may wonder concerning the source of this
broad power of the court. There is no comparable common law practice expressly
basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States, is said to be an
government. This implies that the power of federal courts to consider or overturn any
inconsistent with the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or federal law. The two important Articles
incorporated under the US Constitution proponents of the
doctrine often quoted are Article III and Article Six of the Constitution. In Article III,
The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme
Court and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time
ordain and establish… The judicial power shall extend to all Cases, in
the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme
Law of the Land…” From the wordings of this provision of the Constitution,
proponents of the doctrine inferred the laws of the United States which are not in
pursuance to the Constitution are not the supreme law of the land. So, even though
nowhere the constitution explicitly authorizes the Supreme Court to challenge acts of
congress on constitutional ground, by the cross reading of the two Articles mentioned
above, the US Supreme Court maintained the power to interpret the Constitution.
To extend similar argument to other administrative matters, the federal and state
courts in the United States exercise supervisory (judicial review) power over
administrative decisions and subordinate legislations. In this regard, courts can test
the legality of the decision or administrative act in question against the Parent Act, or
they can question even the legality of the Parent Act and decisions passed under its
7.3.2 In Ethiopia
Coming back to the status of judicial review in Ethiopia, there is no clearly defined
jurisprudence on the evolution and status of the judicial review. Judicial review of
among the three conventional organs of the state: the legislature, the judiciary and the
ultimately vested in the judiciary and when the principle of rule of law reigns. Thus, a
brief discussion of the evolution of the separation of power and the rule of law in
perspective. During the Imperial regime, the principle of separation of power was absent. The
legislative and judicial power. In this regard, an authority named Scholler cited an
the territory he rules. He is both the temporal and spiritual ruler. With
them, and does many other things of similar nature. (Scholler, p.35)
During the Imperial regime, the Emperor was the head of state and the government,
the fountain of justice and equity, the supreme law giver. Emperor Haile Selassie I
continued with this omnipotent power until he was demised by the military revolution
of 1974. In short, the Emperor, during the period under discussion, was above the
law. He was immune from any judicial procedure. Thus, the general opinion is that
since ultimate judicial power was dwelling in the hands of the Emperor and the
Emperor himself he was above the law of the empire. Thus, it would be nonsense to
say that there was a meaningful room for judicial review during the Imperial regime
of Ethiopia. Although the 1955 Revised Constitution of the Imperial Ethiopia, which
was modelled under the U.S. Constitution, formally recognized the concept of judicial
reviews. Since ultimate judicial power remained in the hands of the Emperor intact, it
Following the downfall of the Monarchical regime by force in the 1974 the
Amharic word ‘Derg’ overtook the political power. The Derg suspended the
application of the 1955 Revised Constitution and ruled the country for almost thirteen
years without having a constitution. After forming the Worker’s Party of Ethiopia
(WPE) in 1984, which was the only party with the political power, the Constitution of
the People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (PDRE) was adopted in 1987. Article
(assembly). The PDRE Constitution, as stated under Chapter XIV of the same, vested judicial power in
courts that were established by law. The highest judicial organ was
the Supreme Court. It had the authority to supervise the judicial functions of all courts
in the country.
An important question that may be raised here is that whether or not the principle of
separation of state power was duly recognized under the PDRE Constitution. In
addition to the discussion made above, having a brief look to the power of the
the President. Accordingly, the President who was to be elected by the National
Shango was the head of the state, representative of the Republic at home and abroad
and was the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He had vast power to
supervise the activities of the various organs of the government. Article 86( c) and ( e)
of the Constitution, for instance, state that the President has the power, among other
things, to ensure that the Council of Ministers, the Supreme Court, the Procurator
General… carry out their responsibilities. The president had also the power to
nominate the President and the Vice-President of the Supreme Curt for approval by
the National Shango, and when compelling circumstances warrant it, he can between
the sessions of the National Shango appoint and dismiss the same. The President had
a wide opportunity to abuse his power since the National Shango was required to meet
once a year unless emergency necessitates the calling of extra ordinary meeting.
Although the Constitution required that the judges of the Supreme Court were to be
elected and dismissed by the National Shango, since the Shango was in recess through
out the year, the President had the opportunity to exercise his power in disguise.
The President and the Vice President of the PDRE were also the President and the
Vice President of the Council of State, respectively. As stated under Article 82 of the
PDRE Constitution, the Council of State had the power and duty to ensure the
implementation of the Constitution and other laws, to interpret the Constitution and
other laws, to revoke regulations and directives which do not conform to the
Constitution Interpretation of laws during the Derg period was done not only by
courts; state organs such as the National Shango, the Council of State and the General
Procurator were also entrusted with such power. From the facts provided above, one can
understand that the PDRE Constitution not
only vested supreme executive power in the hands of the Council of State, which was
under the presidency of the PDRE President, but also judicial power such as
interpretation of the Constitution and other laws as well as revocation of laws that
contravene the constitution. Were also under the plisenderry of the PDRE President.It
is also possible to say that the judiciary did not have administrative independency as
the PDRE Constitution made the Supreme Court directly accountable to the President.
Here is the paradox; he/she was the Chief-Executive and Head of the PDRE, the
President whom the Constitution empowered to supervise the Supreme Court Judges
judicial powers both at federal and state levels in the courts. This is expressly stated
under Article 79(1) of the Constitution. Thus, one may safely say that supreme
judicial power under the FDRE is vested in the Judiciary. Being a final arbiter of the
law, the judiciary can review and annul administrative decisions on grounds of
legality. However, Ethiopian courts did not have the power to interpret the
Constitution. This power was explicitly given to the House of the Federation in
Article 62(1) of the FDRE Constitution. But this should not be construed to mean that
that contravened the clear words of the Constitution (in circumstances where there is
no need for interpretation), provided that they have the very power of judicial review.
So, an important question that should be raised here is that: Do Ethiopian courts have
the power of judicial review? As was mentioned above, in some foreign jurisdictions
like France, regular courts are prohibited from reviewing administrative decisions;
France has full-fledged administrative tribunal systems that are established to resolve
37(1) and 78(4) of the FDRE Constitution, despite the existence of Article 79(1) of
the same, judicial power is not exclusively vested in regular courts. Other bodies such
matters. Thus, it may not be labeled unconstitutional if Ethiopia adopts the French type model
provided that it is preferable in terms of relevancy and feasibility having
However, having regard to the existing situation in Ethiopia, that is the absence of
full-fledged administrative court system like the French counter part, it seems
justifiable to argue that regular courts must have the power to test the legality of
administrative decisions in the same manner as courts in the common law tradition do.
The power of the court to review administrative decisions, thus, may be derived from
the very principle of separation of power that vests judicial power in the judiciary and
the doctrine of rule of law enshrined under the FDRE Constitution by way of
interpretation just like the practice in the United States, at least, for the purpose of
possibilities where the parent acts that create the respective agencies may also
one may plausibly argue that implied in the principles of separation of state power and
the rule of law that are duly recognized under the FDRE Constitution is that the
judiciary as the ultimate arbiter of justice has the power to test the legality of
reviewing mechanism like that of the French one, precluding the ordinary courts to
review administrative acts on technical grounds renders the doctrine of rule of law
Wherever courts have the power to review administrative actions or inactions that
tantamount to decisions, the prerequisites that they are expected to observe are
discussed subsequently.
Needless to say that courts do not have an unlimited power to supervise the activities
organs of the government to act within the scope of their respective sphere of powers
and refrain from interfering on matters that are exclusively entrusted to others. So, judicial review
does not authorize the court an outright power to interfere on
administrative matters. The rational behind the need for the determination of the
justifiable grounds of judicial review is, thus, to delineate the boundary where judicial
As was clearly stated in the foregoing sub-section, the purpose of judicial review is to
test the lawfulness of government’s decisions. Worth discussing point for this subsection is,
therefore, related to the determination of the grounds that may render an
administrative decision is said to be unlawful if it breaks one of the criteria that are
defined in section 5 of the Administrative Decision (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (‘AD
(JR) Act’). The grounds of judicial review as outlined in section 5 of the AD (JR)
The person who purported to make the decision did not have jurisdiction to
The making of the decision was an improper exercise of the power conferred
a power;
An error of law;
The person who made the decision was required by law to reach that
decision only if a particular matter was established, and there was no evidence or
other material (including facts of which he or she was entitled to take notice) from
which he or she could reasonably be satisfied that the matter was established; or
The person who made the decision based on the decision on the
existence of a particular fact, and that fact did not exist and
Decision (Judicial Review), as listed above, have predominantly common law origin.
But some of them are refined and reformed in a manner that fits the Australian
situation. It does not mean, however, that these criteria are not used in the continental
law world as grounds for reviewing administrative decisions. In France, for example,
many of these criteria are receiving blessing as bases for reviewing administrative
seems important to proceed with the details under the subsequent sub-sections. 7.4.1 Simple
(Narrow) Ultra Vires
The simple proposition that a public authority may not act out side its powers (ultra
vires) might fitly be called the central principle of administrative law. The juristic
basis of judicial review is the doctrine of ultra vires (Wade & Forsyth, p.35). In its
reviewing capacity the court is essentially looking at whether a decision- making body
has acted ‘ultra vires’or ‘intra vires’. The term ‘ultra vires’ means ‘without power’,
while ‘intra vires’ means ‘within power.’ If a decision-making body acts ultra vires
the reviewing court has the discretion to intervene (Cumper, p.291.), From the
opinions of the authorities cited above, one can infer that the term ultra vires in
administrative law context refers to decisions passed by administrative authorities
without having the requisite power or in excess of the limits of the power conferred
upon them. An administrative decision may be rendered ultra vires due to substantive
The term substantive ultra vires refers to the substantive defects of the decision as
decision maker exceeds the power duly entrusted to him/her in the public interests or
where the subject matter of the decision falls outside the jurisdictional limit of the
decision-maker. This goes in line with the principle that says each power has its own
legal limits. Thus, where the decision maker passes decisions on matters falling
outside the boundary of his statutory powers, there comes what we call substantive
ultra vires in the narrow sense of the term. The underlining principle behind
substantive ultra vires is that every power entrusted in the public interest has its own
limits. So, when the decision-maker renders a decision that exceeds the power
conferred upon him, it can be attacked through the forum of judicial review. Procedural Ultra
Even if the decision-maker passes a decision within the scope of the statutory power
conferred upon him, still the decision may be rendered ultra vire because of
procedural irregularities affecting the decision. The phrase procedural ultra vires
but also to situations where the decision-maker fails to observe the rules of natural
justice or fail to act fairly. See section 4.2.1 of this material in order to appreciate the
As a general rule, errors of fact made by the primary decision-maker are not to be
corrected by a court. They are accepted as errors within the jurisdiction of the
issues are typically issues that go to the merits of a decision, not to its legality.
Jurisdictional facts are different. Whether or not a decision-maker does or does not
have jurisdiction to make, a decision is a question of law and open to judicial review.
a power that did not exist was said to have made a ‘jurisdictional error of law’. An
error of fact can also be challenged if the error is jurisdictional. A jurisdictional error
precedent to a decision-maker actually having jurisdiction, (Cumper, pp. 302-303). As can be inferred
from the above-cited opinions, jurisdictional error results where
the decision maker assumes jurisdiction over a subject matter either due to the wrong
interpretation of the law or the wrong appreciation of facts that are essential
error of law arises when, due to the wrong interpretation of the law, the decision
maker exercises a power over a subject matter that actually did not fall under his
jurisdiction. But jurisdictional error of fact happens while the decision-maker assumes
jurisdiction over a subject matter in the absence of a certain fact that is set as a
the species of ultra vires that may give rise to judicial review.
As was discussed somewhere else, judicial review is concerned with testing the
legality of the administrative decisions. This means that courts are more expertise to
review errors of law than errors of fact. Broadly speaking, errors of law can be
classified into ‘errors going to jurisdiction’ (jurisdictional errors of law) and errors of
law ‘within jurisdiction’. According to Cumper, prior to the case Anisminic Ltd v
and errors of law ‘within jurisdiction’ (errors of law on the face of the record). As
was stated in the preceding sub-section, jurisdictional error of law refers to a decision
made without power (ultra vires) due to the wrong interpretation of the law. But an
error of law ‘within the jurisdiction’ is the type of error made by a decision-maker
who errs in law whilst exercising powers which have been conferred on him/her. This
type of error will not automatically render the decision ultra vires. The courts have
discretion to intervene if the error of law appeared on the record of the decision.
renders the distinction unnecessary in most cases. Their lordship decided that errors of
law could be treated as going to jurisdiction, even when there had been an error made
in the process of exercising power conferred, rather than an error in deciding whether
the power had actually existed. According to Cumper, following the decision in Anisminic case, the
between errors of law on the face of the record and jurisdictional errors of law is
probably rendered obsolete. However, the House of Lords in this case did leave open
mentioned above, judicial review may be available where a body is acting within its
powers but has erred in law whilst doing so and that error appears on the record
relating to the decision. Cumper cited an important case related to the error of law on
The grounds of judicial review are not limited to ultra vires acts in the positive sense.
can also give rise to judicial review. For example, in the area of pension and social
security, where the concerned organ of the government persistently fails to provide
the benefit to the statutorily designated beneficiaries, the latter can invoke judicial
forbearance to discharge a statutory duty towards the beneficiaries without any strong
reason can give rise to judicial review. The remedy that may be granted by the
For the purpose of judicial review, an ultra vires act can be liberally construed to
include not only those decisions of an authority that are rendered with no power, in
discussed above; but it may also include those administrative decisions, although fall
irrationality and other grounds that shall be appreciated in the subsequent sub-sections
in turn. Unreasonableness
administrative agencies for fear that such agencies may abuse such unrestrained
powers, still it remains the hallmark in the science of administration. As Cane pointed
out, discretion is a feature not only of a policy decision but also of decisions on
questions of fact and law, which often have no ‘right answer’ but more than one
the decision itself, (Cane, p.133). Drawing a sharp contrast between discretion and
‘duty’, Cane further noted on the ways discretionary powers may be limited as
The essence of discretion is choice; the antithesis of discretion is duty.
away with the need to make decisions. Duty removes discretion; but
The very concept of administrative discretion involves a right to choose between more
than one possible course of action upon which there is room for reasonable people to
hold different opinions as to which is to be preferred, (Lor Diplock cited in Wade and
Forsyth, 365.) As expounded by the 19th centaury jurist Dicey, discretionary power should be
controlled: uncontrolled (absolute) discretion is an evil to be avoided in
most contexts. But according to Cane, discretion has both advantages and
Discretion has the advantage of flexibility; it allows the merits of individual cases to
be taken into account. Discretion is concerned with the spirit, not the letter of the law,
novel and, perhaps, unforeseen circumstances as they arise. On the other hand,
discretion puts the citizen in much more at the mercy of the administrator, especially
if the latter is not required to tell the citizen the reason why the discretion was
exercised in the particular way it was. Discretion also opens the way for inconsistent
decisions, and demands a much higher level of care and attention on the part of the
–this gives the decision-maker a degree of freedom because people may fairly
disagree about what is reasonable, but it rules out certain results as unacceptable.
(Id.) Despite the difficulties to demarcate the line between reasonable decision and
its antithesis- unreasonable, there is a consensus in the common law world that
London Borough Council, ex parte Cedar Holdings [1983] RA 17 it was held that
interfere with the decision, Lord Greene MR noted that there was considerable
overlap between many of the grounds of review that fell within the rubric of
many occasions his Lordship said: It is true that the discretion must be exercised reasonably. Now
must, so to speak, direct himself properly in law. He must call his own
has to consider. If he does not obey those rules, he may truly be said,
being done in bad faith; and, in fact, all these things run into one
person could ever dream that it lay within the power of the authority.” Lord Green
unreasonable that no reasonable authority could ever have come to it, then the
courts can interfere. That, is quite right; but to prove a case of that kind would
In the effort to delineate the border between legality and merits, McClellan quoted
“must not be allowed to open the gate to judicial review of the merits of a
decision or action taken within power.” Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning v Rosemount Estates
Pty Ltd (1996) 91 LGERA 31 at 42.) The
Multicultural Affairs v Eshetu (1999) 197 CLR 611 at 626.) or one that
1 at 36.)…
An authority has listed the following other types of cases where administrative
or representation. Proportionality
Wade & Forsyth stated that in the law of a number of European countries there is a
more drastic than it is necessary for attaining the desired result (Wade & Forsyth,
proportionality cover a great deal of common grounds. A sever penalty for a small
reasonableness. They cited further Lord Hoffmann as follows: “it is not possible to see daylight
between them.” Nevertheless a clear difference has emerged and has
been corroborated by the House of Lords. Proportionality, requires the court the
action taken was really needed as whether it was within the range of course of action
The concept of proportionality has its origin in the civil law of continental Europe. It
takes whether:
(ii) The measures designed to meet the legislative objective are rationally connected
to it; and
(iii) The means used to impair the right or freedom are no more than is necessary to
review in R v Home Secretary; Ex parte Daly [2001] 2 AC 532. It was accepted that
while there was considerable overlapping between proportionality and the traditional
decision plays a much greater role (McClellan, p.16.), As McClellan further quote
from the case cited above, there are three significant differences between
proportionality and the traditional grounds of review that may lead to different
to assess the balance which the decision maker has struck, not merely
democratic society, in the sense of meeting a pressing social need, and the question whether the
interference was really proportionate to the
any problem. It may let courts interfere on the merits of an administrative decision
which is not within the purview of judicial review. Appreciating this problem,
McClellan writes:
of review, and the shift towards examining the merits that this involves,
of review.
an independent ground of judicial review, but only within the spectrum of the
balance between the administrative measure to be taken and the end to be achieved. In Irrationality
The distinction between irrationality and unreasonableness is not as such clear; some
authorities appear to use both as separate grounds of judicial review, whereas some
of its irrationality and vice versa. However, which include, writers like Cumper
not exercise discretion sufficiently free from outside influences, or abused the
by external rule;
An authorized delegation
on its own facts and merits but renders a decision rigidly without considering
whether the particular case has extenuating factors which would necessitate
that is unreasonable in itself; reaches a decision that is unreasonable itself; Uses of power for an
improper purpose or to frustrate the legislative purpose;
And unreasonableness.
relevant ones, provided that if the relevant matter has been considered or the
irrelevant one is ignored, a different decision or rule might (but not necessarily would)
have been made. According to Cane, many errors of law and fact involve ignoring
As Cooke J pointed out in the case Ashby v. Minister of Immigration [1981] 1 NZLR
222 at 224, considerations may be obligatory i.e. those which the Act expressly or
impliedly requires the Minister to take into account and permissible considerations i.e.
those which can properly be taken into account, but do not have to be (Cited in Wade
& Forsyth, p.381.) Where the decision-maker fails to consider those obligatory
to take the relevant considerations having regard to the particular circumstances of the
case by ignoring those irrelevant ones from consideration. According to Cane, the
number and scope of the considerations relevant to any particular decision or rule will
depend very much on the nature of the decision or rule. Citing the opinions of
objectors but also of the wider public. By contrast, for example, decisions about individual
applications for social security
ER 152.) In effect, under this head the courts only require the
were not considered and how they affected the decision. A mere
catalogue of factors ignored or considered may not be enough:
choices of decision-makers.
It is suffice to say that where the decision-maker fails to take relevant considerations
into account but takes those irrelevant ones, there is high probability that the outcome
of the decision may be affected by defects than not. So, the interference of the court to
It is that administrators have a general duty to exercise their powers in good faith to
achieve the purposes for which those powers are entrusted to them according to the
interest of the public. Although it is difficult to discern the constituting elements of all
decisions rendered in bad faith, one can safely say that it indicates lack of good faith
on the part of the decision-maker. Contrasting bad faith with dishonesty, Wade &
improper grounds. Again and again it is laid down that powers must
be exercised reasonably and in good faith. But in this context ‘in good
In the Wednesbury case cited earlier, Lord Green MR, used the term ‘bad faith’
speak, direct himself properly in law. He must call his own attention to
If he does not obey those rules, he may truly be said, and often is said,
absurd that no sensible person could ever dream that it lay within the
gave the example of the red-haired teacher, dismissed because she had
almost be described as being done in bad faith; and, in fact, all these
Appreciating the interconnection between the other grounds of judicial review such as
matters, Wade and Forsyth say Bad faith scarcely has an independent existence as a distinct ground
over the ground already surveyed. But a few examples will illustrate it
order to place one ‘in front of any gentleman’s house’, then ‘it would
given by the statute’. If they wish to acquire land, their powers are ‘to
be used bona fide for the statutory purpose and for none other’. If they
The out come of a decision may be affected due to the existence of bad faith on the part of the
decision that is induced by bad faith on the part of the decision maker. But the reverse may
not be always true. That is, unreasonable decision may be passed in good faith due to the
unreasonableness and bad faith is not as such overlapping, the existence of the former may
not help us to infer the existence of bad faith on the part of the decision-maker. As discussed
earlier, where a decision is found manifestly unreasonable, judicial review can be invoked
against such decision regardless of whether the decision is passed in good faith or its
antithesis bad faith. But it is difficult to expect reasonable decision, where the decision is
induced by bad faith or extraneous factors. Thus, it is possible to treat bad faith within the
The preceding sections have thoroughly discussed the grounds that give rise to judicial
review. This section shall further appreciate some of the most important procedural and
substantive constraints of judicial review. Issues related to the determination of the parties to
a judicial review, the availability, timing and scope of judicial review and other preliminary
appropriate or not for judicial review, a court [in England] will often consider the following
factors, by asking:
Is the decision in question a public law matter and thereby subject to judicial
Has the right to judicial review been expressly excluded, say in a statute?
Has the applicant sought permission for judicial review within 3 months of the
decision complained of is appropriate for judicial review or not. The following questions
Since many of these questions are appreciated in the previous chapters of this module, the
discussion in the subsequent sub-sections will give due attention to some selected issues.
Is the decision in question a public law matter and thereby subject to judicial review? As you
may recall from the discussion in the previous units, administrative law, as a branch of public
law, concerns with the behavior of the various administrative organs of the government in
their relation with citizens and the interrelation among themselves. In principle, only
nature) can be subjected to judicial review. this means that for acts or decisions falling
outside the purview of administrative law, the complainant cannot invoke judicial review.
Do specific grounds for judicial review exist? The grounds or conditions that justify judicial
intervention/review are thoroughly discussed in the preceding section. The point that should
be made clear here is that the reviewing court does not have unlimited power to test the
decisions of administrative agencies. The power of the court is limited to test the legality of
the decision complained of. So while the court determines to review the decision of an
agency, it has to make sure that any of the specific grounds/conditions justifying judicial
The other important point included in the above list, although it may necessarily be taken as a
review. For example, in England, if an aggrieved person wants to invoke judicial review, s/he
must first seek permission to apply for judicial review. Without securing permission upon
application from the concerned court, within the statutory time limit of three months, an
aggrieved person cannot invoke judicial review. The rational behind putting this procedural
requirement is said to be the need to filter out those cases which are not amenable to judicial
review. So, in determining whether a particular issue is suitable for judicial review, the court
7.5.1 Standing
As was provided in the above lists, in order to obtain leave/permission to bring an action for
judicial review, the applicant must have sufficient interest in the matter to which the
application relates. A worth discussing point here is related to the nature of the interest
affected. What is a ‘sufficient interest’? In answering this question, Cane gave a frequently
The guidance given in the Fleet Street Casuals case as to the meaning of the
term ‘sufficient interest’ is very abstract. Can anything more concrete be said
applicant’s health or safety. A person would also have a sufficient interest in a decision which
affected his or her property or financial well-being. For
competitor by the revenue. The expenditure of time, energy and skill in caring
What about public interest? It seems clear that the public has a sufficient interest in the
parliamentary approval’. The public also has an interest that governmental powers such as
that to ratify treaties or to set up a non-statutory compensation scheme (Cane, pp. 57-58.)
and Small business Ltd [1982] AC 617 – commonly known as Lords held that NFSSB did not
have locus standi to challenge the Revenue’s decision the Fleet Street casuals case. The
NFSSB was attempting to challenge the Revenue’s grant of a tax amnesty to Fleet Street
casual workers on the grounds that it was illegal. The House of Lords held that NFSSB did
not have locus standi to challenge the Revenue’s decision with regard to another group of
taxpayers. According to Cumper, the House of Lords stated that the question of locus standi
At the first stage, only cases where the applicant clearly does not have sufficient interest
would be rejected. At the second stage, however, a more detailed look at the applicant’s
‘standing’ should take place- it then becomes important to examine the merits of the case if
the applicants have strong grounds for review, it is more likely that they will be deemed to
In determining whether or not the applicant has sufficient interest (locus standi) for judicial
review, the general opinion is that the legal and factual circumstances of each case need to be
considered critically. However, Cane suggested the following guidelines need to be
Examining the case law: the question of sufficient interest is partly a question
of legal principle –what do earlier cases say about standing? – and partly a
judged in the light of the relevant statutory provisions – what do they say, or
Consider the nature of the applicant’s complaint: having look at the substance
of the complaint may patently show that the applicant has or does not have
sufficient interest.
and argue the issue of illegality, and it makes little sense to say that
entitlement to argue the merits of the case depends on whether one has a good
case on the merits. Only if the chance of failure at the end of the day
approaches certainty should the likely outcome affect the question of access to
the court.
Courts dislike the possibility of there being a lacuna in the legal system – if there is a chance
that an aggrieved person will not have an alternative means of challenging the decision in
question, it increases the likelihood that the applicant will satisfy the locus standi
vexatious litigants with no real interest in the outcome of the case but
reasons for restricting access have been suggested: to prevent the conduct of government business
being unduly hampered and delayed
In short, the purpose of the standing requirements is simply to ‘filter out’ unmeritorious,
frivolous or trivial applications, and thereby to save the court time (Cumper, p.298). The
general requirement of standing dictates that in order to invoke judicial review, the
complainant must show that the decision in question is one injurious to his/her interest.
According to Brown & Bell, “this requirement creates no difficulty in proceedings against the
administration for damages. It is rather in proceedings to annul an administrative act that the
rules governing the plaintiff’s locus standi…have been worked out in considerable detail.
Then, who would be the applicants for judicial review? According to Cane, judicial
review is available not only to citizens (individuals, corporations, trusts and so on) with
grievances against government, but also to government bodies with a grievance against
applicant must have sufficient standing (locus stander P. 420). Dwelling on this principle, the
House of Lords in the Fleet Street casuals case cited above rejected the application of the
National Federation of Self-Employed and Small Business Ltd that was attempting to
challenge the Revenue’s grant of a tax amnesty to Fleet Street casual workers on the grounds
that it was illegal. The principle dictates that only individuals or a group of individuals whose
Concerning application for judicial review by pressure groups, there is no consistent practice
among jurisdictions. Some countries allow action by pressure groups such as associations to
invoke judicial review on behalf of their members. Even the case laws of England, shows us
lack of inconsistency: some pressure groups are denied access to judicial review on the
grounds of standing, but some others have been shown successfully appearing before the court of
review representing others. Some countries like India also allow public interest
litigation – where any individual is allowed to seek judicial review of an agency’s action on
Coming back to the issue of standing in Ethiopia, the FDRE Constitution in Article 37
stipulates that:
“(1) Every one has the right to bring justiciable matters to, and to obtain a decision or
judgment by, a court of law or any other competent body with judicial power.
(2) The decision or judgment referred to under sub-Article 1 of this Article may also be
sought by:
(a) Any association representing the collective or individual interest of its members; or
(b) Any group or person who is a member of, or represents a group with similar interests.
As clearly stated in the above provisions of the constitution, any one whose interest is
sufficiently at stake, any association on behalf of the collective interest of its members or on
behalf of the individual interest of its members, any group of individuals with similar
interests or any member of such identifiable group on such matters of common interest can
apply for judicial review provided that the matter is justiciable and the avenue of judicial
review is there. However, the provisions of the constitution stated above are not clear enough
whether or not they give room for public interest litigation on matters that concern the
general public. Of course, there appear under the constitution a departure from the rigid
requirements of locus standi provided under our civil procedure code that restricts the right of
standing only to those persons whose interest is directly and sufficiently at stake. But on
authorizes any one to institute a complaint before the concerned organ of the government
7.5.2 Justiciability
The other limitation on the availability of judicial review is related to the justiciability of the
Dictionary, “is a controversy in which a present and fixed claim of right is asserted against one who
has an interest in contesting; rights must be declared upon existing state of facts and
not upon state of facts that may or may not arise in future.”
The genesis of the doctrine of justiciability is traced back to the U.S.A. Constitution. Under
Art III of the U.S.A. Constitution, matters not to be precluded as being ‘nonjusticiable’ need
to pass the screening test of “case of controversy” doctrine. Courts require that litigation be
presented in an adversary form and be capable of judicial determination with out leading to
violation of the principle of separation of powers (Destaw Andarge, [Addis Ababa University
Facilty of Law (unpublished)].) The justiciability of the controversy refers to the capability of
the disputed state of fact to be resolved by the application or interpretation of existing laws.
Courts are expected to entertain only issues that can be legitimately judicialized (justiciable
issue) – issues that can be conclusively resolved through the application or interpretation of
laws in force.
The classification of the disputed issues into justiciable and nonjusticiable has a far-reaching
implication on the courts judicial power in general and reviewing power in particular. Only
justiciable matters are said to be suitable or appropriate for judicial appreciation. As courts
are experts in law, it is justifiable to make them the final arbiters of law. But on
nonjusticiable controversies – controversies that are not capable of being resolved through the
purely administrative/managerial decisions are not suitable for judicial consideration. As was
discussed somewhere else, the scope of judicial review is limited to testing the legality or
illegality of the decision contested. The reviewing court does not concern with the merits of
the decision. Courts are not expected to have better expertise on the merits of the decision
than the concerned administrative agencies. Rather, the bureaucracies that are composed of
experts from different walks of the profession are said to have better expertise on
inappropriate for the court’s business; it may also be against the principle of separation of
powers. The principle of separation of state power dictates that each organ of the government
shall refrain from interfering in the affairs of the others. This means, inter alia, that the
judiciary should refrain from unduly interfering in matters that are exclusively entrusted to
the other organs of the government. Particularly important to the discussion in hand is that the
judiciary should not interfere in matters that are exclusively reserved to the administrative Hence,
where an application seeking permission for judicial review is brought to the
Judicial review is the last resort that can be invoked by a party aggrieved by the decision of
an administrative body after exhausting all the avenues available in the concerned agency.
Being the last resort, the party aggrieved must go first through the internal agency avenues.
Thus, a party seeking judicial review will usually be required, as a condition precedent to
challenge the validity of the administrative action, to exhaust all the remedies or avenues
available in the administrative channels. The basic tenet behind this rule is that agencies must
be given the opportunity to rectify their mistakes and resolve matters in light of their own
policy objectives and priorities before judicial intervention. As was discussed earlier,
depending upon their administrative organization, agencies may have their own internal
judicial review is sought. Where, for example, there is a statutory right to appeal against the
decision in question before a body within/outside the agency or before a regular court,
judicial review cannot be invoked. Normally, an aggrieved party may not invoke judicial
review before looking for agency internal remedies. But the doctrine of exhaustion of internal
remedies may be successfully raised as a defense at the hearing stage by the concerned
agency. The agency raising defense must prove, of course, the existence of a suitable internal
avenue that ought to have been used by the complainant. However, in case where there is an
excessive delay on the part of the administrative agency or where there is a great possibility
that the complainant will incur an irreparable injury awaiting agency review, the applicant
opportunity to rectify their mistakes in their own avenues in the light of their policies, also
avoids premature intervention of the court on administrative matters and relieves the court
The other important limitation on the availability of judicial review is ‘ripeness’. In order to
invoke judicial review, the case complained of must be ‘ripe for review’. The requirement of
‘ripeness’ shares some common features with the doctrine of exhaustion of internal remedy.
It requires the complainant to wait until the concerned agency has passed its final decision.
Before the concerned agency passes its final decision over the subject matter, a party cannot
invoke judicial review against a speculated or hypothetical future decision. Until the
concerned agency gives its decision on the subject matter, as a rule, judicial review may not
be invoked.
The requirements of finality and ripeness are designated to prevent premature court
intervention in the administration process, before the administrative action has been finally
considered, and before the legal disputes have been brought into focus. However, in some
cases where the claim has urgent character that on delay itself may inflict irreparable injury,
the controversy would be as ripe for judicial review consideration as it calls ever be. The
question in such cases is whether administrative inaction is equivalent to denying relief’. So,
although no final decision has been made, judicial review can be invoked seeking appropriate
remedy. In this case, the requirement of ripeness (finality) may not stand valid to preclude
judicial review. In this regard, it deems important to cite as a closing remark the following
justice; thus, the silence of the administration when faced with the
As it has been already stated in the previous units of this module, judicial review (the
supervisory power of the court) is treated, especially in the common law world as the inherent
power of regular courts. Since courts are the ultimate arbiters of the law, it is argued that
they have an inherent power to review any administrative decision where any of the grounds
for review are there. The term ‘inherent’ in this context implies that the source of the
reviewing power of the court is not statute; but it is inherent in the very fundamental principle of
division of state power among the three organs of the government where by judicial power
Despite the fact that statutes are not the source of the supervisory power of courts, it is not
uncommon to exclude this power of the court by statutes. There are occasions where a statute
While delegating rulemaking and/or judicial powers to an agency, the legislature may in the
parent act expressly preclude the power of regular courts to review decisions of the agency
passed in such capacity. That means although the source of the reviewing power of the court
is not statute, such power can be excluded by incorporating a finality clause in a statute (the
Parent Act). However, such exclusion has to be expressly stated if it is needed to have effect
in limiting or eliminating the inherent power of the court. For example, where the Parent Act
incorporates a provision stating that the findings or decisions of the agency on such and such
matters ‘shall not be called into question’ or ‘shall be final’, what does this finality clause
imply? Is the intention of the parliament here to exclude the right to appeal or to deny any
access to court to challenge any decision made under the Act? Authorities suggest that unless
otherwise the finality clause incorporated in an Act expressly and clearly excludes judicial
review of a decision passed under the Act, it has to be interpreted restrictively to mean no
appeal can be lodged against the decision. Cane, for example, stated: “judicial review is seen
as a basic right of citizens which the legislature will be taken to have excluded only by the
very clearest words. This attitude seems to be the result of viewing judicial review as chiefly
designed to protect the rights of the individual from unlawful interference by government.”
(p.81). There are similar arguments in case laws. In this regard it is important to reproduce
the following landmark cases cited in Cumper’s work:
Some attempts at exclusion, however, will never oust the court’s jurisdiction. For example, in
R v Medical Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Gilmore [1957] 1 QB 574, the Court of Appeal held
that a clause stating that a decision of the Tribunal ‘shall be final’ would not exclude the
court’s jurisdiction to review. Lord Denning stated that ‘the remedy by certiorari is never to
be taken away by statute except by the most clear and explicit words’ and that the word
‘final’ only means “without appeal” and not without recourse to certiorari.” Similarly, in
Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission [1969] 2 AC 147, the Court of Appeal
held that a clause in a statute stating that a decision of the FCC ‘shall not be questioned in
any court of law’ would not exclude the court’s jurisdiction to review where the decision-maker had
made an error of law which affected his/her power to decide. In asserting the
court’s right to retain the power of judicial review, Lord Wilberforce noted: “What would be
the purpose of defining by statute the limit of a tribunal’s powers, if by means of a clause
inserted in the instrument of definition, those limits could safely be passe.” (Cumper, pp.
At this juncture, an important question may be raised: What will happen where there is no
express statutory exclusion on judicial review? Concerning this issue, Cumper states the
following remark:
exclude judicial review, the courts may decide that they have been
However, the implied exclusion is indicated here has a provisional nature. As discussed in the
preceding sub-section, until after the alternative remedies are exhausted by the complainant,
in line with the principle of the doctrine of exhaustion of internal remedies, the court is
required to refrain from prematurely interfering in administrative matters. For detail, refer to
Another important question may be raised here. What about in case the legality of the
finality clause that prohibits judicial review is questionable? In the United States, no problem
as the US Supreme Court has the power to interpret the Constitution; it can automatically
invalidate the statute that incorporates such unconstitutional finality clause. But, the answer
may be different in the United Kingdom. As was discussed somewhere else, the UK
Parliament is sovereign. It can promulgate any law whatsoever. In this regard, the court
cannot question the status of the law enacted by the Parliament. So, where in a statute the UK
parliament incorporates a finality clause that expressly precludes the court to review
administrative decision on a certain subject matter, the court will not do any thing even if the
legality of such clause or the administrative decision passed under its cover is questionable.
In this regard, it is important to see the French experience that is closely similar to that of the
situation in Ethiopia. The French parliament is sovereign in the sense that statutes promulgated by
the parliament cannot be subjected to judicial review (by administrative or
civil court) for reasons of unconstitutionality. This is the exclusive power of the
Constitutional council. Dwelling upon this constitutional theory, one can say that French
courts, be it administrative or civil court, cannot bypass the “sufficiently categorical words of
exclusion in a statute” that excludes the jurisdiction of administrative courts to review some
administrative action has become so much part and parcel of the basic
Thus, as it can be inferred from the opinion cited above, French administrative courts have,
from their rich experience, developed a sort of unwritten ‘general principle of law’ as a kind
of basic legal framework into which the statute must somehow be fitted. Thus, the
However, in Ethiopia, wherever there appears finality clause incorporated in a statute the
passed under the cover of such finality clause be itself constitutional or unconstitutional, what
can the court do? Obviously, where the constitutionality of the finality clause is a matter of
interpretation, this is exclusively the power of the House of Federation. It has to be referred to
the House. But, where the finality clause as a plain fact contravenes any fundamental
constitutional, but the administrative decision passed under its cover as a plain fact
contravenes any higher law, it seems that it is a matter of policy advisable for the court to
challenge the decision. After all, the intention of the finality clause is not to galvanize illegal
acts of the administration, but to achieve certain intended objectives. But where things go
contrary to what was intended for, why should such clause be observed to shield the corrupt
administrator’s act?