Journal of African Earth Sciences: Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan

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Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480

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Seismic e Wireline logs sequence stratigraphic analyses and geologic

evolution for the Upper Cretaceous succession of Abu Gharadig basin,
Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Upper Cretaceous megasequence in the northern part of the Egyptian Western Desert has been
Received 13 January 2017 classified into four 2nd order depositional sequences. These sequences started with the Cenomanian SQ-I
Received in revised form topped by the Turonian e Santonian SQ-II. However, both SQ-III and SQ-IV represent the Campanian-
31 January 2017
Maastrichtian time span. The interpreted 2nd order SQ-I and SQ-II have been further subdivided into six
Accepted 1 February 2017
smaller 3rd order sequences (SQ-1 to SQ-6). The depositional history started during the Early Cen-
Available online 6 February 2017
omanian times, characterized by wide marine invasion enabled the deposition of the shallow marine
Bahariya Formation (SQ-1). The Upper Cenomanian times, witnessed a rapid subsidence, simultaneously
with new marine transgressive phase. This is resulted in the deposition of SQ-2, consuming the entire
Wireline logs sediments of the Abu Roash G Member. During the Turonian e Coniacian times the northern parts of
Sequence stratigraphy Egypt showed successive oscillating transgressive e regressive marine cycles led to equivocal sedi-
Geologic evolution mentary bodies of the Turonian-Coniacian Abu Roash Formation (SQ-3, SQ-4, and SQ-5). During the
Upper cretaceous Santonian age, the northern parts of Egypt were subjected to tectonic crustal shortening, producing large
Abu Gharadig basin scale folds. As a result, a new tectonically-overprinted marine depositional cycle started and marked by
Egypt rapid phase of basin subsidence. This was accompanied by a deep marine invasion covered most of the
northern parts of Egyptian lands, depositing the lower parts of the Khoman- B (SQ-6) under transgressive
depositional conditions. By the end of Santonian cycle, the upper parts of the Khoman Formation B
Member was deposited during a gradual, and slow relative sea level drop ending the deposition of SQ-6.
At the beginning of the Campanian e Maastrichtian times, a new widespread sea-level rise associated
with basin subsidence. Accordingly, two successive depositional cycles were thus initiated, forming SQ-III
and SQ-VI sequences separated by unconformity type-2 boundary (SB-8).
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction represents one of the most hydrocarbon productive basins in the

Northern Western Desert. It has more than 20 fields currently
Abu Gharadig basin is the largest basin in the northern part of produce About 10000 BOPD oil from the Upper Cretaceous Abu
the Egyptian Western Desert. It is considered to be one of the most Roash and Bahariya Formations (Ahmed, 2008; El Ayouty, 1990).
important sedimentary basins in terms of petroleum potentials However, most of the hydrocarbons discovered were drilled as a
(Bayoumi and Lotfy, 1989), covering an area of 17,500 km2. This structural prospect and a few traps are stratigraphic in nature
basin is tectonically representing an E-W trending rift formed in the (Sultan and Abd El Halim, 1988).
Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous times, followed by an inversion Since the Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Egyptian Western
tectonic event during the Late Cretaceous age (Bayoumi and Lotfy, Desert including Abu Gharadig Basin acquire the required condi-
1989; Guiraud, 1998; Bosworth, 1994; Moustafa, 2008; Wescott tions for hydrocarbon occurrences (source rocks, reservoirs, and
et al., 2011). both the structural and stratigraphic traps in addition to the cap
Regarding to the economic importance of Abu Gharadig Basin, it rocks). It encouraged many workers to pay much attention and
intensive studies in different approaches. For example, Boukhary
et al. (2014) have classified the Upper CretaceouseTertiary suc-
cession in the eastern Abu Gharadig basin into five major
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1464-343X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
470 M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480

Fig. 1. Location of the study area within Abu Gharadig basin in the northern Western Desert.

depositional sequences controlled by global eustasy and local However, the Maastrichtian Khoman Formation deposited un-
tectonics. der open marine to outer shelf condition (EGPC, 1992). Accordingly,
According to the available composite logs, the Upper Cretaceous the Upper Cretaceous megasequence in the northern part of the
rock units of Abu Gharadig basin are summarized in Fig. 1. Gener- Egyptian Western Desert including the area of study within Abu
ally, the Upper Cretaceous lithostratigraphy of Abu Gharadig basin Gharadig basin represent a major marine transgressive deposi-
starts at the base with the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation which tional cycle.
consists mainly of fine to very fine sandstone with some shale and The present work aims to use the seismic and well logging data
limestone intercalations. This Formation is overlain by Abu Roash of the examined sedimentary basin to analyse the subsurface Upper
Formation which composed essentially of alternations of carbon- Cretaceous sedimentary succession in a sequence stratigraphic
ates and clastics. It has been further subdivided into seven mem- framework. Based on the foregoing sequence stratigraphic analysis,
bers named from top to base; (A to G). B, D and F Members are the depositional evolution along the Northern part of the Egyptian
relatively clean carbonates however the other units contain vari- Western Desert through the Upper Cretaceous time will be
able contents of clastics with the limestones. The Khoman Forma- deduced.
tion (Maastrichtian) overlies Abu Roash Formation which
subdivided into two members; the lower named Khoman B
Member which is composed of shale and argillaceous limestone 2. Study area, available data and technique
however the upper Khoman A member composed mainly of chalky
limestone. The study area is located at the central part of Abu Gharadig
The Bahariya Formation was deposited in shallow marine Basin in the northern Western Desert and lies between latitude
environment and also the overlain Abu Roash Formation. It was 29.5 and 30 00 N and between longitudes 28.3 and 28.8 E
deposited under shallow marine shelf conditions within positive (Fig. 2).
accommodation space less than 200 m (Catuneanu et al., 2006). Thirty two 2D seismic reflection profiles in SEGY format with
2 km interval space extracted from 3D seismic cube were kindly

Fig. 2. Available seismic data with well locations.

M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480 471

Fig. 3. Lithostratigraphic log of the Upper Cretaceous megasequence of Abu Gharadig Basin.

provided from Khalda Petroleum Company after the permission of (3) Preparing isochron maps of each interpreted seismic
the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC). These seismic sequence.
profiles can be classified into three groups; nine in-lines extend in (4) The interpreted 3rd order depositional cycles then sub-
ENE-WSW trend (Depositional strike trend) and each one extends divided into their included systems tracts using the available
for 55.5 km in length and nineteen cross-lines extend in NNW-SSE well logging data.
trend (Depositional dip trend) of 25.5 km in length in addition to (5) Construct the relative sea level curve of the Upper Cretaceous
four arbitrary seismic lines connecting the available wells covering time in the study area according to the foregoing sequence
the study area as shown in Fig. 3. Moreover, composite logs are stratigraphic analysis. This curve is expected to reflect the
available for five wells (AG-2, AG-5, AG-6, AG-15 and SAWAG-1) successive changes in the accommodation space during the
with different logging data in the form of; Gamma ray, Sonic and deposition of the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary succession.
Density for AG-2, AG-5, AG-6, AG-15 wells, in addition to the Check- This in turn reflects the depositional history along the
shot data for only SWAG-1 well. northern part of the Egyptian Western Desert during the
To achieve the previous aim of the work, the following pro- Upper Cretaceous.
cedures are followed:

(1) Picking and tying of the clearest sequence boundaries from 3. Sequence stratigraphic analysis
seismic and well data to classify the Upper Cretaceous suc-
cession into 2nd (3e50 my) and 3rd order depositional se- The Transgressive-Regressive Model (T-R Model) of Embry
quences (0.5e3 my) according to Emery and Myers (1996). (1993) and Embry and Johannessen (1993) has been applied in
(2) The interpreted seismic sequence boundaries have been the present work to perform the sequential subdivision for the
mapped over the grid of 2D seismic lines to construct time Upper Cretaceous sedimentary succession. According to this model,
depth maps. the sequence boundaries represent the maximum regressive
472 M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480

Fig. 4. a: Interpreted Seismic Profile (Line No. 1790) representing an example of the depositional dip trend along NNW-SSE direction shows the subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous
megasequence into seismic sequences. b: Interpreted Seismic Profile (Line No. 5240) representing an example of the depositional strike trend along WSE-ENE direction shows the
subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous megasequence into seismic sequences.
M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480 473

Fig. 4. (continued).

surfaces (MRS), however the entire sequence is subdivided into been subdivided into smaller 3rd order depositional sequences,
lower regressive systems tracts (RST), topped by transgressive however the lack of adequate well logging data made it hard to
systems tracts (TST) and both of them are separated by the subdivide both SQ-III and SQ-IV into smaller subdivisions.
maximum flooding surface (MFS). Each interpreted 3rd order sequence has been distinguished
Based on the Above concept, the investigated Upper Cretaceous into lower regressive systems tracts (RST) topped by transgressive
megasequence in the study area has been classified into four 2nd systems tracts (TST) and both systems tracts separated by the
order depositional sequences named, from base to top, as follow: maximum flooding surfaces (MFS).
Sequence-I (SQ-I), Sequence-II (SQ-II), Sequence-III (SQ-III) and It is worth mentioning that the clear offlap break which appears in
Sequence-IV (SQ-IV). Moreover, the interpreted SQ-I and SQ-II have the cross- seismic line (Depositional Dip Line) (Fig. 4a) is considered
474 M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480

herein as apparent offlap break (not actual) because of the seismic flooding surface (MFS-1) that separates the lower transgressive
reflectors are curved upward again further to the NW direction. This systems tracts (TST-1) displaying high gamma ray values due to its
apparent offlap break may be attributed to a later tectonic activity relative richness in shale content, unlike the clean sandstone unit of
that led to an uplift of an igneous intrusion beneath the pre-deposited the upper regressive systems tracts (RST-1) displaying low gamma
Upper Cretaceous sedimentary package leading to the existence of ray values (Fig. 5a, b, c & d).
the anticlinal shape for the upper sedimentary succession as shown
in Fig 4.a. On the other hand, the Above mentioned upward curvature 3.1.2. Depositiona sequence-2 (SQ-2)
in the seismic reflectors may also be caused by normal tilting of the Age and lithology. The 3rd order depositional sequence-2
Upper Cretaceous strata against a major fault which unfortunately (SQ-2) overlies the 3rd order depositional sequence-1 (SQ-1). It
doesn't appear here, and may exists further to the NW direction (i.e.: encompasses the entire sediments of the Abu Roash G Member
to the left side of the present seismic profile). belonging to the uppermost Cenomanian age (Fig. 6). It is essen-
The following section represents the discussion of each inter- tially composed of shale, siltstone and sandstones with limestone
preted depositional sequence: interbeds. This mixed lithology reflects a relatively lower energy
depositional regime than those prevailed during the deposition of
3.1. Depositional sequence-I (SQ-I) the previous (SQ-1), including the sandstones of the Bahariya For-
mation. The presence of the limestone beds reflects more effective
The depositional sequence-I (SQ-I) is a 2nd order depositional shelf marine deposition.
sequence. It is the basal interpreted depositional sequence in the
examined Upper Cretaceous sedimentary succession. It represents Sequence boundaries. SQ-2 rests on SB-2 and topped by SB-
the Cenomanian depositional phase (> 6.0 my) in the study area. 3 representing the maximum regressive surface (MRS-2) of the
SQ-I is composed of the entire sediments of the Bahariya Formation examined sequence and the upper surface of Abu Roash G Member
in addition to the G Member of the overlying Abu Roash Formation. (Fig. 6). SB-3 has been interpreted only on the basis of the well
The lower sequence boundary has not been interpreted from the logging data. It is delineated when an abrupt reduction in gamma
present seismic data because of the low resolution of the seismic ray values and DT values, coupled with an abrupt increase in den-
profiles at this great depth, and also because of the inadequate well sity log values, proving the passage from the mixed clastics/car-
data. The upper sequence boundary, on the other hand, is the top bonates succession of the Abu Roash Formation G Member to the
surface of the Abu Roash G Member as defined from the available almost pure limestone succession of the overlying Abu Roash For-
wireline logs. This sequence can be subdivided into two 3rd order mation F Member (Fig. 5).
depositional sequences; from bottom to top (SQ-1) and (SQ-2): Systems tracts. The lower transgressive systems tracts (TST-
3.1.1. Depositional sequence-1(SQ-1) 2) of the investigated SQ-2 and the upper regressive systems tracts Age and lithology. The 3rd order depositional sequence (SQ- (RST-2) of the present sequence have been easily separated by a
1) represents the lower part of the major depositional sequence-I clear maximum flooding surface (MFS-2). This surface lies
(SQ-I), encompassing the entire sediments of the Cenomanian approximately at the middle of the SQ-2 and displays the maximum
Bahariya Formation. The composite logs of the Bahariya Formation increase in gamma ray values attributed to the maximum increase
indicate that it is composed mainly of sandstones with rarely shale in shale facies (Figs. 5 and 6).
3.2. Depositional sequence-II (SQ-II) Sequence boundaries. The lower sequence boundary of the
present sequence (SB-1) coincides with that of the depositional The 2nd order depositional sequence SQ-II overlies the 2nd or-
sequence SQ-I which has not been interpreted herein (Fig. 4a &b). der depositional sequence (SQ-I). The upper sequence boundary of
However, the upper sequence boundary (SB-2) with overlying (SQ- SQ-II is the upper surface of the Khoman B Member (SB-7). SQ-II, as
2) represents the maximum regressive surface (MRS-1) of the SQ-1. 2nd order depositional sequence, encompasses the entire time
It has been easily detected from both seismic and log data where span extending from the Turonian, Coniacian and Santonian age in
along the seismic profile, SB-2 displays high amplitude reflector the area of study (~10 my). It includes the entire sediments of the F,
due to the contrast in acoustic impedance between the sandy facies E, D, C, B and A members of Abu Roash Formation, in addition to the
of Bahariya Formation and the upper shale facies of Abu Roash G lower member of Khoman Formation (Khoman B Member). The
Member. SB-2 has been easily defined seismically due to the present 2nd order SQ-III is herein subdivided into four 3rd order
onlapping terminations of the overlying seismic reflectors, and by depositional sequences; namely from the base: SQ-3, SQ-4, SQ-5
the toplapping terminations of the underlying reflectors (Fig. 4a and SQ-6 (Fig. 6).
&b). However, this seismic surface is sometimes represented by
significantly discontinuous reflector due to the many normal 3.2.1. Depositional sequence-3 (SQ-3)
faulting processes, reflecting the tectonic disturbances affected the Age and lithology. The 3rd order depositional sequence-3
lower part of the Upper Cretaceous megasequence in the study area (SQ-3) encompasses the sedimentary successions of the F Mem-
(Fig. 4b). On the other hand, the SB-1 (MRS-1) also has been easily ber and E Member of Abu Roash Formation consuming the Early
proved from wireline logs by the abrupt increase in gamma ray Turonian age. Limestone is the only rock constituent of the Abu
values, and the DT values (sonic logs) and the abrupt decrease in Roash F Member with rarely shale interbeds, whereas the overlying
density log values characterizing the transformation from the Abu Roash E Member consists of shale, sandstones and siltstone
sandstone of the Bahariya Formation to the shale of the overlying with minor limestone interbeds form (Figs. 1 and 6). This variation
Abu Roash G Member (Fig. 5). in lithology between the two members indicates a clear shift from
relatively deeper marine depositional environments, with wider Systems tracts. As for the 3rd order depositional sequence accommodation space prevailed below and produced the lime-
(SQ-1), it is represented by well-defined two systems tracts; a stones of F Member, to the overlying shallow marine environments
transgressive systems tract (TST-1), and a regressive systems tract produced the clastics of E Member deposited in markedly reduced
(RST-1). Both tracts are separated by the well-defined maximum accommodation space due to the continuous clastics supply.
M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480 475

Fig. 5. Displays the sequence stratigraphic analysis for the Upper Cretaceous megasequence as interpreted from the electric logging data of AG-2 well (a), AG-5 well (b), AG-6 well
(c) and AG-15 well (d) with the related depths below sea level in feet unit.
476 M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480

Fig. 5. (continued).
M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480 477

Fig. 6. Summary table displays the interpreted depositional sequences with the suggested relative sea level curve for the Upper Cretaceous megasequence in the northern Western
Desert. Sequence boundaries. SQ-3 is bounded by SB-3 discussed deeper marine environment of wider accommodation zone to
before and by SB-4 along the uppermost surface of E Member of shallower marine environment enables deposition of the clastic
Abu Roash Formation. SB-4 boundary has been interpreted on both facies of Abu Roash Formation C Member deposited within rela-
seismic and well logging data. On seismic profiles, (SB-4) exhibits tively reduced accommodation space receiving high clastics input
high amplitude reflector due to the acoustic impedance contrast from the nearby lands.
between the lower clastic unit of E Member, Abu Roash Formation,
and the upper carbonate unit of D Member, Abu Roash Formation. Sequence boundaries. The 3rd order depositional sequence-
(SB-4) is emphasized on seismic sections on the basis of the 4 (SQ-4) rests on the sequence boundary (SB-4), (See SQ-3). It is
onlapping termination patterns of the overlying reflectors and by topped by Sb-5 which represents the uppermost surface of Abu
the toplapping terminations of the underlying reflectors (Fig. 4). Roash Formation C Member. SB-5 has been only interpreted
Like SB-2, SB-4 sometimes represented by discontinuous reflectors depending upon the well logging data when a sharp decrease of
due to the extensional normal faults affected SB-2 below. On well- both gamma ray and sonic values coupled with intense increase in
logs, on the other hand, SB-4 has been interpreted on the basis of density values indicating the passage from the underlying clastic
the abrupt decrease in gamma ray values and sonic values, coupled facies of the Abu Roash Formation C Member to the overlying
with abrupt increase in density values, proving the passage from carbonate facies of B Member (Fig. 5).
the lower clastic unit of Abu Roash Formation E Member to the
upper carbonate unit of Abu Roash Formation D Member (Fig. 5). Systems tracts. The entire limestone of Abu Roash D
Member has been interpreted in this study as the transgressive Systems tracts. The whole carbonate Abu Roash F Member systems tracts (TST-4) of the SQ-4 topped by the maximum flooding
has been interpreted in this study as the transgressive systems surface (MFS-4) representing the uppermost surface of Abu Roash
tracts (TST-3) of the examined SQ-3 however, the total entire clastic D Member however; the Abu Roash C Member of clastic in nature
sediments of the Abu Roash E Member has been suggested to has been interpreted as the regressive systems tracts (RST-4)
represent the regressive systems tracts (RST-3) of the this sequence. (Figs. 5 and 6).
Accordingly, the maximum flooding surface (MFS-3) which sepa-
rates the previous two systems tract is considered to be the up-
3.2.3. Depositional sequence-5 (SQ-5)
permost surface of Abu Roash F Member (Fig. 6). Age and lithology. The 3rd order depositional sequence-5
(SQ-5) includes the entire sedimentary succession of the Abu
3.2.2. Depositional sequence-4 (SQ-4) Roash Formation B Member of uppermost Turonian age, in addition Age and lithology. The 3rd order depositional sequence-4 to the Abu Roash Formation A Member of Coniacian age (Fig. 6). B
(SQ-4) includes the entire sediments of both Abu Roash D and C Member is mainly composed of limestone with minor shale con-
Members of the Turonian age (Fig. 6). D Member is mainly tent, whereas, the overlying Abu Roash Formation A Member
composed of limestone with minor shale interbeds, whereas the consists of a thick intercalations of shale and limestone beds (Fig. 1).
overlying Abu Roash Formation C Member is essentially formed of Like SQ-3 and SQ-4, the change in lithology from non-clastic-rich
shale, sandstones and siltstone with minor limestone interbeds facies of the lower B Member to the clastic-rich facies of the up-
(Fig. 1). Like (SQ-3), this remarkable variation in lithology between per A Member further proves a new shift of the deeper marine to
C and D Members again reflects another shift from a relatively shallower marine environments.
478 M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480 Sequence boundaries. The 3rd order depositional sequence- 3.3. Depositional sequence-III (SQ-III)
5 (SQ-5) is underlain by SB-5, discussed before, and is topped by SB-
6 which represents the uppermost surface of A Member (i.e the The 2nd order depositional sequence (SQ-III) overlies the 2nd
uppermost surface of the Coniacian age). SB-6 has been interpreted order depositional sequence (SQ-II). It consumed the earlier times
on seismic profile on the basis of the onlapping relation of the of the Campanian-Maastrichtian age (~8.0 my) (Fig. 6). The
overlying seismic reflectors and toplapping relation with underly- sequence is entirely composed of carbonates sediments of the
ing seismic reflectors (Fig. 4). SB-6 is relatively similar to both SB-2 lower part of Khoman Formation A Member. This sequence is
and SB-4 on seismic profiles by displaying a comparatively strong, bounded below by the sequence boundary SB-7 (discussed
moderate amplitude and discontinuous segmented reflectors cut before), whereas it is topped by the sequence boundary (SB-8).
by some normal faults as reported for SB-2 and SB-4, although with The latter has been traced on seismic profiles due to the onlapping
less effect (Fig. 4b). SB-6 has been traced in well-logs by the sharp relations with the overlying reflectors and the toplapping nature
increase of both gamma ray and sonic values and the abrupt with the underlying seismic reflectors (Fig. 4). Moreover, SB-8
decrease in density values indicating the passage from the under- displays a relatively strong and continuous reflector on the
lying A Member (mixed shale and limestone facies) to the overlying seismic sections. Owing to lack of well log data, it is not possible to
Khoman Formation B Member having more shale composition further subdivision of SQ-III into smaller 3rd order depositional
(Fig. 5a: d). sequences.
SQ-III displays uniform parallel and relatively high continuous Systems tracts. The Abu Roash B Member of limestone in reflectors indicating the deposition of the present limestone within
nature has been interpreted in present work as the transgressive a uniform depositional regime without any disturbance from
systems tracts (TST-5) of the examined SQ-5 and topped by the nearby clastic input.
maximum flooding surface (MFS-5) which lies on the uppermost
surface of the Abu Roash B Member however; the whole Abu Roash 3.4. Depositional sequence-IV (SQ-IV)
A Member of mixed sediments (but with more clastic shales)
considered as regressive systems tracts (RST-5) (Fig. 6). The 2nd order depositional sequence-4 (SQ-IV) includes the
limestone beds for the almost upper half of the Campanian-
Maastrichtian Khoman Formation A Member age (~9.0 my),
3.2.4. Depositional sequence-6 (SQ-6)
(Fig. 6). It is bounded below by SB-8, whereas it is topped by the Age and lithology. The 3rd order depositional sequence-6
sequence boundary SB-9. The sequence boundary SB-9 is indicated
(SQ-6) represents the entire sedimentary succession of the whole
by relatively strong and continuous reflector that is onlapped by the
Khoman Formation B Member of Santonian in age and composed of
overlying seismic reflectors, while it toplaps the underlying seismic
intercalations of shale and limestone beds (Figs. 1 and 6).
reflectors (Fig. 4a and b).
The seismic facies of SQ-6, it displays parallel to sub parallel
Like the depositional sequence (SQ-III), SQ-IV has only been
pattern with moderate to high continuity however, it contains
interpreted depending on the investigation of the seismic profiles.
some high amplitude reflectors alternate with low amplitude re-
It displays uniform, well-stacked simple parallel configuration with
flectors due to the alternations between shale and limestone beds
relatively high continuity and high amplitude seismic reflectors
(Fig. 4a &b).
proving the continuation of the uniform depositional started before
during the deposition of the chalky limestone of the Khoman For- Sequence boundaries. The 3rd order depositional sequence- mation A Member (Fig. 4).
6 (SQ-6) is bounded by below by the sequence boundary SB-6, and
by is topped by the sequence boundary (SB-7) representing the 4. Geologic evolution
uppermost surface of Khoman Formation B Member of the Santo-
nian age. SB-7 has been interpreted on the seismic profiles by the The geologic evolution of the Upper Cretaceous megasequence
onlapping termination relation with the overlying reflectors and by in the examined area can be summarized as follows:
the toplapping relation with the underlying seismic reflectors
(Fig. 4). SB-7 represents the strongest and the most continuous (1) By the Early Cenomanian times, a wide marine invasion
reflector on the seismic profiles owing to the marked passage from covered the northern parts of Egypt, and possibly vast areas
the underlying shale/limestone intercalations beds of Khoman of the Upper Egypt (Said, 1990). As a result, a marked increase
Formation B Member to the overlying clean chalky limestone for in the relative sea level over these territories including the
the Khoman Formation A Member (Figs. 1 and 4). On the other study area took place accompanied with noticeable increase
hand, SB-7 has been easily interpreted from the wire-line logs, due in the depositional accommodation space. These conditions
to a sharp reduction of gamma ray and sonic values coupled with an have enabled the deposition of the shallow marine Bahariya
abrupt increase in density values appropriate the passing from the Formation (SQ-1) as the lowermost rock unit in the exam-
lower Khoman B Member of the mixed shale/limestone beds to the ined area. The deposition started by the rapidly-growing
upper unit of Khoman-A Member of pure limestone in composition basal transgressive systems tracts (TST-1) in form of thick
(Fig. 1). retrogradational-aggradational parasequences. The contin-
uous basin-filling and the upward growth of sedimentary Systems tracts. According to the available well logs data, bodies resulted in a continuous reduction of the accommo-
the Khoman B Member (SQ-6) has been divided into lower trans- dation space, till reach minimum toward the maximum
gressive systems tracts (TST-6) topped by the maximum flooding flooding surface (MFS-1). Accordingly, the depositional
surface (MFS-6). It is characterized by increase in gamma ray regime was changed to produce of progradational para-
reading suggesting the maximum shale content deposited during sequence forming the lowermost regressive systems tracts
the ultimate sea level rise. The upper regressive systems tracts (RST-1).
(RST-5) exhibits decrease in gamma ray values reflecting the low (2) By the final stages of the Upper Cenomanian times, a rapid
shale content and the infilling of the accommodation space by subsidence, simultaneous to a new marine transgressive
sediments which led to a progradational pattern (Figs. 5 and 6). phase took place, resulting in the deposition of SQ-2,
M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480 479

consuming the entire sediments of the Abu Roash Formation 5. Relative sea level fluctuations
G Member. Accordingly, the increase in the depositional
space was filled by the lower part of Abu Roash Formation G The foregoing sequence stratigraphic analysis has been used to
Member (TST-2) as rather thick retrogradational para- construct the relative sea level curve in order to summarize the
sequences. When the depositional rate reached minimum, successive sea level fluctuations during the deposition of the Upper
conditions of (MFS-2), a phase of a gradual sea level fall Cretaceous megasequence, especially in the study area, and the
began, starting to develop the overlying RST-2 (the upper northern part of the Egyptian Western Desert as well. Relative
part of Abu Roash Formation G Member). similarities do exist between the suggested relative sea level curves
(3) During the Turonian e Coniacian times the northern parts of in the present work with the global sea-level curve stated for the
Egypt, including the study area, witnessed a uniformly same time span (Fig. 6). Generally, the global sea-level curve of Haq
depositional regime in form of successive oscillating trans- et al. (1987) displays a gradual increase in the sea level from the
gressive e regressive marine cycles. These oscillating marine Cenomanian time up to the Maastrichtian age however, this general
cycles have resulted in the production of almost equivocal sea level rise was subdivided into smaller sea level cycles by the
sedimentary bodies of the Turonian-Coniacian Abu Roash higher resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis which may be
Formation. During the transgressive phases of these cycles, correlated to the present minor cycles suggested by this work.
up-growing retrogradational to slightly aggradational para-
sequences of limestones or/and relatively deep marine sili-
ciclastic deposits were developed as TSTs (TST3, TST4, and 6. Conclusions
TST5) of the depositional sequences SQ-3, SQ-4, and SQ-5. By
the ultimate basin filling, remarkable reduction of the host- The detailed sequence stratigraphic analysis using the
ing accommodation spaces took place commonly accompa- Transgressive-Regressive Model (T-R Model) has been applied to
nied with the development of the successive regressive the available seismic and well logging data for the Upper Creta-
phases of the concerned marine cycles. At these regressive ceous megasequence of Abu Gharadig Basin which represents the
phases, the successive RSTs (RST3, RST4, and RST5) of the largest basin in size and the oldest basin in hydrocarbon explora-
depositional sequences SQ-3, SQ-4, and SQ-5were tion activities in the northern part of the Egyptian Western Desert
developed. has revealed that this megasequence can be classified into four 2nd
(4) By the Santonian age, the northern parts of Egypt and Sinai order depositional sequences. These sequences started with the
were subjected under tectonic disturbances associated with Cenomanian Sequence-I (SQ-I) topped by the Turonian e Santonian
crustal shortening, producing large radii undulations and Sequence-II (SQ-II). However the interpreted Sequence-III (SQ-III)
block faulting (Smith, 1971; Said, 1990; El-Fawal and Gaber, together with Sequence-IV (SQ-IV) represents the Campanian-
2005; Moustafa, 2008 and Abd El-Aal et al., 2015). As a result, Maastrichtian time span.
a new tectonically-overprinted marine depositional cycle The interpreted SQ-I and SQ-II have been subdivided into smaller
started by that time. Hence, a markedly rapid phase of basin 3rd order depositional sequences however, the lack of the well
subsidence accompanied with a deep marine invasion logging data prevented the finer subdivision of both SQ-III and SQ-
covered most of the northern parts of Egyptian lands, IV which represent together the Khoman-A Member of Campanian-
depositing the lower parts of the Khoman Formation Maastrichtian age. Each interpreted sequence has been defined by
belonging to the (B) Member. Deposition was accomplished two bounded surfaces (sequence boundaries) displaying the
in form of thick retrogradational-aggradational limestone maximum regressive surfaces (MRS). However the entire inter-
and chalky limestones of the TST-6. By the end of that San- preted 3rd order sequence has been distinguished into lower
tonian cycle, the upper parts of the Khoman Formation B regressive systems tracts (RST) topped by transgressive systems
Member was deposited as RST-6 during a gradual, and slow tracts (TST) and both systems tracts separated by the maximum
relative sea level fall ending the deposition of SQ-6. flooding surfaces (MFS). The 2nd order SQ-I encompasses the
(5) As the Campanian e Maastrichtian times started, a wide- Bahariya Formation in addition to the lowermost member of Abu
spread sea-level rise associated with significantly tectoni- Roash Formation (G Member). This sequence has been classified
cally influenced basin oscillating subsidence took place. into two 3rd order depositional sequences; Sequence-1(SQ-1) rep-
Accordingly, a long (17 my) tectonically forced depositional resents the Bahariya Formation and Sequence-2 (SQ-2) consisting
conditions prevailed during this phase. Hence, two succes- the Abu Roash G Member. However, the SQ-II has been subdivided
sive depositional cycles were thus initiated, forming the into four 3rd order depositional cycles; Sequence-3 (SQ-3) which
interpreted SQ-III and SQ-VI separated by unconformity comprises the Abu Roash F and E Members, Sequence-4 (SQ-4)
type-2 sequence boundary (SB-8). Thick chalky limestone of which consists of the Abu Roash D and C Members, Sequence-5 (SQ-
Khoman Formation (A) Member was deposited, under deeply 5) which represents the Abu Roash B and A Members and Sequence-
submerged basin with strong oscillating sea level rise 6 (SQ-6) which represents the Khoman-B Member.
accompanied by an effective basin subsidence. The relative sea level curve of the Upper Cretaceous time in the
(6) By end of the Maastrichtian age, world-wide active tectonic concerned area of study has been deduced according to the fore-
events took place prior to the deposition of the Tertiary rocks going sequence stratigraphic analysis. This curve reflects the suc-
(K/T Boundary). The echo of such events in the study area cessive changes in accommodation space during the deposition of
was in form of significant basin uplifts associated with the the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary succession in the northern part
erosional phase, managed to expose the pre-deposited Upper of the Egyptian Western Desert.
Cretaceous succession. Accordingly, the type-1 sequence The Upper Cretaceous basin evolution along the northern part of
boundary (SB-9) was developed prior to the deposition of the the Egyptian Western Desert was controlled by a repetition changes
overlying Eocene Apollonia Formation and closing the in the relative sea level (accommodation zone) resulting in successive
depositional history of the Upper Cretaceous megasequence eight depositional cycles. The relative sea level rise was controlled by
in the study area, and the northern part of the Egyptian the actual sea level rise coupled with the rapid basin subsidence
Western Desert. however; the reduction in the accommodation zone was due to the
basin in-filling status. These cycles can be summarized as follow:
480 M.A. Sarhan / Journal of African Earth Sciences 129 (2017) 469e480

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